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Faction Aspect of the Force Series - Control ( NJO or invite only)



The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds
Rhen Qel-Droma, a Corellian Green Jedi of the New Jedi Order, surveyed the Padawans and Initiates seated before him with his piercing green eyes. In light of recent events, their training would continue aboard the Prosperity, the enormous Temple-Ark. His series of classes would cover not only the basics of the Force but also delve into how these aspects worked together, enabling a Jedi to grow in control within themselves and the environment and ultimately affecting their senses.

This initial course would focus on the Aspect of Control.

"Welcome, younglings, Initiates, and Padawans," Rhen began, introducing himself. He was well into his sixties, his graying hair framing a weathered, tanned face. A thick but neatly trimmed grey beard covered the lower half of his face, lending him an air of quiet authority.

"I am Master Qel-Droma, of the Corellian Enclave," he continued, identifying himself as a Green Jedi of Corellian origin, yet firmly affiliated with the New Jedi Order. His green eyes flickered to a few latecomers, and he gestured for them to find seats, preferably in pairs.

"Today, we will go over the Aspect of Control," he explained, clasping his hands behind his back as he walked along the rows, his gaze meeting each participant's eyes. He reached out with the Force, sensing their emotions and states of mind, while also gauging their countenances and demeanors.

"Control is internal. It a Jedi's ability to recognize the Force within themselves and to use it to their benefit," he continued, emphasizing its importance. "It is the critical foundation you will need to open your mind to the Force through abilities centered on your body and self."

The room was silent, every young face turned towards him in rapt attention. Rhen paused, letting his words sink in. The hum of the Prosperity's engines provided a steady backdrop, a reminder of the vastness of space they floated in, and the endless possibilities that lay before them as they embarked on their journey to master the Force.

"We shall begin today with Curato salva," He paused, then continued, "Curato salva is method of using the Force to stay fit and maintain endurance, extend one's lifespans by staving off decay, and to flush out any poisons or diseases within one's bloodstream."

He gestured to the group.

"You may sit in pairs if you wish, or by yourself. To begin, find your center through focus or meditation, and focus inward, paying close attention to how the Force flows through your body. The Force in of itself, is a form of energy, how does that run through your body? How does it empower and flow from the beat of your heart and cycle through your veins -- or nervous system? Once there, we will go onto the next step on using the Force to increase that flow and provide a method to maintain endurance."

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish.

Ayhan Ayhan Mahsa Mahsa Casaline Ryiah Toby Perris Toby Perris Jacob Solay Jacob Solay Braze Braze Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino



Curato Salva? Was that what Ko Vuto Ko Vuto had learned under duress from his uncle? It was a topic and technique he was determined to master. Wanting to avoid slowing anyone else down, he chose to sit by himself. He settled down, bringing a fist to his hand in the customary bowing gesture he often used. His focus was intense, his demeanor marked by a severe seriousness.

Braze's eyes were fixed on Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma , who was graciously hosting this lesson. Braze was eager to smooth out the rough edges of his knowledge, to fill in the gaps of things he felt he should already know.
Last edited:


Curato Salva.


Aris had read up on it once he heard of it. He couldn't use the Force like others, but it didn't hurt to know what others could do, right? But that wasn't the end of it. Was this something he was already doing unconciously? Was this why he never felt physically tired? How much was just, abilities through the Force he was using without knowing it and how much was just a weird quirk of his modified body?

This would be a good class to at least figure it out. He took a seat in the back, calmly waiting for it to begin.

Braze Braze | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma
Carlo had seated himself in the middle of the room, not too close to the front but not too far back either, allowing him to observe the instructor and his peers. This spot gave him a good vantage point to ensure he was following along correctly, as everything was new to him. It was hard to believe that just a week ago, Carlo was living what he thought was a 'normal' life—though, in truth, nothing about him had ever been truly ordinary.

The realization that his internal monologue was starting to ramble brought a small smile to his lips, and Carlo relished the rare moment of silence.

Braze Braze Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma
The Prosperity
Training Grounds — Time for class!

If there was one thing she’d quickly captured from her latest lessons it was that, despite her natural affinity for the Force, Mahsa still had a long way to go when it came to harnessing and controlling it. So when a whole course had been announced focused on this specific topic the Kazelrrian hadn’t hesitated to fill up the sign up sheet for it.

There were two familiar faces when she’d entered the classroom, having taken time the day prior to properly figure out its location in order to avoid being late. A friendly smile and a wave were given to Braze Braze , before her steps took her to the empty seat beside one of her roommates.

"Didn’t know you also signed up for this, Aris." She had grown comfortable with his presence, the girl carefully setting out her datapad on the desk for when the time to take notes came. "Have you taken lessons with Master Qel-Droma before?"

The thought of asking her roommates about what classes they’d be attending hadn’t crossed her mind until now, and a part of her wondered if maybe Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti would join them for this lesson too.

Other faces slowly began to flood the hall as students made their way in, most following the Jedi’s advice of sitting in pairs. When class finally began she was silent and attentive, hanging onto every word their elder shared as her fingers rapidly tapped the screen of her device. Her physical writing still needed a lot of work before it shifted from its current chicken scratch shapes to something more legible, but Mahsa had quickly adapted herself to the keyboard provided by the datapad.

Curato salva…? The name sounded vaguely familiar, though the Kazelrrian couldn’t remember if she’d heard it from her own Master before—or perhaps had simply come across it in one of the many tomes available in the library. Her eyes widened as Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma explained the methodology behind it, before her eyes squinted slightly as they seemed to reassess their instructor in a new light.

There was no doubt he was their elder by many years… but the gap might’ve been far larger than she’d initially imagined when she took Curato Salva into account.

Aris Noble Aris Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

These were the lessons that reminded her most of the old days. When she sat in class — often bored out of her mind — learning about the Force, its various aspects, and all of its mysteries. If it had no practical application, the younger Valery immediately discarded the ability but looking back, she was glad to have picked up as much as she did.

Now, it was this generation's turn to learn the same.

Aris and Vera were part of the class, but she recognized the other students as well. They were a close group, all willing to go through fire and flames for each other. They were going to need such bonds in the years to come.

In this new war within the Core.

But for now, there was no need to worry them with such things. Valery kept quiet and watched from the sidelines, eager to see how Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma would handle the lesson.

She could speak to him afterward.

Even with so much being uprooted and moved about, there was always time for some additional training. Amongst all the teaching her Master had imparted on her, there was one thing that always stuck in her mind. To never be shy if another Master’s teachings caught her interest. Especially those that didn’t necessarily tie themselves to the NJO, but were more affiliated with the Order.

Master Rhen Qel-Droma was one such person.

Up until now, Katherine had never directly spoken with the older Jedi. Only ever heard of him from the Jedi Archives, or from stories told by her peers. But hearing that he was going to run a course about ‘Aspect of Control’, immediately had the winged Padawan’s attention.

During her early training, Katherine had significant difficulty learning that particular aspect. In part due to her nature as a partial Sithspawn, but also because of her previous life, the memories of which had been suppressed at the time. But her body still retained those lessons, of trying to manipulate the Force to her will, not simply open her mind to it.

Fortunately, the Padawan was able to overcome that struggle. It hadn’t been easy, but Katherine was always a determined student, with a healthy side of stubborness too.

The prospect of learning more about Control, specifically ‘Curato Salva’ was what brought the redhead to the Green Jedi’s lesson. She had a feeling learning it might just end up being a lifesaver.

Little did she know just how true that would be in the near future…

Katherine arrived fairly early, pausing after entering to give Master Qel-Droma a respectful nod. She recognized a few faces, namely Aris and Valery. She gave both a smile and wave, before finding a spot at the back of the class.

She had learned early on to not sit anywhere else, given her wings often blocked anyone’s view seated behind her.

Location: Prosperity
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber
Tags: Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma | Braze Braze | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Mahsa Mahsa | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

Being aboard the Prosperity was a different experience to how life on Jakku was. It was interesting and Lily was curious how classes would be on the ship. It felt dangerous to practice on a ship, that an accident could happen and yeet several of them into the vacuum of space. However, she figured that there were safety measures in place for those kinds of issues and that while she was on the ship, it would do her some good to get in extra training. She had been training plenty on Jakku and making sure her skills improved with Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren 's guidance, but there was a class on a topic she had yet to cover.

Entering the class, she gave a silent, deep bow to the instructor and positioned herself at the back of the class, observing the others and catching up on what was being taught. A meditation of sorts? That was never her strongest talents, she was very eager in being active and in motion, but due to Master Valery's guidance, she had learnt some skills in meditation that had helped her find some peace. It seemed like it was perfect time to see if she could achieve a solid meditative approach without needing to be in motion or combative.

Walking over to Katherine, she smiled, "did you want to sit together and give this a go?" Lily asked.



Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Mahsa Mahsa Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Braze Braze
She made it!

For once, Vera wasn't late to class and she had everything ready. Her hand-written notes, her datapad to look things up, and her pencil to occasionally prod into Aris' side. She had chosen to sit beside him, not because he was her brother, but because he was a nerd. She'd be able to compare notes and maybe pick up on things a little faster.

And if he tried to get rid of her, she'd blackmail him.

Mahsa Mahsa joined them as well, and Vera was quick to greet her with a little wave. She considered Mahsa a friend and she was eager to attend more classes with her.

But who could she pair up with if Mahsa was going to pair up with Aris?

He opened the door slowly. Yep, late. Alright, that was fine, he could make do... He wouldn't sneak in, just followed in after a few others and took a seat. It wasn't really "rare" for him to be at such things but it certainly wasn't common. Being one of the older padawans, he had a bad habit of wandering, though he'd been sticking to Alliance territory ever since he'd been chosen as a padawan. Still, being older his master trusted him and his judgement a bit more, he reasoned.

He took a seat, not... quite sure where to do so, but he took a seat, anyways and listened, intently. Many of the others were younger initiates and padawans. It was fascinating, and yet funny, to see. He leaned back in the chair. He'd see what happened for all of this.

Still, though, he was curious as to what this was. It had been a hot rotation since he'd been to such a lecture. He smiled, at the thought of learning.

Zaiya came in quietly from the back, iridescent blue eyes scanning who had already arrived. She was a little late, but it seemed Master Qel-Droma simply gestured her to find a seat among the group. Delight brightened and dyed her skin as she caught sight of several familiar faces; there was Aris Noble Aris Noble , her gaze immediately drawn to his tell-tale silver hair. She waved, then grew even more excited as she saw Vera Noble Vera Noble , Mahsa Mahsa , and even Braze Braze nearby. The Half Echani was focused with a serious, attentive expression. That made sense, as he took his studies very seriously.

There were a few others she hadn't met yet, but perhaps she will soon.

"Hi Vera!" Zaiya called out as they both made their way to sit down, the Lovalla deciding to sit next to Mahsa as she seemed to be a bit anxious. Then again, Mahsa always seemed to be a little anxious. With a wave and a wink at Aris, Zaiya made herself comfortable.

"Hi Mahsa!"
she murmured, flashing her a wide grin, another ripple of teals and light blues dancing over her mottled spots and stripes, before a flash of citrine in curiosity drew her attention over to the older Jedi walking around.

Master Qel-Droma was talking about how the Aspect of Control had to deal with mastering control over one's own body. Interesting. All Zaiya had been able to do was sense others and nothing really regarding her own body, well, save learning how to turn her own fist from soft to hard. That had hurt at first, until she finally figured it out.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : The Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Re-Learn Control
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma / Open | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


He was late… some things never change.

The only excuse he had(not that he wanted one) was that he had never been on The Prosperity. Connel was here now and that was what mattered. He was aware of his undying desire to fight and take back all that was lost. He was aware that it was becoming more and more prevalent in his psyche. This was normal and he was going to downplay all of it.


The last time Vanagor walked into a class like this, Buster was with him and running amuck. Sitting down quietly in a Lotus position but acknowledging Master Qel-Droma as well as Master Valery Noble Valery Noble , he smiled thinking about his best friend.

Connel knew Buster was safe and more than well cared for. He would meet up with Ryana mina Ryana mina , thank her repeatedly and profusely for caring for “wigglebutt” and pick him up.

Do something nice for her too…

Right now, Connel needed to regain control of his head.


The Prosperity
Training Grounds — Time for class!

She’d somehow missed the brunette besides Aris at first, perhaps distracted by the sea of faces that Mahsa had only seen in passing, but her face lit up in delight once she finally spotted the girl. "Vera! Y-You signed up too?" It seemed the class had been more popular than she had imagined, especially as the hall continued to fill up with students of all varying ages.

Another look around the room helped her spot Valery Noble Valery Noble standing a ways off so as not to attract attention, and a reserved smile was given as the Kazelrrian mutedly waved at the mother of two of her friends.

To her surprise students continued to trickle in even as the lesson officially began, the familiar faces of Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade and Zaiya among them. She was glad to see the older padawan looked well, but it would be the appearance of the Lovalla that excited her the most.

"Zaiya—!" She’d blurted out her friend’s name without thought, before the Kazelrrian caught herself as she remembered where she was. The cheerful yellow hues that had colored her hair quickly shifted to fiery orange, an embarrassed blush on her face as she looked towards Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma . "S-Sorry…!"

The awkwardness eventually passed as the quartet whispered greetings to one another, the Lovalla’s wide grin reciprocated with Mahsa’s own before her attention finally turned back to the class currently in progress.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Oh there were a lot of people.

Aris smiled warm and wide. This was good. A lot of people meant a lot of opportunity to learn. He glanced to Mahsa and Vera specifically, more grinning than anything. He knew what was going to happen. Vera was going to want to pair up with him. He could see the concern in her face about it with Mahsa, but, such concerns were fairly short lived as Zaiya arrived. He smiled warm to her, dipping his head in greeting to his best friend.

He didn't say anything though. He was listening to the teacher, but he was sure they'd be talking soon enough.

Mahsa Mahsa | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | @Others
A friendly smile and a wave were given to Braze Braze Braze Braze ,
Mahsa Mahsa
Braze caught sight of Mahsa's smile, and his snowy white lashes fluttered briefly. He blinked thrice as a little smirk etched its way onto his pale porcelain visage, crooking the corner of his mouth. He winked at her, the gesture followed by a slight upward nod as he moved to raise his hand briefly and wiggled his fingers in a playful little wave in return, acknowledging her briefly. Those somber jade green eyes met hers from across the room, looking to match her gaze with prolonged eye contact that lasted several long moments before his attention shifted to the front of the room once more.



The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds

It was a good set of participants, Rhen noted to himself, giving a nod. He peered at each and every single one, noticing the studious-looking Braze Braze . It appeared he already had a certain measure of control over his own body; perhaps this class will refine it.

"Your bodies are intricate and complicated creations that already conduct a series of unconscious actions to keep you alive." Rhen began, walking around as he spoke.

Then, his attention wandered towards Aris, noting his quiet demeanor. A slight forward thrust of his brows would curiously study the boy. Interesting. The Force was moving in a rather interesting way within the Noble boy. He would comment as the training and the class continued to determine what that meant. A young, small girl murmured, and Rhen asked if the Noble boy had taken a class with Rhen before. Amused, he continued.

"Whether oxygen, water, or gas, all species utilize a measure of breathing, your heart beating and pumping blood through your veins, and even the very nervous system that carries out the commands to make you jump, kick, punch, and even eat."

Green eyes swept over Carlo, noting that the Padawan might be in his thoughts. Rhen cleared his throat, wanting to ensure that Carlo was focused on what he was instructing them.

From there, a small nod was given to Valery, albeit a bit amused at her presence. Perhaps she came to audit the class by the old Corellian. Rare mirth glittered in his weathered eyes before his attention swiveled towards Katherine and Lily as the Echani sat down along the winged Padawan. Another nod in approval at their pairing.

"When a foreign or toxic substance has been ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, the body, regardless of species, instinctively notices and does its best to try and isolate the toxin and remove it from your system."

Vera, Raphael, Zaiya, and Connel were next, and Rhen made gestures for them to find a pair or settle to themselves if they prefer. It mattered not. He had planned ahead of time for those who would rather work on their own with the addition of training droids.

"Curato Salva is a method of using the Force to not only enhance and revitalize the features your body already exemplifies but with practice, can become an unconscious utilization that can be as second nature as breathing."

He stopped, unlocking his hands from behind his back to bring them forward.

"So, I want you all to first focus inward, take note of what is going on with your bodies. How the air fills your lungs, how your heart beats and your blood flows, how you are able to sense the way your fingers wiggle and feel a gush of air against your skin." He gave a gesture of his hand, sending a telekinetic wave to brush a slight breeze across all the participants, so they could feel the sensation.

"Now, with the Force applied to it, consider that you can make such a process work more effectively and efficiently. You can leap and jump into the air to such heights with the Force because you are applying that internal energy to your very muscles and pushing them to act with that burst of energy from the Force. Perhaps you have already done so many a time, but not considered that you have already been applying internal control of the Force. I want you to come to realize that moving forward, there are many applications in which the Apect of Control can serve to work through you internally and assist in a variety of matters."

Turning towards one of the doors, Rhen waved and said, "Have them come in."

The doors slid open, and a servo droid with a tray of tiny cups containing what appeared to be some sort of liquid came rolling in. It began to offer the Padawans a small cup each.

"Go on, drink. It is but a small stomach irritant to start practicing Curato Salva. We will be working on building your bodies' endurance as you learn to control the nausea." For those who could not drink, Rhen would utilize another method to mimic the nausea.

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish. Invite also possible for any enclave affiliated with NJO.

Braze Braze Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa Vera Noble Vera Noble Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Valery Noble Valery Noble Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ayhan Ayhan

Location: Training Grounds, Prosperity

Ayhan was late. Unintentionally so. Or intentionally? The Firronthix couldn't decide as he has rushed towards the training grounds. He'd debated even showing up to the training at all. He was talentless when it came to controlling the Force, and the knowledge that his roommates, that Mahsa, would be there to watch him fail, while they all succeeded was...

He wasn't going to become any better at controlling the Force without practice though. Without someone telling him what in black void he was supposed to be doing to actually do anything with Force. Hera did well enough to teach him, but Ayhan wasn't so oblivious to not notice how his own frustrations wore on the knight's patience.

All in all, that general train of thought was how the Firronthix found himself standing in front of a door, breath caught in his throat as he tried to force himself to open the door, apologize he was late, and just find a spot as far away from everyone as possible to hide his ineptitude.

Before Ayhan even had a chance to open the door of his own accord though, the door slid open, and a pair of droids that had gathered behind him without his notice shouldered past him. Ayhan's lips drew themselves into a thin line, eyes darting towards the whoever was closest that looked even remotely like an instructor. "Apologies for being late," he said thickly, shuffling into the room.
Carlo's thoughts raced as he noticed the room filling up with not just other padawans but also several knights and, if he wasn't mistaken, a grandmaster. He wondered if it was normal to see such a high-ranking figure in these types of classes.

Before he could dwell too long on that thought, another one pushed its way in: 'Is Master Rhen looking at me?' Locking eyes with the master, Carlo couldn't shake the feeling until the man cleared his throat, confirming Carlo's suspicions.

The sound brought Carlo's attention back to the matter at hand. He tried to focus as cups of liquid were distributed. 'Refreshments?' he thought, picking up his cup and downing its contents quickly. It wasn't until it was confirmed that the liquid was meant to induce a feeling of sickness that the color drained from his already pale features.

Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma | Others



Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Mahsa Mahsa Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Braze Braze Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ayhan Ayhan Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

"Hello Zaiya," Vera said with a warm smile. One opposite of the mischievous grin that shifted to her brother. She was definitely going to snatch him for the practical part of this class. They had often deliberately avoided each other — only to make sure they'd learn from and with others. They couldn't just rely on each other or their parents, after all.

Sometimes, though, it was good to remind him that he was the little brother.

This class would be their battlefield.

Vera's attention then turned to Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma , who explained their first lesson about Curato Salva. She had heard about it before, and she knew it was one ability that helped Jedi live very long and stay young! But it did more than just slow down aging, it seemed.

With a thoughtful expression, Vera turned to her brother, "Alright, little brother. Let's go try it together?" She waited for the droids to present them cups with 'poison' and grinned. First, she focused inwards, drawing on the Force to steady her mind and the flow of energy through her body.

"I could handle two cups at once and flush it out."

Katherine’s eyes lit up when she saw Lily approaching. “Of course, I’d appreciate the company.” She said, returning the Echani’s smile with one of her own. Much as the Padawan was content training alone, she always preferred having a partner.

Listening to Master Qel-Droma’s words, Katherine closed her eyes and focused on his instruction. To begin, she drowned out all other distractions as much as possible. Focusing her senses on both the Master and her partner. From there Katherine centred her focus inwards, to how the Force followed through her.

To Katherine? It felt like flying.

Being able to leap into the sky and simply soar, the freedom that allowed. To feel the air rushing across her body like endless waves. For Katherine, that was how the Force felt when she opened herself up to. Only it flowed through her, not just around her.

The Padawan let out a breath, feeling her heartbeat settle.

Listening to Rhen, Katherine focused on the particulars of how the Force moved within her body. She felt a ghost of a sensation, feeling the blood flow from her heart with every beat, how it circulated. The Master’s little gesture gained no reaction from the Padawan, she was used to a little breeze.

His following words however caught Katherine’s attention. When Kahlil had initially taught her about Control, it had been under the necessity of preparing to fight on a battlefield. Of course, there had been the base teaching and understanding of it, but there hadn’t been a lot of time to delve further.

It was why the prospect of this lesson had interested her so much.

With eyes remained closed, Katherine followed the low rumble of the servo droid as it rolled into the room and to each Padawan. Once it stopped before her, Katherine didn’t hesitate to pick up one of the tiny cups. She gave herself a few moments, making sure she was focused, before downing the contents in one motion.

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