Never Fade Away
"Hey Corvus... like, I think I'm about as useful as a sleeping dug in a firefight. That, and well..."
Johnny D opened up his messenger bag, letting Corvus peer inside. He had a small black box, his custom datapad, earbuds, some snackfood, few packs of insta-stimcaf, and a holonet uplink booster. No weapons whatsoever. "I kinda don't really have any weaponry." He looked over to Kana, then to Corvus, and sighed lightly.
"Figures, right? Force have mercy I hope I don't get spaced out here."
Johnny D was giving off about a metric tonne of nervous fear right about now.
[member="VlPER"] | @CC-1693 | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Jerry Mars"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Johnny D opened up his messenger bag, letting Corvus peer inside. He had a small black box, his custom datapad, earbuds, some snackfood, few packs of insta-stimcaf, and a holonet uplink booster. No weapons whatsoever. "I kinda don't really have any weaponry." He looked over to Kana, then to Corvus, and sighed lightly.
"Figures, right? Force have mercy I hope I don't get spaced out here."
Johnny D was giving off about a metric tonne of nervous fear right about now.
[member="VlPER"] | @CC-1693 | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Jerry Mars"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]