Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter I — GA invasion of DE held Tython

In Umbris Potestas Est
Allies: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker
Enemies: Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Vulpesen Vulpesen

The blast to the head of the Darktrooper at the breach Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl was absorbed by the droid's energy shield as it continued to fire. The droids continued firing on their hostile clone counterparts. They shouldered the debris teleported back at them. Onrai continued blasting debris at them, as the concussion grenades did cause significant damage to the Darktroopers, forced to reexamine their perimeter.

Onrai continued to harm the clones, and more Darktroopers within the temple, also of the Oppressor-16 design, would continue to enter the battlefield, continuing to fire the others. The Jedi had chosen to draw on the Force - which the Anti-Force explicitly consumed. If the intent was to weaken her, it did a poor job, as Onrai's response was to consume the Force energy directed her way, using it to further blast the clones with lightning and an attempt to blast the Jedi backwards.

The first burst from the orbital bombardment rumbled the temple, but the energy exerted was enough for Onrai to be able to protect it, absorbing the energy as best she could. When the bombardment paused, a hand from Onrai's manifestation was placed against the wall of the temple, the energies directed through the crystal itself as the lightning pulsed through the crystal tubules and reached the crown of the pyramid, a blast of black energy that moved to arc over and seek to electrocute enemy forces in the vicinity around the temple, including the heavy cruiser above. A crack of lightning would strike at Vulpesen Vulpesen , perhaps a suggestion his challenge had been accepted.


The dragon impacted the front door of the temple, which held, but Onrai was nowhere to be seen. He had smashed her to smithereens. Presumably he had also smashed Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield to pieces too given the dragon was aimed at the front door and Thirdas had been standing next to Onrai, her hand on his chest encouraging him not to try and further enter beforehand.

Well, it seemed that way.

The shadowed darkness once more coalesced as Onrai looked over at Braze Braze , a grimace on her otherwise shadowed and emotionless face. "Ow." She said, noticing the Jedi who had decided to mkae a move to confront her.

For a moment she pushed forward, wondering exactly how Matsu Ike Matsu Ike had managed to somehow get by the entire defensive perimeter, but a blast of energy sent towards her would hopefully send her back and force the bizarre woman further back. Onrai was getting particularly tired of having to defend the temple from penetration by multiple Jedi, but the Force energy being used was only further feeding her, further providing her with what she needed to battle them.

"I see you, Matsu. Don't try and go any further." A shadowed manifestation said. The temple's solid stone structure offered no real points of entry or exit other than the front door, and that was locked. The breaches were a problem, but infantry within would hopefully help seal them.

Onrai looked at Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el as he landed. "Sooner than you might imagine." A bolt of congealed lightning was thrown in his and Braze Braze 's direction, an ambitious initial first throw.

"You and everyone else aren't penetrating a step further into this temple. My presence pervades it and will stop anyone and anything."



Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]

Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]

Braze lifted his boot and set his sole of his boot to 'catch' the lightning and tried to focus on absorbing the excessive energy.

"Haha! Nice try~! You'll have to do better than that. Make your self a good door man and get the door, would you~?"

Braze glanced back and flashed Jasper a smile as if seeking approval and to check to see if he would be going through with his plan. Braze flourished his blades taking a defensive point.

Braze lifted his boot and set his sole of his boot to 'catch' the lightning and tried to focus on absorbing the excessive energy.

"Haha! Nice try~! You'll have to do better than that. Make your self a good door man and get the door, would you~?"

"Where the hell did you get magic boots?" Jasper began before letting out a sigh. "You know what? Whatever."

Jasper unfurled the scroll on his back, using the Force to spread out the scroll and wrapping it around Onrai's shadowy form in a radius of twenty-five feet. Runes were scrawled across the scroll, all the same word repeated over and over again. It wasn't going to be sustainable for a long period of time, but perhaps it would be enough to temporarily cut off some of the Sith's tools. They seemed to be powerful enough to handle a handful of individuals, so any edge had value.

The Runes activated, glowing with a radiant light. Jasper drew on the power of the Force Crystal with him, giving the process all of his focus. He would need it to supplement his sub-par strength. Maybe it wouldn't fully work, but perhaps it could cripple them just a little.

"Alright, here goes nothing."

The Jedi Master gave severing the Force from his target his full attention.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective: 1 decimate Akar Tsis
Allies: Vulpesen Vulpesen Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The initial attack was ongoing... around her in the vacuum created she could feel it all.. flickers of light... life and other jedi. Some stronger then others but all of them were improved upon... all of them were strong and she moved as the area around herself continued to drop in temperature until it was frozen in time. A small bubble that allowed her to move through quickly until she found a place and pushed through a wall itself. SHe was moving faster then most could preceive.... kind of. Freezing and drawing out the heat of the universe around herself to zero kelvin made it slow down and she was moving normal but to others it generally looked like she was moving much much faster and leaving a trail of frost behind her. The wall of the temple shifting as she phased through it at the lowest levels and slowly found a place to fortify for herself. The biots standing guard.

She would need to prepare and breathed deeply... the world was a beacon within the force even filtered through the corruption of the temple... generating it while handling breathing techniques of the matukai for stamina and mental clarity. 'Calm.' She said the word to herself while she was above herself... force presence leaving her body to stretch outwards... expanding and then contracting to the size she needed when she could feel the others. She could feel Valery Noble Valery Noble , Tycho Arak Tycho Arak , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Hwo Hwo , Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade , Azurine Varek Azurine Varek , Pollux Pollux , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Rayia Si Rayia Si , Efret Farr Efret Farr , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Zhea Nox Zhea Nox . The jedi were there masters and apprentices, knights and even soldiers... her mind reaching but no intrusions and not need for battle meditations.

Just whispers.... just observations. "Through my fingers, silver grains are forming, haphazard, random, a disorganized stream of particle that becomes pregnant with the possibility of every conceivable shape… Of every path... But this is an illusion. Things have their shape in time, not space alone. THe building blocks of the universe have statues within them, embedded in their future." She was shifting working and feeling it there... Onrai Onrai that seemed a more opressive presence in the.... "Anti-Force." All consuming shadows that drew the jedi masters attention more... a tight lipped smirk going across her face when she brought herself back into herself. A portion remaining above to see but she was reaching down deeper and deeper now.. the stone work, the matter around as she twisted and bent and molded.

THen she felt something push against her... a voice and was amused. "Strange... I have no idea who you are." It wasn't bravado... it wasn't an insult... she rarely paid attention to any of the darksiders and many of the jedi. Aside from the few she knew and who they told her about she knew the big names... and a few random ones.... mostly they were just another light in the galaxy. She continued to reach down.. to feel the force and she didn't need to run fast... the hole in the ceiling where she had dropped in was more a shrug in some ways... the others were fighting as she watched others coming at her. Defensive in nature for sure as the jedi master tilted her head to the side for a moment... her hand coming up when a blade was coming and she focused on her rift stone... energy contained from the rift.

Then there was a small mental click. "Wait weren't you the one from the auction?" Which had been a thing asmong itself and she wasn't certain about all of it... but the jedi master was allowing herself to converse enough... she was prepared for a fight that was coming but her body was reacting while her mind worked on other things. A heightened force instinct to danger senses and her own ability to dodge with the force. THe rift stones there as she was using it to empower herself for the Ta-Ree techniques much like some of the other things she had learned. Her eyes drifted towards the ones coming at her and she spoke for a moment holding a hand up but no saber came out... no blade or even a standard weapon. The force vibrating around herself as it shimmered and pulsed down her arms.

A snap-hiss came as she used the ta-rere spell to focus energy around her finger... the silvery blue energy curling around it as she brought it out and deflected a strike... pushing back and standing her ground for a moment. ANother strike and she brought her finger up to block it and push them back with more force... She watched them and moved a hand as she didn't need to move further to do what she wanted to do... shifting as she sent them back and into a wall to hold them. Her head tilting to the side for a moment longer when she allowed herself to go back to reaching... to molding and shaping. The Anti-Force could be powerful but there was always ways to deal with it... you just needed a little... time and well it helped when one was highly physical with a being who had it... absorbing and annihilating the force with the anti-force rarely stood up to a wrecking ball dropping a building on you.

SHe caught sight of vulpesen and motioned with her hand in the temple wall... manipulating, deconstructing... re-arranging the stone to form a door as she knocked and spoke. "Vulpesen." Twisting more of it and opening where she shifted matter to her focus. SOme of the other jedi were confronting the sith..... she couldn't offer much help aside from radiating and pushing for clarity and clamness of mind. For the ones like Vulps she could do more... shifting and bringing a simulcron of the temple and what there was... showing shifting particles where others were that she could feel within the area. She smirked a little to herself though when she could feel Caltin was there and Vulps before he could speak she said. "I am disappointed Vulpesen, you should know constituting myself from matter is similar to sand manipulation we learned here in the deserts."

She said it while feeling others and remaining where she was. The feeling of the temple around her was there and she slowly started reinforcing the walls around herself... shifting and manipulating to increase their strength while the biots were fighting. GIving cover to jedi who were close by but they were going for something different then just engaging a singular one in combat... it could be done but.... she mused to no one while twisting it and watching from above herself walls forming spider webs and stretching limbs.... intricately structured jewels that allowed light to move through and illuminate more areas with little efforts. A better means to guide and focus force light if done correctly. The danger of the one near the entrace was there... if they were using... if they had trained and learned to use it... well that was a powerful risk to make them stronger.

'Perhaps.' She thought it to herself... perhaps there was a way to properly work it and improve it.. to allow the force to handle the issue in a way the being wouldn't expect as most things had limits they just didn't always know what they were. She could see some of the others though and went back towards her own self.. focusing on it and altering as she spoke to the air with a little amusement. "We have mastered terraforming so worlds can be rebuilt and ready for habitation within months instead of years, destroying it takes minutes from raining fire.... It requires nine months to make a new life within the force and mere seconds to snuff it out." Her eyes opened as she was looking at what she wanted.. the foundation, the mountain itself. "Vulpesen.... want to see what I can do with an hour or three?"

SHe said it and was checking on more of it... Onrai was present in more of the temple and stretching to confront many. A strong flex and worth respect as the jedi master reinforced physical barriers with her hands improving her connection. ONe able to slowly move her fingers. Her mind focusing and dividing... concentration on different aspects as she spun it in her head and conferred with herself on matters.... 'This one in the temple is different.' 'Not so much we have seen other entities from Waru's dimension.' 'Maybe but it isn't here trying to return, it is feeding off of the other force users though.' 'Whatever it is.... is impressive.' There was some agreement within and she allowed her mind to focus and work on various problems and concentrate on channeling the force she was generating from the planet.

SHe did have some amusement though and remained there more allowing force energies to spindle within her and around. Mentally she was pushing herself in different ways as she felt another trying to sever and use the force in a way... her attention going to it but continued to work deeper while the shadowy manifestation was there and she projected towards it motioning and moving her form... mentally controlling it in a way she was almost walking on the walls. "Curiousor and curiousor... To meet something so.... different among the darkside forces here. I do wish we could have met under better circumstances as it is always something to meet one who has touched or been touched by forces much higher then the others can know or have seen." She said it and there was a little sadness to her voice.
Location: Entrance of Akar Kesh
Allies: GA Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Enemies: DE(Open) Onrai Onrai
Loadout: Battlefield

Vulpesen checked his advance as Matsu's request broke through the din of battle to reach his ears. He could feel the rivers of the force flowing from her, rolling over the temple and penetrating it like waves on a beach, erasing the dark side corruption that had taken root in such a holy place. Thigns must be serious if she's come out from her office, he thought as he lashed his tail and let out a frustrated growl. Still, of the people in the galaxy who could depend on Vulpesen to follow their word without question, Matsu was near the very top of a very short list.

[Trident! Give me a multi-ring Permitter! VIP Freya is in play!] His men snapped to his words, the company of soldiers breaking away from the raging battle and leaving it tot he GA forces as they started to surround Matsum creating a wall of blasters and shields to protect her from any outside influence. That would hand the normal rank and file... but with the sith, the rank and file were rarely the issue.

Vulpesen's hair stood on end as a surge hit him through the force, a twist in his gut that told him that something i the wilds had gone horribly wrong. Something was grabbing and twisting them, tearing apart the balance of nature for its own ends. "Heads down!" He lifted his hand and called to the force, to the wilds to direct their unwilling fury to him.

Onrai's lightning crackled through the sky, and skittered over the energized cloaks of Vulpesen's shoulders on its way to his hand. The Valde let out a grunt as the power coursed through him, causing the runes of his cloak to shine with an almost blinding light as they absorbed the power. "You again..." The Zorren's voice was a deep growl as he expanded his senses, searching and honing in on Onrai Onrai within the temple. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to grow back irradiated fur!?" He doubted she could hear him, his own talents of telepathy usually extending from close bonds with those he held a comradery with, but it was at least cathartic to voice the frustrations that had been caused when he'd last been forced to run from her nuclear assault on him. Even now, he wasn't always sure if the sheen on his glossy black tail was from proper conditioner, or the faint glow of radiation.

Onrai's lightning continued to build into Vulpesen's system, filling his gut as it leached into him from the Varos cloak. "I'll cover you Matsu, but I got a bone to pick with the spooky schutta in that temple." Profane building that it was, Vulpesen had no issue directing his newfound well of power at its walls, crushing bricks into condensed pebbles around the sith then darting them forward with a loud simultaneous CRACK followed by a constant bussing as each bearing sized stone zipped around, seeking to create a its own through and through hole on the dark one.
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Son of Iron & Gold


Zhea Nox Zhea Nox , Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad



Cesare's eyes darted to those that had dared to defile the halls upon which his father had been sacrificed. His eyes first moved to the... was it a padawan? An apprentice perhaps? It all mattered little, for they had all been intruding upon the sacred space of his father's death.

His hand reached out, calling for the crimson plasma that his soul desired to unleash upon them. Yet, despite the rage bubbling deep within him, he would simply look to them, and with the coldest of expressions, he would welcome them...

"How dare you stand where he stood."

It was a rather ironic statement, considering his own betrayal to his father's ideals, but Cesare found himself more steadfast than ever before. Even within his own being he felt the same blasphemy that permeated every inch of the chamber, for it was only within that sense of self-hatred that he could sense the passing of his father.

His eyes darted around the room, his mind wandering as he would let out one simple plea...

"Leave... or die..."

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The Unchained

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam

Engaging: Pollux Pollux



The two forces slammed into each other like an immeasurable force of nature...

Beskar against beskar... plasma against plasma...

It was beautiful...

Khamul hadn't felt this level of pure violence since he has slain his opponents upon this very planet. The counter-charge from his own forces had done its job, keeping the slaves of the Jedi at bay. Plenty of them had fallen, and many more surely would... yet, those of Death's Hand that survived would prove their worth, as those before them did. There was none that could question their resolve, for no one among their ilk could even begin to fathom their level of devotion to the true nature of their people. How could they? They were nothing more than heretics.

As for Khamul, he would cut hit usual swath through the filth, binding his violence to his cause with every swing of Mandalore's Lament. Some would-be hero came to challenge him, and frankly... Khamul didn't even hear his clan name. As the challenger approached, Khamul simply lifted him in the air, and with a flick of the wrist, snapped his neck. His masked gazed stared upon him, and yet, he felt nothing....

Suddenly, there was a cry heard among the opposition, drawing the Unchained's gaze away from the slaughter at hand...

"You call me false, yet have no works to stand upon."

He would take a defensive stance, only known to those of his own blood.

"Does your Alor not respect tradition?"

It was a clear dig, a combination of dun moch and an effort to make one doubt their own resolve...

One way or another, at the end of the day...

Khamul would prevail.

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Good Men Don't Need Rules

Avoidance of the strikes. It was a good opening move that many with Lightsabers attempted. Closing distance, a good strike should it hit. As I came down with the blade upon him, the knife was there to block it. Clearly a lot of physical strength and aptitude of fighting Saber Jockeys if he could do that. So much knowledge just from the opening. Clearly this Mandalorian had gone against Jedi before. Having the aptitude to do so in hand to hand, or in such close quarters with the weapon. It was clicking together.

Movement was seen closer to my leg. I had believed him to be striking at my legs. In which case, my armor would protect me. It was rated to defend against most melee weaponry. However, it surprised me when all of a sudden, my leg was pulled from underneath me. Yanking it towards him well within the reach of my saber. He was binding me up. An attempt to control the situation. I moved to react.

I let my knee be continued towards him. The lightsaber's bright light went cold. The hum silenced by being shut off, while I dropped my weight. Letting myself become lower than his own stature, My off hand releasing the saber, and locking around my knee. Holding his tomahawk where he left it. Before aiming the saber emitter towards his hip and cervix. Igniting the weapon once more, and pushing with follow through. If he wanted me to drop down, then I would lower myself to a position where it would be harder to swing his weapon.

Jedi Learned time and time again to try and fight from the high ground. Yet there was also a lesson in training to fight from a downed position.

"Keep talking Chit Bucket."


Location: Akar Tsis, Chamber
Enemies: GA: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Zuraxin stared down the Jedi Master with an intensive gaze. The machines continued to pump black fluid into his veins. Each time he took a breath did the rest of the mechanical monstrosity hooked to him would also breathe in response. She was so forceful, so outwardly demanding that she wasn’t not willing to indulge in a sickly man’s need for conversation, to learn one another for in truth did Zuraxin not wish to fight the Grandmaster, but she was sorely mistake if she thought he could come quietly into custody, to simply be a dreg in Alliance jails, put on a mock trial of the so called diplomacy they indulged in. It was clear through the offensive actions of the Alliance, it was anything but peaceful. His fingers were still clasped together, as if Zuraxin had been lost in thought regarding her words, how she had threatened to remove him by force. There was a long eerie silence, not even B3 would intervene to stop the Grandmaster as she approached ready to enforce her will upon the man.

“For a Grandmaster you seem intent on violence. Surely it would be wise for you to indulge me in some conversation. Is your crusade all you can think of?” Zuraxin poised a question to her, still dancing around her words. He appeared as a harmless man, hooked up to machines mysterious in purpose and origin. He dare not stop her approach closer to the throne, B3 continued to say nothing, the obsidian plates protocol droid studied the Grandmaster. He tried to observe her actions, every moment she made. If she would harm his master would the droid act, only now did the Jedi Grandmaster enforce her demands upon Zuraxin. She demanded he would surrender immediately.

A scoff came from Zuraxin, though difficult to make out through the mechanical breathing. “Emperor? No, my Jedi friend. Not yet an Emperor, man of vision? Perhaps. Solipsis made mistakes, I will correct them all. Banes vision of the Grand Plan will once more breathe anew. The people… They will know order.” Again did Zuraxin say cryptically, as he was careful about the extent of his plans, taking some amusement in keeping the Grandmaster guessing on what he desired. His front seemed as if he was a messiah to the Dark Empire, a savior that clung to the shadows. But like a game of sabacc did this mysterious pale man kept his hand close to him.

She continued to advance towards him, her gaze was determinedly fixated on him. His readings made out she was slowly getting agitated. When she demanded he get off the throne to surrender, he raised his hands open palmed. It was as if the gesture of surrender was mocking her to her face. “As you can see, that I cannot do. Not unless you wish to rip a defenseless sick man from the devices attached to this form. But you’re more than welcome to try. Do it… I am unarmed… Harmless before you.” He taunted her, giving his wrist a slight shake. Making it apparent that he had nothing, but the dark robes shrouded around his form, the various needles and tubes hooked up to his form. He was curious just how far the Grandmaster would resort to stopping him.

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He only barely managed to push his crushgaunt against the blade- the blade shrieking across the armor on his leg instead of stabbing straight through his torso. The blade was hot- he could feel it through his flightsuit.

The Jedi was latched onto him, preventing him from using either blade. But still holding on.

Preliat narrowed his eyes behind his helmet. And his head only shifted slightly- and he put his feet flat- and with the Jedi holding onto him... he stood up. He stood up, holding the Jedi above his head. There was an eerie silence between them, before Preliat let out a brief cry of anger- and went to slam the Jedi onto the ground, directly on his back.


Director of ISB & SHADES, Torture & Interrogation Officer
Objective: To protect the Temple
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard [direct] | Onrai Onrai | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Valek Zuraxin Valek Zuraxin | Braze Braze | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


I didn't have to wait too long, because the Jedi arrived in the room where I was during the cloaking device. I don't know how much I annoyed him with my words, but he certainly wanted to see me. And I didn't do so much. It was much easier and more comfortable for me if he stayed like that and I stabbed him in the back or threw a choke hold around his neck and killed him. Even the Jedi had a hard time avoiding that, but I had a better idea. I wanted to do something different. Because I really liked to torture my opponents. And the Jedi were the best for that, because they even had a chance to fall to the Dark Side.

True, I didn't care much about this part; although I knew that the Dark Side Elite, or the Church of the Dark Side and the New Sith Order were always happy to have a sufficient number of replacements. Deal with it however they wanted. But I wanted to do something different, because I really liked to torture my opponents. Which did I prefer, the physical or the mental solution? I think the mental one. It's more sophisticated, less barbaric and more permanent. Physical injuries can be recovered from, even very serious ones can be repaired with appropriate medical interventions and physiotherapy. But wounds to the soul?

Wounds to the soul heal much more slowly and may never fully heal. Or, if one thought that they would, they may rupture again. And I liked to inflict such wounds on my victims so that they would be afraid and terrified for the rest of their lives. To bring back their worst memories, to show them an alternate reality where there is only pain and they believe it to be true, and I could go on and on. Inflicting physical wounds could also be an art, though it's more of a barbaric art that anyone can learn. But inflicting mental wounds was an art.

That is why I did not reveal my identity, but just concentrated. I no longer sent a mental message to the young man. Now I was just gathering strength and focusing on the Force, so that when the moment was right, I could strike the Jedi. My strength began to gather and if all was true, that was about the time the man walked right past me, or said the words. I smiled invisibly, my lips curling into a wicked, predatory smile again.

~ Gotcha! ~ I said to the man.

At that moment, I released my concentrated power in the Force and aimed it directly at the Jedi's mind. I reached out to his mind and tried to find a way into his mind so that I could use the Memory Walk to recall his worst memories; so that I would have to relive them over and over again. I hadn't tried this much on Force Users before, only on ordinary people, so I could only hope that I could get the same effect on them as I had on others. I should practice this on Force Users more often, but unfortunately, I've had to torture and interrogate ordinary people more often.

But I trusted myself that I could do it and focused all my efforts on making it happen. I even clenched my teeth tightly, hoping that would help me concentrate...

Sword of Dusk

| Location | Assault Akar Tsis
| Objective | Take the fight to the dar'manda
| Focus | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Pollux blocked the swing of an axe with his shield, ere shoving the tip of his sword through the would-be challenger's throat; freeing the blade with a practiced motion of his hand, he turned towards one of the squad leaders nearby in an attempt to relay an order - only to watch him brought low by a torrent of blaster fire, barely able to raise his shield in time to avoid a similar fate. The sound of an explosion marked the end of that particular barrage, one of his warriors having redirected their attention to the threat with their missile launcher.
All around him, Khamul's horde and Jenn's heroes fought one another with all of their might; no quarter was expected, and none was given. The prodigious bloodshed threatened to drown out one's sense, when stuck in such conditions, and yet Pollux kept a level head. He was the blade of his Alor, raised in defiance against the cruelty of their own people, and he would not break.
Even when he found himself faced by the dreaded foe in all of his dark splendor. This, he realized, was his greatest challenge yet; one he met with the surety of a veteran, studying the stance adopted by the hated enemy. For now, he made no move to attack, choosing instead to reposition himself as well as his shield in preparation of the duel of his life. Only then did his voice arise from beneath his helm, answering Khamul's words with his own. Where many would waver before the seemingly effortless power carried by the false Mand'alor, the Sword of Dusk remained steadfast.

"My works are those of my Alor, rightful ruler of the House of Kryze! Verity be my lance, and justice my sword; compassion, my shield!"

Armed with these chief virtues as he was, the would-be knight of Ukatis charged forth. Unlike either claimants to the title of Alor, the Force had not blessed (and cursed) him as it did them; all the same, he moved with the speed and grace of a master of the blade, shaped in the fires of the Mandalorian Excision. A quick diagonal slash was made, aimed at Khamul's shoulder, immediately followed by a thrust; pulling his left hand back, he then aimed to bash his shield against the loathed enemy's helm!

| Friendly | @ GA / NJO
| Hostile | @ Dark Empire


Post: 5
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Theme: Vendetta
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Tycho Arak Tycho Arak

Dyan's had once been a woman devoted to improving and lifting up her people but as she rose in power her devotion to improve and lift up those around her became more about protecting through control. No matter if you were a so called lightsider or darksider, power corrupted absolute a lesson that Dyans herself learned long ago, no one was above it and it was foolish to think you were.

The restrictive bonds of the tendrils of darkness loosened and then faded as the man before her began stepping forward. His saber ignited ready to kill its enemy, but as he moved towards her, she could sense it feel it the light emanating from inside of him a purging light. One meant to try and purge the darkness inside of her, maybe even her herself from existence.

If he wanted her darkness she would give it to him, her red eyes closed, and she began to rise to her feet dropping her bubble. She could feel the light coming closer and closer to looking to purge her of all that she was and had become. The impending cataclysm reminded her of the day the Alliance buried her beneath her fortress on Empress Teta in the Maw Crusades. She let that anger, rage, and fear well up inside her as she just felt the light come closer and closer. She drew her sword from her sheath, the songsteel blade weaver with cortosis as all krath blades were glimmered in the light there was.

That rage, anger, and fear then burst forth in a wave of its own colliding with the purging light emanating from the man. Two opposing forces colliding, as she let out all that darkness, she had fed on into the wave she began to shrink down to her normal size and her animal features began to return to her normal feminine ones, her eyes returning to their jade color. The two energies colliding caused an explosive outcome further scarring the battle field around them. The forces ripped holes in the very fabric of life around them.

The explosive nature caused Dyans to go fly back from the concussive force of the opposing energies. She flew back slamming into a burnt barkless dead tree. She slammed hard into it, her sword flying from her hand. She fell to the ground the air knocked from her lungs and gaining some bruised ribs. She began to cough while trying to catch her breath. She didn't look up she knew he was coming. She wouldn't let herself die here not today, not at the alliance's hands. She began to focus as five copies of her began to form an illusion though not as sophisticated as the doppelganger it was a defensive maneuver a shell game. The illusions could mimic movement and speech and Dyans force signature but not much else. Still, it would be harder to determine which one was the real one.


Good Men Don't Need Rules
Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

The locked formation that we had gotten ourselves into, allowed for such close counters. His gauntlet had pushed away the blade to scrape on his thigh armor. Nearly had him stuck through like a pig on a spit. However, I had failed to realize, that locking us together like this, meant that it gave him a possible advantage. I could feel my weight lighten and was starting to be lifted up by his physical prowess.

Due to the angle in which I was lifted, he held me over his head. My feet dangling with the tomahawk still lodged in the fold of my knee. His aim was to slam me down with brute force. Maybe, just maybe I could turn this into my favor. My arms wrapping around him in turn. Reaching for his head to mitigate how much force he could throw me with. Yet, it also would allow me to obscure his vision, and make the hold I already had him on, that much worse.

If I could get a good enough hold, I might be able to get a head lock, or even constrict my arms around his throat. Even with that force of being thrown down to the ground, I could also wrench his helmet free and prevent him from using some systems that worked with his armor and expose his head to the elements. An opening that was otherwise covered in Beskar.

Coming down hard, I could feel the impact hitting me hard. My back taking a huge blow. I could feel it start to bruise as soon as it happened. An audible sound came from my lips and through the helmet with air being forced out of my lungs. It wasn't enough to make me lose my breath, but it was enough to feel it hard.


Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Dark meet light. Evil meet good. Opposites always found ways to attract. She drew on her emotions, and he drew on his. There were many emotions that one could draw upon, but there was one that he had recently learned was stronger than all of them: love. He'd never known it as a child. His parents, nor anyone else, had never loved him. Not until he came to Coruscant, and met numerous Jedi, had he ever felt that emotion. And through it all, the one person he could think about was Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , his daughter. HIS. DAUGHTER.

That overwhelming sense of love he had for her spurred him onward, fueled the light that emanated from him even as her darkness grew until their forces clashed against each other. For a moment in time it was a standstill. He tried to move forward, but couldn't. The energy that clashed between them ripped apart the battlefield around him, but he was so focused on the vampire before him that he didn't even notice what that untapped energy was doing. To stop the energy he had to stop her at any cost. Stop her and he could continue to destroy the minions of the Empire and rid the place of them.

But before he could, he was suddenly thrown backwards, his focus lost as he crashed across the ground, only coming to a stop thanks to friction. No tree for him. His face was bloodied, and his back hurt. He could feel his shoulder was out of socket as well, but he still stood, reached his hand up, and forced it back into place with barely a grimace. She was right, though, that he was going to be coming immediately after her. Their styles in the Force had made it so the most viable method to fighting her was with a saber.

And while she created a few illusions to try and disguise herself, she did forget one crucial element of being a force vampire: they radiate darkside energy. She could project her presence, but just as with the doppelganger before, he knew only one of them was real, and he relied on the Force to follow the convergence of dark energy that emanated from the cast illusions of her as he broke into an enhanced sprint, moving across the surface of the ground faster than would be possible without the Force.

He read the energies, correlated, searched for the convergence point, the spot where it all seemed to flow together. Through blood coated eyes, he drove forward, his orange blade acting like a spear as he attempted to drive it home into the version of her he felt was the real one. She might think she wasn't going to die at the hands of the alliance, and she wasn't totally wrong: he did not serve the alliance, not as a Force user, not through any form of contract. He was there because it served his interests, because people like her threatened civilization in the galaxy. Because people like her threatened his newfound family, and the Alliance attack on Tython served as opportunity for him. That was it.

He was a lone wolf, and he was hungry.
TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Rayia Si Rayia Si

The yellow robes of the man who seemingly was just enjoying his day among the confines of the temple. Despite all the fighting, and conflict, the man almost hovered as he moved through the halls. Making his way outside into the main courtyard. Among with many of the individuals wielding sabers of all colors were about. Throwing force powers and abilities left and right. Yet the yellow individual with a mask to obscure his face simply meandered out. Where upon there were two Cathar individuals who seemed to be eagerly ready to fight those. Having recently joined the fight.

Breaking through the mask as though it were his face, came a smile exposing teeth not of this world. Jagged and all shapes and sizes just forming as he stood only a few feet in front of them.

"O'Children mine. Wust thou indulge thine desires of a challenge?"

Simple words that were spoken, but dripped deeply in a tone and essence for which was not of Sith, or human feeling. The dark and deep voice also seemed to be amplified with voices of others. A thousand voices stuck into one.

Without provocation, the dead that littered the courtyard rose from there lack of life. Shuffling up into life and began to move towards the two. Their dying screams echoing from their vocal cords as they charged them. While the man in yellow simply floated backwards. HIs movement showing no indication that he even touched the ground beneath him.



TAG: Rayia Si Rayia Si Zna-Abaroth Zna-Abaroth

She needed to be strong. The planets were moving. The dead rose.

"Stay close." was all Jonyna said as she rushed forward. She knew Rayia had the ability to defend herself. The saber she had helped the padawan craft would do her wonders. Still, the master worried. The mother worried.

A man in yellow. That was her new objective. he was sith, she was sure, but he felt...different. Something was off. It wouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter. Jonyna would push forward. She drew Liz, and a crack of golden lightning burst forth from the blade, arcing from one risen body to the next. This wasn't a battle of finding morality, it was a purge of the damned.

It was moments like this she wished she had a blade like Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's. A blade of light. Something that would ward off the demons of the night.

She needed to protect her daughter. She needed to keep her safe.

That was the only goal.

The moon of Bogan shifted in the sky. It would happen soon.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's expression tightened as she listened to the mechanical rasp of his voice and the cryptic arrogance that dripped from every word. He was taunting her, daring her to make a move, and she could see through the ploy. But his words still stirred a dark irritation within her — not because he challenged her or the Jedi's principles, but because of the sick pleasure he seemed to take in hiding his true intentions.

With a deep breath, she pushed the irritation down, allowing a calm resolve to settle over her like a mantle. "You talk about mistakes as if you've learned from Solipsis's failures, but you're just another Sith with delusions of grandeur." Her voice was cold, but controlled — a stark contrast to the fiery intensity in her gaze.

"And no, I don't think this is a crusade," she continued, taking another step forward until she stood just out of reach of his throne. "I'm here to end a threat. You and those like you continue to spread fear and pain, and you do it all under the guise of offering order. It's a lie I've heard too many times before."

Valery paused, her gaze shifting briefly to the machinery surrounding his frail body. "But if you think hiding behind a broken form and a few fancy words will keep me from tearing you out of that throne, you're gravely mistaken. It's a pathetic display, especially for a self-proclaimed Emperor." She took another step closer, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper.

"If you surrender now, I'll ensure you get to walk away from this. But if you make me pull you from those wires and tubes, I won't be so kind."

She paused and looked him in the eyes, "Last chance."


Kaleleon Kaleleon

The Jedi knocked off the helmet with his reprisal, managing to break the seal. It clattered to the floor with a thunderous noise, the Beskar slamming to the floor with a heavy thud- it didn't even roll, thanks to the weight. Thal stared at the Jedi unencumbered by the helmet, hatefully staring at him. He stood in his father's armor- a pretender, a liar.

Preliat Mantis was never alive. He did not crawl out of the netherworld. Mia Monroe Mia Monroe did not face him.

Careena Fett Careena Fett did not fight the Wolf. It was a ruse, a trick by Thal- revealed too early by the Jedi below him.

He wanted revenge on the Jedi, on the Mandalorians. And now his plan, his ruse was in jeopardy or perhaps even undone by the Jedi. He grit his teeth, standing over Kale before, in a rage followed by a scream- driving his fist towards the Jedi's armored chest, right in the center.

A move not designed to hurt, kill- in fact, it was the strongest part of any plate armor. A move designed to demonstrate his frustration, and to knock the wind out of him.

"Always so self-righteous, Jedi, Sith. Suffer."

The air between them crackled, static in the air forming between them. The dark side flowed around Thal, after he stopped concealing himself in the force. He had picked that skill up- but now no longer needed to.

How we do anything is how we do everything.

TAG (ALLIES) : Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Hwo Hwo | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker

Objective I — Akar Kesh

”Lies and Hypocrisy”, the typical words of a Dark agent who can not fathom the discipline and true strength it takes to know when and where to use your abilities. I’ll give you the bit about not being able to learn everything you can, but in the end, you still chose to play this game called life on “easy mode”. Even attacking from behind…

He shook his head at the mock salute. When he sensed Master @Matsu Ike… She was looking for a distraction. This was good. He knew where she was and could keep the attention of those who could hear in front of this Dark insult to the Temple to which he grew up around. Not happy at the move that Sunwalker had made against the Padawan next to him. What was her name? Esteem, Ice Cream?, no “Azurine” he was not in position to do anything to save her that would not put them both in danger, the Force was telling him she would be okay. She was, barely. Centering the Force in his fist and slamming it into the ground sending a huge Force Wave out in front of him at the Stormtroopers who were behind Sunwalker’s initial position preparing a heavygun and sending them flying, he took that weapon and flung it in the Dark Side Elite’s position. Caltin was not aiming for, nor did he have any intention of hitting Sunwalker, but let it fly by his ear to get his attention. To get the attention of both of them. ... Padawan… there is no shame in what you are doing... but Keep an eye on the surroundings… be mindful of them… make sure none of his friends decide to make the entrance that he did.

Giving Sunwalker his attention, he finally addressed the proverbial Ronto in the room. You realize that you cannot win this. I’m not talking about fighting me, that is a given. I am talking about holding this planet. Your Emperor made a mistake when he took this planet, he made a mistake in thinking that we would not want it back. You were once a Jedi. You know why too. For all of your talk about “hypocrisy” you are living it right now.

If the Inquisitor wanted “destruction”, he would get it. There was a spire that was not there previously, it was meant to be symbolic from the looks of it, but was not looking to be very structurally sound. Reaching out through the Force, “gripping” at the base of it and slowly turning the “gripping” hand into a balled up fist, the spire slowly rippled, shook, crumbled and imploded upon itself. His saber down to the side as he stood there, a statue, a pillar of Jedi strength, there was no need for him to move around, or attack. He may not have “the high ground” but he had the advantage, the Elite knew who he was, and had least known of stories of him.

I won’t further insult your intelligence and try to talk you into “letting go of your hate”. You have to do that on your own. Besides, I have trained more than enough Guardians in my time to spot one blindly, and you were definitely one. Though… it doesn’t look like it ever fit you… and that is the failure of those who trained you… not recognizing your potential. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he caught more of a notice of where Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was through the Force. Oh well… Extending his free hand, Caltin just waved his middle and index finger as if saying “Come on…”


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