Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter III — GA invasion of DE held Tython

Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

As the princely padawan took the chip and smiled, Casaana felt the tension in him ease up some. A little distraction worked wonders, it's why she was snacking and people watching instead of brooding on the imminent fighting, and she was grateful she could do the same for at least one of her fellows. At his invitation to stay close, she nodded. "Sounds good. Could use a friend down there. I'm Casaana." She agreed over the noise of people getting ready and boarding. A lot of people knew her, she'd moved around a lot though and didn't know who all did, but she introduced herself anyway just in case. He wasn't someone she'd recognized, that hair was something she'd have remembered even before she started recognizing boys. As the press moved forward jostling her, Casaana looped her hand through a strap on Roman's armor so they wouldn't get separated and let him pull her into the landing ship.

When the doors opened on the moon's surface, the noise hit her like a wall, matched only by the confusing flashes of light let off by explosions and colored laser fire. It was a tumult of confusion and sensory input, from her eyes, ears, the HUD on the armor, and the Force. She couldn't take time to process any of it, running instead after Roman and his holler of "Stick with me!" The fog rose in the back of her mind like it had when pirates had attacked the civilian transport she'd been on, and she felt the comfort of its embrace as she let the Force guide her actions. Springing forward, she felt the edge of an artillery strike's blast press against her before dirt showered the area. A flash of warning and she drew her blaster from where it'd been holstered across her chest and snapshot a B1, sending it falling to the ground with a sparking cavity in its chest. There was so much death around her, weeping in the Force as she lined up her sights on another droid and missed as fire from troopers around them brought it down.

Then they were through, after what seemed like forever though Casaana could swear it felt like seconds, into a clearing. A mangled beast lunged at Roman with a guttural roar and he dispatched it with a slash of his saber. "Stay close!" He yelled back at her, a pillar of determination and purpose.
"You said that!" She called back to him as more beasts emerged into the clearing. She readied her own lightsaber to meet them as the swirling fog jerked her attention skyward. Missiles! One seemed to have ended its trail of black smoke mid-sky and was growing larger. A thought rose through her mind, 'All you have to do is deflect it slightly.' Reaching out, she focused, blanking out the activity around her as she pushed the missile down, sending it not into her and the front lines of Alliance troops, but smacking down into the midst of Sithspawn. Behind her, the rain of missiles she couldn't angle away rained down across the landing fields where the artillery once had.

TLDR: Landed with Roman and potentially other Jedi/Padawans, charged forward through artillery, skirmished a few droids, encountered sithspawn and brought a hellfire missile down early to explode a pack of them.

Her heart thrummed heavy in her chest as a tidal wave of infantry mixed with Masters, Knights and Padawans came crashing into a enemy line. The brilliant mix of colors that illuminated from different Jedi sabers.

It was interesting she thought -- just as they came down upon the enemy to engage, time itself seemed to come to a standstill -- they had made the plunge off their parapet, and were now falling. It was... terrifyingly beautiful, if not just for a moment.

Until... the falling came to a sickening halt, contact now made.

With the 'crack-hiss" of her saber igniting, the blade shining brilliantly with the intensity of the sun, she beheaded her first creature. Flourshing around, deflecting several blaster bolts to and back where they came from, she began breathing through the pain. With each, precise strike -- each blow, lives were being taken -- death now beginning to hang in the air and form the maelstrom that was a battlefield.

It was heavy. It was thick. It was... primal.

The death rattles that the creatures made each and every time Anneliese plunged her saber into them only caused screams of anger, mixed with adrenaline as she continued the endless onslaught -- time itself blurring into endless, perpetual existence and she only thought and fought for one solitary thing... Survival.

Her blade humming and burning through the flesh of another creature, she stood now over a field littered with bodies. Splattered across parts of her clothing and face were the droplets of black blood, hers hands shaking from the sheer adrenaline overload... her emerald eyes distant as her saber disengaged and faded... one of the Knights closest to her, putting his hand on her shoulder as she flinched away, his soft steely voice breaking the silence that now rang in her ears. "Padawan Kaohal -- your ok, your doing great. Breathe young one -- breathe. This too, will pass."

Somehow, though the details in her memory were vague -- they now stood outside of a Temple, their first target... one, of many -- Ashla willing.

The taint was blatantly evident, the air thick with the perversion of the dark side, it made her stomach churn.

As they crested the top of the hill, the Master in charge of their unit spoke. "This is the first of many, force willing if we make it out of this alive. While the ground troops surround the temple and fight off the sithspawn in the immediate area -- we will make our way inside and engage the taint directly. Knights -- keep the Padawans close." Pausing, he looked to the few young Padawans that had been apart of their detachment. "Padawans -- one hesitation, one loss of concentration against an opponent like we are about to face, and it will be your very last. These are trained Sith, they are not mindless beasts. Understood?" His words were heavy, the weight of what was fixing to transpire and take place very much so clear in his tone.

Her mouth was dry as she gripped the hilt of her saber tightly -- pushing past the high of battle and allowing her mind to calm.

It wasn't unknown to the group who her Master was. Valery Noble Valery Noble had recommended her for this detachment, simply because she knew she'd be of use in cleansing the temples... but, what was said next took even Annie by surprise.

"Padawan Kaohal -- you are to help on point -- like the Knights, you will need to step up. Protect your fellow peers. Understood?"

On point? Step up -- handn't she already? Was this some kind of joke? She'd been in battle once -- one time. In her mind, she was already doing better than the last time she'd been forced into such a incursion... but now thinking she would be in charge of more than just her life? The weight was immense and it chilled her very blood. Simply nodding her head to the Master, verbally, and slowly acknowledged him. "Yes... Master, I understand. I'll do my best."

Regardless of how she felt... gritting her teeth and spitting on the ground she clenched her free fist -- inhaling deeply, allowing the light that was her breath to expand and fill her mind. It was the gentle and steady fan that stoked the ember into a fire -- and as Annie opened her eyes, her inward fire reflected in both emerald orbs.

"We engage now. May the force be with you."

The troops began to split off, in a flanking maneuver as the pack of Jedi branched off and began to take the temple head on and face what lie inside.




EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

As he walked, the unease he felt turned into a momentary bout of queasiness, and he stopped to vomit his last meal out onto the ground. It wasn't much. The flight hadn't been long enough to warrant a large meal and he hadn't been that hungry. He'd known, though, that going into this on an empty stomach wasn't a good thing, so he'd had some crackers and juice, which retroactively made him feel like he was a lot younger than he actually was. Might as well have been a youngling with that combination.

When he could purge no more, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. That sense of unease wasn't lifting, however, and he found himself wondering what the cause was. The peace he'd felt from his mothers crystal wasn't even enough to make the sense go away, which told him something was seriously wrong. Or, in this case, that he was in danger.

A large creature burst from the trees in front of him and immediately took a swipe at him with one of its great legs. He fell backwards onto the ground, just barely avoiding being cleaved in two, and backed away as it stabbed at where he was. This must have been one of the creatures he'd heard off in the distance. One of those abominable sounds. And now it was there, attacking him, having slipped through the lines, or, perhaps, having been lying in wait, unnoticed entirely, looking for prey such as a lone Jedi Padawan wandering where he shouldn't have even been.

It forced him backwards further and further until his back hit a tree and he could go no further. Thinking on instinct, he activate the training saber and swung it against a leg that was diving down at him, parrying it aside and leaving a stunned sensation in the creatures limb that caused it to howl in frustration. Even without its armor, the sensation of numbness wouldn't last for more than a few seconds. Training sabers weren't designed to do lasting harm, they were more of a sting than anything. They weren't supposed to be taken from the temple, out into the field, to be used against sithspawn. But he didn't have his own saber yet, and he'd wanted to blend in. So he'd done it anyway.

And now he was in trouble.

It swung at him again, and he rolled aside before instinctively placing his hands and feet in such a way that allowed him to spring up into the air and land upon the spiders back. It wasn't something he'd trained to do, but jumping like that had always been something he was skilled at. Now, however, that skill had landed him into a precarious position, in a position of non-safety, but where, at least for the moment, the creature couldn't stab at him with its legs.

"This isn't good," he muttered as the creature spun itself around and around, trying to fling him off.

He grabbed a piece of its carapace, holding on for dear life as it eventually stopped spinning and started running. At least it was running in the direction where he was certain he'd felt other Jedi and the like. If it ran off into the wilderness, it would probably be taking him to his death. It bound through trees and underbrush, scrambling at a pace even most Jedi would find difficult to match. It was hard to hold on, but he knew if he didn't, the fall would hurt him almost as much as the creature would when it turned upon him.

It burst forth into a clearing where battle raged between Alliance forces and more creatures. He briefly caught a glimpse of fiery red hair that he was certain belonged to Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , and he almost thought about not crying out because she would be mad at him, but there was a time and place for foolishness and this wasn't it.

"Help!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping she, or one of the other Jedi nearby, would hear him.


Location: Bogan, Ruins
Enemies: GA: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina
Equipment: Ren Lightsaber, Orbalisk Armor


The Darkness had clung heavy to the air, he could hear the marching of vicious technobeasts, or the mighty roar of soul sucking Leviathans that had roamed through the ground. He could hear the rumbling of the ground, see the flashes of battle that occurred in the space between Bogan and Tython. Detritus felt the time had finally come, a fire coursed through his veins mixed with numbing pain of the Orbalisks that gnawed into the entirety of his body, seething rage could barely contain them only awaited to be unleashed upon the New Jedi Order that had come to threaten the dark experiments that had roamed the surfaces of Bogan. With a deep exhale did the Master of Ren prepare himself for anything the Jedi would throw at him.

Through the stony ruins of the cities did Detirtus await calmly, his eyes closed, his hands were clasped in prayer. “O World Eater, deliver the servants of the light unto me, so that I may devour them in the name of the World Eater. Let the Jedi be consumed by the shroud of darkness, the beasts that roam these ruins, grant this strength to defeat them all.” Detritus would say c his tone dripped with the usual religious fanaticism familiar to the Mawites of old. The Master of Ren stood up, the lightsaber known as the Ren would clung tightly to his grasp as transports flew on ahead. The Leviathans dug through the ground, in line came the marching abominations of the technobeasts, soon came the barrage of laser blasts the pummeled the stony ruins to dust. Overhead could Detritus see the marching of Alliance soldiers on the horizon, already landing down in openings across the ruins of the cities scattered throughout the moon.

Even as a berserker, he knew that he couldn’t hold himself indefinitely, not against the hordes of Alliance soldiers, or the Jedi dogs brought with them. Another exhale came from him through his mask, as he clung to the heaviest parts of the ruins. He would skulk in the shadows focusing on signatures of the Jedi. He traveled through the highest levels of the ruins.

Then he saw them, looking from a high vantage point, he saw Alliance soldiers, a mysterious pairing, an armored Jedi with his Padawan , his yellow eyes narrowed as he watched from high up. “Come Jedi! You can only prolong the inevitable.” He said to himself as he kept his saber close. The roar of the mighty Leviathans had roared in the distance, sounding the defense of the Dark Imperials. One side was the imperial military, the other was host to dark experiments of Sith origin. Detritus would wait for his enemies to get closer, until blaster fire came from the dark corners of the ruins, sniping soldiers one by one.

His dark signature echoed, targeting the Jedi below. He wanted them to come to him, attack him as if they were flies being drawn to the spiders web. He stuck to the shadows, the technobeasts shooting one after the other, letting out a mechanical roar that was chilling to the nerve.


They were just beginning to make their advance upon the first Temple. Her shaking had subsided, and the ringing in her ears had gotten better. The adrenaline overload had subsided for now, but by Ashla she felt tense and jittery, her senses on edge from all that had transpired.


The screams of someone fighting for their lives broke forth into the air as several Jedi including Annie activated their sabers instinctively. Looking over, barreling out of the brush was a youngling, scrambling for his their life -- and a massive sithspawn that walked and looked more like a spider than anything. Another scream would erupt forth from their mouth. "HELP" Her eyes widened in horror as her nostrils flared in anger as the stark realization of who's voice it was familiar too sat in.

It was Caelan. There was no doubt.

The strength that now surged in her body felt overwhelming, catching her off guard as she drew upon the force, her body reacting instinctively now as her legs moved it seemed almost on their own -- her body bursting forth with a blinding speed.

As the creature would draw close now to Caelan, poised to land the finishing blow, its front legs would lift up and then come down.

Her saber would activate as she moved in position between Caelan and the beast, the blade coming up and down at an angle, severing its leg clean off. As it reared back once more, angered growls breaking forth from the beast, a scream would break from her lips, as Annie thrust her saber forth and into the creatures gut.

The Spawn let out a spine-chilling moan that echoed about, a horrifying mix of guttural growls and high-pitched wails as it backed up, slumping to the ground. Quickly reversing the grip in which she held her saber, Anneliese, a loud cry escaping her lips, plunging her saber into the head of the beast -- her chest lifting up and down heavily, a small sob broke free from her lips.

He was safe -- she'd kept her little brother safe.

As the saber would deactivate, she would turn around, and in a frenzied and protective fit, fuss over Caelan. "Are you hurt? Are you hurt?!?" As she scanned him over -- he would note the glossed over look in her normally vibrant and caring eyes, now, more serious, hardened and intent, her hands lifting his arms up and checking over his legs, she would yell yet again. "Caelan!! Are you hurt!"

As she would come to the realization that he was indeed not hurt, just merely shaken by his brush with death -- her eyes would narrow as she would throw her hands up in the air, speaking to him, her words like a whip in the air. "What the HELL are you thinking by being here?" You could hear her suck in a sharp breath, her eyes widening as she looked down at his saber. "Is that... a TRAINING saber?!? Are you kidding me?" Her words sharp and harsh. "Of all the stupid -- sho
rt sighted things you could do Caelan! This isn't a game!"

She was livid as she grabbed one side of his clothing and shook him, her face flushing. "You shouldn't be here! Why did you come here?!?" She did not want him to go through what she had gone though... especially after having already gone through what he had regarding his parents.


Allies @Connel Vanagorj
Enemies Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
armor Lightsaber

ryana could feel the darkside all around them as the ship decented it didn't frighten her at all she was used to darkness and evil she spent all her formative years surrounded by it. It was like an old friend but an old friend who wants to kill you or worse she showed no outward reaction unlike most padawans likely would. Knowing how ugly the galaxy could be nothing really surprised her especially after reading up on the sith and what they could do and what the dark empire and maw had done and during the mission brief. Connel would sense calmness from her as she took the knives putting them in a utility pocket on her belt.

as the transport landed she followed connels lead as they exited she nodded as she followed connels lead and nodded as she followed him the lethan drew the force into her leg as fire rang out she ran beside connel as she felt detrituses aura. From a distance she wouldn't engage right away unless connel did or ordered her to for now she helped connel draw fire as a blaster bolt or two bounced off her armor harmlessly.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Tython | OBJECTIVE : 3 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

Objective III — Bogan

Sprinting at a heavy weapon emplacement and pulling the Combat Shield from his back, Connel threw it at the droid troopers. They were not simple Cannon Fodder, they not only targeted and fired on the defensive weapon, altering its trajectory, but they ducked. That was okay though, it was a distraction for him to pull his Lightblaster and fire off multiple shots, downing the weapons officers. The shield of course ricocheted off of a rockface and back into his hands He quickly darted away, feeling satisfied that he had just saved his friends. He knew he had to act quickly and decisively, and he knew he had to be brave. His actions had paid off.

He had no doubt of Ryana’s skills, and she was proving that he was able to focus on the task at hand more and more that she was able to take care of herself. She would not doubt need his help here and there, but that. He was confident that she had the ability to take care of herself and that his role was to provide support only when needed.

When he turned to look ahead, he saw an artillery position. It looked to be one of the less defended positions, looking to be more of an “easy target” and a “distraction” so that the other emplacements could get to better targeting. That was not going to last long, as Connel looked back to Ryana and pointed towards the emplacement, knowing full well she would follow, Connel jumped up and reached a rockface, then another, and another. It was not until he was just below the artillery position that he turned back to see Ryana was right there.

With a couple of silent waves of his hand, his call was simple: they would wait until the next shot was about to be fired, knowing that the Empire crew would be focused primarily on that, for them to make their presence known. Sliding the Combat Shield over his back again and pulling the Shortsaber. He looked at Ryana and counted down…

… 3…

… 2…

… 1…

Planting his feet on the rock as he hung and centering the flow of the Force into his legs, Connel leaped high into the air, his target being the cannon barrels of the artillery itself. At that moment he noticed that the cannon, and all of the droids controlling it were inert. Shut down by the ionic blast of the Hellstompers. No sooner did he realize this than two droid gunships flew by him overhead. Looking at Ryana, he yelled out. You good here? I’ll be right back.

When a third gunship was within reach, Connel made a Force assisted jump onto the top of it, cutting into the armor and wiring (what he would think would be the weapons systems) and finally centering himself through the Force. It was when a hellfire missile hit the gunship in one of the engines that he knew time was short. With the aid of the flow through his body, pulled on, pushed on and redirected the gunship itself onto a collision course with its compatriots. At the last second, his hand balled into a fist, crumpling the “folding” zones of the flaps. It could not alter course after this.

It was also then that he sensed someone. A dark, powerful figure unlike any he had ever sensed before. This was one of those to whom his mother had told him about, and not those silly bed-time stories that a child would get, no, he did not know, and had never met the Shadow Priest, but he was well informed on the Empires of the past, the Maw, and even the Knights of Ren. No, Connel was not fearful, he did not let himself worry about that anymore, but he was cognizent of the power that he was facing.

Waving for Ryana to get close, he was thoughtful of telling her to “run” again, but he knew she wouldn’t. He could be honest about this though. Alright, I know that you sense it too, just focus on the moment and the present. We can do this.
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Duraplast armor rattled against heavy turbulence. Master San Tekka's ceremonial death mask bore the ignoble descent with expressionless stoicism. Like a falling star the drop pod hurtled through Bogan's thin layer of lunar atmosphere. Alliance capital ships looming above him all too quickly seemed to dwindle away. Old mantras uttered to help center his mind were drowned out by the sudden roar of retro thrusters.

Microcharges blasted the durasteel sarcophagus open and Zark emerged onto barren regolith. His mask panned back and forth but smoke from the pod reduced visibility to little more than a few meters. Hesitant to reach out with the Force on this haunted moon, the Jedi activated his lightsaber. Electrum hues bathed everything in soft radiance.

"Nexu Squad, report in."

Distinctive helms emerged from the fog of war one by one. ARC troopers, expertly trained marine commandos armed with heavy blaster rifles and even a pair of rotary cannons. Baffleweave cloaks shrouded most of their shock armor so they would register as little more than sensor ghosts. One trooper was missing, the mission's first casualty now entombed somewhere on Bogan under drop pod wreckage.

"Courage and discipline. We must cling to both in this cursed place. The light's guidance can only take us so far on defiled ground."

Zark doused his blade now that the haze from impact had began to clear. Crossfire helped to orient their surroundings. Nexu Squad advanced like ghosts through no man's land followed by the veteran Gatemaster. With a wave of his gauntlet, an incoming hellstorm rocket tumbled aside before it could atomize the commandos.

Unnatural howls echoed off dead rock in violent sympathy with his minor miracle. Far more terrible creatures than battle droids stalked the blasted moonscape.

  • ARC trooper kill team drops into no man's land. Probing the frontline for a strike behind Dark Empire lines.
1st Post







Friend: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik

Foe: Valery Noble Valery Noble Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina
Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Casaana Casaana Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka




'So where do we land first, Blessed Bloodhound?'

'Blessed Bloodhound? The correct title of address is,"Great Khan", among the Trilunar Clique.', the Arkanian chided, though lightly enough to reveal that Rook had become the Chiss mercenary's mentor, so the Bloodhound himself would permit the interaction in silence so as not to interrupt. However, what was not expected was the followup, showing signs of growth in an otherwise-reluctant man to change, displaying signs of evolution as Rook relented enough to allow,'Now, I don't mind how you refer to the Great Khan personally, as even now I find myself stopped inwardly from referring to Bloodhound Khan as,"Shriven". But here, on duty, we give the rank it's due respect. Always.... And as for where, we're hitting the Bogan moon first - Akar Kesh comes later.', giving the one-eyed Woad every confirmation of the merit in leaving interactions uninterrupted.

'Well-said, Rook.... Well-said indeed.'

In the silence that followed, Barran's eye would scan across the bridge's top-platform to all the Darkhans who were able to serve, and fortunately, those who were still recovering from Coruscant. Even Dreamer was on his feet, along with the trio he had chosen to mentor, standing though held upright by those he deemed worthy of Witness and Recognition just hours before their collective incapacitation, thus the injured Darkhan's students were in only slightly better predicaments at the time. Leaving just two experienced Darkhans, two willing Trilunars, and the ever-reluctant Zabrak for the tasks ahead, providing peace of mind on the ground as the recovering heroes remained on the Ark to provide orbital surveillance and communications support, giving the Great Khan all the assurances he needed to proceed without halt or apprehension.

'What of the Matriarch, Dreamer?'

'From what I could see, preparing. Seems more like a ritual than anything else, but rest assured the Tribal Matriarch will be ready.', the old, wounded Chiss responded, flashing a grin of quiet confidence, but in a clarity that was crystalline enough for the one-eyed Woad to detect it. This eased the mind of the Great Khan, and just enough to take him into the realms of his own readiness, and in his silent nod of appreciation Thomas would mark satisfaction enough to say nothing else on the matter, a small blessing for the recovering Darkhan in his hopes that Barran would not press the matter. It was then that Dreamer concluded,'Besides, Great Khan.... You've got matters of your own to deal with, have you not?', flashing a grin that boasted a confidence similar to that which he had placed in the Tribal Matriarch in turn.

'Indeed I do, Dreamer.... Indeed I do.'




Cartographer's note - will add icons to the map tonight at some point. just been focused on getting the post out first and foremost.

'Alright, Trilunars. I think we're as ready as we're ever likely to get. Mobilize our forces!'
Standing at the very edges of the Shield Dome, looking out eastward toward the landing sites of the inbound GADF contingents, Bloodhound Khan sneered with the bloodlust of a thousand enmities.

Enmities that extended as far back as the previous century.

'Ah, well.... I guess its time to play my own part here.'

The one-eyed Woad was out for more than violence after all, far more in fact, for there were games to be played and menaces aplenty to wrest free of the Bogan moon; yet in the moments preceding their landing and Shield Dome commencement, the Marauders had found the surface already under contested conditions, even undergoing ground-artillery duels by the time the Khanate had landed in force. But what wasn't expected was the arrival of the Tribal Matriarch, as Mercy had been working under conditions of peak autonomy for a while by then, but in her arrival she declared,'I will walk through the ruins of the ancient dungeon, searching for something against Solipsis. No longer can Asher's legacy be treated as if we are nothing more than animals. I will protect the Tribe from them.', meeting with silent, nodding approval before she began to walk away.

'Though here's the thing.... I have a tactical, single-combat proposition for you. Humour me, if you will.'

Mercy would stop, turn around and lean with hands in her pockets, listening intently as the Bloodhound continued,'Its all fine an' well seeking a weapon for the purpose, this I approve wholeheartedly, but besides that-', not expecting what would follow. Not only for the content of his impending offer, but also for all that would need to be revealed later on the content of the accompanying demonstration as well, and in the moment Barran turned his back to Kala'myr, it would become obvious that there was more to the offer than was meeting the eye. This would be made all the more apparent when the space around the Great Khan began to thud in pulsated shockwaves, reaching within himself to find enough strength to contain it's emanation of will, though it would be made clear that the one-eyed Woad was still in the process of mastering this ability.

'-Would you not also wish to become a weapon in your own right? That which rivals even the strongest of enemy powers? Watch what I can teach you now! THIS IS NOT THE FORCE - THIS IS THE WILL OF THE KHAN!!!!'

Landing a Kata-clean punch to the flat vertical surface of the Mesa in front of him at the time, the impact would first send a viciously loud crack all the way up to the top of the rock face, only to break apart in an explosion of rock, dust and moonsand before the Matriarch's very eyes, a power of which Thomas knew Mercy had never seen him wield before. Then the masked Goidel turned back, and just long enough to drawl,'I leave this offer open for ye, jus' in case ye need time t'think on it-', before the first wave of recon drones tripped up on Mawsworn tracking-systems, giving the one-eyed Woad his own reason to walk away in silence in the wake of the interruption.

<"Rook to Doomsayer Command! Requesting an Anti-Drone Sortie.">
<"Doomsayer one to Rook - can do. We're fuelled and awaiting intel.">


<"Good, just hang back in case of AD activity. We haven't had eyes on OPFOR's lines for a while. We don't know if they've brought up their ordnance yet, so shoot straight - and at distance!">
<"Copy that, Rook. Hold tight and stay low for now - Doomsayer One out!">


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"Firestorm" Walker Company:
  • "Thunderstorm" Armor Company
    • Vehicles:
      • x2 Tiger Command Walkers
        • Appetite for Destruction
        • Diver Down
      • x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
        • Speak Softly II
        • Divine Intervention
        • Rolling Thunder II
        • Apocalypse Now
        • Iron Side II
        • Heavy Machinery II
        • De-Escalator~ Rear right track knocked out
      • x6 Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks
        • Leonardo
        • Donatello ~ Right Missile Rack Destroyed. Crew State Unknown.
        • Michelangelo
        • Raphael
        • April
        • Splinter
      • x7 Puma IFVs
        • Run and Gun
        • Live and Learn
        • Shades of Glory
        • Ride The Wind
        • Guns and Roses
        • Fire and Ice
        • Guns of Liberty
      • x2 Bobcat Scout Walkers
        • Connor
        • Mia
      • x3 Squads of Marines
        • "Tsunami"
        • "Twister"
        • "Volcano"
"Helldiver" Marines Company
"Krayt" Artillery Platoon:

"Midnight Train" Support Platoon:


"Sir! Incoming counter-barrage!"

"Have Krayt relocate. They can only do so much now, we'll have them on standby."

"Aye sir. Any further orders for Firestorm?"

"They know their objectives. Trust the Majors, Radar. We'll be pushing in soon. Tell Kraken Bravo, weapons free. We'll each be supporting our companies." Gress took a drag as he observed the tactical screen in front of him. The bee's nest had been kicked, and out came the Imperial defenders. Trade Federation nasties. After their encounter on Eiattu, Gress had drilled his men with how to fight off traitorous droid mongers. One of these days he'd have high command put forward a motion to the senate. They couldn't allow the Trade Federation to keep getting away with supporting the enemy. "That goes for you too gunners! Fire at will! Support Firestorm!"

The forward gunner of the Cerberus could only nod as he prepped to engage. The Thunderer battery, originally designed for use on Super Star Destroyers, aimed for the column of troop transports as they deployed. What came next was a defeaning roar, as two bolts of plasma screamed across the battlefield, what was designed to destroy cruisers in a single volley now aimed at the back line of the tanks and transports.

What followed next was two more volleys of smaller Hammer batteries, aimed at the tanks, and a set of four heat-seeking missiles, fired from the rear missile pod, aimed to knock out those gunships.

Gress watched as a missile flew at, and hit the walker's right leg, but it wouldn't matter. Those Hellfire droids couldn't take down a Sphinx without dedicating fire at it.
Artillery Walkers repositioned to avoid counter battery. Will be unavailable for artillery fire support the following post.
Both Sphinxes are now acting as supporting fire bases.
Cerberus, Gress's personal Sphinx, opens fire pre-emptively on the attacking force coming towards Firestorm.


"We've got incoming!"

As soon as the Gunships opened up, the trio of Lynxs opened fire with twelve total blaster cannons in sync.

"I see them. Binoc, tell Taker, full counter barrage. Brace for impact!"

The first things to hit were the EMP missiles, then the torpedos. Fran rocked from the impact, before looking to his men. "Damage report!"

"Shields holding, we're down to 30 percent."

Fran scrambled to look for his tactical screen. It flickered, causing the man to smack it for good measure. No losses, but their shields were straining. He growled, grabbing the microphone for his comms himself. They needed to be bold. He couldn't waste time playing telephone with his men.

<Solo to Fury, I want a full forward blitz! All tanks, spearhead forward. Taker, full counter barrage! EMP those clankers! Get Talon on the ground and support them!>

<Copy Solo. Fury reads, full assault.>

<Copy Solo, prepping mortars with Thundara, and Mass Drivers with Airburst EMP! Dropping shields for ground troops!>

Fran gritted his teeth, as the gunships finally hit them with a full barrage of laser fire. He watched as Noble Intentions was lit up like a Life Day Tree, causing the walker to temporarily take a knee. A sign of distress.

<Solo to Noble, how you holding?>

<Noble to Solo, actuator in the leg left is seizing. We'll hold position here while the repair droids fix it, but we'll be unable to move.>

"Damnit." He said under his breath, looking to his gunners. "Sky, get those damn missiles flying. Binoc, tell the other Cats to do the same. We need to take out those gunships before they do another pass."

"Aye sir!"

What came next was a storm of successive attacks. The Thundercats each opened up with four of their own heat seeking missiles, locked onto the gunships that had just passed them. Then came the mortars, fired not just from the Thundercats, but the Tigers as well. 13 in total. 7 of them fired a unique round, aimed at the droid formations to each first, let loose a cloud of ionized water vapor which formed above the droids in a raincloud, which then unleashed bolts of lightning down on the droids, then the round would explode in an ion burst just before it hit the ground. The Thundara round. The other 6, fired off high powered EMPs, designed to hit the tanks with extreme prejudice.

Next, the 6 Wildcats of Firestorm pushed forward with rapid movement, hitting up to 50 miles an hour, intent on breaking up the enemy formations before they could properly form. Wildcats opened up with compound lasers, each aimed at a tank to disable them, while the quad grenade launchers of the tanks began pelting the droid formations with grenades.

Then, finally, the Tigers came to a halt, each deploying a one way deflector bubble shield, as they lowered themselves into seige mode, and the crew chiefs ordered Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad 's men out of the vehicles. It was time to engage the enemy. Each of the tigers aimed their mass drivers with yet another round of EMP rounds, this time aimed right at the tanks that weren't already being engaged.

Thundercats took the brunt of the gunship assault, as the Lynxs attempted to ward off the air attack.
Noble Intentions was partly damaged, and temporarily immobilized.
Thundercats open up with missile attack on attacking Gunships.
Both the Thundercats and Tigers opened up with Thundara and EMP mortars.
Tigers employ Siege mode, as they unload Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad 's Talon Company.
Wildcats push forward in hyper aggressive spearhead, attempting to throw off enemy formations.
Tigers fire mass driver rounds through their deflector shields towards the enemy tanks.

"Missile Barrage! Hellfires!"

<PUMAS FLAK 'EM!> Was the only thing Major Yanma could yell into his command mic as the missiles screamed forward. The Pumas, six each, raised their guns and opened fire with heavy autocannon fire, explosive flak rounds erupting in the air to take out the missiles, joined in time with chainlaser fire that caused the sky above Thunderstorm to look like a celebration rather than a war zone.

Another and another and another, the missiles were taken out of the sky by precise, elite gunners that had trained for this. And yet, they couldn't take them all out. Both De-Escalator and Donatello were hit, the first simply causing their rear right track to explode and de-track due to the Wildcat Driver's quick triggering of their MDT, the second however was hit hard, hitting and detonating the right missile rack, causing it to sheer off and fly in a random direction, concussing the crew. The tank came to a slow halt.

"Sir! We'll have more incoming if we don't-"

"I know Private!" Yanma yelled, "Specialist Derna! I want HE on those Hellfires yesterday!"

"Copy Major!"

"Ghost! Tell the Wildcats to keep moving! Full speed! I want the marines in the Pumas to be able to smell the exhaust!"

"Copy sir!" <This is Appetite Bravo to all Wildcats! Full Charge!>

<Aye Appetite!>

The Seven Wildcats charged forward, firing their composite laser cannons in sync to try and shock and awe the Hellfires as they pushed at 60 miles an hour.

<Appetite Bravo to Diver, support the Cats with HE!>

<Copy Appetite, prepping mass driver!>

The major let out a sigh. The Cougars needed something to do.

Without warning, they opened fire in unison, arcing mass driver rounds over their heavier compatriots.

<Appetite to Leo! What's the word?!>

<Leo to Appetite, taking the initiative sir. Hellfires move fast, we need to move faster.>

Yanma let out a chuckle. <Copy Leo, fire at will.>

Just as he said that, two Thunderer rounds flew over them towards the Hellfires, fired from the Sphinx behind them, Kraken. The assault was ready.

Time to hit back.

Pumas engage the missile barrage with flak rounds and chainlasers.
Two tanks are hit, one taken out with crew in an unknown state.
Wildcats charge forward, opening fire on the Hellfires.
Cougars open fire as well, arching fire into the Hellfires.
Both Tigers open up with HE Mass Driver rounds.
Kraken, the second Sphinx, opens up with Thunderer rounds that land ahead of the Wildcats.


As the Gunships flew by, all the four snipers could do was duck and wait for it to be over. They had the benefit of the Nemean Armor's Adaptive Camo System to hide them, and the Thundercats were much bigger targets for the enemy missiles, so all they had to worry about was laser fire, which they could hide behind the lip of the crater for.

"Sit-rep." One of them, Master Sergeant Gran Dunrel asked as he watched the Gunships fly off, being chased by returning fire by the Thundercats.

"Sound off." His sniper whispered, as he popped back up, prepping his rifle, a Spot.

"Sound off." The other scout popped up, prepping his holo-binoculars. "We got movement. Enemy droids already dropping off. I'm seeing a few hundred."

"Sound off. Farkin' gunship dinged me, but I'm fine. Popped a bacta." The final sniper spoke. "Give me a target, boss."

Gran frowned, scanning the formation. These kind of droid formations always had a way of communcating back with their tactical droids back at HQ. Some sort of comms droid that acted as a funnel for all the data heading back, instead of overloading the tactical droid with too much infomation at once.

"Got it! Right formation, Tactical droid in the open. They always have those commanding those big groups to funnel information up the chain. Take 'em out, their HQ will have to decrypt the mass of info themselves. Feeding targeting data to your HUD Kol."

The first sniper could see within moments the location of the droid, the Duros adjusting his aim, before...

A single bolt fired at super sonic speed towards the tactical droid, strong enough to melt through starship armor.

Another bolt was fired seconds later, at another tactical droid. They'd pick them off one by one.

Snipers wait out Gunship run.
Snipers open fire on enemy tactical droids, hoping to force the HQ of the droids to have to dig through the overwhelming data from every droid at once.
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Peace and the Jedi way had come. The wave of freedom, of prosperity, had come. The unending hordes of Alliance troops had come.

They came with rockets.

They came with bombs.

They came with violence.

They came with hate.

Under the lie of peace. The guise of freedom. The thinly veiled masquerade of liberation and repelling evil. But here Private Berik was, thrust into a war to defend his homeland, his people, his allies, his fellow soldiers. He hoped at the end of it, the only thing the Alliance’s aggression would take was his youth. He had seen what war did to returning soldiers. Missing limbs, eyes, or not home at all. Beautiful plasteel armor, where it was once held by esteemed soldiers of all shapes and sizes- reduced to cinders.

The world erupted in fire as the Alliance came to their position.

Rockets, bombs. Their machine gun position was hammered. But the Empire held. The Stormtroopers looked at each other, dirt caking their armor.

His assistant gunner nodded at him.

Sid stood up, and answered the Alliance’s attack with a chorus of machine gun and shoulder fired rockets attacked the incoming Alliance vehicles.

Sid watched in horror, realizing the horrifying moment his machine gun cut down an enemy soldier. And then another. Innocence left the teenager in a split second. Gone was any hope of normality.
Any hope of inner peace.

There was a time before Sid Berik pulled the trigger on his machine gun and killed an Alliance soldier.

And then everything after, he would not be the same. There was no going back. The Alliance took it from him.

In return, Sid planned to rob them of their lives if they were so desperate to rob him of his.

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The quaking was getting worse and so was Minerva's patience. Staying inside walkers while fighting was happening wasn't very natural for her and the Talons. But we have to stick with the plan unless they need to improvise. She readied her rifle while standing in front of the bay and thought.

Glad we drilled with the Hellstompers way before this mess.

Suddenly Minerva felt the armored giant come to an immediate halt. "Move it! Move it!" The walker chief exclaimed on the intercom. Grinning like a loth cat the Mandalorian let out a defiant roar joined by the other commandos while the bay doors opened.

The Talons poured out of the walkers, ready for battle. Unlike many of their regular army counterparts, they wore a diverse set of armors and gear but with one common feature. Explosions and blaster fire all around Minerva quickly examined the front while the Walkers commenced their bombardment and gave out her order in the company's channel.

"Talons execute Plan Blitzwing!"

Once those two last words were heard the Talon commandos split into two parts. Two platoons ascended via jetpacks, unleashing covering fire toward the battle droid formation from higher angles. Meanwhile the last two platoons led by Minerva stayed on the ground, most advancing forward with the armor while each platoon with a heavy weapons squad took cover before unleashing a storm with repeater volleys and rockets from missile launchers. The former targeted the enemy infantry and the latter aimed toward any hostile tanks that were taken offline by their armored allies' EMP shots. Then two later the four platoons rotated, switching roles.

Diving in Minerva noted a Hailfire droid racing forward from the right flank. Locking on target she let loose a missile from her jetpack and it slammed into the left rocket set of the droid tank, igniting a chain of multiple explosions due to the munitions. Roaring once more while swinging around and blasting five B1s droids in quick succession.


Chapter III : Bogan



Main Fleet
Starfighter Compliment [Not Deployed]

Colonel Rackham watched from the bridge of the INV Thunderer as Imperial and Alliance forces clashed on the surface of Bogan afar. While normally he would be at the side of his superior Warlord Sularen in battles like this, Sularen had other plans for him today instructing him to take the Thunderer and two smaller Carriers to provide close air support for Imperial forces on the surface of Bogan and ensure that the Empire maintained absolute air superiority in the skies of Bogan. It was vital for the Empire to stop the Alliance's counter-offensive at Tython and as such, Sularen was willing to make full use of every asset he had at his disposal in order to ensure that today's battle ended in a victory for the Dark Empire.

For a while now, Rackham's Fleet had maintained a considerable distance from the main battleground between Imperial and Alliance forces, holding position several dozen kilometers away as they prepared to intervene in the battle ready to unleash the full might of the Imperial Starfighter Corps upon the Alliance Army units confronting their Imperial counterparts on the surface. They would of-course need to strike with precision as every missile launched and every bomb dropped needed to count, after all the Imperial units on the surface were counting on the Starfighter Corps and the Navy's ability to provide them with the necessary assistance needed to halt the enemy advance.

Rackham then took a look at his watch and proceeded to speak only two words. "It's time." The crew of the INV Thnderer new what the Colonel meant and immediately scrambled to their stations communicating with the various portions of the Battlecruiser-sized Star Destroyer along with it's smaller escorts as the small fleet began their last minute preparations to move in to assist the Imperial Army on the surface. "You're connected with all Imperial Units on the comms, Colonel." the senior communications officer said. "Good." Rackham responded.

Before long a single message would be relayed to all Imperial commanders scattered across Bogan. "This is Colonel Rackham to all Imperial units on Bogan. I have a reserve of starfighter squadrons for any who are in need of them for tactical bombing runs against the enemy. Send the word and we'll take care of them. Long live the Empire."



Post: 1
Location: Bogan
Theme: Wars Of Faith
Personal Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword
Allies: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Rackham Rackham
Enemies: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Casaana Casaana | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Galactic Alliance
Personal Tags: Open for PvP as well


Total Units:
12 Krath Assault Ship
24 CX-133 Chaos fighter (Escorts)
10,000 Krath war droid
200 Tetan shock troopers
500 Chaos Troopers
20 Death Witches
12 Cataphract Tank
40 Tetonic Crusader Tanks
8 TXT AT-MPT 01x
4 TXT AT-TD 01x
(If this is too much dm me, I am bad at making units.)

Phoenix stood on the bridge of one of the twelve Tetan Assualt ships that was coming through Bogan's atmosphere. They were being escorted by two squadrons of CX-133 fighters as the twelve massive assault ships moved across the battlefield. Pheonix peered out of the bridge window as they passed above. Their goal to land as near to their allies' lines as they could get to reinforce them.

The most direct and easiest route was to come in from the west right behind there allies. Pheonix wasn't exactly pleased about backing up the Dark Empire not after the last Emperor screwed her and the Krath's plans over. She didn't trust them, but this wasn't her call the Empress had risen once more and this was now her call. Now Pheonix had to live with the failure of her plan to make the Krath rise, demoted back to Commander of the armed forces.

She was once a diplomat and hell even a senator for a short bit but that was all for not now. Now she was just commanding the ground forces it ate her and the more she thought about the angrier she got with both the traitorous Empire and the meddling Alliance. She snarled under her breath.

"Is there something wrong commander?"

"No everything is fine." She said with a venomous tone. "Just get these boats landed so we can mobilize and back up the Empire. Make sure the unit leaders are ready." Her second nodded and got on comms to get in contact with the unit leaders.

Commander: Levi Grey head of the Droid Forces.

As soon as the boat's landed the cargo bays opened, and the rack and rows of the Krath War Droids started to be unloaded from the hangers. They began Marching in lines of fifty long each with their Pulse-wave bow and short swords in hand. The droids all had the thorned circle mark of the Krath on there foreheads. They were all silver in color, the color of the current crown of Empress Teta. There footsteps load as they marched off the transport onto the firm ground of Bogan.

Commander Grey looked to his technicians. "Do we have any issues?" The technician looked at him and gave him the thumbs up sign.

"We are good to go Commander."

Good let's have them move out and go and reinforce the other droid units on the battle field.

Commander: Jacob Fuller head of the Mobile Infantry

"Have them form up into their units." Commander fuller bark the orders as his men scrambled to get them all ordered up correctly as they came off the transport. The walker's unit came up first in order. "Light Walkers in the front, heavies in the back." There weren't many walkers, but it would be enough for the fight this day. Fuller trusted his men most were veterans who had aided the maw many years ago.

The Krath's mobile infantry was only second o their navy in armed forces. If Fuller was honest, it was because who wouldn't want the cushier job of sitting a giant spaceship over the higher risk of death on the ground. Yet maybe with this alliance he could finally get the funding to recruit some fresher faces to his division and really show up the navy. "Walker's move to the front lines and give the alliance some hell!" He screamed at them through the comms.

"Tank divisions one and two I want you to move to the southwest and then round that plateau over there. Take the alliance from the side and back up the units of the Empire over there. Let's squeeze them tight. Tank division three and four you stay on this side of the plateau move up slowly behind the walkers let them get up the front lines then give them long distance support I want you to hammer those alliance scum as hard as you can." With that said he gave the hand signal for all the units to move out.

Commander: Hass Kelber head of the Chaos and Shock Trooper Units

Commander Kelber spoke over the comms to his units. "We stay aboard the transports; you all know the operation is scramble. So, we hold tight until the signal is given." One of the veterans in his squad spoke up with a smirk on his face.

"This crusader armor is nice, reminds of the days in the Maw."

"That it does, I just wish we had more veterans of those wars, our groups are way to young and green most are navy wash outs. We get all the leftovers." Kelber said with a heavy sigh. In some ways it was like being with the Maw again though admittedly a lot more structured those wars were chaotic. Just like those day the Krath Crusaders were about to do some crazy in hope to break the alliance lines.

"We will be fine Kelber, this will be a great test of greens grit. Sure, a lot of them might die but that's war." Kelber just nodded to the veteran indeed this was war, not one he expected the Krath would be involved in, but the crown had spoken. Most of them would die, he knew it in his gut this idea was crazy down right suicidal.


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Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Defeat the GA
Location: Ground, Bogan, Tython system
Equipment: Light Armour | Wardress | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || OPBC-01m
Friends: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Rackham Rackham | Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari | Open
Enemies: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Ryana mina Ryana mina | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Casaana Casaana | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Samuel Creed Samuel Creed | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


When I told Tommy what I was planning to do, it wasn't really a request for permission to do it, it was a statement of fact. That I was going to do this. It was sort of an agreement from the moment Asher died on Tython; back during the Second Great Hyperspace War. He leaves me alone and won't tell me what to do, and I don't call him out and kill him to be Warlord. So now I am the female equivalent of Khan. Plus, I help him with the spy network I've built up within Scar Hounds to protect Asher. Not to mention that I was now one of the leaders of Nite, and I didn't even mention that by now I was probably actually the longest standing member of the Scar Hounds Tribe. Everyone else joined after me.

So, after I told him what I was going to do, I turned my back and started to walk away. I only stopped and turned back when Tommy spoke again and remarked that he had a proposition for me. I blinked at his words, especially when his words sounded like he was mocking the fact that I was looking for something against Solipsis. What I was trying to find was not what to kill him with, but what would keep him dead for good. I did not have the means now that I had with Tu'teggacha, when we were able, thanks to Manifold, to lock his soul in a crystal to imprison it. That was then discarded by Kallan. Perhaps the former Taskmaster was still imprisoned there and no one let him out. I wanted to find something like that against Solipsis.

Now Tommy turned his back on me, and I continued to snarl at him. I was not startled or impressed when the space around him began to thud in pulsated shockwaves. I had seen this before, telekinetics. I knew my adopted brother was a Force user; it was never a secret. The other question is whether he did it with Force or whether he had telekinetic powers from elsewhere. Like telepathy for me; which had nothing to do with Force, but was an ability inherited from my Umbaran ancestors. The next moment I laughed mockingly at his words. Most of the time I hid my abilities and what I was capable of too well. And so very few people knew what I could do. Because anyone who saw me fight died.

"I am already a weapon in my own right." I told him in a voice that was both angry and yet ice-cold.

I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head slightly to the side; my face showed resentment in addition to anger. I was offended by his words, for he knew, or should have known, that I was a good fighter. For a decade I killed everyone who tried to challenge Asher for the Warlord title, and then I didn't even use my telepathic powers against them, which I could kill dozens of people at once. Not to mention my other qualifications. It's just that while others brag about how good they are, I don't. I'm short, skinny; let my opponents think I'm an easy target. And this mistake usually cost them their lives.

"I already have that power. With a single thought I could 'blow up' your mind and do such damage to it that nothing could save you. Also, have you forgotten that my husband trained me for close combat and hand-to-hand combat, as are two covert and elite military teams, not to mention ranged combat? I could take on anyone if I wanted to." I told him contemptuously.

I was silent for a few moments, then I faced him and stopped. There was still anger and hurt on my face, as well as in my eyes. It had been a long time since I felt like punching Tommy and breaking his nose and even his cheekbones. This was one of those moments again. The fight had started outside, and Tommy was about to leave, but I didn't let him and blocked his way. If it was necessary, I stopped him by taking out the rift-blades, which still looked like swords at the moment, to help myself prevent him from walking away. Though I have not yet attacked him.

"Or do you want me to challenge you for the title of Khan right now and prove that I'm not just talking out of my ass?" I asked, oblivious to the fact that the fight had begun.

My hands were even tighter on the hilt of the swords, if my fingers had been free, they would have looked white with exertion.

"So you owe me an apology, Tommy!" I hissed angrily. "And didn't you think that if I had telekinetic powers, I would have figured that out a long time ago?"



Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | @Others


Roman felt the weight of the chaos around him, a cacophony of war that threatened to drown out everything else. The air was thick with smoke, the screams of the wounded mingling with the growl of distant artillery fire. But amidst the turmoil, he felt a sense of kinship with Casaana, the padawan who had reached out to him. They were fighting the same battle, and her determination inspired him to forge ahead.

As the creature fell, Roman turned in time to see Casaana deflecting a missile with startling precision, her brow furrowed in concentration. The sight of her doing so filled him with admiration; the feeling pushed him on. Everyone on this battlefield had a part to play, and he was relieved to know that this Padawan was more than just an ally--she was a spark of hope.

"Stay close!" he'd shouted again and again, a mantra that repeated in his mind--a sliver of hope amid the doom encircling them.

They charged at what appeared to be a small garrison of Sithspawn, a grotesque amalgamation of dark energy and biological horror. Roman felt the Force flowing through him, guiding his movements as he swung his lightsaber, cleaving through the beasts with each calculated strike. He saw Casaana leap, her own blade ignited, and together they made quite the formidable duo with a flicker of light against the shadowy backdrop of Bogan.

"Form up!" he called, rallying the other Padawans to regroup. They were gaining ground, the clearing before them stretching into an expanse littered with debris from fiery battles. At its edge, Roman's senses tingled; a dark temple loomed far in the distance, its imposing structure adorned with ominous sigils. It was a target that needed to be liberated for the Alliance.

"Look there!" he pointed, excitement bubbling within him at the sight. "We can breach that temple!"

But his battle-ready enthusiasm was cut short as an ear-splitting roar echoed through the clearing, a sound more primal than they had ever encountered on this cursed moon. From the dense shadows emerged a Leviathan, a monstrous creation of Sith experimentation, its tentacles snaking like serpents ready to ensnare prey. Roman's heart raced, and horror gripped his throat as he watched the beast prowl, its eyes gleaming with malice.

"Get back!" he shouted as the creature surged toward them, its size unfathomable. Panic surged through the group, and as they stumbled to react, one of the Padawans--a young Twi'lek he'd sparred with during training--was snatched up in its tentacles. There was a gut-wrenching crunch, and the life-force of the padawan was devoured in an instant. A scream of despair erupted from their ranks, and Roman clenched his jaw, igniting his lightsaber.

Fought through the terror with sheer willpower, he stumbled over his thoughts—a plan was necessary. But before he could even form a coherent approach, the Leviathan shifted its attention, tentacles lashing out at a Rodian padawan who stood frozen in fear. Roman's instincts kicked in, and he was propelled forward, reaching out with the Force to push the Rodian just in time—sending him tumbling away from danger.

"Keep moving!" Roman urged, not just to the Padawans behind him but to himself. "We need to regroup!"

He darted to the side, careful to keep his gaze fixed on that leviathan. Sacrifices would not be made in vain this day. No more death. With his heart pounding and the shadows closing in, Roman stood firm. He locked eyes with Casaana, her resolve as strong as his, and he sensed in the Force that they would face this creature together.


Location: Bogan
Objective: III / BYOO
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber and Shoto, Armor(only for arms, upper ches, and helmet) Standard Jedi Utility Belt


Dorin 886 ABY

Ko had a hard time making his way through the crowd and also not getting knocked over by the many bigger adults whose attention was drawn to the street. Over the crowds the young Kel Dor could hear the music gradually growing in volume letting him know that it was getting closer.

Stepping back some behind those that blocked off the street with their bodies. Desperately jumping up and down a bit just to see if he could catch a glimpse of what the adults got to see, but he was simply too short. “Need some help there little man?” A familiar voice called out to the child. But before Ko could react he was swiftly picked up off his feet and hoisted into the air before being securely sat down on a pair of shoulders and given a better view than most people present.

“Wow! I can see everything!”
Ko exclaimed with excitement now perched atop his father’s shoulders.
Just in time as the marching soldiers began to approach and began to pass by where they were.

“See if you can spot your brother!” Ko’s father called out over the music of the marching band that accompanied them. “Remember the Navy wears the gray uniforms!” He added to help his son pick out the right soldiers to look at.

Even with those clear directions and narrowing it down it was too difficult to discern between all the soldiers in their uniforms. The military did a good job at making them all appear so similar to one another. Even still, knowing his brother was in there filled Ko with Imperial pride…
. . .

Bogan 902 ABY

As the old saying goes, never meet your heroes.

There was always a pervasive sense of nostalgia that Imperial governments had with Ko. Reminding him of his childhood back on Dorin. When the world seemed so much similar. When good guys were good and bad guys were bad. Now this new Dark Empire, touting itself like it was a successor to the nation he was born into, deeply upset the Kel Dor jedi.

But now he didn’t have the time to contemplate and worry about how things went wrong. How the galaxy became so infinitely complex and how heroes become villains. Right now he had a mission to complete Tython's shadowy moon.

Soon enough their drop ships touched down. The company of marines that Ko was with was fairly separated from the majority of the action with the GADF. They main communication they had was with the ship cruiser they arrived with in orbit and artillery teams they had been grafted to prior so that the captain of the company could be more likely to get immediate support when requested.

Very quickly Ko could recognize the darkness that permeated through the once temperate ecosystem of Bogan. Echoes from the Brotherhood of the Maw’s previous invasion and now. The techno virus had already infected more here than they’d expected. Ko could observe that the vegetation around them was already being transformed. Metallic tumors grew from the trees and other vegetation around them and small cybernetic bugs scuttled about. Their new metal bodies were far too heavy for any of them to take flight. They couldn’t even crawl very fast. The area around them was a more lush region of the moon.

The cybernetic ecology around them seemed eerily unwelcoming to Ko and the marines he was with. He also noticed that the bugs all kept their distance from them. Scurrying away from Ko but not far enough to lose sight of them. Something he could perceive through his Force Sight. As if they were merely observing. A concerning thought then crossed Ko’s mind, and just as it came one of the marines called out to their captain.

“Captain sir, we’re picking up on movement, multiple sources approaching between 11 and 2 o'clock east of us!” That’s when Ko spoke up.

“They know we’re here! We gott-” His voice was cut off and drowned out from a sudden onslaught of blaster fire from the direction mentioned a moment prior. Ko was beginning to fear the worst now. That the techno beasts they would be dealing with there weren’t going to be simple minded beasts running on instincts. After all he mostly understood them to possess bladed arms, not ranged weaponry.

Now underfire and with many red blaster bolts flying towards and past them. Ko would spring into action and use his abilities to aid the company he was paired with. Gaining a solid stance and through the force drew upon the energy within Bogan itself and lifted up with one of his arms as if pulling up a heavy weight off the ground. “Erugh!” The Kel Dor grunted through his mask before the ground before them began to harshly rise up a bit in a long slender obstruction.

Suddenly creating a rather unflattering and improvised yet functional form of entrenchment that stretched out on either side of Ko for the company to use as cover. Highlighting what the Jedi’s purpose was here in the company. To function like some kind of psychic combat engineer. A role Ko was well suited to performing from his well rounded background and training.


EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

The giant spider bucked and spun again, doing everything it could to dislodge him. He continued to call for help, doing everything he could to TRY not to get thrown off of it, because if he did, it would just be on him again, attempting to gut him, cut him in two, or whatever else it might think to do to a mostly defenseless Jedi Padawan. He was beginning to regret his decision to come to Tython, but he still knew there was purpose in his being there, and he didn't want to run from that.

His grip slipped. The spider bucked. Caelan flew.

There was a soft, almost squishy, thud as his body landed against the hard ground. Everything in his vision spun and he felt the urge, again, to vomit, but there was nothing for him to draw up. Slowly, the spinning began to stop, but when it did, he found the giant spider looming above him again. He tried to back away, but found he was just too stunned to really move. His training saber came up and parried a few strikes, but the spider knocked it out of his hands, and it landed a few feet away and turned off.

So this was it. This was how he died.

But in a flash, she was there, his big sister. Her blade moved with such precision, cutting the spider down until there was nothing left for it to do, and she impaled it, her blade straight through its grotesque head. He'd never seen anything like it. It was impressive, scary, and beautiful at the same time. The way the Force moved within her, the way she danced with the beast and her saber served as an extension of herself. It was almost enough to make him not notice the anger he felt coming from her. Almost.

When she spun on him, he cowered just a little. There was so intensity in her eyes that it actually scared him more than the spider had. But she checked him over and he didn't stop her. When she asked if he was hurt, he shook his head. Stunned. Humiliated. Not hurt. He would be fine despite the danger of the encounter, though only thanks to her. Had she not been there? He'd have been dead.

Then came the yelling. The word GAME lingered in his mind. No, he didn't think this was that at all. He knew it wasn't when he'd boarded the ship that brought him there. He was young, yes, but:

"I-I wanted to help," he said, turning his eyes from her and to the ground at his feet. "I'm not a coward, Annie. I wanted to come here and help. I wasn't going to fight, I was going to stay at the back and help with the wounded, but that thing-" he motioned to the spider "-broke through the woods at me without warning."

He leaned over and picked up the training saber again.

"Plus, what kind of brother would I be if I let my sister go into battle without being there to watch her back?"


Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | ITD Headquarters
Tactical Center | ARENA-7580

Artillery Compliment //:

Super Tank Experimental | x5 Units |
Super Tank Shield Generators | x6 Units |
HAG-M | x10 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units |
Heavy Artillery Gun |x10 Units |
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x10 Units |
Refresh Droid Units

Scout Compliment//:
Separatist Droid Speeders | 3 Platoons |

STAP-2 Aerial Platforms | 3 Platoons |

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | Gunship Support

Droid Vehicle Losses//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x5 Units |

Troop carriers (50) Multi-Troop Transports (30) and Armored Assault Tanks (100)
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x2 Units |

Dark Empire: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari Rackham Rackham
Galactic Alliance Commander: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Galactic Alliance: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Casaana Casaana Aiden Porte Aiden Porte @Others
Dueling Partner:
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (Eventually)

"General, the Hellstompers are withdrawing their Falcon Artillery Walkers out of sector 1113:999 and Sector 1114:889 but we will adjust targeting slightly to resume concentration of fire. Furthermore, intelligence suggested that the Alliance is launching a comprehensive counteroffensive, supported by the significant power of the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers." the GRX Super Tactical Droid conveyed this information to the Nosaurian, pointing to the ARENA-7580 holographic projector as it displayed the situation within the northern quadrant of the battlefield. The roar of the Thunderer battery, was not easily missed as it slammed into the column of troop transports and tanks with its heavy bolts of plasma aiming to obliterate them from that front.

Entire units were rendered inoperational due to such extensive damaged followed up by the two small volleys of Hammer batteries, aimed at the tanks, and a set of four heat-seeking missiles, fired from the rear missile pod, aimed to knock out the Imperial Droid Gunships within his complement as they soared overhead having spent most of their own missiles. Rhomrook folded his arms in contemplation, observing the battlefield with intensity as his forces were currently being bogged down by the superior combination of tactics employed by the Galactic Alliance.

"Reallocate fifty percent of our offensive focus from the Falcon Artillery Walkers towards the Firestorm Armor Company. Recalibrate the targeting systems to Sectors 1112.884 and 1112.885, and initiate comprehensive bombardment on their Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks on a forward firing arc ahead of their predicted deployment. Continue bombardment of their Artillery Compliment" He explained to the GRX Super Tactical Droid gesturing with a clawed finger towards the holographic map. Given that the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks were at the forefront of the assault, they would be vulnerable to artillery strikes, as the Dark Empire benefited from the cover provided by the rugged landscape and rock formations.

Once the order was issued did the roar of artillery guns go off across the battlefield, as the five HAG-M Units and five Units of Heavy Artillery Guns commenced a slight repositioning from their original locations to initiate bombardment on the designated targets. This maneuver was sufficient to enable them to launch their projectiles in an arc over the mountains adjacent to the plateau on which they were stationed.

The 5 Units of Heavy Artillery Guns along with the HAG-M 5 Units would carry on counter-battery fire, concentrating on the Screaming Falcon Artillery Walkers new location.

The 5 Units of Heavy Artillery Guns along with the HAG-M 5 Units would counter-battery fire, concentrating on the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks

"Sir, our gunships within the northern quadrant have used up all of their missile ammunition and are under anti-air attack from the Alliance. Recommendation: is to withdraw them for the time being in order for us to reload their stockpile with fresh munitions. I calculate that they will be battle-ready in four minutes, enough for us to negate their withdraw from our battle commutations." the GRX Super Tactical Droid relayed the message from the droid brains within the HMP Droid Gunships alerting the command center to the loss of five units. This loss was attributed to the coordinated assaults by the New Jedi Order and the formidable anti-air capabilities of the Alliance's Hellstompers as they advanced forward.

"Withdraw the gunships from the combat zone and dispatch reloading droids from the command center equipped with new missiles. If the enemy is exerting significant pressure in the northern sector, we must intensify our efforts to counter their aggressive advance by deploying all available forward firepower." Rhomrook said, watching with a slight twist of his features as the 7 mortar rounds and high powered EMPs, were fired into the droid formation from the Thundercat Mark II Heavy Assault Walkers and
Tiger Medium Assault Walkers. The presence of a formidable atmospheric ionic storm posed significant challenges for the Dark Empire, as it had the potential to incapacitate a substantial number of troops in a single strike.

"Calculating internal computations to achieve desired results, switching to Attack Formation Alpha-78 and intensifying forward firepower. Uploading additional server data to the command terminals for manual inspection....reloading main server." the GRX Super Tactical Droid responded a short while later, relaying the command to the HMP Droid Gunships |x9 Units |. As these units commenced their withdrawal from the engagement with the Firestorm Armor Company and the deployed snipers, utilizing the rocky terrain surrounding the fortifications of the Dark Empire to evade anti-air fire from the walkers during their strategic retreat.

Down on the surface the reduced column of Troop carriers (50) Multi-Troop Transports (70) and Armored Assault Tanks (50) would begin counter-assault on the using their (4) 17 kv anti-personnel blasters, Turret-mounted heavy laser cannon (1) Lateral lasers (4), Coaxial short-range blasters, Hull-mounted energized projectile launchers with "Bunker Buster" shell, Armor-Piercing shell and High-Energy shells towards the Tiger Command Walkers and
Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks advancing in their direction.

Several Squads of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their B2-A Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant would engage Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad .

HMP Droid Gunships |x9 Units | would withdraw

would begin counter-assault on the using their (4) 17 kv anti-personnel blasters, Turret-mounted heavy laser cannon (1) Lateral lasers (4), Coaxial short-range blasters, Hull-mounted energized projectile launchers with "Bunker Buster" shell, Armor-Piercing shell and High-Energy shells towards the Tiger Command Walkers and Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks advancing in their direction.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad is being engaged by Several Squads of B2-A Super Battle Droids

"Reposition our Hailfire Droids around the twin-rock formation behind cover and begin the process of reloading their munitions, bring up our J1 Proton Cannon to fire on the Thunderstorm Armor Company's, Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks as they enter into our killbox." Rhomrook said towards the position of the Hailfire Droids as two were hit by the Thunderer rounds discharged from the Sphinx named Kraken and the remaining munitions of the Galactic Alliance. The remnants of these once-powerful war machines lay smoldering, providing the others with an opportunity to seek shelter and initiate the reloading procedure.

"By your command it shall be done. Command Base to Proton Cannons stationed within the plateau begin bombardment of the Alliance's Offensive on this side, do not allow any of them to escape the killbox alive." The GRX Super Tactical Droid said over the transmission signal, as the entire complement of x10 J1 Proton Cannons which commenced launching their heavy anti-armor ordnance towards the twin rock formation in the direction of the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks in an effort to disrupt the attack formation of the Alliance.

"Sir we are detecting interference in the data stream, what do you recommend." the droid later said, receiving an increase in tactical data from the battlefield which was normally meant to be spread out amongst the various other tactical droids deployed on the field. "Switch to Central Control Signal and reroute any additional data to our technicians within the base." Rhomrook understood that commanding an entire army through a single tactical droid would be suicide so decided to switch to the Droid Control Computer and run any additional data through other terminals nearby.

Up on the rock formation close to the cliffs, would lay another nasty surprise for the Galactic Alliance's Thunderstorm. A mixed platoon consisting of Battle Droid Assassins, Assault Battle Droids and Mortar Super Battle Droids would lay in ambush, waiting until they were within range. Once that was done did they unload their firepower on the tanks.

The transmissions from Rackham Rackham arrived shortly thereafter, notifying the different commanders of the availability of close air support should they require it. At that moment, he remained uncertain whether the Scar Hounds or the Krath Troops were monitoring the discussion, but it was imperative to initiate a strike against those Command Walkers.

"Treasury to Colonel Rackham Rackham , we are requesting air support for a full concentrate strike on the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers in the back of the Alliance's Formation. They are considerably well-armed and have anti-air support so our best strategy is to destabilize the ground they are walking on to cause a complete collapse of mobility." Rhomrook send out the message through their secure holonet link to the Dark Empire's Flagship in orbit. Not yet knowing the danger of Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , and his squadron as they were allowed to advance unopposed for the time being.

x10 J1 Proton Cannons which commenced launching their heavy anti-armor ordnance towards the twin rock formation in the direction of the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks

A mixed platoon consisting of Battle Droid Assassins, Assault Battle Droids and Mortar Super Battle Droids would fire on Thunderstorm from a fortified cliff top.

Rackham Rackham is requested to deliver full-air support to strike the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers

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Objective 3
Allies Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Enemies Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

armor Lightsaber

Ryana followed connels lead as they ran Together she shot fire at a few of the snipers that had kept their soldiers pinned all the while keeping track of the shadow priest not that far off she wouldn't go charging off to face him by herself. She wasn't well trained enough to face someone that strong yet or atleast she thought not anyway. And she would take caution she liked her new life in the jedi even having pip around when he wasn't being a pain and she would prefer to return to him.

Jumping up where connel did onto the ledge she could tell the droids where ionized the fact that the artillery cannon wasn't firing was a dead give away for her. Atleast even if it was a trap why waste such a massive warmachine as a trap. In her eyes although she wasn't an expert on wartime tactics and she never claimed as such. It seemed to obvious unless they rigged it to explode. As connel jumped up she was gonna follow when she felt rumbling as a leviathan charged ryana she instinctively reached for her lightsaber but doubted she could face a creature of that size by herself.

As the leviathan charged she waited standing her ground until the leviathan lunged at her she used the force to force jump out of the way as the leviathans mouth wrapped around the barrel of the artillery cannon she used the force and her affinity for fire to ignite the shell inside as the shell hit the leviathan it tore a hole through the creature. She found a couple thermal detonators around the droids and a blaster pistol putting the thermal detonators in her utility belt she put the blaster pistol in between her belt and armor. As she watched the ship connel was on begin to fall she ran up to him "I may be gutsy but I'm not stupid I'm not charging up to a stronger foe by myself atleast not without a very good plan" she said.

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