Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter III — GA invasion of DE held Tython


Objective: Safeguard Padawans
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Casaana Casaana Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Target: OPEN

In the distance, aetherial horns of war foretell of his arrival as suddenly a maelstrom of whirling snowflakes and white mist appear on the battlefield. Winds of winter howl impossibly on the dark moon of Bogan, so awfully out of place one might question their very sanity. From this whirlwind and mist strides a lone knight, seemingly plucked from an age of antiquity, a giant among men. As he surveyed the chaos of the battlefield, the maelstrom dissipated into thin air as if having never existed in the first place.

Behind him flowed a blue cape bearing the sigil of the golden lion, and upon his head sat an ornate helm adorned with a pair of wings. He bore a knightly shield on his left arm the size of a grown man, its three crystals glowing and humming with power. This man was the Lion; a Jedi Master in another life, now High King of Midvinter, summoned by the Force to act on Its behalf as Its chosen judge, jury, and executioner. He was the Justice of the Force incarnate, named so by the Wellspring of Life Itself.

The Lion placed himself between the group of padawans and the charging Leviathan, raising his shield in time to absorb the Sithspawn's advance. Pushed back from the impact, the armoured figure turned briefly to the squad of young Jedi to ensure their safety.

"Fear not, Young Ones," his voice carried far and wide. "For the Force stands with thee!" By the time the Leviathan reared up for another charge, the Lion drew his sword from its scabbard, holding it aloft as its brilliant blade came alive with flames of white gold.

And in a sunless realm, the sun rose at last.

It blinded the hulking creature as it charge a second time, leaving it open for a swift yet decisive strike as the Lion stepped aside and brought down his sword in perfect timing to cleave head from body. Its freshly decapitated carcass slid along the ground with its remaining momentum before coming to a stop.

Spotting a barrage from afar, the Knight's shield lit up as a protective barrier was erected in front of himself and the padawans, absorbing the energy of the shots.

"Courage now! The battle is joined!"

Once the barrage ceased, his barrier went down just as two more Leviathans appeared, likely drawn to the spectacle.

Junior’s knee bounced uncontrollably as he sat in the troop bay of a GADS-34 Roc currently circling at just about seven and a half kilometers above the battlefield. Him and the other platoon leaders of Esk company had been briefed en route to their drop zones of what the mission would be exactly and it was the type of mission that was the bread and butter of the 82nd.

The plan was simple in discussion but such plans often were not so in execution. The 506th AIB would drop in a two and half kilometer span behind the enemy’s main line of advance in platoon size drop zones. From these drop zones they would link up into their companies and move, most likely under contact a large amount of the way, to the enemy command center.

They had been ordered to hit targets of strategic opportunity on the way, arms depots, fuel dumps, comm hubs, artillery batteries and the like, but to bypass large concentrations of troops to avoid getting caught in a prolonged fight that would slow them down from reaching the enemy HQ. In effect they’d conduct a large moving ambush on the way but not any pitched battles.

They sat waiting for another few minutes before the signal was finally given. Next to Junior, in the jumpseat closest to the boarding ramp of the jumpseat, a red light was switched on. The man stood with his helmet in hand and turned to yell at his platoon. “RED LIGHT! Helmet’s on and sound off for equipment checks!”

Slipping his helmet over his head there was a hiss as it sealed and the HUD was initialized. Behind him came the distinct callouts that came with each trooper checking each other over one by one before finally he heard the callout behind him and a little tap on his helmet to confirm his gear was all good. “One, okay!” As he called out his ready status the platoons jumpmaster, the squad leader from fourth squad, Sergeant Acker, a Mirialan of about thirty, proceeded to the controls to operate the door to the boarding ramp.

With a balled fist Acker smashed the button and the sound of whipping wind was heard as the troopers were exposed to the dark sky of Bogan. Quickly checking to make sure there were no obstructions, Acker turned to Junior and gave him a thumbs up which was returned with one of his own. It didn’t take much longer after that for the red light to turn green, no more than thirty seconds, and Junior took a deep breath, turned to his platoon, raised a fist and yelled. “AIRBORNE!”

With a running start Junior jumped from the extended bay ramp and out into the blackness, plummeting dozens of meters per second. As he fell his eyes kept looking toward his altimeter attached to his armor's gauntlet, watching the numbers rapidly descend until finally reaching just under a thousand meters and the grav-chute, which was linked to the altimeter, kicked in.

Jets of thrust shot forth from the grav-chute as Junior began slowly decelerating until was just about six meters off the ground before the chute shut off. The balls of his feet hit the ground and he rolled onto his side and finished in a L-shape. Quickly standing and dusting himself off he hit the release buckle for his chute and quickly reached around to make sure it was off before grasping his rifle and bringing it forward.

Hazarding a glance skyward he watched as hundreds of gouts of flame illuminated the sky as hundreds of his fellow paratroopers fell from the heavens, a small self-satisfied smirk spreading across his face under his helmet. Watching as his platoon landed around him he gave a small nod, satisfied they were landing in the right drop zone. “Alright second platoon! Get grouped into your squads and get ready to move! Staggered columns with five meter spacing between troopers! Let’s get to the rest of Esk and kick some ass!”


Her nostrils flared, her eyes widening and her face contorting with absolute irritation as he boldly stated he knew this wasn't a game... if only he knew.

Anneliese had made this same grave error of judgement the last she was on Tython during the initial invasion -- she chose not to listen to her late Master and it ended up causing her extreme distress... she had not been prepared for the toll war would take on her mentally and the strife she had to work through because of it.

Taking a few deep breaths, trying to center herself she began to speak, until Master Iston Voronwe Iston Voronwe , father of Arhiia Voronwe Arhiia Voronwe came -- the Master that led her group moving with long powerful strides coming up to them both, the tall Epicanthix speaking to her, his eyes stern. "Padawan Koahal -- is there a problem?"

Her eyes narrowed at Caelan as she turned to face the old and weather Master. "Yes -- there is. This Padawan should not have been on--..." She was immediately cut off by him as he spoke sternly to her. "Should be or shouldn't be -- he's here and by the decree of the Order, he'll serve purpose while here -- there is no place for babysitting, so its either fight or die... two choices."

She was furious as she snapped back, her fist clenching, he didn't understand -- he wasn't ready. "But Master Voronwe -- you don't und--..."

His voice boomed and echoed into the air as he stared sternly at Annie. "Young One! I told you how it is, and believe me, I do not like it any better than you! At the end of the day, the dead will BURY the dead and the living will keep living. If you wish to oversee his well-being, than so be it-- his life is in your hands, I suggest you do not fail if you wish him to survive. Now.... as said earlier before, we move on the Temple -- On Point... NOW Anneliese!" He barked as he strode off towards the front of the group.

Her mouth was slack as she let out a frustrated cry -- her hands coming up, twitching about in anger as she looked too Caelan, her eyes piercing through him. "You are to stay by my side... if I tell you to run, you run." Her words came out pronounced and heavy. "If I tell you to hide, you hide... because --..." A sob broke from her lips as she fought back hot, angry tears. "You don't understand what you've gotten yourself into... but you will, and there's nothing I can do now except pray to Ashla she'll give me the strength to help you see this through."

Turning around, no assuring hug, no gentle touch, she tightened the grip on her saber as she stood now her back to Caelan, her voice low and hoarse. "Lets go... little brother." It seemed that one way or another, she was now her brothers keeper.

Seething silently, trying to center herself as she whined like a child -- something, somehow caused her to pause... and something just, clicked. All the lessons she had been taught to by this point by countless Masters -- now began to connect and all come together, for the crucible that was war was now reforging Annie... bringing the impurities to the surface and purifying them. Where there had been doubt before, confidence now stood. Where there had been fear -- it was replaced with absolution and steadfastness. She had found her resolve and as she began to walk towards the head of the group with Master Iston -- barking for Caelan to follow close by, she swore to herself she'd not only survive this ordeal, but ensure Caelan's safety so she could kick his ass afterwords.

She shook her head as a faint hint of a smile cracked across her face in irritation -- the damn kid was so much like her, and even though she'd been hard on him, it was only because she loved him and wanted to ensure he was safe. She was the oldest, wasn't that what she was suppose to do?

As they began to approach the temple, all sabers in the group would begin to ignite. Her very own blade reigniting with a 'snap-hiss'... she could feel the darkness that came from within the temple. Slowly, one by one, they would all enter, it was a lions den, and she could feel the hunger awakening from within, ready to consume everything.



Location: Bogan, Stone City ruins
Enemies: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina


Detritus would continue to look down, all around him did a mix of Stormtrooper and Technobeast snipers hid among the ruins, they all took as cover. Digging in deep did the terrifying Sith creations combined with Imperial might had hoped for a safely dug in position. Using the ruined cities as both the perfect cover, and the perfect spot to quickly move in and out after taking one shot after the other. Deteitus remained unperturbed by it all, as he had anticipated this since the first battle of Tython. This was what came, the horde of Alliance soldiers, the war hungry Jedi. If anything did Detritus hope to use the battle to further make a mockery of Jedi platitudes. They speak of peace, yet here they were crusading against the darkness.

He watched with a puzzled gaze, as the a Leviathan was torn asunder and the snipers still kept firing. Slowly did the Master of Ren retreat into the shadows, using the darkness to keep himself hidden. Even if the snipers would be taken out by the Jedi forces did the Master of Ren continue to skulk around. “Pathetic fools, they think that simple weapons of war will bring down these creatures?” He said in a triumphant tone. He retreated tdeeper into the ruins, standing at the center of Sith etched ruins that had been part of a larger ritual.

“They won’t suspect anything in the slightest.” He said, taking a sharp exhale as he would press his palms outward. The dark side fueled through his veins, coupled with the symbiotic relationship to be had with the crustaceans that fed from his body. Their hate became his hate, channeling the dark side energy to the center of the circle. The snipers and the beast would continue to do their work while he would do his.

The Jedi were coming closer, he could feel them brimming in the Force with their light sided hypocrisy. His yellow eyes snapped open, his open palms stretched apart as he used the Force to touch the Sith carved glyphs into the ground. Using his anger, his pain, his rage would the black glyphs turn blood red, the ground began to rumble and shake as the black glyphs turned into a blood red circle. It would stretch at a rapid pace across the ruins of the stone cities to the battlefield occupied by both Alliance and Imperial forces. A tremendous darkness took hold, the reach of the dark side expanding, fallen technobeasts would rise, continue to walk. Stormtroopers became more emboldened. The ritual to cover the moon in shadow and darkness would begin. The obsidian ground and walls continued to glow red, as the unholy man awaited for the Jedi. They were too late to stop the opening rites to the ritual he’d unleashed upon all of Bogan.



The skies above were alight. Blaster fire and streaks of light from the above ships exchanging fire cascaded across mountains, across clouds. He looked up, as a rocket, a barrage, flew overhead. Artillery fire, streaks of plasma and shell alike, hammered the ground around him, each strike a seismic bomb. It was jarring, it was disorienting.

He grit his teeth and put his cheek back to the machine gun. The Alliance pushed onward, advancing on their positions towards them. Angels above, cried out, while the demons below waged war in hell.

A Leviathan, a creature of horror beyond his comprehension, attacked their foes. He wondered if it would come to them. He turned his machine gun as his assistant gunner, hands shaking, reloaded the weapon and changed the barrel. His assistant gunner slapped him on the shoulder blades and ducked back down to get the next batch of ammo ready, while Sid returned the favor.

He engaged swaths of enemy troops at a time- suppression, killing. It became routine, analytical. Following the beaten zone of the machine gun, adjusting fire when necessary to maximize his effective fire. He was becoming a killing machine. If the Alliance wanted to fight-

Well, they made one.

A swath of bodies was the evidence of his existence now. His machine gun nest, and the other weapon platforms around him, repelled the enemy assault. But they kept coming. They wanted the position, too. They wanted to take the temple, take the ground.

There was no thinking about it, there was not a motivation beyond the original mission left in his mind. There wasn't a political, or spiritual motivation. It was pure focus, pure survival. The Alliance wanted to kill him. He didn't want to die. They wanted the temple. They'd kill him to get it. So-

He stood firm, stood tall. He was the wall against which they would break.

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"Firestorm" Walker Company:
  • "Thunderstorm" Armor Company
    • Vehicles:
      • x2 Tiger Command Walkers
        • Appetite for Destruction
        • Diver Down
      • x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
        • Speak Softly II
        • Divine Intervention
        • Rolling Thunder II
        • Apocalypse Now
        • Iron Side II
        • Heavy Machinery II
        • De-Escalator~ Rear right track knocked out
      • x6 Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks
        • Leonardo
        • Donatello ~ Right Missile Rack Destroyed. Crew State Unknown.
        • Michelangelo
        • Raphael
        • April
        • Splinter
      • x7 Puma IFVs
        • Run and Gun
        • Live and Learn
        • Shades of Glory
        • Ride The Wind
        • Guns and Roses
        • Fire and Ice
        • Guns of Liberty
      • x2 Bobcat Scout Walkers
        • Connor
        • Mia
      • x3 Squads of Marines
        • "Tsunami"
        • "Twister"
        • "Volcano"
"Helldiver" Marines Company
"Krayt" Artillery Platoon:

"Midnight Train" Support Platoon:


"Sir, Krayt is repositioning, but the enemy is still shelling them. We'll need to keep them out of the fight longer if we don't take out those guns."

Gress took a long drag. It was his way of coping. They needed a new strategy, a new-

"Sir! The 82nd just landed! They're pushing in on the enemy guns!"

"Well tell them to double time it! We can't let the damn Trade Federation stall us!" Gress barked, looking properly frustrated at that. The Falcons were designed to be a mobile unit, but they weren't designed to-

Gress paused. A new icon on his tactical screen, high above the battlefield. Imperial Reinforcements, coming down from orbit...

Krayt was needed elsewhere.

"Radar! New orders for Krayt!"


<Cerberus Bravo to Guns a Go Go, do you copy?>

<I copy damnit! We're getting shelled here!> The Zabrack commander roared. Imperial cruisers. Could they hit them? Sure. But not under fire. Not sustainable at least...

The commander, Captain Havok, chewed on the collar of his uniform. It was a bad habit, and one he had been scolded on before back in boot camp. Dress regulations and all that crap, he couldn't care for it. Thank god Gress didn't.

What Gress did care about were results in combat. Results were what mattered. They needed to take out those cruisers before they launched their CAS and swamped the battlefield. Alright Havok, put on your game face.

"Scanner, tell the others to halt movement. We're popping our deflectors and getting the job done!"

"You think those'll hold?"

"They better." Havok grunted, looking to his artillery computer. "Cover Girl, get us targeting solutions ready for Bogan's rotational momentum. This one's gonna be a long shot..."

18 Thunderer batteries then fired in sync. A low rumble would reverberate across the battlefield, as 18 bolts of plasma designed to wound capital ships flew up, and out of the atmosphere. The two batteries split into two targets. 9 aimed at the Malice, 9 at the Vincicator. All they would have to do is rock the ships, and delay the deployment window of that CAS.

Havok could only pray their shields held under this bombardment.

All 6 Screaming Falcons are deploying their Deflector Bubble Shields.
18 super heavy turbolaser rounds fire at Rackham Rackham 's ships. 9 at one Carrier, 9 at the other.

From ten stories up, the battlefield can often feel like a plaything. A commander can often forget that the men on the screen were real, and that the explosions were real.

Gress took another smoke, watching the turbolasers soar out of orbit. He trusted Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. and the 82nd enough to get those guns down, and hopefully put an end to this. Still, the horde of droids posed an issue. They needed proper solutions, and that damn portal kept them from calling in air support.

A scan of the tactical map lit up what needed to be his next objectives.

"Gunners! Prep another ion burst. Relay power from the turbolasers and ball turrets. We won't be needing them today."

"Sir! Drones are going down one by one. Enemy anti-drone tech is in the air."

"No worry. Sniper team can confirm targeting data. We'll triangulate with their HUDs." The Ion gunner, Sergeant Grovona, confirmed, giving her commander a thumbs up. Gress let out a chuckle, the newbies were always so full of life.

"Alright! Radar, tell Solo to relay orders, Fury to pincer the droid formation, we're ion blasting the whole damn thing."

"Aye sir! What about Kraken?"

"Have Kraken Ion that damn ambush team on the ridgeline. Thunderstorm can deal with the Hailfires, we can't let them get overrun."

"Aye sir!"

The sound of buzzing filled the entire interior, as a low hum built up, before finally...

The superstructure rocked. The whole walker lurched back, as yet another ion blast flew forward. A rectangular wall of charged particles, ready to disable the entire droid formation.

Cerberus ceases turbolaser bombardment in favor of another ion blast.
Ion blast towards the enemy formation, as Cerberus continues forward to support Firestorm.
Kraken fires a similiar ion blast at the enemy droids on top of the ridgeline.
"Orders from Cerberus! Relay pincer movement to Fury!"

"Copy!" <Solo to Fury, break formation! Ion Burst incoming!>

The order could only come a second later, had it not Fury would've been direct hit by an incoming artillery shell. Three tanks broke right, Three broke left, as the ion burst came over them second later, ready to crash into the enemy formation. The Wildcats kept up their fire, prioritizing enemy armor with their composite lasers, and continuing to pepper the droid formations with thermal detonators from their quad grenade launchers.

While it's effects were unknowable until the dust settled, one immediate effect was it driving the Thundara storm into overdrive, crack of lightning erupting from the clouds in a display of blinding light.

What that didn't stop was the heavy shells flying towards the Tigers. A Bunker Buster shell ricocheted off the Tiger right next to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , flying with a scream off the armor plating of Winds of Change, and scraping off the C in the painted wording on the side of the hull, before another was taken out by the point defense lasers of the vehicle, the round crashing right in front of the Mandalorian warrior, scoring the ground in front of her before ending up less than a foot away from her boots.

"Minerva, we'll be acting as cover! Get Talon pushing up!" The driver of the Tiger yelled over the outward facing speakers, before the thud of a Seigurium SABOT dart shell soared out of the Mass Driver, aimed right at an enemy tank. Moments after, the particle cannons of the Tiger opened up, shredding into the battle droid formation coming towards Minerva and her men.

Fran gritted his teeth as the mortar operator loaded yet another HE shell into the autoloader, before firing three in quick succession. They needed to move faster.

<Solo to Noble Intentions, what's your main gun look like?>

<Noble here, main gun is fully operational. What's the target Fran?>

<We're gonna draw a line in the sand. Solo to all Thundercats, no one gets beyond Oh Three Zero.>

<Aye sir!>

The six walkers, armed with Horn Beam Cannons, synchronized their fire to blast a literal line in the sand, each duo of beams forming a composite beam that lit up anything that crossed a line designated on their gunner HUDs. Tanks, Heavy Droids, anything that crossed that line was immediately lit up. And slowly, but surely, the line moved forward. Forward and Forward.

Firestorm Tanks break left and right to avoid artillery and heavy ion blast. They continue to engage on the move.
Ionic storm is supercharged by Ion Blast, and starts raining down lightning on the enemy formation.
Tigers begin to push forward, engaging any tanks.
Thundercats open up with beam cannons on anything big that crosses their designated no man's land, as they continue to push forward.
"Proton Cannons!" Ghost yelled, as the ion burst crashed over the enemy ambush. What could've been a three pronged counter attack, was left in the dark as the dust of the ion burst overtook the rock formation the enemy droids were on.

A proton bolt smashed into Apocalypse Now, causing the tank to shutter and stall, as it's shields shut off.

<Appetite to Apocalypse! Do you read?!>

The line was dead for a moment, before finally a voice came over the radio. <...Apocalypse reads. We're shaken up, but alive. Gunner is dead, we're gonna have the mechanic take over...> Just by his voice, Major Yanma could tell the Second Lieutenant was concussed. Still, they had work to do.

"Ghost, relay orders. Wildcats forward, opening fire on the Proton Cannons. Pumas behind them, opening with TOWs. Cougars and Bobcats, break off and pursue those Hailfires."

"Aye sir!"

"Derna! Get HE raining on those cannons! Fishface! I want CHOMPs raining on them from above with the Pumas!"

"Aye sir!"

The movement next was a ballet. Wildcats pushed forward, with Pumas using them as cover, levitating themselves so only their turrets popped up over the tanks. The Wildcats put all their power into forward shields, as they pushed forward, acting as a battering ram as the Pumas opened fire with TOW missiles, fired at the Proton Cannons with heavy precision. Far in the back, eight CHOMP rockets first fly from the Tigers in pairs of two, before adjusting their trajectory upward, then down towards the Proton cannons. Firing a seigurium dart ahead of them, then raining down on that same target with a payload of HE. This is immediately followed by an arching HEAT round, aimed to finish off whatever the CHOMPs hit.

Then the Cougars broke right, swinging around to chase the missile tanks in heavy fire. Cougars open up with Mass Driver HEAT rounds on the fleeing droids, while the two Bobcats open up with mortar rounds that land ahead of the droid tanks to dissuade maneuvering. Only one would stay behind, the single tank still unknown of it's combat effectiveness.

Yanma's eyes were fixed on it.

<Appetite to Donetello, how copy?>

No answer.

Damnit, he needed-

"Sir!" Ghost yelled. "More enemy armor incoming! Hover tanks and walkers!"

Damnit. They needed reinforcements of their own...

Ion Burst hits ambushing droids on the ridge.
Wildcats and Pumas push forward in spearhead formation. Pumas use Wildcats as cover, while Pumas launch TOW missiles at Proton Cannons.
Tigers launch CHOMP rockets and HEAT rounds at Proton Cannons.
Cougars and Bobcats push forward, around rock formation to chase after the Hailfire Droids.


3 shots.

That was the rule back in Scout Sniper training.

Three shots, then you moved to a new hide. It was simple. This?

This wasn't simple.

"Cerberus is calling us up. Relaying targetting data." The second spotter, Lieutenant Ram Kuun relayed, before dipping back down. "Ion burst incoming. That's our cover boys." The Kel Dor patted his sniper on the shoulder, causing the Trandoshan to pull off his scope.

"Copy! Move back towards that crashed Gunship. We'll use it as our new hide!"

"Hold." The Master Sergeant called. "I got a better idea. We'll call in fire support, then fall back."

"Fire support? Sir, Krayt's busy."

"Midnight Train ain't. The Roc can bomb from high enough those tanks won't be able to do much, and unless those droids have the best aim I've ever seen, a Ziio gun run would be a perfect way to thin our their numbers."

"...I don't see any dedicated AA. Those gunships broke off, right now would be the perfect time."

"Fuck it, sure." The Trandoshan groaned, before getting back on his scope. "Relaying targetting data."

<This is Master Sergeant Gran Dunrel, to Midnight Train. How copy?>

<This is Midnight Train, go ahead.>

<Requesting two times bombing and Gun Run. All Air Assets on designated target Thunderstruck. Relaying targeting data now. Ingress Southwest to Northeast, Egress Northeast to Northwest. Missiles and Bombs.>

<Copy Eye Guy, ETA One Mike.>

"Now we wait..."

Snipers hold position as x2 Ziio LAATs missile barrage, and x2 Roc Drop Ship high altitude bomb the droid army detachment to the north.
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Allied Tag: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Enemy Tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari Rackham Rackham

Minerva had just landed a few minutes getting updates when the first shell bounced off the Winds of Change. She barely had enough time to process what just happened when another round crashed and scorched the soil inches away. She stood her ground in spite of it only to hear the Walkers driver call out to her and the Talons to press forward. Sure the covering fire followed and Minerva took full advantage of it.

"Talons forward!"

The whole company rocketed off the ground but only for them to be confronted by several jetpack super battle droids flying in to intercept. Inside the helm Minerva glared, defiant even now. Given the times that Trade Fed made droids had been engaging Alliance the Talons had researched available intel on the droid models and after action reports. Without missing a beat she ordered through the comms.

"Platoons One and Four execute Plan Arrowhead. Two and Three we're doing Plan Shriek-Hawk. Switch to ion mode if you can."

While the latter pressed forward in the air the rest dive toward the ground, attacking the remaining ground droids not wiped out by their armored allies. They used their greater mobility to hit and run while advancing.

Simultaneously the rocket droids and Talon platoons Three and Two clashed in a dogfight like manner. Minerva did a barrel roll to avoid her jetpack from getting shot but a nearby commando wasn't as fortunate and fell screaming. The Mandalorian had put her rifle and instead swung around, letting loose with her vambrace Cryoban Projector and freezing two droids below her. Then she switched to sonic pulse from the same vambrace, sending seven plummeting back down. Instantly Minerva felt pain when one droid tackled her mid-air and they swirled around as she began to choke the life out of her.

Desperately she used the sonic pulser again, knocking the bot off her and slammed into another droid, knocking both off course before they were ionized by a passing commando. Coughing Minerva locked on to multiple targets with the helmet's HUD shooting out all twenty four whistling birds missiles out of her jetboots(twelve for each boot). Each miniature Beskar tipped missile found its mark, piercing through the tough armor planting. Two squads worth of clankers rain back down on the surface as a result. Still in the air Minerva drew her augmented Beskad with the left hand and ignited her small shield projector with the right vambrace.

Roaring a wordless battle cry Minerva sped forth dashing as she sliced and hacked the closest droids. Platoons three and two were fighting bravely but the super droid were tough and killed a number of their comrades in the process. But the ion mode from Si Tech guns came in handy, lessening their opponents with each passing moment.

"Don't stall! Fly onward and force them to chase you!" The Mandalorian captain exclaimed to the flying two platoons with her as she cut a new droid's arms then a second slice for the waist.

Those that could comply, forcing their mechanical enemies to pursue after them in a running aerial firefight. As for platoons(four and one) groundside led by Gakot they refused to stop and advanced as much as they could for the Hellstompers.


EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Before he could say anything further an older man appeared. A Jedi Master, it seemed, and he began by questioning Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal . She responded by referring to the fact that he shouldn't have been there, which wasn't her decision to make in the first place. Even if she was right, and he was going to get chewed out by his own master, it wasn't her place to decide where he went. He knew she just wanted him to be safe, but safety was something most people in the galaxy didn't have with the Sith and Imperials running around as they were, so why should he enjoy such a luxury? It wasn't fair to them that he did.

He responded that it didn't matter because Caelan was already there and that wasn't going to change. Not wrong. Caelan stood, dusting himself off and looked between the two of them as they conversed, but wait. Did she just call him Master Voronwe? That meant... this was the father of Arhiia Voronwe Arhiia Voronwe . He wanted to say something. Mention that he knew his daughter and cared for her. Anything. But what could he say at a time like this that wouldn't serve as a distraction?

And then he was gone, and it was just him and Annie for the moment, and she turned on him, angry.

"I will do as you ask," he said, not willing to argue with her.

There was little point in it. He hadn't planned to be going to the front, but now he was. All he had wanted to do was serve as a healer or someone to help the healers. It was just as important a role as the people who were fighting, and given that he didn't have much training, it seemed to be a good place for him. But even that was out now because she was angry at him and didn't want him to be anywhere she couldn't see him. At least he knew that her anger wasn't because she was truly mad at him, just because she was worried about him given where they were and the threats that loomed in the shadows. He knew what that was like. It was the same reason he'd pushed his sister out of the manse on Lazerian when they were attacked.

He followed her, Master Voronwe, and another Knight as they approached the dark temple. It was a forboding place and he didn't relish the thought of entering it, but he knew he had no choice. It was where his sister was going. The moment he'd lain eyes on it he felt uneasy, but like the others, he'd activated the blade in his hand. Might only be a training saber, but it could still stop the blades of others. Wasn't as if he wanted to kill anyone anyway. He hadn't even meant to need it.

The darkness inside writhed with malevolence. He could hear the sounds of saber battles in the distance, but their small group, for the moment, encountered no resistance. If he had known better, he would have thought this odd, but for the moment he merely figured that the people who called the temple home were occupied with other groups of Jedi.

Their wandering was cut short by a new sound. The scream of death, piercing their ears. The sight of death filled their eyes. As if from nowhere, a red blade cut through the darkness and disembowled the Knight that walked with them, spilling forth his organs in one fell swoop. Caelan stared, horrified, at the sight of his compatriot falling in such a way. Never in his life had he seen this. It was as if his whole world were turned upside down in an instant, realizing that war was not something so simple, that his desire to help would have seen things like this commonplace, and he wasn't ready for it. He wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't move. He wanted to scream, but no sound would come.

Another red blade appeared between him and Annie. His eyes shot up to the figure in black. Where had it come from? One minute they were alone, the next they were assailed by two dark disciples intent on killing them. The figure lifted its blade to strike at her.

"Annie look out!" he screamed as his legs suddenly worked and he moved, intending to intercept the red blade with his.

The Sith, however, responded by suddenly reversing its grip and stabbing backwards at Caelan. Redhot heat pierced his body and he stood transfixed as the the blade was quickly pulled free, a burned hole seared through his right shoulder, causing his arm to drop and the blade to tumble free from his hand onto the ground. He didn't scream again, he just stared at his hand, trying to move it and failing as he fell backwards against the wall of the corridor they were within and slid to a seat on the ground. It was shock that had taken hold of him.

Eyes wide as saucers, pupils as large as his iris. He stared from his hand back to the scene before him, where the two Sith now faced off against only Master Voronwe and his sister.

And he was powerless to help.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Tython | OBJECTIVE : 3 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

Objective III — Bogan

Connel was just about to lead Ryana into the Dark Temple before them when suddenly everything surrounding them from ground to sky was slowly becoming dark. It was no doubt something to do with the Dark Side of the Force itself (no pun or play on words intended) but the question is “what?”.

“FOR THE EMPIRE!” Out of their hiding places sprung Stormtroopers, all seeming excited at the thought of battle and not simply dug in. Beasts that had once fallen, like the Leviathan, were rising again. This was clearly going to be a fight just to get to the source. Typically a move of one wanting to “soften you up”. Luckily Connel had a trick he had learned from his father in his earliest training. Clipping his shortsaber and extending his hands, he told Ryana what he was doing as he had done so. This was in the attempt that maybe she would learn and try the skill at the same time.

Quickly I’m summoning all of my connection to the Force, and focusing on the Lightside, my connection, my friends, those around me, on what it means for their safety. I’m focusing on how we are all connected and ignoring the darkness… until…

An aura of light, not quite “Force Light” but closer to “Force Blinding”. A huge flash of light expanding out in all directions in an instant blinding those stormtroopers and beasts around them. It was not without its shortcomings though as the toll it took on him was heavy. It took a few moments to catch his breath and regain his strength. He took a deep breath, determined to face the creature and test his might. He knew this was no game, and that the outcome of this battle would determine the fate of his people. He prepared himself(and hopefully in turn, Ryana) mentally for what was to come.

Let’s go bring some real light to the darkness. They may have been too late to stop the ritual that had begun, but that was not going to stop them from ending it. There was a normalcy to this, in that it was truly the life of a Jedi, to bring light to the insanity of the darkness. It should be disheartening to see just how many of them today were evolving into a more “warborn” but that was a conversation for another time.

Now I know how Buster feels when he is trying to find his treats. Even now, in possibly the darkest time, Brevity was needed. As they reached the entrance of the Temple. They were of course cut off by Stormtroopers, but three fast throwing lightknives put a stop to them. It was a harsh response to be sure, but it wa something that they could not waste a lot of energy on.

Equipment: See Below
Tags: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Casaana Casaana

Enemies: Sion / Dark Exchange

He noted his friends that were with him, nodding to them from afar and thus as they boarded the transport ship and were soon off towards the ground. Aiden closed his eyes, as the first shudder of the ship came, not from fear but just mentally preparing himself for what waiting on the ground. Everything that was described in the briefing and thus more, other than the Sith he hadn't encountered before. His allies, and the force to guide him.

The Jedi Padawan's hand closed over the Jewel at his chest. "I wish you were here, Master." The Jedi Padawan whispered as the shuttle gave another shudder and he took a deep breath. He opened his eyes as he could sense the heightened emotions of everyone. Not from his affinity with the force, but everyone was seemingly on edge around him. Rightfully so.

"Remember why we are here. Light will prevail on this day." The commander shouted to them.

The transport landed and thus the battle would begin for the Jedi Padawan. Fire was upon them immediately, the Jedi's blade ignited with a snap-hiss and he maneuvered forward as the group broke their formation and took up positions and fired back. The color of red and green blaster fire whizzed back and forth from both sides.

Red, green, blue sabers colors also were seen in the fray and clashed with one another. The Padawan twirled his blade around as he deflected several blaster bolts that cam his way, followed by another array of movement. He quickly found cover once more. He heard the shouts from his friends each dealing with their own battles, and the arrival of Thurion Heavenshield was indeed a welcome sight. Aiden had never met him before, but his father spoke very highly of him and his family.


A soft voice from afar, he glanced to his right as he watched on of his fellow Jedi hit the ground. Aiden moved to intercept and drag him to the side, he was still breathing barely. "You are gonna be alright." Aiden yelled amongst the chaos that was ensuing. He glanced forward and a shout from another came that sithspawn were charging forward. Dark creatures of a terrible nature, created by the darkside of the force. Terrifying to behold, from the books that he had read. And now they were here, charging at him as well as others. The Jedi Padawan sent a force push towards one that knocked it back and the other came charging into Aiden from his blind side. He sensed it too late and it knocked him away.

"Aiden!" He heard a cry from the Padawan that he was in the process of rescuing, he dove to reach for his hand and he was too late as the creature dragged him away, disappearing into the cloud of dust and decay that was left behind. "NO!" Aiden shouted, a small inkling of fear entering his mind.

"You failed him, just like you failed her."

Aiden's eyes widened somewhat a shiver creeping up his spine. He heard that voice before, several times. The look of fear on his face was quickly replaced with determination and one could believe anger. He hit the ground with a closed fist and then stood up quickly.

"FACE ME!" Aiden shouted, his anger overcoming his fear. The Jedi Padawan shouted out on the field at the one called Sion. Dirt and dust swirled around the area as his lightsaber provided what sight he could. The figure that taunted him moving in and around the battlefield.

The shadow that would attempt to claim the Jedi Padawan's life.
Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

"You said that." Casaana repeated herself with a tight grin as Roman told her to stay close. She worried that he was hyperfixating in an effort to control his own anxieties, but then that was what she was doing. Following his charge, his reliable presence, as he ran down yet more of the creatures. Casaana's blade snapped back into existence as she leaped forward to close the distance between the two so she could cover his flank, the extravagant flourishes of her lightsaber adding quick cuts between each swing as she fell into the unceasing flurry of Ataru. Her conscious thought seemed to subsume itself into the fog of action and reaction as she fell back on her training and trusted to the Force.

Then with a roar, a Leviathan was upon them, its tentacles scooping up people she'd known most of her life, stealing their very souls. She attacked one, then two that came close, falling back to the more defensive forms of Shii-Cho as fear began to spread through the cluster of Padawans. They needed big firepower to take down this Leviathan, lightsabers could do it eventually, none of them were going to be good at summoning lightning she thought, that left heavy artillery.

Leaping back with a high flip to land crouched in the churned earth, Casaana keyed her comm, "We need fire support at-" She cut herself off, it was in and among them, any ranged fire would be just as likely to kill them all as the beast. "Belay that!" She corrected and pushed herself up under the weight of her satchels. Her satchels full of explosives. Tearing at the clasp of one, she slung it to the ground and pried open the flap. "Roman! Get it to open its mouth!" She yelled out at him as she worked to set the timers on two of them. Each bag had enough charges to level a block, but in her panic she didn't want to risk the beast surviving.

Then Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield made his appearance, shining Force Light and smote the beast. Casaana blinked up at the sight for a moment, realized she had active timers and swore as she scrambled to rid herself of the bomb she'd just set. Grasping the strap by its loose end, she swung it around, a shield preventing her from throwing it anywhere but back towards their own forces, she held onto it, one spin, then three, the barrier dropped and she flung it far towards where the Leviathan had appeared from pushing at it with the Force. The satchel arced through the air to land against the head of another of the monstrosities as it and its partner emerged, sliding across its face before exploding with a sundering force that redefined smithereens. "Oh cool!" She whooped before an enemy on a repeater stitched fire around her, and she dove aside to a depression for cover before reactivating her lightsaber to defend. In the distance, the temple Roman had pointed out seemed to thrum with power before red sigils began spreading across its surface.

Location: Bogan
Objective: III / BYOO
Equipment: Modified Jedi Robes, Hinged Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Allies: GA Forces
Opposition: Dark Empire
TAG: Open

A couple of Naxa's troopers stopped walking and looked behind them, one of them touching the side of his helmet to listen in on comms. Even then the sounds of the battle were loud and clear, despite the distance they had between their position and the main fighting force. Naxa turned around to look at the stragglers, even as she heard the loud gutteral roars of a Sithspawn in the distance. "Troopers. Come on we need to keep moving."

"We should be back there. Our friends and comrades are dying out there. Kriff why did we get assigned to you?" one of them asked "We have been jogging through these darkened forests for well over an hour. There has been no resistance from the Dark Empire to our movements. We are running away from the battlefield to just chase after your own supposed personal mission."

"Not to mention Jedi, it appears that one of the Alliance teams has made it to the foot of the Dark Temple and is engaging stormtroopers."
another trooper said "Why are we out here? You told us so its we can protect you while youc cleanse the temples, but it seems like we are moving away from them."

Naxa sighed. Her troopers were questioning alot about her now. She knew the trek around enemy lines would take longer and thus put them further from the main combat zone. She struggled on how she should answer her men's concerns. If she just told them that if they just continued following her, they would reach a temple and save many lives today. But she could sense the emotions of her men, many of them wanting to run back to the main fight.

"I will not stop you if you wish to leave me, and go back join your comrades in the main engagement. I understand that my young age as a Knight has many of you concerned about my leadership skills. Especially since many of you are veterans of prievous engagements. Some of you may feel that this is a fool's errand. However, I requested that I be put with men and women who would go the distance and who will do their best to protect me in my time of need. The GADF gave me you guys. So I emplore you all, to have faith in me. We will reach a temple, and we will cleanse it."

Her little speech seemingly caused a bit of confidence boost in herself. Her men looked to one another before one of them spoke up. "Alright Jedi, we will follow you. Just..make this trip worth it for us."

Naxa nodded as she gave a bow before then continuing to jog through the forests, with her thirty man team in tow. The darkside only seemed to get stronger the deeper they went, Naxa began to feel more on edge than before. Then she stepped on an egg of some sorts. She looked down to her boot to see a blue substance leaking off of it, and what appears to be a dead embroyo inside of the crushed egg. Naxa looked around as she unhooked her lightsaber from her belt. "Proceed slowly." she would say.

Naxa's troopers flicked on the lights on their helmets, and continued to move foward. The area soon became littered with this eggs, and alot of webs. Naxa sliced through an unnaturally thick web with her saber. The darkside, the corruption, it began to take a toll on Naxa's acute senses. She had to remain strong, even as the darkside energies only seemed to get more potent.

" better come see this." her trooper called out.

Naxa jogged over as she saw five Alliance soldiers dangling from a large tree branch. They were webbed up completely, save for their lifeless eyes staring back at the group. Naxa narrowed her eyes. These were recent kills. Naxa looked down at the floor, to notice drag marks leading towards a large cavern of sorts. But as she went to walked to it, she stopped frozen for a moment. She sensed a dark presence, no multiple ones. These weren't Sith but. Naxa's eyes shot wide open as she turned. "Duck!"

A Great Frost Spider leapt down from the trees, and pinned one of the troopers, its fangs finding the weakspot in the neck of the armor. As the group turned to open fire, more Great Frost Spiders lept down to attack them. Naxa would cut one in half as it tried to jump on her and went about asssiting her men. Blaster fire erupted along with the shouts and screams of her men. But just as quickly as the Great Frost Spiders came, they left, scurrying into the cavern, dragging off seven troopers to their doom.

"What the kriff was that?!" one of the troopers said "Blasted things wouldn't go down in one shot."

One of Naxa's troopers looked at their rifle, before tossing it away "Those things have some sort of frost aura. My weapon is frozen over." she would say as she pulled out a blaster pistol

"Those were Sith spawn. Which was its imperative we find this temple and cleanse it." Naxa said. She walked to the entrance to the cavern. "And I sense its down there, where these Sithspawn have made their nest." Naxa turned to one of the troopers. "Contact whoever you can. Tell them our location and to send extra teams over here. Once we go in, we wont be in radio contact with the main force. This cavern is mostly likely deep and goes underground."

The remaining troopers nodded. "We dont leave our men behind. We will get them back. Lead the way Jedi."

The communications trooper would begin to report their status to the wider Galactic Alliance. He would turn to Naxa "Umm what is our callsign?"

Naxa blinked. "I.."

"Medusa Team." one said "A friend from Mon Cala, told me about them. Cyborg aquatic jellyfish that terrorized their people during the Clone Wars."

"Why would we name ourselves after that?"

"Well I was told they are nearly invincible and tough to take down. I am not about to let these giant spiders make a meal out of me without a fight."

It never amazed Naxa how soldiers can still be somewhat humorous even in when things look bleak. She gave a nod of approval to the communications officer who reported their location and objective. Then Naxa and rest of Medusa team, descended down into the depths of the cavern.
2nd Post







Friend: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik
Rackham Rackham Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari

Foe: Valery Noble Valery Noble Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina
Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Casaana Casaana Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield




'I know your telepathic power.... I still get headaches from the last time we saw Tython, for goodness sake.'
'But that, whatever is going on with you - it hinders your perspective. For I speak not as your Khan, not in confidence.', the Bloodhound continued in his reponse, gradually softening his spoken tone as he answered in kind. Continuing,'But instead as your brother, as family. As one who actually gives a damn about his sister.... Yeah, wild. I know. But you can't spurn your brother away so easily, not when he wishes to pay forward for all his sister has taught him.', with a sincerity that may have been unseen in the Bloodhound for the decades before that moment, as there were none around to see it when faced with the twins from the Rift, breaking down the bravado, the malice and rogueishness for the sake of children who had never set foot in Realspace before.

'Real brothers want their sisters to thrive, an' thrive you must, there's more at stake than you know.... An' I have to tell you something, something important.'

Resuming the makings of an otherwise-stern gaze, though Mercy would have recognised it as one of the Bloodhound's many resting expressions, Thomas finally found the courage to reveal,'Before my defeat on Coruscant, I encountered young Abigail for the first time, with Asher Jr. alongside 'er, giving me perspective I never even knew I needed.... It would seem we cannot give in to the monsters we slay, thus we must not accept their conditions of despair, an' if we do - these curses could very well pass on to the children you saved.', not knowing how the Tribal Matriarch would react to this revelation. But Kala'myr deserved to know, and more than most who walked the realms of the Realspace cosmos, so Barran would commit to reporting important changes of circumstance, knowing the pain of omission's regret.

'We must be wiser, Mercy. Both of us.... We cannot feed that Eternal Cycle, lest it infects the ones who matter more than you an' I ever did!'






<"Skull Seven to Rook! Commencing War-Skiff manoeuvres now!">
<"Copy that, Seven. I bid you make Dreamer proud over there.">
<"For the Last of the Renegades, gladly. Skull Seven out!">


Knocking back a shot of Tihaar, the Trilunars would finally commence their part in the battle, officially putting the vital experience they saved to good use, and all with the charismatic charm of leaders toasting to those who died for the cause. Fortunately shared with Ghoul Darkhan and the captive Zabrak, (though the latter was still going through the Bloodhound's slow-and-steady radicalization process at the time) the next to slam his empty shotglass on the table would be the only human in the room, with Ghoul himself roaring,'TO THE MEMORY OF NAIL DARKHAN!!!!', as if from the deeps of his gut. A fitting tribute to such a strong presence in their lives, one who would demand strength of will in all who survived the orbital bombardment on Empress Teta - as the hulking cyborg himself would wish to remain strong in the face of grief in turn.

'To the heroes your Khan beheaded on Coruscant!'
'Those weren't heroes, Sixer. Not for the corruption they willingly stood to defend. Financial gain is no reason to wage war!', Ghoul shot back, proving willing enough to aid the Great Khan in his process of awakening the Zabrak's mind, a conceptualisation of vengeance upon the decay of civilisational decadence, knowing full and well that it would mean his words would cut deep from time to time. Not that either of Rook's guests would have time to continue this argument, as the next wave of bombardments would strike in the general direction of the Maw's southernmost defensive positions, leading the Atrisian human to exclaim,'Enough chit-chat for now, we have work to do!', as all three seasoned warriors braced for the inevitable zeroing of their redoubt's location.


'Case - in - point! Now go with Ghoul Darkhan, you have a second line to hold! LOOK ALIVE, BROTHERS!!!!'

Thus the main substance of the Mawsworn defence was set into motion, pushing for the catalyst that exploded between opposing armies, an aftershock for the initial clash of droids and old Federation ordnance on hi-tech walkers, and Rook was resigned to hold position and oversee the conventional-warfare doctrines for once. A task of which all the Darkhans usually left in the hands of Dreamer, but with the Magnar of Chiss-born Renegades still recovering from his fight with Michael Barran, Rook had to be more than the one who led the vanguard this time, as there was much more than reputation at stake with so many wounded Trilunars considered.

<"My Brothers, all aboard the War-Skiffs! ENGAGE FOR A FIGHTING RETREAT!!!!">



Last edited:


Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | @Others


In the chaos of the battlefield on Bogan, fear clung to Padawan Roman like a shroud. He crouched beside Casaana, watching helplessly as the Leviathan wrapped its massive tentacles around their friends, draining them of life and essence. The sight of their panic-stricken faces tugged painfully at Roman's heart. How could he let this happen? How could he save them?

"Casaana!" Roman shouted, his voice tight with urgency. "What do we do?"

Panic began to bubble under Roman's skin as he watched Casaana tear open her satchel, revealing the explosives within. She was brave, calculated even, her mind racing with ideas. "Get it to open its mouth!" she called out, her determination igniting a spark of courage within him.

"I'm on it," he replied, swallowing his fear and stepping forward. He stretched out with the Force, calling on the training he had honed in the temple. With trembling hands, Roman concentrated, illuminating the Leviathan with his green lightsaber. He thrust it towards the creature, hoping to grab its attention, hoping to lure it away from their friends.

Suddenly, the maw of chaos was silenced as a figure cloaked in ethereal light burst forth from the haze of battle. Roman's mouth dropped open as he beheld this Knight, the very embodiment of justice, striding toward them with an almost celestial presence. The winds swirled around him, unfurling like a long-lost memory of winter, and the atmosphere shimmered with power.

Before they could comprehend fully, the Leviathan was met with swift, undeniable retribution. Roman could hardly breathe as Thurion's blade swung down in a blaze of white gold, severing the beast's head in a single stroke. The surrounding Padawans, Roman included, erupted in a chorus of relief and disbelief.

In the midst of the victory, however, darkness crested anew. Two more Leviathans emerged from the shadows, drawn by the spectacle of their fallen kin. Roman's heart sank, but adrenaline coursed through him. Casaana quickly slung her satchel of explosives toward one of the newcomers, and the explosion sent debris flying into the air, pieces of the beast raining down upon the battlefield.

"Nice shot!" Roman cheered, nodding to Casaana in gratitude. They were young warriors, but moments like this made him believe they could conquer the night.

Yet the celebration was short-lived. The sound of blaster fire erupted from the temple, a volley of rounds aimed at them--Dark Empire troopers emerging to take advantage of the chaos. Roman felt a surge of urgency once more. "Do you think we can make it to the temple?" he asked Casaana, gasping as the enemy fire intensified.

"We can't let them gain ground! I think the Big Man can handle the last beast--let's go!" he shouted, his voice empowered by the urgency of the moment.

With ackowledgement, Roman took off beside Casaana, sprinting towards the temple under the cover of the blasted trees. Twisting around splintered trunks and dodging snap-hiss of blaster fire, they moved with the instinct of trained warriors. Around them, other Padawans fell into stride, but the gunfire was merciless.

With each step, Padawans fell behind--more than he could bear to look at. Roman felt a sharp sting in his bicep, a grazing shot from the nest that sent him tumbling for cover. Gritting his teeth, he scrambled behind a fallen tree, his heart racing and mind reeling. The sounds of battle surrounded him--a mix of cries for help and the grating screech of the last Leviathan engaging the ethereal Knight.

He glanced back, lips dry as he searched for their friends, fingers trembling around his lightsaber. The sight of Padawans face-down in the dirt cast a shroud of anguish upon him. How many more would fall? How long could they possibly hold out?

In this moment of despair, his gaze snapped back to the battlefield where the Big Man was locked in combat with the new Leviathan. The onslaught of blaster fire rained down, relentless and merciless, but in his heart flickered a small ember of hope. The ethereal knight had made it possible for them to stand and fight.

If they could make it to that machine gun nest, maybe, just maybe, they'd change the tide of battle and liberate this temple.


Items: Lightsaber I Engagement Ring I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X I Theme Song I Bloodline Tattoo

Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Casaana Casaana @OPEN
Location: Bogan
Objective 3


The scream that echoed in the air of the temple, was terrifying... the words "I'm sorry" echoing softly.

The Jedi Knight that backed the rear stood clutching his stomach as they all watched the very light and warmth fade from his eyes, the crimson saber tearing through his body like a hot knife -- there was no time to react, there had been no warning and it caught all of them completely unaware.

Another 'crack-hiss' would be heard from the front as Iston barked orders at Caelan and Annie, urging them to take defensive measures... until -- yet again -- a third figure clad in the shadows appeared out of no where. Annie had been so intently focused on the death of the Knight, and now Iston who stood ready to fight the one in the front, her body didn't move like it should.


Slamming to the floor, by two hands... Caelans hands -- she scrambled as she got to her knees, her voice coming out hoarse, forced and echoing out in the halls. "CAELAN!!!' The red crimson saber now jutting through his right shoulder -- the shock of what had just transpired still trying to catch up to his mind. She was supposed to protect him... she was supposed to keep him safe... and she'd failed, by Ashla... she'd failed. The laughter which broke free from the Sith that ran his saber through Caelan was haunting... and chilled her blood... and as he pulled it own, she watched him slump to the ground -- the Sith walking now towards her, his blade still gripped in a reverse fashion.

"PADAWAN KOAHAL!" Iston's voice breaking in the hallway as his saber collided with the first Sith. "STAND AND FIGHT!! YOU MUST!!!" His strained screams echoing all around as her eyes stared straight ahead at Caelan... her fists clenching, as she bore her teeth.

She couldn't let him die, she didn't want to die... No -- No... this can't, it wasn't going to end this way.

Her face was contorted with righteous fury as she now thought of nothing else but defending Caelan. Standing up, her breathing heavy her hand came out as if grabbing some unknown object as the Sith in front of her would lurch sideways -- her hand moving and pushing sideways as a scream would escape her lips, the figure slamming into the wall with a sickening thud, taking him by surprise. Taking a running leap, bounding off the opposing wall and then past the both him and Caelan she came at and towards the Sith just a ways down the hall -- his form still hovering over the fallen Knight.

Bounding a short distance and landing into a rolling crouched position, both her hands came up as she reached out, a strained yell bursting forth, her emerald eyes full of conviction -- her arms quivering as she brought them both down in a "X" shaped pattern. The loose stone structures around the Acolyte would come crashing down on his body with a horrifying crunch.

One down. One to go -- she didn't need to worry about Iston, he was a Master and she knew he could handle himself.

Pivoting around, her saber bursting forth she assumed Form V, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the shrouded figure -- anger pouring off him, his crimson saber reigniting as he would begin striding towards Annie and Caelan who sat helplessly in the middle between the two. Bursting forward to meet him head on, he turned his attention to Caelan, her heart clenching in her chest.

Ashla -- please, grant me your strength.

Aided by the force, her body burst forward, her muscles screaming -- The Sith's saber coming down and straight for wounded Caelan... until.

A clash of light.

Locked in a deadlock, she stood, arms quivering as she kept it just above Caelans head. Letting a cry escape, she countered, causing him to stumble backwards, immediately pressing on him as both their sabers clashed and collided violently with one another. It wasn't a graceful waltz -- it was a violent duel. Blocking, dodging and parrying his strikes her arms screamed in fatigue as she felt his superior strength in each and every strike, the hunger -- the need for blood clear in every intended strike of his own weapon.

Her mind was reacting on pure adrenaline filled instinct as her screams and cries would be heard with each and every blow.

The duel continued on -- several blows exchanged between the two, blood now dripping from her forehead... but still, the Acolyte pressed on her defenses, but she continued to use his own strength against him, trying to expose some weakness in his defense until -- as he came in with a lunge, she side stepped his block, slicing his arm up and through his bicep, as she brought her saber across horizontally and sliced his head clean off, the sound of air escaping his lungs as his body slumped onto the ground.

A cry of relief would shout out as she began to stumble towards Caelan.

Falling to Caelan's side, the sound of Iston and the last Sith fighting echoing the halls, she crouched down and cradled him, wincing at the pain in her side. "Caelan -- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.... Shhh..."

Her body shook as if she were freezing, every muscle in her body exhausted from the long stints of battle and force usage... how much longer would this go on? But regardless of her own fatigue, looking down now at the wound and examining it closer, she had to be strong for him, she had to be. Meeting his gaze she did her best to smile assuredly at him. "Hey, I'm here... It's ok. You did awesome -- Look at me... I need to go help Master Voronwe... he might need my he--..."

Yet again, nothing ever seems to work out the way you want it too.

Iston's groans would be heard down the hall as the red saber ran him through in his chest, Annie's eyes wide with horror. "N--No... by Ashla no...."

As the Jedi Master stood, coughing blood, his opponent chuckling lowly... his steely gaze met with him. In a last ditch effort to protect the Padawans in his care, Iston used the last of his strength to clamp down with an iron grip on the figures hand, binding it in place as the Epicanthix stared violently at him. "If I die... I'll drag you to the depths of hell with me...." Reigniting his saber, Iston cleaved the man's hand off, the Sith grasping as his stump now as stepped back and Iston thrust his saber into him, falling the man before him and tying him to his very same fate.

Helping Caelan up, her grunts and sobs heard as she helped carry him over to the Master Jedi, her hands coming to his chest, the wound life threatening, his breath nothing more than a wheeze as he stared at them both. As her hands came over his wound, hesitating... there was nothing she could do. As Istons eyes met with there's, he began to speak in-between breaths. "Do not... be afraid young ones... death, is not... the end.." Wheezing and taking a long breath, he spoke once again, coughing. "You... are... stronger, than.. you think. Find the, rendezvous point.. go.. go now..". Annie tried her best to stop him from speaking, but his hands moved up and put his saber by her hands. "Give this... to, my daughter...please..."

A sob broke free from her mouth as she sat there clasping his hands until with a final shudder, Master Iston Voronwe took his final breath and his light too left his eyes as he joined the living force.

They were alone now.

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EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

It was the strangest thing: he felt no pain. His entire shoulder had just been destroyed by a lightsaber, but it was almost as if it didn't even happen. Were it not for the hole, and the fact that his arm was hanging uselessly at his side, he'd never have believe anything had happened to him. The problem was that all he kept seeing was the lightsaber turning in the Sith's hand, and stabbing right back into him. It was like a short movie on repeat in his mind. Repetition of what could have easily been his death.

He was on the ground, his legs having collapsed in the shock, but his glazed eyes still watched as the Sith advanced on Annie. Inwardly, he wanted to do something, strike from behind, distract it, anything to help her. But he couldn't do that because he couldn't move. Those feelings were locked deep inside of his subconscious as his conscious mind was reeling from it all. First the knight, whose guts were splayed all across the hallway floor, then he was stabbed, and now they moved towards his sister with such malice that it should have made him cower in fear.

She fought back after Master Voronwe yelled at her. The way she fought, with such ferocity, shocked his senses enough that he started to come back to reality. Enough so that he noticed the other Sith looming over him, and lifted his head to look up at his eyes. The glee. The hate within the man. This being lived for the pleasure of harming others. And in that moment, Caelan saw death through the Sith's eyes: nothing more than a plaything to them.

As the blade fell, he watched it. It moved in slow motion to him, but he didn't shy away. If he was to die then so be it. He'd be with his parents in the Force, and probably his sister too. Someone else would surely step up to care for the people of Lazerian. The Alliance would probably free it soon anyway given their proximity to it. All of the worries he felt began to melt away. With the exception of two things: Annie and Arhiaa. If he died, it would do great harm to them both. And it was for that he was thankful when another blade intercepted the Sith's, scant centimeters from cutting him in two.

Moments later, his head fell to the floor, and Caelan stared at the lifeless eyes, a mask of shock on the sith's face. And then he felt her, drawing her to him to cradle him against her, and for some odd reason, he spoke.

"Your forehead is bleeding," he said as he nestled against her.

But they were both taken aback by the cries of Master Voronwe, the sickening sound of blade slicing through body. Caelan pushed away from Annie then, suddenly coming back to his senses at the cries of the Master. The two of them watched as with the last of his strength, Iston vanquished the last Sith in the corridor with them, providing them a momentary reprieve, but at great physical cost.

Annie helped him up, and they both moved quickly to where Iston had fallen, Caelan falling to his knees beside the man and grabbing his robes.

"No," he said, giving the man a shake as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "NO! You can't do this to her! You can't! You can't leave her with no parents after all she's been through! She doesn't deserve it!"

As the man passed into the Force, and Annie sobbed, Caelan fell forward, pressing his face against the dead mans body, not caring that blood smeared him from the mans wounds. It was all wrong. Everything was wrong. The galaxy was wrong. Life was wrong. The Force was wrong. It gave them everything and took it away before they knew they had it. He sobbed into the mans cloak, feeling pain for the fact that that girl he cared most for in the whole galaxy had just lost her father, knowing that the man would never have a chance to tell her how much he obviously cared about her.

Pain became anger, and he rose, his one controllable hand releasing its grip on the dead mans cloak and flinging wide as he screamed, his pain and anger flying forth in a Force augmented torrent that sent waves of energy cascading around him. So lost was he in his emotions that the idea this could hurt Annie didn't cross his mind. The whole building shook around them as he screamed louder and louder, the Force amplifying his hurt, sorrow, anquish, pain, hatred, fear, and anger to uncontrollable levels. Even his eyes no longer reflected the young man who had come to Tython with the intent of helping people.

Everything was wrong.
Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

Casaana didn't want to leave the mysterious Master that had saved their little group of Padawans. He was what people thought of when people told stories of Jedi Knights as if he'd stepped right out of the pages of a story book. She'd remember this image for the rest of her life, she was sure of it. "Right," She said to Roman as he urged her to her feet. She didn't want to leave him on his own, they had to press on.

They ran together, Casaana wanted to shut off her green blade, knowing it'd draw attention, but the others around them kept theirs on, so she did likewise over the uneven and blasted ground.

One moment they were all together, and the next there seemed to be much fewer of them, the Force weeping around her. "Roman!" She cried out, seeing him stumble before taking cover behind a tree laid over on its side. She dropped and rolled in beside him as sorrow radiated from him. "They aren't dead," She told him, determination like phrik lining her voice. "Not all of them anyways." A small nervous part of her mind laughed at the tree they were taking cover behind. During a war game they'd hardly consider it concealment, now it seemed a durasteel bunker. Panic threatened to well up in her mind when she saw his wound, but the comforting fog smothered it, coiled around the emotions and kept them free of her thoughts. "Let me look at that blaster burn."

Pulling at his arm, Casaana worked the wound clear and dumped about half her canteen over it to get the dirt off the burn before shoving it into his free hand. The armorer had said her armor's undersuit had stim and bacta injectors when he'd given it to her, but she didn't know where they were or how to get at them, and couldn't very well strip off her armor mid-battlefield. That left one other option. Curato salva was taught to any initiate, youngling, as part of their development, but it was self-healing, More a meditation to stave off exhaustion and other ailments. Controlling her breathing as blaster bolts zipped through the air seemingly centimeters away, Casaana moved her hand over Roman's wound, willing the positive energies of the Force into the other Padawan. She'd never healed another before, and only minor wounds on herself. She ran the razor edge of focus and panic, concentrating on willing her new fiend better.

Gasping for air, she rolled away. He wasn't completely healed, but she'd had to stop. Something had told her she risked doing more harm than good either to him or herself by pressing on. Instead, the little Padawan lay on her back, panting and wondering when the day would be over and if it would mean an end to the fighting. But there could be no going back, not after all the people they'd lost in the defense of Tython and now in the retaking. Because they would take it back. They weren't here to try.

"You good?" She asked, looking to Roman as her breath came back. Extending her senses back, she could sense the others, either taking cover in shell craters, trying to bind their own wounds, or still.... Turning forward again, she rolled onto her stomach and fixed her gear webbing and the remaining satchel of explosives from where they'd tried to twist around her so she could spring up again. "We can still make it, I figure another forty meters to the trenches, we get in among them and we're preem." Just forty meters of open ground shelled by Alliance artillery and strafing runs pre attack and covered by entrenched heavy repeaters. Searching her armor controls, Casaana found what she was looking for. "We can do this, count to one after I go and then chase after me like you've never chased anyone."

Steeling herself, Casaana waited for the fire to lessen around them, and then Sid Berik Sid Berik saw something he never thought to witness from a Jedi. In a brave, foolish, desperate act of selflessness born of love for those already dead and for those to come after, a girl even younger than him shot through the air in an acrobatic leap from behind a fallen tree, unheeding the blaster fire dancing through the surrounding air. Before she even landed, a blue energy shield snapped into place around her, and she was off like lightning. Each stride was a Force leap in miniature as she charged down the Imperial trenches, blaster fire glancing off or being absorbed by the shield. It was like the blue flare of a proton torpedo, and it was aimed right at Berik's section of the lines.
Objective 3
Allies Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Enemies Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

armor Lightsaber

ryana followed connel up to the temple when she saw everything darken and felt the darkside get stronger around them she reached for her lightsaber. It was then that the troops jumped out of hiding and screamed "for the empire" she looked to connel.

She looked back and saw the leviathan she just killed coming back to life she was prepared to fight until the end. To say she wasn't prepared for connel to put his weapon away was an understatement as she looked at him confused until he spoke she trusted him and clipped her lightsaber aswell.

Following his lead she thought about her friends The family she found in the Vanagors pip and buster all those at the temple the civilians they fought for. And how she would never want to fall to darkness or let darkness be her life anymore concentrating on her connection to the force creating a blinding light from her body.

Then she remembered yavin 4 and she began to lose control of the blinding light began to burn the sithspawn around them making the sithspawn run off and the storm troopers still blinded. A few seconds later ryana fell to her knees her arms and legs tingled as if she had layed on all of them for hours as she caught her breath.

"OK" she said as she stood up her legs still a little numb she would try her best to keep up for the few seconds before blood flow got back to normal. She didn't like the thought of needless slaughter like this especially the sithspawn it was all unnecessary and unnatural she would wish it all end if she could but wishes never solved anything except in fairytales this was real life and she would have to get her hands dirty to solve the problem something she was used to doing before she became a jedi.

"Or pip when he's up to mischief" she said asthey reached the temple door he reached for the blaster pistol but connel dealt with the three stormtroopers first. As she reached the door it was locked she pulled out some tools from. Her utility belt and picked the door open putting the tools away she pulled out two of the knives connel gave her quickly and quietly dispatching the guards for inside the door she put the knives away. Awaiting connel to lead again.

Objective: Safeguard Padawans
Tags: @Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Casaana Casaana Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Target: OPEN

The helmeted Knight of old turned to the girl whose aim had struck true, her satchel of explosives turning one of the two Leviathans into bits of charred flesh, and nodded appreciatively. As the padawans began to move out, Thurion kept himself between them and the Sithspawn in case it attempted to give chase. He held his sword Anarion perpendicular to himself, the blood of his last foe still dripping from its blade as a warning. It went unheeded as the monster threw itself at the Lion.

Several strikes were leveled at him. He ducked under the first wide swing, dodged a second. The third he blocked using his shield, the resulting impact causing the beast to reel back. This offered Thurion the chance he'd been looking for as he lunged forward with his sword, piercing the Leviathan's throat. It gurgled a roar in response, sputtering black bile and blood from its mortal wound as it fell on its back. Thurion stood over his prey, sword still embedded in the behemoth's throat as he put further pressure on it, forcing it clean through the back of the creature's neck. There he remained until it was well and truly dead.

"May you find peace in the embrace of the Force, tortured creature," he regarded the Sithspawn and withdrewn Anarion, doing a quick flourish to rid the pristine blade of foulness. With the padawans making their advance, Thurion's purpose for being summoned here in first place took priority. It was not his mission to win the battle for them, but to ensure their survival. Their futures were already being weaved into the great tapestry of the Force, and thus could not be allow to perish on Bogan.

So, he gave chase, deflecting blaster rounds and cutting down those that would've endangered them along the way. A cold, passionless path of destruction was carved as the Knight fought his way through Dark Empire forces, Sith and foot soldier alike. Noting the machine gun nest standing in the way of the padawans and the temple, as well as the impressive improvisational use of the Force from one of them, the Lion flicked his wrist to lend her an added boost.

"Clever girl."

He would remain close by and intervene if necessary, but until then this was their baptism through fire.
Burning wreckage reflected off the Jedi's death mask. Nexu Squad moved with caution through gunship wreckage. Titans stomped all around them as the Alliance walker line engaged with Dark Imperial droid tanks and nightmarish technomonstrosities. Zark kept his lightsaber deactivated but ready in hand. One of the ARC troopers signaled to advance and the elite squad scrambled over regolith to take cover behind a dead walker's skeleton.

"We need to find some high ground to track the command signal."

His marines quickly spotted a viable ridgeline. Master Zark closed his eyes for a few seconds in contemplation. At last he gave them a solemn nod. It was all the marines needed to advance. Repeater fire tracked them across Bogan's desolate terrain. Activating his energy blade, the Jedi Master shielded Nexu Squad until incoming las bolts dwindled to recharge.

Using ascension cables the marines rappeled up a sheer ridge while their Jedi companion leaped in a single bound. Zark motioned for Nexu Squad to proceed. With each step an uneasy feeling grew inside him. Instincts screamed out that something here was wrong and yet he saw no movement ahead.

"Master Jedi!"

One of the ARC troopers leaped in between Master Zark and the vibroblade of an assassin droid. Ultrasonics ripped through duraplast and flesh with ease. He cut the droid's head off and barked a late warning. All around him the marines were engaged in brutal close quarters combat. Two more assassins crossed blades with the Jedi. One he threw off the cliff with a mental shove while overloading the second's combat subroutines with dazzling lightsaber technique.

Just when it seemed like the mission was destined to end in failure, the Force intervened. A massive surge of arc lightning struck the ridgeline. Zark's lightsaber fizzled in his hands while harmless ion energy sizzled across his armor. Nexu Squad was likewise unharmed, but the assassin droids tore themselves apart one by one.

While the marines assembled a portable sensor dish the Jedi Gatemaster gazed out upon Bogan's judgment day. From this unobstructed viewpoint so many troops marching beneath the starbird's wings filled him with hope yet their foes were dread incarnate. Regolith shifted beneath his feet as the very ground began to quake. Zark watched whole sections of the ridge begin to fall away.

"What new devilry is this?"

Nexu Squad scrambled to get their mobile sensor assembled as fast as possible. This mountainside was coming down.

  • ARC troopers advance to rock formation where droid ambush is engaged with Thunderstorm. Given cover by ion burst detonation to begin tracking the droid command signal. Groundquakes from darkside ritual trigger the beginnings of a rockslide in the area of operations.
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