Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BLACKOUT (Galactic Alliance Invasion of the One Sith held Coruscant.)

Location: Unknown, Last Sighted Above the Palace District.
Mission: Survive
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron, BB-24 'Buttercup'
Enemies: The One Sith
Equipment: DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol

Standing within the sundered tenement, I watched on with baited breath as the arc torch had eclipsed the header of the piston-driven door. It would be only a matter of time until the men on the other side had torn the door free from it's housing and entered this shattered chamber with little opposition. I had to admit; there wasn't much my Peashooter could do against fully armed and armored Enemy Combatants. Now if only I had my Scattergun, then the odds would've been in my favor. Tight quarters and a large spread equal an every growing tally with every roaring discharge. However, like my copilot, the devastating weapon had passed on into whatever afterlife awaited it, leaving me terribly alone and outmatched. My comrades would believe me dead, and any available, friendly units nearby were dealing with their problems, abandoning me to the mercy of those that were nearly finished slicing through the door.

So much for the unofficial Squadron motto of leaving no sibling-in-arms behind!

No. I couldn't think like that. I wasn't alone, in the beginning, and though it was painfully clear that the truth was opposite of what my mind had decided to accept, I wasn't alone now. Rogue Four was merely sleeping, and it was my watch. She depended on me for protection, and that's exactly what I would do until my last breath. Fear had no place in my thoughts. Thus I lied to myself to keep a steady grip on my sidearm. Taking comfort in my mental fabrication, I felt the end come long before my gaze had registered what would happen. The sudden rush of fire caressing my exposed flesh. The scent of seared ozone pervading the air. My wordless cries of agony echoing between the deadly exchange. What I had seen in vivid flashes, was my future, and by the grace of whatever power flowed through my cursed veins, I was granted a vision of my own death.

The experience had taken me by surprise, and as the door was wrenched from its housing, I fell to the rubble-strewn floor with my violet eyes wide in shock. The sensation was, well, fatalistic and was something I'd never wish to endure again, but as the Stormtroopers began filing into the room with their weapons raised - I knew all too well that this time might be real, rather than a construct of my malignant gifts. In the moments that followed their explosive entrance, I could scarcely recall had what transpired. My weapon, though I had fallen prone, was still raised as they made their cautious advance. I remember the sounds of blaster fire and the cauterizing sting of their deadly kiss rending my flesh asunder. But, despite all my efforts to draw upon what had taken place - I was bereft of answers.

Duraplast-armored corpses had crumbled to their knees, ringing me with the billowing stench of their decaying bodies. My pistol, lay lifelessly in the growing pool of their blood, soon to be drenched in the crimson waters of life. The hand, which looked like my own, but felt detached from the whole, was outstretched like a carrion's talon. Had I unwittingly given into my curse, and allowed such evils to be wrought upon those that sought to claim my life? I couldn't say. Hell, I didn't even know what happened. It was like one moment blurred into the next, and time had finally restored my perception of events without the recollection. An oddity, that perhaps one day I would pursue; but as I was alone behind enemy lines - there was much I needed to do.

Slipping in the gathering pool of blood as I sought to rise, my body had smashed into the duracrete debris and sent shivers of agony down my wounded form. I was made painfully aware that, in my haste to rouse myself from this depressing mirage, it led only towards the worsening of my injuries. Trying to stifle a soured laugh, I made the attempt again - though this time having learned from my mistake and placing my weight upon the more stable sections of the floor and a nearby corpse. Now situated upon my knees and able to breathe, albeit more freely than before, I began to police the bodies of their usable arms and kit. The thermal detonators and grenades would've come in handy, but seeing as they were biometrically linked to their bearers, they would do me little good - unless I desecrated the bodies of the fallen and fashioned myself a pagan necklace of severed hands. Wouldn't that be a sight to see, I chided myself. A bloody avenger, stalking the war-torn streets of Coruscant, with his neck ringed by the hands of his fallen victims.

Tossing those useless trinkets aside, I searched for something more worth my while, and after what seemed like an age - I had come across a veritable gold mine. Fresh, and unmolested Rations, alongside a cannibalized Survival kit pieced together by the various items that each slain Soldier had on their person. While these were more cosmetic items that would keep me alive, should the One Sith push the Alliance out of the system, what I was more concerned with was the wealth of power packs and weapons I now had at my disposal. True, it was a shame that their medkits were destroyed when I had somehow pulped their bodies, but what did that matter now that my blood-soaked hands held onto a rifle that could be used to slay more of their ilk, allowing me to pick apart their butchered figures.

Such was War. They had no more need of it when they were dead, and it was only right that I took what was required. Let others judge me harshly for such callous acts of scavenging. My life was on the line, and I had to do whatever was necessary in order to survive.
Location: Shuttle en route to Wesport
Objective: Eliminate GA forces
Allies: [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
Enemies: GA forces
Gortugg might not be the smartest being in the galaxy, or even close to, but even he could detect the resentment that his fellow soldiers held for him. He couldn't read Basic or understand the language, but experience told him that this was some sort of elite unit he was working with. Mercenary work was certainly interesting.

Of course, he couldn't understand their resentment. Maybe they felt inadequate next to his magnificent physique and large collection of Morrt. Maybe it was because he was a mercenary working with an elite group. Maybe it was because he'd accidentally broken a few arms in a friendly arm-wrestling tournament. Whatever it was, it made him grip his Arg'garok even tighter. He welcomed any challenge from these weaklings who couldn't even wrestle a weaning sow.

As they headed down towards the surface, Gortugg could see explosions and blaster fire from inside the shuttle. The dishonorable weaklings were using ranged weapons, not fighting with melee weapons like real boars. It disgusted him. When he got down to the surface, he would make sure those pitiful fleshlings would find his axe embedded in their skulls. His allies were just as dishonorable, but he had to tolerate it for now. If he saw them again, he would challenge them on the spot and separate their tiny heads from their puny bodies. The only one he respected was his commander, the being who hired him, as he wielded some sort of shiny sword and fought honorably.

He snorted impatiently, counting down the seconds until he could slaughter his enemies in glorious combat. They might have the range advantage, but if any enemy was unlucky enough to find themselves within a couple yards of the hulking Gamorrean, the only thing left would be a pile of amputated appendages.
Location: Westport Starport, Landing Pad 13
Current Objective: Secure a Landing Zone.
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Sal Katarn"], [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: The One Sith, [member="Abelain Narv'uk"], [member="Gortugg"], [member="Blazing Eye"]
Equipment: See Profile Reference Sheet

It was within that macro-crater that Astarii would remain while she listened to the responses acknowledging her commands. As good as it was to feel the thrill of Battlefield authority again, the Hapan had secretly wished it happened on the bridge of a Warship - where she was able to stand freely and act however she desired. Being clad in armor and forced to submit to the rules of action and instinct, were not her forte' - at least not yet with the sting of loss being so recently inflicted. Perhaps with time and ample training, she might be able to endure these begrudging tasks on foot. She was forced to alter her line of thinking in order to succeed in this theatre, and thus as she waited for her reinforcements - the Captain withdrew a data slate from one of the pouches lashed to her endoskeleton's waist.

There were those wise enough to say, that Knowledge was Power, however, while that motto had rung true in many situations, Knowledge was useless if not applied to the situation appropriately. One had to be prepared to face the unexpected at all times, and though the Starport was rife in such eventualities, the Hapan Officer did what she could to garner whatever advantage she could from reading through the presented information. Errant bolts of crimson lightning lashed out into the ruined flight deck, some striking the basalt ground beneath her feet, and others vaporizing the caked gore from her armor. She paid her assailants little mind, focusing solely on the data scrolling across the crystalline slate.

The passing signs of war had gripped the scene tight as the Captain immersed herself in her findings. There was much work that had been done since the Alliance had last stepped foot upon this world, and though little had been recorded in areas that the public could easily access, Astarii had found herself drawn to the more classified documents. There was something there that she couldn't see, and it was starting to frustrate her. That was when the first of the multiple interruptions had taken place. It seemed in her momentary lapse of situational awareness, the pulsating rune of Shrike and his team had made their approach upon her position. When he had opened his mouth to speak of the grisly scene that surrounded the Captain, the woman nearly missed what he had said - let alone acknowledge that he was there.

When a moment of war-forged silence had passed, Astarii looked up from her data slate and let her featureless gaze bore into the man she had only known as Shrike. As his words repeated, through the sudden recollection of her helmet's internal sensors, the Hapan tilted her head in a mockingly playful manner. Such were the gestures of those that lacked a face to express their emotions.

"That's what happens when Pests destroy the Hive." The Captain said, doing all she could to swallow the unexpected rush of venom dripping from her tone. "Though I'm glad you've made it here with such alacrity. We've much to do, and little time in which to do it. From what I've garnered, High Command wants to utilize the Starport as one of the myriad Landing Zones spread out across the Planet. We take these crucial points, and more reinforcements from Orbit have a safe harbor in which to berth." Slipping the Dataslate back into her pouch and withdrawing the Marksmen Disruptor Rifle from the magnetized plating atop the small of her back, the Hapan began to inspect the weapon and continued to speak as if glancing over her weapon was nothing more than an idle distraction to keep her hands busy. "Directorate Aerial Support is moving in, so we'll have little to worry about as we march into the primary terminal. Several levels may or may not contain enemy combatants, but we're also running the risk of catching some civilians in the crossfire - so be careful and place your shots well. Anyone found gunning down innocents will face a court martial, where I'm Judge, Jury, and Executioner." To supplement her point, the Hapan cycled the Disruptor live, allowing it's pleasant chime to fill the air. "Got it?" She said rhetorically, before sighting the Starport down the length of her barrel. "Good. Fall-out and Advance."

Without waiting to hear his retort, as the Captain had expected it would be dripping with rancorous sarcasm, She began to move her armored bulk into the hulking shadow of a perched Transport Shuttle. The energized fiber bundles of her battle plate purred with anticipation as she pressed her shapely figure against the outer hull of the shuttle. That was when the second interruption had made itself present, and like the one before this - it was a welcome one. Well, as welcome as could be since everyone loved the detached and uncaring personality profile that Shrike had seemingly embodied. Sarcasm was far from her strong suite, and the Hapan bit her lip, hoping that the Soldier wasn't a Telepath.

Turning her gaze towards the sky and feeling the slightest tinge of sorrow grip her heart as the Eidolon-class Transports had come into view, Astarii swallowed her emotions as a familiar voice sounded over the cycled channel. :: Understood Nighttide, I appreciate your expedient arrival. We're moving in to take the Terminal now, care to join us? ::
Location: Inside the Senate Building.
Mission: Search the Area
Allies: Galactic Alliance // [member="Aela Talith"] // [member="Adder"]
Enemies: One Sith // [member="Soeht"]
Gear: Personal Heavy Armor - Usual Equipment - BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle - (4x) Flashbang Grenade - (2x) EMP Grenade - (2x) Thermal Detonator

Kyber didn't like it. Not one bit. Why did he never get to fight the Sith Lord? He'd probably die or something like that, but it was still getting on his nerves at this point. This has to be at least the third time he's been forced to face a Sith Lord only to have some goody-goody Jedi to swoop in and tell him 'it's too dangerous', or 'you'll get in the way'. Alas, orders are orders and Kyber didn't feel like putting up a fuss today. It was gonna be a long fight and the last thing he needed was this Jedi pissed at him for the rest of their venture together. So with a heavy heart Kyber and a light sigh, Kyber gave a brisk nod and began his jog towards the other half of the legion that had already made their way further- but not before he could hear the Sith remark creepily; Ţh́is͏ bui͜ldi̴n͠g i̵s ̕wo͜r̢th͜l͢e͟ss҉,

Right after Kyber turned the corner he ran into a small group of troopers centered around something. That was certainly interesting to see on a battlefield. Looking closer he noticed the blinking device. Then he remembered where he was. This was a building, and buildings are gonna have traps. Kyber watched the Alliance forces push forward as he made his way over towards the bomb- helping the soldiers pick off a few stragglers now and then. When he reached the bomb he squatted down next to the one seemingly trying to disable it. He wasn't going to try and interfere unless he had to, but keeping an eye on the process made him feel a lot more comfortable. After looking over the bomb for a few moments Kyber felt this pecking in the back of his mind, like he was missing something. Something important... but what was it? Then it hit him.

Kyber stood up swiftly as his mind began racing. He slowly started to understand what that feeling was- and he didn't like the conclusion he was coming to. Wasn't this place supposed to be abandoned? Minimal Security? Yet a Sith Lord came to greet their Legion with open arms. Even making a display of himself and his allies- exposed completely to the full might of the Legion. Even a Sith Lord and his two buddies couldn't be that cocky against a Jedi Master and an army of trained Sith-killers. Not to mention that creepy remark. Worthless? Which brings us back to the explosive at hand. If you're going to have your own troopers running through these halls why put a bomb with a motion tracker in the middle of the floor? Isn't that what soldiers with grenades are for? A throwing grenade can do serious damage these days. Now on top of that, we have the troops. Kyber didn't attend any fancy military academy, but he figured you didn't need to be a genius to work out that with the amount of troopers the Sith had they'd never beat back the GA or call for reinforcements in time. As Kyber kept processing the answer became more and more clear. If Kyber was a Sith Lord, what would be the biggest 'Kark You' he could give to the wimps over at the GA who were trying to take back their building for 'democracy'?

Kyber began sprinting at a semi-cautious pace down the hallway in search of more bombs- his eyes darting from corner to corner. Although, if his theory was right these bombs didn't have motion trackers anyway. As he was making his way down the tight halls he patched a line through to Aela as quickly as he could; "Aela! Get that Sith talking- I could be wrong, but I have reason to believe that this place is rigged to blow. Call all Squad Leaders and get a sitrep on heavy explosives in their area." Kyber then flicked off his mic as he continued on his search.


If there was one downside to the incredibly useful abilities the force provided, namely that of the bonds forged in the force, it was that using them in any capacity was like lighting a beacon just begging to be found. In the course of a few minutes [member="Ugohr Poof"]'s orders, [member="Clovis Torcularis"]' and [member="Abyss"]'s actions, and her own force-fueled sprint had greatly changed the field of battle on this stretch of the financial district. However, whereas the Sith had either chosen to try to hide themselves and fight from the proverbial shadows - literally behind the rubble, inside of abandoned buildings, or just crouching below or behind cover on the street - Lisette sought to take the fight, at least that of the significant portion of the force users present, straight to her.

While [member="Clovis Torcularis"]'s position had been all but exposed to the Mandalorian Vahla, it was her own arrival that she wanted to broadcast. A kind of 'challenge' if you will. Many initiate-level wielders of the force knew fairly well how to diminish their presence and how to reverse that process, but expanding that presence both on a mental and visible plane was generally lost to the untrained. 'Now, Sith, flock to me.' Lisette thought, her eyes closing momentarily, mid-step, while her presence, and indeed the aura that was wrapped tightly around her, expanded like a brilliant flash of light to the senses of those aware of such things. To the naked eye, for those force sensitive at any rate, a faint "glow", perhaps comparable to the "glow" that many pregnant women might be familiar with, was faintly visible on her face and other exposed portions of skin.

Upon opening her eyes she slowed her pace and felt out the area for any presence in the dark side, finding that she was, in fact, between the position of the somewhat revealed Abyss and Clovis - Abyss having only been noticeable in the force because of Clovis's utilization of the force bond between the two, which created a murmur in the force large enough for Lisette to identify them as two separate presences on either side of her - north and south. Though her run had shortened to a jog, she still kept the pace great enough to have made some ground from her prior altercation with the band of soldiers earlier. Off in the distance, though not incredibly far from her, Lis spotted one [member="Clovis Torcularis"] wielding twin sabers, not unlike her own. At the same moment, however, the young woman was set upon by a duo of acolytes, likely looking to make a name for themselves by killing Jedi in a group fashion.

Unfortunately for these two, leaping towards the seasoned knight with sabers extended for a vertical and horizontal Sai Tok (it appeared the two didn't quite consider the consequence of what would happen to the two of them even if their strikes had carried through, nor the ramifications of what being bisected in such an event) was probably not the best of ideas. While many Jedi were trained in Soresu, Makashi, or Shii-Cho, Lisette had opted for a more brutal approach to saber combat - it was also why she didn't identify with the mainstream Jedi Order or the newer, rebranded, New Jedi Order. Like the two maneuvers utilized, currently, against the Jedi, Lisette made use of incredibly volatile combat styles such as Juyo and Ataru.

"Rhaaahh!" "Ha!"

The ridiculous shouting that drew Lisette's attention to the two Sith, alongside of the alerting of immediate danger via the force, ruined any chance of a surprise attack that the two had for her. Both of her lightsabers, amber and violet, were already lit. Both enemies had approached her from either side of her, left and right. Strategically, it made defense for anyone difficult, and it was a relatively decent choice for an attack - grunting aside - when facing a superior foe. However, Lisette had a saber in each hand, was trained specifically for combat in such situations, and was the former apprentice to the Sword of the Jedi. Yes, that Rekali. "You lot never give in." She muttered, suddenly bending at the knees, feet pivoting so her toes were facing to the right, and then lifted both of her hands, and the sabers contained in either, towards the approaching blades.

In the span of less than half a minute the deed was done, two Sith falling in much the same manner that they had expected her to collapse - at least that was likely how the two imbeciles perceived their fate.

A breath exhaled, shallow, from small lips. Her brow knit together as her eyes shut, hair tossing to the left as she pushed herself up from the ground with both force and repulsorlift-enhanced speed. In her right hand a violet saber spun rapidly, expert precision made excellent use of in removing the Acolyte's hands at the wrist before his forward Sai Tok could even hope to reach her, and a telekinetic push launched the disarmed Sith apprentice backwards and far away from her, the saber and his amputated hands being pushed along with him to impale him through the chest upon striking a fallen piece of rubble. The second, her dominant left, bore an amber saber that was somewhat heavier than the one she had in her right, and with it she shoved the dim blade directly into the horizontally-sweeping blade of her foe while her body rotated mid-air.

"And now you die."

Truly the acolyte hadn't been deserving of any words from her, not even capable of keeping up with the woman with the aid of another, and the saber lock and subsequent leftward rotation of her body led to her violet saber being ripped through the air to decapitate the unfortunate apprentice through the base of his skull. Now lifeless, no force remained in the boy to resist the saber lock and his body was flung from the force of the swing of her amber saber while she spun in the air for two rotations before landing firmly on her right foot and then her second a moment later. "Waste of my time." She grumbled, turning back towards the approaching form of Clovis, rolling her shoulders in preparation of an engagement, eyes opening as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

'Bring it on.'
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

The heel of her boot caused a muffled echo to reverberate all around the chamber. Sena got up from the ground to the sound of the muted anthem broadcast from battlefields above. She thought of it as a rather fitting music for a day such as this, a day in which the last few remnants of an empire past it’s expiration date would either be squashed or come out an underdog. The half-vahla had little in the way of patience when it came to waiting for bloodshed. Without a doubt there would be rats crawling through the temple walls, writhing in their own filth as they fought for a cause they believed to be bigger than themselves. Sena had been much like those rats at one point. The only difference between her and them was that unlike them she had grown up.

The galaxy didn’t care for you. Nothing and nobody ever did. That which was life to many was little but a facade to hide the anguish and pain of existence. The scars on her back, the scratched out tattoo on her wrist and the ever constant betrayal of family had been more than enough proof for Sena to reject the concept of that which people held close to their hearts. All she had was the Ember, all she cared for was the Ember. The Ember of Vahl and Ameli had effectively replaced everything; both of them being irreplaceable to her by any means and if such a thing was to happen it would have more than devastating effects on the half-Vahla’s already incredibly fragile mind as the last few shreds of trust that she held for others was quenched in one fell swoop.

Her fingers wrapped around her saber as she let the mere thought of it fuel her anger. Maybe one day she would know peace but before then she would do everything to take as much of the galaxy with her. Her fate had already been sealed at the gates outside the self-emancipated slave pit. She wasn’t going to live a full life, she wasn’t ever going to be who her family would have wanted her to be. Death was that only constant factor to life that she knew of. One day it would come to her and she would welcome it with open arms, but that day had not arrived yet. For as long as she was able she would do everything in her might to put others down before her. The innocent, the guilty, the filthy. The good, the bad, the ugly, none were sacred and none were to be spared.

The voices in her mind spoke of the need to move. Her teeth gritted as she readied herself for yet another battle. Another drop of blood in the name of the goddess. Today was not the day that the Sword of Vahl perished.
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Vexen"]
Enemies: [member="Lyle Baelor"]
Location: With Micah and Vexen
Objective: TBA.
Song: Graveyard Shift

The ramp’s hiss worked in symmetry with the changing disguise and appearance of one Kaili Talith as the holographic disguise kicked to life. It was always a weird experience to watch as a hologram embraced the entirety of your body and face before taking on the look of someone else. The girl’s otherwise pale skin was enveloped by a slightly more tanned pigment, her hair turned darker, her eyes brown. The clothes on her back, although still heavy and very much her armor, faded into a more official uniform. It was enough for even Kaili to be impressed. Her eyebrows perked and her head nodded in a brief moment of admiration. This tech was alright.

“Yeah, we got this.” Kaili whispered under her breath at her brother’s attempt at reassurance. She followed him down the ramp and stopped as they stepped into the open. A wary glance shot out for the skies that seemed to be on fire. “The faster we get there, the faster this will be over.”

She set off in a walk towards the facility. “So, I go in through the front entrance while you two go in through the back? Worst case scenario, you come save my ass?”


Ecarht Arak

Gladiator 7 (Dead PM Writers Account)
Enemies: [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Jareb Kaine"] Dynamic Duo! (+One [member="Alexandra Russo"], looking smooth)
Objective: Chicken Games, Fried Xwing Styled. Now with dip dip dip dweeeerp sauce.
Fluff NPC Allies: 9/12x Ki ES Mki Aces, Gladiator Squadron.
Surrounding NPC Regular Fighter Fluff: 83/120 Ki IC Mki Interceptors - 10 Squadrons. | 46/60 Ki SB Mki Bombers - 5 Squadrons.
Round 2 for 2 rogues.

Popping two stims, throwing her head back and chewin down. Rebelbutt had a wingman. Two frakfaces, double the fun! Feeling light sweat and her cockpit heating up.

[member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Jareb Kaine"]

Her girl was a’okay. Unlike civilian craft, modern combat starfighters could operate even with severe damage, sporting fancy matrix armor. Sweetship. What she saw was damage to that armor and some of her turn rate drop off, drag increase on her right wing. Getting some slipping along her rear end, ailerons and related thrusters were holdin up. She set her thrusters to compensate, leaving the rest to bucketboy behind her to manage. Was it hotter in here?

“I’m alright!” Ecsie shouted over her comms. Checking for anyone she could help.

Loske would scan 5/6 missiles Left. 4/6 Now as one just ended someone else’s day, hitting central to his reactor core, on her attitude fueled flyby. Smoke, explosion and not even so much as see you in hell. Just a glance to mark an alliancebutt for the glads kill board.

Keeping speed, kinetic energy, accelerating, ready to go into a climb for her own altitude. Ecs kept tabs on their evolving furball. Situational awareness was everything, pulling her head back, she saw loske and her wingmate had gone higher, so she’d given herself distance. Salute’o’girl had turned to slow down to deal with her proton-torpedo-with-love, so ecsie made the most of that time! Climbing higher. Keeping her speed, Lockse might see Ecs raising above her horizon eyeline, not high but high enough. Ecs’s engines to full, beginning to turn… roles almost reversed from their start!

Her young reflexes even sharper. Combat stims starting to kick in, like ten hours of sleep for any pilot. She brought herself nose to nose with two and opened up, speed taking her straight at them. Thrusters and engines on full, keeping her nose on them, she began an Aileron roll to put herself inverted as she fired. Man she was comin in hot if they saw her angle.

“Let’s see what you got.” Xwings had the agility and that rear gun, she had the armor, forward guns shooting between both, and…. yep, you guessed what that noise was.

Dip Dip Dip Dip Dweeeeeeeep on Loske’s wingman. [member="Jareb Kaine"]

For Jareb's wingmate, [member="Loske Matson"], gun's pulled back her way, ecsie wasn’t slowing down, aiming right for her. Who’d break first? Stim fired up sith ace looking for blood? Or ticked off rogue ace looking for revenge? As those ion and blaster cannon shots erupted around Loske, they were gonna find out!

Flying Ki ES Mki: Right Wing Damage | 3/6 Proton Torpedoes Left
The Works
Coruscant Industrial Sector

| [member="Taeli Raaf"] |

Air, dust and smoke surrounded Darth Ayra as she sunk further into Coruscant's undercity. It hadn't been too long ago that she had navigated her way down there. The last time had been during a Black Tie Syndicate skirmish with the Sith Assassins, led by [member="Darth Ophidia"] at the time, who had targeted [member="Miss Blonde"] and her cronies for assassination. At the time, Ayra had been monitoring the situation, ready to step in and save the crime lords she worked with on Antecedent due to their capability of finding rare and sometimes lost artifacts and holocrons, such as the one she had just left behind in the Initium. She now regretted ever trying to step in and save Blonde's life, despite not having an impact on what had happened the night she and the assassins had clashed. Now that she knew who Darth Ayra was, Miss Blonde was another threat marked on a list of individuals that the Dark Lord now hunted. By days end, she intended to mark Taeli Raaf's name off.

Memories of fighting alongside the Black Alchemists, a gang who had worked for [member="Christian Slade"] burst into the Dark Lord's mind as she dodged a foray of flack and turbolaser. That had been a long time ago, back in the days when she had been Pandeima's then fledgling apprentice. She hadn't seen the man since that night, but the experiences they had shared for those few brief hours had stuck with Ayra even into her latter years. She was still on the lookout in the case Slade ever resurfaced. Maneuvering past a car, whose putrid smoke and flames filled the Dark Lord's eyes momentarily, Darth Ayra felt through the Force that she was now being targeted by several scopes, who had zoomed in on her position. As they fired their shots, all of which would have killed if they had landed, Ayra zoomed through the air in a back flip. Her speeder crashed into an adjoining building, sending a fiery rain of shrapnel around her as she begun to fall in free fall.

Stretching her arms and legs out wide, Darth Ayra continued her fall. The buildings around her became distant blurs as the orange lights of the undercity became prevalent. Her robes fluttered in the gusts that assaulted her face, causing her to close her eyes less they be ripped out with the cutting winds. Whoever had shot at her were long gone, having been several stories up at the time of her fall. Death seemed imminent, with there being nothing to stop her descent. The shrapnel from her destroyed speeder connected with buildings, balconies and unfortunate bystanders. As she fell, Darth Ayra felt that her left leg had been cut by one of the slabs of metal. It didn't seem too deep, but being caught in free fall, Ayra presumed that she wouldn't know the extent of her injury until she came to a stop.

It was too late for her to grab onto something now. If she reached out to try and grab onto the side of a building or one of the vehicles that dodged her whilst she dropped, Darth Ayra knew that it would not break her fall. That she would be severely injured, perhaps killed, if she ever tried. She envisioned her arms becoming ripped out of her sockets; fingers and hands breaking; or a miscalculation in her timing, causing her face to bend inwards or other parts of her body to break, such as her neck or back. In the middle of a battle, this seemed absurd to the Dark Lord. Such injuries were paramount to being killed, and more importantly, she had the future of the Sith in the palms of her hands. Dying here was never the plan, nor was it ever acceptable. There had to be another way.

As the seconds continued to eat away, and the ground looming, Darth Ayra continued her fall. She assaulted her mind with ideas, trying to come up with the solution to her dilemma. The Orbalisks were no help, serving as a continued distraction from her logical trained mind. Pain wracked the Dark Lord of the Sith still, even as she fell closer to her death. She doubted that ever the sturdy frames of the parasites or their regenerative abilities could save her from such a drop. A solid minute had passed by since Darth Ayra had been forced to vacate her speeder, and as she wove herself to avoid lines of wire which connected buildings to their neon advertisements; balconies that adjoined the slummed apartments owned by the Coruscanti that lived this far down in the city; and several more vehicles which hovered and move through the air, she found that space to avoid each of them was becoming fewer and fewer the longer she continued to fall, as the buildings begun to come closer and closer the further she dropped.

There was only one solution available to the Dark Lord. A last resort that even she didn't know if she had the power to muster. Releasing a roar, Darth Ayra reached out to the dark side of the Force and once more surrendered herself to it's properties. She felt the Orbalisks begin to dig deeper and deeper with each tug she made on the strings of the abyss, creating a cacophony between parasite and host, as together pain was delivered to assault the very fabric of Coruscant itself. Transparisteel windows smashed; surrounding metal buckled; and the air itself ceased to be around the Dark Lord as she used her full power of the dark side to slow her descent. Hands reaching out to the floor, just as Darth Ayra was about to impact it and die, the Force burst into the permacrete. A crater emerged in the center of Darth Ayra's power, creating a shock wave that blew out in all directions, knocking into walls. Just as her power threatened to bend them in all, no doubt collapsing some of the buildings foundations, the shock wave came to an end and the Force Bubble dissipated. Hovering in the center of the bubble, Darth Ayra finally dropped for a second time in many minutes and landed in a thud center to the crater, bruised but otherwise fine.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Coruscant - Financial district
Inside the confines of a Zamboni minesweeping main battle tank with two lightsabers
Music: Take Down the Boss (Mario Party DS)
PC: [member="Lisette Kuhn"]
NPC: Army of Malastare (minus 1st infantry company): 430/675, 1st and 7th Legion: 10,233/12,000
PC: [member="Abyss"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
NPC: Unknown (but rumored to be in the thousands)

The past few moments saw some shadow cycle all too quickly in the general area where Ugohr's men were situated. But the enemy assumed up to this point that the Army of Malastare was the totality of the men under Ugohr's direct command, the First and Seventh Legions but they will find out soon enough that their intelligence is faulty and that, while an important function was taken out of the Alliance's army, taking out the Army of Malastare doesn't otherwise mean that much on a macro-level any more than losing another regiment of mechanized infantry would. An AT-AT served as anti-tank artillery for the One Sith behind the squadron of and fires on the sides, hoping to break the tank line and rip the infantry to shreds. The presence of a certain [member="Abyss"] at what is to Ugohr point-blank range forces the Gungan to have his two lightsabers at the ready. Both lightsabers were designed to work underwater; his red-bladed crossguard lightsaber, whose last known owner was another Gungan, Darth Jar Jar, and was found in an underwater wreck on Aquilaris. And his orange lightsaber, too.

"If yousa have slugthrowers, equip them! Wesa fight a Sith Lord at point-blank range!"

"Fighting a Sith Lord at point-blank range? This is madness!" the tank commander Ugohr referred to as Gilraen up to this point told Ugohr over comms before his tank explodes under the damage caused by enemy artillery based on the AT-AT, projecting shards of alusteel all over the place.

"If yousa not have a slugthrower, avoid fightin Sith Lords at point-blank range! Theysa will bat blasters back at yousa!"

"Aim at the neck! This is the AT-AT's weak spot!" a Gran grenadier told his unit, knowing that they had no tow cables, or even an A-wing capable of firing one. "If you cannot, the joints will do"

Ugohr doesn't expect his men to find a whole lot of slugthrowers in the area: most One Sith infantry fought with blasters. And Alliance, too. Slugthrowers have an advantage over blasters: they would not be batted by lightsabers the way blasters are. Slugthrowers would still impact all right, just with less velocity and more heat. To Ugohr, acolytes, knights and Lords were all Lords to his eyes, even though, technically only the master-level Sith were Lords. The worst part in that was that Abyss could reach the southern group almost undetected by Ugohr; Ugohr found it pointless to conceal his presence in the Force. But Ugohr remained inside his tank until the moment the AT-AT's fire impacts his tank, piercing a hole right behind the turret. That, after he breached enemy tanks in the joint between the turret and the hull.

"Engine critical!"

"Wesa in maxibig trouble! Abandon tank!"

Simply put, the One Sith artillery was proving to be much more of a match than the droid units he fought on Malastare: spider (dwarf or not), snail, crab. The enemy medium tanks may have been reduced to scrap by now, but the AT-AT was the big troublemaker here. He discovered that, as a main battle tank, the Zamboni was meant to engage other main battle tanks but not larger vehicles. As his own tank exploded, he ignites his two lightsabers: Darth Jar Jar's lightsaber on the right and his initial lightsaber on the left, with a Sith Acolyte drawing his lightsaber as well.

[member="Abyss"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
Location: Approaching the Black Pyramid
Enemies:[member="Count Morcus"] and anyone else, but this is an npc battle.
Allies: anyone, but this is an npc fight mainly.
Forces: 10 Thul Infantry Companies 1500
5 Scout Platoons 160 20 dead and injured
5 Artillery Batteries 180 (12 Howlers, 8 Surface to Air missiles launchers)
2 Pioneers Platoons 72
1 Housecarl Bodyguards 100
Total forces 2,012 Soldiers 20 dead and injured

Scout reports where coming in now, they had shield protecting them, this was going to be nuisance to say the least. There had been few casualties so far, but nothing spectacular. Just a few taken down by odd sniper, and a little friendly fire which was to be expected in heat of battle. As she pondered her next move her infantry began to set up the heavy weapons positions. They trying to surround the ruins of the pyramid, so they could not just escape. The infantry had some anti armour gear, but not in strength needed to charge the enemy, only came to them. She then sent message to her pioneers, Go out and locate all electrical substations, and destroy them. Use infantry units to protect you in this endeavour, but take them all out. The Two lieutenants replied Yes My Lady. Her rationale on this was it could not have it's own generator, as the pyramid had been laid ruins. So they need juice from somewhere, even if they had some generator on site, they only have so much juice to keep it running. She then sent message to her artillery commander, ​Maintain Emp bombardment, and see if you can use some of the surface to air missiles to strike shields as well. As I need them shields down A.S.A.P. understood. As she spoke the infantry began to fire the odd grenade at the ruins, and reaper fire to see the effect. She was not going to kill her men in some foolish charge into them, time for now was on her side.
Coruscant Underworld → Centax Memorial Wall
[member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Darth Megnentis"]?

The goal was simple. The journey was not.

Put into perspective: they had to short out the city. Since that was clearly an impossible task for two individuals working without a pre-set plan, Aver took that to mean this part of the city. Where the main action was, so to speak. She made a mental note to thank the urban architect who’d built Coruscant’s main sights so close to each other.

In practice, their target was this eyesore fortress that someone had erected in their absence. Because obviously such a crude display of shoddy workmanship and lack of style wouldn’t have passed the muster in the days of yore. Back then, they’d had a fashion sense. (Or at least [member="Matsu Xiangu"] did, anyway.)

The merc strolled very calmly and very confidently towards the building. They had those nice permissions from Janus, and in a minute or so when they crossed the absurdly wide stretch of open space, the nice Sith would let them in with open arms. After that, Loray would be more than happy to cause a distraction of epic proportions – a.ka., a bloodbath of the ages – while Aver would get chit done in the background.

It was foolproof.

It was going to go absolutely, horribly wrong in the first two seconds.
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Lyle Baelor"]

This was problematic. The backstreet had a light repuslor-tank. Just a light gun and repeater on the platform and the six guards around it looking fairly casual. The battle hadn't reached this far yet, so the soldiers had probably spent more time herding frightened civilians.

"No way 'round," Vexen sighed. She could hide in the shadows here, but there wasn't a route around these guards that could be taken quickly.

"I'll get them in the tank quick, you deal with the rest quiet?" she whispered. Micah agreed.

She darted out from the side street, head down as she accelerated hard. The first two soldiers hadn't even noticed her as she passed between them. Calling on the Force to aid the leap she soared through the air, little more than a shadow.

She landed softly behind the turret. One soldier sat on the tank, another behind the repeater. Neither had their helmets on.

"Hi," she said, paws finding her stun batons.
[member="Kelon Amadis"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Owen Holst"]e

There weren't enough people out on the streets. That was abundantly clear. Asmus kept to the edge of the street as he moved away to the sound of the skirmish. Those who were on the streets seemed to be either stormtroopers or nefarious.

His pulse thundered in his ears. He'd been just a few seconds from cuffs and back to a sith cell. No matter what [member="Kaileann Vera"] had taught him, that prospect turned his insides to ice.

Keeping one hand near the blaster on his hip he decided to take the low road. Might not have been the sensible option, but he could hear more droids in the air nearby. He was beginning to think that the best option would be to find a residence he could hide in until the battle was done.
[member="Vexen"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Lyle Baelor"]

A nod was all he gave, along with a small motion for Nohei to stay still. While she too had been trained to fight, it would be easier and faster to have him and vex move in to strike up close and knock them out. However, messing with any security cameras would be best left for Nohei. If she could ensure that no one would spot them as they move towards the Plantary Generator building, then it would make it all the better.

[ Loop the loop, Nohei. ] he told her, a small murmur in her ear. Or she could do it however she saw fit. The young blonde knew more about tricks and such than he did, and she would do it far more easily than him. Under his Force cloak, he was invisible to both electronic sensors and organic alike. When the Defel made her attack, Micah timed it to move along with her. Short quick jabs were sent to overload their nervous system, prompt them to be paralyzed and fall to the ground with a soft thud. Two managed to pick up on the movement, bringing up his blaster to try and find the culprit. Micah snuck in behind him, knowing that they couldn't let them cry out an alarm.

[ Sorry mate.] he said, but it fell on deaf ears, as the murmur didn't echo out of his voice modulator. Another sudden small flash of blue and two more hits struck to knock the two unconscious.
Location: The Middle Levels
Allies: [member="Alesia Rivas"]
Enemies: N/A, come at me (don’t hurt me)
Objective: Jack the OS speakers

“Which is why if we get caught, we’re only a couple of kids causing mischief.” His face darkened as he spoke, practically muttering the words. She’d be close enough to hear him, but it was likely that the drone wouldn’t be able to decipher his speech unless it was really fancy. But he had no doubt that the One Sith would waste no time in cutting a pair of Padawans down, and Lukas really did not want to spend the rest of his presumably short life being tortured by these monsters.

She had a point, though. The propaganda was eye-bleedingly oppressive and annoying. Lukas had a feeling he’d probably hate the color red for a good while after this. If they survived.

Surprisingly, she took his sour attitude well, even laughing off his biting words. Though a talented physician, he was often reprimanded by his superiors for treating patients poorly. Parents complained about how his gruff demeanor and no-nonsense attitude made their children cry. But Lukas hadn’t changed, he couldn’t change. He could either be nice or do his job right. There was no splitting his focus when dealing with injuries and illness: Dr. Krieger put his all into his patient’s health. Well, physical health.

Following her gaze up to the speakers, he squinted as the height made him uneasy. “I’ve got no experience dangling over the abyss of an unsafe falling distance, but sure. Why not. If I fall and you let me die, I’ll be pissed." At least he came with someone who could fight.

Groaning at how he somehow managed to volunteer himself, Lukas retrieved a case of scalpels from his pack before setting it down at the edge of the pole as it would only weight him down. Securing the pack into his belt, the Doctor wrapped his arms and legs around the wooden pole and slowly began to shimmy upwards. Man, this was harder than it looked. Weren’t there women who danced on these things for a living? Maybe after this he’d develop the proper muscles to do something like that.

After reaching his target, Lukas glanced down. Yup. He’d definitely die from the impact of falling from this height. He’d seen the outcome of falling from lesser heights, and it was not pretty. With great purpose, he grabbed one of the impossibly sharp scalpels—seriously, be careful with those things, they’re more dangers than they look—and jammed it into the netting of the speaker.
Location: Coruscant Underworld → Centax Memorial Wall
Tags: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Darth Megnentis"]?
Objective: Cause trouble
Gear: In biography

The dealer had dealt the cards and for all Loray knew, the One Sith had garnered the losing hand. The alliance was pushing forth with an effort unheard of in the Sith's ruthless campaign. Gone were the days where the lightsiders rolled over, taking their beatings like the good dogs they were. Finally showing merit, finally turning on the hand that once dealt the blow, this world was crumbling. And for their moment to defend themselves, they had failed to acquire powerful allies within the Equalizers. Normally, it wouldn't be such a dealing blow. But there were few that knew the ins and the outs of the One Sith as these two did.

Even for new fortresses erected in their absence. It might has well have been monument, prepared for destruction, brought to its knees in their honor.

Loray knew the score and he itched to get on with it. Whatever moments of lucidity he had were gone and the hunger was claiming him all over again. That was good for Aver, would give her the chance to take advantage of the distraction. Not so much for those who hid in this sprawling tower. And thanks to the gift of Janus' good word, they were strolling right in. Loray didn't have to knock down a single door, not yet anyway.

As they moved in, Loray looked up as the silent alarm chimed. Not in response to them but to the Alliance as a whole. The flash of the red light, the hollow pang ever so quiet on the air, were all nods to the havoc he would soon create. Looking to Aver, who likely had more thoughts than just to combat, Loray nodded and unhinged the baton from his back. Igniting the electric spark, the current ran over the length of the weapon. Pressing it against the wall of the hallway as he moved forward, he looked over to Aver once more.

"I'll give you your distraction."

Just then, the door slid open to reveal what appeared to be a commander. Or maybe a well dressed soldier, playing about like some sort of God. And among them, he stood but insect before a wrathful being.

"This is the headquarters of the One Sith! You are trespassing!"
"Am I?"
"What is that!" He pointed towards the ignited shock baton. Looking up to Loray, the soldier grew furious far beyond his station. "Show me your credentials!"

Without further adieu, he did just that. Swinging from the hip, he hit the soldier hard in the side with the baton. Sending him crashing into the wall, white panels falling the floor, Loray caught his collar before he could slump down. Lifting the soldier towards his mask, Loray smiled beneath the veil. "Signal your men. Tell them I am here."

Letting go of the soldier, Loray stepped over him like a tank rolling over rubble, before progressing down the hall. He might find a door or he might make his own.
As he felt [member="Clovis Torcularis"] message in the force he changed his plan. While he was confident in his ability to beat the jedi, having the upper hand would erase this litte inconvenience of jedi faster and more effective. In the blink of an eye a crimson red lightsaber flickers to live in the core of the army of malastare, wielded by a tall figure shrouded in a black robe. The first two alliance soldiers didn't even had the time to be surprised about the sith that suddenly appeard in front of the, before the red glowing blade cuts of there heads in one fluid movement. Abyss had no interest in the common soldiers he slaughter on his way towards [member="Ugohr Poof"], killing the few that where neither to distracted by fighting the at-at nor to confused by the fact that he was almost invisible only seconds before. He couldn't care less about the alliance generals and politicians fighting a war against the government of the one sith. Planets, numbers and weaponry, nothing more than side effects of the eternal fight between the light and the dark.

As he came close to the jedi he grabs one of the alliance soldiers, holding the red blade to his throat. He shouts to the jedi leading the troops with a combination of cold hate and a hint of madness:

"The Alliance is doomed. The jedi are doomed. Your life is doomed. That of your man is not. Follow me or this one." He holds his saber closer to the throat of his living shield, "and anyone else will be slaughterd. Do you want that jedi, these good man following you to the end of the galaxy slaughtered by a mad man?"

The face of the sith was now a grin of pure madness, as he waited for the jedis reaction. His words were a manifestation of the force that created a aura of fear around the acolyte, influencing any soldier that was already demoralised by their failure when they tried to clear the minefield, or that fact that they were not only under fire by an at-at but that there was also a sith slaughtering the arny from within.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"]
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]

Gabe gave a thoughtful nod to Stahli, squinting at him. "I noticed a crack in some of the kitchen tiling. And since Dick has been oddly out of commission..." He gave a smirk. "Maybe you can help me fix it, once this is all over." He thought about Ava and how she would react if Stahli didn't return. How the kids might react to their father just...not being there anymore. Maybe it was the force nexus or maybe it was just the feeling he had, left over from a failed invasion, and the sense of impending doom such memories brought. Either way, he felt better making a silent promise to do up the homestead once this mission was done.

Turning back to Mara, he gave a thankful nod and smile before heading towards Jacen. "This glorified ruck sack holder bring enough for the rest of the class?" Gabe had packed light, as he was intending to pick up whatever gear he needed from the local camps or from within the valley itself. Based off his memories of the place, he was sure he could make good with a cache hidden deep within the recesses of the foresaken landmark. If not just a locker with the standard gear.

Wringing his wrists, he looked down the hall in the direction Mara indicated. Looking back to Jacen, Gabe provided a reassuring smile despite the feeling of danger and strife. And that pressure ever exerted by the nexus. "Well, the mission isn't going to do itself. We should press on if we are ever going to catch up with him."

Gabe couldn't do much for the events he had put his own sons through. But he could do his best to help others in their times of need.

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