Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Aspect of the Force Series - Control ( NJO or invite only)

Location: Prosperity
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber
Tags: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma

It was clear others had fears that this would be more potent than the instructor had mentioned. A mere stomach irritant would not be lethal and it would likely not be something that people were allergic to. Just some would feel a stronger reaction than others, there was a faith that Lily put in mentors, they had experienced a lot and understood plenty more.

Keeping in tune with her partner for the session, she felt Kat struggle. The impulse to vomit was strong and she felt a heavy sense of nausea herself. Lily just focused on a chant of movements. The Echani first combat kata. It was everything she needed to keep the desires to spew everywhere out of her mind. The chanting of positions, movements and countering. Lily kept her mind focused on that to allow the Force flow through her and suppress anything she did not desire to happen.

Sensing that Kat was finding herself wandering to different memories, Lily reached out with the Force, trying to help guide her back into focus. Hoping she was doing the right thing in offering a friendly hand instead of being a nuisance.



The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds

Master Qel-Droma kept avid attention at Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor during his process, but his keen hearing also picked up the subsequent chatter from the other participants. Murmurs of toxin and poison, a few aghast cries. Even the young Noble girl had indicated that her brother required more poison.

He let the comments slide, aware that, for now, there didn't seem to be much concern from the rest. The Force had a way of relaying how each of the Padawans and Knights was doing, and Rhen had a keen sense of perception to ensure none of the other students would be in trouble. The irritant was nothing in comparison to what they could very well be exposed to out in the field.

A firm nod and then a quick squeeze of Connel's shoulder complimented his success in reigning in his emotions and being able to focus and process what he needed to do to ensure his survival.

"Well done Knight Vanagor. With practice - under supervision until you are confident - you should continue such training to increase your reaction time and the swiftness that you are able to detoxify and take control of your bodily functions. Such skill will be critical and lifesaving in situations that may be far more serious and necessary for timely action."

He straightened and clasped his hands once more behind his back, turning to look at the rest of the students. "As young Noble has referenced, the serum is nothing but a mild irritant that causes nausea. However... outside of these walls, you must be vigilant. In the oft chance you are met in a situation that does expose you to fatal toxins or poisons, you must be able to act confidently and endure what pain and suffering you might require to process the toxin. It could very well be a matter of life and death."

"In much the same way that you neutralize toxins, you are also taking control of your bodily functions to promote the growth of healthy cells and efficiently remove waste. Continued practice in this will not only promote a sense of revitalization, but also have the potential to extend your longevity. "
A slow grin would form over his thick beard, "And perhaps, one day, you too can look as handsome as I do at my age."

"Now, is anyone having any issues processing and enduring the serum? Speak now, for you will be taking another sample and this time, be paired with another Padawan or training droid to practice trying to endure the nausea and process it out while sparring. It is necessary that you get used to having to do this despite any distractions or risk of bodily harm. One must defend or protect and act accordingly even while feeling exhausted, ill, or lacking clarity. This very skill can be utilized to even promote regaining consciousness."

Coming up beside the Noble children, green eyes would peer down at Aris and Vera. They were clearly having some sort of competition together, but it was the quick way Aris had managed to process the serum that intrigued Rhen.

"Padawan Aris Noble," the Corellian Knight began, "You seem to have grasped the method of control quickly. Did you focus on it with intent, or did it appear to come naturally?"

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish. Invite also possible for any enclave affiliated with NJO.

Feel free to join en media res with the following actions:
1) Focus internally now your body works to naturally defend itself against toxins. How your body breathes, blood flows, etc.
2) Drink the serum to provide a stomach irritant to assist in enhancing the nausea and then to practice detoxifying
3) Select an IC partner or a training droid to try and spar while attempting to endure and detoxify a second dose of the serum.

Braze Braze Vera Noble Vera Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa Ayhan Ayhan Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Valery Noble Valery Noble Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass


"Y-You’re doing great Zaiya, keep focusing on your breaths."

Hearing Mahsa encourage Zaiya helped a lot, but it was also a process of filtering all the chaos and chatter surrounding the Lovalla to focus on not throwing up. It took a little bit more time, but eventually, Zaiya made herself feel less nauseated. Her skin was clammy after the attempt, and even her rosy golden skin had blanched to a silvery hue, her intricate patterns a lime green hue.

Swallowing back the salvia that seemed to be ever flowing into her mouth, Zaiya took a deep breath then opened her eyes. She turned to Mahsa Mahsa , concerned as she seemed to shudder and .... all of a sudden it seemed as if her face was turning green.

"Mahsa, are you okay?" Concern grew, then turned to alarm. Aris Noble Aris Noble and Vera Noble Vera Noble were chatting, but now Zaiya was worried that Mahsa might just actually throw up.

"Umm, do we have a bag?!"
... just in case.

She knew things were not okay the very moment those fluids touched her tongue. Perhaps it was due to already knowing beforehand that the contents of the cup had been laced, though there was always the possibility that her tastebuds were refined enough to pick the out of place compound within it, but whatever the case might be one thing became clear pretty quickly for the young girl.

Mahsa couldn’t swallow it, her body would simply not allow it.

Concern laced the words of the Lovalla sitting at her side, and the Kazelrrian didn’t need to look directly at Zaiya to imagine the shifting hues running across her mottled spots. She had yet to figure out what colors were related to which emotions, it seemed the rainbow wasn’t universal to all species, though she was slowly starting to learn the patterns.

"Mm… mhmm…"

She wanted to reassure her friend that everything was fine, but it was hard to do so with a mouthful of an irritant laced drink, and the nausea slowly creeping in the longer Mahsa held onto it. Finally, after what certainly felt like an eternity for the young girl, she finally gave in and carefully spitted it back into the cup.

"I c-can’t…" It was harder to figure out which one was brighter, the orange hues that now colored the lower half of her hair or the shame and embarrassment so vividly displayed in the girl’s face and ears, as she did her best to cover up the contents of her cup.

It was already bad enough the room was filled with so many people too… and it was only made worse by the knowledge that Ayhan Ayhan was among them.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Wulrenkit winced as the serum got to work, turning his stomach and instantly making his head swim with nausea. Digging deeper, he focused one more on that burning pit inside of him. Burn it away, he thought. Weather it like stone. He might have failed as a Wilder, but some of their lessons still hung about in his head, half forgotten memories that would help him now. With his eyes squeezed shut, he searched his body for the intrustion, finding the toxic serum as it travelled from his stomach and through his blood.

Weather it like stone. Slowly, he started to feel the nausea pass. His hands reached out and gripped the table, though he accidentally knocked over the empty cup as he did so. His " as he" was little more than a grunt as he focused more on the poison. Using the force was hard. It was even harder when you were trying not to show the class what you just had for lunch. Burn it away.

Wulrenkit's exerted growls suddenly became a gasp of pain as fire laced through his veins. It wasn't unbearable, or agonizing, but he could feel the force traveling through his body. It itched and seared from his belly and down his limbs. Still, he could feel the nausea lessening, slipping away and becoming easier to bear as it was purged from his body. "You sayin' we gotta fight like this, teach?" Through the queasiness, there was a certain tone of fear in the Zorren's fear as he voiced his question. However, it was less for his own wellbeing. He knew he could fight. But he knew enough about his condition with the force to know that stress would not help the rage if it chose to surface.

Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma @Anyone else
Last edited:



Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma @others
"You're not good at the ability. Mom's cocoa just made your stomach resistant to irritants." Vera huffed and briefly looked away at the others in the room. She raised an eyebrow for a moment, but Aris had addressed it already, so she wouldn't add more to that conversation. No, she had to focus on the lesson and do her best.

She was supposed to be good at these things!

When Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma finally noticed how easy it seemed to be for Aris, Vera spoke up quickly, "It was very natural to him, Master Qel-Droma. I think he needs something stronger to practice." She said with a grin, "I'd like something stronger, too!" She wouldn't allow Aris to brag that he could handle a stronger poison.

This was her day to shine.



"I don't think mom will be happy to hear you call her cocoa poison, Vera."

Their mother who was currently here. He just smiled softly to Vera, though did blink as she spoke for him. Not that she was wrong, but still. He was capable of answering himsel- Oohh she was trying to make it more difficult for him when they sparred, wasn't she? He squinted. Then grinned. "I don't think it'd be too fare for me to be so aptly capable of clearing myself of such poisons and fight someone who can't. Perhaps Vera should have something lesser, so we're on equal footing?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : The Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Re-Learn Control
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma / Braze Braze Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa Vera Noble Vera Noble Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Valery Noble Valery Noble Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Ayhan Ayhan | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

With the aspects of control coming back around, Connel was focusing himself on his circulation. It was a strange experience with all of these implants and cybernetics in him. It was… odd… empowering… exhilarating. It was his second chance. Not just at life, but at being the Jedi that father wanted him to be. He was strong, stronger physically, maybe even with the Force?

Connel was going to make the Sith pay…


Where did that come from? He didn't think like that! What is going on here?? Closing his eyes, Connel went back to meditation.




The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds

"You sayin' we gotta fight like this, teach?"

Attention drawn momentarily from the Noble twins, Rhen directed his attention towards the blonde Padawan. "Exactly so. You may very well find yourself in similar situations during a mission where you will need to protect or defend yourselves while being incapacitated in some form. Practice here will allow you to build endurance while learning how to efficiently handle the Force while defending yourself."

He gestured for the training droids to start singling out those students who did not have a sparring partner.

"Begin." he instructed, letting them all focus on sparring and handling the nausea on their own. It was up to them now.

"It was very natural to him, Master Qel-Droma. I think he needs something stronger to practice." She said with a grin, "I'd like something stronger, too!"

Returning to Vera Noble Vera Noble and Aris Noble Aris Noble , the old Master gave a small harrumph at their competitive spirit. None the less, the corner of his mouth would perk.

"Something stronger? For both of you? Well then, I am here to ensure my students are able to push their boundaries. Ask and you shall receive." Rhen had no qualms about making the session more difficult, especially as both Padawans wanted to try a more difficult course.

Now, will pride make their way into their session? It would be interesting to see how they will deal with what Rhen will concoct for them next.

"Go on, get into your sparring positions." He ordered them, not offering them any additional serum. Instead, the man would raise a weathered palm, then held it out to the pair.

The Force would bloom, summoned by a mere thought, charting a path that raced towards the Padawans only to dive into their bodies. It would slink into their humors, following the flow of their blood as it pumped through their veins. Each singular heartbeat from the pair pulsing within Rhen's mind's eye.

Malacia; A method of utilizing the Force in an advanced offensive version of what the Corellian was trying to teach. In this instance, however, it would be utilized not for his body but to control the very blood flow, muscles, and atmospheric gases inhaled and exhaled. A way to turn a target's energy against them.

"Begin." came the cool clipped tone, as the Corellian began to stimulating different nerve receptors within Vera's and Aris's body, increasingly overwhelming their swallowing, gagging, and burping reflexes. The acid level would raise within their stomach, and they would ever increasingly feel lightheaded, with the sudden inset of bile activating a mass of salvia to flow within their mouths.

The nausea would worsen, perfectly controlled as Rhen adjusted until he saw the reactions he intended. Now, to see how the siblings would react?

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish. Invite also possible for any enclave affiliated with NJO.

Mahsa Mahsa Aris Noble Aris Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble Casaline Ryiah Toby Perris Toby Perris Jacob Solay Jacob Solay Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Valery Noble Valery Noble Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus


Mahsa Mahsa

Oh, oh! Okay. So Mahsa spat it out instead.

Ever so gently, Zaiya would pat Mahsa's back, concern for the girl dyeing her skin in a medley of greys, pale yellows, and silvery-edged bioluminescence "Hey... just breathe. It's okay. "

Around them others were starting to spar either with a partner or with a droid.

"Do you want me to get you water?" Zaiya offered. She didn't want to push Mahsa to try again unless she felt ready. "We could always step out if you like and take a breather. We can practice in our dorm room or at another time, too."

Whatever Mahsa decided, Zaiya would be happy to help.

With every practical lesson of the force that Mahsa attended she continued to learn the marked difference between reading about something versus actually trying to do it. When it came to the theory of it all the Kazelrrian had little issues understanding the concepts and how everything should have worked, but it felt like the dice her own body was her biggest obstacle to every lesson lately.

It was… frustrating.

Part of her was thankful that Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma didn’t seem to pay attention to her failure, the older man too busy between keeping an eye on the rather large turn out of his class and the spicy Noble siblings. She hadn’t missed the way Vera Noble Vera Noble had asked for something stronger, and it was clear from a single glance that the current toxins had little—if any—effect on Aris Noble Aris Noble that she could spot.

"Do you want me to get you water?" The Lovalla spoke softly as she focused on Mahsa, a gentle sense of comfort slowly growing as Zaiya patted her back softly. She’d even sought an out for the young Kazelrrian, willing to skip the class along with Mahsa if that’s what her friend truly needed… honestly the offer itself had been so very tempting, but she couldn’t do that to the other girl.

Not when Zaiya was always looking out for them.

"N-No, it’s okay…" A weak smile was offered to Zaiya as she caught the mix of greys, yellows, and silvers that dyed her friend’s skin—her hand reaching for Zaiya’s before she gave it a soft squeeze. "I wanna try again."

After all, Master Rhen had probably gone through so much trouble and effort to prepare this lesson for them… and in the odd chance something went terribly wrong at least here they’d have the support of him and other experienced Jedi to help them. They’d already witnessed the odd reaction that Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor had to endure from his own cup, who’s to say that something similar couldn’t happen to them if they tried to DIY this lesson back in their dorm?

I can do this… I have to do this…! It wasn’t even a matter of pride, but the simple understanding that this was another skill that could guarantee her survival. There were no guarantees to be found that their fights would be fair or favorable for them out there, the universe wasn’t such a kind place after all, and Mahsa wouldn’t be able to keep her friends safe if she couldn’t help herself first and foremost.

A long sigh left the girl before she reached for another cup from one of the droids, an involuntary grimace crossing her face as she watched the contents slush inside. She hated every single drop inside that cup, but she’d also hated plenty of other things back at the Cage… things they had managed to overcome, and that led them to the Jedi and their new life among them.

She steeled her nerves and her resolve as a deep breath filled her lungs, stubbornly holding onto it before she quickly pressed the cup to her lips and attempted to down the contents in one go.

Interacting with Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Great," he growled. Reaching down, Wulrenkit unclipped his lightsaber and started towards the sparring area. On his way, he found another cup of irritant and before he could second guess himself, knocked it back. "Might regret that," he mumbled to himself as he faced off against one of the droids. Still new to the order, he hadn't really made enough introductions to find his own sparring partner. So Mr. Roboto it was. With a snap-hiss his blue saber ignited and he rose it up with a deep breath, trying to find his center and continue the purging of the toxins. "Aight. Lets go."

Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma



Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma @others
"I dON't ThInk Mom wiLL bE haPPY to HEAr YoU calL HeR Cocoa poISOn, veRA," Vera imitated with an annoying little squeaky voice that resembled the way Aris spoke, just several pitches higher. She then gave him quite the glare, puffed her cheeks, and turned to the teacher. She was going to do the exact same thing he did to make the spar harder. No lesser poison and she'd never accept the teacher going easy on her.

This was a Noble battle.

"We're ready," she confirmed before rising to her feet. She drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand, ignited its green blade, and turned it down in power. She wanted to defeat her little brother, not maim him.

"It's not the poison that's going to make you see stars today." Just like her father, she raised her lightsaber and assumed the famous Soresu stance. Aris was an aggressive fighter like Mom, so she'd counter it the same way her father would. She just didn't have his way of tapping into a unique bond to read Aris.

She wouldn't need it!

But right when Vera believed herself to be ready, the effects of Malacia began to hit her hard. She stood more shakily on her feet and suddenly she saw two little chits in front of her, rather than one. She squinted, steadied her breathing, and focused on purging whatever Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma did from her system. It was no easy task.

"B-bring it!"

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : The Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Re-Learn Control
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma / Braze Aris Noble Mahsa Vera Noble Carlo Von Corrino Valery Noble Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Ayhan | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor sat cross-legged in the dimly lit gathering, his eyes closed as he focused on the Force flowing through him. As he delved deeper into his meditation, he felt a sense of unease wash over him, a feeling of impending danger that he couldn't shake.

Suddenly, a vision flashed before his eyes, a scene of destruction and chaos. He saw a planet engulfed in flames, its inhabitants fleeing in terror as a dark figure loomed over them, wielding a red lightsaber. Connel's heart raced as he realized the figure was none other than Darth Malice, a powerful Sith Lord rumored to be long dead.

As the vision continued to unfold, Connel saw himself standing alone against Darth Malice, their lightsabers clashing in a fierce battle. He could feel the heat of the flames licking at his skin, the fear and desperation of the planet's inhabitants weighing heavily on his heart.

With a gasp, Connel snapped out of his meditation, his hands trembling as he tried to make sense of what he had seen. Could it be a premonition of things to come? Was Darth Malice truly alive and plotting his return to power? Or was this his mind playing tricks on him?

Determined to uncover the truth, Connel gathered his belongings and went to leave, ready to set out on a mission to investigate the planet from his vision. No matter what he did, or tried to do to calm down, Connel couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that Darth Malice's malevolent presence was lurking just out of sight, waiting to strike.

As the tension mounted and the stakes grew higher, Connel knew that he would have to confront his fears and face Darth Malice head-on if he hoped to prevent the dark future he had seen in his vision from coming to pass. With his lightsaber at the ready and the Force as his guide, Connel prepared himself for the battle of a lifetime, knowing that the fate of the galaxy rested on his shoulders.

He was sure of it.



Aris steadied his own stance, bent his knees, readied himself to fight. He had every intent to fight and win against his sister, but what came next was utterly overwhelming. His senses were over tuned, far too good at what they were for. He could hear things as subtle as someone's heartbeat across the room, smell the ingredients used in an empty pot he was cleaning, see the wings of a fly down field flapping.

Such senses were just as overly sensitive. The sudden imbalance in his ears sent him right to the ground in an instant, the dizzying sensation sending him right into unconsciousness.

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma
Being singled out by a droid felt strange to Carlo, especially with the sickly feeling filling his body. The second cup didn't taste as good as the first, but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Positioning himself into a combat stance, Carlo slightly twisted what initially appeared to be a saber-staff, revealing two separate hilts, both almost ornate in design.

Igniting his blade to a lavender hue, Carlo quickly deactivated it as the light intensified his nausea. "Nope, that's not going to work," he muttered, deciding that hand-to-droid combat would be more effective in this situation. Narrowly dodging a swipe from the droid, Carlo maneuvered himself to the back of it.

Once behind the droid, Carlo locked his arms around its torso. Focusing all his strength, he lifted the droid off the ground in an arching motion, executing a suplex. Both he and the droid collided with the ground with a resounding metallic thud.



The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds

Rhen gave a curt nod at Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus as the young Initiate proceeded to take the serum and work on doing his best to maintain his endurance with nausea while trying to process it out. All around them, various students were already paired off or already attempting to block the training zaps directed at them by the training droids.

He watched Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor get up, having processed the serum to the best of his ability and no longer suffering an allergic reaction. Good. However, it appeared he had other matters to attend to as he did not stay behind to try and train another round. Perhaps he wanted to check on his allergy? EIther way, the young man had a purpose in his stride and what appeared to have an expression of deep thought.

While normally Rhen would have followed up with the young man, the Corellian Jedi couldn't help but swing his attention to Valery Noble Valery Noble 's children, specifically, when the sudden sound of a thump of a body drew his attention. Rhen dropped the flow of malasia from the pair and Vera would feel the sensation of nasuea and lightheadedness leave her.

It appeared that Vera Noble Vera Noble was successful in working through the effects of Malacia, however, Aris Noble Aris Noble had not. With a quick step, the Corellian came over to the teenage boy, checking his pulse and ensuring he was breathing.

"It appears that young Aris Noble is far more sensitive to nausea than you, Vera. I believe this does indicate your win." He told her, vaguely amused before summoning the Force to revitalize and encourage Aris to awaken from unconsciousness. It was a skill that the boy could learn to help himself, especially if he needed to train how to fight and work through the nausea or overstimulation of his senses in any way.

"Let's wake him up and give him some air and water." For now, he had given the class the basic foundation for curato salva. They could continue training with themselves or in the future to enhance and strengthen their ability within it.

At the corner of his gaze, he caught sight of Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino both falling to the ground in his attempt. At least the young man was trying. Good.

"All of you, continue on your own in your training pairs or with your droids. It will be pertinent that you continue to practice this moving forward to become proficient in it."

The rest of the class would continue as Rhen would do his best to provide water to Aris, allowing Vera to look after him should she decide.

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish. Invite also possible for any enclave affiliated with NJO.

Ayhan Ayhan Mahsa Mahsa Casaline Ryiah Toby Perris Toby Perris Jacob Solay Jacob Solay Braze Braze Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino


Zaiya gave Mahsa Mahsa a rub of her back as she seemed to struggle through drinking the serum again. At least she didn't throw up, so that was a win.

"Okay, you drank it! That's good! " Zaiya said with encouragement to the girl. "Now you just need to focus on trying to work your way to neutralizing it. Try to breathe deep and sit still. I know it sucks, but it does get better." Zaiya guided Mahsa, hoping that it would at least help her out.

Her entire focus was on Mahsa, at least until she caught at the corner of her eye Aris falling. Eyes wide, the Lovalla struggled to call out for Aris while helping Mahsa. Thankfully, the decision was taken from her hands when Master Qel-Droma went to take care of him. Deciding she would follow up later, Zaiya kept her focus on Mahsa.

"It's okay. You can do it."

At some point during the last few minutes, Ayhan had meandered over towards the rest of his roommates and respectfully sat down behind them, so as to not disturb others. If they'd looked towards him, or greeted him, he'd nodded in response, though to Mahsa, there'd been an unmistakable moment of hesitation, and the general sense that he was putting great effort in being, at the very least, polite to her.

The cups that were passed around, Ayhan couldn't help but sniff at, grimacing as the scent filled his nostrils. He didn't need the masters to explain that it was a toxin. They'd experienced the effects of quite a few during their time in the Cage, to help build an immunity to those most commonly employed. Ayhan's stomach roiled, though not from the fumes.

Ayhan choked the concoction down, and simply prayed that between his second liver and his 'training' he wouldn't be too badly effected...though that would compromise his training. Someone might have noticed Ayhan scowling at that thought.

Luckily, or perhaps not, Aris hit the ground with all the force of a six-foot something slab of meat shaped like a humanoid might, and Ayhan moved to go pick him up, one of the few likely capable of doing so. "Alright buddy...I think it's time to go find a healer..." And try not to vomit himself.

Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble Aris Noble

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