Duranium Lord
"The original exit for this cave level is supposed to be in one of the smaller branches of this cave. I mean one of the areas that they followed the vein out to its edge rather than mining in the middle." He left out the fact that the information was a good year old, he couldn't get anything newer as their systems were fairly secure. He probably could have broken through, but he would have to have spent more time and processing power to crack the computers.
Ultimatum began walking, finding it easier to walk away that towards the crystals, it meant that the job was almost over. It had fallen very far from his initial plan, having the complication of others had been both interesting, almost joyful in one case, and painful in some others. The overall result was mostly positive, if they succeeded in eluding the personnel above. It would hopefully be worth the trouble, these crystals that is. He had not spent much to get this far, power was near infinite, funds were inconsequential, and transportation was easy enough to obtain through the other two. The company was nice, at least one of them, the rest were less so, however it was now in the past. All he had to do was get out with the crystals and [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"].
As Ultimatum led the way he noticed that Zreame was tiring out, an effect he had read of about organics. Most of his experience with them had been during their most wakeful state so this would be the first time he had actually been able to see a worn out organic. It didn't seem that impressive, it appeared little more than a lack of energy like a droid running low on power. He documented the information for later study, deciding that he would have to correlate that information with others that he found on the HoloNet, which would hopefully give him more insight into the organic as a being. He could then connect their physical weariness with their emotional or mental state and figure out ways to use that in the future, whether against organics or for Ultimatum could not tell.
He tried to add compassion to his statement, an emotion that he had yet to use and wasn't certain if he was doing right, "We're almost there."
[member="Sawa Ike"]
Ultimatum began walking, finding it easier to walk away that towards the crystals, it meant that the job was almost over. It had fallen very far from his initial plan, having the complication of others had been both interesting, almost joyful in one case, and painful in some others. The overall result was mostly positive, if they succeeded in eluding the personnel above. It would hopefully be worth the trouble, these crystals that is. He had not spent much to get this far, power was near infinite, funds were inconsequential, and transportation was easy enough to obtain through the other two. The company was nice, at least one of them, the rest were less so, however it was now in the past. All he had to do was get out with the crystals and [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"].
As Ultimatum led the way he noticed that Zreame was tiring out, an effect he had read of about organics. Most of his experience with them had been during their most wakeful state so this would be the first time he had actually been able to see a worn out organic. It didn't seem that impressive, it appeared little more than a lack of energy like a droid running low on power. He documented the information for later study, deciding that he would have to correlate that information with others that he found on the HoloNet, which would hopefully give him more insight into the organic as a being. He could then connect their physical weariness with their emotional or mental state and figure out ways to use that in the future, whether against organics or for Ultimatum could not tell.
He tried to add compassion to his statement, an emotion that he had yet to use and wasn't certain if he was doing right, "We're almost there."
[member="Sawa Ike"]