Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

"Nobody indicated I come here as an enemy. If I wanted to fight you, I would be far more efficient than come in person and warn you before I would attack. I have access to enough resources and troops to overwhelm your masters and simply destroy you along with their ships. But this is not why I am here. Come, come, there is no need to be rude."

The droid quickly unholstered his magnetic revolver with a practiced, programmed movement, without looking away from Aut-X he raised it in the direction of the ray shield's emitter, the small exposed target it could not cover due to the tubular nature of the cells created by the shields. He pulled the trigger, shattergun silently fired an anti-mechanical spike he designed, at enough speed to cut through the air and make a DING sound as it pierced the metal cover of the emitter and delivered an electronic charge. The shield would flicker and disappear with its systems fried. Between the two of them Aut and HK probably knew all the tricks in the books.

HK spun his revolver on his finger with a flourish and put it back in its holster, raising his hands to show he didn't mean any harm, besides, he had enough faith in his skills and superior tech to calculate he could defeat the commando droids and magnaguards unarmed.

"My mind may be even older than yours, that is true, but I, unlike your Techno Union, adapt with times. My original body is long gone, I have switch it every few years to upgrade my systems to keep up with mechanical advancement."

In fact the current vessel HK was using was much more sleek in design than traditional HK bodies, without the sharp curves, much more slender and silver in appearance, in fact it bore strong resemblance to what the mechanical body General Grevious used, something between that and HK models.

"You assume too much in your calculations. I am not their ally or accomplice, in fact I hunt them on regular basis for their crimes so that justice could be done. I am simply using them to cause distraction and using this opportunity to speak to you. But you are right, we are above them, and above your masters. That is why I come here with a job offer of sorts."

HK would casually stroll past Aut-X, ignoring his guards, if they wanted to attack him so be it, he could fight. Otherwise he would simply look out of the viewport of the landing craft,

"What do your memory banks tell you of the planet Rae in Abregado system and last incarnation of Confederacy, later known as Abrion System Alliance?"
"As you wish," the inorganic being replied over the comm.

He dashed down the hall at above-human speeds. Mephite could say that he was quite happy to be moving away from the mass of droids. He shot @Banzaki a significant look as he sped past. Hurry up or get left behind, it said.

A metal hand grabbed a satchel of thermal charges at their makeshift HQ. Before turning and heading back towards the corridor. Not that he was looking forward to it. But it made sense and it could at the very least get him out alive...if he didn't die along the way.
Allies: Hutt Cartel

Enemies: Techno Empire

The rodian ceased his fire in response to [member="Thraxis"] and his barked desire to retreat, turning his head to shoot him a glance. Can't complain about that, with all these droids and Force users duking it out. He was about to voice that, but paused to listen to a direct order made by [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] himself.

"On it!" He replied, shortly before catching [member="Mephite"] within his sights, seeing him hurry away from the blood/oilbath. Bazinki had no hesitation on catching up with the droid, since the risk was way higher if he happened to catch a stray bolt of plasma, being an organic and all. In fact, the alien was glad to get away from it all, since there was so little he could do in a situation like that, against battle droids no less. The departure of the rodian itself was swift, and violent; quickly hustling out of cover and taking wild shots at the mass of lethal metal that grew more distant as he made his way.

Bazinki kept his rifle ready the entire time, flashing analyzing looks to it occasionally. Once the satchels were secured, he turned to face the corridor, tapping a finger against the side of his weapon anxiously. "Hope we no blow up, metal man. Or...get shot." He said, muttering the last part while he followed.
"That makes two of us," Mephite replied dryly "So please cover me. If you don't, I'll make sure I take you down with me."

Nothing like a little fear to ensure jolly good cooperation. With that, the droid shell turned to head back down the corridor. On his way he set them with speed and precision. His auditory receptors told him the Techno Union was inching ever closer.


Allies: Hutt Cartel (the good guys)
Enemies: Techno Union (Darude-Sandstorm)
Location: Corridor leading to Hanger Bay.
Equipment: In bio.
Enemies: People Attacking the Space Rock.
Allies: People Protecting The Space Rock.

As soon as Sempra's Damnation entered the space near the asteroid a squadron of fighters were leaving it's hangers. The X-HKI Blood Dart's began swooping through the skies, engaging the enemy fighters and their ships.

Captain Lurtel a Twi'lek male, stood at the command bridge of the shio looking down at the asteroid. "Bring all weapons online and the shields to full. Divert all power from the engines. We're not going to need them." Sempra's Damnation sprung to life, it's 30 point defense lasers began mowing down fighters that attempted to bring her down. The 6 capital ship turrets began to fire upon the Techno Unions ships. "Scratch that. Keep the Long-Range Turbolaser and the Ion Cannon on stand by. All spare power focus on the sheilds." Captain Lurtel was calculating and devious. If anyone was to turn the tide of the space battle it would be him.

"Turn three of the Buzz Cannon's onto the station. I want them down their attacking the Techno's droids." At his command, three of the six buzz droid cannons began to fire down at the station. Two of the shots hit perfectly and 12 buzz droids now began to make their way into the hanger bay. The third shot landed somewhere off from the hanger the droids wondering around aimlessly. "I want the spare three attacking their ships." The last three cannons began to fire droids at the main Techno Ship. If the projectiles hit, it would begin the droids would slowly tear the ship apart from the inside, if not quickly destroyed.

The WW-41 CryoBan grenades were working wonders in both slowing down the hulking Z-5's and the rest of the droid army. The combination of their freezing effects along with the way they damaged the insides of the droids was enough to bring down multiple at a time.

Cadan saw Mythos still fighting with the droids in the hanger. "Mythos me man, this ain't an order, but get your ass in 'ere now! We is gonna seal up this corridor and suck the air out of the 'anger. Ain't gonna do much but might suck some of the karks off inta space." Cadan's voice was beginning to get strained. Battles always seemed to get him this way. No drug that he took could compare to the thrill, the constant on level of energy that it made him feel.

The first thing that gave away the E-web's pirates obvious betrayal was the way that he seemed to be talking to no-one, the second was him spinning the E-web to face the troops. Cadan had seen this all before, a Jedi was near and they were mind controling his men. The E-web let off a few shots before the poor pirate manning it took a couple of rounds to the chest from Cadan. "Show ya self Jedi. I got some confessions for ya!" Cadan said, his voice louder than those around him. "Tell ya what? 'Ow 'bout we meet in this little armoury and discuss a surrender?" Cadan slowly backed into the armoury adjacent to the corridor and actually waited for [member="Jessica Med-Beq"].

From space a rain of Buzz Droids began to move into the hanger, their mischevious ways becoming enough to deactivate a few of the stranglers. 2 of the 12 droids that began to warm the hanger charged at [member="Werah Unon"] in an attempt to deactivate his armour. The other 10 continued their seige on the droids.

[member="Mephite"] [member="Bazinki"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Jed Kerkov"] [member="Aut-X"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Mythos"]
Allies: [member="Aut-X"] [member="Werah Unon"]
Enemies: [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Bazinki"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Mephite"]
People of suspicion: [member="HK-36"]


"So this Hutt swine wants to surrender, and meet in the armory? Better than nothing I guess"

I'm still a Jedi, capturing that Hutt bandit alive is better than outright killing him, she thought, while walking to the armory with her Force-cloak back on, ensuring that she wouldn't get targeted by the pirates only decloaking when she actually arrived at the armory. But upon seeing one of the four pirates manning E-Webs being shot down by well-placed chest shots fired by one [member="Cadan Tazi"], the other three pirates manning E-Webs stopped firing. She came face-to-face with the Duro, who, by now, has realized that she used mind tricks to turn the E-Webs against them, and had battle droids in tow. The Duro's nightmare won't end anytime soon. Unless the terms of surrender are equitable. She made sure to power down her lightsaber or her other weapon - actually she didn't even use the SI-74 in the first place - prior to entering the armory and meet with the Duro spice pusher face-to-face. The Force didn't want her to kill the spice pusher however, that much she knew.

By now the two main heavy units of the Techno Empire, the Broadside-II, which is [member="Werah Unon"]'s flagship, and the Munificent-X, which was Jessica's, with Julie in command from her cockpit seat, rather than from the central armchair as would normally be the case for an Imperial capital ship commanding officer. Julie was about to show why she was chosen to go with Jessica in Imperial service, as she prepared a microjump to get behind the enemy flagship, the Sempra's Damnation. And with Jessica's lover, [member="Summer Sovereign"] hard at work defending the point-defense from the Hutts' bombing runs, Julie knew that the best course of action would be to position the Munificent-X beneath the enemy flagship, at point-blank range, even though they would be exposed to buzz droid fire or the Discord missile launchers. But the Imperial capital ship piloting trainer was undaunted, knowing that they think the Broadside-II is the Imperial flagship.

"Concentrate all the heavy firepower at the joint between the forward section and the wings! The enemy reactors are right there"

And then the dual super-heavy turbolasers fired at that location on the ship; all nine heavy turbolaser tubes, two heavy ion cannons, and one long-range hypervelocity cannon were fired at that point. The enemy return fire wouldn't take that long to manifest itself... while its own point-defense is hard at work mopping up the remaining enemy attack craft.
Location: Corridor

Allies: Hutt Cartel, [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Mephite"]

Enemies: Techno Union, [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Jed Kerkov"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Aut-X"]

Bazinki scoffed at that, keeping his gaze down the corridor to watch the flashing lights from the Hangar, making sure that would be all he would see. "Pfah! If I no cover you, metal man, gonna be dead anyway! Only know how to throw grenades, not set bombs!" The alien gave the working droid a glance after his comment on his own demolition skills, then returned his attention back down the hallway.

Just as he did, two B1 droids had entered his sight from down the corridor. Knowing droids, they probably revealed [member="Mephite"] and Bazinki's location, which would mean more would be incoming. Taking aim with his Vonginator rifle, he took one down, then cursed when the remaining battle droid retaliated with a few shots back.

"Gah! E chu ta!" The rodian hollered down the corridor at the battle droid, slamming himself against the wall. This was just barely enough to avoid taking a major hit, plasma grazing a blackened mark against the side of his armored shoulder. The scent of scorched metal filled his snout, which made it wrinkle. Still, the last droid came into the sights of his gun, and with the pull of a trigger, made the droid blow into two. Once a battle droid, now a scrap heap.

Keeping himself pinned to the wall next to Mephite, he would glance over his shoulder at him and anxiously said with a quick pace to his voice, "Hurry hurry hurry! Don't want to be shot at in here! Not many things to hide behind!"
Cadan locked the door as soon as it shut behind [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]. The Duros pulled a cigarette from his pocket spun with nettle and began to lit it. Soon grey plumes of smoke began dancing away from the blazing end of the cigarette. Cadan drew in deeply letting the smoke hang around in his throat and lungs before exhaling, blowing it towards Jessica. "Eh?" Cadan offer the cigarette to Jessica.

Cadan clicked a button on his comm link, that began to record the audio in the room. "Tell me Jedi, whats your name?" Cadan's voice was much softer now that he was away and secluded from the firefight going on outside. In his free hand Cadan pulled the pin of his last WW-41 CryoBan grenade. It wasn't set to explode, just a saftly measure incase things went south.

Captain Lurtel saw the engaging ships weapons turn on him. This was just what he wanted. "Bring the Ion's online! Fire at the Broadside." Sempra's Damnations's Ion cannons sprung to life as it began to fire upon the Broadside-II. Warning lights flashed over the dash board infront of Captain Lurtel. Shields 87%. "Lose the power in all un-occupied rooms. Divert it between the weapons and the shields. Turn all fire onto the Broadside. It won't be able to take all our weapons. Launch the bombers."

At his command a fleet of 3 G-100 Heavy Hutt Bomber charge from the hanger heading for the Broadside. A ship's shield would have a hard time putting up with this amount of fire power being directed at it. "Blood Dart's pull back, if the Broadside's shields fall, I want you all to take it out."

[member="Bazinki"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Aut-X"] [member="Jed Kerkov"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Mephite"]
Allies: [member="Aut-X"] [member="Werah Unon"]
Enemies: [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Bazinki"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Mephite"]
People of interest: [member="HK-36"]


As the armory's door closed behind her, she could take off her helmet. With her WESTAR Skirmisher armor suit, she looked like one of those Mandalorian Jedi Guardians (even though, in reality, she has a lot more brains than most Mandalorian Jedi she knew in her lifetime). She might once have been approached by a Mandalorian modeling agency, but she knew better than to rely on her looks on Jedi duty, even though she was the Imperial mascot because she was a bombshell genius. Besides relying too much on one's looks was more of a dark-sider to her eyes. She knew many criminals of his ilk could be surrendering given an appropriate sum of money but otherwise did not perceive Cadan as the kind of threat that would cause much damage. Street-level crime is not something worth calling up Jedi, not even apprentices. The Techno Empire does not deploy Jedi on small-scale routine operations, unlike the Silver Jedi; only either special operations or large-scale operations.

"Jessica. No I am not smoking. I propose that, for 75,000 credits, you shall leave Geonosis and never raid Geonosian space lanes again. Take all the dreamdust you can find in this base with you: Geonosians just don't want anything to do with dreamdust"


"The enemy has left us alone, captain" the B1 sensor technician droid told Julie.

"Just as I've predicted: they still think the Broadside is the Imperial flagship"

"Enemy shields at 87%"

"Concentrate all your fire at the enemy engines! Reverse thrusters"

Will the Broadside actually return fire? As the Sempra's Damnation engined were deactivated, Julie knew that the enemy flagship was a sitting duck, while also understanding that the Munificent-X was going to be slow, and painfully so. But she also expects as much from the enemy flagship, even if their engines were still operational. She prided herself on her eliteness as a capital-ship pilot, but she knew that one volley isn't normally enough to take out the shields on a ship that big. So, while she engaged the reverse thrusters, Julie simply realized that, while all the weapons are still pointed at the same angle, she couldn't get directly inside the ion stream of the enemy engines: that would fry their shields. Strangely enough the Munificent-X got no return fire even though all their weapons were trained at the enemy flagship, except for the starboard broadside turbolaser turrets. Which means that 290 turbolasers' worth of firepower were directed at the Sempra's Damnation engines. The entire starboard broadside of turbolaser fire was instead directed at the enemy starboard wing.
[member="Bazinki"] turned out to be a passable shot. Fortunate since two clankers came sauntering around the corner. Though the Rodian took care of business it wasn't fast enough. One did indeed get a partial message off before being blown away with a wail.

Then the alien threw himself behind Mephite. A shield of sorts for the green man. How nice for him, the Shard thought sardonically. "I'm moving as fast as I can," he replied with sarcasm tinging his voice "That is unless you want me to slip and blow both of us up."

He affixed the final detonator to the corridor wall. With that, it was time to radio in his progress to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"].

"Thermal detonators set, boss," he chimed in to the cyborg. He turned back to the Rodian.

"I think we should see about finding better cover. More battle droids are coming even as we speak."

Indeed Mephite could faintly pick up on the clank of metal on metal. The sound of B1s marching was rather distinctive.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Thraxis"] @Mythos @Jessica Med-Beq [member="HK-36"] [member="Aut-X"] (and anyone I missed)
A single one of Cadan's robotic fingers lifted from the Cyro grenade as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Nudge that up to 90,000 creds and ya got yourself a deal Jess." Cadan said as a crooked grin spread across his face. To be honest, what would the Hutt Cartel really do with a space rock floating over a planet filled with bugs? "You give us two days to leave an' we can take whatever is ours from this place, in that two days I ain't wanna see any of you Techies 'ere. If I do the deals off." Cadan practically spat the last sentece towards Jessica, his sadistic smile spreading across his scar and burnt face.

[member="Bazinki"] [member="Mephite"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Thraxis"]
"Oh sure, 90,000 credits is a reasonable price to pay to ensure that the space lanes across Geonosis remain safe and that 2 days' worth of demilitarized zone around this asteroid be observed. But Techno protocol demands that a majority of the senior command personnel in charge of this operation agrees to these terms"

The counter-offer from [member="Cadan Tazi"] was a little more expensive than hoped for, but still well within the budget. She didn't know Geonosis that well, but that's one less band of pirates to deal with. Let's hope that they won't plague Hypori or Siskeen, she thought. Giving them two days to evacuate and, during these two days, making sure there are no TE presence while they evacuate the base. Finally they have realized that Geonosis was not worth much: it was a world filled with bugs, whose taste in drugs was better understood by one Herr Vanderhing than it was by the Hutt Cartel, hence why the Cartel has been losing steam in the Geonosian underworld in the past few months. She opened a channel to [member="Werah Unon"] and [member="Aut-X"], using the communicator unit on her right wrist. If what she said about the protocol of accepting surrenders from enemies was actually correct, only Werah's approval was necessary since hers was pretty much a given:

"Here are the terms for the Hutt Cartel to surrender: we pay 90,000 credits to cover the cost of them pulling back from Geonosis, and we observe a 48-hour truce during which we are to stay clear of the asteroid"

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