Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Aspect of the Force Series - Control ( NJO or invite only)

Everything about the contents in the cup had felt wrong, but she’d managed to finally gulp down the liquid despite her body’s protests. "Bleagh!" Her displeasure was voiced loudly as the Kazelrrian grimaced, though it didn’t look like she'd throw them back up any time soon.

"That tasted awful..." Sure, the things a certain Kaminoan had given them back in the Cage hadn’t tasted any better, but she couldn’t remember her body having such a strong aversion to them like today. Perhaps finding out that there were so many delicious flavors in the galaxy had made her tongue more discerning of the things she shouldn’t be consuming willingly?

A nod was given to Zaiya as the Lovalla tried to keep her focused on the task at hand, grateful for the physical contact her friend extended as she rubbed Mahsa’s back. Though she wasn’t exactly colorful like her friend it wasn’t hard to see the Kazelrrian’s skin had paled considerably, clammy hands gripping the sleeves of her robe tightly as Mahsa closed her eyes to focus.

She could hear Vera Noble Vera Noble ‘s taunting tone as she sniped back at her brother, a light chuckle managing to escape as she imagined the look on the brunette’s face right now, before her mind shifted to focus on her insides. The steady drumming of her heart drowned the outside noise as Mahsa focused on it first, each inhale of air followed by an equally slow and deliberate exhale as she sought to stay calm.

There…! It took a moment before she finally noticed it, an unnatural warmth that was slowly spreading across her chest that Mahsa guessed had to be the toxins she’d just willingly consumed. Like ivy it crept outwards slowly, almost as if it sought to avoid detection while encroaching into every nook and cranny it could on its way—had Mahsa not been consciously seeking it she might’ve missed it entirely until it had taken a stronger hold.

Her brows furrowed, straining as the young girl tried to reach inwards with the Force. It was easier said than done, but she did her best to picture the energy slowly gathering around the areas affected by the foreign substance, encircling it inside a barrier to stop it from spreading further—

"!?!" The sudden thud of a large body as it hit the floor snapped Mahsa out of her concentration, a surprised gasp escaping before she finally noticed who it was. Aris Noble Aris Noble was currently splayed on the ground, looking to be fully out of it for the time being as Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma signaled for one of the droids to get some water.

"W-What happened…?" A questioning glance was given towards Zaiya just as Ayhan Ayhan shifted from his seat, the Firronthix on his way to offer a helping hand for the fallen Epicanthix.

Interacting with Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Alarm would rush through Zaiya, her skin a colorful display of concern and worry as she saw Ayhan Ayhan pick up Aris Noble Aris Noble and take him away. Vera Noble Vera Noble was nearby as was their mother, Valery Noble Valery Noble . Were they worried too?

"Aris fainted." Zaiya told Mahsa Mahsa , wondering if perhaps it was due to feeling overwhelmed by something. The Lovalla teen knew that the Epicanthix's ears and eyes were sensitive. Did the serum make him feel overly nauseated?

She fought the desire to go chasing after and waiting because others who knew more would be of more help.

"I think he's okay... right?" well , that was what Zaiya was telling herself. Either way, at least they have now learned a new skill and it just needed to be applied to future instances to get better at it.

"Maybe we can find out how he is doing in a bit?" For now, Master Qel-Droma was instructing the other students to continue the lesson. If they wanted to leave, they could.


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