Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis)

Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaged Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot

And that's when it finally happened.

Surprisingly, her darts missed, clattering to the effective measures of the Jedi's gauntlet deflecting the projectiles in quick succession as they came. She would have to find and recover her Terentatek Darts after she was done, those things were extremely valuable to her person, and could not afford in her mind, to lose them under any condition that wasn't a strategic placement. However, at present, her mind was thinking anything but strategy. It was thinking pain. It was thinking violence. It was thinking with adrenaline. The combat was intensifying, and her physical(/spiritual) fatigue was growing, but her resolve knows no bounds, even when under such duress.

Her arm was already extended, all it needed to do was reach and allow his own momentum to do himself in.

As the man fell, not at all unlike a pouncing predatory lion, absorbing her energies as she made her probably final stand. He reached out to grab her, and succeeded in doing so, causing her to scream (silently within her deaf head) out in the pain it produced, with fear that wracked within her heart. Her strength faded from her shoulder, and quickly began to suck the rest of her strength towards that location... but that simple act was not without its consequences to the one initiating the pain.

It has been known that charging creatures have been killed with a single strike from a lone standing figure simply because they had too great a momentum to stop the shattering impact into their skull and through their brains, even if at the expense of the mans arm.

A strategy similar to that, was now being employed by Triam Akovin in her almost animalistic desperate reaction to this close range grapple. As the man fell on her in the pounce, he would find her resolve to stand against him stronger, her footing alone keeping her from collapsing under herself, as she unleashed her campaign of excruciating physical pain unto Vulpesen. What did she do?

In short, she stuck her arm out and thrust it into the throat of Vulpesen, but not in any simple punch, oh no, do not confuse it with something as base as that. No, what she did, was use the reinforced weighted bearing armored fingers that once housed grappling hooks, to strike beside the trachea with her thumb, with the rest of her fingers to strike around the opposite end of his adams apple. Not only was she punching through his throat, his whole body was behind his throats momentum to press into her hand, which would cause an awful collision between armored hand and meaty throat. If the blow connected, and it was exceptionally improbable to the highest degree that it would not, her hand would swipe across the throat with the trachea gripped tightly in an armored noose as she lashed out in pain. In effect, this would utterly wreck his trachea, rendering breathing impossible without proper care, and would cause internal bleeding within the throat. In the moment Vulpesen could probably attempt to heal the injury to some degree, but Triam wasn't about to let go of her death grip should she gain it, and would continue to crush it, diverting his attention away from her and instead to his present asphyxiating situation.

It would be so easy as well, to simple squeeze tighter and tighter around her enemies throat, turning its innards into a bloody amalgamated pulp. Virtually no effort on her part to accomplish the act after obtaining it, her grappling glove being reinforced and designed to handle loads of stress would have the adverse effect of giving each of her fingers a powerful edge in combat, with or without their actual grappling hooks. Nothing was being punctured or injected, but Triam had personal experience in noticing how difficult it was to concentrate, react, or do much of anything without the ability to breathe. She would starve his brain of oxygen, fill it with the lights of pain, and drain it of its vital fluids through his throat, all in the simple act of reaching out to him.

There were no thoughts in Triam's head as she did this, she merely reacted to painful stimuli, and as such had no focus on what her next move would be... if a next move would even be needed after this. After all, at this point, she would be physically exhausted, and supernaturally deprived of her will power. It did not mean she was defenseless, as there was always one last solution to any problem.

For now, for likely all parties involved, there would be nothing but pain within the cave. Excruciating, even mutually debilitating pain, that would probably lead to unconsciousness for some sooner than others.
Objective: B
Location: Space the final....
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Enemies: [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Wan Min Brightsky"]

“Well, this is a glorious daisy chain being set up!” Irys called as she watched the holographic tactical display. Noble-class cruisers turning to follow the Venator-type destroyer that had a made a pass on them. Avenger-class star Destroyer slowly coming about to fire on the Nobles. Now her own ship passed behind the Avenger.

“Ma’am, their carrier-type Venator is moving up to engage!” Irys heard the call, and watched the sensor spike being translated to situational awareness as the last of the Rebel capital vessels started to join the battle. She took a moment to mull over the situation. The enemy’s main fighter complement had engaged the mercenary’s Noble-class vessels, and at the same time more escorts were moving to aid the Avenger.

“Captain Wist’lon, give the rear of that Avenger a broadside, and then engage the carrier!” she called to the Captain of the Majesty. He acknowledged the order with a smirk. “Devastator and MIA are to stick on that Avenger!”

There was silence for a few moments. The calm before the storm. Irys realised they were pausing to give the Avenger hell. She didn’t interfere in the running of individual ships, as difficult as it was with the Majesty having been her ship for years.

Even through the many bulkheads, the guns roared. The full starboard battery fired in a very short space of time. Sixty Ion cannons fired first, what remained of that starboard battery having more ion cannons than the rebel fleet combined. Such a volley was sure to put serious pressure on what remained of the vessel’s shields. Eighty turbolasers followed, bright red streaks lancing across the vacuum of space to their target. There was then a dull rolling thunder. Irys recognised the sound of ordnance being deployed. Many of the Majesty’s tubes had been damaged in the early engagement, but three intruder missiles were closely followed by a pair of assault concussion missiles.

The pair of contention classes used their more significant advantage in speed to match the Avenger as she moved to follow the mercenary vessels. So far they’d been mostly ignored by the enemy, a costly mistake given their significant arsenal. The vertically oriented ships were designed to engage the enemy head on, but for now they would settle for a broadside. When the Majesty shifted her firepower to the carrier, they would attempt to find another angle of attack.

Rather than a synchronised burst, they unloaded a constant barrage at very close range. Forty heavy turbolasers on the port side each, the dull grey hulls of all three ships were lit up by the display of firepower. They each fired another five assault concussion missiles each.

The Raider-class vessels used their defence guns to provide dangerous firing arcs, shielding the Dorin-classes from the droid bombers. However, the Abrion fleet had another trick up its sleeve. Their fighter doctrine revolved around the use of swarm class, disposable vessels. They supplemented this with some genuine teeth in the form of advanced gunships. The droid bombers would shift their attention to the Raiders, drawing their fire. In their wake thirty Tikkes followed. Escorted by droid fighters, they unloaded a mass of proton torpedoes on the corvettes, far more than their own limited point defences could handle.

On the bridge of the Majesty the guns fell silent as they ceased firing on the Avenger-class. The bridge was abuzz with reports flowing back and forth. Masses of guns slowly swivelled in their mounts and started to lock onto their new target: The Solo-class carrier. The old Venator remake would soon find herself hopelessly outgunned. The ANS Blaze was not so patient. All her long range batteries opened fire on the Solo-class.

On the distant side of the field the ANS Bruiser continued to move to cut off the Skywalker, hoping to sandwich the vessel between the Nobles and herself. The course was continually altered very slightly. They didn’t want to come from exactly the opposite side, or risk catching friendly fire from hypervelocity cannons. She fired her long range turbolasers at the Skywalker’s nose, letting them know she was coming. Her escorts, comprised of the Sev’rance class escorts Direct Approach and Scream and another swarm of droid fighters moved up and started to spread out. Soon they would provide enough firepower to cleanse the sky around the Mercenary fleet of their fighter problems.

“Prepare to offer this rebellion terms of surrender,” Irys said venomously between clenched teeth.


Icons indicate current positions. Blue arrows are direction of travel. Solo might need an adjustment.
[SIZE=11.5pt]Gunray Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Majesty[/SIZE] Shields done to 60%, Damage to weapons systems and sensors Final broadside to Avenger’s rear and moving to engage Solo
[SIZE=11.5pt]Tambor Class Chaos Maxtor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Bruiser [/SIZE]Shields down to 50% Damage to Port weapons systems and long range comms Moving to Engage Skywalk-class
[SIZE=11.5pt]Contention Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Devastator[/SIZE] Flanking Avenger Class
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Much Improved Aim [/SIZE]Flanking Avenger Class
[SIZE=11.5pt]Maladi Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Blaze [/SIZE]Engaging Solo Class at long range
[SIZE=11.5pt]Sev’rance Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Direct Approach [/SIZE]Escorting Bruiser, moving to protect Nobles
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Scream [/SIZE]Escorting Bruiser, Moving to protect Nobles
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Lancer [/SIZE]Out of action, evacuation in prgress
[SIZE=11.5pt]Dirk Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Indignation [/SIZE]Escorting Majesty Shields down to 40% from escort duties
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Don't Shoot [/SIZE]Escorting Majesty
[SIZE=11.5pt]Sickle Class[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ANS Peace Wagon [/SIZE]Engaging Avenger Class

[SIZE=11.5pt]Escorting Majesty Group:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Tikkes-class gunboats 30[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Bolo-class gunboats 20[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]LAAT/D 12[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Raptors: 84/210[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]TIE Rapier 24[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Droid interceptor 30/120[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Droid Bomber: 50/90[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]Escorting Bruiser group:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Bolo-class gunboats 20[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Raptors: 84/210[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Droid interceptor 30/120[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Droid Bomber: 30[/SIZE]

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Objective: C
Location: C
Enemies: Ravens, Rebels [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Apoc"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
Allies: ACA Sith-funders, [member="Molly Rieux"] | [member="Ahra Martrey"] | [member="Phade"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

And down the tunnel they went into the dark dank tunnels that made up the sanctum of the geonosians. Sirella could sense the present of many ahead although was still surprised to see an orange twi’lek appear from seemingly nowhere and fire a few successive rounds into Ovmar. Good, that's what he was there for… Meat was meant for slaughter.

Still life preservation and instinct kicked, and Sirella took a knee throwing up a barrier. The force protected the pair deflecting shrapnel away from them. Pieces of metal flew in every direction chipping into the walls and ceiling of the tunnel churning up dust and debris. The first shot barely impaired sight, the second blew a chunk from the ceiling sending a large clump of dirt to the ground and the third reacted with the others to send a swirl of dust into the air. Like smoke it covered the field of vision, but unlike smoke it would dissipate without much fanfare, a few seconds only before there was no obstruction.

The barrier held in place throughout all of it, and throughout all of it Sirella Valkner continued her muttering of foul magic. Only in holy agony could they be made to understand...
[member="General Mayhem"]

The first dart whipped over his head as he kept moving, the second however made contact. It was light contact, with the dart barely skimming him, the armored plating of his beskar glancing it away. But it did break skin, and with halluicinogens, that was all you needed. It didn't take affect instantly, however Silas wasn't entirely aware what had just hit him, but non-poisoned darts in a battlefield were virtually nonexistent. If the droid wanted to play the range game, then so be it. Swiftly he sheathed the left knife and with the free hand drew a Westar.

Quickly he leveled the blaster and squeezed the trigger thrice, the blaster kicking back against his wrist. He just needed to get a few shots on the droid to put it out of commission, it didn't look heavily armored, but he'd been wrong before.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Rebel Front Lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

They were starting to get hit hard from multiple sides, with the arrival of the Sith Lord and reinforcements on the right flank things could be going better. But no matter what the ACA did no matter how terrifying the battle was the Rebels held the line, they knew there was no surrender. It was victory or death, and they were not about to spend their lives as POWs or be buried in a shallow grave here. So as the explosions burned into the ground and bodies both robotic and organic piled on the ground, the rebels resolve would not bend to the corporate pigs.

"We got them where we want them! Hit it them now!" Patricia said with emphasis. She had the enemy right in her face so it was time to punch them right in the mouth.

The snipers shifted fire and all focused on [member="Besh Prime"] and his super clankers in the trenches twelve snipers with anti material weapons all focused on eliminating the enemy commander and his friends. But that's when things got even better, the tanks split into two groups of three and split to each side of the factory and began to focus fire over the trenches three of them aiming at [member="TD-18"] 's armor on the right flank and the other three hitting [member="Prime"] 's forces. Their rotary blaster cannons also shot into the trenches bellow at [member="Besh Prime"] and his forces as the rebel forces In that are were moving to the sides to allow the snipers and takes to absolutely light the living crap out of the enemy.

"DROP THE FIGHTERS!! MAKE IT HURT!" Patricia yelled out and the X wings moved to start picking off droids and attacking other various foes.

The ion cannons and E-webs started to go into overdrive and light up the incoming forces. The anti tank unit in the trenches saw the massive Sith Lord attacking them so in a rush of panic and anger they began to open fire on the Sith from both sides [member="Hion the Herglic"] might be occupied for a few minutes but those rockets weren't taking a Sith Lord out, Patricia might have to deal with him but in her state that might of been suicide.

The line was still strong and the artillery using their beam weapons and the shells opened fire on incoming enemy armor to make sure they would have to halt or be destroyed. The ACA wanted to close in and that was fine, Patricia was just going to have to stab them in the gut now that they were close enough.


x1 SPA-1F Mobile Artillery squadron 6 total
x1 SPA-1S Mobile Artillery squadron (6/squadron)
x1 Flint-class Medium Tank squadron (6/squadron)
x1 T-65XJ3 X-Wing squadron (12/squadron)
x1 Rogue Squadron (mostly PC)
x2 Geonosian People’s Armed Militia company (150/company Geonosian and Rebel soldiers with napalm grenades, Rebel Maulers, AR-47s, SXB-1 Scrubbers, TDL-1 Tempests) 200 now
x14 E-Web gunner (1) (5 on left flank) (5 on right flank) (4 center)
x4 Sniper squad (4/squad)
x1 Anti-armor unit (8/unit with Homing Rocket Launchers)
x1 Rebel Anarchist unit (25/unit)
x2 Shadow Legion squad (10/squad)

Losses: 20 infantry 2 webs 1 ion cannon 2 snipers

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
[member="Silas Mantis"]

Mayhem grinned as she saw the boy--she believed the younger human-like to be male, but she could be wrong--pull out a blaster. Her internal sensors calibrated. Three shots, even spread. She could block two in time. She raised her mangle arm up, using the damaged limb as a bulwark against the offending weapon, two of the shots hitting already damaged hydraulics. The third cracked her chest-plate, heated blaster gas fizzing against her ceramic armor, the noise rather like bubbly batter on a hot plate. She then turned her spear to the ground, increasign the voltage, arcing electricity through the sand and scattering it towards the man.

The dull, oxidized sands of geonosis fused into a red, molten glassy substance aimed towards the man as she advanced, strafing to the left and running forward. The glass wasn't enough to actually harm him, but it would by her time if he thought it could--time for the drugs in his system to begin their function.

Mayhem came to every battlefield, in some way or another....

Darth Osano

Objective: B
Location: Foundry Flank
Allies: Bourgeois [ @Soliael Talith ]
Enemies: Proletariat

[member="Raziel"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="Besh Prime"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

TD-18's forces continued their slaughter of the unprepared right flank. The chaos created by the Hailfire droids darting about made it difficult for the under-trained and ill-disciplined rebel soldiers to rally properly. E-Web operators were gunned down before they could utilize their emplacements. The droids were already in the trenches. In this sort of close quarters, it would be the combatants with the durasteel skin and unflinching resolve that won out. Inferior models that they were, the Clankers performed reasonably well. TD-18 decided to attribute that to the general ineptitude of these rebel soldiers rather than any degree of preternatural skill on the part of the rebels.

"Commander, tank squadron incoming."
"Send the firing solution to the Proton Cannon."
"Solution sent."

The J-1 Semi-Autonomous Proton Cannon, fearsome artillery piece that it was, belted out a single proton shell. Given that the Flint-class Medium tank was probably the most outdated, useless piece of equipment TD-18 ever laid eyes on (tread locomotion? what was this, 13000 BBY?), it was hardly a question of if the proton shell hit. It was more a question of "what should I do now that those tanks have been obliterated?" The shell impacted the tank in the middle of the armor formation. The resulting explosion utterly destroyed the middle tank and would damage the other two beyond use.

"This is a waste of time. As soon as this entrenchment is purged, we will proceed to the foundry."
Objective: B
Location: Foundry Flank
Allies: Bourgeois [member="TD-18"] Aela Talith
Enemies: Proletariat

Soliael was already far ahead of the droid.

His lightsaber had sliced through more geonosians than he could count, the force had wrapped itself around him, and his daughter was still deeply hugging his back. She buried her face in his cloak, hanging on to him for dear life as he dashed from one Geonosian to the next. A few times he barely swiveled to the left, dodging the odd pulse cannons that the bug creatures used.

It didn't take him long to press his advantage.

With the droids now backing him up, the the Geonosians willfully unprepared to face a former Sith Lord, Soliael and his small army made quick work of the defensive lines.

Soliael shut his hand, a loud crunching noise could be heard as the exoskeleton of a Geonosian folded in upon itself, the last of the defenders that could be found in the trench. He let out a loud sigh, and Aela at his back did the same. Soliael shut off his lightsaber, then called the droids. “Push forward to the Foundry.”

He would find a ship there.
Objective: B
Location: Trenches outside the Foundry
Allies: ACA
Enemies: Rebels

[member="Raziel"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="td-18"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Besh Prime had had more than enough data from the back and forth the snipers were having with Triam to have their positions noted. The moment fire slackened on Triams position likely meant they were repositioning to assault another portion of the line. As a precaution, Besh had all of his droids pop smoke grenades to make a circle of smoke twenty meters out from Besh's position. One of the Snipers, either lucky, fast or both, got a lucky shot off, taking a super clanker in the chest. Then the smoke wall went up, it would occlude Besh and his droids from sniper fire and thus place the rebels Besh and his droids were annihilating in as much risk of being shot by them as the droids they were targeting. The tanks, however, would have near constant overwatch by the ACA aerial units. A quick patch up between Besh and those units would allow him to know when and where they were shooting. As such, if they attempted to shoot through the smoke, Besh and his droids would time their movements to place rebels between them and the incoming fire.

After the smoke wall was in place, Besh and his droids pushed on, clearing the immediate areas linking the levels of the trenches with brutal efficiency. The twenty strong security division would come with, staying in cover and securing the previous trench interchange that Besh had cleared. Every trench they cleared was summarily drenched in smoke to keep the enemy from having clear line of sight to him and his droids. It would not be long before Besh made it to the Foundry. His plan, when he did, was to slaughter every rebel he found. He'd had more than enough of this feeble rebellion.
Objective: C

Location: East Hive entrance
Allies: [member="Molly Rieux"], [member="ahra martrey"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Sirella Valkner"]
Enemies: Close to [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]; [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]

Phade didn't acknowledge Ahra's texts, to do so would require breaking his current concentration. He was focused on making his force signature smaller and keeping a combat trained eye out for trouble. When Ahra motioned and texted about the mine, he stopped, took a knee facing back the way they had come and readied for an assault. When they started again, Phade turned and walked, looking back every few silent steps to ensure their rears security.
[member="General Mayhem"]

Bringing his up his defense and crossing his forearms into an ‘X’ Silas was battered by the droid’s diversionary tactic. When he lowered the block, the world he saw was vastly different. In the pluming sand that battle around him changed, droids and rebels turning into Mandolorians and Sith, every explosion echoing the screams of the fallen. What was this?

When Mayhem struck, he did not see the droid in its true form, he saw someone like him, similarly-no identically armored, but with extra arms, and the armor was cracked and broken behind the shattered visor was nothing but blackness and glowing red eyes. This was what he was becoming, a monster. As the spear came towards him Silas roared, unwilling to bend to the demon’s assault.

Rushing to meet the strike he lashed out with a knife to knock the blow aside, but in his current stupor his strike came slower and with less power behind it. Silas knocked it away from his chest where it would’ve run through his heart, but it didn’t clear him, instead it smashed into his shoulder. Jerking back with the pain, Silas fired his jetpack to clear himself from the attacker. The knife his arm once held now clattering to the ground as he flew back into the sand.

Now flat on his back, he sat himself up and snapped up the blaster, firing wildly at the droid masquerading as his deepest fear thanks to the chemical induced fever dream. Even with the drug in his system his shots were tightly placed and accurate. Silas gritted his teeth as he sat his entire body cringing from the shock, all the while voices whispering in his ears.

“You should’ve stayed home, you’re no use out here.”

“You’ll die.”

“You’re in to deep.”

“You’re useless.”

“You can’t keep up.”

The voice of his brother echoed in his minds as the warrior rose to his feet, casting aside the blaster and injecting his wound with a quick dose of bacta. Silas reached with his good arm and pulled the knife from his boot, and stared down his demon.
Location: In Triam's Hands(literally, not figuratively)
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Triam Akovin"]
Objective: Don't die and stop enemy advance before consciousness is lost.

Damn. It was one word and it rang through his head as he saw the hand shoot out. This was going to hurt. A lot.Still, he had a few tricks. There were running out, but he had them. His head ducked down, tucking his chin down too keep her hand from colliding with his throat. With the momentum, she'd have likely crushed his windpipe, bringing the zorren to a premature end.

While his motions protected his neck, there was still the power of the strike to deal with in another area. Instead of the uncovered throat, he found her fist colliding with his masked skull, allowing some safety behind the phrik mask though the force still caused his vision to blur and his mind to haze. His ears rang with the pain and he had to force himself to keep moving. That tactic was done, but he wasn't. The pain and the continuation of the drugs were starting to take effect. He had to keep fighting but now there was nothing he could do with the force. He had trained a bit in life drain but there came a point when even that was too much. He had to rely on his body now.

Quickly, he fell into a style that was uncommonly seen by the galaxy, if seen at all. The zorrens, despite hating death were a martial race, and thus had their own fighting forms. This one however, unlike Mandalorians and Echani relied greatly on instinct and less so on technique, allowing it to be ore easily accessed in the heat of battle. His right hand, ceasing the tendrils of force drain formed into a bladed shape with his fingers flat and laid against each other. A natural dagger due to the unnaturally hard and sharp claws of his race. His vision was obscured by the grip on his mask, assuming of course, that she kept one. But that's all he needed to know. The position of her arm. It gave the position of her arm pit, a general weak spot in most armors. With as much strength as he could, he drove his arm forward, aiming to stab through the joint. It was a fairly brutal tactic, but a non-fatal, and generally effective one. Better still, his hallucinations would prove useless as he now relied on feelings over sights.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

(Thanks for the patience and sorry for the wait.)

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
Location: Near the foundry
Objective: Get in the foundry and repair herself, finish beating this force-wielder inside out
Allies: Noble droid war machines, Glorious Sith warlords
Enemies: Rebel Scum, criminal bozos, bloody unionists

[member="Silas Mantis"]

Mayhem cackled while the man screamed, firing many shots at her. She turned her torso slightly, "tanking" the shots with her now useless upper left arm, watching as one blast separated it completely, the broken limb falling to the sand as she darted again, reaching out with her larger right arm, hoping to pull in the little man and throw him around. She dropped her staff and lunged after him, hoping her reaction woudl be fast enough to break the man.

As fun as this had been she sent a message to @TD-18. "Force-wielder defeat eminent. Own condition critical. Send spare parts, if available. If not, request aid in forcing entry to foundry. Repairs can then be made," she said with the cool, almost unflinching assessment that most droids could give even under duress.
[There's probably no harm in finishing off any individual duels, but the rebel alliance do not wish the extend into the third week. Officially on hold pending discussions]
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Vulpesen"] [Finishing Duel])

As Vulpesen became a turtle Triam's hand collided with his face mask, creating a jarring impact that traveled through her arm into her chest, and down into the earth through her defiant legs. Energy that had breathes ago been under the pull of the force through her shoulder suddenly ceased, and like one pulling on a string and letting go, that energy bounced back within her and vibrated within her spiritual frame as it tried to fill the emptiness. It wasn't much, but the drain ceasing had given her a slight boost in energy as she felt the leaving strain of death revitalize her resolve to live.

However, there wasn't much relief, she was still in active combat after all. With her arm extended and smashed into the phrik mask, her grip was very strongly wrapped around her opponent who seemed to be momentarily dazed by the impact, and impact that caused a distinct numbness in her own arm that probably caused her to yelp if she could currently hear. What was a good thing about that however, was that she did begin to hear ringing in her ears. As annoying as it was, it was better than the eerie silence of deafness. That of course, did not help her as her opponent struck out against a weak spot. Given the segmentation of her armor, there were several areas such as this spread out across her body, most prominently in the areas that required movement, such as joints or sockets like her arm. The arm had been fast even as her opponent was blinded by her face grip (even though that had not been what she was aiming for, but in combat you grab whatever you can and roll with it).

A striking pain would shoot through her body as nerve clusters were cut by sharp claws, although thankfully the fatal major artery had avoided damage. This though prompted a very base reaction that was hopefully faster than her opponent could dig his fingers out of her flesh. Her grip fell from his face as her elbow dropped, which would lock her opponents arm under hers, allowing her to instead grip very tightly around her opponents tricep with her forearm. This would give her full control over the arm, with leverage between her opponents arm caught in her armpit, and her forearm below his elbow. From here, assuming she was fast enough, her arm would then pull up and press forward, forcing the opponent's arm to over-extend and possibly break at the elbow joint as her forearm pushed upwards with his hand trapped.

Meanwhile, fighting through the pain, and using a great deal of furious anger and fear, she stepped forward with her foot (opposite to the arm she was currently trying to break) intent on stomping on the foot of her opponent. Had they been barefooted, her heel would have crushed down onto several nerves that would shock the opponent in pain, opening up other strikes for her to take. However in this instance, with heavy footwear involved, stepping on his foot was to cut off his mobility while she pressed forward through him, have him focused so much on his hands that he forgets how to move his feet, or vice versa; all this with the explicit desire of forcing him to backpedal and lose ground.. The purpose behind doing this was entirely natural, as at this moment when she was trying to break his arm in her armpit while his hand gripped her other shoulder, she was going to strike him with her senseless inert droid prosthetic into his side while his arm had been extended gripping her shoulder. Only, she would keep striking with this prosthetic as much as she could muster in the moment.

As one who was formally trained by the military, she knew some of the basics about hand to hand combat, but she had also briefly studied at other more martial arts oriented schools in her exploits as she searched for ways to combat Jedi. She had always been fairly good at street fights anyway, so these things merely supplemented her natural fighting instincts.

OOC: If you need clarification in what Triam is doing let me know. I'm using skills I as a writer know about hand to hand combat from a personal level. I'm actually a trained Black Belt in Mixed Martial Arts, formerly under scholarship for five to six years, approximately 3-4 years ago. However, I'm a bit rusty, since I have not practiced in a few years, but my Stepdad has a Kung Fu training dummy (the guy is basically a legit Kung Fu master of his particular style, of which I have learned very sparingly of the past three years), and I just performed my actions on it to get an idea of what's going on. So what I'm doing isn't being pulled out of my ass I assure you! :)

In short, I am imagining Vulpesen in front of me, one hand on my left shoulder where he was draining me, and his left hand spearing my armpit (which is a fatal strike with a bladed weapon btw due to the major artery there). Triam reacts by pulling back her grip from Vulpesens face, locking his left arm with her elbow, as she wraps her arm behind the elbow, and from her pushes her forearm up as she keeps his hand in place. This particular move can break your arm, but if controlled, can make someone simply stand on their toes from the pain of being put into a position where arm is being over extended.

On the other front, I imagine Triam stepping forward with her left foot to stomp on your right foot to keep it in the ground as she presses forward. Meanwhile, she using her left arm (a flimsy droid prosthetic that is completely deaded due to your earlier lightning) to repeatedly strike your torsos side while your arm is up gripping her shoulder.

I can even give a few pointers of what you can do here if you'd like! :D
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets (Vulpesen [Finishing Duel])
(Same... except for that I'm opposing all of that)

There was a small grunt as he felt her arm clench around his in attempt to break it, but torn tendons, draining, and the natural strength of his body were all factors to keep him from snapping. No doubt, six years ago, he'd have been in trouble. But now, as a full recognized member of his species, his muscle tissue was far denser and resilient. Still, while he managed to fight off the snapping in his arm, he did feel some discomfort, just as he felt her body shift. He was literally as close as you could be to a person, actually being inside of her. The motion of her legs wouldn't go unnoticed and with a quickly glance downward, he made quick action to move his foot to the side while shaking his hand in her armpit, the parted fingers still trying to avoid her arteries. He wanted to cripple her. Not kill her.

He had to end this soon, it was obviously. His entire focus in the force was staving off the poison in his body, using every thing he knew of healing to combat it. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could hear Ace shouting for him to hang o and that's exactly what he intended to do. Nothing like some mental fortitude in the form of a telepathic wolf. With his mental boost, he clung to his sanity and consciousness, focusing on the one thing he knew that was real. The one thing he could feel. Triam. Her breath, her blood, he muscles, her bone. he felt it all in the heat of battle, the adrenaline in his system only helping to enhance the focus and apathy towards all else.

With one hand anchoring him to her, his other swung around to her neck, forming a shape somewhat similar to a gun. Unless any action could be taken against it, the hand would find itself on the bast of Triam's helmet, with his wrist pointing to what he hoped would be a weak spot in the armor. A small one, but a weak spot none the less. For her head to move in any direction, the armor would need to move around the neck. That meant softer materials. And softer materials meant that his darts could pierce through. The hand would shift up, an action that served two purposes. One, to lift her helmet however slightly to give a better shot. Two, to activate the firing mechanism on his left hand's kits yelp bracer which would send a lecepanine dart straight into her neck. Similar to the dart she had shot him with, this one would also cause eventual unconsciousness, but before that, it was a fast acting paralytic, taking only three seconds for full body paralysis, and only five for unconsciousness.

His side was aching from the beating of her almost useless mechanical arm. But he'd endured far worse under the beatings of far larger and far stronger people. He was standing awkward from moving his foot, his body twisted partially to the side. And his right hand seemed to be pinching itself between her bones. No doubt he'd have difficulty pulling it out in a split second.

[member="Triam Akovin"]
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Vulpesen"] [Finishing Duel])

And soon it would be over, but not without her final say in the matter.

Her weakened arm pushed fruitlessly against his arm, unable to break the stronger man, though still trapping the arm in such a way as to bring it to uncomfortable hyperextension. With the combined factors of the blade like hand in her armpit (though thankfully avoiding contact with the major artery located there, though it was "cutting" it close [pun intended] with all of his shaking), her currently over all weakened state from the drain, and the simple muscle mass that her opponent possessed to resist, her efforts to cause serious injury were without satisfaction.

Her footwork was similarly evaded, and her repeated blows against him seemed to render him relatively unphased. Her options of retaliation was quickly running thin, given that the cave entrance was blocked, no sniper backup, no surprise remote droids behind him, no chest laser ready to fire, no darts ready to fire, one useless arm, and one arm that was preoccupied. All she had was her armored body, and a glove with tasers on it, though it hadn't proven to be very effective so far.

But she would persist, she would keep fighting until her final breath.

His arm gripping her shoulder shifted quickly, which hadn't been expected. She had expected him to block her blows, but he didn't seem to care. Triam was getting tired of this already, extremely fatigued, injured, with only adrenaline motivating her to continue her aggression. If not for adrenaline, she wouldn't even be able to stand. When he shifted his arm, with the intent of firing into her neck, she responded by moving her blows upwards in order to smash into his armpit, probably disrupting his aim. If the dart landed, it would find a soft spot, sending the fluids into her blood streams. It was not instant however, and as one has said before, three seconds is an eternity on the battlefield, and Triam was about to make the most out of an eternity.

Her other arm too limp to do much, she ignored the pain, much in the same way one could not comprehend the loss of a limb at first. She had to fight through it, and she had other concerns. So her arm remained wrapped around his, keeping him as close to her as possible. If he got range on her, she wasn't sure she could handle him. Up close in personal however, she had a chance. In fact, it was one of the few things keeping her standing up.

As Vulpesen fired his dart, and she punched his arm as a means to shrug it off hopefully, Triam would take advantage of his currently awkward stance, and used the same foot she used to try and trap his foot, to instead kick at the leg. Sequentially, the attack would follow her punching his armpit, as attempting both at the same time would be nonsensical.

Next in the fight sequence, she would attempt to punch Vulpesen again with her prosthetic bludgeon, attempting to punch past and through the inside of his arm in order to connect a blow to the bottom of his chin. If his stance had been further disrupted by her kick, the unforgiving metal of her prosthetic limb could prove to be a very strong blow to Vulpesen, which would be assumingly below his mask. Perhaps if Triam got lucky, she'd hit the mask clean off, though that was probably unlikely.

Assuming she hadn't been drugged, she still had a lot of fight left in her, and she was intent on knocking Vulpesen out.

If she had been drugged, she still had a lot of fight left in her, and she was intent on knocking Vulpesen out within the next three seconds before her body shut down.

OOC: I'm giving you the choice to decide whether or not the dart landed in case that wasn't apparent :)
Vulpesen felt the force against his arm,but held it enough in place to shoot the dart into his victim's neck. It wouldn't seem like much, but it would certainly be enough for him. Of course, his victory would be short lived as a mechanical limb slammed into the bottom of his head, and a foot hit him hard in the leg, clacking his jaws and forcing him away to stumble into a wall with pain radiating form his thigh. To say the least, it was painful and his vision blurred once more, making it near impossible to focus, especially with the dragons and spiders that seemed to constantly be flying around them. But perhaps that was the drugs talking.

As his back hit the ground, he started to count the seconds. If he was lucky, it would take one to reach him. If he wasn't then he was going to be in a world of hurt in a few moments. The worst part was, the pain would be of his doing. His hand swiped behind him, pulling an object from his belt. It was something he rarely, if ever pulled out. The one explosive that he saw as almost useless. An yet, here it was, possibly saving his life. He pulled the pin and rolled it across the ground. Unless he found Triam over him with immediate need to defend himself, the zorren would curl up into a ball, his hand over what was left of his ears, trying to ignore the slick blood on the side of his head. If Triam took close inspection to the object, the type of explosive would be obvious due to its universal shape. A flash bang.

[member="Triam Akovin"]
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Vulpesen"] [Finishing Duel])

As she punched through her target's face, a small needle found itself embedded through the cloth and underlay of her armor in a small chink in her helmet, that she had long since worried that due to its retractable nature, wouldn't always provide the full coverage of protection she had hoped it would provide. It also appeared that the strength of her punch was extremely satisfactory, to such an extent as knock her opponent back. Of course in so doing this he dragged her around given that her arm, while limp, was wrapped around his with his hand embedded into her armpit. This caused a stumbling effect that had her tripping over herself, but falling short of the wall that Vulpesen collided with. As he crumpled to the ground again, albeit in a less seemingly deceptive manner as before, it appeared he saw something in the haze of the impact she imparted on his head. She landed though on her bad arm, and she yelped in pain.

She was still essentially right next to him, so it was almost no time, maybe a few moments but not quite a full second, between when they fell, and he started to pull the pin off a grenade. That wasn't something she was about to let happen, she didn't have enough focus to distinguish the threat level of it, and so she needed to to stop him right now in the moment. Scrambling with a weak arm and kicking her legs, she practically jumped on him as he tossed the grenade.

Too late!

Now all that filled her mind was fear... fear and anger. These feelings often gave on enough vitality to do the stupidest things no one would sanely think of doing, or simply conducting a normal thing to do to its logical extreme, to the point of being dangerous to one self. There was no way of knowing if the payload of that thing had a payload that was about to kill them, and with Triam down on her luck she would have no means of stopping it, or even approaching to conceivably chuck it away. Having lost her stance and tumbled over, she no longer had the will strong enough to stand, or the arms strong enough to support the endeavor, not that she had the mind to try it. She was too focused on how much she wanted to kill Vulpesen now, as quickly as she can so she can do it before she blows up or something.

It was a fantastical thought of course, fueled purely by deluded fear driven rage, that made her forget about the loads of pain she was currently experience pretty much all over her body.

So as she crawl-leaped onto Vulpesen, her mechanical hand was brought down with gravity working with her, to smash as hard as her rage in-fueled shoulder muscles could to drive a metal prosthetic through his face. Unfortunately his face was currently in accessible, but she'd settle for the back of his exposed head in a pinch. Perhaps the force of the downward kinetic blunt attack would cause him to blackout or affect his vision (visual cortex being in the back after all), etc..

However, after possibly hitting him, she wouldn't be able to see it, as a blinding flash of light bathed the two of them as the time passed the one second mark, meaning two seconds until the paralysis has set in. She could already feel it well enough directly into her neck, sort of stingy and numbing at the same time, and started to feel the tingles in the shoulder regions. Regardless, she kept the blows coming, though not with a great deal of accuracy any more, after her initial strike she'd go for the neck and the shoulder areas, sometimes missing his head region entirely and striking his back or something. She started to pin her shoulder and head into him as she repeated her strikes as much as she could fit in, scuttling her legs closer to keep her weight on him (including that of her lightweight armor, armored glove, phrik laser, loads of ammunition, shield belt, dart shooter, and pistol). There was no guarantee she'd be able to stay on, but given the force she seemed capable of committing with her senseless droid prosthetic substitute, there was the hope that her initial strike(s) to the head would keep him down, distracted, and hopefully probably unconscious.

If such a thing were true, he'd only have to endure it about 1.75 seconds more before her body shut down... then as she felt everything going black, in the next remaining seconds she'd call for medical evacuation. There was no telling what they might do with Vulpesen, it was out of her hands, although one could probably guess that'd take him "prisoner" as they rehabilitated him from his sparing wounds, and then from there he could probably just break out. He had it within the scope of his powers to do so after all.
Vision hazy, and his head concealed in his arms, he was protected by the blunt of her attack as she started to pumel him with her weakened body. The loud bang of the flash, while muffled by his hands would still cause a worst of pain given the close confines of the sniper's next. Howling in pain, Vulpesen curled up tighter in his ball to take the repeated blows from Triam's assault. His mind diverted everything he had, all remianing focus to yet another force ability. It was difficult to ignore the chaos but he still did it, like a young child ignoring its parent he drowned out the word. And instead of the 'Lalalalalalala!' to drown out the words of a guardian, he strengthened his body to drown out the effectiveness of her punches.

As with most poisons, Lecepanine wouldn't happen all at once. It would be a gradual and quick paralysis that spread through her body and no matter how much she tried to fight it, Vulpesen knew that even he wouldn't be able to stave off the powerful effects of the drug, even if he had time to prepare for it. Still, with blood gushing from his ear, both now completely deaf from the blast, and his body trying to survive the beating from a weakening mercenary, he held off as well as he could. There was some luck though. [member="Emilia Marean"], while ignored to Vulpesen still had one way to know he needed her help. Ace. The small wolf would no doubt be panicking aboard the Twilight Vixen and would within moments of his bond-mates peril, send an Ashlan bond message to his compatriot, Daeda, who would relay it directly to the jedi. Perhaps it would be a race to see who was the prisoner, and who's friends were faster.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

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