Location: Bridge of the Rebel Alliance flagship RAV Indefatigable
As the alarm klaxons blared and Wan Min Brightsky ran out of her Admiral's quarters, she could feel the blood pounding in her head. Ever since she received the order months ago that promoted her to the new fleet commander of the Rebel Alliance, she had felt like she was playing a constant game of catch up. She had no real military experience, but she was a quick study. During the time that she had been working alongside Admiral Xue and the other members of the Alliance Command to build up their new fleet, she took time to read about the greats. She'd devoured the biographies of Wedge Antilles and the other members of Rogue Squadron during the fight against the Empire. She studied the tactics of Pellaeon, Ackbar, and Thrawn. She had worked her way through detailed discussions of battle tactics going back to the Galactic Cold War and the New Sith Wars. Everything on space combat strategies that she could find, she'd read. She even took time to read the personal diaries of Captain Jaleer Varik, the captain of an Old Republic Hammerhead-Class frigate, the Indefatigable, that she, Armand Temi, and her old flame Alena Reckar had salvaged in the Unknown Regions. She was knowledgeable, but green This would be her first true test.
Min ran to the lift and slammed the button for the bridge. She had wanted to be aboard one of their new Venator-Class refits, but they'd gotten their request for aid from the Republic. This meant that rather than commanding from the bridge of a ship she'd helped to design, she instead found herself on board a new Avenger-Class Star Destroyer. It was one of the best examples of Republic workmanship currently in space. She felt a touch of sorrow being on it, she'd been on Coruscant and seen part of the reason why the Republic worked so hard to build floating behemoths like this. The One Sith had been merciless. Now she and the other members of the Rebel Alliance found themselves on the receiving end of Republic largesse, something that she would be grateful for after she and the rest of her crew made it out of this alive. While she did not totally agree with the ideologies of the Alliance, she agreed with their ideals. They gave her a position of authority and respect, and for that she would be forever grateful and would see this through to the end. The doors of the lift slammed open and she looked out on the expanse of the bridge, uttering a single mental sigh as she stepped out onto the command deck.
Alliance troopers snapped to attention and bridge crew stopped what they were doing for a moment to show her the proper respect that her new uniform befit her. She gave a nervous small smile and walked forward towards the command console at the center of the bridge. She took in one large breath and turned around to look at her crew. One of her Lieutenants threw the 'All Fleet' comm toggle and her voice was carried to the rest of the fleet.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and fellow sentient beings. I'm sorry that we couldn't continue our fleet drills, but it appears that we're now looking down the barrel of an invasion. The Albrion Corporate Authority has returned to Geonosis to finish what they started all those years ago. I'm going to send them a message and ask that they remove themselves from the system, although I highly doubt that they will honor that request. We have spent these past few months working and learning together, working to build our new fleet, and learning to serve and fight together as a team. This is a new type of Rebel Alliance: No longer are we wandering vagabonds. We have planets to defend. We have families that are depending on us to fight and to win in systems across the Outer Rim. Just below us on Geonosis, the citizens of that planet have thrown off the yoke of absolutist control and expect us to defend them. We cannot let them down."
"I know that all of you are scared, unsure of what is to come. We are more than just the sum of our parts out here, more than just the fighters and pilots and crew and ships that make up this fleet. We are a family. The Rebel Alliance is our family and we are one another's keepers. Not only are we the keepers of our fellow crewmen, we are the sword and the shield of the planets of the Rebel Alliance. Emblazoned on our hulls are the emblems of the Rebel Alliance. Those symbols stand for every sentient in the galaxy that seeks to breathe free air. Every man and woman on Coruscant that dreams of a brighter tomorrow. Every laborer on Corellia that yearns to free themselves from under the boot heal of the Sith occupation. Every Bothan that wishes to earn a decent wage free from the exploitation of corporate authority. We fight for them. We stand alongside our allies in the Vitae Alliance, the Red Ravens, the Omega Protectorate, and the Republic in the quest for freedom, justice, and democracy. We are the beacon, the candle that lights the darkened room."
"This is our moment, Rebels. So, I ask you here and now to give me and every man, woman, child, and sentient in the Alliance every ounce of strength in this fight that is to come. Trust your shipmates. Trust your commanders. Trust one another. Let the historians writing centuries from now speak of this battle as the moment that hope returned to the galaxy. May the Force Be With Us All."
Admiral Brightsky nodded and stepped back from the podium. She saw the look of trust in their eyes, the worry and doubt that had been there before dissipated. They were ready. She walked over to the comm area and toggled the comm to the enemy fleet.
"ACA Fleet, this is Admiral Wan Min Brightsky of the Rebel Alliance. Geonosis is under Alliance protection. As ranking military officer in the Geonosis system and under the authority granted me by the Alliance Council and Alliance Reformist Senate, I am ordering you to retrieve your ground forces and vacate this system immediately. You have five minutes to respond."
She nodded and threw the toggle again. Min walked over to the smaller display with the fleet read outs.
"Alright, Lieutenant, let's start prepping the fleet. I want spherical formations around the capital ships. Spread us out at even formations, but not too spread out. Put two Shield Class medical frigates on either side of the Mothma, and one next to us, the Skywalker, and the Enterprise. Have Enterprise and the escort carriers hold back near Geonosis' asteroid belt and launch fighters. Move the other capital ships forward and put us between them and the enemy fleet. Tell the gunners on the Skywalker, the Mothma, and our own to prep the hypervelocity cannons and the heavy warhead launchers for long range fire against enemy capital ship, the Majesty and their Tambor Class. Launch all fighters for Combat Air Patrol over the fleet, but keep our bombers on hot standby. Let's bring them to us," Min ordered.
Just then, she looked at the back of the bridge and saw a face she hadn't seen in a long time.
[member="Alena"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Thane Drexel"]