Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L,

Location: Hex L,49
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: The First Order, [member="Robogeber"], [member="Vlannem Pox"], [member="Theo Katarn"]
Objective: Defend the Excubitor

Jax slammed his gloved fist against the flight console in fustration as the remains of Alder Squadron pulled out from his focal point. Cowards…. He thought to himself. The First Order and the Empire had fear in common and while they relished in it, their armies were only fending off their foes to ensure they would live another day. The Alliance in that regard had always had a sense of belonging and since joining up, Jax truly felt like he was in a family with them with a common goal to rid the galaxy of terror and the dark side alike. With the help of Rogue three he managed to shot down two of the incoming TIEs firsthand with proton torpedoes before they even signified a retreat but it wasn't enough to avenge the loss of Rogue Seven who had become a ball of durasteel moments prior.

There had been no personal connection to the pilot but knowing that he was responsible for the demise was gutting further proofing that he was no leader although he had to admit it felt good to pull on the reigns just this once. If there was even a next time he wouldn't be so off his game, if the alliance gave him a second chance. Perhaps he was just over thinking things. New orders were indicated from the Rogues who hadn't perished yet to aid the Alliance fleet with the opposing First Order forces who were coming down on them at full force. "Form up." Jax spoke with deflation in tone towards his only wingman at this current moment. "They're heading for the Excubitor, we'll need to hold em' off for as long as we can." Pulling on the yoke, Jax positiioned his T-20 in a mount. Accelerating forward in the direction the retreating Alder Squadron went in.

Alliance corvettes in his sights were already doing a mighty fine job but that did not mean he could not have a little fun while he was at it. The remaining Rogues who hadn't wondered off to go on their own suicide mission were already in position giving it their all to oppose the incoming TIEs who swarmed around the alliance ship with their own array of green laser fire. Jerking hard right, Jax locked on an incoming fighter and fired setting it ablaze in an instant. It wouldn't be enough but the kill itself was satisfactory. He just had to hold on and fight for as long as he could.

"R5, find me something else to blow up!" The droid at the given command got to work and moments later gave Jax the coordinates to a turbolaser turret. Slamming the stick down, Jax closed in on the turret; twirling for it as sprays of turbolasers fired upon his craft. Smirking he spun his fighter around, deflecting the blasts as much as he could before getting a lock on and firing on the blasted turret and watching it burst into flames.

He felt much better already but he still had a job to do.

Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum

Runewarrior of the Clan Veranum (Chaotic Good)

Location: Hex L-49, Main Hangar of the Istukusk
Objective: A Golden Spear, A Cold Despair
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Zark"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Krayn Ren"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Varas Kyrel"],
Equipment: Durasteel/Duranium Runic Khazund Heavy Mechanized Armor, Imbued Runic Duranium Vibro-longaxe, Collection of Duranium Throwing Axes, Anti-Force User Grenade, Heavy Magnetic Revolver, Blaster Pistol, combat lightsaber (blue blade), Heavy Bolter

Main Hangar, Supercarrier The Itsukusk,


Came from one obscure corner of the Istukusk's, still a horrible name to remember how to spell, hangar as the resident Space Dwarf was dealing with another sickening fit as the Itsukusk refused to stop trembling and shaking from under the distress and onslaught of First Order ships. However it seemed that the trouble was not over for the capital ship's crew, in fact it seemed more was coming, but at least so was more excitement to break Ghor's boredom and allow him have some impact in the fight. While the droid- dwarf! He's a dwarf! While the dwarf was busy throwing up a terrible crashing noise emanated out from the larger hangar opening just nearby, from what it sounded like it was the metallic scream of some sort of fighter crushing into durasteel floor and skidding along,

"Feth me this better nah be a droid."

The dwarf muttered to himself still leaning against the trash can he was using as a repository of his sick before leaning back from behind his nook just in time to catch the sight of Kyrel jumping out from his TIE silencer and quickly going into combat against the GA marine defender garrison.

"Chit, chit, chit."

Ghor started out yet another string of curses, spewing it from his stained beard and thick mustache as he reached out to grab his helmet, not bothering to properly clean himself off as he slapped the thick metal brain-bucket onto his head, activating its HUD and various protection mechanisms as with a hissing sound the helmet sealed and its plate shifted to connect with the rest of his runic mechanized armor, although still majority of his long wide beard hanged off below it.

His Heavy Bolter was next, the large caliber repeater the dwarf picked up in the capital ship's armory, a result of the relationship between GA and Firemane, a heavy and cruel gun, spewing out an explosive shot after shot, as much of a repeater as it was a grenade launcher. The dwarf lifted up the large gun with a grunt, almost effortlessly in his thick muscular limbs as he cocked and set it, taking off the safety and preparing it for combat. Storming out from his nook with a hefty pant the dwarf used the chaos of the battle, mainly the fact that Kyrel was busy fighting off other GA soldiers and another TIE fighter barreled into the hangar and slammed into the durasteel floor nearby, to get into position, finding off a nice spot near some thick barrels and crates on which he set his Heavy Bolter.

Whatever powers Kyrel or other Force users may have been using to spread panic, just how the Jedi conjured their battle meditation, it did not seem to affect the dwarf. Again, it may have had something to do with the stubbornness and willfulness of his species, or his experience in similar battles fighting off other Force users, or the fact that at this point the two techniques were fighting each other, but either way even if others would begin to flee or waver, the dwarf was determined to stand his ground.

"Fething kids."

Was his chosen catchphrase as the dwarf took aim towards Kyrel and his ship with the Heavy Bolter and pulled the trigger. The barrel of the gun exploded in a muzzle flash as it chunked out the explosive bolt, sending it out towards the other Force user. Should the projectile be blocked, it would have exploded, should it be pushed aside or stopped, it would have exploded, should it meet a Force field, it would have exploded, creating a powerful explosion with range of five meters and then sending out residual shockwave and sharpnel even further. The upside of Kyrel deciding to use every skill he had to kill the nearest GA soldiers rather than stunning or bypassing them was that at this point the dwarf didn't really had to worry that much about other soldiers becoming a collateral. The Sith may have an ability to use Force speed but the dwarf's reflexes and aim seemed to have been augmented as well, tapping into his own connection to the Force.

The next second another bolt would be sent out, and then the next, and the next, keeping the trigger pulled and firing towards Kyrel until the dwarf would be either interrupted or he would run out of ammunition.

In between the repeating thunderous sound of his Heavy Bolter clanking along with a nice meaty THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP the dwarf raised his voice, sending out a report on his comm-link to other GA forces aboard, confirming what Zark already sensed,

"Oy! We've been fethin' boarded, thar be a fething' Farce-User een 'ere! Send the fething lads ya fracks before more caem een're!"

Hopefully his allies would be able to understand that the dwarf was screaming through his commlink in between the rather loud gunshots.

Location: On the surface of Barrini Station, assaulting the communications array
Faction: Order of the Silver Jedi
Allies: Galactic Alliance et al.
Enemies: First Order
Nearby Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Liuna Ondizi"] | [member="Dusaro Dresari"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"]
Nearby Enemies: [member="Racosidae"] | (If there are any others nearby please let me know!)
Post Tracker (* = current): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5*

Lightsaber (standard)
Space suit (standard)
Blaster pistol (standard)


The transport rocked, the ramp hit the side of the station, and suddenly it had begun. Troopers swarmed out of the six transports they had brought with them. All around them the battle raged. In the distance she could make out the ships of the First Order and the Galactic Alliance, while dozens of civilian vessels floated uselessly in all directions. It was an odd sensation, being on the outside of a space station, looking out onto the carnage, and not hearing a single sound, save for ones own bated breath. She tried to breathe normally, but it was impossible under the circumstances. I'll just have to get used to it.

She ran forward with Dusaro but it was slow going. These blasted gravity boots will be the death of us. We're so vulnerable out here, if we get attacked it will be bad. Kira let him look forward and lead the troops onward to the communications array while she focused on watching their backs. Behind them the defensive turrets on the station fired upon their transports and the troops that had been left behind to guard them. Please hold, please hold. She didn't want to think about what would happen if they were left with no escape, stranded on the side of a space station in the middle of a war-zone. You'll die out here. You'll freeze and gasp for breathe. Her mind raced with fear and doubt, and she could do nothing to stop it this time, only ignore it.

"Shut up!" she yelled inside her helmet.

They soon rounded the station and the array came into view. It was a huge hulking monstrosity of a dish-shaped antenna, protruding outwards for what Kira guessed was hundreds of feet. Or thousands. It was impossible to determine its exact size. My perspective is all out of whack. There were still no enemy soldiers to be seen. Their troops continued to dismantle the defenses of the station as they ran forward. The transport ships they had came on had disappeared from view by now, and it was impossible to tell if they were still there unharmed, or if some terrible fate had befallen them. She hoped not. From what she could see though, they were doing well. We're doing it, we're doing it!

A sense of dread overcame her suddenly. This isn't from me, she quickly realized, it's something more. Her shaking came back as fear coursed through her veins. It's coming from inside the station!

Kira put her hand up to the side of her helmet, switching on the comm-link and connecting her to Dusaro. "Do you feel that?" she asked, her voice quivering. "There's something in the station, something... foul," she couldn't think of any other way to describe it. "Someone strong in the Force. In the dark side." She unhooked her saber from her belt, its blue light reflecting in the durasteel below. "We have to hurry!"


Hex L-49 // ANS Red Veil // BRIDGE
Faction: The First Order // Enemy: The Galactic Alliance and Mandalorians
Notable PCs: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="The Major"], [member="Lily Kuhn"], [member="Raph Thule"]
Objective: Seize the ANS Red Veil, Eliminate Defenders.


Therran immediately realized the Force negating powers the two Graush's target had. His eyes fell upon the man's back instinctively, the odd shape of pack took his attention.

Meanwhile, Asharad was evading death by using meat shields.

The Sith Knight's complete focus on the bridge protectors made him vulnerable to any potential attacks from his allies such as the oddball Major. He had been used to not trust anyone but his sheer determination to annihilate the enemy and seize this ship turned into tunnel vision for him.

Graush tapped into the ethereal, feeling controlled rage seeping into his veins fueling his powers, and in the blink of an eye various objects from pieces of destroyed wall to chairs and heavy screens and machinery were hurled from numerous sides all heading at the back of the anti-Force soldier with high velocity.
Allies: The First Order, [member="Ara Zambrano"] & [member="Sieger Ren"]
Apprentices: [member="Elensa Jari"], [member="Xiomar Ren"].
Opposition: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Halron Corr"]
NPC's: Special Forces Squadron "Iron Mantle" | Omega Four-Five-Nine
Special Inventory: Click Here!

"Commander, Fedahkin" Caehl turned to the Special Forces unit, his pace falling to a halt before he and his Apprentice would enter into the Turbo Lifts instead acknowledging the squad leader with a firm tone, a mechanical monotone to his words that would be expressed in command that she obey or suffer under him; "Leave us. Take your men and sweep the Executioner deck by deck. Kill everything that does not belong. Priorities have changed, you will report directly to me. Go".

Standing before her five members of the Iron Mantle Squadron, Commander Alia Fedahkin nodded firmly in compliance. "It will be done, my Lord", she responded curtly, a sense of urgency within her demeanor as she turned and swiftly moved to lead the team in the opposite direction; each of them clad in their FO-X1 Infiltration "Shadowtrooper" Armour and contrasting from the rest of the Storm-Trooper personnel moving about the flagship in search of their intruders or otherwise going about their stations in service to the Supreme Leader.

"Lieutenant Fremen, fall back and cover our six" the Commander turned to look to their Reconnaissance member, Naraj Fremen armed with her S-42R Sniper Rifle and a Silenced Comet OSM-10 Sidearm. Quarters were tight and the rifle would prove difficult were they to engage the enemy and she be up in-front as would usually be the norm out in the field; here however the corridors gave little freedom to explore such skills; "Choose your targets and make each shot count Fremen...-You may not get a second chance" Alia made sure to remind her female companion.

Sietch Tabr would take the front during this sweep, their heavy weapons and explosives specialist, he carried the FWMB-10 repeating blaster free of any tri-pod or other accessories meant for a typically stationary weapon. The heavy Repeater had a tonne of recoil when carried as it was, yet the rate of fire in close quarters was enough to mow down the biggest of men and his experience over the years had seen him take quite a liking to the heavy rifle. Behind him following closely was Agent, Gara Harken whose SB-U01 Wrist Datapad displayed a tactical readout of the FIV Executioner, tapped into the FOSB Database as well as the vessels security grid, he was the eyes and ears for the unit as they moved deeper into the Resurgent Destroyer.

Both Sergeant, Kulon Otheym, second in command, and Agent, Mira Scytale who were the squads field Medic moved at the sides of the group, armed with their F-11D Blaster Rifles, First Order standard issue for the Storm-Trooper Corps keeping note of their surroundings with their Commander dead center. "What're we looking at Harken?" Otheym asked with less question and more of a demand behind his voice, his eyes glaring down the iron-sights of his rifle as they moved, turning at every corner and keeping close watch over their sectors while Sietch would bring up the vessels security databank, accessing the ships internal sensors. "Roughly a dozen enemy combatants Sir, Ventral Hangar and moving through the mid-section. Heading towards Engineering by the look of it..." outnumbered two to one, Iron Mantle now on their own without their superiors, had a job to do and a general direction to move in. Leaving the Supreme Leader in better hands, the Special Forces unit all picked up their pace, heading lower into the ship on their way to engage the enemy at long last.
Aryn Teth

FIV Executioner, Hex L-49
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member='Coren Starchaser']​
Enemies: The First Order, FIV Executioner, [member='Sieger Ren'], [member='Xiomar Ren']​
Objective: Assassinate Supreme Leader Sieger Ren, Disable the FIV Executioner
Nodding his head towards Coren, Aryn looked back towards BB-3 as the droid began to beep excitedly, having gained access to a number of cameras. The droid continued to beep for some time, explaining the vast majority of what it could see through the cameras, including the crews of soldiers searching the ship for boarders. Aryn swore momentarily under his breath, until the droid continued with an idea of its own. Considering the fact that the ship was on full alert, much of the crew was hurrying around on duties, two more troopers running around would likely go relatively un-noticed. As Aryn's face lit up with the idea, he glanced around the hangar, and was greeted with the sight and sound of the troopers surrounding himself and Coren.

Turning his gaze back to Coren, he gave the other Jedi a smirk. Grabbing his lightsaber, the fight was over almost as quickly as it had begun. "Come on, I have a plan." Leading Coren up the ladder, it wasn't long before Aryn was able to find a pair of First Order TIE pilot uniforms. Pulling it out, he tossed one towards Coren with the helmet on top. "Get changed."

In quick form, Aryn had changed himself into the TIE flight suit, placing the helmet on as he tucked his lightsaber away, hidden in the armour as he looked over towards Coren. "Ready to go? Chances are this will at least get us the majority of the way to Ren." Giving his partner a nod, Aryn made his way back down to the hangar and out, leaving BB-3 to remain tapped into the ship's systems in case he could provide any major assistance. Making his way through the halls, Aryn made sure to focus on the dark feeling surrounding him in the force, trying to clarify everything about it so he could follow it clearly to the source, to Sieger Ren himself. Troopers passed him as he wandered through the hall, but as Aryn kept determination and confidence in his stride, they all passed by without concern. Aryn could only wonder how long that would last.

Elensa Jari

Location | Onboard the FIV Executioner, Hex L-49​
Faction | First Order, acting against the Galactic Alliance​
Allies In Vicinity | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"]​
Enemies | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"] |​

The turbolifts moved with exquisite slowness, to Elensa's mind, just sufficiently of pace that she could feel like they were moving at all. But now urgency rises, and we must be everywhere at once. Elensa hated feeling this way, that sense that there was no single purpose, but rather one that diffused into many theatres. A simple mistaken choice, an action delayed by a moment, and all could be lost. She felt that keenly: they were being boarded. Now was not the time to dawdle pleasantly in a turbolift, surrounded by armour, the smell of sweat and the cold sense of fear and dangerous anticipation.

There was more to it all than just the presence of the elite troopers and her new teacher: others were there, too. She recognised the newer aura of the Supreme Leader washing over her, his mind in contact with hers as it was with the others. Such a powerful being, to project that far and not feel his mind splitting apart from the strain, she marvelled. She'd heard of such power before, but to feel it firsthand was a very different matter altogether. Then there was another - the mind of a stranger that had nonetheless reached out to join this strange meld, and there was a current of power running through that connection. Making her feel awake, alive, strong. Truly a marvel, what these Ren are capable of. The Sith would never have done something like this.

The doors opened and the men and women that had crammed in disgorged in a wave of armoured flesh, going forth towards their assignments as ordered. Elensa hadn't failed to notice that Caehl had taken charge over troops that she was ostensibly in charge of, but she also sensed that the game had changed: now, perhaps, he could not afford to place experienced troops in her hands and risk them being in the wrong place at the wrong moment. Which makes sense, but to suddenly tear them from my grasp hardly speaks to confidence in my ability to direct them. She stomped on that nagging sense of disappointment, directing it inward, using it as she had been taught. No use wasting emotion that may yet serve you.

Reaching across to tap her Master sharply on the shoulder, the young woman used her free right hand to quickly sign, breaking the word down into letters, so that he might be more likely to understand. E-N-G-I-N-E-E-R-I-N-G. A question, although she could not quite make him understand that it was such - she just had to rely on his recognition of the context. To her mind, there were only two reasonable destinations for an intruder. The first was the Bridge, to kill the officers, murder or capture the Supreme Leader if he had remained there, and to capture the operating centre of the ship, to have it under their command. But there was an easier way: take Engineering. The Bridge was fortified, with blast doors that could shut and seal quickly, with armed guards at the side of the Supreme Leader. The Engineering Bay was filled with technicians, and yet held most of the sensitive equipment required to allow the ship to function. Destroy that, and we're disabled. That's where she would go, if it were her op.

The nature of the intruders was unknown, but she could sense battle: the heat of violence perpetrated through the vessel, the bright candles in the darkness extinguished suddenly, one at a time, their lives ripped away from them without ceremony. She could practically see it: doors slamming open, men and women moving quickly across the deckplate, their boots thudding against the metal deck, blasters trained and firing, sizzling bolts of red and blue crossing the distance in a heartbeat to put an end to those of their target. And through it all, the darkness rises. Wherever there was death, so was the darkness fed. And what are we but children of the Dark?

Her pale-blue eyes flashed, the irises changing colour with a suddenness that would have startled her, had she seen it. Consumed with a fiery yellow, she felt energy surge through her, that sudden moment of clarity feeling the dark all around them and drawing it inward, permeating flesh and bone, filling her with that cold energy, hers to use as she wished. Sparks flashed involuntarily from her fingertips as her eyes narrowed and her expression changed to something more foreboding.

Pain comes, and we bring death to greet it, she thought coldly, her fingers tightening around the stave of her lightsaber pike, ready to strike as the moment arrived. Come into my web, said the spider to the fly, she recited darkly. You think to find an easy meal, but shall instead be consumed, your own dark desires the spice that will make it a delicious feast. They were coming now, and in that act of stubborn aggression, they would meet more of the same, and perish by it.

Objective: Target Allied Command (Zark's fleet) and take an unexpected detour near main hangar
Allies: [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Sieger Ren"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Zark"] [member="Dorn Skirata"] [member="Decker Willo"]

“One of the Alliance X-wings is landing in the hangar,” Captain Sloane said after a brief report from a junior ensign.

“So they aren’t that suicidal after all,” remarked Morro. “I was led to believe we’d witness more heroics. Fire at will if he does not surrender. Otherwise I want him captured and interrogated.”

“The Alliance flagship has sustained some losses. Three mid-sized vessels.”

“Keep up the attack. Do not pull back. How is Kyrel Ren doing? Any word of his excursion aboard?”

“No. Though one of the corvettes is about to ram the Javelin," Sloane said with the placidity of a seasoned officer.

“Destroy it,” the Chiss sneered, but suddenly she clutched at her stomach and dashed towards the bridge exit. Sloane appeared perplexed. “The Admiral’s orders… the Itsukusk…”

“It can wait.”

The nearest fresher was not too far. “Veo ch'a batevit csact'i ch'at cart vucahn.” A sting of Cheuhn curses continued as she began to open the door, using a small panel to the right but realized that particular refresher was out of order. Boots clacking upon durasteel, she jogged further into the Minotaur, finding the next nearest place in which to be sick - a utility closet right beside the main hangar where the X-wing was. As she vomited into a container, a maintenance droid began to instinctively mop the floor. While she should have been concerned for her sudden ill health, she thought more about Admiral Rausgeber’s orders to continue firing upon the Alliance Command ship despite high-level Ren aboard. Her first command when she returned to the bridge would be to carry out his strategy. It almost filled her with a physical pain to know that the Admiral aboard the Itsukusk would wonder why her largest ships had not fired upon it. Would he perceive it as cowardice or strategy, when in reality it was neither, and the alien officer just needed to buy a little time? Morro’s legs trembled, and she realized as she held onto the little square droid for support that she was not going anywhere. The sudden affliction filled her with annoyance - to be an alien and a woman in the First Order Navy was challenging enough. She did not need rumors of a feeble constitution to go along with that, despite the growing inkling she had of what was occurring inside her body.

Summary of Actions and Fleet
FIV Assault and FIV Gladiator holding position, their TIEs all on defense
FIV Minotaur holding position, TIEs firing upon Intercept Group One
All other ships not engaged with Dorn Skirata are still attacking Zark’s fleet. See details below.
5 Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvettes, 6 Charger Corvettes and TIE Raptors continuing to attack Dorn Skirata’s TU5Ks and fighters. Losses in detail below.
No interaction with the War Droid.

Ship Name: FIV Minotaur
Ship Class: Assimilator-Class Interdictor Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 900/1200
Armament: Average
Defense: High
Speed: Moderate
Hangar: 2 Squadrons of TIE Interceptors (10 Interceptors left)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors diverted to Intercept Group One

Ship Name: FIV Assault
Ship Class: MANDATOR-X Artillery Dreadnaught
Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: High
Defense: Moderate
Speed: Low
Hangar: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters (12 each)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors defending the ship

Ship Name: FIV Gladiator
hip Class: MANDATOR-X Artillery Dreadnaught
Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: High
Defense: Moderate
Speed: Low
Hangar: 2 squadrons of TIE Fighters (12 each)
Actions: All TIE Interceptors defending the ship

Ship Name: FIV Phalanx
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 200/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rivers along with 0 Raptors (loss of 8)
3 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters (loss of five)

Ship Name: FIV Cyclone
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 120/350
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rivers, along with 0 Raptors (loss of 8)
7 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters (loss of 1)

Ship Name: FIV Goliath
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 0/280
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Righteous Sword along with 2 Raptors (loss of 6)
6 Raptors half deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters (loss of 2)

Ship Name: FIV Avalanche
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 0/220
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: 2x Squadrons of TIE Raptors (8 each)
Special: Mine layers
Actions: Attacking ANS Righteous Sword, along with 2 Raptors (loss of 6)
4 Raptors deployed at the TU5Ks and fighters (loss of 4)

Ship Name: FIV Javelin
Ship Class: 849A 'Valor' Class, Medium Frigate
Shield/Hull: 0/80
Armament: Moderate
Defence: Average
Speed: Average
Maneuver: Average
Hangar: Destroyed by the ANS Lothcat
Special: Mine layer capability destroyed by the ANS Lothcat
Actions: Defending from close range attack by the ANS Lothcat

Ship Name: FIV Genesis
Ship Class: Fortan II Corvette
Shield/Hull: 0/200
Armament: High
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Average
Special: Decoy Probes
Actions: Advancing and firing upon Intercept Group One

Ship Name: FIV Infamy
Ship Class: Fortan II Corvette
Shield/Hull: 80/200
Armament: High
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Average
Special: Decoy Probes
Actions: Advancing and firing upon on the ANS Rivers

Ship Name: FIV Barbarian
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 110/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Nomad
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Storm,
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 100/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Blasphemy
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 130/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Revelation
Ship Class: Mukhtiar-Anti Starfighter Corvette
Shield/Hull: 120/171
Armament: Low
Defence: Average
Speed: Moderate
Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Delusion
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 300/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 4 TIE Fighters (loss of 4)
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Thunderbolt
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 320/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 6 TIE Fighters (loss of 2)
Actions: Advancing and firing upon the ANS Rebel Yell, TIEs deployed and firing on same target

Ship Name: FIV Dishonor
Ship Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate
Shield/Hull: 100/380
Armament: Very High
Defence: High
Speed: Very High
Manoeuvre: Very High
Hanger: 4 TIE Fighters (loss of 4)
Actions: Advancinig and firing upon the ANS Rebel Yel, TIEs deployed and firing on same target

Ship Name: FIV Sceptre
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 120/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Rift
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 80/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Seeker
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 100/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Scimitar
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 100/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Assault
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 80/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low
Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions: Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Ship Name: FIV Fracture
Ship Class: Charger-class Escort Corvette
Shield/Hull: 160/160
Armament: Medium
Defence: Low
Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hanger: N/A
Actions:Deployed and firing upon the TU5Ks and fighters

Atsushi Ono

Location: Below The Minotaur, Hex I-49
Enemies: [member="Morro"]
Allies: Mandalorians

The battle continued to rage around him. He was but a speck on most ship scanners, and these First Order canon fodder pilots were no match for him. Mel and the Shriek-Hawks had strict orders to leave the battle should they take too many losses so he would leave that up to her. The smaller ships that were locked in combat with the small task force weren't having the best of times though. For whatever reason some of them refused to fire a single missile at such close range and the others...well whatever the TU5Ks were doing was keeping them from targetting too many of their fighters.

He trusted in them.

Dorn had larger fish to fry.

The Basilisk's claw released the wreckage of the starfighter it had just crushed and jetted towards the command ship. The Assimilator-class Star Destroyer flew behind a screen of fighters and the other smaller ships she had sent after him and his task force. A tall order to infiltrate, but he had done harder things. His resolve was like Mandalorian Iron and nothing would stand in his way. His grip tightened on the controls, a low rumble throughout the droid's body responded in kind.

Fighters had caught his scent as he blasted past the smaller corvettes. He sucked his teeth as cold seeped into his legs, or was it numbness. He had been flying a while and it was starting to get to him. He carved through space in the direction he thought was up, two Raptors following closely behind him. Green bolts flew past him, his aural sensor sending the simulated sound into his helmet. They wizzed past him as the basilisk weaved through the blackness of space. Persistent. His thrusters cut off and his rudder shot out producing the sharpest turn a basilisk could muster. He miscalculated their speed though, the TIES were right on him. One took the full force of his own laser cannons, the other sent a bolt right into the basilisk's chest. His helmet flared up, the an image of the basilisk's armor popped into the corner of his HUD. A direct hit to the chest.

In a ball of purple smoke the droid fell, photoreceptors offline.

"C'mon dikut...wake up...wake up!" He kept shoving the controls hoping the droid would respond. Just before crashing into one of the missile corvettes the droid activated and propelled itself just above the corvette, bumping into deck cannons as it struggled to keep up with its own momentum. The strain on Dorn's body was intense but it was worth it once the Star Destroyer was insight. He could see starfighters flying in and out to be repaired or refueled now. They were close. He patted the side of his droid and smirked behind the T-shaped visor.

"Thank the Manda for Beskar, eh pall?"


OOC Writer Account
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Dauntless \\ Marauder-class Cruiser
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance ([member="Lily Kuhn"] @Taili Raaf [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Aryn Teth"]) \\ Status: Advancing towards "Red Fleet", Ahead-Half
In Vicinity/Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | @Elensa Jari | [member="Sieger Ren"]
In Vicinity/Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | @Zark | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

"Commander the Harbinger is being targeted by their battlecruiser!" Dako's body, his every fibre of being rattles as the Dauntless' hull rattles under a merciless hail of Turbolaser fire from the ironically named 'Therapy Command' grunting while ensuring he does not lose footing Dako barks back a return Order. "Engage the ANS Excubitor with all of our turbolaser and Ion Cannon batteries, point defence to continue focusing on those Buzzdroids; blow them straight off our armour plating!" Pausing for a moment a single bright green flash reflects off of Dako's polarized Visor as the Dauntless' Turbolaser cannons fire a volley towards the Alliance Battlecruiser and its' familiar Dagger-Shaped design, to the Commander's brief study he quickly concludes that it is more Imperial than Galactic Alliance. "Onami." Dako addresses the Chiss Executive Officer looming silently over his right shoulder, with a concealed smirk beneath the helmet's visage even as the Dauntless' Deflector shields are quickly exhausted. "Let the Tailhead therapist have a taste of her own medicine..." Onami simply nods before pivoting towards their Chief fire control and weapons officer before softly speaking "All Retaliator and Annihilator turbolaser batteries are to target the Excubitor." Dako feels the Dauntless' shields fail and suddenly the cruiser is rocked about by the sheer onslaught of fire coming from the Excubitor and her battlegroup, distant bulkheads groan through the hull and create a disconcerting rattle through both floors and walls, forcing to the Commander to consider for a moment the possibility of defeat or atleast his vessel's destruction. "Ensure Anti-missile counter-measures aboard our escort frigates and cruisers are powered up! I don't want any guided munitions getting through! Route power through the full spectrum distortion projector for any missiles that get through initial screens!" Not even before Dako finishes giving out his command he watches misfiring missiles hurtle into the Cruiser's starboard side as the Deflectors fail sending pieces of the Durasteel hull out into space and Asturo curses under his breath angrily.

"Wheel our Frigates around, bring them to our starboard side and engage the Galactic Alliance's irritating Assault Frigates." Sure as the sun rises each of the Dagger-II Frigates go to form a protective screen for the Cruisers of Dauntless Group withering relentless Turbolaser and missile fire with their countermeasures beaming; In Dako's mind it would not be long before Dauntless would be overcome and spent though not before the Commander would play one more trick up his black vacuum sealed bodyglove's sleeve. "Comm! Orders to Harbinger; Activate missile deactivation transmitter, shutdown their blasted guidance systems!" Dako's voice rumbles with the Comm-officer proceeding to forward a missive from Fleet Admiral Rausgeber into his ears surrounded by the confines of a plastoid Phase II Clone Trooper helmet. It was with contempt that Dako silently regarded the Order they were so close to completely engulfing the Itsukusk and strangling the vessel; but alas the young Commander Asturo dares not defy an order of the Fleet Admiral.

"Nav! Chart a course for the debris field created by the." Dako's voice trails off examining the 'battlefield' for a moment before identifying the ruined Star Defender and the small Flotilla surrounding it; this would certainly be a challenge he thought spotting an operational super carrier. "ANS Liberty, take us in fast and hard. Leave our dear Therapist with a choice; Us and the Harbinger of the Admiral and his Destroyers." The Dauntless Cruisers abruptly change their course while the Frigates follow protecting the flanks of the larger cruisers. Dako knows inwardly that if their Cruiser group continued to get attention of heavyweight vessels it would be the doom of Dauntless if not necessarily himself still as a Proud First Imperial he would not flee his ship before the entirety of his crew lest shame find a perch upon his still youthful shoulders and weigh him down from climbing to higher station. "Commander Asturo, I fear that we shall not be capable of taking this punishment for much longer shall we prepare non-essential personnel for evacuation?" Dako casts a slight glare towards an unflinching Onami with his ever lingering scowl; it was a shameful idea though Onami had at least checked Asturo's worst impulse to disregard his crew. It was one of the few things the Chiss Officer considered frequently that Dako overlooked. "Yes; and pass along a message to the Admrial, alert him that we've taken extensive damage and query if he wants us to continue engaging this Flotilla around the ANS Liberty's Debris field?" Dako's posture leans forward attending his startling blue eyes towards the Red Fleet carefully, it was smaller perhaps a good fight for Dauntless if their ships weren't already chronically weakened from the ongoing close-range barrage from 'Therapy' Command. True enough those troublesome Destroyers and the Excubitor would soon be behind Dauntless but vice versa and Dako takes a level of comfort in the suspicion that they'll focus on the Executioner and Reprisal; they are the greater threats. Missiles fired at the group constantly find their guidance systems disabled though through sheer luck even disabled occasionally one will find its target if not necessarily the intended mark. Projectile weapons and Turbolaser fire was being devoured for the most part by the Cruisers' deflector shields though Dauntless is now without them, a key fact that greatly worries the Cool Commander Asturo who takes a few steps back from his own Transparisteel windows for fear of the vacuum behind them. "Helm! Get us out of range of Therapy Command, and manuever Dauntless to minimise our target profile on the rearward starboard Quarter" The Helmsman nods and proudly exclaims "Aye, aye Sir!" Meanwhile around Traixis the massed Squadrons belonging to Harbinger harry hostile bombers and fighters attmepting to close in on the large Station; they'd wear down the Galactic Alliance in a battle of attrition the kind of battle that Jedi should be at loathe to engage in for the amount of lives what would be inevitably lost all for one station. "Engage the Flotilla with our long range weapon systems, let the Flotilla taste of our turbolasers and ion cannons and allow them to decide if they would prosecute this battle further. Break back into an Arrowhead to allow all of the group to engage their targets" Dako half expects them to turn and run like frightened Banthas when confronted with a Krayt Dragon although he refused to underestimate the Alliance now this far into the battle and especially without Deflector Shields.

  • FIV Harbinger (Hellstrom-Class Carrier) | Shield Charge: 62% | Hull Integrity: 77% | Firing At: Itukusk, ANS Fortitude. | Fighter/Bomber Status: Launched.
  • FIV Dauntless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 55% | Firing At: Itsukusk, ANS Excubitor, ANS Restitution. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Fearless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 22% | Hull Integrity: 83% | Firing At: Itsukusk, ANS Restitution. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Relentless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 18% | Hull Integrity: 69% | Firing At: Itsukusk, ANS Recovery. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Merciless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 21% | Hull Integrity: 85% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Interceptor (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 33% | Hull Integrity: 83% | Firing At: Itsukusk, Interdiction Field & Gravity Wells Engaged. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Arrest (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 29% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Stiletto (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 33% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dirk (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 88% | Firing At: ANS Third Variable, Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Needle (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 9% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Pike (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 77% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: ANS Double-Counting, Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Spear (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 17% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: ANS Casual Claim, Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Lance (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 27% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Cutlass (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 71% | Firing At: ANS Double-Counting, Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Broadsword (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 35% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Staff (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 65% | Firing At: ANS Casual Claim Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dagger (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 21% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
Location: Eriadu System
Objective: Save Mynock Squadron members, near FIV Minotaur
Allies: GA forces
Enemies: FO Forces
Ships: Mynock Squadron
Mynock Rock

The X-Wing hit hard against the far end of the hanger, sparks flying and the screech of metal against metal. It did not hit too hard, but hard enough that there was no flying back out of here. And Decker was just now realizing his mistake. He had crash-landed inside an enemy ship. One hand went to his DH-17 blaster, something he was not so great with, using his other hand to try and get the cockpit hatch open. Decker pulled on the latch, and the cockpit hissed open. He had caused more damage then he thought when he crashed, and not just to his ship or the hanger. As he climbed out, he felt a pain in his leg when he landed on his feet. Decker looked down to see a bit of shrapnel buried into his leg.

But, he knew he had to get out of here, as troopers would no doubt be coming for him. He headed for the first thing he thought would work in his favor; a closet where he could hide out in until it all calmed down, and he could make his escape. He limped over, opened the door while watching behind him, then closed it. Only to freeze when seeing the other inside.

He drew up his blaster pistol, aiming it at the officer (@Morro). His hand was shaking a lot, and he couldn't find himself to pull the trigger. Knowing full well they could alert the entire ship to his presence. But, he kept it trained on them. "Don't...don't move...I don't want to have to use this." One would most definitely be able to see the fear and pain in his eyes.
Hex L-49 \\ Aboard ANS Excubitor \\ Starbord Auxilliary Hanger
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Gunner Seat, Vlannem Pox's Fighter
Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Vlannem Pox"]
Enemies: [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Zark"] | [member="Jax Rhane"] | [member="Wedge Draav"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Shia [/FONT][FONT='courier new']Kryze[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"] | [member="Jaius Sovv"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"]

FN-6767 "Scars"
ANS Excubitor, Auxillary Hanger Starboard

Scars doesn't see Pox waving his arm in the air over her shoulder towards their ejection seat though she does hear him at least; An Alliance sailor peers around the X-wing's foil only to find a shot from Scars' G-11F Blaster Rifle sizzle through his face hurtling into a boltgun grey wall. "Hurry it up! There's only going to be more of them and we can't hold them off all day" Scars' watches with some barely concealed awe as the Pilot bravely darts in the direction of their enemies towards the wreckage of the cockpit even stifling a throaty chuckle at the madman's actions. "I've gotcha!" Scars replies before laying down a brief barrage of Automatic fire on some new arrivals who appear from behind a splitting bulkhead door and while the bright azure muzzle flash obscures it at first each of the Six Alliance Troopers fall atop their backs in steaming heaps. Leaving but a few Pilots and Troopers inside the Hanger behind a long albeit not particularly tall Duraplast create, Scars' eyes could see their ridiculous bright orange flight jumpsuits and black blast vests.

"Keep them suppressed!" Scars scramble to her feet once Pox starts firing on them and he beseeches the Trooper for her to utilize her Superior death-dealing skills and so she would oblige him with a startling display. Shrieking and snarling like a beast she charges towards the Duraplast crate brandishing her G-11F in but right hand with a strong leap into the air left-boot finds its place on the edge of Duraplast crate before the toes of right boot slam violently into the chin of some Alliance Pilot sending the man's helmet hurtling through the air and its wearer rolling across the hanger floor. The track 'Paint it White' by the 'Oscillating Boulders' begins playing within the confines of 6767's helmet while she remains unflinchingly focused on the macabre display of violence she is performing; For the Supreme Leader and First Order there was no limit for the Stormtrooper who might appear uncharacteristically talented in melee fighting for a simple Tank Commander perhaps she was not foreign to disarmed contact sparring? The Supreme Leader's battle meditation had augmented her prowess significantly at the last but it is possible even to Pox's eyes that she possesses a pre-existing training or aptitude for close quarters precision with agility comparable to an agile dancer.

One of the two Marines twists and finds the barrel of rifle clasped firmly with a deathly grip Scars presses the Blaster's Barrel against the Marine's torso before giving the trigger a single pull 'Twuang' It sizzles straight through the man's chest leaving him gasping desperately for air; dropping his weapon Scars hears a blaster shot and the sizzle as it narrowly passes her nape pivoting in her boots. "Come here handsome" Scars snarls before wrapping her mechanical arm around the limp man's throat placing the Marine between herself and the last target whom she points her Blaster Towards only to find him hesitate, it would be the last time he was capable of hesitation a fully-automatic hail of azure blasts ends the Marine sending him down towards the floor of a new clear albeit small hanger with a short pained cry. Scars allows the Man held in her grip to slide down atop the Hanger floor. "Thanks for the dance." Scars takes a step over the body in the direction of Vlannem and cranes head and eyes upto the man in what they'd created as a brief moment of serenity in what was otherwise a Cacophonous battle. "Hairgel! Come down we need to get out of this damn Hanger. We're sitting ducks out here, consider yourself lucky we ended up in some tiny maintenance bay." Scars states glancing around at the lacklustre breadth of their current surroundings. A wonder that Hairgel managed to get the both of them in here at all actually. Slinging rifle over right-shoulder Scars pinches the 'nose' of her helmet's visage with bowed head. "I don't know how we ended up in this position but I say we make the most of it..." Pausing for a moment Scars peers around the Hanger she doesn't possess a map or anything for the Excubitor but she felt something, some instinct and she points towards a bulkhead door. "I think that door over there will take us deeper into the Battlecruiser, and we can possibly access a terminal or just read the deck signage and do some damage" Pausing for a moment considering that Hairgel didn't train for firefights and might be slightly hesitant she adds. "Look if we jump into a shuttle or X-wing they'll probably just blow us away with their point-defence guns, we need to get this big tincan to flounder."
Location: FIV Executioner, Hex-L49
Allies: GA | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Jaiyn Vex"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: First Order | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"]

Young man.” Baiko snapped at [member="Jaiyn Vex"], “If you cannot contain your over-reactionary vocal chords, might I suggest hanging off the side of the ship so the rest of us can think, thank you? Silas, do continue to quiet him or by the time we get home, he will quite perturb [member="Kaden Mantis"] and [member="Yasha Mantis"].

Mentee of [member="Silas Mantis"] or not, Baiko was quite done with any such emotional hullabaloo, especially when they were about to enter the most dangerous situation since explosive decompression. If this was what teenagers were like, perhaps [member="Kaden Mantis"] and [member="Yasha Mantis"]’ battle hardening was a blessing from above… or in Yasha’s case, the Netherworldly Below.

Going to die… I refuse. Death and fear are much too undignified today. I haven’t prepared funerary arrangements, and how uncouth to die unexpectedly! None of us would have the nerve. Certainly not, death is quite off the table.” Baiko felt the docking of the Executioner in her bones, jolting as the Mando’ade around her filtered across to lancet into the destroyer.

She watched Silas, Aryn and Karsan, knowing where her best chances lied as she flung out of the seat and into the belly of the First Order’s ship. For all intents what Baiko saw was a ship in good order, well maintained and diligently engineered in the traditional manner.

Excellent. Rushing into the group of fallen around the Mando’ade, Baiko glanced up at [member="Karsan Calnov"]. “I am your map.

Yanking off her borrowed crush gaunt, Baiko put her hand on a dead trooper’s bare skin, then ditched and grabbed another.

Engineering… engin-hhhk…” Baiko’s mind became a froth of an aging old man in armour, too many years lived in the service of one empire or the other, layers upon layers upon layers bending his back and bringing his mind to nothing but the glorifying ‘good old days’ where he wrapped his string of regular lovers’ legs around his waist and reminded himself why he took anti-kid stims.

Maybe if he’d had a kid or two, he wouldn’t be as lonely. Someone would visit. He wouldn’t need to have nothing but the drink and the hours in service to one empire or another.

Caleb…” Caleb’s aching shoulder leaned against the wall of engineering, as he watched some pretty young things and a slew of ugly young things burst around the reactors. His feet pounded corridors, taking familiar routes which cut a step or two, but half the people, the way all old navy dogs learned their way through their ships.

Baiko couldn’t toss Caleb’s body away. She shivered and set him down, leaned his body against the corridor as Silas and Shia and Aryn and Karsan kept killing. Baiko’s hand shook as she pushed her crush gaunt back on, clicking it in place. Rushing to a junction point, Baiko pulled wires from the junction box and tinkered until the blast doors shut behind them, blocking resistance from both sides, so only one side could bother them without rejigging the door controls. Possible... in minutes.

Baiko waited while Shia dealt damage, then ran full-tilt forward to their goal of engineering, sliding the last few feet underneath the resistance in front of her, to rush to a side propulsion console. The Mandos behind would clean up after her. For some strange reason, she trusted they wanted her more alive than dead.

N.B. I might have missed something. If I did, please let me know, I can edit.

Location: Main Hangar of the Istukusk
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Rolf Amsel"] [member="Krayn Ren"]
Enemies: [member="Zark"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]
Equipment: In Signature
Objective: Find Kyrel

If Varas knew what the dwarf was going through on the Istukusk, she may have been able to sympathize. Though empathy was an elusive state of mind for the unsentimental Disciple, she often suffered from clone sickness herself and would occasionally falter, break out in a cold sweat or even a fever, sometimes retching at the most inopportune times.

Yet no solicitude was granted because she did not know. Nor would she be so charitable towards an enemy.

Still behind black smoke, Varas attempted to see through the screen using the Force, but she was not strong enough to make out a clear picture. The Disciple saw only shapes and motion through the obscure reek. Locating Kyrel was her next split-second maneuver and she did so more easily through his familiar Force signature. He drew her in, his presence almost an intoxicating perfume with hints of volcanic ash and the distinctive, unidentifiable smell of the Mustafar castle. His words resonated within her head with the promise of desecration:

"All I am surrounded by is fear, and dead men.”

“Let’s make that all dead men, then shall we?” she sent to him telepathically.

He beckoned. She followed. Except…

Before even igniting her blade, Varas pushed the explosive with both hands, the strain of the telekinesis to move such a powerful munition mid-propulsion causing her arms to tremble.

And finally as the smoke cleared, she could see that her father was wounded. He’d already punished the soldier who dared to mark his skin, but anger welled up at his pain. She breathed it in to fuel the darkside. Someone still needed to pay for causing him even a millisecond of distress.

Varas glanced at the dwarf, finally ignited her lightsaber and although Kyrel would be left alone to evade the subsequent bolts, the dark-haired clone wasted no time taking advantage of the busy dwarf to run at him full at full speed, saber high so that when she reached him, he’d need to switch his focus from the gun to her. Her scream resounded in the hangar, mixing with the chorus of groans and whimpers from the wounded and the thump, thump of the diminutive man's shots as they sailed towards her father.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Sith Meditation Sphere of the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]FIV Concordia [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: The First Order[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: The Galactic Alliance [ [member="Jairdain"] ][/SIZE]​


[SIZE=11pt]Mercenaries were a distasteful factor in warfare for Samka. They held no loyalty to a cause beyond their credit balance. Being willing to kill and die for such a lowly cause placed mercenaries firmly at the bottom rung of society. They held no vision for the galaxy, any honour they may claim was farcical and yet they did have their uses. It was better a thousand of them die than a single soldier of the First Order so it was them who belonged on the front lines, them who should take the initial brunt of the enemy attack.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But even so, the Ren recognised the simple logic of keeping your allies alive to harm your enemies. So her presence fell upon [member="Khonsu Amon"] [/SIZE]and the rest of the Sun Guards. She would guide their reflexes. It would be harsh and invasive as was the nature of Battle Meditation fueled by the Dark Side but it would help keep them alive to lay waste to their foes and, Samka noted rather bitterly, to spend their paychecks so generously provided by the First Order’s tax payers.

[SIZE=11pt]Among them, another agent of the FOSB. She focused more strongly on this one, [member="Emilia Ravel"] was a far more valued asset than any of the Thyrsians. Within the red headed agent, Samka detected fear. She supposed some nerves were only natural. As her icy grip fell on the agent, she forcefully hardened the woman’s resolve. Fear could be a powerful weapon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You’re doing very well, agent,” Sam’s voice unusually soft and reassuring when compared with her typical fashion. “It’s just a little more now. Always remember that with your training you are better than these putrid, worthless fools could ever hope to be. To our enemies, you are a precision tool of their destruction. If they’re foolish enough not to fear you yet, let us show them their mistake.” If she valued stealth, the woman’s footsteps would make near no sound, if she valued speed, her stamina became near endless, if she valued her weapon, her aim became near impeccable. Emilia Ravel would be reforged in this battle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But beyond that… something familiar and entirely unexpected. [member="Connor Harrison"] too had joined the fray. Samka’s giggling echoed within the former Jedi’s head. “Again, you couldn’t stay away, hm? No need to reply, this is a one way connection. I don’t think I’ve seen you in action since everything changed,” her voice changed to be little more than a chilling whisper in the man’s ear as she bolstered his power. “Show me the Dark Side within you now. Nothing can stand in our way.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She had more to say to Harrison but something else jerked her away. A voice reached out to her, one entirely unfamiliar.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You think to aid your brothers and sisters. You hope to hinder mine. I am here to stop. Come child, let us talk.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Samka twitched slightly, returning her gaze around the Sith Sphere she rested within. “Don’t let them through,” she growled orders to the ancient machine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It remained silent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This was yet another test of her worth, it had to be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The message she sent back to Jairdan had no form accompanying it, nothing which could be traced in the future, just a voice which was youthful and yet [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]wrong.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] It was [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]off[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], it lacked the subtle innocence and inexperience associated with youth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Talking won’t change what is to come. I suggest you run, leave all this behind,” she told the stranger. “You don’t have to make this your fight and die here among a blockade. The First Order’s gain is inevitable. Do not brand yourself as my enemy.”[/SIZE]
Hex L-49 // Ops Team Harpy // SJAS-AAL/FO-03 Tactical Troop Transport
Faction: First Order // Target: ANS Itsukusk // Status: It is Time
In Vicinity: [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"]
Enemies: [member="Zark"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"]

“I can feel it.” The Ren spoke quietly in self-thought, his voice barely audible as the his helmets onboard voice calibration struggled to pick up the words coming from his mouth. “It’s pulling on the edge of my mind like a disobedient child. It needs me to understand.” His head raised towards the door of the shuttle as a particularly large explosion rocked the ship, sending several of the troopers into the starboard wall with a painful crunch. “Show me.” His entire body clenched, seemingly growing in stature as he prepared himself. “Show me our power. Prepare me for what is to come.” His words were projected, not to those within the ship but rather to his master, his lord and only reason. [member="Sieger Ren"].

The next sequence happened with such speed and ferocity that only one with the ability of the force could have truly comprehended the actions taken. Three shots scattered down the shuttle, the first spinning the craft, the second piercing the middle of the hull, a stormtrooper and leaving a gaping hole in which half the team were ejected out as the vacuum claimed them, the third took off the front of the shuttle, a great explosion enveloping all who had remained within.

Had it not been for his gifts, he would be dead. Yet an instinctive moment had allowed his black gloved hand to raise, the force flowing freely from his outstretched fingers to create a shield around himself and what team was fortunate to be around him. His quick motion allowed them to avoid death as the shuttle disintegrated around them, forcing their forms, with force to hit the hull of the Itsukusk that had been at the time of the shot a mere six metres away. He felt the death of one of the team, hitting the armour like a fly to a boot, his armour doing nothing against the trauma, the rest he assured had an easier landing, no less painful but not as lethal.

It would be the silence that struck him first, the sheer and utter silence as around him magnetic clamps were sealing the boarding team to the Alliance flagship, here and there shuttles of the first order dodged and weaved great arrays of blaster fire, some even forming up to release a stream of other troopers who also took to the hull of the craft.
“Your guidance makes us strong.” His utter dedication towards the Supreme Leader clear as his achievements were given not to himself but the man who sat on the other end of a galactic battlefront.

From his hip his saber was released, his actions sluggish in the complete lack of atmosphere, even if within the shields that glowed above them a slight pressure was added. The ignition was silent, but the violent red blade was far from invisible, it lit up the gleam of the flagship’s hull like a blood moon. “Major.” Inside he was relieved to see that the strike forces’ commanding officer had been part of the group he had managed to assist to the surface, it would have been unfortunate to have someone of lesser stock and ability be forced into the position. “The Supreme Leader wishes this ship to feel his wrath. I have assured him that you will not disappoint.” Already he could see the cutters being moved into place, the team fully prepared for what was to come. “I sense…There are powerful force users onboard, Jedi. Be cautious Major, be prepared.”
Location: FIV Executioner, L-49
Enemies: [member="Rolf Amsel"] l [member="Sieger Ren"] l [member="Elensa Jari"] l [member="Ara Zambrano"] l [member="Brennan Cabrol"]
Allies: GA l [member="Aryn Spar"] l [member="Silas Mantis"] l [member="Shia Kryze"] l @Kalson Calnov l [member="Baiko no Kaho"] l [member="Davon Karr"]
Objective: Reach Engineering, Stack bodies
Equipment: See first post

Karsan reloaded his shotgun, two shells at a time, turning to watch Baiko work. They knew where to go. Karsan was on point, and turned back to his Mandalorian compatriots. "They're probably going to send a strike team after us. Expect some form of Shadowtroopers or whatever else they wanna throw at us. Some nasty folks- watch for shimmering or anything out of place." They were en route to engineering, and so far, the only resistant was minor squads of Stormtroopers- which going against several high-ranking Mando'ade, and veterans of the recent Civil War- were not a match in the slightest. Karsan pumped one stormtrooper right in chest with the MF-44, sending him comically flying, and hilariously dead.

He dropped two more with a drill from his Westar-35. Handy little blaster. Tough little thing, too. Packed a mean punch. He put it back in the drop holster, then put another shell into the MF-44. He turned to Baiko, who was guiding them as they slaughtered their way towards engineering.

"How much longer until we reach Engineering?"


OOC Writer Account
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Executioner \\ Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Searching for Boarders

Allies: [member="Sieger Ren"] |[member="Robogeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"]

Enemies: @Zark | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | @Aryn Teth | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
In Vicinity: [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"] |[member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]

FIV Executioner, Hallway.​

Clutching a double-bladed plasma glaive in left-hand the crimson armoured Praetorian sporting magnificent helmet crest sprints with determined purpose in the track of a First Order Special Operations Unit that was headed for the Engineering deck to intercept a team of boarders whose purpose Whisperer had already guessed; they could not hope to kill her Dark Father in personal combat but would instead attempt to force the First Order's wise and gracious Ruler from his perch through the destruction of flagship. Whisperer would simply not allow it and her manic movements through the ships hallways catch more than one sideways glance from Crewmen some of whom are no doubt wondering would prompt such haste or what could be of such importance that one of the mysterious Praetorians had left the Supreme Leader's side. Truthfully Whisperer often did leave the side of her Lord although begrudgingly there was little joy to be taken in watching over sniveling Politicians or Bureaucrats though it would seem that this battle had seen her cut loose from the bonds of inaction albeit taking the Junior Praetorian from the man she viewed with the adoration and respect a child might give their esteemed parent.

Rounding a corner the Praetorian finds herself hurtling into the path of a Stormtrooper clad in armour coloured as the void; No Stormtrooper at all but a Shadowtrooper...Whisperer pulls her glaive across torso and pivots in a gracious spin towards the wall with lightning speed out of their path before facing the Troopers of "Iron Mantle" from behind the featureless scarlet red visor obscuring Whisperer's face from sight; something few beyond her Comrades or Sieger Ren himself perhaps had seen without modification to the appearance. "Bound for the Engineering Deck? Allow me to join you if so." The Praetorian's softly spoken voice would sound eerily reminiscent to that of an Old Republic Senator who was centuries deceased to the fan of history. The Praetorian skillfully pivots with a level of preternatural dexterity in boot heels and continues behind the formation of Troopers one for cover and secondly to obscure presence so as to better surprise any unfortunate Galactic Alliance Troopers or Mercenaries they might come across, Sanguine robes flutter as she strides forward with powerful push the robes themselves obscuring a plethora of ranged weapons holstered against outside of thighs; giving an outward deceptive illusion that the only combat the Praetorian would be capable of is Melee.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Concordia
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Moving to defend FIV Executioner's Aft
In Vicinity: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Jaius Sovv"]

"With great respect," Natasi returned as she studied the board. "I don't know that any species is prone to grand intrigue, at least not inherently. I find that most people just want to get on aren't bothered whether they are governed by this council or that theocrat or the other fascist dictator -- stylish and wise though she may be," she added with a hint of an indulgent smirk, and a lofted eyebrow to let her captive and playmate that she was both in on the joke and aware of what was said about her style of leadership in the Alliance and elsewhere in the galaxy. The cold and aloof Lady Natasi Fortan, shaping the galaxy in the image of a repressed Galidraani country house, ruthlessly crushing those in her path like a gardener deadheading so many rosebushes... it would have been funny if it weren't so sad. Rhetoric aside, Natasi often felt that she was the only one with a moderating influence, the lone voice against the harshness that many felt was required by an empire.

Increasingly, the lone voice in the wilderness of isolation.

If a nation were a ship, and inevitably the comparison was made, Natasi felt that she was the captain of the S. S. First Order, and though she turned the wheel hither and thither, raised and lowered the anchor, [member="Sieger Ren"] was the engines, the rudders, even the ship's horns, and they all controlled themselves. Any influence her spinning wheel might have had on them was, by now, quite limited. Was she a leader now? A figurehead? Something less than that, even? Perhaps neither captain nor masthead but a barnacle clinging to the hull of the ship of state. Slowing things down. Making things choppy. Soon to be scoured off.

Natasi shivered violently as she studied her Queen, eyes tracing over the finely crafted piece -- a piece which, like Natasi herself, could move in any direction unless blocked, until she realized that she had trailed off, leaving the conversation in silence. "Different strokes, as they say," she said in response to his assessment of the foolishness of living in the open air. "With so much space, the sky is literally the limit. For those who want to create and grow -- so much opportunity. But, at the same time, a large target to create for those who seek to debase and destroy."

She took another sip of her drink, examined the board carefully after he made a move. In the distance, there was a slight change in the engine noise as the Concordia moved to cover Executioner's back. She lifted her eyebrows but said nothing about it; the naval men knew what they were about, presumably. "Didn't I?" she asked, flicking her eyes back up to her opponent. "She died in childbirth with my younger brother," Natasi explained. "I sometimes forget there are people who don't know all there is to know about me. Privacy isn't really a reasonable expectation when you're in a position like -- well, like ours."

Another sip of her cocktail burned its way down her throat. "It was chess when my mother died," Natasi said, finally moving her piece. Every bit of her demeanor, from the swirling of her cocktail to the nonchalant flick of her wrist when moving the piece, to the continued conversation as she did it, spoke to it being an ordinary, even uninformed move, but the truth of the matter was that it would serve her well in the endgame. "It was fencing when my brother died -- in some One Sith/Galactic Alliance war or another -- and after Papa died, it was learning the ropes of the estate so that I could run it if I ever got the chance. Unfortunately it was lost in a fire that also killed my cousin. For that I learned how to run a government."

There were other griefs, more personal and less public than her standard biography, that had caused her to throw herself into her work -- at the loss of [member="Ludolf Vaas"] and of Darrel Irani -- but she didn't feel much like discussing them with [member="Jaius Sovv"]. Even acknowledging them to herself felt wrong, like looking back in a way that would gain no insight or instruction, only pain and loss. She sat back and swirled her cocktail in its glass, studying her opponent over the top of the glass, trying to see if she could analyze his body language. "Thank you," she said after the moment. "For saying that -- about my mother. I sometimes wonder -- she was a gentle person, an artist. I sometimes think the fact that her children grew up to fight wars would have disappointed her. But then I think she was wise enough to accept that sometimes war is required to make the world safe for art and artists."

Dark eyes flicked back up to the Sullustan's black orbs. Was it the whole galaxy she saw reflected in their glossy surfaces? No; it was only the chess board. "What was your mother like? Or -- is she still with us?"
Hex L-49 // The bridge aboard the Red Veil//
Faction = First Order: [member="Therran Graush"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Eralam"] | [member="Raph Thule"]
Status: Commandeering the flagship of [member="Lily Kuhn"] while under fire
Friendly PCs in Vicinity: The Graush cousins
Summary of actions at bottom of post \\

Often on the cusp of some grand, career ending mistake the Major wondered if her poor lens aided eyesight would be playing tricks upon her. Their apparent prize simply resigned themselves to sit with an air of such resignation that it put a bit of dent in the Fallanassi’s own penchant for dreaming up schemes. She anticipated revolt, or perhaps some kind of trap. A final word before a suicide that took everyone on the bridge out, or the sudden lashing of some telekinetic strength that would wash them all away like a terrible odor. Seeing this was. . . sad. Perhaps the woman felt as though there was no point in engaging, or that this all served as some grand form of entertainment: watching as others toil to either save, slash, or abscond. Such was not what the red cape wearing and chrome helmeted agent felt at the moment.

She sensed apprehension, confusion, powerlessness.

A random trigger squeeze from the latest casualty of the fight over control of the bridge sent a red bolt piercing between the two women before careening into a nearby console, sending sparks to bounce harmlessly against the red grain cloth draped over the gawking woman’s back.

Regret could be considered the greatest enemy to any sound plan, and right now the infiltrator lowered her aim, cocking her head to quizzically regard the sorrow of this conflict. Suddenly, slicing through the cruelty of vicious thoughts came a terrible idea stoked by the whimsical flame otherwise moonlighting as curiosity. It was then that the Major knew she had to see what exactly would happen regardless of the consequences. . .

Various bits of electronics, piping, and furniture flew around towards the assault point. Offering more effective suppression now that the smoke had cleared, the warrior peeked and sent another victorious triad of high whining voltage towards the rescue team now under intense pressure from the cousins Graush. The next second, the markswoman was crouch-running around her original position to the cushioned main seat. She threw herself into a slide and ended up in front of the sitting woman down on one knee -not wanting to catch fire from the other side seemed to be her chief priority.

“Dear Empress: you don’t know me. As a slave to etiquette, it pains me to see a fellow bereft of options and stuck waiting for a result. I’m afraid I have to move this ship and there is no time for your blessing, however. . .”

The chrome plated one looked like a ridiculous knight hulking down in front of some pathetic throne, a bad joke from a rather poor interpretation of fairy tale come to life in the most ludicrous of circumstances. She now thumbed the safety of the G-11F rifle to “on” and detached the strap.

“. . .take your fate into your hands, and strength into your arms; wait not.”

She then placed the rifle into the woman’s lap and pointed to the controls.

“As you can see fire modes are clearly labeled.”

Options were: Safe, Stun, Semi, Full.

Not wanting to wait to see if the leader of this fleet decided to simply eliminate her in a twist of fate, the Major immediately rushed directly behind the seat, found the pilot’s chair, and leapt to task behind its reinforced console. She pulled a cord from her wrist and attached one end to a port in the controls -nearly getting her hand blown off by a would be rescuer- and plugged the other into a datapad before slaving the lot of options into something that she could comprehend. The greatest difficulty of this all was trying to see from this sitting position. At least moving the ship didn’t require a hack or anything ridiculous like that -this was of course as long as the control surface was intact.

Buttons on the board lit up as the operator toyed with options. She couldn’t even drive a speeder, nevermind a vessel of this magnitude. It was tough going. Suddenly, everyone on the bridge would feel an uneasy rumble as the ship awkwardly bumped forward at full speed towards the general side of the First Order fleet, though for how long, one could only imagine….

-Fired upon Raph Thule from cover
-Moved to Lily Kuhn
-Armed Lily Kuhn with G-11F Blaster
-Moved to pilot's chair
-Linked to pilot's chair
-Moved Red Veil towards First Order line

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