Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis)

Objective: B
Allies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="General Mayhem"] [member="Ash Valente"] [member="TD-18"]
Enemies: [member="Khloe Sparrow"]
Location: Right behind rebel front lines

Raziel closed his eyes, letting his deep connection with the Force guide him. The mental connection he had formed to follow the anarchist was still there. With his eyes closed, his vision was replaced with a new image of the world. The ochre sand, rocky mounds and clear sky were all flat, featureless and greyscale. In this view of the world it was life that had colour. There, he thought, seeing the bright amaranth swirl that represented his prey.

The assassin opened his eyes, shifting himself to lean against a rock to his left. Reaching behind his back, he unclipped his Smart Grenade launcher. The blue dot on the screen indicated that a Smart cyroban grenade was loaded.

Unfolding the stock and sight, and carefully shouldering it sounded perilously loud to his sensitive ears, but he knew that from this distance and in the wind it was probably negligible. Looking down the sight, he tapped the console to lock the range finger. A little bar then appeared on the sight, indicating the elevation to hit that range. The grenade was instantly programmed to detonate at the distance of the debris he thought his target was hiding behind.

Ever so gently, he depressed the trigger. There was a pop, followed by a loud “whoomph” as the grenade sped away. It would detonate in the air above where he thought Khloe was hiding, freezing everything within five metres. Anything outside that radius may have painful ice formations on their skin, or simple a sudden blast of cold air.

Sensing more life forms approaching, Raziel lowered the grenade launcher and rolled back away, moving out of sight. He slammed open the breach and loaded a sonic grenade instead. With his mental connection, he started to claw through her mental defences. The Spymaster had a subtle, rather than powerful touch with the Force. He wouldn’t be breaking his target down, or making her follow his orders. Instead, if she was still active after the grenade, he would start to use delicately placed and palatable illusions to throw her off in the duel.


He heard the distinctive call of the Herglic's bellow. It couldn't have been too far. Soon the fighting would break apart, with all semblance of Battalion level control breaking down. Instead it would be Platoon by Platoon, man by man, fighting building by building to reach the foundry's control centre.
Objective: B
Location: In a frozen pile of rubble
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Raziel"]

Khloe was just about to crawl out of the rubble pile when she heard a whooshing noise and an explosion. This is it, she thought. I’ve had a good run, won some famous swoop races including the Narmle Memorial Rally… done enough to make daddy proud. She shut her eyes awaiting the concussive and deadly force of a grenade blast.

But instead all she felt was a freezing cold all over her body. Her armor was protecting her skin but any exposed areas were stung with the icy blast. Her movement was extremely slowed, and although she was relieved to be alive, she wasn’t sure how harmful the chemical explosion was. And bloody hell it hurt like frost-bite a thousand times over. She crawled on her hands and knees, the debris crackling around her when she attempted to claw her way out. The rubble pile was now a mountain of frozen ice. And Khloe wasn’t sure if it was her ice-encased body or just a general malaise from her injuries after she was thrown off her bike, but she felt very disoriented and ill.

I’m such a sitting duck right now, she thought. But luckily as she wiped frost off of her helmet’s visor she saw the two Rebel Anarchists coming up to her location. She saw her opponent move behind cover so with all of her might she tried giving a combat sign to let the anarchists know which way to go. One didn’t catch her call sign and approached the frozen pile of debris where Agent Sparrow was entrenched. The other Rebel Anarchist did see her waving, and confronted Raziel where he was hiding, firing his E-Web Rifle at the enemy on the STAP.
Objective: B
Location: Unmarked Space Station over Geonosis
Allies: [member="Raziel"] [member="Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"] [member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="TD-18"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Ash Valente"]
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Darik Plutan"] [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Current slicing objective:
Slice into the Foundry’s main computer network
Completion: [][][][][][][][][][][] 100% COMPLETE

New objective: Install Blue Phoenix in Foundry network

When Cryax reached the docked enemy ship, he saw one boarding ramp lowered, one ship door open wide, but no Eugene Leopold anywhere in sight. With his slug thrower drawn, the Chiss crouch-walked up the ramp to the entrance of Eugene’s freighter. A slightly asthmatic breathing sound echoed within the dimly-lit spaceship. It sounded like the other slicer was only a few feet away. Cryax quickly moved in, whirling around to confront the other slicer who was right behind the karking wall like a scared little nuna. His elbow arched upwards, clocking Eugene right in his bespectacled face, and while the other slicer was recovering, Cryax wrenched the E-rifle from his grubby little hands. With a grunt, Bane slid the E-rifle across the floor where it landed against the opposite wall with a dull thud.

Backing up a few paces, he stood with his slugthrower aimed, ready to waste the other slicer right then and there. But something stopped him. Visions of his slicers at the former Bane Innovation headquarters at Nar Shaddaa falling dead to the fire of super clanker droids. His teenage slicing prodigies. With his trembling finger twitching on the trigger, he realized that he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t murder another slicer who mastered code the way that Leopold did. The analytic Chiss quickly weighed an inhuman amount of odds in his head, and then decided Eugene’s fate. He would have the other slicer’s mind wiped and reprogrammed to loyally serve the Coruscant Rotary Club.

Bane lowered his weapon and grabbed Eugene by the shirt, hauling him down the ramp towards the station’s landing bay. As they descended the ramp, Eugene began kicking and punching like a wildcat, screaming bloody murder, and in midst of the scuffle, Bane lost his grip on his slugthrower, which clattered to the floor and landed underneath the ramp and out of reach. Sithspit! At the same time, a pinging sound could be heard from Bane's Datalogger. It was a notification from the main computer. Little Brother had found a way into the Foundry network, but the slice needed the big blue brother's hand to manually install the Trojan virus.
Objective: B & Nerd slappin' time!
Location: Cryax Bane's spacestation
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: ACA

Eugene screamed like a girl when [member="Cryax Bane"] suddenly appeared in front of him. The Chiss had some pretty amazing stealth skills he would give him that. And sure enough when Bane clocked him in the nose and grabbed his rifle, his asthma really started acting up.

“Hold… on,” he said weakly and holding an index finger up. "This isn’t a weapon.”

He slowly withdrew his inhaler and gave it a few grateful puffs. He was still sucking in that sweet asthma medication when he noticed that the Chiss crimelord lowered his slugthrower. He opened his mouth to say something but was rudely grabbed by the fellow slicer and dragged down into the landing bay. He began to fight back now and Bane’s weapon flew from his hand. The Chiss was further distracted by his noisy electronic device. Excellent turn of events, he thought. Now was the time to take action!

He looked Cryax Bane up and down assessing the alien’s physique. The Chiss wasn’t really that muscular nor did he look particularly strong. Eugene decided right then and there that he could take him on. With his fists… or did you punch with your knuckles? Maybe he would just kick him…

Anyway, in his head, Eugene’s fighting skills looked something like this:


When in reality they were more like this:


He crouched into a fighting stance but instead of punching he began barraging Cryax Bane with a series of open handed slaps.

Ronan Nakasla

Objective: B
Location: Within a Catacomb
Allies: ACA Members; Prime
Enemies: Engaged Rebel Hostiles
This third division pressed on further toward its goal. There didn't appear, so far, to be any immediate command being taken over this portion of the battlefield except by the Obsidian Knight Ash Valente on the side of the Corporate Alliance. That suited the ACA just fine, however it was a double-edged sword. They had to make slower progress and tread lightly over this area. There was no telling what could linger around any corner of the zone. As such, the tanks advanced at walking pace. Inexorable. Deliberate.

[OOC: I really am just going to keep pressing toward the Foundry if nobody comes over here.]

"Not yet."
"Fix that."
"Yes ma'am."

The battle had reached a heated moment for Team Aurek. Weapons fire blazed from both sides in this hall chamber, but the well-trained soldiers held an advantage over the Rebel fighters. A few of the team had been lost already. It was a sad thing to watch a comrade die, but it was also motivating. The troops pressed harder, moved faster. The anger of losing a friend added fuel to the fire of war and those flames lapped at blood with insatiable thirst. The demolitions expert lobbed a grenade, which scattered the assembled enemies. The explosion killed maybe two dumb Rebels, but it was intended to create a lull rather than cause mass mayhem.

"Leto's down." came a report.

Szi sighed.

Ash was faring much better. With him at the helm of the second close-quarters front to ensure the tanks passed safely, the troops did little more than suppress while Valente used his abilities to make clean work of Rebel fighters. At the moment, they were investigating the third chamber for information. This one was full of terminals and so the team's slicer was at work investigating the local systems. His tongue poked out of his mouth as he worked, and Sigma rolled a corpse over. ACA.

"Shame." he muttered from behind his mask.

He clipped the identification tags from the fallen's neck, and those of the Rebel troops should they have had anything of that nature. He kept ACA and Rebel tags on his belt, on opposite sides. He had more Rebel than Abrion tags collected, but the loss of life still brought a scowl to the Knight's face. That's when he had a moment of revelation. His humanity was... forming. There was emotion behind the killing insanity. He could feel Rhoujen's consciousness glow an affirmative. The kid knew all this time, that exposure would form him. Mould him. Change him. He let out a long sigh and stood behind the slicer.

"Find anything good?"
"Not yet, sir."
Objective: B
Location: Approaching Foundry Flank
Allies: TD-18 Aela Talith
Enemies: Patricia Susan Garter (I guess)

It didn't take long.

Soliael pressed the droid company ahead as fast as they could possibly move. Aela who was so small she couldn't really keep pace had positioned herself upon her fathers back, climbing onto him and hanging onto his shoulders with two small arms latched around his neck. There she sat, her head hidden away and the necklace glistening around her neck.

They moved fast, faster than would've been impossible.

It was that speed that created an impact, that caught the enemy by surprise. Among stiffled and miss aimed artillery shells Soliael and his droids escaped the canyon. Their opposition was mostly Geonosians, odd bugs that only hours ago Soliael had shared drink with.

He moved like lightning. “Aela Close your eyes. Don't open them until I tell you.”

His daughter let out a squeak, and Soliael could feel her bury her head within the mantle of his cloak, her face hidden and her eyes closed. As the droids began to move up around him, and as the Geonosians moved to fire their weapons Soliael ignited his lightsaber. A loud snap and a hiss, an utter peace and calm coming to him.

For a second he didn't move, the chaos around him building and brewing, then with a vibration in the air Soliael dashed forward directly into the Rebel Lines.
Objective: B
Enemies: [member="Khloe Sparrow"]

Raziel had already abandoned his STAP, but he wished he hadn't when the stream of repeater fire pinned him down. Bolts came in short bursts, their destructive power cracking and superheating the rocks he was hiding behind. As skilled as he was in the blade, deflecting repeater fire was tricky business. Each burst of fire had a slight spread, and despite the power of the Force, there was an absolute limit to how quickly he could move. Instead he focused on the connection to Sparrow's mind. Hopefully by now she was already drained from her fall and the cryo blast. Raziel started to conjure the simple illusion, trying to form black spots on her vision and disorientated her. Hopefully it would seem like the effects of mild concussion encroaching on her perceptions. A simple, but hopefully palatable illusion.

Steeling himself for what was ahead, he took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes. Reaching out with the Force he grasped at the power pack in the repeater and yanked it loose. As the soldier grasped for it, Raziel slammed the button on his Bothan cloak giving himself ten seconds of invisibility.

Bursting out of cover, he sprinted for another firing position a few metres away. He skidded to a halt, probably throwing up a small cloud of dust. Quickly sighting down his launcher, he fixed a sonic grenade into the group. Another non-lethal weapon, it could send humans completely unconscious, or at the least discombobulate.

Time for action then, he supposed. His cloaking field dissipating, he leapt out from cover, a pair of lightsabers appearing in his hands and the empty grenade launcher left propped on its firing position on the ground behind him.
The Admiralty
Objective: C
Location: C
Enemies: Ravens, Rebels: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Apoc"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Allies: ACA: [member="Molly Rieux"] | [member="Ahra Martrey"] | [member="Phade"] | [member="Sirella Valkner"]

After a while it seemed as if the flowers had done their job, but Ovmar hadn’t grown to be as old as he was by being a trusting fellow and the truth of the matter was that there had been too many surprises in a little timespan already. So it would be prudent to make sure there would not be more surprises in store for them.

Trusting that Valkner would put up a barrier around them if anymore shrapnel or whatever came their way, Ovmar wrapped his power around the little pieces of metal that were currently laying around everywhere and… pushed.

The point was to make sure there were no motion sensory devices or whatever. Moment the metal started flying around the place, high, low and mid-range explosions went off again, solidifying the fact that the Rebels had been pretty well prepared for this entire dealio.

Hopefully Sirella would have a barrier ready, because Ovmar could only do that many things at a time. By that point in time Ovmar’s White Current immersion was released, because one could not manipulate the area directly with the Current sadly.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Rebel Front Lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

"Powerful seismic attack at the front lines! Weapon unknown!" a communications officer said.

Patricia gritted her teeth and knew exactly what that was and who that was. Patricia had been there at the first battle of Manaan against the Sith Empire, she had seen that destructive power before and read the files of known sith. He was supposed to be dead, and that did not bode well for anyone.

"bring up the infantry from the support trench, fifty men of the hundred to consolidate the middle sector! And that is no weapon that's a karking sith! Keep your distance! And flank that big bastard!" Patricia said and had her moves made

The trenches were not looking that good, she had fifty men left on each flank and the center was pretty much decimated, this meant that the secondary support trench needed to consolidate the front lines before the clankers spread and flanked out the other sides. So the units from the support trench moved up under give cover of pathways dug into the earth to start attacking the units under the command of [member="Prime"] and other commanders.


Another two snipers went down which brought her down to twelve, the snipers quickly returned fire to the areas in which the enemy had revealed themselves by firing. Beam artillery focused in their power to attack the area where the sith [member="Hion the Herglic"] was along with units from [member="Besh Prime"] artillery unit Charlie kept firing more shells at their designated targets they had listed before. They could hold these karkers, they had enough men and power and the tanks were still in reserve.


x1 SPA-1F Mobile Artillery squadron 6 total
x1 SPA-1S Mobile Artillery squadron (6/squadron)
x1 Flint-class Medium Tank squadron (6/squadron)
x1 T-65XJ3 X-Wing squadron (12/squadron)
x1 Rogue Squadron (mostly PC)
x2 Geonosian People’s Armed Militia company (150/company Geonosian and Rebel soldiers with napalm grenades, Rebel Maulers, AR-47s, SXB-1 Scrubbers, TDL-1 Tempests) 200 now
x14 E-Web gunner (1) (5 on left flank) (5 on right flank) (4 center)
x4 Sniper squad (4/squad)
x1 Anti-armor unit (8/unit with Homing Rocket Launchers)
x1 Rebel Anarchist unit (25/unit)
x2 Shadow Legion squad (10/squad)


Losses: 15 infantry, 1 E web guns, 2 snipers

•Artillery squads A and B are focusing fire to sweep incoming droids off the trenches to keep the rest of [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"] 'a units out of the defenses and a single beam cannon is passing looking to hit [member="Hion the Herglic"]

•Rocket squad are firing on [member="Besh Prime"] MTAT

•200 infantry remain and troops are moving up from the support trench to engage [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"]

•7 E webs and 4 ion canons are engaging [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"] 's forces and suppressing with heavy automatic fire to help keep other units at bay as infantry swarms and destroys units in the perimeter

•shadow squads and anti tank unit engaging [member="Raziel"] 's armored units

• 2 snipers fall to Triam 5 focusing on counter snipers and 7 focus on [member="Raziel"] Warbugs

•x wings and machine gunners engage any hunter killer drones

•tanks are remaining behind the foundry as reserves

•Rouge squadron and Rebel Anarchist are controlled by their PC player
And she was gone, the power of his attack having worked wonders to get her off his back. Though, there was still one problem in that she had stuck him with some sort of injector tubing. Still, he couldn't allow that and use a quick use of the force, he called his saber into his hand, just as that one word was shouted three times. Fire. Such meant one of two things. Either someone had somehow managed to catch the rock and dust of Geonosis on fire, or she was telling someone to shoot him. Strangely however, the force failed to warn him, not that he necessarily needed it.

Rolling on the ground after he was pulled to it, he used the twin blades of his saber to slash through the cords, or at least yank them out should they be saber proofed. While, spinning, Vulpesen also had the foresight to duck, though such was hampered by his muddled mind, the hallucinogens taking a minor effect on the already strong constitution of a zorren. Still, an effect was had, making it hard for him to focus on dodging the coming bullets. Something already incredibly difficult for a force user had suddenly become night impossible and while he managed to avoid taking the hit direct center, there was still a great deal of pain as it blew through his ear. The unpleasant feeling erupted through his head and Vulpesen let out a howl of pain. "SCHUTTA!"

He felt the blood dripping down the side of his head and he knew exactly what had happened. He'd just lost his entire ear to a rifle round and had been lucky it wasn't his head. Concentration stopped becoming a factor as Vulpesen simply felt an intense rage, rage which he used to attack his opponent. He lifted up his hand and pointed it at her, causing a stream of red light to leave his fingers, hoping to catch her. The power of force drain was simple, take from your opponent give to yourself And unlike lightning, its attack could not be halted by an electricity proofed armor.

[member="Triam Akovin"]


Location: Foundry
Objective: Bravo
Enemies: Mediocrity, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Allies: Excellence and the organics who urinate it daily, [member="Besh Prime"], [member="TD-18"], [member="Hion the Herglic"]

Prime was not pleased with the extent that these Rebels were surviving. They were a plague amongst the home of a beautiful insectoid species. Insects were so much better than Rebels. They had a hive mind, which meant no unions. Which meant they worked for what they wanted to, and that was the people who would protect them and not upset their style of living. People that weren’t the Rebels.

Selectivism wasn’t even a word.

Prime was pushing the remaining units it had into the Rebel front line, sending Clankers forward to shoot and physically melee Rebel soliders. Flesh that was met by a swing from metal was no chance. This is why the Avengers should have lost. Ultron was a fething god.

Yes, Prime downloaded a rip of the film.

But more to the task at hand, the droids were doing their best to focus the efforts of the rebels on them, Droids were expendable. Force users were not. Prime was firing its ripper at the closest Rebels that came down its way of the trench while Clankers were all set into free thinking mode and made their way into the trench.

Prime wished the Sith were here.

Program was not able to adapt to the melee.
45 falls to 37. Droids continuing to use a mixture of ranged and melee attacks, because metal > flesh. Every time.
Location: Center of the Frontlines, Objective B
Allies: [member="Besh Prime"], [member="Prime"], [member="TD-18"]
Enemies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and any Rebel at the front lines

Beams arced through the air and began to rock the ground around Orcus. Mounds of red Geonosian soil erupted in fountains of earth as the artillery struck. The massive Herglic lofted his shield and caught an incoming blast on the formidable aegis. It was as though a god had dealt him a dolorous hammer blow, his arm the anvil. The Vonduun Kerr Skyrric substance held, but his arm grew suddenly numb and his grip on the shield strap weakened. He would not be able to hold up against another strike. Nor would his bodyguards.

One already clutched his side, where smoke drifted from the burnt and blackened mess of his armor vest.

The advent of artillery fire on his position was not, on a whole, a loss. By firing on his position the enemy had made a rather glaring mistake. Orcus was engaging the rebels at nigh close-quarters. The rebels were now raining down artillery fire on him and the remnant of their own center line.

It showed a central command with callous disregard for the lives of their soldiers. Rebels died, blown apart by their own artillery.

Orcus had no intention of dying as well. He gestured with his lit-saber toward the trenches and roared over the chaos of battle.


The Herglic bodyguards followed him, jumping down into the shelter that the dug-in fortifications provided.

Then they went to work.

In the close confines of the trenches there was nowhere for the rebel soldiers to run, nowhere to dodge. Orcus barreled through the trenches, his shield raised before him. Troopers fired haplessly moments before he ran them over. Their bones shattered against his shield and crunched beneath his heels as he pulverized their bodies, or else skewered them on his great saber. Orcus could never have been termed an agile creature, too large and ungainly. Yet when it came to running in straight lines his bulk proved a nigh-unstoppable force.

To the Herglic bodyguards, it was as if they were following in the wake of a maglev train run amok.

Darth Osano

Objective: B
Location: Foundry Flank
Allies: Bourgeois [ @Soliael Talith ]
Enemies: Proletariat

[member="Raziel"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="Besh Prime"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

The hour of automated vengeance was upon these upstart serfs. Now they would understand why it was deus ex machina, not deus ex selectivist swine. The scouts exited the canyon first, a skirmishing line intended to draw the enemy fire. The STAPs, useful things that they were, were little more than cannon fodder. This left the rebel emplacements on the flanks with two options: focus fire on the STAPs or let the STAPs pass over them in order to circle around and wreak havoc across their paltry little lines. Unfortunate these rebels hadn't the foresight to reinforce this flank even though they knew he was coming. Apparently selectivist allocation of resources wasn't as strategic as they had let the Geonosians believe.

Those poor, misguided Geonosians. If the ACA didn't liberate them today, the worker caste would overthrow those who would interfere with their dutiful labors tomorrow. It made no difference. Selectivist ideology to Geonosians was like fire to water.


Hailfire droids, small little things that they were, advanced in swarms shortly after the STAPs. These were perilously small droids, but lethal nonetheless. At a distance they were all but invisible. The rebel soldiers on the flank would be preoccupied with the STAPs flying towards their position for too long to deal with the Hailfires before it was too late. While the Hailfires wreaked their havoc among the trenches, the Clankers advanced. Or perhaps that was putting it too lightly- they charged with ferocious audacity, firing an assortment of weapons into the rebel lines. At the lead of the clanker charge was the MTAT, unloading what few weapons it had into the rebel encampments as well.

Stationed several clicks back but still in firing range, was the Proton cannon TD-18 had been allocated. The J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon was no joke. A single shot had been enough to tear through the shields and engines of an Acclamator-class star destroyer back during the Clone Wars. Its targets, arrayed before it now, were far less protected than a star destroyer. Massive explosive shots would crash into the Rebel's most fortified points on their flanks, destroying E-Web turret emplacements. The rebels could fall back to their artillery if they wished, but now TD-18's force was on top of them. To fire the artillery would be to wipe out their own flank.

    [x01] Proton Cannon
  • [x01] F5 Buckler
  • [x01] MTAT
    [x01] TD-18
  • [x01] Seto Du Couteau
  • [x03] Hailfire Drone

Location: Solo Carrier
Obj A
Allies: [member="Wan Min Brightsky"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Enemies: [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"]

3 Vinnath Pocket Carrier
76 X-Wing Fighters
50 Matchbox Bombers
76 Corvus Interceptors
18 Arcadia Fighters
8 Nevermore
8 Gunships

Thane felt the weoght of each lost pilot, being one himself, and silently said a prayer for their families. Taking a big swig of his flask, he looked over the battle, as the Antilles had taken a large beating, his allies were pushing the ACA fleet back a bit, enough to allow for Thane to make another pass on the mercenary fleet. He turned to the Comms officer and called out his orders. The ship shuttered as a few shots found their mark on the Solo's hull, but at the angle they were at, they were glancing blows across the shields and bow.

"All bombers, redirect to the Antilles, destroy that karking ship, do it for the ones who've lost their lives so you could fight on! Divert all fighters and interceptors to the Noble cruisers. Draw back all gunships to the medical frigates. Keep them company."

"Vinnath carriers, focus all guns on Noble class cruisers. Fire all of our guns at the Antillies, aim for life support and their guns."

Thane could feel the fear brewing inside the hearts of his men, but he knew they would fight on, for their lives depended on it.

All fighters (Xwings/Arcadias) attacking Noble Cruisers
All Vinnath Carriers attacking Noble cruisers
All Bombers(Matchbox/Nevermore) attacking Antilles
Solo attacking Antilles Life support and guns
Interceptors attacking Noble cruisers.
Objective: B
Location: In a frozen pile of rubble and Force illusioned
Allies: Rebels [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: Directly engaging [member="Raziel"]
[member="Prime"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Triam Akovin"] [member="Ash Valente"]
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="TD-18"]

The one anarchist reached Khloe in her frozen rubble pile and with the butt of his rifle began digging her out, while Raziel and the other anarchist tangled nearby. Khloe was cold, drained and was now having trouble with her vision. She didn't want to even say it as though speaking the words would make it true, but at this point she felt like she needed a medic. Most likely this was the Force illusion, but Agent Sparrow didn't know that. The anarchist picked up Khloe under her arms and legs and held her almost as a chivalric knight would.

But the Rebel anarchist quickly dropped Agent Sparrow again causing her considerable pain when the sonic grenade went off around them. Since the three of them weren't in a tight group, the impact of the grenade hit the anarchist who had originally fired his rifle at Raziel. He was knocked completely unconscious. The anarchist besides Khloe's writhing body fired again at Raziel knowing where his position was by following the line of sight where the grenade came from.

Meanwhile whatever Rebel Anarchists were left in the unit, threw themselves both with bodies and blaster fire towards the front line to keep the enemy from breaking through the lines.
Objective: B
Location: Skies above the battlefield
Allies: Rebels, [member="Verd Skirata"], [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Braha Saca"], [member="Jake Cabur Tor"], [member="Shorwarr"], [member="Tomas Raynor"], [member="Mark Sage"]
Enemies: ACA, [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Triam Akovin"], [member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="TD-18"], [member="Besh Prime"], [member="Raziel"]

That had been easier than anticipated. All it had taken was dropping below the level of their flak fire and an added boost of speed to shake their tails, and the Rogues were home free. It was good news for the pilots that made up the squadron, but the opposite of such for their enemies on the ground. If the ACA thought that a few anti-aircraft guns and drones would do them in, they were sadly mistaken. Juwiela wanted to do everything in her power to drive that point home, but she had to take into consideration the inherent dangers that came with flying a damaged ship, as Sannika had reported in being hit as well, however minorly. Karking guns.

As long as they stayed below the range of the heavy hitters, no resistance in the devastating form should be projected against them. If things went the way she wanted them to, which they never really did. It was worth a shot. And things seemed to be looking up, once another friendly face made his presence known. It didn't matter that he was late to the party, because they could use a faster ship to help them knock off whatever pursuers might decide to try their luck. "Nice to see you could make it, Raptor. Right now we need cover on our tails in case they decide to send a few more friends out to play. The drones are fast, but you shouldn't have a problem in your interceptor."

Another report of how her ship was standing up beeped and chirped its way through the cockpit, and she listened silently to the entire readout, a plan already in mind. If their adversaries groundside weren't going to retaliate, she would give them something to keep an eye on. Apparently that first fireworks show hadn't quite been enough for them. Thankfully, another could be arranged just as easily. She had a feeling the rest of them were feeling particularly generous in that aspect as well. "Arm two of your proton rockets." No witty banter, this time around. If they were going to come out on top, some degree of seriousness would have to be implemented.

Flicking a few switches she did just that, waiting for the quiet, sharp noise of confirmation. Just the one she wanted to hear in this moment. Before that, they would have to circle back around. "Switch off the afterburners and circle back. Once we're slowed down and within range, drop at your leisure." It was a strange feeling, going from extreme speeds back to what was average for the vessel, and for a moment it felt as if she were flying in place. But she forced her body to adjust, pushing past the aftereffects of the drop in inertia. A pull on the yoke ensured that they were back on course to make another pass, and for a moment she relaxed. But only for a moment.

"Alright, give 'em hell." With the press of a button the rockets were released, a run intended for the anti-aircraft artillery that would hopefully eliminate that final immediate threat, and they were left with nothing else to do but wait for their work to be done for them. It certainly wasn't the last run of the battle, but she could sense that things were winding down. It was a feeling in the air, the sense of something incoming that would turn the tide for one side or the other. Perhaps it was just her optimism, or maybe the Force was trying to tell her something, but she knew the Rebels would emerge the victors somehow. They always did. They had to. Failure was not an option.
As Silas released the tomahawk, letting the blade fall to the sand, soot pluming up around it, he laughed. With his free hand he patted the second tomahawk on his thigh all while drawing attention too the other the three knives he possessed, one on his shoulder, one across his chest, and the one in his boot, that was counting the one in his hand. "You missed one, or four." He snarked, pulling the knife from his boot.

Sinking low he came up at [member="General Mayhem"]'s abdomen with his shoulder, firing his jetpack to propel him into the droid's underbelly with considerable force while flipping both knives into hammer grips so he could hopefully embed them in the droid and finish the fight before it could really even start.
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaging Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot)

Elsewhere, beyond Triam's fight, two more enemy snipers were down. Of the four enemy teams, that meant one whole team was destroyed, rendering their forces as only 3/4th's strong on a purely numerical basis, or 75%. However, Triam's varies teams were nine droids (five gunmen) out of what should have been sixteen, rendering them as only 9/16th's as strong on a purely numerical basis, or less than 60%. However, this figure was not entirely accurate, considering that the enemy was split into two "teams", where only eight gunmen were actually counter sniping, so with the destruction of a whole enemy team, their combat effectiveness dropped to more equal footing. In fact, the droids missed their targets that were aiming at the Warbugs, and instead, the only two teams to get hits struck on the countersnipers. This meant, that the enemy counter sniping efforts were depreciated to 50% of their original fighting force, or in other words: four gunmen vs. five gunmen.... and the ACA had back up shooters.

Speaking of which, one sniper had been destroyed, rendering their total fighting forces to 50% of the original numbers... however, these were teams of two, and the one gunman that went down was quickly replaced by the former spotter droid. Thus, it was still a game of five guns aimed at four guns. Without the leadership of Akovin however, they were bound to make key strategic mistakes. For now however, so long as the rebel teams were split, it was a relatively even match.

Given this information, three teams moved their attention to the Warbug snipers, while the other two aimed at the countersnipers.

Within the cave however, that was by the way being shot by a turbolaser, Vulpesen would be opening up yet another bag of tricks... except that Triam wasn't about to play his game. Vulpesen would find that the cables were indeed protected against a lightsaber strike, key word being "a", as after the second blade swung through the nano-cables, they broke. Then his ear was blown off in his slowed attempt to dodge, and the turbolaser struck the ceiling of the cave, causing rubble to fall down, and probably blocking their escape. Trying struggled to her knee, but it was imperative that she did, the whirring in her chest was now fully charged, and she needed to end this.

Red tendrils began to expand out of the mans hand, and a sense of dread came over her. Except, fear had always been Triam's fuel, and this was no exception. The tendrils had yet to touch her, and at that moment it seemed the alien thought that because he was focusing on her that the threat that just blew off his ear was some how neutralized. The drugs were probably hampering his judgement slightly, or perhaps this was nothing more than reactionary: out of rage. A sinking pain began to fall upon her heart, as she felt her stamina and strength begin to drop.

It was at this moment that two things happened around the same time: first, the sniper reloaded his shot, and took aim this time closer towards the pelvis of the target than the center mass (having the shot lined up roughly around the stomach, above the groin region). This type of shot was often used when a target wore vest armor that prevented shots from penetrating, but in this case was used as compensation for the dodge that had been observed. If the target ducks, the shot will line up center mass. Jumping up will probably have the shot miss, but with the ceiling of the cave right above, it would be a difficult jump. Especially considering the other thing that happened: Triam Akovin.

Still kneeling, the women Relentlessly kept the pace of battle, and did not let the red tendrils bring her down: she would not let her life force be stolen away by an angry force user, not when she had a powerful fully charged laser strapped to her chest. Thrusting her arms back and her chest forward, a beam comparable in energy to a lightsaber, would energetically burst from her chest towards Vulpesen. For a full second, the blinding light would discharge all of its pent up energy and melt through almost anything in its path, save for lightsaber resistant materials, ray shields, or a ludicrous amount of durasteel, within thirty meters of her chest. The closer the target was to the source of the attack, the more at risk it was of being destroyed. The farther away, the less intense the attack would be. At point blank range, it was like death, several meters away however it was more like a line of blaster fire.

The Jedi could try and dodge in the moment, but he would have to move faster than light. If he tried to sense it before hand, he might run into the same problems he just ran into, and lose something as a result. He could try and bisect the beam with his lightsabers, but it would be a very difficult and dangerous maneuver, that put him at risk of being hit by her sniper. If he tried to absorb the energy, he would find it would be likely too much and it would burn through him faster than he could attempt to store it, or use it, and once again he would be stationary at risk of sniper fire.

In short, it would be really really REALLY hard to avoid both the sniper fire, and her sudden laser blast within the confines of the cave. Oh, and if he jumped, he would still need to avoid her laser, given that it had a slightly upwards orientation given her kneeling position.

This fight was far from over, most likely, but in the moment the tide of the battle was shifted in her favor. If only she didn't feel so weak.
----Bonus Post----

Location: Vinnath Shuttles
Objective: Board Antilles and begin Salvage
Allies: Rebel NPC's [member="Wan Min Brightsky"]
Enemies: Space and Remaining Antilles Crew NPC's

On board one of a dozen light transports enroute to the floating carcasse of the Antilles. Their mission was to salvage it for parts and Thane personally wanted the Black Box to investigate the nature of the merc vessels. As the shuttles neared the swiss cheese ship, Thane sealed his suit and felt the 'click hiss' that signaled he was safe from the vacuum.

The transports shuddered through space as the battle still raged on beyond.

"Alright people, we have two hours of air, get to your locations and start salvaging what we need. Team 1 with me to the bridge to locate the black box. Watch for pockets of resistance. Let's get this done and get home safe."
The click of a reloading gun. One ear was blasted, the other still worked however and with the force racing through him, he felt the danger of the droid. He couldn't die just yet! His free hand lifted and sent a tendril at the droid's head, aiming to pierce through it and knock the enemy out of commission before it could take the shot. However, there was still one problem that would negate any shot should it be taken. A flash of light and Vulpesen saw a large beam racing towards him. Widespread and he knew that pain could very well be the least of his worries.

He turned his back tot he blast and concentrated as much energy as he could into tutaminis just as he felt the force of the attack slam into him. Intense heat washed over him and his body was hurled back, aimed to slam into the cave wall, causing any last verpine pellets to slam into the wall behind where he had been. Beyond the sound of the beam, a yelp of pain could be heard briefly before his body hit the wall then the ground. Once the attack stopped, his coat would be left with a large black stain of char and he would be still, smoke rising from the contact of the burn. It was possible his distance had been all that left his body intact.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

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