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Ask: Factory Talk Thread

[member="Kalizka"] Keep it within reason, not every character needs a company and eventually you'll be competing with yourself and having to manage them all.

[member="Fatty"] That's up to you, do you want them to still be there? Is there some reason there wouldn't be a remnant lurking around? It's your creation, you've got control of it.
Well-Known Member
[member="Domino"] Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind. If I did archive it though, could I request it to be revived later should I for whatever reason change my mind?
Well probably not for whatever reason.... Bear in mind that you'd just be creating work for staff and we're good at doing (or ignoring) that on our own. It'd require a second chance and who knows how that would go down with you saying they were extinct and then bringing them back with the throne still 'sploded.

Up to you though I'd reexamine just why you want them archived beyond 'they maybe all dead.' There's no harm in leaving them available but unused.
Well-Known Member
[member="Domino"] Thanks again, I was just assessing what I could and couldn't do, though I suppose it would be silly to archive it until I have a definite death for them all. Though it's likely the case.

I appreciate your response!
This is mostly for submissions after talking with Jon on the potential. Since Valik said something in one of the chats about floodgates opening when you use an obscure material that has a great deal of potential.


1-50 years aged it is similiar to durasteel/duraplast with some small saber resistance. It might deflect a blade once or twice but will break and melt.

51-100 years aged it is on par with a heavier blastdoor and stronger against sabers but still able to be sliced through

101-200 years aged now it is getting there, as strong as a turadium alloy and more resistance to sabers

201-500 years aged on par with phrik and hard to slice through with a blade but doable with enough time

501-1000 years aged is on par with beskar and some of the strongest but good luck being able to cut that deep

1001 and beyond... If you can cut that deeply and find some way to shape it, to mold it good luck this would be nearly lightsaber immunity and being indestructible

I know it isn't perfect but Jon you said respect it and I think for the most part the average person if they gather the material would be in that 100-250 age age. Anything more and it is going to be tricky and hard to get it out.


Well-Known Member
Today I'm going to be your philosophical baby Ewok throwing ideas of meat into the air to see what kind of predators devour it, and hopefully not me.

So, there seems to be a cap on the Factory. I understand it's to keep everything more-or-less balanced and keep gameplay 'fair', but at the same time... why not let it advance higher? If someone makes a <dramatisation>MEGA STAR FORGE DEATH STAR OF DEATH</dramatisation>, it'll inspire other people to make other things of the same nature, develop ways to kill it, and launch technology into a new era of advancement. The continued movement up the tech tree into new, better, and brighter things. This isn't to say you allow "MSFDSD"s, or planet killers, or galaxy killers, or wormhole generators, boomtubes, immortality apparatus, (and the list goes on), but just a probe into why it appears that the Factory seems to have a certain limit to how far you can go, rather than letting mutually assured destruction run its course.

(For the few who may not know what MAD is, I believe it originated when America and Russia started pointing nukes at each other saying "You kill me, I kill you too.")
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Would make more sense if the caps were set to a reasonably canonical level, with hands off canon tech restrictions - I /really/ gotta make a new ship with a proton beam >_>

After all, what's the harm in it? If it gets horribly abused, then you know it was a bad idea and we can return to what we have now. But having no actual battlecruisers or Star Dreadnaughts really sucks.
Restricted and banned items are that way for a reason. That is not going to change any time soon. There is a cap on certain technologies because certain advancement is bad, as witnessed in real life. If we could go back in time and stop WMDs being made I'm sure we would. Most of what is banned is on an even worse scale than WMD. That's not an arms race I would like to see any time soon. Besides, most would be useless anyway, especially the likes of the death star etc, as permission is required to destroy planets.

The only time such technology will be permitted is with the permission of the staff team at large and even then likely only for large scale events.
This si for our ship judges [member="Ayden Cater"] and @Domino. Reading the trade off and guide with the new sections is putting long range turbolasers on a heavy cruiser allowed? I saw for hyper velocity gun it was light star destroyer and above but in the trade off they are the same numbers.


Well-Known Member
Lady Kyros said:
Restricted and banned items are that way for a reason. That is not going to change any time soon.
Oh no, I wasn't implying to make anything non-restricted. I appreciate that, it keeps people from running around with the mega-overpowered stuff.

Lady Kyros said:
There is a cap on certain technologies because certain advancement is bad, as witnessed in real life. If we could go back in time and stop WMDs being made I'm sure we would.
Not to be pessimistic, but if we went back in time and somehow averted the paradox of "If you don't have WMDs to stop, you wouldn't go back in time to stop them" and successfully stopped WMDs from being created, they'd have just been made later and perhaps in an even more dangerous state.

Lady Kyros said:
Most of what is banned is on an even worse scale than WMD. That's not an arms race I would like to see any time soon. Besides, most would be useless anyway, especially the likes of the death star etc, as permission is required to destroy planets.
Like I said, the Death Star-type example was an exaggeration, though you have to admit that a giant sphere blasting fleets to slag with a death laser would be fun to see! I just have to wonder if my desire to work through bumping up the tech trend by developing things like [REDACTED] that'll improve efficiency, quality, and just upgrade the galaxy will go unsung because the forum is capped to where it is. I do have to admit as I look through things, I find it a little disturbing that, Gulag Plague or no, the technology 800-ish years after Yavin is pretty much the same as before on a general perspective. We use the same turbolasers, same ion shenanigans, same quad-lasers, lightsabers (though those aren't exactly easy to 'improve' on, considering their nature), slugthrowers, blasters, hyperdrives... I'd have thought there'd even be [REDACTED].

If all of this is possible to improve but nobody's put the effort into doing it, then I'll have a new hobby of making the galaxy more technologically advanced!

That aside, I would like to see Star Dreadnoughts. The thought of a 16km-long wedge of doom parading through space flanked by 1.6km ships that look like starfighters next to it just makes me giddy inside. Mmm... Executor-class...

Redacted content was redacted so nobody takes my ideas~


Stark raving silly
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]

My turn to talk on this.

The only real cap we have on ships is size, maximum weapon loadout, and speed. There are thousands of other ways to advance technology. Shields. Systems. Material science. Experimental energy systems, weapon varieties, subsystems, compuation and astrogation re-designs are all possibilities as well. Several of the other mods have said it before, and I'll say it again. If you have a specific project in mind, talk to one of us. We'll listen, we'll help you plot and scheme.

As to the caps, you don't need 1600 KM to wreck some sheb, man. Hell, one absolutely incredible fighter can screw up everything--or a few, if you've got rogue squadron. There are plenty of spaces within the rules to have a little fun, and start there. If your vision really needs an exemption, PM somebody in with specifics and we'll work with you. Maybe. Or we'll eat your souls. D:
Darth Praelior said:
Reading the trade off and guide with the new sections is putting long range turbolasers on a heavy cruiser allowed? I saw for hyper velocity gun it was light star destroyer and above but in the trade off they are the same numbers.
HVG's count as 10, regular long-range turbos count for 5. It's the Heavy Long-Range Turbos that also count for 10. And to answer your question, you may mount long-range turbos.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

[member="Jeff Solaris"] So long as it's submitted through the factory and meets their requirements, fair and balanced, ect...

Roth Tillian

Roth's company produces training holovids. Those would still use a factory submission, correct? And would there need to be separate submissions for each one, or would they all qualify as one sub?
[member="Roth Tillian "]Really depends on what's being taught. Basic flight training and 'ordinary' stuff that you could get from maybe a military course wouldn't require a sub, just a rather nice description wherever you're listing them. Now if they were teaching (anti/)force techniques or something else special then they likely would to establish clear limitations and what information is contained within. Basic could be one sub, complex things would require their own.

[member="Darth Nexus"] Still not recognized.

Also please note, I'm no longer an FJ. So while I'll still be trying to help, I'm far from the final word on matters, just rather knowledgeable on stuff in general.

Roth Tillian

Thanks! Nothing anti-Force related, since they're all for starfighter pilots and armchair pilots. Some of the more advanced ones from his experience will use a sub then. Thank you so much!

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