Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L,


Hex L-49 // Approaching the Hanger Bay // Daisya Infiltrator
Faction = First Order: [member="Therran Graush"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Eralam"] and their compatriots
Status: Penetrating the flagship of [member="Lily Kuhn"]
Notable PCs in Vicinity: The merry cousins Graush
Summary of actions at bottom of post \\

It would be acceptable for one to mistake the dreadful quiet of the ride over to the Red Veil as peaceful. Operatives remained pensive, tense, and awaiting the inevitable explosion of action to come. For the Security Bureau agent, this silent trip was similar to a frantic Hell. Fear welled up in her throat as the prospect of being caught in the crossfire those massive turbolaser batteries streaking their hot energy across the starlight expanse. At least, she mused, it would be quick if they died now -vaporized like the insignificant clumps of dust and tissue they all inevitably would become. Seconds stretched on for what seemed like infinity. Fighting back an urge to squirm, the Hunter reviewed her equipment and various slicing tools that might come in use. While she certainly didn’t have enough gear to conduct some kind of ridiculous feat of shipwide control, which she imagined would take a highly specialized unit of cryptoanalysts no small amount of time, the Major would be able to bypass simple things like localized locked doors or basic turret configurations. Naturally, like all things it would be tentative. Other highlights of her compliment of tax funded killing potential included thermal imploders (a favorite) and flashbang grenades. Most training simulations showcased that ship boarding often included melee combat; with that in mind the woman had brought along what appeared to be a shiny ax. Who knows? Maybe it would sing before long. There was also of course the G-11F and the revolver -these she fiddled and fingered now, playing with adjustments to chew up more and more time.

An alert sounded that the assault boats filled with stormtroopers from the FIV Crimson Dawn were also along in course for the target. Her communication suite was still linked with ship wide system of the star destroyer. Another alert pinged that the enemy had boarded and were now progressing into the ship, cutting down security like the proverbial knife through cheese. Nobody aboard this vessel appeared to be plussed by the information. What else could be expected with so few left behind upon the Crimson Dawn? Unlike her stoic companions and hardened commanders, the Major felt a pang of sorrow for the security forces left behind and ordered to hold. She imagined their lives ended full of horror and pain. All that was left was to avenge those poor lads. Make the enemy pay in double for every soul taken. Besides, they all knew what they signed up for. Still, it was difficult to ignore the nagging foresight that it may very well be her ordered to stand ground and buy somebody more important a few minutes one day. Perhaps today. . .

The mental gymnastics had succeeded. A final alert resounded in the cabin, and all stood to and made peace, a swell of intensity seizing the heart and steeling it for the struggle to come.


They came down like the hammer of the very gods of time and space -craft sliding past bubbling shields and decloaking at the last possible moment before unloading upon one of the four larger hangar bay doors. Debris exploded inwards as the atmosphere containment projector worked its magic and kept the entire bay from spilling outwards into that grand abyss. Chaos erupted as the infiltrator unloaded its ordnance wantonly inside, blasting engineers and preparing pilots into smoldering afterthoughts, engulfing equipment, maintenance droids and containers in flame; lights, armor panels, and backup generators bursted -further compounding the madness as security personnel scrambled behind ruined gunships or were wounded by sprays of blaster fire. Screams and the cries for medical staff cut the concert of relentless thumps as smoke and flash shells obfuscated the exits of the invading shuttle. The doors dropped and out poured the sprinting figures clad in white and black. Like angry ants the troopers crawled for positions. . .

Chief among them was the Major herself, taking to the right flank out of instinctively gravitating to the highest concentration of shrieks from the bay. Adrenaline swelled, and she sprung in bounding leaps in a low, flat sprint: G-11 in trail carry to maximize her speed, red cape billowing ridiculously like an anachronistic glitch in reality. While making a beeline for a set of containers next to a parked Blue Jay Fighter -unscathed by the ravages of the force entry- the advancing infantry animal failed to notice the pilot writhing on the floor beneath his cherished starfighter. Motivated by that ephemeral drive of excellence that such training breeds, the wounded pilot levels his commando blaster at the figure in black and red, intent on taking at least one of the evil, faceless fascists with him to the netherworld.


From this range it was easy not to miss. The pilot’s fury struck the Major true, hitting her dead on upon the center chest plate.

“Auuugh!” She screamed, the sound crackling through her speakers and automatically lowering the volume -a standard trick of First Order helmets so that fellow combatants weren’t dissuaded by their fellow squadmates dying.

Heat sparkled and steamed off of the impact site; the concussive force delayed for but a moment as the protection did its job and absorbed some of the energy, but it was not full proof. Knocked off balance the operator slipped into an unintentional skid and tripped into the containers, bouncing the lightest off the pile and stumbling unto the deck. A sensation of extreme, scalding heat blossomed upon her chest, nearly shocking her into unconsciousness as it seared across her senses. The pilot fired again, this shot rippling just above the Major’s back and catching the armorweave cape. A neat burn circle charred crimson to black. Perhaps starving off the effects of shock himself, he levels at the next stormtrooper, eager to add to what he considers his killcount.

Somewhere in her confusing, tepid mire -in a world of hurt, an aura crosses the Major’s personal Hell, reaching across space like an ethereal angel, pinging and pinning her muscles and nerves into motion.


It was a sour aura cloaked in darkness with a blue mass of hair, concealed by sweet smiles. Wretched as it was it inspired and pulled one from the comfortability of resignation. It offered release from the pain in the form of focus. Was this the end? The putrid light that all mentioned at the end of the metaphysical tunnel now enveloped the Major. But what is this? Commander Derith was extending her hand as though to offer helpful encouragement to rise up. Why would she be here at the end of it all -they weren’t close, and she was just another of the heroes of the Order. And suddenly it clicked: that old Vicar of the Ren, that blue haired, youthful face hiding wizen wickedness was using some sort of magical trick to push those caught in this mighty struggle ever forward. Thanks to the Major’s own aptitude in the Force, she now realized somehow the commander was with them all, pushing her strength into the rest of the warriors. Thankful, emboldened, and enraged by new purpose, the Security Bureau Spook slammed a clenched fist down upon the deck, grabbed her rifle in one hand, gritted her teeth through the pain and shimmied in order to bring the blaster to bear upon the pilot.


She fired upon him many times. High powered, shockingly hyper blue tibanna gas forming bolts of highest quality soared. It skewered the once proud pilot many times, passing cleanly through and bursting his limbs at articulation points due to her continued coup de grâce. Sixteen shots later a number of troopers had pushed past her prone figure -unable to stop for the ferocity of battle as reinforcements filled the hanger bay on both sides. It was in this brief respite that the Major stood with a single wheeze before walking in a crouch to the new line of battle. She took a covered firing position and began to fulfill an impromptu marksman role by picking off anything that looked, smelled, or sounded like noncommissioned officers, medics, and fleeing engineers. Her aim, usually perfection personified, was marred by the wound. And so it took some persuasion and suppressive fire to put down some of the faster moving combatants.
-Daisya Infiltrator enters Red Veil large hanger bay door.
-First wave engages defenders.
-Major is wounded in action.
-First wave fights for control of hanger bay.

Rick Kaloo

Location: L-49 Hex, FO flank
Allies: GA ([member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Zark"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], etc) - N/A in proximity
Enemies: FO ([member="Sieger Ren"], Robogeber, Cyrus Tregessar, etc) - N/A in proximity... yet
Objective/Status: Crash Course: First Order

The battle began to heat up as the starfighters of both sides engaged, lasers flying in all directions. The last two Y-Wings of the group desperately headed toward the Executioner, maneuvering through trenches and defending themselves the best they could. Passing under the belly of another Star Destroyer, the Order battlecruiser came within range. Suddenly, a direct impact shook one of the Y-Wings, and it lost both of its flaps, disabling its ability to go up or down properly. It fired a torpedo blankly and then was consequently destroyed by an incoming TIE.

The final Y-Wing flew toward the gaping hole in the battlecruiser's hangar, pursued by multiple TIEs. Blasts hit all over the bomber, killing its shielding and dealing heavy damage. With its left engine engulfed in flame and air leaking out of the bomber, it fired its full load of four torpedoes directly at the hole in the battlecruiser's hull, unaware that shielding was already set up, that even if a direct impact was made, the torpedoes wouldn't do any interior damage.

Similar fates came to the X-Wings. Despite being boosted by other Alliance starfighter formations, their ranks were swiftly destroyed, swatted away like pesky flies. Smashing into a nearby Destroyer, the last X-Wing of Destiny's compliment was destroyed.

The frigate hurtled through space, on a collision course with the enemy battlecruiser. The First Order warship had turned to unleash a broadside on the main Alliance fleet, its tip now facing directly at Destiny. The battlecruiser's turn was problematic, since it was likely that the highest intensity of guns would be able to focus on Destiny from that angle. However, it and the rest of the First Order fleet was still distracted and so Destiny flew on, turning slightly to the right to get the best aim.

At thirty kilometers from the enemy fleet, Destiny had accelerated so much that it moved at a rate of a kilometer every ten seconds, lowering in milliseconds as it flew on. If the ramming run went as planned, the Order fleet would only have about three minutes to counterattack once Destiny entered firing range. That was plenty of time for Order officers to aim their turbolasers, but hopefully, the shock of a frigate making such a bold move would slow them down. If the run didn't go as planned, they'd be running into a field of turbolaser fire. It was a risk that Destiny's crew would have to take.

"Time to abandon ship." Rick ordered over a microphone connected to speakers throughout the frigate.

The command bridge of Destiny entered a state of orderly panic, crew members sprinting into elevators or bolting down stairs, desperately running to escape pods. Rick, as well as the other twenty-two command staff that had stayed on the vessel, all crammed into an elevator heading down below deck, bodies piling up against each other like a group of schooling fish. Being Mon Calamari, it was a simile that all of the staff could relate to.

The elevator doors opened up and Rick rushed out, followed by the other command crew. In front of them were two escape pods, the others already released into space. Each escape pod could hold twelve people, and so no man was left behind. Rick clicked a button, opening up a hatch that lead to an escape pod, an oval-shaped tube with view ports on the front and sides. He leapt into the pod with his comrades and then clicked another button that closed the hatch, as well as igniting the escape pod's systems.

With a loud but subtle thump, the escape pod ejected from Destiny, the First Order fleet close enough that he could see in detail the gentle slope of the Star Destroyers. From the side view port, Rick saw that the other pod had ejected too, and farther back in the ship, two more pods had ejected. Everyone had escaped. Destiny, now unmanned, flew on its own trajectory to the Order battlecruiser, not turning or faltering at all.

The stakes were at their highest now. If the ramming tactic was successful, the battlecruiser would likely be severely damaged or even destroyed, still having to deal with repairing the hole in its frame. The Order fleet, which was currently well organized and dug in, would likely be extremely shocked by the sudden crippling of one of their biggest ships, likely scattering. If Destiny failed to ram the battlecruiser, everything that Rick Kaloo had done would be worth nothing. Nothing. The Order fleet would have barely even been impacted by Destiny's existence. The rest of the operation was a gamble, and Rick hated gambles.

Note: Text glitch strikes again

Note2: Nerfed some stuff

Shielding - Disabled
Armor - 100%
Weapon Systems - Disabled - Targeting: N/A
Starfighter Compliment
Sprite-class X-Wings (0/12) - Targeting: Executioner
BTL-Y Wings (0/6) -Targeting: Executioner

Informed GA defense fleet of flanking plan
Exited hyperspace
Turned toward FO vessels
Deployed starfighters (Target: Executioner)
Starfighters dove below FO visual range
Destiny turned to the right
Order given to prepare for withdrawal
Starfighters attempted to fly through Order lines
Destiny began ramming sequence against Executioner
Surviving Y-Wings attempted to launch missile compliment
Destiny's crew reduced to minimal
Remaining crew members evacuated on escape pods once ramming sequence was almost complete
Location: Space
Objective: Move to The Exubitor
Enemies: FO, their allies and [member="Samka Derith"]
Allies: GA, their allies, SJO, [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]​

The Tibiyin was a non-combat vessal and now combat was being forced on them. While guarding and escorting the medical convoy, they weren't a target. However, that wouldn't last if they struck back. Reaching one of the communications colsoles aboard their ship, Jairdain spoke into it to the captain.

"Myself, Asaraa, Yuroic and a few others are leaving this ship. As soon as we are clear, move away from the battle. You should have clearance as a non-combat ship. Am I understood?"

The reply came back, but the message was understood. If the blockaders allowed them to flee from the field they would turn back the way they had come.

Her orders were relayed through the ship by the captain and Jairdain turned to her companions. The padawan and her love were waiting for her. Being a step or two ahead of her, they had already gathered up what they felt was going to be needed. Jairdain only had what she had brought with her. No special armament or gear. Along with the three Jedi, they had the company of several of the Ranger groups that were on the Tibiyin. She felt the need to have them along rather than leave them out of potential combat in front of them.

Requesting a shuttle to take them off the ship, she also asked for an escort to keep the pesky fighters off of them while they headed to the Exubitor. Hearing back from Cassius that he and his crew of fighters would be there for the assist, she waited until Asaraa, Yuroic and the others were on the shuttle and climbed on herself.

"I honestly hope one of you guys can fly this thing. A little difficult for me to see the controls."

Allowing one of the rangers to take the helm, she felt the mental reach of Samka out to one of the other pilots. While it was only to that one person, she​ knew what was going to happen. Soon enough that reach was going to move out and spread. A corrupted form of Battle Meditation was brewing and she was built for this. This was her role in the battle. The roles of Asaraa, the Rangers and Yuroic had yet to be decided. For now though, they needed to get to that flagship.
Location: Hex-L49
Allies: Vlannem Pox Kyrel Ren
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Zanza Hijikata"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Jarck Rabsch"]
Equipment: In Signature
Objective: Protect the Fleet, Destroy Alliance Forces, give Pox a hand
Ship: TIE Silencer

While she felt slightly out of her depth without the close council of her father, not sure his powers of telepathy would reach that far through the emptiness of space, Varas also experienced that thrill of being out from under his dark wing. The bright laserfire of an A-wing came too close to comfort courtesy of [member="Jarck Rabsch"] and his squadron. This was not her familiar Mustafar landscape nor was it some kind of hologame like Gunning for Gundarks. But as the clone was specifically bred to fight, to exist only as a Disciple until she was strong enough to usurp her creator, fear was not something she would allow into her head.

Especially when Kyrel Ren was not around.

And why?

Because she feared him most of all, especially his biting disappointment.

Sensors blaring, the Silencer was headed right into a cross-attack from the A-wing and an X-wing, so she pulled up before landing straight into the middle of them and spun in a tight circle, evasively weaving, the TIEs screaming engines, nearly deafening her. Holding the fighter steady took all her might, and just as she felt she was about to completely lose control of it, she straightened upright again, going in for another pass, scanning the horizon like a hawk.

As Jarck’s mind swam with guilt and regret over losing a comrade, Varas deliberately replaced any misgivings or hesitation with pure, iniquitous determination. Remorse was not a part of the vocabulary of a girl who lived only to shed her manufactured blood for Sieger Ren.

She heard the A-wing pilot’s taunt to a fellow FO flyer, his voice full of bravado and challenge, but her preternatural senses, enhanced by the Force, could tell that he was the one radiating all of the shame over what amounted to trivial numbers on a star chart to Varas. If she happened to have a pint later with Vlannem Pox, she’d joke with him that he was also a number. A handsome number, but a number just the same. Just like an enemy was just a target.

Varas followed the A-wing who had his sights on Pox, locked her sensors onto the Alliance fighter and fired her proton torpedoes at his tail. Perhaps there was a little bit of empathy within the clone after all for feeling the need to aid her own comrade and defy her father’s strict orders to target the bombers.
Allies: [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Dako Asturo"] | [member="Morro"] |
Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Zark"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"]
Objective: Counter the Alliance's Attack
Theme: Grievous and the Droids | John Williams

The Fleet Admiral looked increasingly concerned at the predicament he was facing. Alliance fighters swarming him, their cumbersome battlegroup lumbering to attack his fleet. New calculations had to be made. Moves, and counter moves needed to be made. It was now time more than ever to reassess the situation, and press the First Order's counter-attack. Rausgeber monitored the situation with some trepidation, listening as Senior Captain Cadvan consistently requested a picket line. "Tell the good Captain to move the Executioner to our flank, where it will be covered by our anti-starfighter corvettes." He glowered, "He's in command of the largest veesel of us all, and he expects us, to defend him? The nerve." He bitterly spat. Well not, really, but phlegm would've been flying if he'd been in human form.

"The position as it sits is untenable." Rausgeber mused, he returned to the comms position, where he asserted himself, "Captain Morro, as it sits, the Alliance's Star Defenders pose perhaps the greatest risk to us, and our vessels." He informed the Chiss, "Form up your charger and Fortan class corvettes, it's time we put an end to these threats." He coldly ordered, "Loosen their formation, and push ahead, and engage the Alliance's fleet, particularly the one centered around their Mon Calamari cruiser, and the Star Defender anchored to Supreme Commander Ven's fleet."

He paused, calculating the best course of action for Commander Asturo, before resting, "Commander Asturo, loosen formation, but continue E-WAR jamming." He informed him, "Don't let any missiles pass through us. We rob them of their advantage." He informed the Commander, "But we must be on the front foot." He stoically informed his compatriot, "Continue fire, suppress our enemies." He barked, before pausing, "This whole sector, this whole battle lies at our feet, and we will not fail."

It was time for something to rally the troops. To drive them all home. Something to rally behind. Something to believe in. "Not a finer group of officers, today sits together in battle." Rausgeber bellowed, "And not a greater group of men and women will ever be assembled again." He paused, "Some of us may need to make the ultimate sacrifice, but what remains, is our resolve, to ensure that those sacrifices were not in vain. That their lives had purpose." The Admiral again paused, "Because we will remember them."

The Fortan-class corvettes, and charger-class escorts pulled away from the First Order formation, in a loose formation, headed towards the approaching Alliance fleet. "To those who die, we owe an oath. An oath to bear their legacy." The Locust-class torpedo frigates covered their approach, sending out a deadly spray of torpedos in an attempt to deflect attention away from the movement.

"To carry their convictions. Their lives. Their strength." The corvettes dove, beneath the major engagement zones, using their superior manoeuvrability and speed to expertly avoid the withering fire dished out between the capital ships. "Because, we will honour the call. Honour our oath, and make sure they are remembered." The corvettes now closed in on the Citadel-Class Star Defender, and at close range unleashed a massive array of missiles, before peeling off, and scrambling themselves further into the Alliance fleet.

"They may break us. They may destroy us." Rausgeber bellowed, "But we will make sure, that the scars we leave. The trauma we inflict. The hell we raise will last forever more. In their minds, and on their bodies." He roared, "That we will leave a legacy, worth defending. Worth commending. Worth our lives!"

"They will remember us!"

First Order 6th Fleet, Battlegroup Imperator, Imperator Command.
Name: FIV Reprisal
Vessel Class: Supremacy-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 1600 | 1600
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Excubitor

Name: FIV Conqueror
Vessel Class: Vanquisher-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 1200| 1400
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Bombard
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields: 730| 1000
Hull: 850| 1000
Attacking: ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Devstator
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields:750| 1000
Hull:1000 | 1000
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Chase
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Lion
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Cavalier
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Raider
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Skipper
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Fortuna
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Enforcer
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 346| 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Firestorm
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields: 132| 244
Hull: 202| 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Inflictor
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields: 170| 244
Hull:190 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Restoration
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields:40 | 244
Hull:210 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Interception
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields: 30 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Fury
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Lancer
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Gavel
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Roar
Vessel Class:Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 220| 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Torment
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Crusade
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Vengence
Vessel Class: Boneshatter-Class Cruiser
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Destiny.

Name: FIV Trepid
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Brigand
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking:ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Guardian
Vessel Class:Charger-Class Corvette
Shields: 160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Aggressor
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Pursuit
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Bespin’s Pride
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Allies: The First Order
Apprentices: [member="Elensa Jari"], [member="Xiomar Ren"].
Opposition: [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Halron Corr"], The Galactic Alliance & All who stand with them.
Present Company: [member="Sieger Ren"], [member="Ara Zambrano"], [member="Elensa Jari"], Omega Four-Five-Nine & Special Forces Squadron "Iron Mantle".
Special Inventory: Click Here!

[member="Elensa Jari"] and her special forces companions had been positioned further back within the Hangar, Caehl's Furious Class Corvette having been further back at the rear of the installation. He however had moved further on and caught somewhere between his and [member="Ara Zambrano"]'s vessel, had far less cover to rely upon when the collision came. The impact was tremendous, the outter shields giving way and environment conditions being thwarted as the enemy vessel sundered the outter hull, forcing it's way through into the entrance taking with it the bulkheads and debris reigning down upon the floor, screams could be heard over top of the Knight of Ren's own disorientation as troopers and maintenance and engineering personnel alike were thrown off there feet, some fortunate enough to get by with being thrown about while others were hit by either the colliding corvette or scraps of the hull taking them in two.

Command and no doubt the over-watch of their illustrious Supreme Leader were quick to secure the deck, the Hangar Bay doors closing in on the area to force atmospherics to stabilize, the shields holding in place and what was left was the panic and anxious scattering of the remaining First Order personnel trying to pull themselves to their feet while from the corridors further in, alarms could be heard acknowledging the vessels being breached and likely boarded.

Somehow he had survived, though rising to his feet was no simple challenge, his body around pounded with the pain and weight of debris that had fallen atop of him. Previously his cybernetic implants and exo-skeleton would have aided in his strength to deter and deny such trauma yet thanks to the actions of Sarathiel Ren, his body was renewed and regained of it's purity within the veil of the Force and the natural world. Say what you will for clones but the technology in combination with the ways of the Dark Lord of the Sith had truly paid off for him in the end. The fallen wing of a docked TIE Fighter had fallen against him and sent him to the floor, yet catching the side of another nearby shuttle, it was a miracle he had not been crushed. Prying his way out from the wreckage, his robes for which had flowed around his Armor torn and singed from the fires that had come, soon found itself being torn from his form to expose his full battle attire and the Helm for which sought the source of this insult and injury to the FIV Executioner.

His apprentice was nearby and seemingly shaken but not deterred, her experience within the Sith Empire seemed to be proving of great value despite Caehl's distaste for their kind; it was Ara Zambrano's associations with the Dark Lord of the Sith that had worked to his favor yet against his knowledge too, for good reason, she had neglected to inform the Dark Knight of who had been responsible for his latest reform.

Caehl Ren's Lightsaber hissed into ignition, the crimson glow of his cross-guard blade illuminating the floor around him in the warm glow of it's raw and destabilized power, the Force around him surging to wrap itself around his form both in response to the weapons empowerment and the veil of Sieger Ren's grace bestowed upon his children prior to this moment. Caehl Ren's footsteps were quick and heavy in stride, the troopers that had managed to rise to their feet all making room for him as his command was law here until the Master of Ren and Queen of Panatha could make her way down. He had heard her wish to stake a claim in [member="Bryce Bantam"] though she were not the only one familiar with his presence, both he and [member="Samka Derith"] had pulled her back into the First Order's grasp and Caehl would make damn sure that would not be a risk again here today.

How fortunate it would be for the man that Sarathiel had found her way to the hangar floor just in time to see her wish granted.

"Show him no mercy, Sarathiel..."

Caehl's words were cold and full of expectation, his instructions were not for her to obey as she out ranked him yet there was within his gaze a look beneath the helm laced with personal bias. Life was rampant aboard the invaders vessel, and he would seek to take as many of them as he could, yet if Ara Ren was not prepared to kill them all then perhaps he would do so in her stead for all the anger that rolled off of his form.

Already he could see the small movements across Bantam's vessel seeking to make repairs to it's hull, droids of some foreign design he was not familiar with yet otherwise knew to be some sort of aid to the vessel in it's now declining state. "Eliminate those droids..." he turned to look back at several of the Stormtroopers along his right flank, the gauntlet of his left hand pointing at the enemy vessel, "Cripple her".

  • Awaiting the company of [member="Bryce Bantam"] and [member="Halron Corr"] to make exit of their corvette.
  • Elensa Jari and Iron Mantle on site.
  • Troopers taking pot-shots at Zero's maintenance droids
Location: Space, departing SJO medical Frigate Tibiryin for GA Flagship of Therepy Command Exubitor
Allies: GA, SJO, [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Jairdain"]
Enemies: FO and allies

The decision to shift from the medical frigate wasn’t one that Asaraa had been expecting Jairdain to make. The young Togruta was so focused on the screen, at the representation of the battle being waged outside that she missed the moment the older woman started moving. The first sign she had was when Jaidain issued her order’s to the captain. Spinning around the Padawan held up a hand, catching the eye of the closest Marine and gesturing, watching as the armoured trooper closed with her.

“Looks like we’re transferring over to the Galactic Alliance Flagship, ask the Master Sergeant to liase with the marines onboard the Exubitor. I want our guys to take up security around the bridge and they can shift their troops over to preparing to deal with any boarders.”

The Padawan glanced back towards the screen as an icy shiver seemed to slip down her back sending a tremble down her body.

“And I think they’re going to need the troops sooner rather than later.”

Falling in behind Jairdain and Yuroic the young woman could see the Berserkers, the robots falling in behind her and the Marines, a convoy of grim armoured warriors. A snake winding it’s way through the bowls of the ships to the hangars. She hadn’t been in command very long but Asaraa had started to figure out a few basics already. The most important lesson she’d found, say what you want done and then get out of your NCO’s way and let them do their jobs. She could hear the orders rolling out as the troopers split themselves out between the shuttles as she reached for her harness, securing herself in. A smile tugged up her lips as she shook her head at Jairdain.

“Well, I hope you’re not looking at me. I can just about manage a speeder and a fighter when I have to, but getting us across that on one piece…might as well ask me to cook a gourmet meal. It’s theoretically possible but probably best left to the experts.”

A grin split her face as she watched the pilot settling himself into the cockpit, the rumble of the engine flaring to life as the shuttle shifted up, lifting them up off the deck as the pilot angled them towards the entrance.

“Here we go.”
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Ravager \\ Unforgiven-class Battlecruiser
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: In the vicinity of Station Hapspir
In Vicinity: [member="Cable Shike"] | [member="Castor Ren"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Mirax Eygan"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Zanza Hijikata"]
Visually distinct from the classic dagger shaped designs of the First Order ships, a lone Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer commanded the fleet in charge of Station Corbolan's defense. Aboard it, the sole alien Admiral in First Order service paced back and forth across the command platform, his attention divided between observing the larger unfolding battle and attempting to calm his own irritation at being relegated to a defensive assignment. Kaleesh were, after all, not famous across the galaxy for being a passive sort of people.

Not for the first Admiral Isano Sekerian watched the mass of Alliance ships arrayed against the forces defending Station Triaxis and wondered why they were so focused on that one objective. Thus far, besides skirmishing on the edges of the mass shadow and quick hit and runs on minelayers by small ships, the other four stations were being left alone. If that was their strategy, it wasn't working. Fleet Admiral Rausgeber appeared to have things well under control at Triaxis.

Though things there were apparently concerning enough to cause the Grand Admiral (the 'Old Bastard') to dispatch almost half his fleet to assist. No such orders had come in for any of the other defensive fleets, and so Sekerian kept his ships in formation. The fire on the central station was thick, and while most of it was intercepted or otherwise defeated by the attending fleet (the FIV Executioner was particularly saturated) some was getting through. They had built the stations tough for a reason.

"Cronau flare!"

Sekerian swept over to the operator who had made the call, moving with all the lethal grace his species was known for. He was a much more hands on sort of commander than the Grand Admiral. "Location?" he asked quietly.

"Right by Station Hapspir, from the angle they must've come in from above the plane. Imagery coming in now."

The lead ship appeared on screen. It was destroyer sized, and for the moment the First Order database seemed to be unable to classify it. The Signals Officer frowned and gave a 'stand by, expanding parameters beyond Alliance ships."

Sekerian just laughed. "Don't bother. That's a Directorate ship, one of one. Looks like the Old Man will be facing an old friend."

The Signals Officer, a recent transfer to the vessel, just stared, unable to comprehend the lack of respect held for the Grand Admiral by some alien and too stunned to realize that there was a great deal more history between the commanders present at Hapspir than he could possibly understand.
The first clue was when the Tachyon Sensors lit off with a piercing shriek of an alarm that ripped the attention of every wayward crewmember back to their screens. If not for Cyrus' earlier order, they might have been caught completely off guard. As it was, chaos only reigned for a moment, before all the training and drilling kicked in. Operators and Technicians went to work with an intensity that defied any sort of reason, allowing instinct to take over and repeating actions they'd done a hundred or more times before. Communications were a controlled madness.

"Reversion! Multiple contacts."

"Track and Probe, lets find out what we're dealing with," the Watch Officer was calm and focused. Identify, classify, destroy, next target.

"Destroyer bearing zero-niner-two-ait mark ait-seven-niner. Image coming onscreen."

The odd looking warship appeared on a central display and Cyrus, who had been watching the whole scene play out in silence, stood up in surprise. Now he knew why the earlier reports on the mine-clearing had seemed so familiar.

Those were the tactics he had used at Togoria, the last time he had faced [member="Gir Quee"] in battle.

He smiled. They were due a rematch. The attack had been well executed so far, taking advantage of Cyrus' overconfidence, but evidently Gir had made mistakes as well, with the exception of the Kiribian Cruisers and the Destroyer, the rest of his fleet was drawn out in a line, each having reverted wherever they'd caught the edge of the interdiction field.

"The enemy formation is in disarray. Priority targets are the Destroyer and artillery cruisers. We must disrupt their attacks on the station. All ships, FIRE!"

The Ravager twisted, its turning speed amplified by the advance maneuverability system, and opened fire on the Ocean Tide. For opponents who had faced the old Darr Itah's, the refitted Unforgiven would be full of new surprises. Faster and more capable, they were the most heavily-armed Battlecruisers in the galaxy, a feat for which they sacrificed much of the legendary durability of similarly sized ships. if the fight had been just that, one battlecruiser versus one pocket Destroyer, there wouldn't have been much to tell. But just as the enemy was forced to divide their fire, Cyrus found himself in the same position. He couldn't simply ignore the barrage directed at the station he was supposed to protect.

"Shift targets, long range batteries engage enemy artillery Cruisers. Escorts close in and form a screen. Have the Halberd's stand off and target enemy cruisers as well. Vindicators will provide cover."

The Particle Lances and HVCs on the Ravager turned to the Draken ships now bombarding the station and opened fire, their volleys accompanied by further shots from the Halberd lances. Energy torpedo and long-range batteries followed suite. Swarms of fighters and bombers surged out of the Vindicator-class carries, and formed attack groups, headed in to strike the artillery ships, while the two Marauders followed close behind, firing as they moved, and ready to engage at close range.

That left the Ravager with only a couple frigates, handful of corvettes, and some ten squadrons to engage the entirety of the incoming Directorate fleet. Behind him, explosions blossomed on Station Hapspir, each hit degrading the reflec coating and making the station easier to target. In front of him, in the space between the two flagships, the squadrons of Nightshrikes, Star Wing II's, TIE Raptors, and Mk III's, engaged the Directorate strikecraft in a whirling dance of death.

At the moment, the enemy strike craft were too far away for point defense weapons to target, but the Bastion system, present on both the Ravager and her two escorts, already had begun to lock in on the enemy, and here and there an interceptor missile was launched to strike a wayward foe.

The darkness of space vanished, turning as if to day with the fires of death.
Task Group Hapspir

Task Group Adversary (Detached, en route to Station Triaxis)

Keeper-Class Interdiction Stations
Station Hapspir
Officer in Charge: Grand Admiral Cyrus Tregessar
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 80%
Station Barrini
Officer in Charge: Vice Admiral Uluc Keri Reis
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Corbolan
Officer in Charge: Admiral Isano Sekerian
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Triaxis
Officer in Charge: Fleet Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 91%. Integrity at 84%
Station Wormturns
Officer in Charge: Admiral Itsel Kahalen
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Location: L-49 Engaging FO Ships
Vicinity Of: Interdiction Station Hapsipr | Heavy Battlecruiser the Unforgiven
Objectives: Engage the Unforgiven and disable it’s shielding
Allies: [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Jarck Rabsch"] [member="Zark"] [member="Decker Willo"], [member="Cedric Grayson"]. [member="Gir Quee"] | Beast Squadron
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

[Note: Short Post is Short, will have a more inspired post next time sorry >_<]

Things were getting crowded. Flying upside down in a parallel fly-by of the scrape between Red Squadron, Beast Squadron, and the TIE Silencer formation, Zanza narrowed her eyes trying to figure out a plan. However, her contemplating was interrupted by the sound of Beast One’s commands. His voice was hurried and loud on the comms.

“Saber One, we can’t drag ourselves here!” He pleaded, “Get to the target!”

Zanza took that as her que, she pushed on her control stick leaning it forward sending the X-wing into a sharp dive swooping down and breaking away from the TIE Silencer who had engaged her. Diving down she flew down to where their A-Wing escort was still struggling to keep their cover for the Beast Squadron bombers. Zanza’s Dauntless starfighter zipped down past them blasting TIEs that had been on their tail.

“On me boys, we’re heading for the target.” Zanza called to the A-Wing and bomber flight leads. The group then pushed full throttle through the cloud of TIEs, if they wanted a dogfight they could chase them for it. Zanza called to Red Ten and Beast One. “I’m peeling off for our run. Hold on if you can, I’ll see if I can drag the rest with us. Rendezvous, at target, sending coordinates now!” Zanza sent the coordinates for what was the grandest ship in the nearby formation around Interdiction Station Hapsipr – the Unforgiven.

Together the flight darting into a mass of frigates and cruisers. “Nevermind the small fry, go straight for the Heavy Battlecruiser in the middle!” The squadron flew tight between spaces, weaving and turning in long curved dives and ascensions trying to throw off any triangulation of their next movements.

Zanza pushed forward leading the entire flight. “I’m going to draw its fire, you boys go in from below and go for its shields first!” Zanza broke off from the formation and rapidly gaining speed on the Unforgiven dived up in a reckless frontal charge blasting towards the ship’s prow tip to begin a close trench run of its hull trying to quickly close the gap and fly between the turrets to get to their blind spots. But, she’d have to first clear the prow.

The rest of Beast Squadron dove down and made for the bottom hull and attack.

Location: L-49
Allies: Galactic Alliance l [member="Zanza Hijikata"] l [member="Rick Kaloo"] l [member="Jarck Rabsch"]
Enemies: First Order
Directly Engaging: [member="Varas Kyrel"]

People liked to believe they were doing the right thing. Most people, at least.

Wedge wondered if the First Order ever had those thoughts- and then regretted them. To him, they were the embodiment of evil. The Rogue Squadron pilot had only one goal on his mind- total annihilation of the First Order and it's pilots, ships, personnel, and merchandise. No salvation, no mercy. No trials, no tribunals, no courts- just death. Death and only the quiet sound of shovels into dirt to put the bodies in. If he could, if he got what he wanted, however, he wanted them to be sent into a cruel sun, to be incinerated and to be forgotten.

He saw the sharp outline fly over him, the jagged edges of a TIE-interceptor, by the model he recognized- the Silencer.

And it was coming after his compatriots.

Wedge screamed into the comms, a war cry.

He jerked his throttle down, and went in a helix-movement, to come under, then get on top of her. However, in space, that was relative- he was going by the design of her ship to define above and below.

He didn't use a torpedo, instead he opened up with his TR-20s quad-cannons- by aiming in front of the pilot's ship, to plot for her trajectory.
Hex L-49 // ANS Red Veil // Hangar Bay
Faction: The First Order // Enemy: The Galactic Alliance and Mandalorians
Notable PCs: [member="Therran Graush"], [member="The Major"], [member="Lily Kuhn"], [member="Raph Thule"]
Objective: Seize the ANS Red Veil

The Daisya Infiltrator, albeit cloaked, was only capable of carrying a handful of people as passengers. Despite this, other transports had their target which was the same as the Supreme Commander's. They were to secure the enemy's vessel and take their crew hostage. When they were within range, weapons had been primed, and they were unloaded on hangar bay doors, blowing them inwards and soon the cloaked vessel was revealing itself once again to the naked eye, as it passed through and into the hostile vessel.

Back on the Crimson Dawn, it was evident to Arvengis and Atrisha that their vessel was under attack from both the outside and the inside. A host of starfighters, nearly seven hundred strong had fired a single salvo of missiles, with the deadly force of concussion missiles unto the Bridge area of the ship.

Relatives of the Graush, Atrisha some servant turned military commander, and Arvengis actual blood brother to the central line of Graush, were not the sort to die alongside their underlings. Warriors of the Sith, they had already vacated the Bridge with orders to continue on with the mission. Of course, others in the crew were also servants to the Sith, and didn't feel as if they needed to die as well.

Arvengis and Atrisha had made sure they died all the same on the bridge, and the firefight that ensued was ended quickly as the two experienced Sith Warriors picked apart the bridge crew of the Crimson Dawn.

When the concussion missiles struck the bridge and surrounding levels, the first few struck shields, but the distortions within the shields were enough to overload the shields fired by [member="Cathul Thuku"]'s starfighters. Dropping them almost immediately, the next wave of missiles created more and more holes in the T-shape of the top of the ship, to the point that by the time that the last missile struck the Star Destroyer, even those crewmen from the lower levels were being vented into Space, the top of the Destroyer seemingly having parted from the main body of the ship.

Bleeding atmosphere, and a shield less ship, by the time the Mandalorians ([member="Aryn Spar"], [member="Baiko no Kaho"], etc) were on their way to the Bridge, it had been destroyed, though, the lift, not unlike the hull of the Crimson Dawn, continued upwards, even without atmosphere, and a turbolift, more akin to a container of armed soldiers found itself shooting up and into the abyss of empty space, separated from both ship and allies.

Regardless, the waves of fire from the Red Fleet scoured the hull of the Crimson Dawn, rending metal and creating more gaps within the defenseless ship until several more explosions raked through its interior, secondary explosions spreading through the ship until it was breaking apart, the lights that were previously on, dark, as pieces of the hull parted ways and detonated.

The Sith Lord's black form leapt out of the landing ship, leathery belt being dragged from his waist and hardening into a spear by the time he hit the ground, surprised Alliance soldier, impaled as five amphistaff heads tore through his midsection before being dragged out. Somewhere in front of him, he saw the Security Bureau Agent shot down, but the Supreme Commander didn't stop moving, she was just another casualty, and the hydrastaff carved swathes through any enemy that sought to fight the Supreme Commander of the First Order.

Blood soon painting his arms and chest, the Sith Lord finally slowed as he walked to the nearest lift, fingers pressing against the button.

"Secure the Engine Room and the Command Deck."
Commlink off.
"Therran, come," he said, "We head for the Bridge," he said, a handful of Vanguard droids marching up to the Sith Lord on his command, even in the midst of bolts ricocheting throughout the hangar, resistance was being put down even as he waited for the lift.

Pausing, his danger sense tickled, and as he turned, a bolt of energy struck the front of his helmet, but the deflective elements of the armour shot the bolt off of his head and elsewhere, and when he spotted the hostile who fired the bolt, his hand shot out to them, and for a moment nothing happened, until they collapsed almost instantly when the Force crushed the mans heart.

And then the door opened and he stepped in.

Objective: Target Allied Command (Zark's fleet)
Allies: [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Dako Asturo"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
Enemies: [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Zark"] [member="Dorn Skirata"]

“We’re not making a dent in The Itsukuk,” Captain Sloan said, his voice with a slight tremble to it, the kind of trepidation that unsettled the normally emotionless Chiss.

“And why not?”

“We should advance closer toward it and-”

“Leave it,” Morro snapped. “Admiral Rausgeber will know what to do with the Alliance’s flagship. We will attack their flanks and whatever fighters they want to sacrifice for the First Order’s cause.”

“Aye, Captain Morro.”

“Wait, a transmission from the Admiral.”

She could not help but throw a smug grin at Sloan when Rausgeber echoed the very same orders. Forget the giant great white and go for the lean and possibly more deadly barracudas.

“Push everything closer except the Star Destroyers. I want all TIEs now deployed. All other ships that do not have targets or are on defense advance and strike the flank of the Mon Cal vessel.”

No one but the tightest inner circle of officers knew that Captain Morro and her droid companion were paramours, yet their style of leadership could not be more different. As Rausgeber gave an impassioned rallying speech to his crew, huzzahs going up all around, the enigmatic Chiss would merely remain silent as though they were on some kind of exploratory mission and not in the middle of a heated battle. From the outside at least.

Inside, yes there was turmoil behind the blue, cold facade. Fear of failure. Fear of losses that could not be counted. And fear over losing her loved one yet again, this time with no backup plan.

Summary of Actions and Fleet
FIV Assault and FIV Gladiator holding position, their TIEs all on defense
FIV Minotaur defending from Attack Group Esk
All other ships not engaged with Dorn Skirata are attacking Zark’s fleet. See details below.

Lost 12 of the 24 TIE Fighters from the Boneshatter Assault Frigate to return fire by the Incandescent Truth.

5 Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvettes, 6 Charger Corvettes and TIE Raptors deployed and firing at Dorn Skirata’s TU5Ks and fighters.
No interaction with the War Droid.

Ship Name: FIV Minotaur
Ship Class: Assimilator-Class Interdictor Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1050/1200
Armament: Average
Defense: High
Speed: Moderate
Hangar: 2 Squadrons of TIE Interceptors (12 each)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors attacking the Attack Group Esk and defensive fire from the Minotaur

Ship Name: FIV Assault
Ship Class: MANDATOR-X Artillery Dreadnaught
Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: High
Defense: Moderate
Speed: Low
Hangar: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters (12 each)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors defending the ship

Ship Name: FIV Gladiator
hip Class: MANDATOR-X Artillery Dreadnaught
Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: High
Defense: Moderate
Speed: Low
Hangar: 2 squadrons of TIE Fighters (12 each)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors defending the ship

Ship Name: FIV Phalanx
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 350/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rancor Claw, along with 8 Raptors
8 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Cyclone
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 350/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rivers, along with 8 Raptors
8 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Goliath
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 350/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Remember, along with 8 Raptors
8 Raptors half deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Avalanche
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 350/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Nerfherder, along with 8 Raptors
8 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Javelin
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 350/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Lothcat, along with 8 Raptors

Ship Name: FIV Genesis
Ship Class: Fortan II Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Armament: High
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Average
Special: Decoy Probes
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Remember

Ship Name: FIV Infamy
Ship Class: Fortan II Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Armament: High
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Average
Special: Decoy Probes
Actions: Advancing and firing upon on the ANS Rivers

Ship Name: FIV Barbarian
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 171/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Nomad
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 171/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Storm,
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 171/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Blasphemy
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 171/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Revelation
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 171/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Delusion
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 380/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 8 TIE Fighters
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Thunderbolt
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 380/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 8 TIE Fighters
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rancor Claw, TIEs deployed and firing on same target

Ship Name: FIV Dishonor
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 380/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 8 TIE Fighters
Actions: Advancinig and firing upon the ANS Remember, TIEs deployed and firing on same target

Ship Name: FIV Sceptre
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Rift
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Seeker
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Scimitar
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Assault
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Fracture
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions:Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters
Location: The Crimson Dawn, Hex-L49
Allies: GA | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: First Order | [member="Asharad Graush"]
Ship: Orar

The ship shook violently, and suddenly a rush of air tore through the hallway. In an instant Aryn reached out and grappled Baiko, his large hand wrapping around her torso as his other palm snagged onto the edge of a doorway. The vacuum of space ripped through the hull of the Star Destroyer and explosions warped through the metal that stood nearby. In the distance Aryn could swear he heard echoing screams, though with the rush of air it was likely nothing but thought.

A curse echoed through his helmet.

His hand wrapped tightly around the tiny figure of the other Mandalorian, his head swiveling as half a dozen of his brothers struggled to maintain their grip as The Crimson dawn quickly found itself completely and totally torn apart. His HUD blinked as several of the Commandos who had come with him were wiped from existence, explosions and fragmented metal taking their lives in a gruesome embrace. The Togorian scowled, his eye flicking towards the Turbolift shaft.

The suction of air from the space around them ceased, and now he stood in an almost serene silence. He caught brief flashes of light, explosions still tearing along the Hull of the Crimson Dawn as the dead ship still cracked and broke into pieces. Doubtlessly the ship was already in pieces, the Mandalorians scattered across the reaches of whatever had survived the combustion of the vessels innards. His massive body shifted, his arm still wrapped around Baiko.

"Mando'ade" His voice would reach through the ethos of space and through the carnage of the battle.

Communications had long ago been hardened, and he was sure that those around him would hear the growl of his voice. "It seems the pilot chose the wrong ship."

A small chuckle rang through from his voice, almost as if Aryn found the situation funny. His fingers unlaced from Baiko and he signaled her and the others to move forward into the turbolift shaft. The bridge was now missing, and that meant there was a clear exit for himself and the others.

"Regroup. We find a new Prize." Not at all of them were dead yet, and they still had some glory to bring to Ra.
Location: Hex L-49, Aboard Crimson Dawn
Allies: [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: [member="The Major"] | [member="Therran Graush"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]

There was no time to even think about taking the bridge as the ship suddenly and violently began to come apart. As Shukalar scooped up Baiko, Silas followed suit, close at the heels of the Torgorian commander. The shotgun was slung over his back as he jumped for something to grab onto, and thankfully his prosthetic found purchase. Even as the void itself attempted to pull Silas into his death the beskar prosthetic held fast against the call of death.

Then all was silent.

He didn't bother to check who had been lost, they would mourn later. He propelled himself into the turbolift shaft after Aryn and Baiko, failing to take notice that his shotgun had been quite literally ripped from his back and into the void of space. It mattered little, he'd do just fine without it. The First Order could let every ship the Mand'ade touched be destroyed, some of them would still escape, and they would come for them. They would always come.
Location: Pantera-class Stealth Frigate "Nightshade", Sullust Orbit
Objective: Mobilize
Allies: Galactic Alliance and Friends
Opposition: First Order
Directly Opposing: TBD

[SIZE=10pt]She arrived to find her Padawan assembled as requested. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Allyson standing by herself looking pensive. Long dormant emotions began to stir within the heart of the revenant, but she maintained an outward expression of poise as she first focused her attention on Jerit and Kira.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Both emanated with nervous energy, but Kira a great deal more than Jerit, who had never participated in a major operation on this scale before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She approached Kira first, placing a hand on her shoulder.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"I know this is a few steps up from busting pirates, but I trust in your abilities." she glanced over at Jerit. "I trust in both of you. As long as we keep our bearing and work together, then we'll get through this."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She offered a small smile and gave her shoulder a light squeeze before breaking off to address Jerit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Colonel Calderon had nothing but good things to say when I inquired about your actions on Ord Radama. He told me he's looking forward to working with you again. Keep it up."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She left her Padawan alone to finish prepping while she turned to grab her own equipment. Liuna, Dusaro, and Valkren were there, whom she all gave a polite nod of acknowledgement. There was more she wanted to say to Valkren, but he still didn't seem to care much for her and she didn't want to agitate him right before a mission.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Finally, she came back around to Allyson. She could still scarcely believe the Rogue had come, but there she was. Her feet dragged as she considered what to say.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden jolt of the ship, which made her falter. As she steadied herself, she saw Allyson cursing, then kneeling to snatch up a pair of clear packets that had slipped out of her jacket.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]With a great sense of dread, she recognized the contents of packets. Spice. It actually wasn't all that unusual to see pilots or agents doping on all matter of drugs to deal with demanding schedules and the stresses of combat, but she abhorred the stuff all the same, having seen it destroy so many lives in her community as a child. Having her abilities emerge during that time, she could literally feel the disturbed thoughts of addicts as their minds began to rot. No battlefield horror had ever come close to rocking her like those initial experiences as a raw Force Sensitive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Rekindled affections were quickly swallowed up by new wave of anger and disgust as she narrowed her eyes at the Corellian.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She let out a heavy breath, then brought her lips next to the side of Allyson's head to whisper so no one could eavesdrop.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"I'm going to pretend that chit you just dropped were sweeteners,” she hissed. “and then I'm going to hope that you're fit for duty, lieutenant. Countless lives are depending on it."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]There was a heavy emphasis on the last word by the general, coming out almost as a low growl. Angry, about the only thing that kept her from tossing Allyson in the brig was the fact that the technopath was crucial to her plans. While fuming, she was also praying that the woman wasn't currently spiced out of her mind as to become useless with the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Flush that chit and and then get stim shot from the flight doc."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She pulled away, lingering on Allyson's face with a glare before storming off to gather her equipment and go change, shaking her head the whole time.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]White Jedi robes now replaced by black [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Shadow Armor[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], she stood in the middle of a small gathering of operatives that would be joining her during the boarding attempt, holding up a small holoprojector in her hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"From the GADF and Silver vessels deployed at L4, we've been able to gather a rough picture of the platform we're dealing with."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]A rendering of the interdictor station came up, a conical shaped structure that reminded her a lot of the [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Beldon mining stations[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] produced by SEC, just larger. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Looks to be about 1800 meters at its longest dimension. By contrast, the Centerpoint Station, the only other platform known to have comparable interdiction capabilities, was 350km long. How they achieved such an engineering marvel in miniaturization is incredible in itself, which is why we need to take this station."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"The boarding group will be divided into three strike teams. Alpha team (Dusaro, Kira) will disable the comm and sensor arrays on the exterior of the station, but keep the shield emitters intact. Delta team (Valkren, Jerit) will seize control of engineering and slave the hyperdrive to our ships with our own transceivers. Finally, Gamma team (Jyoti, Liuna, Allyson) will target their CIC and main computer to bring the internal systems under our control. Strike teams will be supplemented by droid units that will create a distraction and help in subduing enemy defenses on board."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]That was it. The plan itself wasn't complicated or flashy, but would require each team to complete their equally important assignments for overall mission success.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Now report to your transports, it's time to get going."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She considered ending the mission briefing with some sort of rousing speech, but decided against it. It would be patronizing. The soldiers and Jedi before her were mostly seasoned professionals, many of them having been fighting since the days of the Old Republic. Some even fought for the idea of a New Republic. They wouldn't be here they if they didn't understand the stakes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She simply closed the holoprojector, saluted, and then left for the hangar.[/SIZE]
Order of Battle

[SIZE=10pt]Black Group[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]1x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Pantera Stealth Frigate[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nightshade[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]5x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Eidolon Stealth Transports[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt](Please note: Some other PCs will be coming with their own transports like the ones above.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Silver Group[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]1x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Akula Heavy Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Lament of Ossus[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Centurion Battlecruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Seolhyun, Irene[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nebel ELINT Frigate[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Luxxanna, R'hllor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]20x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Kometa Ramships[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - (R1-R20)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Red Group (Reserve)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]3x Pantera Stealth Frigate - Corvus, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Circinus Bulk Corvette[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Clurichaun, Abhartach[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]SK-02 Mantis Squadron (12) (6 standard config, 6 endurance config)[/SIZE]

[member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

[member="Zark"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Kira Novak"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Location: Hex L-49 engaging [member="Zanza Hijikata"]​
Objective: Prevent enemy bombers from reaching the fleet.​
Allies: [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Vlannem Pox"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Samka Derith"] First Order​
Enemies: [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Jarck Rabsch"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Zark"] Galactic Alliance.​
Ship: TIE Silencer
Kyrel led the charge against the fighter squadrons, feeling more alive then he had in years. His hands on the control yoke as he pressed the acceleration upon his TIE Silencer firing a barrage of green blasts into the mix of A-Wings, and X-Wings. Several of them getting caught in the crossfire and exploding in a fit of flames and smoke. While the X-Wing that was leading the Fighter Group. Kyrel could then feel a surge of dark side energy, the energy feeling him with confidence, with courage enough to where he felt that his enemy would stand no chance against him, he could feel that even his flying became easier.
He spun the fighter avoiding laser blasts as he felt a familiar presence bolster him. The presence of Decitus Ren. Decitus, of course, seemed to have mastered Battle meditation. He grinned as the X-Wing was starting to fly above him. He laughed sensing a light side signature aboard it sensing that it was a Jedi or at least some Light Sider, to which Kyrel grinned at the thought, for too long as he had waited for his revenge. He would finally make the Jedi pay for their crimes against the innocent and the weak, He missed the X-Wing if only briefly, his sensors chirping as Varas broke away from the formation.
He cursed himself as the girl disobeyed him, he would have to have a talk with her later, but for now, she broke away to deal with the fighters, for now, he tailed after a squadron of A-Wings. Sensing their fear he targeted them and looked at the fighters, targeting them one by one he fired, the burst fire of green blasts hitting at least two of the A-Wings, they exploded violently while Kyrel grinned, enjoying how they died.
He, of course, tailed the Fighters but knowing that another fighter pilot along with Varas. He got a better idea as he decided to back off of his previous engagement and engage the Itsukusk. He directed the Silencer in its path while it was being bombarded from other Capital Ships. He found himself a better target, as he tried to avoid the turbolaser blasts, TIE Fighters and Alliance craft mixing in with a beautiful display of green and red blasts.
As Kyrel was fast approaching, Kyrel came up with an idea as he patched himself through to Captain [member="Morro"] flagship The FIV Minotaur, Kyrel speaking to the commanding officer, he said to her in an icy tone. "Captain Morro... This is Kyrel Ren... I am going for the Istkusk bridge... Lay down suppressing fire and target their shields." He said as he sped quickly towards the flagship, spinning the fighter avoiding enemy contact as best as he could.
His heart was racing, excitement flooding his veins as he saw the command bridge and the big flagship, coming into his sights. His sensors beeping as he avoided the Turbolasers, spinning his craft in a barrel roll as he saw the bridge in his sights, and pressed down on his triggers, Ion cannon fire hitting the bridge in his attempted his first strafing. His blood boiling as he was attempting to fire upon the flagship, everything leading to this moment, all the deaths, all the warmongering, all the innocent lives lost due to the carnage. This time justice would be served as now as he tried to fire upon the command ship.
Location: The Wreck of the Crimson Dawn, Hex-L49
Allies: GA | Aryn Spar | Adora Namadi | Baiko no Kaho | Listralli Namadi | Silas Mantis | Dorn Skirata | Davon Karr | Dagon Namadi
Enemies: First Order |
Ship: Orar
Gear: Cin'tracinya - the Silver Flame
"Regroup. We find a new Prize."

Shia shook her head and winced, straining her muscles and servos to push the bulkhead that had crushed her and half a dozen First Order stormtroopers against a wall. Cin'tracinya had a nice new dent to be worked out and she'd definitely blacked out. The storm troopers... well...

The bulkhead slid off and she got to her feet, magboots locking against the deck.

"Acknowledged. Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."

Someone already had, zealots they might be, but she couldn't but admire the First Order troops. She glanced at her HUD, then began to slowly make her way towards [member="Aryn Spar"] through the gutted ruins of the Crimson Dawn. As ever with vacum operations, the absolute silence was overpowering, almost oppressive.

As she turned a corner, she saw a terrified vacsuited First Order zealot turn towards her, he or she raised their blaster, but Shia simply shook her head and gestured past the figure towards where the escape pods might - just might - still be. There was a long moment, then the figure turned and ran silently for the presumed safety.

Honestly, Shia wished them well. Who sacrifices a Star Destroyer simply to make a point? And who willingly serves such men? She would never understand...

Location: L-49
Allies: GA [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Zark"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Zanza Hijikata"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
Enemies: FO [member="Robogeber"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Dako Asturo"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Morro"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Emilia Ravel"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Directly engaging: [member="Dako Asturo"] [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Morro"] [member="Robogeber"]
Objective: Breach the blockade
Music: In the Name of Bern (Sword of Seals)

"The Supreme Commander's flagship, the Crimson Dawn, has been annihilated, with three more escort frigates being destroyed" Tanith reported in.

"Good, we scored the first kills of the day"

Killing three escort frigates in an attempt to hit the station was better than nothing. And so was damaging other enemy ships positioned in front of the station, which caused them to loosen formation because of the damage caused by the debris of the frigates being killed. But by warding the fleet against debris buffeting, amid the sea of debris caused by their own ships getting destroyed, especially the Crimson Dawn, the enemy fleet diminished what screening protection they could afford against the Alliance's fire. Especially with high-velocity debris flying among the First Order fleet arrayed around Triaxis, with a cloud of debris threatening every First Order ship in the area, and some of which is getting sucked into the station's gravity well. But this time around, the Itsukusk was the main target for the enemy, not the Excubitor, and, amid the confusion, some friendlies have come use their shuttles in an attempt to reinforce the security, feeling that the ship was vulnerable to boarding, as well as some hostiles that attempted to board the enemy battlecruiser. Which had some head start over the friendlies. With [member="Kiyron"] now taking over the ship's security, she could now fully focus on the battle, realizing that, even with the loosened formation, the enemy ships still had enough of a profile to cause fire directed at the enemy station to instead hit the screening ships. That is, until their sensors are getting blacked out as a result of Triaxis engaging some sort of sensor jamming. Fortunately, the debris allowed to avoid the worst of the enemy fire; the Executioner didn't even have long-range weapons, so any fire directed at the Excubitor from that range was pretty diminished.

"Our forward shields are draining... our sensors are now blacked out!" the Excubitor's chief engineer announced, in a state of panic.

"Activate the ECCM suite!"

"Roger, roger" Amica acknowledged, sounding almost like a B1 battle droid by now.

The effects of the blackout forced Amica to activate the electronic counter-countermeasures, especially those relevant to countering the sort of sensor blackout-inducing jamming they were experiencing, but also to scrape what target painting could be scraped off. Slowly, but surely, the effects of were diminished. Now, Amica knew that their own ECCM was not going to be perfect, even with two vessels providing those. The sensor blackout was lifted, but their ability to established targeting solutions was nowhere near perfect, since it was all too clear that their sensors were not yet operating at full capacity. And their ability to establish targeting solutions suffered for it. Even though fire control won't be perfect, it's better than nothing, at least we may be scoring a few hits, just not as many as we would hope for under EWAR neutrality, she thought, while realizing that the enemy frigates and escorts have started to close in on them. It became increasingly pressing for them to deal with the enemy pickets, lest they overrun not only Zark, but Therapy Command, too.

"The Supreme Commander's ship being destroyed is actually of limited consequence to the enemy morale. The more enemy ships we kill, the more debris will come buffet Triaxis; by using buzz droids we may be able to tear parts of the ship out"

"But, admiral, the Executioner is still out of standard turbolaser range!"

"Once the missiles go dead-stick, they will disappear from sensors as well. If these MIRVs hit their marks, they should drop buzz droids onto the Executioner's dorsal hull. Also, even if the missiles are destroyed, some of the buzz droids may still survive"

"What about the enemy pickets closing in on our position?" the sensor technician asked.

"Fire at enemy pickets from standard turbolaser range! Concentrate heavy weapons fire on the station! Also, Chiloon-I squadrons, slip past the enemy fighters underneath, under our owh ships' cover and out of enemy point-defense range; fire missiles underneath the station once you enter standard turbolaser range from it, and return to ship afterward"

Many of the dorsal batteries of the Excubitor could still fire at immobile targets, such as Triaxis, albeit with somewhat less precision or efficiency, within a special band of range called heavy turbolaser range, longer than standard turbolaser range but shorter than long-range turbolaser range. So, while they realize that some of the enemy ships screening Triaxis were within heavy turbolaser range of the Excubitor, it didn't prevent Therapy Command from unleashing a long-range barrage made up of largely the same stuff that has been previously fired at the station, with the added bonus of weapons whose total firepower added the equivalent of about a thousand extra turbolasers in heavy weapons to the barrage of fire, as they spot an opening that was still somewhat unclear because of the remaining sensory problems. And the Excubitor's 55 heavy launchers all fired their MIRV payloads, laden with five Discord missiles apiece, at the Executioner, splitting up before going dead-stick, and the enemy will end up facing 275 dead-stick Discord missiles as well as the Destiny ramming it. But the 16 squadrons' roundabout maneuvers will likely not be as effective: whereas the enemy point-defense only shot down a little over a quarter of the missiles when attacking the Crimson Dawn, it's likely that a higher fraction of the submunitions won't make it. Nevertheless, the 16 squadrons still fired their Djinn payloads out of range of both enemy shipboard point-defense and the station's, because they were instructed to fire ordnance from standard turbolaser range before returning to ship to get re-armed.

"How are we to deal with Triaxis? The station is still up and killing it is the first step towards restoring the freedoms of trade and travel"

"We will need all the tractor beams we have that can be pointed at it, tractor the Crimson Dawn's command tower in position and, once it's in position, reverse polarity, full power"

Closer to their own fleet, the enemy pickets closing in on [member="Zark"] were being hammered by a heavy volume of fire, and they were going to come under heavy turbolaser fire, nearly 1500 turbolasers being fired somewhat wildly, given the sensors not being at optimal efficiency, at a variety of corvettes, light frigates. And also 250 proton torpedoes fired at the heavy corvettes, as well as 32 more MIRVs, each with five concussion missiles as submunitions, for a total of over 400 such missiles; even if they knew not many would actually hit, it was a worthwhile distraction to screen their own fighters from enemy point-defense. At last, they could run Carlyle's Special onto Triaxis, while the Crimson Dawn's derelict command tower was tractored into position, overhead the Excubitor, with the firing line being right where the topside opening is. Once the tractor beams' polarity was reversed, the Dagger-sized derelict hunk of metal was slung towards Triaxis at speed, accelerating under the effects of the gravity well the station was still projecting, in hopes of hitting either the station or one of the larger ships in the screen.

  • Used the Providences' ECCM to counter the sensor jamming and target painting
  • Opened fire at long range at Triaxis
  • Fired Discord missiles at the Executioner
  • Had 16 squadrons launch an attack on Triaxis using cluster missiles
  • Tractored the husk of the Crimson Dawn's command tower and chucked it onto Triaxis after reversing tractor beam polarity

Capital ships:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser) | Shields: 55% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Harbinger (long-range only) Executioner (missile only) Daggers (trench batteries)
ANS Velga (Providence-X-class carrier/destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Harbinger (long-range only) corvettes (all other capital batteries)
ANS Lujo (Providence-X-class carrier/destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Harbinger (long-range only) corvettes (all other capital batteroes)
ANS Metellos (Metellos-class frigate carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: enemy fighters
ANS Third Variable (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: corvettes
ANS Causal Claim (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: corvettes
ANS Double Counting (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: corvettes
ANS Skor (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Polis Massa (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
S-1 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-2 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-3 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-4 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-5 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-6 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-7 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters
S-8 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, enemy fighters

Attack craft:

192 Chiloon-I fighters
108 Chiloon-II fast bombers
Location: Arriving at the Excubitor
Primary Objective: Assassinate Admiral [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Secondary Objective: Capture GA personnel, sabotage Procurator.
Allies: First Order, The Golden Company, [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Xenro"]
Enemies: [member="Kiyron"], Cathul Thuku
Equipment: See signature + G-11F

Holding onto the strap with a white-knuckle grip, Emilia watch as the torrent of fighters spewing out from the mighty Alliance flagship swept past them. As each craft sped by, headed for the First Order blockade that ringed the Alliance's ships, she waited with bated breath. The starfighters did not turn to attack them, likely due to their civilian transponders. If only they knew what was speeding towards their capital ships. The fighters continued to stream past, an uninterrupted flow slipping straight past their gunships. Until the gunner fired. She looked on in horror as the bolts sailed from their ship into the final group of fighters, her mouth agape.

"Blast!" She exclaimed as one of the fighters came around, letting loose a spray of fire that impacted against the gunship's shields. She stumbled back, instinctively raising a hand to shield her face. Within moment the strange otherworldly calm had returned, and as the gunship turned into its final approach towards the flagship of Admiral Cathul Thuku, the Procurator she found herself collected and in control. The ship rumbled and groaned, rattling as it tore its way through the Alliance onslaught. It was too little too late. The final nail in the coffin was the cloaking field. One of the mercenaries spoke aloud, some nonsense she didn't understand, but a moment later a bubble surrounded the ship, and the nearest fighters flew by, having lost their prey.

Emilia cocked her weapon, taking it from its place on her shoulder and holding it loosely in front of her. "Positions." She said, moving with the other mercs towards the rear loading ramps. Ahead of her, the second gunship entered a steep climb rushing from the ventral surface that they had crossed, up and into the port hangar. Their cloaked vessel followed a moment later, staying hidden as their compatriots drew the fire. The first ship was in, landing promptly aboard 1/3 of the way into the hangar. Immediately the bubble turrets got to work, eliminating the first turret emplacements, and the initial soldier responding to the boarders. For now, the maintenance crew was left cowering behind whatever cover they could find as the hangar erupted into utter chaos.

Seconds later, their ship had joined the first, the cloaking bubble still active and hiding them from view. "Quickly now. Let's go." She barked, and the Sun Guards rushed off of the ship, each one taking a position around the ship. Inside, a more experienced gunner replaced the rookie that had almost cost them the mission. The entire setup took no longer than 15 seconds.

She raised her G-11F rifle, aiming towards a blast door from which Alliance troops were steadily arriving. "Now!" She yelled, firing her own weapon. At the same time, the Sun Guards fired, sending a wave of crimson bolts through the air of the hangar. The bubble turret of their ship joined the first, shattering the cloaking and wreaking havoc throughout the hangar. Emilia fired off a few rounds, but she wasn't skilled enough to hit a moving target from across the hangar. She cursed her own inability, hunkering down behind a loading crate and pressing the transmit button on the side of her helmet.

:: "This is Bureau Chief Ravel. We're inside the Excubitor, currently engaging hostiles. We will keep you advised." ::

Above her, blaster fire filled the air, shouts and explosions filled the small space, both sides locked in a fierce battle with limited cover. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible!" She shouted above the noise. If they lingered too long, they would surely be overrun. Sticking her head up to gain an idea of their surroundings, Emilia spotted a door not far from them. "Door, bearing 250, let's move." Slowly, covered by the two ships, the group began inching towards the door, trapped in a hell of death and blasters.

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