Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter I — GA invasion of DE held Tython

Onrai Onrai was taking the bait. Greedily gobbling up the Force Energy he threw at her, not realizing the fatal mistake she was making...

A nearly fourteen year old Nathan Bloodscrawl observed his father in the training chamber, who he would end up looking almost exactly like when he grew up, save for some noticable grey on the sides. Nathan was on the other side of protective, Force Imbued Glass.

Father had been out hunting. He had procured a Sith, bound in Force Imbued Chains, pale and gaunt.

"This is a very special sort of Sith, my Son." Angus Bloodscrawl announced.

"How, Father?" Nathan asked, realizing that in truth, this was the first time he had actually ever seen a Sith up close. He felt a rotting aura that invisibly defiled the very air around it. It was unlike anything he had experienced before. The stone chamber, lit only with torches, cast odd, flickering shadows across his face, mad with ancient hatreds behind eyes of boiling sulphur.

"He is a Blasphemer who knows The Anti-Force. Without those chains, he would be able to use it."

"What's the Anti-Force, Father?" Nathan asked.

"Something not from our universe. Worse than The Dark Side. It simply devours Force Energy. Particularly degenerate Sith, such as himself, revel in using it to eat the energy thrown at them as fuel and sustenance..." Angus answered, circling the imprisoned Sith.

"This heretic dared to presume that this ability of his made him unbeatable. Without the proper training, he was only half I sneaked up on him while he was eating and hit him with a club." Angus explained. "He was not amused..."

"Kill me, Jedi, I will not yield to your petty words!" The imprisoned Sith snapped woozily.

"Patience, patience, Sith Lord, you will die." Angus assured his prisoner. "But not before I have used you as a proper instruction tool."

With a snap of his fingers, the Force Imbued chains lost their power to hold him. The Sith's lightsaber was out instantly, flashing red.

"Now you die, you IMPUDENT WORM!" the Sith snapped, flinging lightning at Angus, who teleported just to the side of the lightning attack.

A white Aura formed around Angus, white tendrils sneaking out from it, making the Sith sneer as he relied on the Anti-Force to absorb the "attack".

"I have learned something more terrible than the Dark Side!" The Sith hissed, hurling a ball of lightning from the absorbed energy back at Angus, who caught and absorbed it with the Force."

"Look at what the Sith must resort to to match even a fraction of the Light's power..." Angus said to Nathan. "Do not be intimidated--"

The Sith rushed Angus with a deadly flurry of Ataru strikes, fed by the energy Angus had fed him. Angus deftly evaded all the strikes with elegant spins and and acrobatics.

"The Sith cares only for power. For the taking of it. The display of it..." Angus said to Nathan, releasing more white tendrils into the Sith, who cackled as his connection to the Anti-Force devoured the energy Angus fed him repeatedly, is Force attacks becoming stronger and Stronger, yet Angus did not yield.

"This Sith is so craven that he will not even call on the cancer native to this universe. He must call on a cancer from outside of it." Angus said, forming a Force Barrier to block the enhanced barrages of red lightning the Sith hurled at him.

"So greedy and gluttonous that he doesn't even realized I poisoned what he has absorbed." Angus observed as the Sith began screaming in horror and agony, as something began to affect his connection to the Anti-Force.

The Sith began to choke, his display of lightning growing weaker.

"The Anti-Force is compatible with certain energy. And it is not with others. The light can allow one to 'poison' their energy to those who would dare derive their strength from this form of blasphemy." Angus said.

"Some are stronger at using it. They may not even notice anything wrong at first. But eventually, the more energy they expend......and the more you attack with this technique, the greater the chance it will successfully spread throughout their very ties to it..."

The Sith was shaking, frothing at the mouth with pain. Angus approached.

"It takes years of constant practice. Not many Sith resort to the Anti-Force. Results may vary. They may end up completely crippled like this one...or it may resemble a spreading sickness, like the sudden onset of flu or cold like symptoms, weakening their connection, potentially, over time..." Angus explained as a pair of IG MagnaGuards entered the chamber to drag him off to where the blaster fire would not be heard. It would be quick. Painless. The alternative was giving him to the Authorities of Ession, who would burn him at the stake. The family had grown a hoard of Pyromaniacs, but that had been more an accident of coding when it came to that incident. That, and some dumb bastard had accidentally gotten the contents of a grape jelly donut into the server farm controlling the process. The accidents hadn't been discovered until months later. The coding first, the Grape Jelly stupidity second.

"A proper Jedi relies on the Force, even if an enemy has the means to momentarily subvert it. For their means of subversion are never truly stronger than the light..." Angus explained to his son. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father." Nathan replied back dutifully in a stoic manner...

Angus nodded in approval. "Come down here then. The danger has passed. You must practice."

Nathan snarled as Onrai Onrai let off a powerful electrical attack. The Lance of Ession blocked the powerful, dark side infused lightning, though his fingers and hands burned in agony as the price of keeping him alive. Nathan did not cry out, instead focusing on drawing the lighting she attacked the clones with...some of it, at least, towards himself also. The Droid Marine that had done the Happy Dance at destroying its first Dark Trooper had loaded another missile, this one carrying an enhanced payload for the operation. One Clone had been killed already by Onrai's lightning, and the other Clones had barely evaded it, shooting precision shots at Dark Trooper eyes rather than waste time trying to go through that thick armor the enemy droids had. The Droid marine fired, and an entire passage worth of Dark Troopers were buried in the ensuing collapse.

"Where the hell is that red head the Boss came with?" The Clone Ranger snapped at his still alive commanding officer, managing to completely shatter the head of a Dark Trooper with repeated Sniper Fire.

Nathan acted quickly as the Manifestation of Onrai made lightning convulse out of the temple parameter, drawing as much of that energy into himself as he dared, he broke it down and pulsed it beneath his feet, spreading white cracks of light that exploded fragments of the floor in large chunks at dangerously high speed at Onrai, like a few frag mines were going off...

He lanced the ancient technique of light side poisoning at her connection to the Anti-Force, trying to test at it, knowing she would be overconfident and absorb it again...but it would clearly take time. Onrai was skilled, dangerous, and extremely powerful...

But Nathan was a Bloodscrawl.

And though his family and their triumphs were completely erased and forgotten, Bloodscrawls looooooovvvved getting their hands on Sith.

Nathan was close, deflecting shots from Trooper fire, and began to use his Soresu training to deflect the shots at her as he approached...


"SOME SITH ARE BORN WITH BLED KYBERS IN HAAAAANNNNDDD...ONLY OUT TO HELP THEMSEEEEEELLLLLVES..." The Clone Siege Troopers sang as they marched through the chaos of the battlefield, rotary cannons shredding into enemy personnel. The fighting was still vicious. The Enemy was sending all they had. Siege Troopers armed with bulky CR-1 Blaster cannons firing shotgun like sprays that converted grown men to chunky salsa bits in groups at cornered Sith Knights, Sixty-Sixing them in violent fashion.


"This should not work as well as it does..." A Siege Trooper name ST-888 admitted as he stared at the smoking remains of a completely blasted apart Sith Lord in the grass.

"I know...weird, huh? I thought all those stories about just surrounding Force Users with Fett Clones and shooting them was just imperial propaganda. That it couldn't possibly be that simple..." The Siege Trooper next to him, ST-0098 said, staring at the smouldering corpse.

"But it fethin' is..." Nine-Eight continued to say in amazement. "It's like whenever there's more than one Fett Clone, their lightsaber defense drops by a solid eight..."

"That's nonsense. This isn't an RPG!" Eight-Eight protested.

Nine-Eight gestured to the piles of blasted up Sith Lords the Siege Troopers were piling into stacks to make emergency sandbags out of, Leonidas Style, as artillery fire rained down around them.

"See all those dudes with the shot up fancy black robes getting turned into war furniture? Sixty-Sixed, all of 'em..." he pointed out. "Are you sure our reality doesn't run on RPG rules?"

"You been reading too much again...all that philosophy babble's gonna rot your brain someday, Nine-Eight..." Eight-Eight admonished. "That's just the result of efficient workmanship. Not some silly law of the universe that says the more Fett Clones are present, the less effective a lightsaber is."

"But how come everyone who isn't a Fett Clone who tries pulling that dies?" Nine-Eight questioned.

"Because it has nothing at all to do with being a Fett Clone, and everything to do with being hardcore AF."

"But we were cloned from someone who was hardcore AF. Doesn't that mean WE, by default, are also hardcore AF?" Nine-Eight questioned.

"Only if we get the requisite Kamino Grade training from birth." Eight-Eight insisted as tanks fired at enemy forces, lancing beams of Clone War weapons shredding into enemy lines even as they were bombed themselves.

One thing the Dark Empire, Mandalorians, and Sith fighting there noticed was that the Clones seemed to possess no fear. It didn't matter how severe the opposition was. You often had to kill the Clone to gain ground, because otherwise, if they didn't get hit, they kept firing. And they were finding it took a distressing amount of violence to make them even retreat momentarily.

Nowhere was this better demonstrated than when the lightning shot out of the temple into the sky, wiping out the first and second row of tanks and killing multiple squads of Clone Siege Troopers...but the assault, rather, than fall into disarray, seemed to intensify, with pissed off clones calling a pissed off A.I. whose star destroyer body had taken mild damage from the Dark Lightning, that had taken out some of their point defenses and repeating cannons.

"Oh, a WISE SITH, EH? FIRE!" the offended, unnecessarily outraged Fett Clone Captain on the bridge yelled.

"Please specify payload..." The A.I. System requested as it brought up a shot of the temple from overhead.

"All the Point defense cannons! Four bursts from our repeating cannons! And fire the Big Gun!" The Captain snarled. "Hit the area around the temple. But make sure you don't hit Alliance."

"Roger, commencing excessive force and overkill..."

The skies above lit up

"Brace for impact!" Eight-Eight yelled, diving under an overturned tank.

What came from above was nothing less than punishment from a wounded beast.

Red point defense laser beams lanced out of the sky as a constant shower, in the dozens, hitting multiple areas around the temple, while a steady stream of repeating ion cannon fire hit the ground in absolutely devastating barrages, shattering enemy vehicles and disintegrating squads from the intensity of the blasts. The Clones pressed the attack, using the vehicles that had survived to form walls around the temple and bombard it's defenders, the orbital bombardments constant now, yet avoiding concentrations of Alliance Personnel.

But the BIG glow came.

The composite beam laser cannon, the Plague Destroyer's main weapon shot out a deliberately low power, at the very top of the temple, and the cap exploded, killing many Sith beneath. At that moment, the Clone Offense and Siege troopers saw an opening, they began shelling the large, smoking gap at the top of the temple with mortars and ion laser fire, hoping to inflict critical damage on the structure...

The Siege Troopers launched an all out attack, squads of them armed with chainguns acting as a vanguard as they engaged enemy forces...


The surviving Clone Rangers and their droids contended with not just Dark Troopers, but full on Sith, and only a combination of concentrated fire, the hazards of other enemies, and their determination to survive saw them through as they fell and exploded not just Dark Troopers, but Sixty-Sixed a few of the Sith also. But another clone fell, the fighting becoming more desperate. Many a time, they were forced in their running shoot out through the temple to get to its generators to simply run from an Onrai manifestation rather than confront it directly, the Droid marines firing another rocket in one case and collapsing a passage behind them..

The impact from the cannon hitting the top of the temple above made some of the walls crack and burst as they fired against the seemingly unstoppable hoard of Sith, Droids, and Dark Empire troops

Just then...there was a rumble beneath them as they were cornered in one area by advancing Dark Troopers.

The floor turned molten....and jets of Flame shot up as Syd Celsius Syd Celsius , a Sorceress just as ancient and terrible as Onrai was, burst from the floor, creating a flood of molten rock that she covered the Dark Troopers and attacking Sith in, a charred tunnel of rock beneath her as she floated up in her gold and blue Catsuit, arms folded, staring at the Sith in front of her before a gout of red flames erupted from her throat, engulfing them despite ALL of them desperately throwing a Force barrier up. The red flames are through them bathing them as they screamed.

Behind her climbed a number of green striped Siege Troopers, armed with Z-6 Rotary Cannons...

It was a party now...

The Dark Troopers in the immediate area were destroyed though there were dozens more and the Troopers immediately engaged them and Sith desperately trying to respond.

"About bloody time!" The leader of the Rangers complained. "We were in a hairs inch of buying the Cloning Farm!"

Syd felt the foul presence of Onrai but that was Nathan's problem. Despite their bond, he has never once wanted or accepted her assistance on that level, her very presence in his mind causing him endless disgust.

All she has to do was make sure the troopers succeeded.

"Sorry I was late. The bedrock was a nightmare to get through..." Syd said. "Finish your sabotage mission. I'm going to go around setting the enemy on fire."

Syd flew off, breathing deadly red flames that were capable of eating through alchemized materials into a passage, flooding it and killing three Sith Lords hurling lightning and Force Chokes at Siege Troopers. More and more Siege Troopers poured in from the hole firing once they got out their cannons.

"Look for prisoners!" one of the Siege Troopers yelled as the Rangers on the much more important sabotage mission fled even deeper into the temple while Syd commenced a vicious killing spree in the passages, blowing some up with large, hurled fireballs, melting through support structures, Siege Troopers being killed sometimes as quickly as they could come into an area, but more kept coming in, some now armed with heavier weapons.

House Bloodscrawl was determined to kill as many Sith as possible and destroy the temple. It was the culmination of their rebirth as an organization to be feared by all followers of the Dark Side...

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Braze Braze

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek

Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker

Onrai Onrai

Vulpesen Vulpesen

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
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Location: Akar Kesh, Sith Temple
Objective: Disrupt defenses for the main attack force
Tag: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim


For a short time the cocky voice went silent, an indication that he was possibly getting close to the source. He had a feeling whoever was goading him earlier was inside and gathering energy to launch a trap, one which Silas was going to be well prepared for by the time he sprung it. This sort of risk could be easily avoidable now that he knew what was to come, but due to his lack of understanding of the temple finding someone to spill their knowledge may have been the better route.

If that required going through some pain then so be it.

Silas stopped beside the front entrance and nonchalantly ignited the lightsaber from his pocket. There was no way he wasn't going inside without at least a bit of protection. Who knew what this person had up their sleeve, other than they were force sensitive and seemed to have experience with the force.

Without a second thought, the knight stepped through and made himself known. Everything was eerily silent as he walked and from the looks of things no one seemed to be around. That however wouldn't be the case when something tried to suddenly force its way into his mind, instantly forcing him to one knee with a hand on his head in disdain. Gritting his teeth, the Jedi's gaze looked everywhere to find who this possibly could be, yet their presence had still yet to be exposed.

"You are one of those, huh?" Silas grunted as he did his best to keep the dark force out of his head "If you really think It was going to be that easy the-AH!" Silas yelled out when another burst of energy shot through his brain. They still hadn't made much progress, but it was clear they were trying to slowly break down his mental fortitude.

"Your cowardice assault will not prosper..."

in the footsteps of a stranger

She didn't see what he had said, for Nirrah was soaring above, surveying for threats. However, she answered by chance.

"I think we're close." It had been years since Efret had last been on Tython. She had a good memory for both facts and directions, especially for the latter if landmarks remained the same from her last visit to her next one. That was true here; even deep within an unkept forest, some things didn't change much. Still, the Dark side steeped the biome like a fog, not nearly as strong as its attack on the Coruscant Temple was but enough to slightly disorient.

Efret approached one of the marker boulders that the Jedi had used as road signs of a sort and touched on knee to the damp soil. Wrapping her fingers around some of the vines that had overgrown onto the rock face, she pulled them gently away until she could read the inscription underneath.

< Padenah Toh

Nirrah alighted on her shoulder then, and Efret switched her Force Sight out for visually communing with the convor.

She looked to the left, where the stone sign had indicated, and stood. The impression of what used to be a trail led in that direction in a gentle slope. "That way. Go first. We'll follow." She indicated between herself and Nirrah.

"It's called The Guiding Stone," Efret had explained to Cailen as they rode down from orbit to the GADF base. "It's capable of sending out a beacon in the Force similar to how your X-wing contacted my freighter in the Sanrafsix Corridor. Dark siders might use The Guiding Stone to call for reinforcements if this battle swings out of their favor. We must purify it so they cannot. For them to meditate on it, it needs to be corrupted, and it takes time to re-corrupt. Time they don't have."

The path rapidly gained in elevation as the Jedi traversed it. Soon, they had climbed above the tree canopy. The soil below their feet had incrementally become barren and dry. Bushes with wiry foliage dotted this new landscape from which rose up a great rocky platform and a monolith of six loaming, angled stone slabs.

Post 02
Cailen Corso Cailen Corso
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Location: Akar Tsis
Enemies: GA: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Zuraxin would study the Jedi Grandmaster under a heavy brow, his red optic could read the agitation coming from her. A pity as he had hoped for more conversation with the former Sword of the Jedi. He had so many questions he wished to ask her, so many things he wished to know about the Jedi Master. However, she had seemed adamant about taking him into custody, he had played with the thought of fighting back. Instead, he found the role of feeble, old master far too fun to ignore. He knew of her battles against Darth Solipsis and Kyrel Ren, but this new approach made it all the more interesting.

B3 would try to step forward, as if the protocol droid meant to stand between Valery and his Master. Zuraxin would stand up, wires and tubes attached to various parts of his shrouded form, his mechanical breathing only quickened, yet the man seemed calm. “Let her pass B3… You won’t stop her from getting what she wants.” He said, his tone displayed his unpleasant demeanor regarding the situation. Slowly did Zuraxin walk from his throne, through the dimly lit crimson glow was more of the monstrosity revealed. A glowing red eye bore into her gaze. “A pity, I’d hoped you would have proven far more interesting. I’ve heard so much about you, now you seem content with taking a feeble man in. I am now at your mercy, Master Jedi.” Zuraxin emphasized his point by displaying his empty palms. It appeared as if the monstrosity was giving himself in willingly, yet all did not appear to be.

B3 while he stood back on Noble’s approach to the throne, when Zuraxin stepped down willingly to come close to the Jedi did he react. “I’m afraid I cannot let you leave.” The droid would say, pleasantries all but faded. With his palm outstretched did his magnetic grips activate. Suddenly a hidden lightsaber hilt came to his hand, his red photoreceptors glowed. “B3!” Did Zuraxin shout while in defiance did the protocol droid with a red blade in hand charged for the Jedi Master.

The protocol droid would try in one desperate attempt to defend his master. His red blade swung wildly, it would be impossible to defeat the Grandmaster without the Force. The droid provided a distraction for the hooked up Sith to stand back. He stood behind Noble, expected to be arrested but he would use the distraction to his advantage. Within the sleeve of his right hand was hidden his lightsaber. Depending on how Noble reacted to the valiant effort of his droid, would he strike with saber in hand.



Post: 6
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Theme: Vendetta
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Tycho Arak Tycho Arak

Light and Dark or Good and Evil pour substitutions for what really drove one's heart. They all had their reasons for fighting and warring each other but it was their pride that drove them more then the reason's they used as excuses. Dyan's legacy, the love for her own children, and the love she had for the people of Empress Teta had all been buried by the government this man before her was fighting for. Not the children she made through sharing her blood though she did love them in her own way, her real children she bore into this world all dead because of the alliance's pride.

Sure, she could blame her own pride to try to reclaim her home world and rightful throne for their demise, but it was the Alliance who slaughtered them as they came for her. That intense hatred drove her, everything she cared about had been taken from or was threatened. She was going to take it all from them as they did her so they could see Evil begets Evil. She was a monster long before the alliance but hid it, now she was no longer afraid to show it.

He stalked towards her and the illusions as he went into a full-on sprint. She called on the force to speed up her own movements so she could keep track of him. As he came with his orange saber in forward spearing jab motion straight for her chest. His saber pierced right through the chest and out the backside of the illusion.

He however had indeed struck at the real Dyans but she had moved in a blinding blur of speed at the very last second and so did her illusions move when she did, one of them right into the sabers strike. The illusion dissipated as Dyans dagger in her left hand that she drew while on the move came down on the saber with her in incredible strength and tried to force it down. As her right hand reached out behind her, and she called her sword back to her hand. In one fluid motion of it returning to her hand she thrust it forward towards his left exposed rib cage in attempt to skewer him through the side.




Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's eyes sharpened as the red blade of the protocol droid ignited, but before it could get close, she raised her fist, instantly freezing the droid in place. The Force swelled around her, invisible but undeniable, its weight pressing against the droid's mechanical joints. Valery's grip tightened, and she could feel B3's servos whine in protest under the telekinetic pressure.

The droid twitched, trying in vain to strike, but Valery's hold was unrelenting. "You're in my way," she muttered, her voice laced with cold authority. With a sharp flick of her wrist, she attempted to send the droid crashing into the far wall. Hopefully with an impact powerful enough to shake the chamber and crush his metal frame.

But even with the droid out of her way, she wasn't done.

Without pausing to see if the droid would rise again, Valery spun back toward Zuraxin, who had taken a step back, his hand twitching toward his sleeve. She knew what he was reaching for — his hidden weapon. Her violet blade flared to life in her hand, casting long shadows as she lunged forward.

"This ends now!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the dark chamber.

Her lightsaber cut through the air in a blazing arc as she aimed directly for Zuraxin's center, her strike fast and relentless. Each motion was precise, honed by years of battle against Sith Lords of this magnitude. Kyrel Ren, Darth Solipsis, Carnifex, and many others. Her attack was not meant to stall — it was a full-force attempt to end him, to sever his connection to the Dark Side, and bring an end to the reign of another self-proclaimed Emperor.

The chamber seemed to darken as Valery closed the distance, her gaze locked onto Zuraxin's one glowing eye. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing. She would strike him down.

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Shuttle: Rapid Assault Lander
Outfit: Sentinel Standard - Olive Drab Tunic
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

He struck true, he knew he did, but his blade met nothing but air, an illusion in her stead. She moves quick, he noted as he felt weight come down upon his blade, her dagger pushing it downward. Feel, don't see. His eyes were useless against her. Not because of the blood that ran down his face, but because of the illusions she was employing. The only way he could find her was to focus on the convergence point in the Force, the place where all the darkness within her emanated from: the black hole that was the vampire.

Danger. He could feel it. A blade coming towards him. He side-stepped into the strike to reduce the effective force of her weapon, which would allow it to strike his cuirass with enough force to give him bruised ribs, but not enough to penetrate it and pierce his ribcage. Sometimes the best move was to allow harm to happen to yourself into order to gain position. It certainly hurt like hell, but he'd been hurt before and would be again. She also now knew he wore something beneath the outer layer of his clothing, so she'd gained some knowledge of his position, and he could no longer rely on its defense.

From his new position, even as her blade struck, he rotated his wrist around to bring his blade out from under hers, and sliced it at her lower arm at mid-length. Her overextension could result in the loss of limb. It wouldn't take her out of the fight, he knew that, but it would help his position greatly. He believed in the theory of whittling away at his opponent, and though she had energy and lots of strength, he had his skills and a near lifetime of training in them.

"You won't leave this field alive," he said, eyes still closed, relying on the Force to guide him. "Your darkness must be purged."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Allies: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker
Enemies: Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Vulpesen Vulpesen

"You're not lifting the door, Braze." Onrai's shadowed manifestation watched as the apprentice sought to absorb the lightning sent his way. Another eye focused on Jasper, curious what the Jedi was going to do. As the scroll fluttered around her location, she looked in curiosity as it surrounded her, then the runes of the paper glowed as it activated. Onrai waited to see whether or not the scroll would do anything. She sensed the nullification within the immediate area of the scroll of the Force - there was no supping from the Dark Side nexus for the time being. The scroll didn't have any direct impact on her, however - which she was thankful for. Walking over to the boundary of the scroll across from the Jedi Master whose apprentice had been quite a handful in the past, she grabbed the thick vellum with both her hands and, with a single succinct motion, tore the scroll in half before walking through the gap she had created.

"You're going to have to do better than that." She smirked, taking out a shard of glistening, visibly glowing crystal - the radioisotopic core from a Defiance rad-rifle. Bringing a finger to it, She arced the black lightning over the crystal, seeking to strike the two Jedi and the area around them with it as the lightning carried with it particles of highly radioactive material emitting lethal levels of radiation. The best way to keep the Jedi at bay was to salt the earth - and it would be easy enough to clean up after all was said and done.


"You could start by leaving the temple and undoing the harm you've done." Onrai said in response to Matsu's comment. From the wall, arcs of Anti-Force energy struck at the Jedi, the greater embodiment of Onrai using the crystalline conduits of the structure, damaged and defaced as they were, in an attempt to strike back. "I'm not necessarily forgive and forget, but if you leave, then no harm will come to you."

Where bricks were crushed and flung, so too was the detritus Vulpesen created redirected at him, flung by the unseeable force inveigled into the Temple. "Ah, I remember you, Vulpesen. I would hope you didn't have any lasting injuries." The voice radiated through the temple, omnipresent within the area and eternally aware. "As I told your friend, I recommend you leave and stop molesting the temple I've built. Do that, and perhaps the temple wiill stop pelting you with stones - or worse." Razor-sharp shards of crystal torn from the light-piping were flung at breakneck speed from shattered wall conduits, water leaking out or trickling down from the damaged walls where it was broken. Everything was being flung at Vulpesen in the meantime, a deliberate act.


The blast of stonework from the floor was directed upwards by Onrai - and flung just as rapidly at the swarm of clones that had joined the Jedi in question. A stone hurtled at hundreds of meters per second was certainly going to wound if not kill the clones in question, possibly even severely harming or destroying the droids that had come with him. Whatever he had tried, the Force energy was once more consumed by the entity in question - there was no poisoning with the Force that which fed off of it. The Dark Troopers, battered as they were, slowly moved to emerge from the rubble to continue firing at the enemy forces.

The blast on the temple was, similarly to before, absorbed - the composite beam laser striking the crystalline capstone of the temple saw the blast splintered into a rainbow of color, redirected over the landscape in a beautiful rainbow of color that singed the landscape around it. Imperial troopers ducked and covered as the wave of luminous light rode over the battlefield - not Force Light, but actual light, scorching the landscape as it could. the incendiary scorch of light would scald the incoming clones and, hopefully, boil them in their armored carapaces like seafood dropped in a pot of water.

Onrai silently cursed, sending a message to her ally in orbit, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . "Can you do us a favor and bombard these people? The roaches have no end to them." Even she as an abominably powerful entity was being stretched to the limit, having to deal with multiple incursions into the temple that she simply could not stop alone.
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Location: Entrance of Akar Kesh
Allies: GA Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Enemies: DE(Open) Onrai Onrai
Loadout: Battlefield
Objective: Avenge the Tail!

Vulpesen's wings whirred out from behind him raising to shield him from the debris of Onrai's attack. A myriad of tings and clangs sounded in his ear as the stones and shards battered at his makeshift shield. "That's it," the Valde growled as he reached up and clicked on his comm unit in his mask. "Trident! Shadowy schutta in the temple! Knock her the KRIFF DOWN!"

Trident Company. About one hundred and forty men. Approximately ten marksmen sporting VSF's Coyote Rifles. Twenty or so Lycanthrope repeaters. Three Dire wolf AMRs. And several dozen Alsatian battle rifles. And of all that ordinance, about half of it pointed its way at the woman frustrating and attacking the single man on the entire planet that they were sworn to protect. One might have assumed that the jedi had attempted another wall of light considering the amount of light that suddenly filled the space between the troops and Onrai. That light however, did hide the more sinister threat of the Coyote's verpine rounds, the near silent projectiles hurtling throughs pace with such terrifying kinetic energy that Vulpesen himself feared the weapons, something similar once having left his right ear int he geonosian dirt.

The only mercy spared to Onrai was that any ordinance was saved for the sith troops that were attempting to close round them, the presence of close combatant friendlies precluding anything that might cause collateral damage. One of those friendlies was the very aforementioned Valde who with a flap of his wings and an activation of his jetpack launched himself at Onrai as he snatched his pistol from its holster. It had worked in their last encounger, so he figured it would work again. Once more three rounds were fired the fennec, each guided towards the very center of that radiation rifle that had proven to be the bane of his existence.
Location: Objective One, Akar Kesh
Allies: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , @Others
Opponents: Zna-Abaroth Zna-Abaroth

Rayia remained close to Jonyna’s side as they approached the temple. She was here for the sole purpose of assisting Jonyna in the upcoming fight. Rayia did not intend to let anything happen to her mother, after all. Her tail twitched as her keen Felacatian senses picked up on a new vibration of movement approaching their location. Unlike the frenetic energy transmitted from Jedi scattering into the temple’s depths like leaves in the wind, or the emerging, lilting stagger of the corpses limping towards them, this one was calm.

Golden eyes immediately locked onto the movement, the source of the challenge issued forth, finding a masked man in yellow standing before them. Rayia did not say anything in response to either his words or disturbing appearance. A hunt was no place for words. And she found both the Jedi and the Sith too prone to blathering on for her liking.

Instead, she waited as she felt the tattered corpses staggering closer. The hum of flickering fire that was her bestial blood threatening to blaze out of control thrummed in her veins. Her bestial half was stirring in its chains, as it yet slumbered deep within her. Golden eyes slid to Jonyna as she unsheathed Liz with a crack of lightning. Rayia’s clawed fingers tightened on her own saber, finding comfort in Light Fang’s familiar grooves.

A sharp hiss prompted the golden, fang-like blade to ignite. Heat bloomed in Rayia’s immediate vicinity, pouring from the exceptionally hot blade as she lunged forwards stabbing through the chest of the nearest corpse. Its guts burbled and sizzled as the spatter evaporated off Rayia’s bracers. It filled the air around her with a slight shimmer as she flickered in and out of vision like a mirage.
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Location: Akar Tsis
Enemies: GA: Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Kaleb had hoped the furious onslaught of lightsaber strikes relying on Djem So would cut down the Padawan. He practiced many times in the dueling dojos, making an art form out of dueling. His cape bellowed with each attempt to push the momentum forward, his eyes gazed into the Padawans eyes, his crimson blade moved, striking down the vibroblade, the intense clash almost breaking her weapon. Seeing her defiance both crimson and red blades clashed that resembled Sunwalker’s howling fury. He kept trying to press the attack, remembering his dark side training to always be aggressive, he couldn’t allow the Jedi to gain a single inch of ground. He knew how Jedi fought, yet there was still some infection to his technique.

He gritted his teeth. The defiant glare had only added to his anger, he kept pushing, one foot in front of the other. She on the other hand was more agile, more agile than Kaleb had anticipated. After the continued clashing both crimson and yellow blades, her blade hitting his shoulder, the armor sparking before he felt it pierce into flesh, however before he could strike again, she moved her saber deactivated. His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t stop his attack. Blind rage had gripped him, savage grunts came from each stroke of his blade. Just when she managed to get out of his reach, he landed a cut along her leg. He growled, it wasn’t enough but before he could continue did Master Vanagor return in kind, a force wave ripped through the ground. Kaleb felt himself knocked back, his gloved hand dug closely into the ground. In that same time did one of the Stormtroopers turret emplacements come right for him. The mad Inquisitor instinctively knew he could cut into it with his lightsaber, but retaliated with an open palm to send the turret right for the Padawan, while Kaleb had taken the chance to jump back, creating some much needed breathing room for the moment.

The taunts that came from the two Jedi, especially the one he knew as Vanagor, brought him close to snapping. A scowl rested on his face, retorting in kind to the Jedi before him did Kaleb say. “No… What I’ve seen and known is freedom. Freedom not to be denied, freedom to study how I see fit, freedom to follow my passions, and the freedom to rid the galaxy of you Jedi filth!” He would finish with a sinister sneer. He would pace cautiously, eyes darting from one Jedi to the other. Vanagor would continue on how the Empire would not win, how the Jedi would win. The self righteousness was sickening to the Dark Jedi. He scoffed when he saw the gesture to come forward. He didn’t rush in for the attack, but he approached his steps were heavy, purposeful as he kept the crackling, crimson blade clenched tightly to the grasp of his right hand.

“That remains to be seen.” Came his vitriol fueled response. He raised his saber slightly, his heavy steps quickened in response while he rushed right for the two of them. One hand extended outwards to the Padawan, he hoped to freeze her in place with the Force. Force Stasis, an old trick he learned from his relentless perusing of the Jedi Archives. He hoped to keep her in place, while he launched an attack right for the Jedi Master. Focusing once more on the offensive, his saber moved to strike right for his chest, if that didn’t work the next sequence would aim right towards his head. His fiery gaze held nothing but madness and bitterness.

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How we do anything is how we do everything.

TAG (ALLIES) : Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Hwo Hwo | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker

Objective I — Akar Kesh

Yes, yes, “freedom not to be denied”, “freedom to study”, “a path to true power”. I’m not trying to insult your intelligence, don’t try and insult mine. I’ve heard more of the talking points than you have learned, trust me on that. The big man just rolled his eyes as he retorted Sunwalker’s comments. He was not a “zealot” he was caught up in the moment and nothing more, spouting silly Sith platitudes did not work.

I was talking about how you should never have been a “Guardian”... yeah… I know what you are… what you were... you should have been a “Shadow”... that is where you should have been put down. Your path is the mistake of your Master, and instructors. You may not be looking for an “apology”, so I won’t give you one, but a simple mistake leads to such a shame. Oh well. He hated going off on these long diatribes, after all, it’s not like he was going to “flip” Sunwalker back to the Light, but they were just a waste of time, and words.

One thing that Sunwalker was, is good in a fight. The big man didn’t even finish his thought when the Dark Jedi lunged into an attack. He was going to “cut down the tree” as the trusted “back and forth” attack of Djem So is often called. No, it was a ruse, the attack right at his chest, he could block it easily, a Soresu diversion tactic of a “half moon” arc, catching Sunwalker’s blade and pinning it away.

The problem for him is that Sunwalker is simultaneously attacking the Padawan… kark… what is her name again? “Ice Cream”? No, “Azurine”...

A split second decision pushed the Force at Sunwalker’s “Stasis” hand, and a fast upward (instinctive) “block” of it the initial chest attack.
Here is where Sunwalker showed how good he is.

That “block” led him right into an attack at the head of the massive Jedi Master. Caltin dodged easily enough, but the crimson blade cut the big man’s ear.


He was mad again.

Instinctively throwing a hard left hook at the face of the Dark Jedi with his free hand in an attempt to knock Sunwalker back a couple of steps, Caltin took a moment to glance at the Padawan. If she was frozen in place, then she was frozen in place… if she wasn’t then she would get an earful about “going” and “doing what she was wanting to do”. He did not read her thoughts, but it was clear that the maneuvers of Onrai Onrai were having a hard effect on her. She needed to learn patience, but Valery Noble Valery Noble was a good instructor and that would come to her in time. He had no time to teach that right now.

I need to start teaching again…

The Temple loomed just up ahead, more like a fortress. They were all coalescing there, and yet he'd not run into anyone trying to stop him. No soldiers, no sith... No nothing. Most likely they didn't consider him a threat which, while a little insulting, was not necessarily too far off the mark. He wasn't, or at least wouldn't consider himself, a threat in any way, shape or form. He was not a beacon and paragon of the light, nor was he an unfathomale pit of the dark. He was himself, Raphael, and that was all that he needed to be or ever would need to be.

For many, though, themselves wasn't enough, and he often wondered if that's why the sith did what they did. The path of the dark was less about one's own power and just whatever power that they could gather. It was a path in and of itself and it produced results, albeit in a horrible form. And that was the main reason that Raphael preferred being with the Jedi, at the end of the day. Mastery of self, through the Force, though he also liked to practice mastery of self without the Force, something he'd begun working on through echani meditation practices that he'd read about. Not that it mattered.

He approached, slowly, seeing a few Jedi... even seeing Jasper, he'd thought that guy'd been on the council, before leaving suddenly. He didn't know who the kid was, though. It didn't really matter, at the end of the day, he supposed, as they were doing what they felt like they needed to. Jasper was a good jedi, but...he'd have to be that person to fight, this time, useless flailing as it might have been.

With a bit of aim, he fired at Onrai. "Just let people go through. It's a door. And I'm pretty sure that you've already got someone through, one, at the very least, no?" Raphael grinned, approaching the Temple, lightsaber, for once, resting at his hip, while his pistol was in his hand. "But I can tell, from looking at you, you know how important this place is to us Jedi. The world, the Temple... I know that you know."

Onrai Onrai Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

Friends: GA and Jedi
Enemies: Sith, imperials, general dark siders



Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


The massive dragon clawed at the doorway with terrifying force, its talons rending the structure apart as an armored tail whipped toward Onrai.

Braze quickly raised a Force barrier, trying to stave off the barrage of attacks.

"Well, that makes no sense," he remarked dryly to Jasper. "Plan B?" he asked, but before Jasper could respond, their partner swooped in, seizing both Braze and Jasper in one swift motion, carrying them away from the chaos.



Location: Akar Tsis, Chamber
Enemies: GA: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Zuraxin could only watch as his droid assistant would attempt to strike the agitated Jedi down. Still, did the mechanical monstrosity didn’t dare to intervene. He kept his distance, watching as the obsidian played protocol droid tried to defend his master in a desperate attempt. He would swing the crimson saber wildly, trying to mimic training sequences to help with Zuraxin’s own drills against the Jedi Grandmaster. It would be futile against someone that wielded the Force as strongly as her.

Before the droid could even attempt to land a single blow, would he be sent flying to the far end of the chamber courtesy of a Force Push. Zuraxin would stare, a brow raised in worry on one good eye. He narrowed his gaze to see the droid has been slammed deep into the wall, his chassis intact but sparks came from him. His photoreceptors no longer glowed crimson, the droid was deactivated momentarily by the Grandmaster who now shifted her focus to the feeble looking Emperor, devices and all.

Zuraxin shifted uncomfortably, for now he kept up the facade of the feeble man, yet wondered how much longer he could rest her. Unlike other foes, he had yet to question how far she would go. He now read a twinge of anger coming from her. He stepped back slowly, his saber still hidden in his sleeve as if awaiting the proper moment.

He stood there defenseless, as before he could say anything did she go on the attack. He growled in frustration, he still didn’t draw his weapon. She would have to force the Sith to strike, but he would still defend himself. He allowed the facade to shed for a moment, a pale hand moved up, no saber was still drawn as she moved to the last second for her violet blade to strike him down. However, before he felt the hum of the blade cut into his deformed body, he would use the Force to stop the momentum of her attack. His dark power amplified by the mysterious black fluid that fed into his body. Zuraxin would stop the onslaught, the Force wrapped around her like a vice, preventing her from completing the sequence.

A red eye glowed this time was Zuraxin displeased with the arrogant display of heroism. “You never learn do you… Unlike my predecessors I will not fall so easily.” He said, breaking the freeze before using the Force to send her flying to the far side of the dark chamber as she had done to his droid.


Tags: Braze Braze

Lux Ultima
"Well, that makes no sense," he remarked dryly to Jasper. "Plan B?" he asked, but before Jasper could respond, their partner swooped in, seizing both Braze and Jasper in one swift motion, carrying them away from the chaos.

Jasper didn't have time before the dragon decided to scoop them up and carry them away, to which his focus was entirely broken. The circle around Onrai Onrai would fade, losing it's power and allowing the Force to flow through her once more. The Master scoffed, crossing his arms as he dangled in the talons of the creature.

"Dude, come on!" he began, clearly frustrated. "You can't just decide to drag us along with you! We gotta kill that thing!"

He hardly had a chance to do anything. Truthfully that had likely been for the best. There was no way he would have been able to maintain that rune circle for long. He would have been drained of all of his power in an instant. Not to mention those attacks headed their way had made him feel sick. Whatever the case was, however, Jasper new that decisive action needed to be taken to kill whatever that Sith was. Hopefully the others could handle that...

Cause it seemed like he didn't have a choice in this particular matter.

"At least drop us off somewhere we can help?" Jasper sighed.


Director of ISB & SHADES, Torture & Interrogation Officer
Objective: To protect the Temple
Location: Akar Tsis, Tython
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard [direct] | Onrai Onrai | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Valek Zuraxin Valek Zuraxin | Braze Braze | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


So far my plan hasn't really worked out perfectly, which frustrates me. But it seemed to have had some effect on him. At least from the sounds of it. Some of it might have hurt him. The question was interesting, would I be like that? What am I like? I know the Sith have used this Force ability to torture others many times, but I wasn't a Darksider, just sort of grey or dark grey. I wasn't skilled enough in the Force for it to matter. And in case you thought I was a coward...

Well, I thought that person was rather crazy to take on a Jedi alone. Of course, if I'd been better equipped, that would have happened, but I didn't have all my gear on me right now. After all, I had fought a Jedi on Coruscant; true, the girl was only a padawan, but I didn't know that when we started fighting. I didn't think of myself as a coward either, just prepared. And someone who anticipates the risks and variables before the fights. After all, that's why I was a good tactical analyst. As an agent, efficiency was the most important thing. So it was not surprising that I did not jump blindly into the fray.

But back to the present and this battle I'm fighting. I seemed to have frustrated the Jedi quite a bit with my camel activity, even though he still doesn't see what he should. He seemed to have good mental defences and was sufficiently stable, not as unstable as my previous opponent. I didn't respond to his words; I was used to being verbally abused by those I was torturing. Especially since they didn't really have much choice. However, I was trained not to be distracted by them; and also, not to feel compassion for those who came into my hands.

Maybe it's the silence that annoys him, maybe it's the fact that he can't make me sweat. A Sith or Darksider might have been furious that he had failed, but it wasn't me. However, perhaps by now I had managed to breach his defences and confuse him enough to actually get inside his mind. So, maintaining the memory walk, I continued to try to punch a gap in his defences, while using my mental powers to look for any weaknesses, gaps or cracks in his defences. If I found one, I would try to strike at that spot.

If I succeed, I'll try to get into his mind through this gap and pull him into the mind palace - if he has one - if not, just into his mind, so that we can fight here, not in reality. Since it was his mind, if my plan succeeded, we would find ourselves in a place that to him was the darker, more troubled part of his mind... I was already wondering in advance what that would look like in his case.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery felt the sudden grip of the Force tighten around her, halting her strike mere inches from Zuraxin. His dark power pushed back against her attack, amplified by the mysterious fluid that coursed through his veins. For a moment, she was suspended in mid-air, unable to complete her swing as his words dripped with disdain. But just as the vice-like pressure wrapped around her, Valery felt something else — a familiar, powerful presence brushing against her mind.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Through their unique bond, she felt him reaching out across the vastness of space, drawing on her strength as she had so often done with him. It was more than just a connection — it was a merging of their energies, their spirits entwined in the Force. They were always stronger together, no matter how far apart. She took a breath, calm flooding her senses, and allowed the Force to flow between them freely.

She shared her strength with him, feeding it into their Dyad, and in return, she felt his unyielding support bolstering her resolve. Her grip on her lightsaber tightened, and the oppressive weight of Zuraxin's power started to lessen as Kahlil's presence fortified her.

With a sudden burst of energy, Valery pushed back against Zuraxin's hold. His forceful grip shattered like glass under the combined strength of their connection. Even across the galaxy, Kahlil was with her — his hand metaphorically in hers, guiding her through the danger.

As Zuraxin released his energy to send her flying, she moved along with the currents of the Force, using the Force herself to soften her impact as she crashed into the far wall. She landed in a crouch, her violet blade still ignited and humming fiercely in her hand. Rising slowly, Valery smirked at Zuraxin.

"You're not fighting just me," she said, her voice calm but filled with unshakable confidence. "You're fighting us."

With a surge of determination, Valery launched herself forward again, her movements even faster, more precise. Each strike now carried the weight of not just her strength, but Kahlil's too. They were one in the Force, and she was ready to end this fight with the combined power of their Dyad. A power that would help her shatter through the invisible chains he had used to freeze her earlier attack.

As she closed the distance, her blade came crashing down on him, the Force screaming around her with raw power — the intent to end this new Emperor vivid through every ripple.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective: 1 decimate Akar Tsis
Allies: Vulpesen Vulpesen Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Opposition: Onrai Onrai

Thewas still going on, the jedi were making progress and she could feel it and them... she knew Vulpesen was making a line around herself as she worked and she was projecting herself around.. allowing the force to guide her while she delved deeper and deeper as she contionued to feel the force around herself.... there was more. Caltin would fight and make a distraction several jedi were working to make an impact and more against the anti-force user. Vulps being there did help as she continued to feel the temple itself and the resistance was there.. Onrai Onrai was for lack of experience skilled. The connection to the temple and manipulation was top notch as it became like a battle of who could manipulate faster while she shifted and altered... pelting stone became vapor that spread like a cooling mist and fractal crystals reforming. The crystals weren't spreading... she was ejecting them out of the walls which altered them enough.

She could feel it misting for a moment while others were trying to fight the sith and the temple in some cases.. it was all and all a good way to go about it Her focus going on deeper and deeper into the foundation of the temple while she sought to alter it more.. to generate and focus. The projection there as she was looking at the shade. "Leaving isn't as much an option, there is something to be said about what we observe, what we do... I" She trailed off for a moment as arcs of anti-foprce came... her body radiating and lashing as the combination created tiny bursts. like matter reacting to anti-matter and the smaller explosions there... she breathed it in and focused the exotic energies created into what she wanted... into what she could form in her mind and was looking over it all for the smallest details.

SHe contionued.,. letting her mind focus on and slowly working to the building blocks... converting.. altering... shifting and moving. She could feel it and there was resistance.. there was push back while she focused on converting the stone to the jedi's use. She could feel some of the other ones who were attacking... smashing and breaking... they could rebuild if the gambit of attacking here paid off at least. She felt a surge as the exotic energy released from force and anti-force colliding impacted around herself and it could be shaped in ways she wasn't worried about as much. The twin juggernauts she had brought were fighting and their massives sizes were over even Caltin... THeir weapons systems firing into things coming after them as they formed a protective barrier with their built in shielding.


Location: Akar Kesh, Sith Temple
Objective: Disrupt defenses for the main attack force
Tag: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim


Only silence was her answer, and better yet another immense attacked his mind soon after. Silas was in control and fighting valiantly against their ruthless mental assault for now. However, no matter how powerful a Jedi was they couldn't hang on forever against a constant barrage, something needed to be done with swift intent. There was the possibility of trying to flee, bu things could easily get worse. Silas had sprung the trap himself, now it was time to fix what he created.

If that meant potentially losing his mind so be it.

Taking a deep breath, the knight prepared to ease his mind. Silas wanted her to find an opening and exploit the chance to get into his head, an area that he'd be able to control if he locked her in. He knew the risks and implications of such a risky move, but it was better than some of the other long winded options of fruitlessly trying to find the individual. So, with a brief bit of hesitation, he voluntarily thought of the deep cutting memory of his parent's death. He hated to use it in this scenario but if anything was going to draw her in it was going to be this.

Anything after that though, that was the thing he wanted to keep away.

Silas grits his teeth as the enemy seeped her way into his mind, seemingly transporting them both in the middle of the memory. Instantly falling to his knees, Silas looked up to see the raging fire that had engulfed the Azbrian homestead. Not only that but the smell of burning flesh was thick in the air similar to what it was like that day. He hated every last bit about this memory, Silas had to dig deep and lead the attacker into a false sense.

"Well done, you got what you wanted..." Silas grunted, the fire reflecting in his eyes
"I have seen this nightmare ten times over, if you think it will break me now you are mistaken"

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