Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis


Location: City Outskirts, Kiffu
Objective: Pick a fight!
Equipment: M.I. Model 8 flamethrower | Sword |M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1| M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack | M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol | M.I. Model 12 shatter rifle x2 | Thermal Detonators | Magnetic Detonators | Perun's Call | M.I. Model 13 anti-material rifle | M.I. Model 29 missile launcher
Enemies: GA
Allies: Mandalorian Enclave
Engaging: Cord Starfall Cord Starfall


War, the taste of war reignited a fire in Vulcan that had dimmed when the scattering occurred, now that the Enclave pulled itself back together, the wars reignited. Incidentally, the enemy is The Galatic Alliance with all conflicts, there will be an intense maelstrom of carnage to fight in and against. Vulcan had seen worse than this.

War is hell and sometimes necessary. He scoffed, at that as it sounded contradictory to his usual behaviour and ideas. He remembered his first time fighting, he had Shai to guide him, but now he is old enough to go it alone.

He is well able to defend himself, but still, he needs to watch over his shoulder because he would wind up in an ambush knowing his luck.

He has two options, take to the sky and recon and pick off targets, or stay grounded and do everything the old-fashioned way. But then again, he wanted to use his flamethrower and missile launcher on something other than old broken kitchen appliances that no longer work, that stove sprayed shrapnel into people's gardens and wrecked the pink bird things. Ugly plastic things that do nothing but make homes ugly.

Unholstering his pistol he pressed on, looking for a fight.

Selle Skern

Dammit. The Sirsahyav hadn't planned on taking on a combat contract for the GA this early, but with them being in contact with her Vod's team when the call came out, Selle couldn't allow her to run into danger alone, she had a promise to keep. Now here she was, leading her team against other Mandalorians, getting ready to fight in the pitch black night the Mandalorians caused with their sabotage. The perfect mission to fire off this new partnership.

Keying her targeting system to peer through the darkness, Selle crept across the rooftop silently, joining her Vod as they watched the commando team - which Selle had tasked her own squad with covering from their own vantage points - continue their mission. I can only hope they can avoid being mistaken for the enclave, the ranger thought. She could already hear the sounds of battle echoing from somewhere nearby, and she knew that it might be difficult to focus on IFF once things got chaotic.

Hearing another echo of a far off firefight, the Selle's stomach started turn a little. There was no love lost between her and the Enclave to be certain, but that didn't change that the last thing she wanted to do was fight other Mando'ade. And yet, the Mandalorians once more repeat the sins of the past, and plunge themselves into a maelstrom of infighting and self destruction.

Whispering over her comms to Minerva, only loud enough for the commlink to pick it up, "Vode An."


Location: Ukatis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Garou Shakti Garou Shakti


Jax wished that he was back at the Alliance during peace times, just when he decided or rather dragged by Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic to come back home, the Alliance found itself in another war this time against the Mandalorians. "Maybe I'm a bad luck charm," Jax thought while he observed the battle from afar. "The moment I step into Alliance space: Boom! We're at war!"

It wasn't true of course, there's no such thing as luck but one thing was for certain, Jax was not going to runaway like he did during the tail end of the Hyperspace War. He still had his problems to face back home but this time, he was going to seek help rather than power through it. The question is, will the NJO accept Jax after they find out about his heritage. They accepted Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and he's celebrated as a hero, but Jax fell to the Dark Side and nearly had his stepdaughter killed. Carnifex still looms lover him like a dark, rainy clouds on Kamino.

"Time to focus," Jax said to himself as he looked at the place he was guarding. It was a large industrial plant that manufactures alcohol, a good morale boost for any army especially Mandalorians. A few hours ago, the Enclave conducted a preemptive strike on the farm planet of Utakis. It was a good planet to establish a foot hold in especially since it's a planet that provides food for the Alliance. Jax needed to be on his guard for this one. "In a cruel way," Jax said. "There's a part of me that'll always crave battle, It brings out the best of me."

It also brings out the worst, Jax hated war but at the same time, he needed it to truly be alive. It was a conundrum that he tried and failed to solve over the years. Just then, Jax felt a disturbance in the Force, he pulled out his Lightsaber activating it. "I can sense you Mandalorian!" Jax said. "Come on out so we may talk!"


Post: 2
Location: City Outskirts, Kiffu
Objective: March of a Warrior
Equipment: Green MidNight Duster | Fiend | Solar | Sith Armor | Wrist dart launchers (Electro-darts & Explosive darts) | Sith Helmet Mask | Stun gauntlets | X2 Sith Daggers
Tags: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt

One boot in front of the other step after step she casually made her way into the city. The streets eerily quiet in this part of town families either fled or board themselves. Though off in the far distance you could make out the sounds of war further in more towards the heart of the city. Still Cord kept her eyes straight forward heading towards the sounds of war, a war she knew was not hers. Still, something inside her told her she needed to be here, there was a purpose. Possibly the answer to why she had returned that there was something she was meant to do.

Off to her left she heard a closer sound of something exploding which stopped her in her tracks. She tilted her head slightly to the left where she saw a small, armored figure walking down the street. Instinctively her right hand went to the hilt of her sword fiend, but she did not draw the weapon. Instead, she just watched from the distance. She watched the person's gate and the way they carried themselves. From the distance she tried to judge their height and see if she could make out any of their weapons if they had any.

With a quick pivot on her left foot, she turned and started walking in the direction of the person she saw. As she got closer, she got a better judge on their height. She could see the design of their armor and started to make out his weapons. She didn't try to hide herself so he would see her coming as well. Her first thought was my how the Enclave had fallen, making children into soldiers. "Oi! Adiik!" She called out to him referring to him as a child in Mando'a trying to get his clear attention. Her Mando'a was a bit rusty and her sith accent slipped though as she spoke it.

She took mental note of all his heavy weaponry and his standard Mandalorian armor. The boy looked prepped for a fight and almost anything one could throw at him. A mini tank pretty much but Cord wasn't much into kicking the shit out of little kids. A child of war herself, though she understood the pressure he was probably under for honor and glory, all that heroic crap. Her footsteps and she waited for him to respond.
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This "Jade" was Delta Squad's clone advisor she was a lot younger than Chief expected and wears less clothing to boot. "The girl could stand to learn some Imperial discipline," Chief thought bitterly but he made sure to keep that thought to himself. As a soldier it was best to keep things professional in high-risk environments even if the person in question doesn't bother to look professional. "Roger that advisor," Chief said as his HUD displayed the objectives and some information regarding the target.

"So, we got a Muun to deal with," Chief said to the Squad as the ramps began to unfold. "Nasty businessman, he's a CEO for the Intergalactic Banking Clan and administrator for the Bank on Kiffu. He's known for killing people who spites him and has been rumored to allied with the Sith Empire as a financial partner."

In other words, not bad for a first target for Delta Squad. Chief didn't care too much about the Muun's past or who he was associated with truth be told, he was just a target that the Empire needed to take out to further their own agenda. "Good soldiers follow orders," Chief thought.

"Squad!" Chief said his heart racing with joy and excitement. He was finally able to get his boots on the ground and serve the Empire while also exploring this strange new planet. "The target located on the top of that Spire located 300 meters from the LZ! We're going fight our way through the plateaus before reaching the tower."

Blaze was eager for battle and Gears was devoid of emotion as usual, poor soul was still reliant on the chip in his brain to control his actions. Bob on the other hand was silent as if he was contemplating something. Hopefully, it's ways on how he can take out the Munn. "Let's not waste any time!" Chief said raising his hand and curling it into a fist. "Form up on me! Let's move out and make Empire not regret investing in high quality Clone Troopers!"

IC-32 "Gears" IC-32 "Gears" , IC-7734 "Blaze" IC-7734 "Blaze" , IC-8808 "Bob" IC-8808 "Bob" , Jade Frossilo Jade Frossilo
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Location: Yag'Dhul
Objective: Seige on the dome
Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya
Equipment: In bio


The chatter of comms in her ear indicated to Celt that her commandos were meeting heavier engagements as expected, they were professionals though so their formation would adapt to cover losses or otherwise grounded warriors.

The woman looked at the man in front of her, begging her not to hurt children, with the seige ongoing for some time now it was baffling that they would still e out here and not in the safety of the large dome.

"Don't try and sure up your own shakey moral grounds by making me out to be some kind of monster, if I wanted these children dead, a single shot to the atmospheric shield generator here and everyone is exposed to hard vacuum. But true mandalorians don't murder innocent children." she shook her head, the lack of incoming artillery on this location, even as the Imperials advanced made it apparent that this was not considered a military target, she had only landed to check out activity that he himself was organising, and he insults her honor. What did Jedi know about honor.

"Your people interfered in a military operation thousands of light years from their space, then declared war on us over it. This invasion will show them that that was a very costly mistake.

So no, I'm not here to round up innocent children for the slaughter, I have much more important targets in mind... Jedi."
her emphasis was clear and the woman punctuated it by firing her whip cable, quick subdual and capture was frankly unlikely, but if she could take this man hostage and then continue on with the seige it would suit more than a singular tactical objective.​


~In memory of The Wardog~

PROXIMITY: Argen Vance | cr123 cr123 | Conrad Derna | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce | IC-01 "Chief" IC-01 "Chief" | IC-32 "Gears" IC-32 "Gears" | IC-7734 "Blaze" IC-7734 "Blaze" | IC-8808 "Bob" IC-8808 "Bob" | Jade Frossilo Jade Frossilo | Lesha Priest | Lyrrin Lyrrin | Mevia Vizsla | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Oren Sol | Rhys Swynol Rhys Swynol | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr | Selle Skern | Suvi Dragr Suvi Dragr | The Vulptex The Vulptex | Valery Noble | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken | Zorana Zorana | KIFFU FOLKS
ENGAGING: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble (SOON!)


It all has gone quick and smooth, in no time the War Dogs led bombing crew will reach the customs office in no time, and with that shall be the triumph on my name. While the total ransacking of Kiffu is the main prize of the invasion, the bombing of the customs office shall be the symbol of our success, ushering the Mandalorian Enclave into a new, relentless and feracious era. On the other hand, it's a slow time in the south perimeter of the occupied city, which gives me some time to think. Mevia Vizsla, for one, my closest friend back in Kestri, who is out leading a search party on the outskirts, and Gailen Keldau, the… who is he to me? He's certainly more than a friend, there's a deep feeling between the two of us, that's undeniable, yet nothing has been made official. Lover, perhaps? Well, while I'm attacking Kiffu, Gailen has been assigned with his Si'kayha squadron to Yag'Dhul. We've said our 'see you laters' and promises, but in time of war, no one knows. Dad lost the love of his life in similar circumstances, and the grief never left him. It's all so grim and foreboding, I truly hope that I'm spared from such fate.

<Xaj Wren coming in!> My wandering thoughts were interrupted by an incoming comms from one of the War Dogs on their way to the customs office. I could tell from the distress in his voice, this can't be a good thing. <We suspect that a Jetii is defending the district. Requesting b… AARGH!> Haran! I should've expected that it's the Jedi of all people who decided to butt in and play heroes. From the way they quickly dismantled Xaj, this one has to be a powerful and high-ranked one. He might not be a match one-on-one versus a Jedi, plus the Jedi also has an element of surprise on his side, but Xaj is a War Dog, it wouldn't be that easy if it's just a mere knight. They definitely need me there, I'm the most experienced by far in dealing with a Jedi here. Hopefully it's not a distraction to breach the south perimeter.

<Thruk, Rar, Mayk, come with me. We're hunting a Jetii.> I rallied three of the War Dogs that remained stationed in the south perimeter with me to send backup to the rest of the War Dogs. Just as I did that, another comms came in, this time from my second-in-command. <Zamirra Saxon coming in! The Jetii is engaging us while evacuating the civilians, waiting for your order.> Of course they would, such an altruist those folks are. That doesn't really change anything, besides the fact that there is one more pest to get rid of quickly. The citizens aren't really high-up in my concern. A monument of Enclave's successful invasion of Kiffu will be erected on the ruins of the customs office, whether there are civilians buried down there or not is not relevant at all. Although capturing some as a hostage and human shields are going to be helpful if anything bad is to happen. <Lead the rest of the War Dogs to slowly retreat until reinforcements arrive, let the others slow down the Jetii. I don't care about the civilians, we need the building, not the people. Use them as human shields if you manage to grab some, otherwise, just let them go. We're on our way.>

While the clan levies are opening fire at the Jedi after he was spotted, two War Dogs pivoted to the left and right respectively, both of them managed to yank terrified civilians after flying in and out with their jetpack. Good, that gives the Jedi more to worry about as I am making my way towards the battlefield, in the hope of catching them off guard.

TLDR: One War Dog died, two takes a human shield and retreated. Clan levies engages Kahlil, Yael is on the way to the area.


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| LOCATION: Ukatis |
| TAG: Amani Serys Amani Serys | Anna Carden Anna Carden |

As always, missions without Valery left him feeling odd, like there was a churning knot in his circuits. BB-610 recognized the importance of branching out; he was, without doubt, the most capable astromech the Alliance had, and he'd been assigned to other people before, but it was nonetheless a sensation he still needed time to fully embrace. This time, however, things felt... a tiny bit better.

Maybe the droid was simply making progress, or perhaps Amani was just a breath of fresh air. He knew Amani - not well, mind you, but arriving to someone's wedding often nets you some memories - and she was a good friend of his family's, so there existed some blanket of comfort while he sat within their fighter's astromech slot. Overall, though, Amani just seemed nice. And that's all he needed from people.

Which is why he didn't hold anything against her when their ship came to a screeching stop, engines whirring offline. BB-610 ran a quick diagnostics test, and their starfighter was-- the least of their concerns, he was quick to realize, as the droid glanced at the surface of Ukatis, optic narrowing. Some otherworldly force seemed to love bringing him back to his horrid place, it seemed.

Lowering himself out of the astromech slot, BB-610 reached the ground, quick to roll to Amani's side. He nodded, chirping an enthusiastic 'yup!', as he playfully bweeped that Valery had given them much rougher landings. Into the fire indeed, as they began their trek, tensions bubbling with the roaring of dogfights and the distant yells of determined soldiers. BB-610's lifeform scanner emerged from his head, antennae raised.

"See anything?"

Shaking his head, he refused to divert his attention, scanning the battlefield around them. Nothing out of the ordinary, beyond a newfound blip detected a few miles south, its exact coordinates promptly pinpointed to a tower block. BB-610's signal enhancer joined his scanner, satellite twirling as he scrutinized the high-rise, photoreceptors zooming in before-- zzrt.

The droid screeched, impulsive and far too loud for his liking.

Hastily, he nudged into Amani's leg, pushing her into the cover of a brick wall, chassis trembling as he frantically blurted that there was a sniper in the building. BB-610 hesitantly peered around the corner, eyeing the tower's entrance. BB-610 bweeped, saying that no surrounding lifeform signals were dropping despite the sniper's blaster fire. Turning back to Amani, the droid chirped once more, adding that the sniper must be choosing to not kill anybody.

Hoo boy, okay. Hopefully they hadn't heard him.

With some warbled binary, BB-610 slowly asked if they should consider just talking to them first. He'd been too shaken by the confrontation between Valery and Shai Maji Shai Maji on Ryloth for him to not try.




<I've found them. They're hiding in the basement bunker, those that could.>

The crystal like voice echoed in Kahlil's mind, confirming at least that a majority within were safe. Trapped, but safe. The issue would be getting them out. Serenity slipped through under the door, hopping up towards one of the officials. Who promptly panicked. It was a sealed room, who wouldn't panic when something unnatural made their way in. Fear didn't last long though as Serenity did what they did best.

Bring calm to those around them.

"You can't stay here. The Mandalorians have targeted this place. You won't stay safe."

The news should've been even more panic inducing, but it wasn't. They stayed oddly calm, much to their own confusion. Serenity didn't linger on why, instead raising a paw to touch the door beside them. "I'll guide you out. Master Noble is taking the attention of the Mandalorians. They want the building, not you, so we'll be safe." It wasn't a guarantee, but it'd have to do. The door opened and they started to make their way out, guiding by the little blue sprite.

<Keep them safe until they're out of the city.>

Kahlil gave the simple order as he stared up in the dark sky. The night vision visor had been discarded, leaving him to just stare at shadows, but he wasn't searching with his eyes. Blasterfire lit up the blackness in almost blinding flashes of light around him. Ten, twenty, more? He'd certainly gotten their attention. The green of his saber rushed through the air, battering away the shots he needed to, but he wasn't charging forward as he should've been.

Panic, fear. The emotions radiated from somewhere above. His brow knitted together as a shot burned across his shoulder, pulling him from his focus as he leapt back from the sudden barrage. Hostages. "Chemical weaponry, hostages. Where's your honor, Mandalorians!" He finally sprinted, getting ahead of the lasers still hounding him. His robes were tattered now, his focus only on deflecting the debilitating and lethal. Clothing could be replaced, and light burns he could manage.

The same couldn't be said for the two that had been captured. He dove down one of the alleys, pulling on the Force to scatter what clutter was within as cover before leaping his way to the rooftop.

"There you are." He raised his hand, his eyes focused on one of the War Dogs holding a hostage. He held nothing back, pulling on the Force to pull the warrior's blaster from the hostage. Twisted the Force to shatter wrist, bone, arm. A quick twist of his own wrist and he'd shatter the Mandalorian's whole arm just by twisting it. That same hand then went to catch the man who'd been held, guide them to the ground.


Yael Kandar Yael Kandar
Location: Ukatis, outskirts of capital city
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Rayia blinked as she saw Jonyna motioning for them to take cover. She decided to go with her original plan, and dove behind the rubble that had piled up on either side of the street, landing with a repressed groan as she felt the hard debris bite into her shoulder. Feeling, rather than seeing, one of the mandalorians break out from the group and hover into the air above Jonyna and Ko Vuto. Rayia had also been told the stories, and from the way that Ko had addressed their opponent, he too must have suspected that this was in fact Hilal Vizsla. The bounty hunter who had tried to capture Jonyna for a bounty in the past.

Rayia's ears flicked in surprise as she heard Ko addressing their opponent so formally. Rayia thought the time for such niceties had long since passed. It mattered little if one attempted to claw this skirmish back from anything other than an all out brawl, as the other side clearly had no intention of introducing themselves before attacking. Rayia's ears flattened as she heard the concussive blasts being deflected by Jonyna's saber. She wanted to look above the barricade, but Rayia had a more important task at the moment. A trio of blaster shots punched through the barricade to Rayia's right, finding their way through the gaps in the stone. Thankfully her tail had sensed the plasma moving through the air, and Rayia had made sure to scoot further along to the left.

She hadn't been making light of the situation when she had assessed that the trio needed a more defensible position. They were liable to be overrun out in the open, and Jonyna was already serving as a distraction to keep the mandalorian's attention off of her and Ko. Thus Rayia refrained from directly addressing the mandalorian, even if she felt just a smidgen of anger rise at the question of how much they had sacrificed for the paladins. 'And yet, here you are world-burners. You never change,' she thought. Rayia needed precious time to implement the first of her nasty surprises. Crouching low as shots ricocheted over the top of the rubble, Rayia reached into the small, red, leather pouch she wore at her side. Sparks and smaller rocks flew through the air as she worked, filling Rayia's nose with the scent of burning dust.

From her pouch, she withdrew two translucent skins, about the size of her palm, filled with viscous green glop. These were Ambusher fruits, commonly found on Weik. Ambushers were carnivorous, pseudo-flora organisms that posed as vines within the trees on Weik. The fruits were filled with a sticky substance that when dropped on the Ambusher's prey immobilized them for the Ambusher's constriction. 'Pity I don't have any of those with me, but this will have to do.' Rayia thought, tossing one of the skins at the barricade. It burst in a shower of glue, quickly filling in the cracks of the rubble and drawing the disparate pieces together. Blaster shots wouldn't be able to punch through as easily anymore.

Rayia clutched the other skin in one fist, drawing it back as she popped up above the barricade for just a moment. Sighting Hilal easily, as the mandalorian was flying above them and had paused to shoot at Jonyna, Rayia let the Ambusher's fruit fly in her direction. She boosted the trajectory with just a little push. If she scored a direct hit, Rayia hoped that the glue inside might disable some of the mandalorian's systems. 'It might be even better if she shoots the thing,' Rayia thought, confident that Jonyna and Ko could dodge the shower of glue that would rain across this little section of the battlefield.
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TAGS: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Ryana mina | Domina Prime Domina Prime
Gear: Anti-Toxin Face Mask | Tactical Knife | Saberbreaker Gauntlets | Space Wizard Pattern Boots | Sunfire Signet Ring | GAB-34 Fang | [Pair of Eshan Charms] x3 | Training lightsaber

Braze sat cross-legged on the cold metal floor of the transport shuttle, his eyes closed in deep concentration. His pale jade green eyes were shut, and his usually restless demeanor was replaced by an unusual stillness. He wore his typical bravado, like armor, but now, as they approached the war-torn planet of Ukatis, even he understood the need for a moment of reflection.

His breathing was slow and measured, matching the rhythm of the shuttle's engines. Each inhale filled his lungs with the recycled air, while each exhale carried away a fraction of the tension that had built up within him. Braze's normally impulsive and brash nature was momentarily subdued, replaced by a calm facade.

In the dim light of the shuttle, his white hair framed his youthful face, and his pale skin seemed almost translucent. His dominant left hand rested on his lap, fingers relaxed and unmoving. His medium build was uncharacteristically at rest, free from its usual fidgeting.

Braze's meditation, however, was far from traditional. His concept of meditation leaned more towards physical discipline than spiritual enlightenment. He imagined himself in combat scenarios, rehearsing his movements and strategies. It was a way for him to control the chaotic energy within, to focus his mind on the task at hand.

As the shuttle rumbled toward the capital city of Ukatis, Braze's meditation continued. He visualized the battlefield, the chaos, and the danger that awaited them. He imagined himself standing alongside Jasper and Ryana, their lightsabers ignited, ready to protect the civilians and face the Mandalorian threat.

While Braze's meditation might not have been the serene and peaceful practice of a seasoned Jedi, it served its purpose. It steeled his resolve and prepared him mentally for the upcoming battle. He was bracing himself, ready to unleash his bold and brazen nature when the time came to face the turmoil on Ukatis.

I'm gonna need the two of you to back me up, but I'm going to make it very clear that your lives are my utmost priority over mine. Don't do something reckless for my sake."
"Yeah, we'll stay safe, Master Kai'el. Don't worry about us. We've got your back, and we won't do anything reckless, promise."

The transport shuttle's ramp descended with a hydraulic hiss, and Braze stepped onto the war-torn soil of Ukatis. His eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in the flickering flames in the distance and the panicked civilians rushing in every direction. His pale jade green eyes hardened.

With swift and purposeful strides, Braze positioned himself at the forefront, creating a human shield between the civilians and the approaching danger. He may have been young, but the ignited lightsaber in his left hand and his unfaultering confidence made him appear far more seasoned than his years suggested.

"Move!" he barked, his voice cutting through the chaos like a blade. "Get on those shuttles! Don't stop!" His words, though delivered with his characteristic brashness, carried an air of authority that compelled the civilians to obey.

As he directed the frightened masses, Braze paid special attention to those who needed it most.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Braze never lost sight of his primary mission: guarding Jasper's back. He kept a vigilant eye on his Jedi Master, ensuring that Jasper remained protected while dealing with any threats that might approach. His lightsaber, a pale blade of green light, was held at the ready, its glow serving as both a beacon of hope for the civilians and a warning to any potential aggressors.

"Stay close!" he called out, his tone authoritative and confident. "We've got this!"

Braze maintained a mental link with Jasper, their connection solidifying their coordination. He trusted his Master's leadership and guidance implicitly and was determined to follow Jasper's orders without hesitation.

In the midst of chaos, Braze continued to communicate with the civilians, offering words of encouragement and direction.

As the battle raged on and the Mandalorians drew nearer, Braze remained steadfast. He was a barrier for the civilians, a protector of Jasper's back, and a beacon of hope in the midst of turmoil. Despite his young age and impulsive nature, Braze was determined to prove himself in the face of adversity and make his Jedi Master proud.

As chaos reigned in the skies above Ukatis, Braze's keen eyes spotted several ships hurtling toward the planet's surface. The fiery spectacle drew his attention, and his instincts sharpened as he sensed danger approaching. It wasn't long before he heard Dima's voice over the communicator device, her presence triggering a volatile anger within him.

"Little godborn is not looking so good, Domina is thinking someone should help him yes? Such a shame to waste such god-like potential yes? Or is it in your divine design to abandon your blessed blood brothers?"

Dima, the creature from another battlefront who had severely hurt Ko and stolen his lightsaber, was someone Braze had a score to settle with. His desire for revenge flared within him, but he couldn't afford to abandon Jasper's side, especially not in the middle of a war zone. Braze's impulsive nature urged him to confront Dima directly, but he knew he had to exercise restraint.

With a pause and a deep breath, Braze swiftly pulled out his communication device. His fingers danced over the controls as he prepared to taunt Dima over the communicator, his voice filled with a mix of cocky bravado and simmering anger. He could see the azure woman from across the battle field having focused in on her as he felt life fading away from another Jedi.

Braze's words cut through the chaos, "Hey, Dima, having fun over there, causing all this mess?" He couldn't help but taunt her, his voice tinged with sarcasm and a hint of malice.
"You might be good at causing mayhem, but you're not as clever as you think."

A cruel smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he continued,

"No wonder Ko almost died,"
Braze taunted, his voice tinged with cruel amusement. "What with how hideous that face of yours is. Does it take a lot of makeup to cover up that mess?" He paused for effect, letting the words sink in before continuing, "Must be hard to glob it all on with how every mirror you look at breaks from the sight."

His mockery was intended to not only provoke a reaction but to strike a nerve. Braze wanted to unnerve Dima, to disrupt her composure and throw her off balance. He knew that in the heat of battle, psychological warfare could be just as effective as a lightsaber.

His message delivered, Braze re-focused on the task at hand. He couldn't let his personal vendetta distract him from the mission. The battle on Ukatis was heating up, and he needed to stand by Jasper's side, ready to protect his Jedi Master and the civilians caught in the crossfire.



"Dominick von Ascania!"

There it was. Marcel had arrived far sooner than Dominick had expected, but he had indeed expected his father to come. He turned his eyes to the man. Watched not in the childlike wonderment he once had for the stern yet honorable image Marcel once had in his son's eyes. But now, he didn't have those delusions. He watched his father's baneful glare towards Albert, the uncomfortable shift of his feet among the commoners here.

Marcel had spent so long trying to teach Dominick the importance of nobility's duty to the common folk, and yet he couldn't stand them, could he?

Dominick shrugged off his hand, ready to snap back at him just as the mountain itself shook under the assault above. He gritted his teeth, glanced to the others as they started to again feel the panic he'd been helping to keep at bay. Then the lights went out. The emergency line cut off, the numerous lights that lined these old passage ways bursting. Power had been cut off or overloaded or something, was the young Heir's guess.

It was then that panic did return in force. All it took was one person to sob for the rest to give in. Despair flooded the hallway. They knew that the Crown had abandoned them, they knew that it was likely they were to be scapegoats and distractions for the coming Mandalorians. They didn't want to face it, but now they were. Now they didn't have a hope. Dominick set his jaw as he stood. The shaking of the halls had sent him tumbling. Dirtied his clothing. Split his forehead on a rock no less, but it didn't hurt too bad. It wasn't deep. Just bloody.

He wiped the blood away before glancing to his hands. Despair was so easy to fall into. He wanted to, just the same. Perhaps even listen to Marcel, abandon these people. It was difficult here. It was difficult to help. And yet. He tightened his fists before letting out a breath. He wasn't going to give up. "I am the next head of the house, Viscount. But I will not be like the crown and abandon those who've served faithfully. These people need guidance."

Dominick tightened his fists, and from them light sprayed forth. Sourceless, yet bright and warm all the same. Panic calmed as the people around looked to him. "And I will help them. No matter the cost." That cost wasn't the same for Marcel, was it? Dominick gave his father one last pained smile before moving ahead of the ground, lifted his hand. "We can't stay here. If you can't walk, lean on those who can. No one is being left behind!"

Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres


"Here mando, mando, mando... here lil'buckethead."

Zorana had locked in on the Farghul and felt her eye twitch when her helmet amplified his voice enough to hear that. For someone defending a doomed planet, he was awfully relaxed. But he was also awfully flammable, and he had just made himself a target. Unaware that The Vulptex The Vulptex and her companions were nearby, Zorana jumped down from the roof and ignited her jetpack not far above the SIA agent.

The deafening scream of the two thrusters were meant to disorient him and kept her hovering above him at the same time. Her arms were directed down, and from her vambraces, she directed two jets of flames at him.

"Right here!" She called down with a cackle as he disappeared underneath the sea of fire and smoke that came down for him. She had no idea if it was effective or not, but it hardly mattered. She was going to hunt him down and kill him before the end of this day.



Allies: Braze Braze , Ryana mina
Opponent: Domina Prime Domina Prime


"Braze..." Jasper sighed. "That... isn't not being reckless. We want them to target me."

He also wanted to say 'please stop trying to get yourself killed,' but that would only make more conflict where they didn't need to be. Jasper rubbed at his temple before turning in the general direction of nearby commotion. That's where this Domina was. He turned back to Ryana and Braze, giving a weary smile.

"Right," he continued, "Just... please stay behind me. Let's go."

From there Jasper was quick to set off, rushing towards the square with the fountain with lightsaber in his organic hand. It didn't take long for him to identify this 'Domina,' as a giant of a woman had stood herself atop the fountain with the wounded man in question in her clawed hands. She was... certainly some kind of organism. Tall, blue, four arms, and a tail that could probably impale a person. Already he was beginning to realize why this individual had been such a threat to Jedi. His eyes began analyzing the threat before him, which was currently going nowhere. The Sentinel of Harmony had no idea what she was. She wasn't even fully armored either, and seemed to not be carrying much in the way of weaponry at the present moment.

He was beginning to wonder if it was worth trying his blade at all, but he'd test to be sure. For now the important part was making sure that whatever she was doing was contained to this one spot.

"Alright!" Jasper called out. "I'm here! You, me, right now! Let's not waste any time."

Hopefully that would provoke her to go after him. The last thing he needed was to have to take a hit for Braze right at the start.

This would be fine.


Location: Capital City of Ukatis, High Ground
Engaging: Amani Serys Amani Serys BB-610 BB-610

So far, setting up a nest in this building was a great investment. Watching as another defending soldier was dragged out of the conflict zone, she paused to cool off the rifle. At least ten targets in such a short time, huh? "Should I just start becoming a full-time sniper?"

Then the corner of her eyes caught something. An armored heavy gunner stood in the middle of a narrow pathway, covering for his wounded comrades' escape while pinning down the advancing Mandalorians. Marking him a key target, Anna aimed for the ankle and fired. Another bolt to the wrist, powerful enough to blow off the heavy gunner's hand. When she expected the now-overwhelmed squad to surrender or retreat, suddenly the frontline Mandalorians quickly pushed through and executed the wounded soldiers, quickly reminding her of the reality of the war she was currently participating in.

The huntress exhaled, as distant memories of the conflict that orphaned her flashed briefly in her mind. They'll probably call her naive and stupid for landing these disarming shots in the middle of a war. But her gun, her rule. If they have a problem with that, they gotta take it up to her.

"Anna here, still in cover. Continuing to provide long-range support."

Anna took her eyes off the scope for a moment, making sure she was still undetected. Judging by the chaos of the battle down below, no one probably had any time to pinpoint a specific window on a specific tower that was too high for organic eyes to see. Of course, she was wrong because a droid already spotted her, but she didn't know that yet.

She chose to stay at this spot, but now aiming further, closer to the palace. New reinforcements just came, perhaps there's some she can take out before they make it to the frontline...

Roxy Rizzan



ALLIES: Kostodu Xyston Kostodu Xyston | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Nizhalgal Nizhalgal | GA
Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya | Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze | Kad Wren | ENCLAVE | IMPs | I.M.P
Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
GEAR: Lightsaber | NJO Attire | Droid





Ceri never thought she'd actually be in one. One against friends at that. How does that happen? Even the reasons Starlin Rand Starlin Rand had given her, didn't exactly make sense. It didn't exactly sit well with the Padawan to now be fighting people that had fought alongside them in the previous war that she'd read about.

But she mobilised with the Order despite her reservations.

Starlin had taught her a lot since her shellshock on Indoumodo. He'd prepared her as well as he could. But he couldn't prepare her for the endless loop of onslaught from very seasoned warriors that were once considered friends.

It's been days. Everyone was getting tired and food was getting low. She was in and out of the dome to help bolster GADF forces. One good thing had come of it - she got used to wearing a space suit and even got a crash course from some marines on how to reasonably operate a jetpack. She wasn't perfect, but at least she only crashed into the dome once right in the beginning. Since then, she'd actually managed to zip around a bit, albeit wonkily.

It was late at night. Not long ago, a bunch of marines had mobilised and some Jedi with them when reports came through that the Mandalorians were advancing on the dome. Since then, she was outside, waiting for the real onslaught.

Nothing can prepare you for the flashes of light and the haunting, deafening sound of hundreds of war droids dropping from the sky, strafing the dome or unloading explosives onto it.

<Look alive, everyone! They're incoming.> came Captain Geyr from the platoon she was with, said over the comms.
Ceri took a deep breath. This was it. The Mandalorians' big push. Even with all the tools her Master had given her, she still had a modicum of fear of what could happen. The men around her that could die. That she could die. But as a Jedi, even a Padawan, it was up to her to give them hope.
<May the Force be with you all. Have faith in that and it will guide you through the night.> she said, gripping onto her own words to give herself hope as well.

A ways off, some Mandalorians already engaged with other blocks. After another deep breath, Ceri ignited her conjoined saber, a beacon of blue in the night.
"I walk in shadow and darkness; Ashla, shield me from wickedness." she whispered the spell Starlin had taught her and Eli quite a while back. A halo of purple surrounded her briefly before fading, leaving a shield visible only in the Force around her.

Prepared as much as she can be, Ceri waited for what was coming.

Ukatis - Axilla, beneath the royal palace
Friendly Tags: Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania
Unfriendly Tags: Adenn Munin [Eventually tm]
UL-13 "Corporis" Skin Suit | HG-54 Class Verpine Hand Cannon | C-11 Combat Knife | Lightsaber

Even? Cora's brow crinkled in confusion as she accepted the ration pack. The mischief in his eyes was distracting – as was the roguish smile.

It took her a few tries to peel back the plastoid film, and suddenly she was staring at what passed for a dessert among the Coruscanti Jedi. Two years ago, she and Makko had first met in the cafeteria. While Cora had taken forever to decide on which disappointing commoner meal to choose, Makko had cut in line and taken both of the chocolate puddings that remained, leaving none for her. A grimace of a smile pulled at her lips, recalling just how snooty she'd been.

"Excuse me!" Seizing his wrist before he could make off, Cora cleared her throat. "Perhaps you are new here, but civility dictates that one must wait one's turn while in line. For you to do as you please is quite unfair those those who've dutifully followed the rules."

"Additionally, only one dessert per person per meal is permitted. Please return your unauthorized pudding."

That was the moment which sparked a deep hatred between the two Padawans. A hatred that, over time, turned into a deeply mutual fondness for one another. The tumult of life had ripped them apart again and again, yet even now, they'd found each other.

"Now we're even." She affirmed, wrapping the packet as best she could and tucking it away. Force, how he'd grown over the past few years. It didn't feel like too long ago where she'd been standing above him victoriously during saber training, and now he'd outpaced her.

"There's still time." She teased dryly, gesturing vaguely towards him with the butt of her blaster. Even under the threat of deadly combat, already she was feeling a little more like herself. "I've only been down here once, so I don't know their entire scope. But I can follow the markings on the wall, and the people up ahead." Cora glanced over to Makko and gave him an uneasy smile. "Stay close."
Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

When the surface explosions reverberated into the tunnels and knocked Marcel to the ground, it was Albert, the butler who slipped the Viscount's arm over his shoulder and help the man get to his feet.

Marcel von Ascania was a hard man. War and famine had been cyclical in his life, and he'd witnessed it tear apart both noble houses and commonfolk alike. He did not want his people – or his children – to face such a thing, and he'd do anything to prevent it. There was security in having a daughter on the throne, security in having a strong son to head the family when he passed. Even if they suffered in other ways, such was the duty of a Noble. Corazona and Dominick knew this.

It was an unpleasant game, but if you didn't play, you ceased to be.

Once the surprise of the explosions had worn off, surprise from his son's words crept in. For a moment, Marcel simply stared. Dominick had always been gentle and yielding; rarely had he spoken back to his father. Marcel's mouth thinned into a firm line; he admired his son's passion and willingness to protect, but he was still a boy. He didn't know as much as he thought he did.

"Your youth begets foolishness. One day, boy, I pray you live long enough to understand."

Awe touched his beady eyes when he witnessed Dominick conjure light from his hands, illuminating the passage and bringing a sense of order to the people.

As civilians began to file though the tunnel, Marcel placed his hand atop Dominick's shoulder again and drew in close.

"We've no word on the King's location. Do not spread despair among the very people you are trying to help." His voice rumbled, low and stern. "You are not yet skilled enough to wield that to your advantage, Dominick. Project yourself as calm, clear, and firm. If our liege survives, he may wed your elder sister, albeit with some…precautions in place."

The crown was understandably wary of seeing the King married to his son's murderer, but Marcel had promised that with enough safety measures, it could be to their advantage. Only a handful of people knew the truth surrounding Prince Horace's accidental death, the commonfolk having been fed some placating story of how their poor, heartbroken Princess left Ukatis to rest and recuperate. Not only would it save the reputation of both the crown and House Ascania, but producing an heir would strengthen their rule.

Unbeknownst to Marcel and his son, Corazona and Makko had finally caught up with them. Having heard just enough of her father's words, the daughter spoke, voice thick with surprise and ire;

"What the fuck?"


Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania

"Now we're even."

She remembered.

One eyebrow went up as she threatened to shoot him. Makko smiled because time instantly compressed until he could draw at least three different ways to tease her to despair.

His gaze fell to her uniform. Form-fitting black armour, the plating etched with with the sith insignia. Just as easily as the past was drawn closer by those threads woven between them and moments in time, his thoughts were almost lost pondering a maze of possibilities.

"Stay close."

"I will."

She wouldn't have missed his glance, but he matched her smile and gave a sharp nod. He trusted her. This wasn't the time for losing himself to conjecture.

The black-clad soldiers ahead bore no insignia. Their identities a secret, their actions often carried out in secret.

They had weapons trained on every corridor and angle. They moved aside for Cora to lead them deeper. She had her lightsaber, Makko noted as she passed him.

"What the fuck?"

Makko had nothing to say. The special forces soldiers filtered forwards, talking amongst themselves, moving to assess the size of the civilian crowd. They were like ghosts, breezing past as he remained frozen in place.

His lips peeled back into a sneer. His hands closed into fists, so tight that his nails were close to breaking skin.

The idea that Cora could be put through that year of her life by her own father, the notion that he could do it again. Makko's hand opened. Darkfire, his lightsaber, trembled against his hip.

Makko glanced at Cora.

You didn't have the right, she had told him. Makko had respected her decisions before and it had led to disaster, but he couldn't make everything better by making her choices for her.

He had been holding a breath for too long. He exhaled slowly, letting his imagination conjure an Ord Mantell town as accepted his anger but refused to let it consume him.

He had no idea what Ord Mantell was like.

"I won't be far," he said quietly for Cora alone, taking a step back and checking the latest tactical information from the surface.

Makko had wanted to hate Dominick. He'd wanted to see another representative of the systems and attitudes that had ruined Cora's life, but the young man had been infuriatingly reasonable. Makko offered him a single, meaningful look.

Makko couldn't fight this fight, but Dominick could join it.
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Capital City of Ukatis
Plaza Square

If your something more than Flesh, Ascended
And you've taken on the rest, To end it

She'll find you in a dream, Tormented
Godhunters gonna hunt you down

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Braze Braze | Ryana mina

Snap, crackle, pop! The skies above were ablaze with warfare as Ukatis quickly became the heart of a massive struggle with civilians cowering and fleeing, shoving one another over in their fearful panic and displaying a staggering lack of compassion for their fellow prey as their natural instinct of self preservation took over their very genetics. Perhaps she should have expected this much, after all it seemed with each battle Domina took part in there was always a collection of non-combatants scurrying about and muddying the waters of battle as the four armed Xeno watched in half amusement and half bewilderment.

You are hunter, or you are prey. This simple truth was branded into her very code, more apart of her bones than the finest champion who dared to call themselves a 'True Mandalorian'. They may have adopted the code, but Domina was born with it engraved into her very plasma. So it was just as jarring as it was entertaining, watching soldiers dive behind rubble and whatever was around to set up a defensive against Mandalorians who continuously pushed the offensive fearlessly.

It could never be her, Dima thought. The running, the screaming, the fear in the air so radioactive it was like being hit with allergies. She couldn't quite understand why they didn't turn around, look their demons in the eyes...visor? And justify their own right to exist in the eyes of not only Dominas god, but their god as well.

Peace had truly made the galaxy soft and squishy like dough. So easily malleable and herded it was like watching livestock scurry about a slaughterhouse.

"Hm, well, Dima thought this would be much more EXCITING and AWESOME Godling. This is fun and all, but sometimes Dima can't help but feel like there is something MISSING ya know?" She mused to the choking and gargling Jedi who was left leaning against the fountain bleeding out as Dima sat on the edge of the fountain with her leg crossed neatly over her knee. "This one doesn't get the same feeling when a battle has to many rats and mice, they crowd the field and get in the way all the time! And they tell Dima, they tell her 'oh yeah come on this mission with us Dima', telling her it'll be fun! They say 'oh of COURSE there will be godlings, don't worry about it'. And Dima, the lovely lady she is, tells them 'ok sure! Sounds like fun!" She explained to him, hearing him slowly wheeze and gurgle as she leaned her head back and groaned almost as if she were bored. "But then, then when this one enters the's never really what Dima imagined in her head. Like, it's a battle, sure, and battles have people sure sure ok that makes sense but like..." She lifted one of her four arms, gesturing towards the complete chaos of the scene and the evacuation of civilians. "These...don't look like warriors to Dima ya know? It just feels...sour and rotten. Like punching below ones weight. You know what thats like right little god? Being blessed with such divine power this one is sure you've thrown your weight around those less blessed than yourself plenty of times yes? A wave of your hand here, a snap of your fingers there. Yes, yes you know what thats like for sure. It's what your kind do afterall~"

She continued her casual conversation with the jedi, dragging her claws along her Kopis beskad as if filing them to a perfect sharpness. Patient in her task of guarding the stairs that led up to the Noble Houses Grand Palace. Fancy dressed royals sloppily tripping about and running right past the fountain as Dima just shook her head in disgust & disappointment.

"If this one is being honest godling. Dima is thinking cousins have begun losing more and more of their nerve. They boast a desire for war and conquest, but it seems we're always attacking lessers. Heh, hell, even your military branches put up a fight at first, but after so much overwhelming force it's not long before they fold or surrender. It's all just become so...simple~" She sighed, checking the sharpness of her claws by holding them up towards the light before nodding in approval and returning the Kopis to her sheath. "If it was up to Dima. If this one was a mighty Warmaster and Commander like boss man @Romul Saxton, oh godling you should see him he is like this tall and not afraid of ANYTHING! One of Mandas favorite sons for sure!" She boisterously exclaimed, gesturing with her hands to represent Romuls size before giggling girlishly.

"If Dima had the respect and command he does oh you know what Domina would do?" She whispered, leaning in and dragging her claws through his bloodied hair as he whined and struggled by her side. "This one would ignore your cities, your bases and your silly little worlds of occupation...and come to you. Straight to the door of you godborn. No sneaking around in the dark, no surprise attacks on unsuspecting populations. No struggle against soldiers who had no idea what they signed up for~" She snatched him by the hair now and forced his face to look up towards her. "None of that senile madness. Just glorious battle with worthy prey...and what prey is more worthy than a godborn? Yes, if it was up to Domina. This battle wouldn't be would be in your temples, in your shrines, and in your holy place. Now doesn't that sound just...divine? All of you, vs all of us~" She chittered warmly against him when suddenly, the sound of static radiated from the Jedis wrist. The glowing blip of his communicator revealing that this whole time Domina was rambling the enemy had heard every word she spoke.

Good. She hoped they remembered every word. For it was only a matter of Time before Domina took authority and command of an operation.

And woe to gods & devils alike when she did.

And in that moment, a voice quipped from the Jedis wrist.

"Hey, Dima, having fun over there, causing all this mess? You might be good at causing mayhem, but you're not as clever as you think." The communicator called out, the use of Dimas name confusing the xeno as she tilted her head curiously. Reaching out and snatching the jedis arm and hoisting it up painfully as the man groaned and whined from the pain.

"Mmn, honestly no, no not really. Dima was JUST telling this godling that ya know? Doesn't this all just feel a little...lame? To many little people for Dimas taste, this one prefers the blood of divine." She mused, literally unnerved by Brazes comment about her cleverness. "Dima dunno bout that godborn, Dima thinks her plan to take the fight to your precious temples and shrine is rather brilliant. Dima is clever in these ways, you could have never known~" She whimsically mused, examining her claws while dangling her leg passively, taking into the disarmed Jedis communicator as if his arm were a cell phone. Tucking it between her shoulder and neck while talking with whoever this stranger on the communicator was.

Domina was not a clever woman. She was domination incarnate. Clever people did not fantasize and daydream about kicking down the front door of the Jedi Order and challenging their champions to single combat under the eyes of the Manda.

"No wonder Ko almost died," Braze said, making Dima blink unbothered.

"The fuck is a Ko?" She echoed the name back, literally not ringing a single bell in her mind.

"What with how hideous that face of yours is. Does it take a lot of makeup to cover up that mess?" He taunted, this time her eyes literally going wide as her central most eye in her forehead twitched in agitation.

"H-hey! AM NOT! Dima is pretty like a princess it's true! And this one can't even WEAR stupid makeup mama says Dimas skin is too oily!" She barked back into the communicator as her massive tail rattled behind her angrily. "Your not nice not nice at all! Dima is a LADY ok proper and prim-like! It is known~" She quipped childishly, lifting her nose up and crossing her arms over her chest.

Clearly, whoever this boy was. He had missed the hostage negotiation class as Dima sadistically smirked and leaned in towards the communicator.

"Hey godborn...wanna hear something that is hideous?"

She took her tail and SMASHED it into the jedis lap, completely CRUSHING their bones and mangling both their legs as the Jedi who was just starting to doze off suddenly let out the most vicious, blood curdling screams that radiated through both the air and the communications channels.

"GRA-AHHHH!" They cried, Dima pushing his wrist close to his face to make sure Braze could hear him crying and sobbing pathetically before whispering menacingly into the communicator.

"Mmn, now thats whats hideous. A crying, sniveling god." She quipped before smashing his arm next, cutting off the communicator and leaving the jedis body mangled and twisted.

"Alright!" A voice suddenly rang out before her. "I'm here! You, me, right now! Let's not waste any time."

Dima's eyes shifted, noticing Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el not so far from her now with his weapon in hand as she grinned in satisfaction.

"Finally, it's about fuckin time god. This one was starting to think no one would ever come to this whimpering little things aid~" She cooed, lifting the jedi up by the hair before tossing them across the floor at Jaspers feet. Their legs mangled and twisted, their saber arm severed from their body and their other arm bend and broken painfully. Dima held his bright blue saber in her claws though, dragging a finger sharply across its surface. A fine addition to her collection. "Is this all? Just you? Dima was hoping for more~" She chuckled, casually walking forward at a pace that signaled that she was within her element as her tail swished back and forth. "You should have brought more~" She mused, flicking the saber to life and scratching its plasma blade across the floor just to see the embers and molten lava be thrown up and towards Jasper as Dominas opening move to get him active and blood in his legs.

She wanted this one to last longer than the previous godborn~

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