Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Oh. My plan was just make a gun wherein the bullets would sink through the organs of its targets. And neuranium is cool.


Disney's Princess
Modular weapons must include all of their mods on the original submission page to be equip-able. Simply saying: Yes, is not enough. Also, unique additive weapons may require their own submissions. Such as Under-Barrel Shotguns and Launchers. :D


The Renegade
So Keter's saberstaffs which each contain a part of his still living flesh to maintain a strong Force connectionw with would require a submission? ^_^


Disney's Princess
If it has competitive PvP effects, grants you a technological advantage not common to Wookieepedia, or requires a unique reference point that other writers need to see to understand? Then yes.


The Renegade
OK thanks! So I just use the weapon profile submission correct? (also it is a set of unique weapons, so all count as one submission correct?) Also RP reuiqred to establish the tech in the universe (ie getting the idea, making prototypes etc?)


Professor of Alchemy
On the topic of RPing a creation, what is generally need/wanted for that? Would I need an additional volunteer to help me make my creation or would I able to use a system akin to "One post a day for X amount of days"?
Depends primarily on the item to be created. Mostly, we're just looking for a thread that plays out the development aspects of the item in question. It doesn't have to be a step-by-step, post-by-post capturing of every detail needed to make the item. So long as we can see that you're wrapping the construction of the item into your personal story, that it's more than just something to help you win at things, then we'll accept the development thread.
(General question) It says "All templates require approval by a member of staff or a roleplay judge before being used in roleplays", but I see only RP judges and Admins, why are there no mods at all?

(Tech question) Is it possible to make something with more than one classification?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
A ) For the moment, moderating duties are split between RJ's and Admins. RJ's handle in character problems (like people being too powerful or assuming that they hit people in fights), and Admins handle more serious problems.

B ) If you mean, say, a submission that is both a droid and a spaceship, or both a ranged weapon and a space station -- if that's what you mean by classification -- then yes, that's allowable. Such a submission would be judged to a high standard and would need to use both templates, plus the basic template, for a total of three templates.
As long as your mech designs conform to the general atmosphere and philosophy of Star Wars, I don't see why you can't make the submission. Just remember; Star Wars version of a mech is not an agile, humanoid figure that flips over buildings without effort.


Professor of Alchemy
Does the RPing of the tech creation need to be in a specific thread for tech creation or can it be done in a normal roleplay? For example, if I participate in a Dominion on Mandalore(just an example, obviously can't happen), could I RP the creation of a Beskar item on the fly?
Unlikely, but not outside the realm of possibility. If it were something simple, like say a blade carved from beskar, maybe. But you wouldn't be able to craft say a fighter from the stuff in any respectable time period.

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