Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter III — GA invasion of DE held Tython



After months of brutal conflict and the devastating invasion of the Galactic Core, the Galactic Alliance is finally ready to strike back. The Dark Empire's forces have claimed several key planets within the heart of the Alliance, including Tython, a world sacred to the Jedi. Tython's fall had been a harsh blow to the morale of the Alliance, but after their resounding victory defending Coruscant, the tide of war is starting to shift. The Alliance now stands united, determined to reclaim lost planets from the shadow of the Dark Empire.

The Core must be freed once more.

The liberation of Tython is to be the first step in this counter-offensive. Once a symbol of peace and balance, Tython has been corrupted under the enemy's rule. For the Jedi, the liberation of the planet is more than just a military victory — it is a fight to restore the sanctity of a world deeply connected to their history and the Force. Now, the time has come for the Alliance to strike, and with their victory at Coruscant fueling their momentum, they have now turned their full might toward reclaiming the lost world of Tython. Fleets are mobilized, strategies finalized, and the resolve of the Alliance and its allies has never been stronger.

The battle for Tython is about to begin, and the galaxy will once again witness the relentless spirit of the Galactic Alliance.


Objective III — Bogan
As part of the final push to liberate Tython and begin a new front within the Galactic Core, the Alliance military and Jedi launch an assault on Bogan, Tython's darker moon. The Sith have fortified the surface with heavily defended positions, including dark temples, sanctuaries, and entrenched strongholds where they practiced their darker arts. To add to the chaos, the Sith have unleashed terrifying beasts and twisted Sithspawn during their many experiments with the Dark Side of the Force, turning Bogan into a nightmarish battlefield.

The Alliance forces must navigate these dangers, break through the Sith defenses, and reclaim the moon from the clutches of darkness, all while Jedi confront the sinister energies that pervade the terrain.

Do you have a different story you'd like to tell on Tython? Bring your own objective!

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Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Defeat the GA
Location: Ground, Bogan, Tython system
Equipment: Light Armour | Wardress | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


There was something I had to do, but I didn't want to do it at home. Since I've been living in Netherworld, it's not the first time I've dyed my hair, but I've never gone for black before. But now it's time for that too. Perhaps it would have suited me when Asher died and I decided to carry out my revenge. Lately, I have hunted down many individuals who I knew were there during the Second Great Hyperspace War and were on the side of the enemy. People who could have hurt my husband in any way. Not only ordinary soldiers, but also Jedi and other Force users. However, big names were still to come. Big and well-known names who were not so easy to get close to.

My hands were black with dye and I stabbed my hair with them, rubbing the black into my hair. I continued until the red colour was barely visible and most of it was black. After that I even put some on my face. I looked in the mirror and saw myself with my now red-black hair and golden eyes. Not Sith eyes, because I wasn't a Force user, just Force-attuned. The colour of my eyes was more likely my Umbaran heritage, or who knows. It's been like that ever since my telepathic powers awakened; about the same time as me, thanks to Tu'teggacha. My former mentor, then nemesis. But he was dead too, I killed him a long time ago.

Flames of anger and hatred flickered and danced in my eyes, including for Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ; it was his fault. But ironically, if he hadn't brought Maw to life, I would probably never have met my future husband. I finished dyeing my hair and painting my face. This time I did not put on armour, nor did I take my long-range weapons. Today I wanted to rage, to vent my anger and tension on the enemy. It was time to show what I had learned from Asher in close combat. He never let me fight like this, always keeping me off the battlefield and only asking me for analysis or sending me on other missions. But not today, today I'll be on the front line.

Had my husband or even Kallan seen me, I'm sure neither of them would have been happy. Under my armour, I was wearing only a pair of leather trousers and a leather jacket and T-shirt. No bodysuit or extra protection. Some would probably call this self-destruction. I only had the two Rift Blades. I had a feeling Tommy wasn't going to like me going into battle like this. I didn't think so, I was sure of it. I was taught by some of the best in the galaxy, not to mention the Shadow Company and the Frost Company. I would have been ready for this in the past.

And there was something else. It was time to actually start working to end the existence of the Dark Empire as soon as possible. After all, that's why I came back to Realspace, to help bring about the downfall of the Dark Empire. The Scar Hounds Tribe was Asher's legacy, perhaps the only good thing that came out of what had happened in the past. And I wanted to protect that. As I said before, there are some wounds that never heal. That was the oath and the pain it caused.

After I was done with everything, I checked everything and then went to join Tommy. Now I really should go after Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis to find something to use against him to find him and kill him. He was the greatest evil, the one who hurt Asher the most and almost destroyed his soul. I might not be alive if I had succeeded on Tython when Solipsis died first and I lost Asher for a long time. It was when I arrived at Tommy's that I spoke.

"I will walk through the ruins of the ancient dungeon, searching for something against Solipsis. No longer can Asher's legacy be treated as if we are nothing more than animals. I will protect the Tribe from them." I told him.

Because some wounds never heal. And I had a vow to keep and to carry out.


Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | ITD Headquarters
Tactical Center | ARENA-7580

Artillery Compliment //:

Super Tank Experimental | x5 Units |
Super Tank Shield Generators | x6 Units |
HAG-M | x10 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units |
Heavy Artillery Gun |x10 Units |
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x10 Units |
Refresh Droid Units

Scout Compliment//:
Separatist Droid Speeders | 3 Platoons |

Single Trooper Aerial Platforms | 3 Platoons |

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | Gunship Support
They had arrived on board the rarely deployed Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III Battleship 'Desolation' shortly after the Galactic Alliance initiated a comprehensive invasion of the Planet; Tython. This operation aimed to liberate the planet from the oppressive grip of the Dark Empire, which had corrupted the environment with their malevolent influence and had reinforced their central strongholds to sustain the ongoing Core War.

In light of the considerable power demonstrated by the Alliance Invasion upon its arrival on the Dark Moon of Bogan, the Imperial Ruling Council mandated the Imperial Treasury to deploy an additional contingent to act as a vanguard. This newly assembled force primarily consisted of outdated battle droids and partially operational droid tanks sourced from the Trade Federation's inventory following their exit from the Dark Empire's Market.

Despite their limitations, these units would be tasked with safeguarding the command centers and fortifications distributed throughout the moon. Situated near several rocky plateaus within the desert environment was a CIS Mobile Command Center, fixed with an impressive ARENA-7580 holographic projector capable of tracking details as precise as individual troop movements.

Rhomrook examined the map with careful attention, recognizing that the forces under his command were inadequately prepared to confront the industrial strength of the alliance military. So the best strategy moving ahead would involve a sustained artillery bombardment, thereby providing the Khan and his raiders a chance to make some leeway.

"Load Artillery Shells of the Heavy Artillery Guns - and begin bombardment of the Alliance's central positions." The Nosaurian turned towards the GRX Super Tactical Droid its metallic frame gleaming in the dimly lit stronghold, fingers inching ever so close to the center console which would relay the command signal to the Artillery Compliment.

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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Tython | OBJECTIVE : 3 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

Objective III — Bogan

Bogan was not the type of assignment that Connel was expecting when he shifted his focus from “Guardian” to “Shadow” but that was that and he was up for it. The new-found freedom he has felt since the conversation on The Prosperity with Master Valery Noble Valery Noble has been empowering. It was also a self-realization that he had with his father that brought him here. The Shadow was contemplative as he sat with Ryana as they traveled with the military down to the surface of the moon.

The Twi-Lek was no stranger to strife, unfortunately thanks to her history as a slave. However Connel would be remiss if he did not at least try to show some level of leadership. Connel was determined to ensure that Ryana was not subjected to the same suffering he had endured. He was determined to protect her and to make sure no one who wronged her was left unpunished. He was determined to make a difference. This was a chance for the both of them.

Twenty credits says that Pip got to my mother’s hidden snacks before Buster does. Chuckling at his own attempt at levity, the Knight looked over and around the shuttle at the soldiers and Marines all checking their weapons and going over last second orders.

In all seriousness though, I fully trust you and your skills out there, you know that. However I would not be a “Vanagor” if I wasn’t protective of my Padawans. So while I don’t see it happening, if I call to you to “run”... “run” okay? This wasn’t really an “order” or “directive” as it was a request. This was not his first big action that he was a part of, but it was the first with a Padawan of his own, so he was still learning how he would act.

I think that until we get to a point where we come across something that only “we” can handle, that we help give the military “easier targets”. You know? He may not be a “Guardian” anymore, but that training just does not go away.


Alliance Cruiser
Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: @Open


Padawan Roman stood at the viewport of an Alliance Cruiser, his heart pounding in rhythm with the pulse of the war machine around him. Outside, the stars streaked by in a blur as they closed in on Bogan, Tython's sinister moon, cloaked in shadow and dread. The shadows of the Dark Empire loomed large in his mind, their darkness palpable even in the void of space, a reminder of the horrors that echoed from Tython's fall.

His sense of eager anxiety tangled with a burgeoning resolve. Roman's hands fidgeted at his sides, brushing over the hilt of his lightsaber. Despite the hollowness of his combat experience--trials in the Jedi Temple hardly akin to the brutality of war--he felt the unmistakable tug of purpose. This wasn't just a battle; it was his chance to stand up against the malevolence that had invaded the Core, to prove himself worthy of the Jedi title he so cherished.

"General oddities and wild beasts, ahoy!" echoed a gruff voice nearby, snapping Roman from his reverie. An armored marine joked as he donned his combat gear, filling the cramped cargo hold with laughter. Around him, Jedi Knights and soldiers alike were priming their gear, exuding a focus and camaraderie that Roman envied. Some marines moved with practiced ease, readying weapons; others were checking systems, all preparing to breach the very heart of darkness.

A siren blared across the vessel, its shriek cutting through the ambient noise, igniting a renewed energy in the crew. Roman's stomach tightened--a visceral reminder of reality as chaos mingled with anticipation. "All units to shuttle stations! All units to shuttle stations!" The command pulsed through the air, and urgency rippled through the cruiser. Soldiers and Jedi surged toward their respective shuttles with a fervor that sent adrenaline coursing through Roman's veins.

His mind raced as he turned, scanning the throng for a familiar face. He squinted into the crowd, hoping to pick out a fellow Padawan, perhaps someone he could lean on when fear threatened to scatter his resolve. But all he found were soldiers and Jedi he didn't know--individuals united under a common cause yet distinct in their unfamiliarity.

"Keep it together, Roman,"
he whispered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut briefly. This was what he had trained for.

As more marines rushed past, Roman's ears attuned to the sharp clattering of gear and the low hum of anxious voices. It was then that he noticed a cluster of Jedi standing near the rear--a pair of Knights and a seasoned Master, their faces set with solemn determination. One of them, a Knight named Amara, caught his eye and offered him a nod, a simple gesture but one that carried weight in his heart.

"Keep strong, Padawan," she murmured as she passed by, her calm demeanor a balm for his growing nerves. Her words ignited a warmth inside him, a reminder that he was not alone, that he was part of something greater. Roman took a deep breath, affixing his grip on his lightsaber. Determination swelled within him stronger than the darkness ahead.

The sudden lurch of the cruiser as it began its final descent snapped him back to reality. The urgency of the moment pressed in on him, but now he felt the pulse of the Force flowing through him, clarifying his thoughts and sharpening his focus. The time for fear had passed. The battle for Tython would begin soon, and he would fight not just for the Alliance or the Jedi, but for every star that flickered in the vastness of space, for every life affected by tyranny.
Objective 3
Friendly tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Enemy tag: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Equipment: Lightsaber, Armor

ryana stood there as the transport flew to their destination she was used to horror strife torture and pain she grew up on it. This would be no different other than she had allies who she could rely on and that relied on her. She wouldn't let them down and she would make sure connel got back to his mom and buster if she could help it.

"Your assuming he and buster didn't get into the stash together already" she chuckled as she looked at the soldiers going over every detail possible "I'm more worried about kind of mischief they are getting into without us around" she said.

When connel got serious she listened "I'm not leaving you alone I'm not gonna see buster depressed between visits of you in a hospital again" she said standing there it broke her heart seeing buster that sad. She knew pip would be fine aslong as he had buster around to play with and as long as they got back there shouldn't be any problems. But she didn't plan on leaving her master behind if she could help it.

"Alright sounds simple enough" she said all they had to do was help the soldiers it sounded simple but knew nothing in life was as simple as it sounded.

"Firestorm" Walker Company:
  • "Thunderstorm" Armor Company
"Helldiver" Marines Company
"Krayt" Artillery Platoon:

"Midnight Train" Support Platoon:



The sound of guns could be heard already as they landed. They didn't even have time to group up before artillery already started falling.

"Radar, report."

"Minor shield damage, but we're holding sir. The Marines were rattled though. I've got reports of a few casualties."

Gress let out a sigh. This wouldn't be like Teta. Part of him wished they had invaded that instead, but of course, the jedi's homeworld took precedence.

"What are recon reports saying?" He snarled as he looked over the data they had from the landing ships. "What are we up against?"

"So far, we've got imperial droid columns in formation. Looks like their main force is holding back, this seems to be a screening force."

"Do we have triangulation on where those shells came from?"

"Aye sir. Midnight Train are feeding us data now. We've got the new 82nd on standby, they'll be pushing in soon."

"Ion batteries, hit their lines with a full barrage. Radar, relay to Krayt to counterbattery. I want Solo II and Taker pushing to the right of that rock formation ahead of us, while Thunderstorm pushes left. Have Midnight Train insert some snipers on the nearside of that crater. We'll use the lip as cover."

"Aye sir!"

Engaging Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe with counterbattery turbolaser fire.
Event: Dual Ion barrage on DE positions


<This is Solo II, reporting!> The Commander, Major Fran Tranka, spoke as he took a breath as he eyed his holoscreen. After his work during Courscant taking command, Gress had put him forward for a promotion. While he was offered a chance to take up a Tiger instead, the Thundercat 'Solo' had been his ride for so long now, he asked to keep it. Couldn't break up the band, after all.

<Orders are as follows. Push forward around the right side of the formation ahead, get eyes on enemy positions. Engage at will. Over.>

<Copy Cerberus Bravo, moving out ASAP.> Fran took another breath. It was moments like this that he took medication for. Anxiety was a pain in the ass, but at least it kept him on edge. In war, that had it's benefits. "Driver, push forward around the butte, to the right. We're the tip of the spear today."

"Aye sir. Moving out!"

The sound of turning gears filled the cabin, as Fran looked around. He needed more intel than just what the landing ships were telling him. "Binoc, tell all units to deploy drones, and push foward. Sky, Lughead, get Betsy in the air and scan over that butte before we pass it. I want to see the enemy before they can see us."

"Aye!" The three said in unison.

Fran tapped his fingers as he kept his mind racing. What next? There was always more next.

"...Binoc, tell Taker to barrage over the formation. Even if it's empty space, I'd rather not risk an ambush. A good shelling should catch anyone on the other side off guard before we push around."

"Aye sir." The Radioman nodded, before grabbing his mic and relaying orders. <This is Solo II Bravo to Undertaker, calling for supressive barrage on the opposite side of that rock formation. No designated target, simple supression.>

<Copy Solo. Loading Impact HE. Bringing the rain.>

Thundercats and Tigers pushing forward on the right side of the rock formation, sending recon drones ahead of them over the formation.
Tigers are sending preliminary suppressive barrage over the formation.

Thunderstorm was on the move again. The heavy bombardment had rattled them, but no one seemed to be seriously hindered yet. Major Yanma of Appetite for Destruction watched as the Wildcats pushed forward in spearhead formation ahead of him. Would this be another slog like Echnos? It couldn't be like Coruscant. They were on the offensive now. They were pushing forward. He prayed it was more like Mirial, but he doubted those crazed lunatics of the Chaos Pact were here.


The Scar Hounds would be instead. And the mandos wouldn't be here to help.

"Eyes on a swivel gunners. The Maw will be pushing up at some point, and I don't want us to deal with any damn ambushes. Ghost, tell Run and Gun to keep an eye on the sky. We're gonna be using the Pumas as AA if need be."

"Aye sir. Standard prodecure on drones?"

"Of course. All units, eyes in the sky."

<This is Appetitie Bravo to Thunderstorm, Eyes in the Skys. Pumas, you'll be doubling as AA if need be.>

The sound of mortars firing off filled the air, before the buzzing of drones deployed themselves.

Thunderstorm pushes forward, deploying recon drones as per usual.

Low and Slow. That was how the Ziio, Prettybird, came over the landscape of the cratered moon of Bogan. Scout snipers had been called, and the pilot could only watch as they came into the LZ's vicinity.

"Thirty seconds!" The crew chief called, as they made their approach. Two pairs of snipers. They'd act as overwatch for the rest of the battalion.

"Think we'll get any action?"

"Probably. The Force only knows how many of those maw bastards are gonna charge the line."

"Thirty credits I take one down."

"See, now you're just asking me to give you money."



The Ziio came down, just at the lip of the crater, as the doors opened. Now was the time. The four men climbed out, and set up. Two on their rifles, two on holo-binocs to keep overwatch.

The Ziio flew back to the FOB, and the four were left there with a pair of speeder bikes to evac.

Now they waited...

Scout Snipers set up at the lip of the northern crater, watching for incoming.

Task: Stay Alive
Alliance Fleet

Aiden stood in the war room amongst many other alliance personnel. Masters, Knights and the like that were in the vicinity as well. He stood as stoic and disciplined as possible however inside he was nervous as ever. The push into Tython would be an awesome strategic point for them to take should the day be theirs. Bogan was the objective, Tython's darker moon. From the intelligence that was gathered it was a heavily fortified position and would not be given up easily. Aiden nonchalantly touched the jewel that was around his neck, something he did all to often. Given to him by his Master Solenne Abraxas, a light to guide him.

"This is no small task and easy feat. Trust in yourselves and trust in each other. Keep faith and the day shall be ours. Good luck, Dismissed." The war council was dismissed and the Padawan cleared his throat as he made his way towards the task force he was assigned too. There was another small briefing along the way towards the hangar. Aiden listening to every word that he could as the hallway to the hangar was quite busy obviosuly. From his own sense he was able to pick up that he wasn't the only one that was nervous, which to him seemed like a good thing. Once they touched down he knew that, that would have to vanish as they were fixing to get into the thick of things.

"You nervous?"

Aiden glanced to his left, a Jedi Knight speaking to him as they entered the hangar bay. The shuttle in view.....

"I am...." Aiden responded easily enough, "I don't think it will take me too long to lose that once we take flight though."

"Keep your wits about you, everything will be good."

Trust in the force.....


Location: Bogan
Objective: III / BYOO
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber and Shoto, Armor(only for arms, upper ches, and helmet) Standard Jedi Utility Belt


Ko had only been to the system once before. As a padawan the most he got to experience of Tython before it had been invaded was within an enclosure on an Ithorian herdship. A small mimicry of the planets before it was ravaged by the Brotherhood of the Maw years prior from their own attempt to destroy the world. During the Dark Empire’s surprise invasion in the deep core he was still a padawan. Now the Kel Dor had been knighted, and instead of visiting the planet once more, he would be going to its moon Bogan. A heart of darkness within the center of the galaxy that was once used to balance those ancient Je’daii that saw themselves immersed in the light of Ashan.

Personally Ko viewed the reconquest of Tython to be a bit misguided. Understanding it to be more of a political based objective for the Galactic Alliance. He understood it, but felt that liberating Empress Teta was a more urgent and practical issue to be dealt with. But he was in no big leadership position when it came to where the Galactic Alliance chose to shift its focus. The optimistic side of him was just grateful that they could finally take the fight to the Dark Empire. Regardless of where they struck first.

The Kel Dor Jedi would be partaking in a special mission on the moon. Learning of reports of darkside corruption on Bogan. Infecting the environment with sithspawn monstrosities. Fighting corruption and blight was nothing new to Ko. A good deal of his youth was spent on how to appropriately deal with such disasters when they arise naturally. But what concerned him most was the nature of some of the beasts unleashed upon the moon. A rather unique and vile variant of Sithspawn, Technobeasts. Cybernetic monstrosities created through something called a nanogene spore. Would gradually turn living creatures into lobotomized machines of war. A horrific fate that threatened any who came into contact with them.

From what Ko understood, a part of Bogan had been turned into something of a testing ground to modern use of techno beasts in warfare. Naturally he wouldn’t want such a weapon to spread anymore than what it already has on the moon.

At the moment Ko was aboard a Carida-Class Military Troopship within the hangar. Meeting up with the company of marines and their captain. Working together with them to attempt to bring a swift yet violent end to the technobeast infestation on Bogan. Each marine wearing their full body armor. Ko even outfitted himself with a bodysuit under his Jedi robes, and a helmet like theres. Protecting them all from the nanogene spores that created the technobeasts to ward off themselves becoming infected. Knowing that they’d all be dropping into a hazardous environment where even contact with their skin could mean contracting the virus. Still there were blank spots in their information going into this. Unsure if they were simply dealing with the techobeasts of history, or if something newer and uncertain had been developed since then.

Accompanying the marines on one of the gunships afforded to transport them planetside onto Bogan. Ko harbored an uneasy feeling within. A concern of the horrors they may face once they reach the ground.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Tython | OBJECTIVE : 3 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | TAG (FOE) : Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

Objective III — Bogan

While he would hold to his warning, it was heartwarming to know that Ryana was determined to stay in the fight, if not for her, but for the little hellions. It was still hard to think about, so he did not. They didn’t have time anyway as the ships were setting down and already drawing fire. This would not do, as right now they were not going to reach their objective with all of these troopers going with them. Pulling his mask on, and checking his gear, Connel handed Ryana some throwing lightknives(check the link in my sig). Just in case.

Stepping out, he could hear the huge Devaronian calling out orders. The call for “snipers” caught his ears the most, as he walked by and spoke up. We’ll draw fire to give them time to set up. Not really waiting for a response, Connel started into a concerted run knowing that Ryana would be right behind.

Let’s see how well I’ve taught you… focus on the moment, draw the Force through your legs and sprint with me. Running and then sprinting through the Force, he hoped she would keep up, if not, well, he could be a good target for a few moments before getting the bearings on the Empire positions.

Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Enemy tag:
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

The armor was heavy to Casaana, she wasn't used to wearing any more protective than armored clothing. She'd wanted to go with the lighter REC/LA armor but someone that looked like they had a lot of experience in battles had pointed her towards the heavier combat suit. Then she'd needed a tutorial on how to use it and get the HUD set up and linked to her blaster without flooding her with more stimuli than she needed. After that, she'd tried slinking out of the armory when her lack of rifle was commented on and she'd refused, preferring to stick to the blaster she knew and how she could offhand it. So that was how she'd then been laden down with 'enough explosives to blow up the moon,' the quartermaster had laughingly joked before making sure she knew how to use them. At least she hoped he was joking, even as stuffed as they were, she only had two satchels of them crisscrossing her chest.

Now she was standing in a cluster of other Padawans trying to soak up any last minute words of wisdom. Well they were, she'd found someone's stash of snacks and was busy sampling them and trying not to knock anyone with the bags of det charges hanging from her sides. That's when she first noticed him, a Padawan with cascading red hair with the most beautiful waves. His sharp features made him look like a noble from a holo tale and time seemed to slow for one brief moment. The cruiser lurched and Casaana took the opportunity to move up next to him. "Veggie Chip?" She offered, holding out the crisp for Roman Vossari Roman Vossari to take.


Tag: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Opposition: Dark Empire​

Inside in one of Firestorm’s Tigers , Minerva walked about within the passenger compartment of the Walker amongst thirty five commandos. She checked with each of her fellow fighters while they felt clanging movement outside. Lieutenant Tuni nodded to his CO, remarking.

"This is going to be a heavyweight bout."

"Heh understatement of the year." Minerva with a confident smirk before patting the Quarren on the right shoulder and letting him go on to check with the others. Subsequently she made a call on their company’s encrypted comms.

"Gakot status report.”

Quickly the former pirate answered. "We're making it boss. Some are nervous about being inside this metal can but I reminded them that we'll be out soon. Hopefully that's true."

Minerva nodded, understanding the concern. Most of her troops were used to carrying out assault from gunships or drop pods. Fortunately they have been drilling with the Hellstompers for the past weeks for this scenario. Their own strike force was around 122 commandos and so couldn't fill up all the AT-TE walkers but that would be enough. Feeling the vibrations once more Minerva then said.

"Understood. Keep them focused. Remind them that unlike on Coruscant we're on the attack now."

"Will do Cap. See you soon."

The call ended and Minerva decided to check her gauntlets. With the fight to come, she wanted to be sure nothing was being left to chance.


For all their talk of peace, so far, Sid Berik, in his entire life, knew only the Jedi and Alliance to wage war. Perhaps their wars were just, perhaps the Sith were evil at one point. But the invasion of a planet was not the action of a defensive posture, it wasn't the actions of the military protecting itself.

The Alliance wanted war. That much was clear. They had Senatorial hearings about it. Sid didn't want war. Most of the Stormtroopers around him didn't want war. But they were on the defensive now- the hope for peace talks, a dissolution of conflict. All gone out the window. Coruscant lie in rubble, the Alliance claiming victory- only slightly.

Peace was the Jedi way, he read.

And yet, they trained for war.

They drilled to kill, to dismember, to maim, to slay their enemies.

In the name of peace. It was cyclical. The Jedi created Sith. The Sith hunted Jedi. They waged war. And it continued for time untold. How many bodies was Sid standing on top of? How many were the Jedi trampling over to reach his machine gun position? Their machines of war marched forward, the ground shaking with each monstrous shake of their war machines push forward.

He wrapped his fingers around the machine gun stock, his assistant gunner loading the charge packs next to him, into a sump in their trench. Charge packs being detonated prematurely were bad, them happening in a trench was worse. He charged the weapon, seeing the Alliance's movements, dust and through the haze of the planet- he saw them coming. They were approaching the Sith positions, poised to strike.

It was silent on the comms.

Hell was coming to the Rookie. He hoped he'd live through the battle. He had a redhead to see.


Items: Lightsaber I Engagement Ring I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X I Theme Song I Bloodline Tattoo

Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Valery Noble Valery Noble Tycho Arak Tycho Arak Gress D'ran Gress D'ran -- Open
Location: Bogan -- Dark Moon
Objective III

The air was thick with tension as the freighter which carried both Jedi from the Order and Troopers jarred when it hit the Dark Moon's upper atmosphere -- the large carrier beginning its descent down to the surface -- where they all knew they would be met with deadly force.


Annie inwardly thought in the dimly lit transport -- the glow of the red light casting an ominous glow onto everyone. Her hand held a strap which helped to keep her balance... her chest heavy with anticipation as she recalled events past. She first hand witnessed the dark power that was the Dark Empire and the Maw consume Tython, and it was on Tython itself last when she'd lost her Master... and as a younger, and more headstrong Padawan had taken her first life.

She'd worked hard at moving past the weight it all carried -- and heading back now, she knew; It was a new day, and she'd grown... she could do this.

Her emerald eyes lit with a righteous anger, narrowing slightly as she inwardly pressed the mind killer down, beginning to center herself and calling upon the strength that was Ashla. Valery Noble Valery Noble had allowed her to be sent here, to the Dark Moon because just like Val, she was a spark ready to ignite into a wildfire... and she knew she could be of use here -- she was no longer the scared little girl she used to be -- doubt no longer held her back.

She stood fully clad in her Jedi Robes -- her light saber dangling from her waist as she inhaled, then exhaled. Several Jedi Knights and Masters all giving her small nods of assurance, noting her bravery along with her fellow Padawans that stood in the transport. They all knew -- this was a fight for the greater good, old and young -- they were all equal today and all served a vital purpose in this mission.

Her mind came onto Roman Vossari Roman Vossari , she hadn't gotten to see him off and in the shuffle -- duty called and duty bound, she'd lost track of him and prayed to Ashla that she would somehow find him once the transports had landed and set down.


The freighter jolted as it landed, the air charging with the pull on the force... It was the deep breath before the great plunge into the darkness...

The ramp doors would lower as one of the Master's would shout aloud. "All off -- get into formation and prepare for our advance to our first target!" Her mouth was dry and her head buzzed -- the reality of it all setting in.

As Anneliese stepped foot onto the ground she could feel the heavy weight which was the malignant taint of the dark-side of the force. She felt it in her very bones, an ache she would gladly help to rid this place of. "Oh Ashla, be with me, for darkness is only the absence of light... help me to be your light." The small words coming out more like a prayer than anything. She could see from several of the Jedi around her, the now incandescent glow coming from several of their sabers -- they were ready to begin a full assault and cleanse the taint that had marred the moon's surface. Her ear's perking up -- in between bombardments in the distance, Anneliese could hear them... the guttural screams, moans and growls in the far distance of the sithspawn.

It was the stuff that nightmares were made out of.

Unclipping her saber and clutching it tightly in her hands, Annie looked around, scanning the area she was in -- hoping, praying she'd find someone familiar... but even if she didn't, as she'd found out in her trials to the Crystal Caves -- she was never alone.



Location: Bogan
Objective: III / BYOO
Equipment: Modified Jedi Robes, Hinged Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Allies: GA Forces
Opposition: Dark Empire
TAG: Open

Naxa glanced out of the window of the GADS 34 ROC Cargo Speeder watching the battle below them. Already in the first moments, the two might armies clashed against each other. The Dark Empire already shelling the Alliance's landing positions, the Alliance, especially the walker companies led by Gress D'ran Gress D'ran returning fire and pushing ahead. She seemingly tightened her grip on one of the latches as she looked elsewhere. Bogan. This moon had always been partial to the dark side but now it felt stronger than ever. Naturally due to the Dark Empire's Sith nurturing their twisted experiments on this moon, and fortifying their temples with such dark energies. It revolted Naxa, that such a thing was allowed to be next to the ancient homeworld of the Jedi. Tython and Bogan will be restored to their former glory.

But Naxa had other plans, one that she felt her own unique skillset can help in. With Bogan teeming with Sithspawn and other possible horrific creations, Naxa felt that cleansing the temples of their darkside energies would help turn the tide in their favor. If those Sithspawn got out of hand, this part of the invasion would fall apart immediately. The dropship carrying Naxa would pull itself away from the main engagement, electing instead to drop Naxa and her squad of Alliance soldiers off in the deeper parts of Bogan.

Naxa's Alliance soldiers were outfitted with GACA-14 Nemean Armor and GARBR-5 Beak rifles. A few of them also carried Breshig War Forge Consolidated ML-04E-GA Missile Launcher as well. Naxa turned to the Alliance soldiers. "We need to move fast. I don't think the Empire is going to just let us breach one of the temples while they are busy fighting off the main force."

"Remind me again Jedi, why do we need to cleanse the temples?" one of them asked

"Cleansing the temples of darkside energy should weaken the Sith's hold on this moon and affect their Sithspawn. I will do the cleansing ritual, you all need to ensure my safety."

The Alliance soldiers hesistantly nodded. Of course they were slightly skeptical. A thirty-man squad of Alliance soldiers could have been put to better use elsewhere. Not to mention Naxa is young and barely was a Knight. Naxa could feel their uneasiness as well but didn't entirely know how to relief it. Not with her words at least. Action will have to do as she began to jog into the direction of a temple in the distance, the soldiers following her.

Junior sat on the tarmac of the Alliance’s FOB and busied himself with sharpening the bayonet of his rifle. It had been over seven months since Junior had made the decision and signed the paperwork to join the GADF Army. He had been running a batch of cargo to Alderaan when he had received the news of the Alliance’s defeat at Sluis Van and the large numbers of casualties the battle had heaped on them. It had been the moment he put the datapad down he had made his decision, he was going to join the war effort.

After finishing his current job he took his freighter to his family home on Alderaan and discussed it with his parents. Junior was twenty-five and didn’t need their approval but he knew if he didn’t at least discuss it with them at first then they would be angry. To say they tried to dissuade him would be an understatement but at the end of the day the acquiesced and gave their blessing, his father even gifting Junior, his namesake, the knife he had carried throughout his commando career in the Republic Army.

After six months of training split between Boot Camp, Officer Candidate School and Jump Training Junior had been assigned to the 82nd Airborne Infantry Regiment, 506th Airborne Infantry Battalion, Esk Company, 3rd Platoon as its platoon commander.

“You really prefer that thing over the standard rifle LT?” Junior’s head rose to meet the gaze of Private Gaz, a Devronian who was assigned to Junior’s second squad. Junior chuckled and shook his head, having been asked this question many times by many other troopers in his platoon and almost had his little spiel memorized by this point.

“I’ll admit Private, the Talon is a fine blaster rifle but this,” Junior raised the rifle that had previously draped across his lap with both hands and displayed it to the fellow soldier. “Has been used and refined by my House for nearly five millennia.” He turned the rifle over in his hands to further display it before speaking further. “It has been used by my family to take down everything from Thaelo to Imperial Stormtroopers to Sith to even fellow Mando’a at darker times in our history. So to answer your question Gaz…yes I do prefer this rifle.”

The other members of his platoon chuckled at the exchange, having heard the speech before, as Junior went back to dragging the whetstone over the bayonet of his rifle. Before too long an officer came out that he recognized as the company commander, Captain Cho, a Pantoran woman who had seen her share of combat if the large scar on her left cheek was any indication. “Esk Company! Stand to and load up!”

The order was met with a wide variety of reactions such as groans from the veterans and loud woops and hoots from the company’s FNG’s. Junior, having seen combat before, was somewhere in the middle but he took it in stride and stood up, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and began moving to load up into the dropship for his first official battle.
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EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita

He wasn't supposed to be there. In fact, Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic was likely to punish him if she found out that he'd snuck away without her authorization. But they were going to battle and his big sister was among those going. Determination to tag along was high, if only because he felt it was his duty to her to watch her back. Not that he was going to tell her that he was there. If she discovered he was there, she'd probably kill him, but that was a risk he was willing to take to do what he felt was right. He wasn't training to be a Jedi to be a coward who stayed home just because he was also the rightful King of a world, even though he wasn't crowned yet. That just wouldn't be right.

Sure he understood his mothers motivations in abandoning the Jedi to take on the task of being a queen and mother. There was nothing wrong, in his mind at least, with that decision. But he wasn't her, and there was a lot more at stake in the galaxy if the Dark Empire wasn't pushed back. These were not good people. They were the kind of people that his ancestors had once aligned with, had willingly served, because they were misguided by a belief in tradition, and because Palpatine had risen to power through democratic means. He was thankful Aereena had seen through that.

The craft bounced and jolted as he hid in the back behind some crated. Probably them entering the atmosphere. There weren't just Jedi on the ship, but soldiers too. Lots of them. He'd never been around so many. Lazerian did not have a large army. In the event of an attack on the world they would resolve to hide within their city shields and call for assistance from nearby friendly worlds and the Alliance rather than fight it out themselves. They were a planet of merchants, farmers, traders and the like, not soldiers. His family was one of the anomalies, as his mothers side had a long history of being Jedi. That was unusual on Lazerian.

The craft landed with a thud that almost knocked him off his seat, but he grabbed the edge and held on tight. There was the sounds of ramps lowering, and boots clanking in a hurry, plus shouting of orders and people yelling at each other as people rushed off the ship. Even though he'd been following his sister, he hadn't managed to get on the same ship as her, which was probably a good thing, but also kind of a bad thing because as everyone filed off, he was left alone.

Alone on a hostile world.

He walked forward and down the ramp, seeing others running off towards their designated targets. Somewhere nearby he could faintly feel other Jedi, though his senses weren't quite the in tune to them. He hadn't yet discovered what his role among the Jedi was to be. He suspected he was some kind of a blend of roles, but he just wasn't sure. Regardless, as he stepped off the ship his ears were assaulted by bestial howling and other sounds, as well as weapons fire, and he felt an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach that what he was about to see was like nothing he'd ever dealt with before, and perhaps he really wasn't ready.

A hand lifted to where the crystal dangled around his neck, his thoughts reaching out to his mother. He felt a chill wash over him that calmed his nerves, whether from the Force itself or something else he didn't know, but he was determined to find a way to help the others in this battle, even if that just meant providing medical aid and getting the wounded back from the fight. Something was better than doing nothing.

He unclipped the training saber he was carrying and held it firmly in his hand before starting to walk in the direction where he felt the largest confluence of light presences. If nothing else, there was safety in numbers.



Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance.
Intent: Make Landfall on the Moon of Bogan.
Allies: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad .
Opposition: Open.


Jedi Knight Samuel Creed stood at the edge of the dropship's troop compartment, his hand gripping the support railing running along the ceiling as the Alliance vessel descended through the orbit of Tython's shadowy moon. The ship hummed with the steady pulse of its engines, slicing through the cold vacuum of space, drawing ever closer to the battlefield below. The mission was clear: take out one of the fortified defensive strongholds, whose heavy artillery and airspace defenses threatened any reinforcements hoping to break through the Sith-Imperial lines.

Alliance Intelligence had painted a grim picture—Sith of the Dark Empire had been conducting grotesque Dark Side experiments on the moon's wildlife, twisting them into feral Sithspawn designed to combat the Jedi and Alliance forces. Samuel knew this operation was but one battle in a much larger war, but failure here could tip the scales. Without neutralizing the stronghold's orbital weaponry, the chance for future strikes would be crippled.

Closing his eyes, the Jedi focused inward, quieting his mind amidst the rising tension. Around him, Alliance soldiers made their final preparations—locking blaster packs into place, checking the seals of their armor. The air buzzed with anticipation, but Samuel tuned it all out, sinking into the embrace of the Force. He steadied his breathing, knowing the path ahead was fraught with violence. He never glorified war. There was no honor in taking lives, no nobility in the carnage that awaited them. Yet, this grim duty was necessary. Without the sacrifice of the soldiers at his side, the galaxy would succumb to the looming shadow of the Dark Empire.

His eyes opened just as the shuttle's repulsors flared to life, signaling their imminent landing. As if guided by the Force, Samuel sensed the moment of arrival before the co-pilot's voice crackled through the intercom, confirming it. The shuttle's hull trembled under his boots as it touched down, and Samuel stepped forward, positioning himself at the door. He glanced over his shoulder at the squad, giving their captain a firm nod before sliding the door open. The scene outside was a battlefield in chaos—blaster fire crisscrossed the terrain, explosions lit the sky, and the stronghold loomed in the distance like a monolith of destruction.

At the captain's command, the soldiers disembarked swiftly, weapons raised. The first two troopers laid down suppressing fire, allowing the others to rush forward. Samuel moved last, his hand effortlessly drawing his lightsaber from his belt. With a flick of his thumb, a brilliant blue blade ignited, humming with raw energy. He stepped into the fray, the lightsaber a natural extension of his body, deflecting blaster bolts with fluid precision. The Sith-Imperial forces fired relentlessly, but Samuel pressed forward, his lightsaber a blur of motion, shielding the advancing troops as they made their push toward the stronghold.


Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Casaana Casaana | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | @Others


Roman looked down, his heart momentarily pausing as he noticed a smaller figure beside him. A young Padawan, Casaana Casaana , her expressive eyes alight with mischief and determination, was offering him a veggie chip, the crunch of the snack contrasting with the tension building around them.

He couldn't help but smile at her. Yes, she seemed almost too young for this chaotic war, much like he did. But he remembered that every Jedi had their own path. With a graciousness that felt foreign amidst the chaos, Roman accepted the chip. "Thanks." he said, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his stomach. This simple act of camaraderie filled him with a warmth that kindled a spark of courage; maybe they could lean on each other in this uncertain storm.

"Come on." he invited her, his tone light but purposeful. "Stay close to me. I'll watch your back." There was an instinctive tug of protectiveness within him, a silent promise to keep an eye on this small but feisty Padawan.

The group surged forward, fluid as a stream of water, her presence solidified his determination. He glanced at her as they made their way towards the cramped confines of the drop ship. The clamor of voices buzzed in his ears, but the sight of their fellow Padawans gave him a sense of solidarity. He spotted Aiden Porte Aiden Porte on the shuttle, a familiar face in this sea of uncertainty. He gave a slight nod of acknowledgment, wondering how each of them was handling the gravity of the situation, just as he had grappled with it alone only moments before.

As the drop ship rocketed through the darkened expanse toward the moon of Bogan, the air was thick with tension and the promise of conflict. Roman's grip tightened around the hilt of his lightsaber, a comforting weight against the dread pooling in his gut. In the distance, the outline of the moon loomed, an ominous specter waiting to witness the clash of good and evil.

Upon landing, chaos erupted as the hatch doors burst open. Blaster fire raked the landing zone, and troops rushed headlong into the fray, seeking cover from the harsh onslaught. Roman felt the rush of adrenaline as they were propelled into action.

"Stick with me!" he called back to Casaana, his voice booming above the sounds of chaos. And in that moment, any hint of anxiety he'd felt dimmed, replaced by a resolute focus. He was a Jedi, after all, and this was what he had trained for.

As they moved forward, blaster bolts whizzed past, and the ground reverberated with the roars of combat. Roman pushed onward, his heart racing as they reached the edge of a clearing. It was then he caught sight of them--the Sithspawn. The grotesque, genetically altered beasts loomed like nightmares given flesh, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger that sent chills racing down his spine.

As it lunged, Roman's lightsaber met its snout with a swift, determined strike. The hiss of vaporized flesh accompanied the creature's fall, but even as the thrill of victory sparked inside him, he knew he was in way over his head. In the chaos, he scanned for a familiar face. Where was Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal ?

His heart clenched at the thought of losing her amongst the fighters, he trusted she could hold her own but wished desperately to catch sight of her vibrant energy amidst the destruction. She was out there causing trouble, likely confronting the darkness with all the tenacity the Force could muster.

"Stay close!" Roman yelled back to Casaana, urging her onward. The swirling smog of battle wrapped around them, and he was determined to protect her, to uphold the values of the Jedi amidst the storm.

Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | ITD Headquarters
Tactical Center | ARENA-7580

Artillery Compliment //:

Super Tank Experimental | x5 Units |
Super Tank Shield Generators | x6 Units |
HAG-M | x10 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units |
Heavy Artillery Gun |x10 Units |
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x10 Units |
Refresh Droid Units

Scout Compliment//:
Separatist Droid Speeders | 3 Platoons |

STAP-2 Aerial Platforms | 3 Platoons |

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | Gunship Support

Dark Empire: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
Galactic Alliance Commander: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Galactic Alliance: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Casaana Casaana Aiden Porte Aiden Porte @Others
Dueling Partner:
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (Eventually)

"General Rhomtook, the Alliance's Main Force is issuing counter-battery fire on our artillery range. We have also detected the emergence of a large electromagnetic-ionic barrage from the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers under the command of the Hellstompers coming in our general direction, given its size and makeup we will be vulnerable to a temporary shut-down if we do not act soon." GRX Super Tactical Droid conveyed this information to the Nosaurian and the Command Staff situated nearby, gesturing towards the ARENA-7580 holographic projector, which displayed the incoming counter-battery turbolaser fire and the considerable Ion barrage on DE positions near their command center and the central columns of their droid formation.

His clawed hand lingered on the projector, contemplating the application of ionic energy by the Alliance Commander. This demonstrated a profound awareness of the weaknesses inherent in droid units. However, he was resolute that they would not achieve victory without affording him a legitimate confrontation on equal terms. Numerous strategies were at his disposal, yet all would prove futile if his entire force succumbed to the devastating impact of such a powerful blast.

"Withdraw our artillery deeper into the rock formation to protect them from the worse of the ionic damage, and Intensify Forward Firepower on Sectors 1113:999 and Sector 1114:889 and begin concentrating all counter-battery fire on their Screaming Falcon Artillery Walkers. Keep them occupied as to not allow them to assault our Scar Hound Allies." The Nosaurian cast a serious gaze upon the tactical map, observing the strategic relocation of the Heavy Artillery Gun further into the rock formations and plateaus to mitigate the most extensive impact of the ionic damage. Once these units were securely positioned, they would coordinate with the HAG-M Units to initiate a comprehensive counter-battery assault against the Screaming Falcon Artillery Walkers deployed by the Hellstompers.

"Minus 10 Seconds until ionic-blast compromises our formation's operational integrity." the GRX Super Tactical Droid relayed as the ionic barriage neared the location of the CIS Mobile Command Center far behind the Dark Empire's Fortifications. The barrage occurred with remarkable speed and severity, resulting in a widespread power outage across a significant area. Fortunately for the Nosaurian forces, the electronic interference did not directly impact the Command Center; however, it did affect the adjacent plateaus where various units were stationed as they were listed as offline.

"What's our status," Rhomrook asked glancing down below at the situation.

"A number of platoons have been rendered inoperative, along with a portion of our vehicle fleet stationed in the rear. Nevertheless, we maintain approximately 87% of our operational capacity, which should suffice to withstand the Alliance's offensive while the Scar Hounds ready their assault. I propose that we deploy our Close Air Support to harass them and heavier tanks to the front lines, supported by infantry and rocket artillery." the droid explained through a series of gestural movements, its crimson photoreceptors casting an ominous glare against the silhouette of the holographic projector positioned in front of them.

"Recommendation taken with caution. Attack Formation, Alpha-3. " He replied, watching as the HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | lifted off from the surface towards the direction of the the "Firestorm" Armor Company and the Deployed Snipers. Once they were within proper range, they would use their Variable-payload missile launchers to fire torpedoes and electromagnetic pulse missiles, and Turreted twin medium laser cannons (2), Medium laser cannon (1), Light laser cannons (2) towards the enemy.

Behind them was a full column of Troop carriers (100) Multi-Troop Transports (100) and Armored Assault Tanks (150) to secure the offensive ahead. They would begin deploying their full complement of droids behind the protection of the twin-rock formation, beginning to march in loose formation around the left rock bend backed up by the Armored Assault Tanks.

On the right side of the twin-rock formation lay in attack formation the full complement of 10 IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks and their accompanying Refresh Droid Units waiting the signal to unleash a full barrage of heavy missiles across the battlefield. The directive to initiate the assault was contingent solely upon the command from the data headquarters of the Dark Empire, which arrived shortly after Rhomrook verified the successful execution of his orders.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the droids remained ready for engagement, their mechanical forms vibrating with energy. The opposing forces were about to experience the overwhelming might of the Dark Empire's impressive weaponry, as the droid tanks readied themselves to unleash devastation with unrelenting precision.

The Racks of heat-seeking missiles; 15 missiles in each launcher, 30 total from each droid unit were unloaded.....

a group of robots are fighting each other in a field

Event: Hailfire Mass-Missile Fire Across the Battlefield

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