Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Aspect of the Force Series - Control ( NJO or invite only)

"Whether oxygen, water, or gas, all species utilize a measure of breathing, your heart beating and pumping blood through your veins, and even the very nervous system that carries out the commands to make you jump, kick, punch, and even eat."
Braze was quite familiar with Breath Control and Body Temperature Control. Having needed to rely on them, he understood these concepts intimately. He perked up, realizing that perhaps this technique would work in a similar way.

"Curato Salva is a method of using the Force to not only enhance and revitalize the features your body already exemplifies but with practice, can become an unconscious utilization that can be as second nature as breathing."
Until it felt like breathing. This was a training philosophy he liked to embody in everything he undertook. He hadn't mastered Faalo's Cadences yet, but the sentiment definitely resonated with him. He'd practiced the cadences so much that he did math in his sleep and sometimes found his muscles still trying to repeat certain moves.

He briefly wondered if this technique would be useful for Jedi Shadows and investigators. He thought about how Ko Vuto Ko Vuto had explained the way his uncle had run him through a gauntlet of scenarios, making the skills he learned second nature—done without thought. He wanted to embody this.

As they were served small cups, Braze hesitated after accepting his. It was often customary in formal settings for the elders and guests to partake in food and drink first, and to do so before them would be considered exceptionally rude and not permitted. He waited for confirmation, took a moment to breathe out and center himself, enjoying the sensation of air on his skin. He smiled faintly before downing the small cup.


Aris rolled his eyes at his sister.

So the plan now was to turn this into a challenge? Drinking 'poison'? Well, he wasn't going to let her just win, that much was for certain. He gave a nod to the Master of the lesson, then to the droid. It was nice of it to at least bring the drink, even if it was going to be uncomfortable. He tipped it back for himself, sipping it down. Then, he waited for the uncomfortableness. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to feel the Force as he'd been instructed to, to purge himself, but this was the best way to find out, right?

Only, he realized right away at just how well his body could filter this out. It was almost unconcious as he felt the uncomfortableness form, then quickly fade. He blinked in surprise, stared down at himself. He could feel it, the 'poison'. He could guide it. Get rid of it. He ended up grinning to Vera with.. A rather smug expression.

Could she do the same?

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | @The Rest Of Ya

Zaiya saw Ayhan Ayhan come in and she also sent him a little wave. Would he sit beside the group or be on his own?

Curious to see what he'd do, the Lovalla teen watched him as the tiny little cups were sorted for all the participants to drink. Either way, it seemed like Vera and Aris were going to have their own little competition. A lot of the other padawans were already boldly drinking the beverage. When the serving droid finally came to her, Zaiya took the tiny cup, peered inside at the clear liquid, then took a deep breath.

"Here we go..." She murmured, drinking back the continents of the cup before placing the empty cup back on the plate. Okay, Master Qel-Droma said that one had to focus inward.

The slight uncomfortableness began to bloom in her belly rather quickly. She felt that one always feels queasy at the top of one's stomach, that slight burning acidic sensation.

It would only grow, and Zaiya had to close her eyes to focus on that. Okay, think of how the body naturally tries to combat things that irritate it.

Well that would mean throwing up, but throwing up right now is not an option.

Focusing inward, as a slight sheen of sweat began to glow over her brow, Zaiya focused on her body and how the Force would flow through it. Breathing. That would be one way to endure it. Focus on breathing and how oxygen fills her lungs and oxygenates her blood. Blood that flows through her body and then gets filtered out by her organs, like her liver...

Wait, what if I start focusing on that?

Okay, okay, that's a plan.

Mahsa Mahsa Vera Noble Vera Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble all of you
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Location: Prosperity
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber
Tags: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma

"I'm glad, can always be daunting when trying to find a partner I find!" Lily smiled but the anxiety of finding a partner was something she always thought as one of the worst things ever.

However, the worst was behind them both and Lily followed Katherine's lead. She crossed her legs as she sat and closed her eyes. Her mind lingered on several memories and thoughts, but they faded as she began to find herself using repetitive mental chanting of kata movements to drown out the busy thinking that she was usually suffering with. The singular focus began to slow down and the long pauses helped her meditate more akin to what they were needing to do for the class.

It allowed her to take in the surroundings and just feel things through the Force. Without her past fears of exploding and causing harm to those around her with the Force, Lily felt a small peace and sense of pride. It had been a long road but she was finally feeling like an actual Jedi. She didn't linger on the pride though and let the moment pass, focusing on the class and the next steps.

The idea of having to drink an irritate was not something that Lily was keen on doing. She decided to just allow it to happen, taking the cup and drinking the concoction. She would hopefully avoid vomiting, she had only thrown up a handful of times and only when she was severely ill as a child. It had been many years since the last time. She never enjoyed the experiences and did not wish to find herself doing it in public. That would be mortifying.

So she focused on the irritation and attempting to minimise it so that it could not cause her severe discomfort.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : The Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Re-Learn Control
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma / Braze Aris Noble Mahsa Vera Noble Carlo Von Corrino Valery Noble Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Ayhan | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Meditation? Cool.

The young Knight noticed Master Qel-Droma suggesting pairings. While Connel was willing to, he did not believe that anyone really wanted to pair with him so he did not ask. While he did seriously need to work on his nerve and confidence, Vanagor reasoned any reticence to pair with him was innocent. The Padawans knew each other, a “Paddy Pack” as father used to tell him, it made sense. Not only that, they were Padawans, he was a Knight, Master Noble was here. It could be intimidating.

Oh well, back to the class.

Eyes closed, Connel experienced every moment of the pain he went through in the battle with the Sith monster Darth Kizash Darth Kizash , every slash, every drop of blood. Not only the feeling of loss, but the pain of fighting for each breath, that was the worst of the suffering that he went through.

Slowly fighting through those thoughts was difficult, more difficult than one could imagine, but Connel focused on his breathing, the flow of blood through his system, what was left of it. He focused on the contraction of his muscles and slowly came around. Connel was distracted when the “drinks'' were offered.

Downing the cup was a mistake as there was something in there that the young Knight was allergic to. He was not only nauseated, but his throat was constricting. Struggling initially to breathe, Vanagor fell back on what Master Qel-Droma was teaching. He took short breaths and focused on the flow of everything. The nausea was not his focus, it was the allergy at the moment.

For the moment, the memories of his injuries was an afterthought.


The Prosperity
Training Grounds — Time for class!

She hadn’t missed the glint in those dual colored eyes, or the way Vera stared at her brother so intently. It was clear the brunette had plans for this lesson, and Mahsa was certainly not going to get in between whatever sibling rivalry was currently in process.

Besides, the Kazelrrian would be a liar if she said she wasn’t a little bit curious about which Noble kid would come out on top. The girl had half a mind to ask Zaiya who she thought would come out on top, but she didn’t want to risk disrupting the class any further than she already had.

The wriggling fingers caught her attention as Mahsa’s focus shifted back to Braze Braze , a silent chuckle escaping her before the voice of Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma gathered their attention once more. The door slid open as a handful of students entered the classroom, @Rapahel Gallustrade being one among them, and Mahsa offered the older padawan a friendly smile as she continued to take notes.

When he asked for them to focus inward she obliged, the girl closing her eyes as she focused on the way her lungs slowly expanded and contracted with every breath and the soft thrumming of the beating heart inside her chest. She’d been in the process of trying to expand her awareness further when she felt him, her shoulders stiffening as her eyes fluttered open—now fixed on the door.

Her attention lay solely on the gangly Firronthix awkwardly standing behind the awaiting droids as the door slid open again, missing the light explanation their instructor offered about the drinks they carried. She’d been unaware that he’d also signed up for this lesson, and her gaze hastily shifted from Ayhan Ayhan and towards the dubious cup placed in front of her as the boy apologized for his tardiness.

A frown crossed her face as the first whiff of the liquid caught on her nose, her insides churning and recoiling in response to past experiences that could never be forgotten. She—They weren’t strangers to the feeling of unknown and harmful substances invading their systems, a silent hiss directed to the offending cup as Mahsa consciously restrained herself from outright flinging it far away from her.

This lesson was going to be harder than she’d initially thought.

Around her the other padawans seemed to have little issues with the offered brew, some downing the contents without a second thought while others took a moment before carefully ingesting them. Aris seemed to have little to no issue as he drank his, before expectantly staring at his sister as he waited for Vera to follow suit.

Mahsa could already feel the bile threatening to rise up her throat at the thought of drinking it, the ends of her hair stained a dark ebony shade, before the quiet murmur of the Lovalla at her side shifted her focus towards Zaiya. Concern flashed in those bright golden eyes as she watched her friend, and she sorely wished to tell the Lovalla she should spit all of that right out—but that would’ve been counterproductive to the lesson Master Rhen wished to share with them today.

This isn’t the lab, this isn’t the lab… The thought looped inside her mind over and over again like a mantra, eyes closed as Mahsa tried to regulate her breathing and her emotions.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Braze sat amidst the other students, his somber jade green eyes scanning the crowd with a mixture of curiosity and detachment. As his gaze swept over the faces around him, it lingered on one in particular—Lily Decoria. He had to do a double take, his interest piqued.

An Echani?, he thought, narrowing his eyes slightly to get a better look. The pale skin, the snow-white hair—it was all there. It was rare for him to encounter another Echani, let alone interact with one. His half-Echani heritage often made him feel like an outsider among his peers, and even among those who shared his lineage. But this girl seemed to embody all the right colors—or rather, the lack thereof—that marked her as Echani.

Braze's curiosity grew, his mind buzzing with questions and possibilities. It wasn't every day he saw another of his kind. The encounter stirred a sense of belonging he hadn't realized he missed.

Distracting himself, he took a second cup and sipped from the cup in his hand. To his surprise, it didn't make him feel sick as he had half-expected. He wondered if his earlier discomfort was something else entirely, or perhaps just a placebo effect. Either way, the liquid felt warm and soothing.
Current Outfit

"Damn I'm late!"

Voli was still new to the whole Jedi thing, she spent most of her time in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant exploring and setting up her room but here she was inside of the Prosperity alongside with her fellow Padawans. None of them which she interacted with mainly because she had the social skills of a crazy cat lady.

But Voli needed to take a chance and make some friends at least. She was among fellow Force sensitives, so it wasn't like she was some social pariah back at school and at home. Arriving at the training grounds, Voli found the Jedi Masters and Padawans attending class as she breathed heavily. "Sorry about that!" Voli said flustered while tossing a couple of locks of silver hair over her shoulder. "I got lost looking for the training grounds my bad!"
The feeling of unease soon passed, leaving Carlo with a surprising realization. "Besides the sick feeling, it doesn't taste bad," he remarked. He wasn't sure if that was an odd thing to say, given the substance's effects on the body, but he genuinely didn't find the taste unpleasant.

As he moved to find another one of the bots bringing drinks, his attention was caught by the sudden appearance of another padawan, who seemed flustered from arriving late.

"Ah, mon ami, if you take a seat quickly, I doubt Master Rhen will notice," Carlo whispered. He looked at the cup he had acquired, then handed it off to the latecomer before returning to his own seat.

Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass
Late. His first lesson among the jedi order and Wulrenkit found himself slinking into the classroom late. Whats worse, when he had learned the name of the class, he had instantly been exicted. Lessons in Control. It was the very reason he had joined the order, a chance to learn that which the wilders struggled with. Back home, the wilds were free, and his strength was encouraged. His elders had sought to stoke the flames of his rage, to bring it out in a bestial frenzy that might bring him closer to nature... he hadn't liked that. But here he was, finally in a place that could help him tame that side of him, and he was late to the lesson. Of course, how was he to know that the path from the mess hall to the training room would be so confusing?

On the bright side, he didn't seem to be alone in his tardiness, a fact that brought a slight relief to his mind. Still, the large young man uttered an apology as he searched for a seat, his fingers finicking with the edges of his robes. With any luck, he might hear something that would offer a clue as to what he was missing. Or some helpful soul might take pity on his apparent confusion.



The Prosperity
Training Training Grounds

As a few more late comers came in, Rhen gestured that it was fine and to settle down to drink the cup.

"For those who recently arrived, the goal is to focus on the methods your body naturally attempts to endure and remove the toxin. It does this unconsciously; your goal is to utilize the Force to work through the uncomfortable sensation and still have the mental acuity and physical presence to defend and react if needed."

The Corellian Jedi would continue he walk, gesturing with his hand in emphasis. It was an important method of study.

"You will all, undoubtedly, be brought upon a situation where you will need to fight or work through a scenario where you are unable to be at your best, whether through exhaustion, toxin, or chemical imbalance that is affecting your facuilties and doing its best to ensure you focus on the pain rather than calmly, and with purpose, endure, detoxify, and then revitalize yourself for the next encounter."

Already there were many of the participants drinking their cups and processing what to do next. A few seemed to naturally grasp the ability, Master Qel-Droma's attention swiveling towards Aris Noble Aris Noble . Perhaps a more advance method would be needed for the Noble boy, he mused to himself.

However, his attention was quickly drawn towards Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor , as his face was turning a mottled purple and blue. Concern would flare in his green eyes, but he calmly walked towards the Knight, coming to a stop before him. Rhen quickly took noticed of the short breathes, the sudden clammy skin, and then determined that the Knight perhaps was allergic to the serum.

Afterall, the Jedi Master himself had a deadly Bacta allergy. He knew the signs well.

"Having an allergic reaction is no different than being afflicted by a deadly toxin; all of you, consider the following," He would use this as a teachable moment while ensuring that the Knight would not be harmed in any way.

"For you just may be in the same situation as Knight Vanagor." He clarified, while then turning towards Connel once more.

"Focus, breathing is the most important thing at this very moment. Your airways are constricting and it is important to let the Force guide you on which muscles are contracting and constricting. Try and calm those muscles, once you are able to get a hold of your breathing, you are then able to focus on the serum itself as it flows through your body. Your blood is spreading it, but you should be able to assist in your body's natural way of detoxifying it.

He needed Connel to be calm and focused, so he continued his explanation. The students had to learn that enduring meant to also stay calm and focus. To not panic.

"I, too, have a deathly allergy, in my case Bacta. I have used Curato Salva to assist in such matters, and you can too. In this scenario, adrenaline is used to counteract the anaphylaxis. It constricts your blood vessels, relaxes the lung muscles to assist in breathing, increases your heart rate, and reduces hives... you can control your own body with the Force to enact the same exact actions to relieve your symptoms. Use the Force and attempt to do so. I shall monitor and assist if necessary."

This training is open for any New Jedi Order youngling, initiate, or Padwan. NJO Knights and Masters may also join if they wish. Invite also possible for any enclave affiliated with NJO.

Feel free to join en media res with the following actions:
1) Focus internally now your body works to naturally defend itself against toxins. How your body breathes, blood flows, etc.
2) Drink the serum to provide a stomach irritant to assist in enhancing the nausea and then to practice detoxifying

Braze Braze Aris Noble Aris Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Mahsa Mahsa Ayhan Ayhan Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

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Zaiya had been focusing on trying her best to endure the queasy feeling, when she noticed that Mahsa Mahsa seemed to be frozen. Concern would dart over her rosy golden skin in dappled hues of grey and pale yellow, with Zaiya asking quietly to her friend, "Mahsa are you okay?"

Not that there was much time to really wait for an answer, as it seemed a situation arose on one side of the classroom where Master Qel-Droma stood with another participant. No, a Knight. Alarm grew and her patterns were dyed a brighter yellow, as murmuring would rise.

"He's allergic to the drink?"
now that was one way of learning how to endure and detoxify what one was ingesting. Concern and curiosity bloomed, but Zaiya also had to focus on her own queasy stomach so that she wouldn't trigger her body's desire to start gagging it all up.

Breathe. Right, Breathe. It took a bit, but Zaiya felt the flow of the Force as she had begun to focus on how her body would try and neutralize out the toxins. However, she was more worried that Knight Vanagor and Mahsa would be okay.




Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma @others
"I'm going to wipe that smug look off your face." Vera narrowed her eyes at her stinky little brother. He wasn't using the Force or really doing what the teacher asked him! He was basically cheating, as far as she was concerned, so none of this counted! Vera huffed, pouted and gulped down the poison she was given. Right away, she felt the irritation inside her stomach and grumbled a little more.

But while Aris was very proficient with the blade and more combative abilities, Vera was in tune with herself and her senses. This time, she focused them inwards and tried her best to guide the Force along.

And with it, the poison.

"Master Qel-Droma? I think... Aris needs a lot more poison."

"Ah, mon ami, if you take a seat quickly, I doubt Master Rhen will notice," Carlo whispered. He looked at the cup he had acquired, then handed it off to the latecomer before returning to his own seat.

Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Current Outfit

"You gotta be kidding me," Voli muttered looking at the poison that Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma presented to the class. "First ever class and the teacher wants us to drink a deadly toxin."

A young man motioned Voli to sit down handing her the cup in the process. Voli sighed and dropped on the seat next to the boy, her purple eyes staring at the poison. "I know that Padawans do dangerous things like go to war or stop dangerous criminals," Voli whispered to the man. "But I didn't think Jedi training would be so..... brutal. This like trying to teach a newborn how to disarm a landmine."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic her Master only taught her the bare basics of Force control and that was on her very first day at the Temple. This was more advanced stuff, did Voli walk into the wrong classroom? "Ummm Master Ren," Voli asked raising her hand. "Will this toxin kill us? Because I don't want to be a corpse on my first day."

Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino
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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : The Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Re-Learn Control
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma / Braze Aris Noble Mahsa Vera Noble Carlo Von Corrino Valery Noble Katherine Holt Lily Decoria Raphael Gallustrade Ayhan | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel was suddenly the center of attention…

… which is exactly what the Young Knight did not want to be.

It was bad enough that his system was shifting into shutdown because of an allergic reaction, he still had to deal with the irritant he swallowed. All the while trying to calm himself. Falling back on what Master Qel-Droma had initially told the class. Connel couldn't pay attention to what the Corellian was saying at the moment, he was busy trying to calm himself and slow his breathing(the irony would not be lost on him if he knew).

Eyes closed, Connel tried to focus himself on his breathing and the flow of his systems. It was odd, but something Connel’s father once told him during training popped into his head.

[COLOR=ROYALBLUE]Believe it or not, you already
have the same level of ability that I do. It is
a matter of how you listen to the Force. As you
know, the Force speaks to everything, but only
those of us attune can answer and listen. The
Force is already wanting to protect you and
tell you how to perform this skill... Right now
we are working to get you to where you can
understand what you are hearing.[/COLOR]

Everything then seemed to become easier and fall into place. Once he had done so, “letting the Force tell him” seemed to do the trick. His body was moving with the Force, listening and going along with the ebbs and flows until the allergic reaction was subsiding and he was regaining some color in his face.

Slowly the normalcy was returning to his system in comparison to before, now the poison in his system was being attacked. Eyes still closed, it was as if Connel was watching the class between Connel’s body and the poison. The Force seemed to be “coaching”, telling the blood cells how to react. Breathing becoming less and less labored, slowly returning to normal, Connel could feel the poison leaving his system until…

… Connel opened his eyes…

Carlo let out a soft chuckle at the woman's words. "In truth, this reminds me of my time at the Cardia Academy," he said, glancing briefly at her before turning his attention back to the poison. The flavor reminded him of the wine from home, a simple delight he sorely missed.

With a teasing tone, he added, "I doubt they'd make us disarm landmines on the first day. Day two at the earliest." His words were accompanied by a light chuckle, an attempt to lighten the mood.

Recomposing himself, Carlo awaited the next instructions, idly drumming his metallic fingers against the desk's surface.

Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass | Others
At first there was nothing, as the ‘poison’ was still working its way down her body. But there was a tense anticipating coiling in the pit of the Padawan’s stomach. She knew at any moment she was going to be hit with-

Katherine almost lurched forwards, just barely an inch away from breaking her meditation. The urge to throw up was strong, but the redhead resisted. She had hardly ever drank, let alone enough to hit the point of vomiting. Nor had she really ingested anything that elicited the reaction. It was a wholly new sensation for the Padawan, but she was too damn stubborn to let it beat her.

Breathe Katherine, breathe.

Following Master Qel-Droma’s instruction, Katherine inhaled deeply before letting it out in an exhale. One after another, the winged Padawan slowly and steadily calmed both body and mind. The Padawan’s form began to relax once more, settling back into her meditative position.

But just as Katherine thought she was about to make some progress, she was suddenly hit with a memory. One that had been buried for so long, only to wait for the perfect moment to shake the Padawan’s focus.

It was when the Sith experimented on her, sealing her into the chrysalis and submerging her into the vile concoction their twisted scientists and sorcerers had created. Even as detached as she was from those memories, Katherine could feel the phantom sensation of it flooding her body, altering it.

Outwardly, Katherine’s brow furrowed as she tried to maintain her composure. Focusing on her breathing exercises as she steadily tried to calm her mind, to push the foul memory out. It took some effort, but eventually the Padawan was able to level things out, and shift her focus to following the serum as it flowed through her body.

"Toxin? As in poison?" The question came out as a puzzled drawl and Wulrenkit reached for the cup on the station where he now stood. Raising the cup to his face, he took a sniff then gave a wrinkle faced snarl at the concoction. "Aw hell naw. Y'all're insane." Veradune was a dangerous place. Every tip to the woods left one imperiled by at least a dozen new poisonous or venomous ways to die every hour your were out from the walls. But that didn't mean that a person should go around huffing pythros fumes.

Still, he was surrounded by jedi, at least one of whom could heal him if things went side ways. Taking a deep breath, Wulrenkit looked up, ensured that Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma was not so distracted that he wouldn't recognized a student turning blue, then quaffed down the drink, gagging only once it had gotten past his tongue and into his belly. "Aw... that's foul."

Time to get to work.

Taking a deep breath, Wulrenkit searched for the force, finding it easily enough. It was right where he always felt it, burning in his gut like an amber, right behind that increasingly sickening pit of yuck that he had just dropped down his gullet. He focused on it then tried to make it spread. All the talk of chemicals, reactions, and hormones went far above is head. But strength was something he knew. Even if he couldn't find a way to neautralize the toxin brewing within him, perhaps he could toughen himself up enough that an antidote wasn't necessary.


"A mild stomach irritant."

Aris let out a heavy sigh as he glanced to Vera, who seemed all too eager to have him down another even after he'd probed that he could already purify himself. Yet he couldn't help but overhear the conversations in the background. He glanced to the older Padawans, the frown clear on his face.

"Master Qel-Droma would never risk life or limb to train something like this. Next time ask first, than just assume he's doing something so careless and whisper amongst yourself."

He let out a sigh before looking to Vera again. Smirked, after a moment.

"Not my fault I'm just this good at this, sister."

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | @Everyone so many lesgooooo
She was barely aware of the commotion happening in the classroom, her attention solely focused on the lone cup that—judging by the look on Mahsa’s face—one would assume it had offended the Kazelrrian immensely. The initial black stains on her hair had gradually shifted to somber ambers, a reflection of the conflict brewing within her as her mind and heart tried to bridge over the current gap between them.

"Mahsa are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, I’m fine… it just smells r-really strong."

The voice of her friend had finally snapped the girl out of her thoughts with a light jump, a shaky smile given towards Zaiya as a white lie escaped through her lips. It wasn’t untrue that the concoction smelled terribly for the girl, but that wasn’t truly why she’d been so hesitant to drink it.

"Seems like it…" Her attention had finally turned to Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor and Master @Rhen Quel-Droma, a concerned frown slowly appearing as she listened to the words of their instructor. She was no stranger to allergies, their creator having gone through extreme lengths to test each of the specimens against all the commonly known ones… and anything else in between, really.

Her attention turned away from them to focus on the Lovalla instead, the sight hitting a bit too close to home and into memories the Kazelrrian preferred to leave dormant and forgotten. The complexion of her friend still showed Zaiya was struggling to fight whatever toxin their instructor had put into their drink, though getting her breathing steady and under control would undoubtedly help her immensely.

"Y-You’re doing great Zaiya, keep focusing on your breaths." She offered a comforting pat to the girl’s back, even if the touch was short and fleeting in case it disrupted Zaiya’s focus. The Noble siblings were up to their usual things, a reassuring sign that whatever had been laced into their cups wouldn’t reach the questionable levels her body had grown accustomed to in the past.

It was the certainty behind Aris’ words as he spoke that seemed to give Mahsa the encouragement she needed, choosing to trust the judgment of her friend as the girl carefully picked the cup. "Eugh..." She grimaced down at the contents as her nose caught another whiff, before her free hand rose to pinch her nostrils shut as Mahsa gulped it all down in one go.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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