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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

Elias Arna

collapsible Helmet that would protect Elias from high speeds and blaster shots.

it would look like this


Elias Arna

well it "shrinks" into the collar of the armor you are wearing so you dont have to lug around a helmet. It would also be lighter since it would form from panels.

(just explaning somewhat)
Question regarding EMP's there are ways to protect your self form them my two ideas are hardening the armor your wearing or turning your suit essientally into a feraday suit, which works just like a feraday cage. I also read bout a cool switch in circuits that has been invented to suddenly ground itself if it experiences the energy from an emp. but star wars to my knowledge does not have a way really.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
*as a player*

EMP in star wars is weird. Remember Star Wars has more in common with a Fantasy Universe than it does SF. However shields can block EMP missiles so it would stand to reason that in star wars shields could prevent EMP from disabling electronics. This is of course assuming that shield strength is greater than blast strength. At least that is my take on it.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
So, a question I've been having lately is would the a non or semi-technology 'device' also be put in the Tech Submission part of the factory? Say I had a desire to make some new Vong Biotech or a force powered device, would that be acceptable?

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
I was told when/if I wanted to make a Sith alchemical plant to put it in technology. Same situation so yeah.

Edit: Ooops mispoke! I was told to put it in the Species Section of the Factory.


Disney's Princess
Jaxton Ravos said:
So, a question I've been having lately is would the a non or semi-technology 'device' also be put in the Tech Submission part of the factory? Say I had a desire to make some new Vong Biotech or a force powered device, would that be acceptable?
If it has competitive PvP effects, grants you a technological advantage not common to Wookieepedia, or requires a unique reference point that other writers need to see to understand? Then yes.

Ex: I pull out my customized Heavy Blaster and start shooting. (Does not require a submission. Wookieepedia has an article on Heavy Blasters.)
Ex: I pull out my Kerrigan Gum-Shooter Rifle and start shooting. (Does require a submission. We need to know what a Gum-Shooter is.)

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

So if I want to make a heavily powered slugthrower-pistol, firing bullets of say, neuranium, do I have to make a new submission?
(I presume so, just clarifying)

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Neuranium being the substance that can "block" lightsabers? I'm assuming the intent is to make a bullet that when blocked by lightsabers creates force against the saber and knocked it out of the users hand?

IF that is the case, a Chiss Charric already does that and doesn't require the rare/expensive Neuranium to be used as a bullet.
and then a type of Maser is a Charric

Edit: Also Neuranium is heavy and dense to the point where it actually messes with gravity, thus its ballistic status would be dubious.

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