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Archangel Corner

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Since I hit a bit of a roadblock/inspiration gap with the Custodian, I made this here:


  • Manufacturer: Archangel Research and Design
  • Model: ARD X-1b also known as Asclepius Droids.

  • Production: Minor
  • Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design, Closed Market.
  • Modularity: Appearance, height, gender, appearance and programming are all changeable. Clients can request practically anything human or near-human, including near perfect replicas of others.
  • Material: High strength polymers, plastiform moulding, cloned organic coverings, droid components.

  • Classification: Third/Fourth Degree. HRDs straddle the line between combat and human interaction models
  • Weight: Varies but usual models 60-70kgs.
    Height: Varies depending on processed individual. Standard models 1.8 metres.
  • Armaments: Aside from their strength these units have no in built weapons. They are programmed to use a number of weapons though.
  • Misc. Equipment: Visual processing modes; infrared, heat, low-light, 20x magnification. Vocabulator capable of mimicking any known voice and speaking several thousand languages. Invisible communicator with audio or text broadcasting to other units on the same planet. (Secret holonet transceiver used by Archangel to control or monitor units.) Medisensor.
  • Exceptional knowledge of medical matters
  • Highly skilled at simulating organic behaviour and emotion
  • The unit is adaptable and able to learn as it progresses.
  • Very knowledgeable about organic biology, anatomy and diseases. Able to perform basic operations and complex surgical procedures. Can supervise other medical droids.
  • Extensive knowledge of organic anatomy can make it useful as a torture droid.
  • The products of extensive research into organic behaviour and practices, they are almost impossible to pick from humans. At best they can be near perfect replicas, at worst they can come off as a bit socially awkward, but easily within normal bounds.
  • Disguised. The Asclepius are made of light materials and of a specifically non-magnetic construction so that they will not show up on most scans. Unless a unit sustains a serious wound they are almost indistinguishable from organics. They can even do things organics can such as eat, drink, sweat etc.
  • They lack the superhuman strength of baseline HRDs, but have the strength of a fit organic of their race. Since they do not tire or feel pain they can fight and exert themselves longer than a comparable organic could.
  • Limbs can be severed and severe damage done, but it will press on regardless until destroyed. As they are made of lighter materials they are easier to destroy, but as they feel no pain they still require disabling blows to the head or chest to knock them out.

  • Standard machine weaknesses. They are very vulnerable to ion, EMP and electrical attacks.
  • Blaster bolts to the head or chest can disable them, as can powerful explosives. They are especially weak against lightsabres.
  • Though highly advanced, their mimicry is not flawless. A perceptive Force user could sense that something is off as the machine beneath is not truly living, sinces it lacks internal emotion or a Force presence. Empaths would be particularly adept at spotting this.
  • Less tough. They have above average strength and resilience, but their physical toughness is not superhuman and their bodies lack the resilience of a durasteel chassis. They are physically weak compared to other HRDs and more vulnerable. Their physical strength matches that of an extremely fit human being and their bodies are weak against damage. While they can resist small arms, they are about as resistant to blaster fire, heavy weapons and kinetic impacts as a human being.
  • Combat programming is basic. They can utilise bladed weapons and small arms, but are not programmed to use heavy weapons. Their combat capabilities lag behind those of HRDs designed for combat or assassination. If pit against combat models, they will lose.


Medical droids have long been a fact of life in the civilised galaxy. As civilisation progresses to an automated economy some hospitals employ more medical droids than organic doctors and nurses. However, sometimes surgical droids experiences glitches. For instance, they consider loss of the will to live a valid diagnosis. Archangel aims to break a lance for progress by introducting the Asclepius, a specialised HRD designed with medical services in mind. They are based on the Guri method of construction. Like all Archangel HRDs, the Processing Machine is used to design them. Their skin is cloned humanoid skin from their original template. The blood and other organic material is synthetic whilst the skeleton is made of plastics and polymers.

Rather than exposing crude metal, the Asclepius is designed to resemble a human or humanoid being, with its robotic body being concealed by organic coverings. It possesses extensive knowledge of human and alien anatomy and diseases. A step up from the standard surgical droid, it can carry out complex surgeries or supervise more common medical droids. Unlike an organic being, it can work day and night, only requiring a one-hour shutdown period to recharge and download updates. It will also not get distracted, get involved in affairs with medical staff or complain about not getting paid enough. It excels at simulating organic emotion and uses its social awareness protocols to make the stay of its patients in hospital as comfortable as possible, offering a smile, encouraging words or medical advice. Able to operate independently, it is well-equipped to supervise more basic surgical droids, freeing up organic personnel for other tasks. Compared to the baseline HRD models produced by Archangel, the droid is weak in combat. While somewhat stronger than the average human being, it is not vastly so and its combat programming is rather basic, covering small arms, carbines and the like. It is capable of defending itself and its patients from harm, but is not useful on the battlefield.

The Asclepius' extensive medical knowledge, understanding of anatomy and drugs can make it very adept at torture. Or at ensuring that a captive does not die during interrogation. Of course, this all depends on the kind of work its owner uses it for. Indeed, it can be more reliable than an organic torturer because there's no risk of it getting carried away and hurting a captive to satisfy sadistic urges. After all, droids are not cruel, just efficient. It will simply inflict enough pain as its logic processors deem necessary, while ensuring that the captive does not die on its watch. This is obviously a function Archangel does not advertise, except to clients who are unscrupulous enough to resort to such methods. Archangel does not cast judgement on its clients' ethical standards - or lack thereof. The Asclepius does not come equipped with in-built tools, but is programmed to utilise all the medical tools and surgical instruments you'd expect.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Well Enyo is an organic brain in a robotic body...what if they made droids which were a robotic brain in an organic body? Essentially a clone with a droid brain.

There's some significant downsides, but the upside is that if done well they'd be almost untraceable.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

That could be interesting. Elaborate a bit please. Would they have any droid parts other than the droid brain? And how would the droid brain be able to control the organic body? A machine does not tire, but would the organic body do that? Would it require sustenance to keep going?

Our other alternative is entechment, but that has issues of its own.

Also the spoilered section in my second last post contans the medical HRD sub.
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]

OK, so I'm brainstorming here, but this is my idea.

Process a human, but instead of putting the consciousness into an HRD body, put it into a clone. Yes, it has the weaknesses of being much easier to destroy, but with a droid brain behind it to filter out some of the more obnoxious organic issues they'd still be an excellent infiltrator and undetectable.

But if that's going too far, you could make an even more 'human' HRD by making the polymer even lighter, and removing all metal parts. That'd do the same thing as the above, but could be a little easier detected.

Depends how far you want to go.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

So no droid/mechanical parts beyond the droid brain? How would the droid brain be able to control the organic body? A machine does not tire, but would the organic body do that? Would it require sustenance to keep going?

I'm operating on these assumptions:

  • The hybrid feels no pain, but it has a squishy, organic body. Strength matches that of its organic body. If it's a fit one, that's what it is. Nothing superhuman or extra-human.
  • The brain is obviously a droid and gains nothing from eating, but the body would require sustenance and such to keep going. I assume it also ages?
  • Skin feels completely lifelike and warm to touch. Their movements cannot give them away since they're not jerky. Scanners won't detect anything. Nigh undetectable. Uncertain whether Force-users might spot anything.
  • Lacks the durability of a droid. Much easier to destroy. Only real combat advantage is lack of pain sensation, faster reaction time, more logical actions and lack of fear since a droid brain is in control.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Yeah, those are the pitfalls. I've been trying to find a good way around those but I can't.

Let's got for an even more organic HRD then with even lighter polymer, more advanced infiltration, and full functioning (though not necessary) organs. What that can do is nicely conceal the metal and plastic parts.

Meaning you'd need a deep scan like an MRI to even detect it's not normal.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


'Material: High strength polymers, plastiform moulding, cloned organic coverings'

These are the materiels of the normal Infiltrator droid. So what would the new version have?

And what should the weight and height be? Standard Infiltrator is 60 - 70 kgs and 1.8 metres.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
"Low weight organic infused polymers, clone cartilage supports, facsimile organic organs, shielded electronic components."

With this we can drop the weight down to what an organic would actually weigh and be of the correct height.


  • Manufacturer: Archangel Research and Design
  • Model: Archangel X-1d Doppelganger

  • Production: Limited
  • Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design, Closed Market (very select customers).
  • Modularity: Appearance, height, gender, appearance and programming are all changeable. Clients can request practically anything human or near-human, including near perfect replicas of others.
  • Material: Low weight organic infused polymers, clone cartilage supports, facsimile organic organs, shielded electronic components.

  • Classification: Third/Fourth Degree. HRDs straddle the line between combat and human interaction models
  • Weight: Varies depending on what the processed organic weighs. Generally 50 - 60 kgs.
    Height: Varies depending on processed individual.
  • Armaments: Aside from their strength these units have no in built weapons. They are programmed to use a wide variety of ranged and melee weapons though.
  • Misc. Equipment: Visual processing modes; infrared, heat, low-light, 20x magnification. Concealed holorecorder, vocabulator capable of mimicking any known voice and speaking several thousand languages. Invisible communicator with audio or text broadcasting to other units on the same planet. (Secret holonet transceiver used by Archangel to control or monitor units.). Scomp Link hidden in index fingertips.
  • Exceptional infiltrators
  • Possesses fully functioning (but unnecessary) organs
  • Advanced anti-slicing protcols and anti-malware software
  • The unit is adaptable and able to learn as it progresses.
  • The unorthodox design of the Doppelganger makes them extremely good at infiltration and at avoiding detection. Their bodies are made out of lightweight materiels and are of a non-magnetic construction so that they will not show up on scans. One would need a deep scan like an MRI to show that they are not normal. Light polymers and functioning organs conceal the metal and plastic parts. Their skin is soft to touch and feels human. Their movements lack the jerkiness and rigidty that sometimes up with more standard HRD. Unless a unit sustains a serious wound they are almost indistinguishable from organics. They can even do things organics can such as cry, eat, drink, sweat etc.
  • The products of extensive research into organic behaviour and practices, they are almost impossible to pick from humans. At best they can be near perfect replicas, at worst they can come off as a bit socially awkward, but easily within normal bounds. Their social protocols and ability to simulate emotion are even more advanced than that of the parent model. As a result they are almost indistinguishable from the organics they're trying to replicate.
  • The Doppelgangers lack the superhuman strength of baseline HRDs, but have the strength of a fit organic of their race. Since they do not tire or feel pain they can fight and exert themselves longer than a comparable organic could.
  • Limbs can be severed and severe damage done, but it will press on regardless until destroyed. As they are made of lighter materials they are easier to destroy, but as they feel no pain they still require disabling blows to the head or chest to knock them out.
  • Anti-malware protocols and anti-slicing countermeasures make it more difficult to tamper with the units' programming, overwrite their core functions or otherwise turn them against their controllers.

  • Standard machine weaknesses. They are vulnerable to ion, EMP and electrical discharges.
  • In the high tech modern galaxy they are not invulnerable. Blaster bolts to the head or chest can disable them, as can powerful explosives. They are especially weak against lightsabres.
  • While their mimicry and ability to pass for the organics they're pretending to be is exceptionally advanced, damage to their bodies will reveal their true nature by exposing their droid components. Likewise, with some focus an empath or mentalist could notice that while they seem human to all intents and purposes, something is off about them. For one, being machines, they lack internal emotion.
  • As a tradeoff for their enhanced ability to replicate organic behaviour, they are physically weak compared to other HRDs. Their physical strength matches that of a very fit human being and their bodies are weak against damage. Heavy blaster fire, heavy weapons, explosions and the like will cut them down.
  • Less tough. They have above average strength and resilience, but their physical toughness is not superhuman. Their lighter bodies make them agile and a lot better at passing for human, but also mean they are far less durable than a droid utilising a durasteel chassis.


The Doppelganger represents Archangel's latest attempt to create an even more sophisticated HRD. It builds upon past projects such as the Infiltration Droid, and shares many similarities with it. Like their parent model, these Infiltrators are created by the Processing machine and are similar to Maelion Liates and Moira Skaldi in some aspects. Their regular human exteriors conceal a machine. A Doppelganger's droid brain is based on the mind of an organic template, which has been scanned and mapped via the Processing Machine.

The process produces a mental and physical facsimile. Like their parent model, these Infiltrators are created by the Processing machine and are similar to Maelion Liates and Moira Skaldi in some aspects. Their regular human exteriors conceal a machine. The droid's skin is cloned human skin from their original template. The skin is warm to touch and feels human. The blood and other organic materiel is synthetic, while the skeleton is made out of plastics and polymers. In contrast to the old Infiltration HRD, the polymers utilised for this model are even more lightweight. The weight matches that of the organics they're trying to impersonate, their movements do suffer from the stiffness or rigidity that more common HRDs sometimes display.

Furthermore, the droid possesses fully functioning organs. These facsimiles are unnecessary since it's a machine, but make it even more difficult to detect the replicant's true nature. Anything less comprehensive than a deep scan like an MRI will fail to reveal the truth. At least unless the droid suffers significant damage, in which case its true nature would be revealed rather easily. The Doppelganger's ability to simulate emotion and pass as an organic being is highly advanced. Intelligent and adaptable, they are the exact opposite of automatons.

As a tradeoff for its enhanced ability to act as an infiltrator, the Doppelganger is a poor combatant. It lacks the superhuman strength and durability of Archangel's more common HRD models. Rather its strength is that of a fit human, but not that of a killing machine. It is still useful as an assassin, but must rely more on careful planning, stealth and the element of surprise, as its ability to tank prolonged attacks is rather weak. Aside from its ability to act as a spy, the Doppelganger, as the name implies, also makes a good body double for individuals in need of one. Examples would be captains of industriy and heads of state, especially monarchs who often face the risk of being assassinated. As a cog in a machine it does its job rather well, which is how Archangel intends its machines to function.

  • Intent: Further flesh out Archangel's forces.
  • Image Credit: Here. 'Lizard Squad' by mlappas.
  • Role: Elite infantry, cybernetic warriors.
  • Links: Kraal.


  • Availability: Rare
  • Deployment: Limited

Strengths & Weaknesses: The Ironscales are a crack unit of cybernetically enhanced Kraal warriors. Kraal are tall, strong and tough. Their claws and teeth make savage natural weapons, but when equipped with modern weapons they are even more dangerous. In the case of the Ironscales, their natural toughness and strength are further enhanced by their cybernetic augmentations. Their natural claws have been replaced with durasteel ones, while brain implants enable them to communicate nonverbally. They also receive high-tech equipment, especially Titan power armour. Overall, they are a ferocious fighting force. They excel at urban warfare and close quarters combat. Honour is the glue that holds the Kraal's militaristic society together. To show cowardice in battle is seen as shameful. This makes them very zealous.

They wear insulated armour and their implants are hardened to a degree against the standard weaknesses of a cyborg: Ion, EMP and electricity. However, while this makes it more difficult to destroy or render them nonfunctional through such attacks, they can still be damaged, with the effect depending on the strength of the blast and the proximity. Particularly powerful blasts can render their implants inoperable or destroy them. Being lizards from a desert planet, the Kraal do not cope well in very cold environments. This makes cold attacks useful against them.

They prefer to fight in close quarters and have a preference for melee. Depending on the terrain and type of battle, this can put them at a disadvantage, especially in open areas where they would be vulnerable to artillery or air strikes. They are also very stubborn. They will often refuse to retreat or underestimate an enemy, especially one defeated previously. In this case their pride becomes hubris and they are likely to stand and fight when they should retreat or re-examine the situation. Their heavy armour also makes them far less agile than light infantry. While their cybernetics offer a boost to their speed, the bulky armour still restricts them and makes them slower, more plodding than running when they move.

More lightly armoured opponents may not be able to match them in raw firepower, but can employ hit-and-run tactics, lay traps, use snipers and so on. Anti-armour weapons are obviously also useful against their suits. They are also a fairly small unit, which means they can be overwhelmed by force of numbers. The weight of their armour can also be disadvantageous in certain types of terrain, such as swamps. The Ironscales are bvig and fairly distinctive, thus enemies will hear and probably see them coming. They are a blunt instrument, not a subtle weapon. The lightsabre protection of their armour is minor - about the difficulty of cutting firewood with an axe.


Kraal society is characterised by warfare, honour and struggle. A young Unproven warrior gains honour by showing his mettle on the battlefield. In doing so he not only increases his own status, but that of his clan. Clans struggle against one another for influence, booty and slaves. Chieftains and Warlords rally their kin for campaigns against external foes to acquire glory and plunder. They are a harsh warrior society. Slavery is seen as a natural part of life. For the strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must. Honour is what gives Kraal society its cohesion and keeps it from becoming a vortex of apocalyptic nihilism. Oathbreakers and traitors are viewed as the lowest of scum.

When Enyo came across the Kraal, she found that she had an affinity for their society. Its vulgar Social Darwinism matched her own bleak, cynical outlook on the Galaxy. The same applied to its emphasis on honour. So she turned to the Kraal Imperator when she needed warriors to help her overthrow Archangel. After she proved her strength in combat, warriors of Clan Yogir flocked towards her banner. She called these mercenaries the Sandstriders.

They proved their skill, brutality and loyalty in several battles. The Sandstriders fought on Alderaan during the Sith Empire's attack, participating in the siege of Juranno. They provided much of the muscle when the Cyborg toppled Archangel's leadership and assumed direct control over the machine cult. Afterwards, they helped Enyo purge her syndicate of those who had outlived their usefulness. However, these battles did not leave the lizardmen unscathed. There were casualties, and many wounded.

Retirement does not come easy for Kraal. Enyo is also a strong supporter of recycling. So she decided to rebuild crippled Kraal warriors whose skills and loyalty were beyond doubt. With Archangel under her control, she did not have to worry about lack of resources. Enyo might have rebelled against the destiny that Moira Skaldi and Maelion Liates had forced upon her. But she shared their belief that machines are superior to flesh and blood beings.

Cybernetics were grafted onto the bodies of a select cadre of Kraal warriors. Where flesh had failed, cold, heartless, durable metal took its place. Giving them the means to fight once more. The cybernetic lizardmen possess immense strength, endurance, durability and reaction time. They are also more disciplined than their unaugmented comrades. They still have a penchant for brutality, but Enyo does not consider this a bad thing as long as it is directed against the right targets. They are less prone to unauthorised lootings and killings. This makes them better-suited for occupation long as one does not consider sentient rights to be a priority.

Having fought alongside Enyo in several battles, they regard her as their Warlord. This position imposes certain privileges, but also obligations on her, as they expect their leader to act honourably. Fortunately, the Kraal's understanding of honour has little to do with chivalry from fairy tales. Rather they expect a leader to be impartial in judgement, reward brave warriors, acknowledge guestright, honour agreements and display courage in battle. A Warlord is also expected to defend his claim if he is challenged for his position. Someone who backs down or tries to avoid a fight has already forfeited.

The Ironscales still worship the old gods of the Kraal. Like many Kraal, they believe that one day they will face these sky gods in an apocalyptic battle. They see this as judgement day, for only the strongest will prevail. Having their crippled bodies rebuilt with cybernetic implants is likened to a spiritual rebirth. They also practice ancestor worship, believing that those who have passed on can provide guidance to those who still live. Enyo is not spiritual, but tolerates such beliefs. After all, she occasionally has bizarre dreams about alternate Siobhan Kerrigans. She tends to find them irritating though.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Deployment at Mass won't pass, I believe. Too much shiny gear...even though it's all minor or mass production. Plus cybernetics, even though they're all straight from Legends (in most cases KotoR).

I got the Sandstriders passed at Rare/Minor and those were Kraal without augmentations.

  • Intent: Further flesh out Archangel's forces.
  • Image Credit: Here. 'Terminator Cameron TSCC 19' by viktor9ov.
  • Role: Special operations unit for Archangel.
  • Links: Malediction HRDs.
Equipment: Unit is composed of four Malediction HRDs. Obviously they will not carry all the gear listed below on a mission, but this represents the arsenal they'd have access to.

  • Availability: Unique. The unit only has four members.
  • Deployment: Limited.

Strengths & Weaknesses: The unit is composed of Malediction HRDs. These are highly advanced Humanoid Replica Droids. They are extremely skilled infiltrators, assassins and killers. Their sophisticated programming enables them to operate alone or as a team and learn from experience. Due to the use of Pyronium circuitry, Malediction Droid are able to absorb ion, electrical and EMP discharges. Indeed, the attacks that would normally harm the machine empower it. This is because the energy is absorbed by the Pyronium and subsequently diverted to specialised converters, to feed its hardware and software applications.

They are extremely strong, fast and durable. They feel no pain or remorse and will continue to operate unless destroyed. Being HRDs, they excel at infiltration and have the ability to mimic voices, blend into social situations and simulate organic behaviour, including emotion. Nonetheless, while their mimicry is near-flawless, HRDs are not infallible. Anyone able to detect their weight will find it off, whilst someone able to do a deep scan will notice oddities. Moreover, a perceptive mentalist or empath could sense that something is off as the machine beneath is not truly living and lacks internal emotion. This would require focus though. It is easier to use mental powers to detect that something is not right in one-on-one interactions instead of while the HRD is in the midst of a crowd. Damage to their organic covering will reveal their true nature.

The droids possess a good selection of high-tech weapons, which allows them to adapt to most combat situations. They also have an extensive understanding of combat tactics, logistics, interrogation and a knack for stealth. However, their Pyronium circuits are not invulnerable. Extremely powerful ion or EMP blasts can still have an effect. Heavy blaster salvoes, lightsabres and explosions can also deactivate, damage or destroy the droids. Moreover, the unit is extremely small. It is meant for special operations, not battles, especially on its lonesome. It would be self-defeating to have the Mirages death charge entrenched fortifications or large enemy forces. In such a scenario they would be more likely to be overwhelmed and destroyed. They are a surgical instrument, not a hammer or a broadsword. They are not meant to take on tank platoons or any 'heavy' combat force. They are a fast, mobile infantry force of elite droids, and thus vulnerable to such obstacles. They do not carry anti-tank/anti-air missile launchers, as these would slow them down. This is an issue when confronted with heavy armour or aircraft, especially in the open. In such a situation they would be advised to evade contact. For reasons of mobility, they also forego rotary cannons and heavy repeating blasters.

The HRDs have received training from Enyo in the use of a lightsabre, training which has been added to their databanks. Though their weight and lack of the Force prevents them easily blocking blaster bolts or doing acrobatics, they are capable duellists and can fight without tiring. However, they cannot use lightsabre as well as even an Apprentice when it comes to blocking blaster bolts, as they lack Force precognition. They might detect and calculate the path of an enemy shot but deflecting and especially reflecting is not easy. HRDs are very fast and have excellent reflexes, but the weight of their mechanical endoskeletons prevents them from performing Ataru-esque acrobatics. Depending on the opponent and terrain, this can be disadvantageous.

They do best with lightsabre forms that are similar to conventional sword fighting, such as Shii-Cho, Makashi and Djem So. The fact that HRDs do not tire makes them good at utilising Soresu in melee combat, as they do not face the risk of exhausting themselves and can strike when an opponent is tired or has made a mistake. However, they have the aforementioned difficulty with defending themselves against blaster salvoes, especially if confronted by multiple opponents. They cannot use Form VII because they have no dark emotions - or emotions in general - to tap into.


Enyo's relationship with droids is an ambiguous one. She was created by a cabal of manipulative HRDs who desired to wipe out all organic life and sought to use her as a living weapon. When she rebelled, they took the drastic step of remaking her in their image. Today she is stuck in limbo, not quite droid, but also far from an organic being. She believes droids must be controlled, but also regards mechanical beings as superior to flesh and blood ones. Due to her upbringing and peculiar nature, she finds it difficult to relate to many organics.

As a result, most of her minions tend to be cyborgs or droids. It helps that she is extremely proficient in mechu-deru. Machines feel no pain or fear, do not tire, complain about working overhours or receiving orders that violate codes of conduct. One also does not need to pay them. All they require are maintenance, software and hardware upgrades. This makes them ideal servitors for a Lawful Evil warlord. Rather than deploy hordes of simple-minded automatons, Archangel favours small elite groups of droids that can think and show initiative. Team Mirage is one of the mechanical assets at Enyo's disposal. It is a small team composed solely of Malediction HRDs. Mirage is not a frontline combat unit, but designed for special operations. Being HRDs they can store vast amounts of data, process and analyse it at a rapid pace. They also learn from experience.

Generally its deployment can take two forms. Mirage can be utilised for what could be considered to be classical commando droid missions: Infiltration, sabotage, reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, raids and assassinations. However, its members can also provide direction and support to allied forces. This can take the form of training guerillas or militias, supervising logistics, interrogating high-value prisoners or providing advice to allied officers. Naturally they can also engage in combat. However, it would be a waste to utilise them in the manner of common battle droids.

They make great commandos though. Enyo has trained them in lightsabre combat. They have become proficient in the use of these powerful weapons, though their lack of Force affinity means they cannot utilise them to their full potential. Enyo considered rectifying this by implanting Force-Sensitive Shards into their droid bodies. She ultimately abandoned this idea because the sentient crystals would have been more difficult to control. After all, she had briefly been an ally of the Contingency, before turning on them after discovering the true nature of Onyx' plans. Thus the Mirages remain 'pure' machines, each of them controlled by a sophisticated droid brain, which is created by processing an organic template, as is the case with all Archangel HRDs. Nonetheless, their skill makes them dangerous adversaries in melee, even for Force-users.

The team is assigned to Archangel's special operations branch. Aside from Enyo, Alexia Zarides is the only clone allowed to give them orders. The 'brood mother' of the clones likes to keep a tight lock on her assets, after all. Johanna Tyrone and Charlotte sometimes work alongside them on covert operations.

  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Limited.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Team Aranea is composed of five Knight level Klaxxi from the Hunter caste. These sentient spiders have two natural abilities: They can warp light and sound around them to manifest a Force Cloak, rendering them virtually invisible to the naked eye, and they can use telepathy to communicate through the Force, as they are unable to communicate complex thoughts through normal means.

Very few Klaxxi manifest Force abilities beyond the aforementioned. The members of Team Aranea are among them. They are able to utilise defensive and offensive telekinesis, physical enhancement and Force Fear to give them an edge in combat. Moreover, being Klaxxi, they are natural hunters, who specialise in tracking movements through vibrations in the air as well as scent. Hunting at night, they prefer to strike their foes from the darkness and without sound. They are big, tough and very strong. A Klaxxi can crush human bones with a blow from one of their legs. Klaxxi exoskeletons are hard, and can deflect many conventional weapons. They are also naturally resistant to energy attacks. They have received minor cybernetic alterations: An implant allows them to communicate nonverbally with Enyo's minions without using telepathy, while a bio-stabiliser implant wards them against toxins and poisons. Rybcoarse is utilised to strengthen their muscles.

However, as tough as a Klaxxi's exoskeleton is, it is susceptible to piercing attacks, such as armour-piercing bullets and sharp blades. This makes high-calibre projectiles a good weapon against them. Strong explosions will also damage them. Moreover, since the darkness is their preferred habitat, the members of Team Aranea are rather vulnerable to very bright lights, such as those caused by flashbangs. These are very painful and disorientating.

They are capable of fighting without the Force due to their strength and natural toughness, but its sudden loss would be disorientating and weaken them, as they are used to having it. Ysalamiri and Voidstone would thus deprive them of a notable advantage. Their ranged capabilities are a bit limited. They can obviously use telekinesis and Force Fear at range, but guns are not made with spiders in mind. Light repeating blasters and similar can be mounted on their backs. Cybernetic implants allow them to control them via impulse. Grenade launchers and flamers could theoretically be mounted, but would be too risky. Aside from a possible mounted blaster, they rely on the Force and their physical strength. Thus they lack the means to stand up to heavy vehicles like tanks or walkers. They are also vulnerable to aircraft. It also limits their capabilities against large numbers of enemy soldiers, especially since the unit is very small. They are not a unit to send on a death charge. But they are ideal for ambushes and a good terror weapon. Their cybernetic components are susceptible to ion, EMP and electrical discharges.


Few in the greater Galaxy have heard of the Klaxxi. To the huge spiders, all other sentient beings are prey. The strong do as they will, the weak suffer what they must. Other lifeforms exist to feed the Klaxxi. They are aggressive, predatory and quite smart. After subjugating the primitive Ozzlites and developing a hyperdrive, they took to the stars and began to conquer planets close to their home in the Unknown Regions.

They first came to the notice of a galactic power when they clashed with the Atrisian Empire at Rakata Prime and Csilla. The Chiss homeworld was occupied by a Klaxxi invasion force and the spiders proceeded to try and herd the natives into camps. However, the Atrisian Empire intervened, dispatching regular soldiers along with Inquisitors to drive the Klaxxi away - and assume control of Csilla in the process.

A fierce battle ensued, during which both forces clashed in space and on the ground. In the end, the Klaxxi were defeated. Some of the spiders were captured and brought back for study. The Atrisian Inquisition was intrigued by their Force abilities. However, shortly thereafter the Atrisian Empire was absorbed by the Lords of the Fringe after a failed attack on the Omega Protectorate capital. Having other concerns, the Fringe did not continue the campaign against the arachnids, who licked their wounds and plotted. They got their chance when the Netherworld Event sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. A large Klaxxi fleet departed Ozzlek to launch a campaign of terror, striking into the heartland of the weakened Omega Protectorate. Klaxxi forces descended upon Sullust. They were ultimately repulsed by a combined Protectorate and Eldorai force, but at a considerable price in blood.

The genocidal duo at the head of Archangel took an interest in the spiders. Moira Skaldi had aided the Atrisian Empire in the occupation of Csilla, fighting the Klaxxi herself. She also built up a working relationship with the Kahoshi dynasty. In the the course of the Atrisian Empire's dissolution, Moira and Maelion was able to capture a number of Klaxxi for study. If they could be controlled, they would be valuable weapons. However, they proved unruly. Attempts were made to clone and render them more docile through use of cybernetics. While the genocidal duo soon focused on other projects, such as entechment, Force Clones and Shards, the droid scientists at the secret base continued their work.

Then Moira and Maelion were toppled by Enyo's insurgency. Siobhan Kerrigan's clone, herself a product of Archangel science, took over the machine cult, using her creators' command codes to assume control of the droid army. However, the signal failed to reach the base where the Klaxxi were being studied. Perhaps it was a glitch in the system, perhaps something else. Either way, once Enyo realised that after learning that what appeared to be Archangel troops were carrying out attacks on her operations, she amassed a task force and headed to the secret base. At this stage she was still in the dark about the Klaxxi.

She met stiff resistance and a fierce battle ensued. During the fighting, the test subjects were able to escape from captivity, leading to a threeway fight. Enyo's troops sustained severe losses, and she bombed the base. Many of the Klaxxi were killed during the bombardment, but some survived. A few were subdued. Though vicious, the Klaxxi were not mindless beasts. They were also very far away from home. Perhaps it helped that Enyo was not responsible for their captivity. Having no Queen, grudgingly a few Klaxxi agreed to serve her. Conveniently, Enyo was free of moral scruples, so the fact that their diet consisted of sentient beings did not faze her. After all, she did not care about most organic beings. Instead she recognised their use as a weapon of terror. So she trained them in their Force abilities, while keeping them on a leash. Good behaviour was rewarded with hunting opportunities, allowing them to indulge their carnivorous desires. She experimented a bit with grafting weapons to them, but mostly dropped that because heavy weapons would be detrimental to their agility and/or pose a potential risk to them.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Been thinking about Libertas. Turning her into a PC is tempting. In some ways she is more interesting than Summy. But I already have lots of chars.

So I figure I'll use her as an NPC POV char in some threads and see what happens. She's working with Enyo right now, but more as an ally than a minion. Bit similar to the relationship between Enyo and the Contingency, except that Enyo isn't stupid or insane. Thought about mooks a bit. Libertas has far fewer resources than Enyo, but is more charismatic and has an experienced cadre of Force-users.

1. Her cult, the Breakers of Chains. They'd follow her teachings about Revolutionary Sithism. Structure-wise they'd be closer to an secret society/terrorist organisation/revolutionary underground movement. Libertas is no mystic, after all.

It should be noted that she accepts NFUs as well. Her idea of strength has a lot to do with state of mind and little with gaudy displays of violence or flashy powers. I do get kind of a populist vibe. Appeal to the under classes to break their chains and cast down the greedy, lazy aristos and all that. Cult follows social darwinist beliefs. In essence they try to apply Sith ideas about strength and competition to society as a whole.

Hmm I had the idea that Libertas isn't just the Sith's Darth name...but also a title. Will get passed on to whoever heads the revolutionary Sith cult. Darth Libertas I, Darth Libertas II etc. Robo Twi'lek is the first, obviously.

Uncertain whether to sub as Organisation in Lore or as NPC Group.

2. 3 -4 Apprentices. One is an NFU, and ironically the one she considers the most Sithy. Probably a fellow Twi'lek because Libertas has a preference for her own people. Another could have gained Force powers in a similar manner as the Shadowtroopers or Reborn from the Jedi Outcast games. All are aliens.

Libertas is the Sith Warrior type, so she'd do best with followers who complement her skills. She's a cyborg, good at tanking, duelling and decent at piloting.

Possible races: Caamasi, Whiphid, Togorian, Cathar, Wookiee.

3. Sith mook squad for her. Provisional name the Iron Circle. Maybe mixed FU/NFU units.

4. Food for thought: Leonina's Togruta Jedi master, who turned traitor after being converted by Libertas, is still around. Where did she go? Still with Libertas?
1. On the topic of Force-using minions for Libertas, I just had a fun idea:

Nur Jahan. Mon Cal chick. TLDR: She was a slave, then ran away and became a thief, joined an apocalyptic cult called the Covenant of Uriel, became Sumiko's minion. I reckon her faith would have been eroded after Summy died, especially since Illyria probably did not care for the cult.

So maybe she grew up a bit, went independent and perhaps killed the Sith slaver who'd tormented her. Probably an atheist now - and rather vengeful.

Sounds like a perfect recruit for Libertas, right? I figure she could fill the stealthy assassin niche. And she could look like this. Should be more experienced and have stronger skills now.


This leaves two to three apprentice positions to be filled. Both should be aliens. Preferrably unusual ones that aren't used a lot. Would like one to be an artificial Force-sensitive like the Reborn or Shadowtroopers.

Ideas for races: Jawa, Geonosian, Wookiee, Cathar, Weequay, Gand or Caamasi.

3. An alternative would be to put Nur Jahan in Firemane and say she sorta recanted her old ways. Would need a different minion for Libertas then though.

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