Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BLACKOUT (Galactic Alliance Invasion of the One Sith held Coruscant.)

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Coruscant - Financial district
Outside the wreckage of a tank with two lightsabers (a red crossguard lightsaber in his right hand, an orange w/ black core lightsaber on his left hand)
Music: Invisible Fear (Luminous Arc III)
PC: [member="Lisette Kuhn"]
NPC: Army of Malastare (minus 1st infantry company): 406/675, 1st and 7th Legion: 9,743/12,000
PC: [member="Abyss"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
NPC: Unknown (but rumored to be in the thousands, and also thousands of casualties)

With a damaged A-Wing crashing towards the AT-AT's head at supersonic speeds, its pilot under the effect of the fear aura, he set on a collision course before the tow cable could even be fired. The AT-AT's crew took the brunt of damage and the A-Wing explodes while inside the head of the AT-AT. Three seconds later, the AT-AT's head explodes, sending the hulk of the vehicle crashing onto the neighboring buildings, causing five floors to lose some floor space and some furniture. At least he could be thankful for pilots being able to do the best for their craft even when they have no other options. But the AT-AT's destruction is of little comfort to Ugohr: unable to clear the minefield as he was originally deployed along the main boulevard for, with only three tanks left on his side of the boulevard not knowing how many were left on the Jawas' tank subgroup, he had no choice but to see [member="Abyss"] taking one of his own men hostage. In a desperate action, with his two lightsabers ignited, Ugohr used Force Jump while the Jawa sniper flicks a slug pistol. Understandably the Jawa sniper is a little shaky.

"Yousa will have to fight mesa before da Army of Malastare goen down"

"Maken sure dat theirsa deaths not in vain, general!" a surviving Gungan grenadier shouted.

Ugohr didn't give in to his opponent's fear aura: he jumped with the two sabers, using the twin barrels of the tank wreck as a springboard. While he jumped, he had to use both sabers to bat stormtroopers firing their blasters at him: two or three took hits back from their own fire, and the stormtroopers carried inside the AT-AT that survived the vehicle's crash took turns firing at Ugohr, but to no avail. For the first time in his life, Ugohr was fighting with two lightsabers rather than one: even on Malastare he didn't do it. In fact he was a little peculiar among Jedi in that he would rather be a tank gunner or serve in artillery than to swing a lightsaber around. But here he had no choice: he had to jump-attack at Abyss, as he was identified by Alliance intelligence as also being a field commander, much like many Sith Lords on duty were identified as such.

"Da Force can be of maxibig help as it can be a maxibig liability" Ugohr shouted in Abyss's direction.

The Jawa sniper, armed with a revolver slugthrower, then opened fire on the Sith acolyte, aiming for his legs. Would Ugohr's jump-attack force Abyss to take action regarding his hostage and, if so, how? Would the Jawa sniper (and the other one using a Coruscanti typewriter, who fired a second or two after the Jawa sniper first fired) manage to land a hit on the Sith acolyte? Or the other Sith acolyte that commanded a battalion of armored units atop an AT-AT before the AT-AT crashed? The unit the other Sith acolyte commanded was the One Sith's counter to the Army of Malastare according to Alliance intelligence, despite using an AT-AT to clear mines.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"] [member="Abyss"]
Location: The Valley of the Jedi Lords. Knelt among ruined pillars, weed covered ground in quiet garden.
Mission: Space Magics! Soon to be slapped magics?

Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Tes Dralyn"] | [member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Lassiter"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Jake Daniels"]
Direct Enemies: [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Enemies: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Alen Na'Varro"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Ryan Korr"]

Not located, but for how much longer? Time and fates set to collide perhaps, or perhaps she could be there, as if by his side for a time longer. Both her and the unknown other hidden away, advantages for each side. Either way, all of Sera’s deepening attentions were on their leader’s fight with [member="Kiskla Grayson"] . She could not see [member="Laguz Vald"], who unknown to her was a complete enigma. Padawans would have been also difficult to ascertain too for the acolyte, it was the one of those rare times that a strong force signature was a hindrance rather than a help to everyone involved, including her. At least until her force sense evolved to mastery levels, to see lack or absence where something should be.

All she could see was the probable fate(s) of Darth Erebos, and his Jedi opponent, in fact so focused on this she became, that she had completely lost track of her own fate, and there was the danger, losing herself into the dream, or just to a mightily annoyed Jedi Crusader, who might eventually knock seven hells into our priestess. Imparting strong sense of the future, her visions were draining and consuming, so much so now strong signature in the force echoed of where Sera was. The ruined garden, just not yet the exact spot in the garden, stealth field still on.

To sustain herself and block likely interference as they realised what she was doing. Instinctively her hand brought some glitterstim to her lips, and that telepathic connection to her lord was about to magnified into vivid detail, until tampered with, still receptive in nature, just there to pluck as and when he wanted it. Her gift to him and fate tied to his. All or nothing for Kintan's seer, some might say a commonality with half of Keth's former acolytes! His flair for the dramatic running through her over-receptive training.

Saber Staff | Initiate Dreamer Robes
Belt: Pouch of Glitterstim | Pouch of Bacta | 3 Tears of the Rist Darts | Stealth Field Generator (On)
"You and your man where dead the moment you stepped foot on coruscant. It's almost sad. Brave man and woman sacrificed so the jedi could try to prove a point, killed because they trusted false prophets and corrupted politicians. You tell your soldiers that we are the evil yet you send these man ... not to liberate but invade this world"

His words once again held the power of fear within, slowly influencing the soldiers around him. With only a little footwork and use of the force, the young sith evades most of the small bullets that were fired in his direction. The few he could not evade only slightly pierced his legs, the pain and blood fueling the fire of passion inside him. Instead of raising his lightsaber to block the attack of [member="Ugohr Poof"], he suddenly moves his living shield around, lifting the man slightly of ths ground to take the hit instead. The smell of burned flesh, when the lightsaber cuts of the mans arm, was like a drug for the sith. He had forced the jedi to injure one of his own soldiers, and he hoped that the jedi would struggle with this knowledge until the end of the short part that was left of his live. After dropping is now useless shield, Aybss takes a few steps back to bring room between himself and the jedi. The red blade pointing to the ground, and his feet shoulder wide, the typical stance of a user of form two, he starts talking again, to change the feeling of determination in the soldiers into fear until every last one of them would lose his will to fight. He raises his lightsaber to point at the injured soldier on the ground.

"Look brave soldiers of the alliance, that is what happens to the allies of the jedi. Lay dowm your arms and I will personally take responsibility that you will be unharmed. The sith accept anyone into their ranks that knows that the tyranny of the jedi has to be stopped. Will will be victorious on coruscant and in the rest of the galaxy. Join us now if you want to save your families."

Killing the jedi in front of his man would already be a pleasure for the acolyte, but rallying the jedis soldiers behind him would break the jedis spirit before he would break his bones. The thought made the young man smile.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"].
Post #1
Location: Military District
Allies: Any One Sith in the District
Enemies: Any GA in the District
(Apologies for not tagging folk, trying to read through the the mess of posts is a nightmare on mobile, particularly at work. Trying to jump in while the gettin's still good. )

Amin walked along the surface of a newly reconstructed section on the bustling city world of Coruscant. The crown jewel of the Republic, The Sith, and various other Empires and several other would be rulers of the Galaxy. The Lt. was on his first sanctioned leave from his new command within the First Order's Stormtrooper Corp. It'd been roughly six odd years since he'd last been in-system. When the world was lit ablaze by the agents of chaos that allied themselves with the "noble" Republic. A cold ball of hate formed in his gut as he thought of his comrades, Dromund Kaas, and the world his boots were currently on. Too often had the Galaxy been tainted by the selfish masses who put their individuality above the needs of the collective. Celebrated weakness.

Amin had formed a visible scowl as he stood, eyeing nothing in particular.

Then came a sound. Distant at first, but becoming ever present overhead. The scream of warships. The screech of hot plasma being exchanged in the lower atmosphere. Amin instinctively reached for a rifle that wasn't there. He only had his sidearm, civies, creds, and a badge that identified him as a friend of the One Sith.

The mood of the crowd shifted immediately to one of abstract fascination, a disconnect from the terror easing it's way into lower atmo.

"GET OFF THE STREET!" Amin shouted in a booming, authoritative voice, which proved sufficient to knock enough of the civilians out of their shock to drag some of the others into shops and tenant buildings in his immediate area. He hoped they had enough sense to find a hard, low surface to hide behind.

A shiver went up his spine. He'd lost his wife in the Pub invasion of Dromund Kaas, a red hot piece of shrapnel lodged in her belly. The trooper briefly trembled at the memory of the despair and rage he'd felt in that moment. This attack bore a heavy resemblance to the opening scenes of DK.


He needed to get in the fight.

He didn't need to wait long. Being in the district he was, it didn't take more than a couple moments to stumble upon a barracks, from which after providing identification to a scrambling Officer he was authorized to gear up from the Platoon's armory. Amin picked the closest armor to his size he could from their surplus, a blaster rifle and some extra packs, before heading out into the now growing flurry of urban combat enveloping the District.


Jedi Shadows and a small Spec Ops group as NPCs
Gear - Saber with Covenant Saber, Covenant Rings, VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor, light-shield

Tiny feet would deftly rush across the dim lit access tunnel. This was a small team, for a precise strike. The Alliance members had landed in the chaos of the ongoing battle. With Coruscant an ecumenopolis. it was easier for one to lose track of a single ship. That didn't mean that their path was going to be easy. It was anything but that.

The maintenance tunnels that had led from the Works would be used to try and smuggle into the Central power distribution grid. If they were able to secure it, it would allow the Alliance to provide calculated blackouts at specific key One Sith commands and bases. At least the ones that did not maintain their own temporary secondary power line. This one was a mission that required moving fast and in tiny little hovels much like the one where her group was wiggling their way through. It would take a while, but with the Force on their side, they would be able to reach the maintenance sector of the distribution grid soon.
Location: The Middle Levels
Allies: [member="Alesia Rivas"]
Enemies: The Popo
Objective: Avoid jail

Heights never particularly bothered Lukas, but there was something about dangling in the air supported by only your arms and legs in enemy territory that made him a little nervous. Not one to waste valuable speaker jackin’ time, the good Doctor went into work mode. Retrieving one of the scalpels from his belt, Lukas dragged it along the front mesh of the speaker with a surgeon’s precision. The thick net-like weave of the outer layers gave very little resistance against the small cutting implement, but that was to be expected how fething sharp these things were. He’d cut himself on them quite easily during the early years of his medical training before he learned how to properly handle a surgery scalpel.

Slicing through the casing, Lukas peered inside to see a mess of wires. “Uh…” it suddenly occurred to him that he’d never actually operated on a speaker before, and it was not like a humanoid body at all. Teeth clenching, he waved the knife over a bundle of yellow wires and hesitated. Did yellow mean electricity? Would this shock him? How many volts could these things put out anyway, and was it enough to kill him or shake him from the pole? Feth, this should be in some sort of vagrant’s instruction manual.

And then Alesia’s voice reached him, and he winced as his heart began to beat heavily in panic. He hadn’t seen the Coruscant security forces yet, but the urgency in his companion’s voice was more than enough reason for him to do this quickly. With rapid, jerking motions he slashed at all of the wires he could see before leaving the scalpel inside the mutilated speaker and shimmying down the pole. His hands began to shake as he did so, less from fear of falling and more from fear of being thrown in a jail or dungeon or whatever. He could never practice again with a criminal record.

“You two! Stay right where you are!” A booming voice emanated from a security vehicle’s loudspeaker as it sped around the corner. There was no question as to who they were targeting, seeing as how the pair of Padawans were the only other beings in the area.

Not keen on directions, Lukas simply dropped a “Hell nope.” Before grabbing the female Jedi by the arm and breaking into a sprint down a narrow alleyway. The corridor wasn’t wide enough for the vehicle to pass through, and hopefully it would let out in another part of the city instead of being a dead end.
Location: Financial District

Allies: [member="Abyss"]

Enemies: [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"] (my Lady of life)

War, in all it's disguises, was nothing to shrug a shoulder at. Death was all around on both sides, both the good guys and the bad guys were losing lives at a monumental rate, and regardless of the two parties involved, one side would eventually see their troops bred for war deplete. Now I can't gauge the size of our force, but from the amount of falling angels falling from the sky I could only assume the Jedi weren't looking to build sand castles with us, oh no, they wanted to walk among our beaches kicking everything we built to the side; erecting their own castles for us to stomp upon later. And through my barely functioning comlink, I heard some of my brothers and sisters had killed their share of Jedi and their assigned troops, for me, I killed nothing but time. I felt like an utter failure, for now.

Watching the last of my boys dip into the building, I felt an unsettling disturbance in the Force. I'm not well connected enough to the Force to ascertain the difference between Light and Dark, unless at some point our paths crossed, and only then could I tell which alignment you belonged to. But when I felt that sickening tremble a few yards behind me, I didn't need to be a genius to write a well written thesis on what that was, Jedi screamed to my senses.

I've never faced a Jedi before, unlike some of my siblings, and the thrill of killing one sent shivers down my spine. Despite my uneducated knowledge to decipher the strength of my foes that wielded the opposite alignment from which I basked in, I knew right away that this Jedi was far more advanced than myself. A challenge had been thrown down the indescribable gauntlet, and it was such a challenge that I would accept, for good or ill. For all my training and for all the things I hoped to achieve, this was the moment that would define the type of Sith I would later become.

Igniting one of my blades, I looked over my shoulder in the direction of my foe saying, "Well the game of cat and mouse has been discarded I see, Tom." I knew that I had made a mistake in trying to connect with with my partner, never realizing that through the Force I was broadcasting on all channels. Damn me! "This battlefield is no place for us, beautiful. If we are to meet in a legendary tale, then come Tom, and follow Jerry into the madness of conflict," I spat slowly walking away from the building where both my troops and Abyss were, cause being Jerry meant only one thing, I would have to be sly and cunning if I hoped to skin me a cat.
The End of the Hidden Path

Allies: [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | @Alen Na`Varro | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | @Kiskla Greyson

Enemies: [member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Tes Dralyn"] | [member="Sera Inkari"] | [member="Jake Daniels"] | [member="Lassiter"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

The cutting was the least of their concerns now.
Above them the battle raged and even here, secret and safe below the foundations the strike force would find themselves covered in the dust of the ever trembling rubble cage.
To keep the distraction, Kira had taken it upon herself to recite the lessons Newka had managed to educate her with so far. However as another piece of metal jarred into her back for the fourth time in as many minutes she instead found only frustration rather then the interior calm Newka promised.

Eventually there passage was halted, Mara declaring that a staircase and a statue was all that remained between themselves and the Sith forces above them.
Kira approached where Mara had paused to rest, the same location that the rest of them seemed to have completely halted at. She heard the words said to Jacen and Gabriel, catching her by surprise.
“Wait? Break off?” She gave them both a look. Clearly she was missing something from earlier discussions. “Your not coming with us?” At the side of her mind something pulled, almost telling her to continue on.

“Mara, Julius I’ll see you up there.” She felt she had a bit more say with the two, their time in the Underground giving them a bit more report then she felt with the Alliance lot, even if she had been one of the first. “Don’t leave me waiting.” She added for good luck.

The staircase was as expected far too short, Kira’s legs itching for their own turn to be used. At the peak a small hatch lay waiting, beyond the cold crisp sculpture of a Sith monument overshadowing Kira’s approach. This was it. Definitely no going back now…
Location: Coruscant Underworld → Centax Memorial Wall
Tags: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Darth Megnentis"]
Objective: Cause trouble
Gear: In biography

And like that, she was gone. Within the silence of his helmet, he felt his own hot breaths against the mask. The anticipation, the elevated heart rate, the excitement. Another door opened but instead of finding soldiers, he found a duracrete hall. Not another long hallway, as he had anticipated, but more a munitions depot that had been hollowed out. Yellow caged lamps swung from the ceiling, bouncing and vibrating to the rhythm of artillery shells in the distance. Thump. Thumpthump. Thump. Loray didn't so much hear the symphony as he did feel it, deflecting and bouncing against the armor panels of his chest. It was too bad this place was empty, he could have done some damage with a hefty load of explosives.

Stepping slowly through the center of the depot, he noticed the placement of the pillars and how it seemed to be almost an epicenter. And how just as he entered the middle, he found a drain and the slight shift of the floor upward and outward. Not a munitions depot, a torture room. Kneeling down, he scraped the residue of blood from the metal grate and rubbed scab between pointer and thumb. It was then that the hum of the artillery grew loud, like a passing wave. And how it sounded oddly reminiscent of foot steps in the dark.

Standing up, the flicker of the lights in the dimly lit room was all he needed. To know that he would have that company he so desired. Looking up towards the two lamps, still swinging, he exerted the slightest pressure. Enough to crack the casings of the bulbs, sending sparks and filaments out from the metal cages. As the room went dark and the origins of those lights were all the more obvious, Loray clung to the shadows and the silence, extinguishing the baton.


"Damn, the lights went out!"
"Really, ya think so?"
"Cut it out, Tom!"

The light, snapped to the end of the barrel, swung to find the freckled face of a cousin. Enlisted at the same time, after hearing about all the good that could be done in serving, they had taken to their position. But they weren't ready for the war-front. Well, Jeff wasn't. Didn't take well to combat training, he decided early on that he wanted to be an agent or cypher. Someone more closely aligned to logistics or perhaps piloting. Anything but the role of a soldier.

Tom, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to be on the front line. Gunning down Alliance soldiers for bringing this war to his home, the place he swore to protect upon enlistment. But he had promised Jeff's mother. Yes, Aunt Jennie. I'll take care of Jeff. You have my word. And when the Jedi and the Alliance take homes and families and lives, Tom swore he would die with his honor and his pride. Thus, he too took to cypher training. Despite being an expert marksman and more than average talent in combat.

"You touched me!"
"No, Jeff! I didn't. Look ahead, find our target!"

Walking over the to the grate, Jeff turned hard and fired a burst of rounds into a pillar. The shadows playing marrionette on the wall, Tom told himself, but the way Jeff shook and held the trigger, it was hard to be convinced. Tom moved forward, grabbing the stock and shaking it free from his cousins death grip. "Cut it out."

"I...I saw something."
"Damn right you did. It's called a shadow."
"'s right there."

Pointing his now free hand, Jeff gestured towards a narrow band of red against the wall. Slowly closing and opening, with the tilt of a head. Jeff, with all the shock of the current situation, pulled the gun away as Tom turned. With the light flashed towards a column, the silhouette of a dark night appeared and vanished. Cigarette smoke in the wind. But not before Jeff unloaded the remainder of his clip, shredding duracrete wall.

"! Call for backup!" Tom eyed the room, leveling the rifle as he screamed back at his cousin.

"!" The disembodied voice might as well have come from the heavens, echoed with the untraceable sound of metal against stone. The clank of a step, followed by a vanishing, just to step somewhere else.

Tom did what he thought was smart. He stepped back, clicking on the communications. "We have a force user in the interrogation room. Repeat, force user in the interrogation! Run Jeff!" Turning, he looked towards the pillar down the length of the light to find his cousin slumped against the wall. Smear of blood tracing the vertical extent, shock soon overwhelming him. Slowly moving forward, he felt the slow swell of tears, burning hot on his cheeks. "Don't mourn him."

Tom turned just in time to feel the grip against his throat, his weapon pulled from his hand, and his body lifted from the ground. If he stretched, he could almost feel the ground. "Maybe if you pray, your fellow soldiers will show up in time to save you." The red flicker of lights erupted, washing the room in an amber glow as it danced from column to column. And then, Tom was made aware of the enemy to which they were sent to fight. And he felt the sudden sense of defeat wash over him, his fingers clawing at the grip just a bit softer. "That's right. Let go."
[member="Amin Garith"]
[member="Aela Talith"] [member="Kahne Porte"] [member="Ugohr Poof"]

Location: Military District
Objective: Moving to Senate District

The second infantry company had ebgun to land in the lull. Most of the dust cloud was still roaring by, obscuring their vision en masse and leaving sand and toxic grit deposited in Keld's burned mouth. No doubt the enemy was as blind as well, but they had an advantage, the knowledge of the territory.

But Keld had a Jedi.

"Right, all squads, form up, two files! Put the Plex in the forwards and end portions."

Keld fell in, as they grouped tight, to mitigate loosing eachother in the dust storm. As the dropships disgorged fresh troops they formed their files, Keld center, and then moved out. It was tough going, moving slow over the debris was a challenge. From the roads they were blocked in on all sides by half destroyed buildings, looming like deadly gargoyles in the murky air.

"Hugg the walls men, bound to be a-"


Sniper beams criss-crossed the street and the men dove into the rubble. They took up arms and returned fire, bolts scattering wild and free across the street. Keld ducked, drawing his revolver. From the corner of his eye a white flash streaked by.



He drew his slughtrower pistol and fired twice, sending two molten lad slugs into a nearby trooper. Metal met armor and shattered it, impaling the torso of the trooper and smashing him back into the walls. A second and third spilled in from the alleys, more slug thrower rounds exploded their guts.

"We're beset! Run for it, move move move, out of the killzone!"

More and more of the Stormtrooper legions were showing themselves now. Shots felled Alliance troopers as they ran. Boots thundered on concrete, rockets whizzed into alleys and stray sloppy shots pockmarked buildings, obliterating the white clad menace. They were running all out.

"We can't afford to get bogged down Master Jedi!" Keld roared as he loosed another round and flipped the cylinder open. smoking shells scattered beneath his feet as boot's crunched gravel. His leg muscles strained, his breath came short and his heart beat like a wookie mating session.

"I need you at the point! Cut us a clear path!"
Location: Outside Senate HQ
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Adder"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] GA
Allies: [member="Soeht"] OS
Gear in Bio

88 and the rest of his unit looked about as the city was ablaze with combat as far as they could see. The commander was on the radio, gathering intelligence on the battle. 88 noticed his eyes go wide when he was told that Senate had been breach in another quadrant.

"Move inside, the Senate has been breached. We must take it back. Bring the BFG's!"

In time, those not occupied with tasks moved to the steps and up into the building. Over the radio, it was noted that a Sith Lord was engaging the Alliance forces in the main halls. The Mobile Infantry was inbound on the Alliance position.
The Valley Of The Dark Lords

The woman. The guardians. The standfast Jedi beside her. He knew them, by stance alone. Plasma bolts coursed by the Wolf as he advanced and the guardians focused on the new threat. A Republic trooper stood in his way, bigger than he and probably weighing more. Preliat turned the knife in his left hand forward facing. The Trooper seized him by the biceps, but found the Beskar'kandar knife lodged directly in his chest cavity. Preliat grit his teeth and heaved the man forward, knocking him to the ground with savage strength and terrifying violence. He stabbed him several more times in the span of a few breaths, once in the eye and the second behind the ear, and the rest in his neck before he knew the man would not get up. He stood tall in the heat of the battle, the heat of the violence. He was in the eye of the storm, surrounded by bloodshed and wanton destruction. And [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Marcello Matteo"]- they could feel him. Feel his rage. Feel his anger, feel the savagery and the terrible violence in him. There was little to him at this point. No peace existed in him. No redeeming light embedded down. There was only a swirling sea of darkness with Preliat, and for the time being, it was focused on them.

His grip tightened on the blades in his hand, and he screamed. A blood-curling, horrifying war cry that only a man like he could make. It was not a sound that should come forth from a living person. It was the sound of an animal, a demon, a beast set forth by some hellish master. He dug his heels into the ground, bent his knees, and angled his body at the trio. And he activated the jetpack, skyrocketing towards them as fast as he could, with only one intent, one thought on his mind.

To kill everyone he saw.
[member="Aela Talith"], [member="Adder"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Courts Stisee"], [member="IT-88"]​

Soeht ceased to move the moment [member="Aela Talith"] reached out with the Force. A group of 5th Legion soldiers attempted to restrain the Acolyte - a human male - that attacked Aela. The apprentice did not have the strength to resist this time.

As [member="Adder"] discovered with Halen, the blinking device was fairly simple to disarm. Yet as she and [member="Kyber Salurra"] would discover if they explored the Senate Rotunda more, there were far more of the same devices haphazardly left in the open along the hallways.

However if they sought to search the offices below, such as the Chancellery Secretariat, they would learn the full extent of the danger.

The other Acolyte - the one that had remained by Soeht’s side and who was a female pureblood Sith - sprang to action. She tossed her lightsaber at the Jedi Marshall’s body - action would have been necessary to avoid injury.

Then through a display of willpower becoming of a Sith Lord, Soeht managed to move his thumb a half inch while in stasis. Substance was given to the threats that [member="Adder"] and [member="Kyber Salurra"] imagined as an explosion erupted in the space that the human Acolyte used to occupy. The 5th Legion soldiers that attempted to restrain him had disappeared in flames as well.

A chunk of the pillar the Acolyte landed next to was destroyed. It crumbled under the weight of the upper level directly above it. The Senate Building was far from coming down as a whole, yet there would be cause for concern if it was confirmed that many more of the same bombs were planted within the building.

And to add to the growing chaos at the Senate Building, One Sith reinforcements were approaching the Great Door at [member="IT-88"]’s command. More from the Alliance seemed to be on the way as well...
Post #2
Military District
Enemies:[member="Keld Fett"]

Smoke. Confusion. Death. Blaster Fire.

The scenery about summed up the cumulative experience past six years of Amin's life. He took up a firing position with the rest of the Platoon he'd linked up with, who when positioned as they were on opposite sides of the large road leading down the center, created a deadly field of fire for the now landing Pubs a few blocks up. The Lt. took aim through the rifle's sights, with his firing position situated directly next to a light machine gunner. He felt odd. Listening to the OS Officer bark orders but not actually giving any, another member of the rank and file. It'd been a while.

The sounds of blaster fire drew closer. A few flickers becoming visible now a couple blocks up, through the fog. The gunner next to him flecked a gloved hand.

The crack of sniper fire could be heard behind.

Then came the silhouettes. Amin fired at one that appeared to be running haphazardly onward. The shadow crumpled before being replaced by another, and another. The LMGs on either side of the road opened up on the advancing GA soldiers with the efficiency and hate typical of a shocktrooper. Amin very nearly felt a pang of pity for those Infantrymen now headed into the meatgrinder of blaster fire.
Location: Inside the Senate Building.
Mission: Search the Area
Allies: Galactic Alliance // [member="Aela Talith"] // [member="Adder"] // [member="Keld Fett"]
Enemies: One Sith // [member="Soeht"] // [member="IT-88"]
Gear: Personal Heavy Armor - Usual Equipment - BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle - (4x) Flashbang Grenade - (2x) EMP Grenade - (2x) Thermal Detonator

Kyber didn't have time for all these kriffing troopers. Kyber picked them off easily with a quick double tap for the most part, but there were too many to feel comfortable and Kyber needed to disarm these bombs as quickly as possible. He'd already gotten through just about half a dozen explosives, but that was nothing compared to what could've been all over the whole building. There had to be a better way. Upon finding his seventh bomb, Kyber quickly disarmed it before taking it into the closest room and examining it closely. As he picked the bomb apart he searched for one very specific part in particular- a part that he found. A receiver. That means these bombs were being controlled remotely by some form of transmitter. Kyber could work with that. He walked back to the hallway and quickly checked the area before barring the door and beginning to work.

He quickly ripped out the transceiver of the bomb as he reached into his leftmost belt pouch for a small set of maintenance tools- just in case his electronics shorted out in the field. Which they did. A lot. Snapping off his helmet, Kyber opened up his comms array and hot-wired in the receiver haphazardly directly into the communications system. Now that the basic setup was ready, Kyber put his helmet back on and turned his comms to mach the receiver's own safety frequency. With that Kyber went back into the bomb and swiped it's very own power source, connecting it to the jury-rigged helmet transceiver. With that extra battery power, Kyber turned his comm systems transmitter to max- essentially turning it into a makeshift bomb jammer- but that's when Kyber felt it. A tremor. That wasn't good. He had to hurry.

Kyber picked up the powerpack to his new piece of equipment and stuffed it tight into the helmet itself before using his blaster's sling to tie it around his belt. Now with the proper equipment there was only one person in the building that would have the real transmitter. So, with a heavy sigh Kyber took out his modified flash goggled and donned them before taking off in full sprint back towards the entrance to the Senate building, hoping that whenever this Sith Lord decided to activate the signal again- he'd be close enough to jam it.
Location: Transport wreckage, blocks away from Valley of lords
Objective: Get back into the battle
Dancing buddy: [member="Jori Varad"]

Her hand ascended the smoke and latched on to whatever it could for her to use as leverage. For the moment she heard nothing as her ears rang, but gradually the sound of flames burning just around her became audible. She pulled herself up and over the crumpled metal that protruded from the wreckage. With her head peaking through the shadows of the smoke, the entire battlefield became audible and she refocused.

She looked down to the legs of her associates who hadn't made it, she shut her eyes as her face tensed with emotion; this is war. She tried to release herself from the wreckages but her robes were snagged on a metal edge. She tried to pull but could feel the heat of the metallic scrapping against the skin of her flesh. If she were to fully pull she would risk slicing herself, however she couldn't see due to the smoke.

She reached for her lightsaber...but she had lost that in the crash. The only option she had was her associates as his was still clipped on. She reached out with her right hand, palm open, extending her mind. With ease...her hand acted as a magnet, attracting the lightsaber directly into her palm and allowing her to grip it for use. With quick precision, she ignited the blue blade and began to carve herself free.

The battle raged in the distance, while sparks illuminated her presence while she proceeded with free herself.



[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Alen Na'Varro"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] - Nearby
ENEMIES: [member="Lassiter"] - Direct
[member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Tes Dralyn"] | [member="Sera Inkari"] | [member="Jake Daniels"] - Nearby

Lilin ran up the stairs, her heart aching and stomach turning. She would have to control that, she knew that, but it was easier said than done. Her lightsaber attached to her belt, she knew as soon as she took it into her hands, she could feel the calming effect it would have on her. However, she couldn't just run with the saber ignited. After all, her force signature was hidden and nobody was supposed to know there were Jedi crawling through the rubble to the valley.

She tried to keep her boots from making too much noise, even though it was difficult. Running on her tiptoes, she was glad that she'd been taught some stealth when she was younger. Otherwise she would have most likely run like a mammoth, making every step echo throughout the whole valley and even beyond.

Just a few more steps...

And there she was, behind the statue of the ancient One Sith Lord Darth Talon. It was odd to see such a majestic statue in real life -- the Sith had been one of the most notable members of the old One Sith, hence the reason her embodiment in the form of stone was raised there. If the Alliance won the battle of Coruscant, she was sure all of these statues would be thrown away, destroyed, burned down, thrown into a black hole or something. She hated the Sith.

The fresh air made Lilin lose focus for a moment -- finally she could feel better, finally she didn't feel like throwing up anymore. She had a plenty of air to breathe, she was no longer so oppressed by the effects of the Dark Side nexus.

Yet now came the most difficult part. She would have to destroy the Sith.

After so many years, the Jedi Master was on Coruscant, the former heart of the Jedi Order and now the core of the One Sith. It felt prophetic to be there to say the least. It felt like she was truly connected to the Force there. Yet she would have to destroy the impurity of the Force in the form of Sith there.

Who knew how many of them were there... She decided to take a moment to rest behind the statue before hopping right into battle. After all, if she were to jump into an army of Sith Lords, she would need some additional energy.

Aneya Maev

SCNN's J-type Star Skiff
Enemies: [member="Darth Megnentis"] / GNN

"Miss Aneya, we've received a message. The local news are cut out of the system, we could connect ourselves to the holobroadcast instead," a report came from Team B2.

"How did that happen?" the girl was curious. These news were amazing. Of course, if the GNN was cut out, SCNN's technicians could easily hack into the holonet and really tell the citizens of Coruscant and the One Sith how things actually are. The possibilities the girl saw were enormous -- while soldiers were marching on the battlefield and pilots were fighting in the sky and Jedi did their own thing, they were nothing, really. But what truly won the citizens and made them feel safe was media.

"Uh, I don't know... Some GA people cut the lines or something. Their main station has no power and it takes time and work to get the secondary stations going. We could react quickly and take the broadcast over," Team B2 spoke.

"Do that. Send every media you can about the cruelties of the Sith. Connect my microphone and I will try to tell something to the citizens," Aneya spoke while she tried to locate her microphone from the ship. The SCNN always had different technology with them in case they were needed. And that long-distance microphone was exactly what they needed at that moment.

"Done. You can start now," the man reported. "Sullust is in charge of the videos and pictures of the OS. Elrood and Bestine try to secure us to the system so that the GNN couldn't cut us out so soon."

"Team B1 is back up. Team T has arrived," another report from a different ship came in. Team T stood for transport -- Xander had sent their last ship to the planet.

Aneya found her microphone, turned it on and started speaking. At the same time, she turned on the broadcast on the ship to ensure that everything was looking great. She could see scenes from previous battles, including Dulvoyinn, Lujo and different smaller-scale battles, as well as the One Sith's invasion of Coruscant.

"Citizens of the One Sith Empire," she started speaking, her words echoing throughout the planet thanks to the speakers scattered around the city. "I am Aneya Maev from Sullust Central News Network."

That was a real challenge for her. She would have to deliver the best speech she could. Even though her speech wouldn't win the battle, she felt like it could have a serious impact on the opinion of the people.

"Your government has bathed you in lies. They have fed you with facts mutated to the point where they are no longer relevant nor legitimate. They have brainwashed you and there is nothing you could have done against it."

She took a deep breath.

"The One Sith has portrayed us, the alliance of people, as the ones responsible for all the galaxy's problems, yet the real source of all evil are themselves. To bring you back from the dreamland of lies the Sith have pushed you into, we have taken over the media of Coruscant to show you what the war is really like."

She could tell they had very limited time left.

"Look at these scenes and think -- are the Galactic Alliance really the bad guys and the One Sith the good saviours? Look at the innocent people dying in the hands of these imperial soldiers and getting cut in half by blades of red. Is this the 'sanctum' the Sith speak of? Is this the place where you want to live, ruled by people who've no respect for their citizens?"

She gestured at her team to portray her on the broadcast and turn on the volume as much as they could throughout the city.

"Coruscant, choose your side. Don't let yourself be coated with lies. Rise against the darkness and fight. It is the dawn of the truth, so join me when I say -- let the Sith succumb in their lies."

"Be a Candle in the Dark!"

1st Sparrow Drone - the Black Pyramid | [member="Count Morcus"] & [member="Elaine Thul"]
2nd Sparrow Drone - the Middle City | [member="Alesia Rivas"] & [member="Lukas Krieger"]
3rd Sparrow Drone - the Valley of Dark Lords | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Alen Na'Varro"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Lassiter"] | [member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Tes Dralyn"] | [member="Sera Inkari"] | [member="Jake Daniels"]
4th Sparrow Drone - the Senate Building | [member="Adder"], [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Soeht"], [member="Kyber Salurra"], [member="Courts Stisee"], [member="IT-88"]
5th Sparrow Drone - the Financial District | [member="Ugohr Poof"], [member="Lisette Kuhn"], [member="Abyss"], [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
Centax Memorial Wall
[member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Darth Megnentis"]

A shiver of exquisite pleasure ran down the length of her spine, and Aver had to brace against the wall to bite back a moan. Clearly, Loray was enjoying himself, whatever he was doing upstairs. Some form of horrifying slaughter, no doubt.

The temptation to revel in the echoes of his delight was strong, but the merc pressed on. She channeled his joy into her own will, metal boots hitting the deck harder with each step. Before she knew it, she was running, down down down the spiral stairs. The deeper she went, the less soldiers she met – seems most of them were outside, fighting the invaders. Those that she did encounter, Aver mostly left alone so long as they took her credentials at face value and didn’t bother checking the madness under the hood.

A few of them weren’t so gullible.

“Hey, you there! Where do you think you’re going?”

She grit her teeth and slowed her pace. A hand went to rest on her belt, obscuring the shape of her knife so that she could draw it easily when it came to that.

And come to that it would.

“I’m looking for the can,” she said as she turned on the spot. The pair of guards approached cautiously, sizing up the armored woman. They tasted distinctly like… fear.

A slow grin split the skull on her visor.

“Your identity, rank, and purpose. You’ve got five seconds, or we turn you into minced meat.” His voice climbed in volume, and his grip on the rifle tightened.

“Funny,” she drawled, leaning forward into the overhead light, “I was just about to say that.”

He fired, and the first few bolts scored her along her ribs. Her phrik-clad ribs. Aver dashed to the side, dropping into a low stance before she barreled into the pair. Armor and muscle knocked them back, and the trio hit the floor with the ear-piercing shriek of metal against metal. This close, his rifle was useless, except for Aver to break his hand with it.

The soldier screamed, bucking underneath her weight. It upset her balance just long enough for the other man to slam the stock of his own weapon into her chest. The blow sent her reeling, but she grabbed the momentum and rolled over her shoulder. She was upon them before they could find their feet again. The second guy received a boot to his jaw for the trouble, the other a knife to his throat.

In a matter of seconds they went limp, and the hall went quiet. The only thing she could hear was her heartbeat as she rose to her full height again. Unlike her companion, she rarely toyed with her food. Certainly not when she had a job to do.

She was ready to head off towards the generator when a door to her right caught her gaze. Research centre, a spartan black label said. The skull grinned wider, and the merc pulled out her datacard.

There was always time to kidnap an engineer.
[ [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Kelon Amadis"] ]

If there ever was a time to remember combat training, this was it. The sound of the coat hitting the floor and weapons getting cocked caused Owen to recoil for a second. When dealing with shady people in a shady underworld where everything in general was just shady you had to stay on your toes. His father had told of an incident not too unlike this from back when he was still a cop working investigations, before his ‘retirement’ into patrol. The scene was different, Naboo was a far cry from the kind of organization that people had on Coruscant. Or perhaps it was the opposite. Whereas crime on Naboo had to be meticulously planned it was a dog-eat-dog world on Coruscant. In this particular scenario his father had tried to play along with the people holding him at gunpoint. Owen tried his best to remember and imitate. As such, half-hidden behind a clothes rack he took the opportunity to turn the safety off on his blaster before stepping out into the open. Blaster still in his holster he approached the armed men who seemed to be asking for his face.

A chuckle parted his lips. “Yeah, no, sorry. I’m kind of very fond of my own face.”

The chuckle faded into a grin that faded into an impassive stare at the man who seemed to be in charge. A look went over to Allyson and then down to her holster as if to indicate that it was about time to grab onto whatever weapon she had and open fire in just about…


A swift hand reached from behind, slid across and into the holster and dug out the man’s blaster which was raised and aimed for the face-claimer’s head. The trigger was pulled, sending a superheated bolt of plasma towards the skull of Mister Face. Leaving no room for a follow-up the man tried to do the same with the man next to him, albeit not as successful. The shot was off-target, a shot for the man’s face turned into a shot for somewhere else. An arm, a leg, a wall behind him.

Owen himself retreated to behind a low shelf topped with clothes.

“I choose violence!” The Naboo native shouted to his attackers. Just cause.

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