Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis)

Location: In the same room as Mr Anderson.
Objective: C
Allies: Rebel Alliance
Enemies: ACA



Red Raven Napalm Grenades X3, Force Breakers X2, Fragmentation Grenades X2, The Nameless Blade, CW11 Pistol, and Lil Monster Submachine Gun with Sith Killer rounds (Nearby, not on him)


Sasori Masquer Armor, Viola Coat, Explorer corp Bodysuit

"Mr Anderson, do you know why you are important?" He drank from a glass in his hand, his scythe leaning against him while his hands turned and came together before he leaned forward. "I don't and nor do i care, but someone finds you important and i guess im here to protect you while those above us fight so please do not get in my way or freak out and we will be all clear. Ok Mister Anderson?" He smiled and drew the drink back again and looked towards the ceiling and feeling the pain and hate seeping through the ground to him like a addiction. He loved the feeling he got from taking in that pain and hate, he also hated it though, which only made such hate more potent. Then there was the fear, and that fear was the most savory of all the emotions that could be felt in this area. "Oh, and if i need to, you will get out of the way and get down. Because i will not be holding back."
Location: Rebel front lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel Alliance [member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Darik Plutan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: ACA

Corruck stood his ground as Darik told them to fall back into the trench. Corruck had been on battlefields before, though none of this size. He knew that at this point there wasn't too much to fear from an attack. He nodded to Vulp before falling back walking down a number of meters on the lines. He had a lot to think through. His forte was more of small unit tactics, small units dealing with larger forces. He hated this kind of warfare as it always cost far too much on both sides.

That was when the droids began appearing. It wasn't much to be afraid of, after all he was armed, as most of the Rebels, with ion blasters. They were mostly of a specific make, ReCal produced. That should deal with the droids that weren't specially built. The sheer number of droids would allow the ACA to accomplish far more with less causalities. At least causalities that were far more important. They could have as much as twice the numbers.

He raised his ion blaster, putting his own custom rifle, as he fell in the trench. He lined it up against the most probable area they, the enemy, would come from. He listened to the general chatter of troops, the clatter of weapons being prepared, and the wind that was blowing dust their way. He still could not believe that they were fighting for a dust ball of a planet as this.

A number of meters away he could spot some of the other allies preparing, he thought the one man could be a mandalorian just based on how he held himself and the arms he had. As well as the Jedi, or Force user.
Objective: Life, Freedom, Unity
Location: Midway down the battlefield
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: ACA(And whoever shot the diplomats vessel)
Protectees: [member="Soliael Talith"]

Despite the comraderie he felt with the man he was talking to, Vulpesen couldn't ignore the buzzing in the back of his mind. Something or someone was fairly near and it was filled with fear. "Such power, and yet..." He turned to the sky and saw the plummeting ship and immediately his mind filled with one desire. Protect. Dropping to all fours, the zorren started a mad dash across the field of the coming battle to the ship, calling the force into every inch of his body. He'd done quite a few things with his powers in telekinesis, but stopping a ship would certainly be a new one.

Using the momentum from his run, Vulpesen rolled the a short distance and stopped on a knee while his bones popped back intot heir primary sockets. Again that word rang in his head, the age old instinct that marked him as a zorren. PROTECT. His hands rose up to the air, projecting his will onto the falling crash. Please work, please work! The strain was felt on both body and mind and his tail lashed in determination. This was definitely among the largest things he'd had to stop.

He looked up and saw the streak of red on the ship, something he hadn't bothered to check before. "Who's the karking kathound who- sonofa-..." His musings and curses were cut off as his knee dug into the Geonosian dirt, the dry ground proving fairly uncomfortable as the massless weight pushed him down. Still, he saw the ship slow in its decent, a reward to match the strain he felt on his body. The only question was, would it be enough?
Objective: C
Location: Surface, 1.4 klicks from Hive entrance
Allies: [member="Molly Rieux"], [member="Phade"], ACA
Enemies: [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Solan Charr"] Rebel Scum

Phade said:
"Avathar, Phade. It's to far away for me to confirm a lock on it. I have a pretty good bead on it with my KO armors HUD, but it may take a few shots to kill it. Please advise."
"Take it down." Ahra paced across the ship's main corridor. This complicates things. They know we're coming.
"Avathar?" Alec came back over his earpiece. "She spotted the ship."
"Feth the gorram kriffing-" Ahra took a moment to collect. "Phade, hurry it up if you can." Now they REALLY know we're coming. His only comfort was that the ship was big enough for them to overestimate their forces. With any luck, they'd be too busy preparing for an assault to bother with infiltration defenses. I should have just had Alec jam it from the start.
Truth be told, he was half tempted to scrub it. Take off, maybe find a different approach. All he knew was that there was a VIP and at least one Knight-level Force user in the tunnels; and even that was with no knowledge of anything else. "Rachel, as soon as that drone's down, do an active scan. I want every milimeter of that tunnel mapped out."
"Are you sure? They'll know we're ou-"
"They already know we're out here. Our hope now is to make it seem like we're a bigger force than we are." He paused a moment. "What other entrances do we have to the Hive?"
"Well, the closest entrance is a klick and a half northwest. The actual main entrance is about two klicks to the south, and there's one a little over two to the east."
"And where's the target?"
"Not too far from the nearest entrance. The main entrance can get you there quickly, but it'll probably be guarded."
"Noted." Ahra headed back to the armory and grabbed an additional micro turret and a pair of flash mines. "Can you make your bunker look like a ship? I want everything they've got telling them they have incoming troops."
"Of course I can. What I can't do is gaurantee the safety of your ship with this strategy. You're taking a big gamble, Ahr-"
"It's Avathar right now. And I know." He set up one of the flash mines at the top of the boarding ramp. "But right now I'm paining as big a target as I can right here while we take the east entrance."
"That's a big loop."
"I kriffing well know it is. But it's how we're gonna get in without fighting a Jedi and a dozen men. Do you have a speeder?"
"I do."
"I need it." He strode into his quarters, gingerly opened his chest and pulled out the Shard, and placed it in the microenvironment. Not this time, buddy. Need to stay hidden from the Force-users today. He practically ran to security, activating the ship's systems to deal with any intruders. "Molly, Phade, as soon as that drone's down we're heading to the east entrance. Uploading location to your HUD now. We're going to take a gamble and trick them into thinking we're landing a force for the closest entrance to the target or the Hive's main entrance." He took a breath. "Phade, we move as soon as you've gotten it."
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Apoc"] | [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: ACA fools

He heard the transmission from Chiasa, it was a new voice to him but she told him that danger was on the horizon. He growled to himself, he was under equipped and his skills weren't exactly masterful but he had to make do with what he had. He snapped his fingers to grab the attentions of the others. They needed to prepare for what was about to happen, things went from serious to very deadly serious, but he needed moral up so he had to keep things moderately light. He took a deep breath as he contacted Chiasa back over the coms before he talked to the boys.

How are things looking? Decent, Difficult, Bad, Really Bad or Karking Bad we need to start making wills? He added a slight nervous chuckle hoping that he could ease the situation as he eyed the political figure, who was curled up in a ball muttering that some sort of God or Gods protect him. He bit his tongue from shouting at the man, they were going to protect the man not some fictional being. But he resisted, instead he turned to the other guards.

Well boys! It seems today is our day! Today we fight instead of standing around feeling useless, there are enemies out there and they are coming for us so we need to prepare ourselves and that means getting into strong defensive positions, using guerilla warfare tactics and hopefully we can stop these guys. Now pull yourselves together, we got a battle to win. Lets show them what they get for messing with Rebels! He gave a slight cheer as he moved himself into position, he had his blaster on him, it wouldn't be much good as he was a terrible shot but hopefully he could get a few shots in, keep them at bay until the Rebels had won this thing.
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; several Km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers (@Raziel), Alpha Company ([member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Prime"], [member="Besh Prime"], etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"])

"This is Darth Orcus from Alpha Company, requesting assistance from Easy Company. A sniper has Alpha pinned down."

Ugh, 'Darth'. That did not sit well with her at all. For one thing, there was her stubborn patriotism for her former country in the Republic, which was at direct odds with everything a Darth typically connotated. Most especially with the seemingly unstoppable One Sith crusades through the Core Worlds she had only just been learning about since ending her hermit lifestyle after meeting with Preliat Mantis on a chance encounter.

She still didn't like how it ended, as it seemed how most of their conversations went.

"Roger roger." She said though the comm anyway, in her weakest impression of a stupid droid. She didn't feel like wasting her time thinking about all the things the singular word 'Darth' meant to her and all the tangents it could lead her off into. By then, Alpha company would be dead and she'd be out of money on the other side of a rebels gun barrel. "What's your fix on the sniper's location?"

It was a redundant question of course, since she would figure it out on her own, but it was probably polite or something to ask... might make things easier in case she turned out to be wrong.

Silently, she started to mobilize her platoon, independent of the rest of her company. Her repulsor pack quickly lifted her off into the air to rest on top of a large ridge. The droids scampered around the ground without her ease and level of mobility, reliant on their two legs. The fairly expendable (at least to her) eight teams of two went off in the separate directions she outlined for them, scaling up ridges behind cover with their silly blasters.

She set the verpine sniper on a stone mound that served as her cover, and looked through the scope towards the foundry, searching for anything of particular note. Until another shot sounded though, it was unlikely she would be able to. Opening up her pack, eight droid remotes began to rise out of her armor. The foundry was about 3 kilometers out by now, and already the supposed sniper had wreaked massive damage on Alpha Company. Triam was capable of finding a degree of admiration towards the level of engineering that went into such a feat... although if it was taking out vehicles such as the MTAT, perhaps it wasn't so impressive, as much as it was a ridiculously huge gun.

Triam did not favor the large, but rather, the creative.

Not knowing where to look, she scanned the downed MTAT in Alpha Company, and estimated where the general region of the shot came from given where the vehicle had been hit. In the distance, after a zoom in, there appeared to be some sort of structure off in the distance. In order to confirm enemy activity, she needed one of two things: more sniper fire giving her more references of precisely where her target was, OR blatantly obvious movement.

Her weapon may not be as powerful as the enemies, but it certainly held a considerable range, that probably matched it given they used similar propulsion technologies. Loading in the standard ammunition, she waited for her sign.
Objective: B
Location: Shuttle Crash Site
Allies: Aela Talith, [member="Vulpesen"]?
Enemy: ???

The Shuttle slowed.

Soliael didn't know why, didn't know how, but he saw the opportunity.

The force flowed around him, his daughter remained oddly calm. The fear in her eyes was apparent, but her lips were thin and shut, her face a pale white. Soliael watched her for a single heartbeat, time seemed to slow. A pulse of the force ran from his palm, the harness across his chest burning away in an instant as he moved.

A single bound within the falling ship and Soliael did the same to the harnesses that held Aela in place. He pulled her from a seat, scooping her up in his right arm. His left hand lashed out, a massive destructive pulse pushing out. The side of the shuttle exploded into a million pieces. Shreds of hull flew through the air, pieces of the shuttle rushing out into the air.

For a brief second the shrapnel hung there, then among it appeared Soliael.

He dashed out of the falling ship and towards one of the nearby massive Geonosian spire hives. The force flowed around him as he tumbled through the air, his daughter clutched tightly to his chest.

A second passed, then another, then Soliael came crashing against the ground. Soliael landed within the clutches of the hive spire, rock crumbling and dust rolling forward. Soliael lay on the floor for a moment, letting out a loud groan, atop him lay his daughter, her hands on her head, her body wiggling slightly.


Was the only thing that rang out within the empty cavern.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Rebel front lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

Down by her shuttle the woman threw her oversized sniper down and let it hit the ground with a loud thud. That thing was freaking heavy, she sighed and decided it was time to bring out project Exo-Vis. Looking to a exo skeleton that was standing in her shuttle she strapped on the Exo Suit and powered it on. The suit spun to life and she felt the power of the machine and the strength it gave her. Looking down she picked up her new Bolter sniper and placed it on her back, she then looked over to Stratus speeder bike and made sure to strap a Scrap Maker to it's side. She dropped her sub machine gun and replaced it with a Redentor assault rifle letting it dangle from it's strap on her chest. But last but not least she loaded up her tactical vest with plenty of extra clips of ammo and her two Czerka pistols

Slinging her back back on the side of the speeder bike the blonde in her dirt brown colored sat on the bike, activated it then revved the engine hard. Taking off down the ramp she pushed forward at break neck speeds and proceeded towards the rebel front lines. The bike was fast as hell so it got her there in a timely manner, once at the front lines Patricia found her way to a large rock formation that was about a good fifteen meters tall and maybe twenty meters wide with various jagged stones at the top, it looked like a Mesa that was in the process of being worn down. It wasn't the droid foundry but it would have to do. She made sure to come in low before bringing her bike up, and setting it down towards the rear behind a large stone.

Grabbing her railgun she looked out at the advancing ACA troops and set up in a position with a large rock flanking her left side. They were less than a thousand meters or so out now and Patricia could start hitting them. Moving to her drone she had the Bird Watcher lift up and start circling in the air. The woman quickly adjusted her sights as she lay in the prone position and fired on a highlighted MTAT's front right repulser lift ( [member="Besh Prime"] ) the railgun let out a deafening boom and the projectile left the barrel at incredible speeds. It was time to pack up and relocate after that shot.
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; several Km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers (@Raziel), Alpha Company ([member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Prime"], [member="Besh Prime"], etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"])

Except that if she wouldn't be moving, not unless she wanted her head blown off.

To explain, Triam Akovin had been watching the horizon in the approximate location of where she had estimated the enemy emplacement to be. She hadn't been given any additional info from Orcus, and that was perfectly fine with her... since it seemed their sniper troubles were riding on a speeder. One could understand why one needs to move quickly from place to place, but doing so on a high profile vehicle was never smart. From that former structure her target had originally been stationed in, Triam was able to notice the fast moving metallic gleam of a speed, and as it approached closer (within one kilometer of Alpha Company), it was difficult to ignore it as a sniper looking for movement on the horizon.

Due to the weight her scope was placing on her aim, Triam did not feel confident enough to try and take the shot while her target was in transit. At some point, the target decided to stop, and when Triam tried to line up a shot, she took cover within the rock formation. A small bead of sweat rolled down her head, as her body began to cramp slightly, but she had to keep everything steady.

Her eyes shifted slightly to the other screens contain low flying droid remotes set on autopilot to head in the direction of the foundry, from many directions. Triam alerted the other droids in the platoon of a potential target, and given they had less range, were order to move up even further. Some were left behind, in case of certain positions being compromised, they might be able to provide covering fire.

While this happened, her eyes reverted back to the rock formation as a new shot rang out that she wouldn't hear likely for another second or two, followed by another MTAT probably going down. The enemy sniper then decided now was a good time to get a move on...

Triam thought otherwise.

A rock formation flanked the sniper's left, the side that Triam was facing, but as a means of keeping her locked in position, Triam fired the standard ammunition though the rock formation where she believed the sniper to be located, hoping for a penetrating shot that tore through the rock and into her target supposedly on the other side. The objective being it either brought her out of cover, killed her, or locked her into that position.

At least one other sniper team locked their sights onto the rock formation Triam believed her target to be within.
Objective: A
Location: En Route to Geonosis
Allies: ACA
Enemies: Rebels

"They signed the emergency contract?" There was a mild tone of surprise in the man's voice as he walked down the corridor with a middle-aged woman. To hear that the Abrion Corporate Authority had signed such a contract on such short notice. His paramilitary group was largely unheard of and represented an untested group, as far as the galaxy was aware. The contracts they put out were not cheap, since there was absolute confidence in their ability to produce the desired results. Emergency contracts were even more expensive, so to think that their first big contract would be on such short notice...

"Apparently it took the Authority minutes to read and sign the contract." It helped, the man knew, that there had been a few special provisions in the contract that had been sent to the Authority. For starters, payment was being deferred until after the crisis was resolved. An act of faith, as it were, on the part of such an unknown group for the Authority. As well, unlike more usual contracts that stipulated length of service, the emergency contract was crafted as a one time deal. If things went well, perhaps they'd see the signing of a more expansive contract.

"Alright then. Looks like we've got a job to do. What do we have available for launch?" His question was answered with a datapad that he took with a chuckle. A look of good work had been done. They had a lot to pull from. Better make a good first impression. Their arrival was gonna send waves. "Thank you, Hitomi." The woman smiled and gave a small bow and broke off while he kept marching towards the main command area.

There was a lot of chatter in the area when he arrived. Many of the beings there were all wearing the same uniform, though many were wearing more casual clothing. Those that noticed him immediately quieted, as he rarely ever came in unless there was a reason. "We've got a contract!" There were shouts and cheers at that news that rippled through the crowd as he made his way over to a console near the center of the room and started punching in a series of commands and strings to establish a secure connection.

"So, this is an emergency contract from the Abrion Corporate Authority. Our destination is Geonosis." Several holographic projectors came online, displaying the planet for all to see. Its barren red surface seemed angry to be in their presence. "One of the many worlds that fell victim to the chaos formed in the wake of Akala's return, the Corporate Authority lost control of the system. Now that things have settled, they came to reassert control and found that they had a bunch of squatters."

Some murmurs broke out but were silenced as he continued. "Our targets are a part of the extremist faction known as the Rebel Alliance. Their goal, it seems, is total anarchy. They believe that any government who enforces its authority is an evil that must be destroyed, as violently as possible. To that end, they've captured numerous Corporate foundries and are looking to push the Abrion forces out of the system. They weren't expecting any resistance, so the Corporate Authority is currently at a disadvantage. We've been hired to correct that disadvantage."

"Our goal then is to achieve dominance in orbit." The view shifted and displayed a number of vessels. "This is the latest sensor sweep we received from the Abrion forces in-system. We have confirmed IDs on about two dozen ships, though there may be others hiding in sensor shadows. Of note are these four vessels." Four blips were highlighted and magnified. "The first is an Avenger-class Star Defender. By all rights, it should be a Republic vessel. How these rebels got ahold of it, I don't know and I don't care. It's in our way, that makes it future scrap. The other three," he shifted the view again to bring up a single profile. "All three appear to be based off an exceptionally old design, though we expect them to have been altered in some way to increase their fire power. As of yet, we don't know the full extent of their strengths."

"Our employers are currently outnumbered at around three-to-one, though that figure may not be accurate in terms of weight. They'll be holding out for our arrival. I've already put together the fleet data and orders have been sent to the ships. Those captains who are assigned to this contract should report to your bridges ASAP. The rest of you get to sit back and watch the show."

Outside of the station, activity was a flurry as dropships finished ferry crew onto and off the ships. He rode aboard one of those dropships to land on the lead ship. It had been years since he had had an honest fight, and he was looking forward to it. Not just as a grand unveiling of their group, but as well as a sign that the next phase of his plan was coming to fruition. The hanger quickly gave way to the familiar corridors that led him to the bridge. The buzz of activity and dull roar of voices was a soothing comfort to him as he moved to stand on the command platform. "Captain Harrison, thank you for having me onboard."

The captain gave a simple nod before turning to his second-in-command. "What's the status of our battle group?"

"All ships report ready status, Captain."

Turning to face the man, Captain Harrison stepped off the platform. "Please, sir. If you'll have the honor."

He grinned and gave an accepting bow before stepping into the center of the platform. It was time to let the games begin again. "All hands, prepare to jump on my mark... Mark."
Objective: B
Location: Alpha Company
Allies: ACA, [member="Prime"], [member="Triam Akovin"], [member="Besh Prime"], [member="TD-18"]
Enemies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Vulpesen"], @Soliael Devin Talith ?

"No, Commander, I'm afraid my expertise lies in other realms."

The programming quirks in the droid did little to faze the Herglic Sith. He dealt with Hegemonic Automaton's creations on a regular basis. At the very least this golem wasn't spouting off in the accent of his ancient foes about "rack of disciprine."

Hunkered down beneath the protection afforded by his massive shield, Orcus waited for another shot to ring out, but it never came. Perhaps the sniper was merely waiting to lull them into moving again. He checked in with Easy Company and found that the sniper had been engaged and would presumably no longer be a threat.

"Droid, we are free to move. I go to the foundry."

Then he took off with great lumbering strides across the red rocks, muscles rippling as his arms pumped, black eyes narrowed with concentration. The two bodyguards followed close behind, slightly slower due to their Guardian-class Body Armor. Their heavy footfalls tore into the loose soil and tossed up dust in their wake.
Location: Hive Crypt East
Objective C
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Enemies: [member="Ahra Martrey"] [member="Phade"] [member="Molly Rieux"]

Nagate listened as the Twi'lek and Yuroic spoke, they were excitable people. The enemy had been spotted and thy meant it would happen soon.

Thankfully, the entrence to the crypt was a few meters away, the tunnels gave the Rebels a good vantage point and the intruders would be going from bright sunlight to the dim caves, the adjust in light would give a few seconds of advantage to launch a surprise attack.

"We should have a few spare seconds to attack once they arrive, the change in light from outside to here will disorient them momentarily. Use that to attack." Nagate spoke to the others as he drew his lightsaber.
Objective: C

Location: Surface, 1.4 klicks from Hive entrance
Allies: [member="Molly Rieux"], [member="ahra martrey"], ACA
Enemies: [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Solan Charr"] Rebel Scum

"Take it down." was all the confirmation that Phade needed. He tracked the little beasty, lead the target a bit and depressed the firing stud. He let out a long burst of five shots. The first two and last one missed the droid, the third and fourth hit the droid dead on, vaporizing it.

"The birdie is down." he said into his comm unit. He then left the cover of his rock outcropping and ran crouched over through a maze of others, before stopping behind one and going prone. He leaned out from behind the rock outcropping a bit so he could keep the entrance to the hive under observation. "I'm ready for the assault, I recommend flashbangs go through first, the crypt looks fairly unlit, that should give them quite the surprise."

(Writer Post count: 5)
Location: Rebel front lines

Objective: B
Allies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Triam Akovin"]
Enemies: Rebel alliance, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Besh hadn't had his droids mount back up again, instead he had them moving by squads roughly twenty meters in front and to the sides of the MTAT, utilizing cover where they could. The heavier droids formed up the center of his line while the regular clankers were the flanking troops. The MTAT was moving at roughly half speed as they crossed to a thousand meters from the rebel front lines. All of a sudden, his sensor net picked up a familiar anomaly. They indicated that a recon droid was flying near by and had painted the MTAT with an active scan. With the speed of thought, Besh had the MTAT go to full power and turn left. At that point a high speed round that his systems identified as coming from a railgun passed through the middle of the MTAT. The damage was mostly superficial, except for one of the heat sinks had been hit. Emergency protocols kicked in for the MTAT and it once again reduced to half speed and queried the network for repair work. Besh would approve that work when and if they returned to an ACA repair drone or facility.

As the round passed through his MTAT, Besh calculated the trajectory of the round and his HUD drew a line back to the firing position, which [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] was just vacating. Had he been biological, he would have nodded to himself. He marked the point and the direction the sniper fled on the ACA master map, then ordered the MTAT to use its cannon and blow the Bird Watcher out of the sky. Being only at half power, the bolts from the cannon would cycle a little slower than usual, but it should still be enough for the tiny droid.

Besh Prime would then send a notice to all ACA forces that the Bird Watcher droid was being used and was proving effective. He recommended that all such droids be shot down at first sight.

(Writer Post count: 6)
The holographic representation of the ground held still before the officers. Above it, a small icon indicated the status of the viewshed analysis. The ACA maintained incredibly detailed elevation data on the surface of their worlds, and that was being used now.

Suddenly there intervisibility calculations were complete. The map was now shaded in different colours to show dead ground and out of view routes, all from the perspective of the rebel lines. It gave a clearer picture to the planners on how to use the terrain to their own advantage.

Raziel took a good look, noticing the ridgeline that ran over to the right flank of the rebel defences. “That looks a good route,” he noted.

“Indeed,” Leitenant Colonel Vul’kar replied, as he hurriedly made some scribbles on the three dimensional map.

The Batallion 2IC started relaying orders:

“[member="Prime"] and [member="Besh Prime"]. Leave a platoon of clankers each in reserve. We’re going to use the mortar teams to put some smoke down, use any smoke grenades you may have too. Take the rest of your forces and engage the enemy line directly. You are to attempt to breakthrough, or at the very least hold the rebel forces in place. Your priority targets are: Anti-armour units first, emplacement units second.

“Usual procedures for this action. Advance until you come under fire, then have two platoons covering with suppressing fire whilst one advances. Then advance squad by squad, until you have to advance fire team by fire team.

“[member="TD-18"]. Take your Company, the 2nd Recon Platoon, a Buckler, a squad of war bugs and a Proton Cannon. Follow the route we’re sending you. It’s an out-of-sight route that will put you within 700m of the enemy line on their right flank. You’re in charge, so hit them hard. We’ll have two hunter-killers and a gunship follow you in, but only after you mount the attack so as not to give you away.”

Raziel listened to this all and nodded to his apprentice. “Go with [member="TD-18"], take control of 2nd Platoon, I’ll be following shortly.”

[SIZE=11.5pt]· HQ Company Raziel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Assaulting enemy lines directly, but cautiously:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Droid A Company (96 Clankers, MTAT) Prime[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Droid B Company (64 Clankers, 16 Super Clankers, MTAT)[/SIZE] Besh Prime
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Support E Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Sniper Platoon (8x2 teams)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Anti-tank Platoon (8 "War Bug" Sapper Droid with anti-tank weapons)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Mortar Platoon (8x4 War Bugs)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Anti-air Squadron (1 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]
Advancing on Rebel Right Flank
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Droid C Company (96 Clankers, 27 Hailfire, MTAT) TD-18[/SIZE] @ [SIZE=11.5pt]Seto Du Couteau commands 2nd Platoon)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Recon Platoon (4x4 Clankers on STAP)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Proton Cannon Squadron (1)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Anti-air Squadron (1 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Air Support[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Hunter-Killer Drones (2)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]LAAT/D 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.5pt]· Droid A Company (32 Clankers)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Droid B Company (32 Clankers)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Fast Attack D Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Aerial Platoon (32 Baron)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Recon Platoon (2x9 Hailfire)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Support E Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Anti-tank Platoon (16 "War Bug" Sapper Droid with anti-tank weapons)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]Proton Cannon Squadron (3)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Armour F Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Skocha Tank Squadron (6)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Anti-air Squadron (2 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Light mech Squadron (12 'Shredder' Light Mech)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]· Air Support[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Hunter-Killer Drones (18)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]LAAT/D 1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]ACA Right Flank[/SIZE] (Rebel Left)
[SIZE=11.5pt]Armour F Company[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]o [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]Skocha Tank Squadron (6)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Air Support[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11.5pt]S90 2
  • [/SIZE]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Rebel Front Lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

Hitting a moving target from another moving target with blaster canons going slower than average didn't add up to hitting the drone that was only a foot big, the blaster canons missed wide right and would have to come to a stop or focus in more to take down a smaller moving target like the bird watcher. Patricia got on the data pad and began to move the drone far left from it's long circling motion. The drone made a few robotic caws and flew left of her position. It moved quickly and precisely as she directed it and kept it going further and further, that was until a large gust of wind rang out through her speakers the droid picked up and a heavy rail gun round shot through the stone a few inches above her. The round passed over the small of her back and even though the bullet had missed her sharp bits of rock from the exit hole of the formation shot out and pelted her armor and armor weave. The rock dug into her side where there was no plating and pierced the mesh suit, bits of the boulder hit her side and she let out a small bark of pain. They were maybe half an inch through the skin and in her and while it wasn't going to make her bleed out or die, it was pain and injury that she would have to extract later.

But the bird drone quickly located the trajectory and highlighted the shooter, Patricia had a lock on her and it put her in a situation. At that range Patricia could only hit her with the sniper, and the MTAT was still moving forward to her position. That thing had to go down and fast, so Patricia did the next logical thing. Eliminate the most deadly threat to her so she can keep on fighting, the sniper had to go down and fast. In the gap between her, and her speeder bike behind cover Patricia decided that it was time to hit the target hard. This would be a tricky shot but with all her technology backing her up it would be a lot easier. Reaching into her bag she grabbed a Shield grenade pressed the button and threw it down between that gap where she would be vulnerable from moving out of cover.

Springing forward with the augmented strength of her Exo suit she moved past her shield that could take a rail gun and moved back towards her bike that was covered by a thick boulder sized slab of rock. Patricia bounded past it knowing the sniper would need a few seconds to refocus her shot, this would be risky but it would have to work. Gripping the weapon tight with her suit she quickly popped the corner and her warfighter visor told her exactly where to shoot to hit that target, focusing in quickly she did what she could to line it up. This weapon was meant to be fired from a crouching or prone position, but with the strength of a pissed off wookie at her hands she could hold the weapon with ease and steady it with the suits robotic muscles. And with a loud boom the round traveled forward, she may have been a inch or two off but whether it or not is was going to come damn close that was for sure. She quickly popped back into cover behind the large rock, thank the gods for advanced technology.
Location: Rebel front lines
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Triam Akovin"]
Enemies: Rebel alliance, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Raziel said:
“Prime and Besh Prime. Leave a platoon of clankers each in reserve. We’re going to use the mortar teams to put some smoke down, use any smoke grenades you may have too. Take the rest of your forces and engage the enemy line directly. You are to attempt to breakthrough, or at the very least hold the rebel forces in place. Your priority targets are: Anti-armour units first, emplacement units second. “Usual procedures for this action. Advance until you come under fire, then have two platoons covering with suppressing fire whilst one advances. Then advance squad by squad, until you have to advance fire team by fire team.
Besh signaled acceptance of the order, the relayed the orders instantly over his network to the droids in his command. The reserve platoon took up positions around the damaged MTAT, which Besh had since ordered grounded, and went into prone firing positions in an arc facing the rebel lines. Besh then sent a signal to ACA command, informing them of his damaged MTAT and pinpointing the positions of his droids in defense of the MTAT.

As soon as the smoke from the mortar support teams hit the ground, he and his remaining eighty droids advanced, periodically popping smoke grenades to ensure maximum coverage. When they reached the line on their HUD that marked four hundred yards from the rebel lines, Besh had them moving by squads in the prescribed manner. At two hundred and fifty yards they started to emerge from the smoke and reduced the speed with which they moved from cover to cover. They also randomized their movements so as to confuse enemy troops. At two hundred yards, well within effective range of their blasters, Besh had his normal clankers fire suppressive fire into the Rebel lines while his super clankers took more time to aim at the troops. Their order of attack would be to shoot anyone identified with a sniper rifle, then any officers (which would be people obviously commanding or talking loudly to the troops), then individual troops. Besh joined in with the super clankers, picking off individuals with programmed and practiced ease. Not wanting to get to ahead of the other ACA troops, Besh would halt his advance roughly one hundred yards from the lines, having his droids take cover while they continue their assault, periodically changing position to, again, ensure confusion from the Rebel troops.

(Writer Post Count: 7)
Location: Anarchists holding foundry, Khloe exiting foundry for reconnaissance on enemy position
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]
[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Darik Plutan"]
Enemies: Directly engaging [member="Besh Prime"]
[member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

"They're using a smoke cover to advance," said one of the anarchists as they watched out the window of the factory.

"Well that just means one of us will have to ferret out and report their positions. We can't have the smoke clearing and they're right on top of us!" And by one of us she meant herself.

"But first I want you guys to head to the weapons cache and switch to sniper rifles and ion blasters. Sources closer to the front-line report a large army of droids," Khloe said also looking out of the window.

She kicked her swoop bike into high gear and shot out the front of the foundry like a lightning bolt. The smoke from the grenades was good for hiding the advancing enemy positions but Agent Sparrow also used it to her advantage, darting around the perimeter of the rebel lines and occasionally getting close enough to spot the enemy positions. Through the acrid, black smoke she saw and heard the enemy droids in her vicinity and fired her ion blaster at them. This particular group of droids crumpled in a heap while Khloe sped off expertly maneuvering her bike to avoid the blaster fire which she could hear whizzing by her. At least those Swoop Bike Championship trophies are coming in handy after all, she thought.

In her recononssance she was able to spot most of the enemy positions and though her helmet radioed it back to [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and Rebels who could hear the frequency, including the anarchists now armed with sniper rilfes and ion blasters at the foundry. "Red Dress we have advanceing clanker and super-clankers directly in the smoke cover. We should drop a bomb right on them, pronto!"

Still moving forward she spotted a droid that appeared to be a commander, and weaving back and forth towards it to avoid incoming droid fire, she aimed her Ion Blaster directly at him and shot it right at his metal head.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
:: The Colonies
:: Pyria System
:: Boreias

The Talith Home

It was a beautiful summer day.

Maleah and Micah were frolicking with a baby Nexu, their giggles echoing up and down the beach. There was salt in the air, the mist of the sea and the kiss of the afternoon sun.

Her youngest daughter was attempting to catch a small turtle crawling across the wet sand, with Micah giving little grunts behind her to try and help her. They both kept tumbling down onto the ground, the Nexu with them having none of it, blocking their attack. It would paw and walk in a small half circle, bumping them to the floor with a nudge of its large wedge like head.

More giggles would ensue.

It was nearing two weeks since Soliael and Aela left on their mini father daughter bonding adventure. It was a rather nerve wracking first couple of days; mainly because the twins were constantly asking where their father and Aela were at. But Soliael was consistent with holocalling, and the twins would settle down for the night after talking with their father.

As mischievous as they would be, the amount of love and affection they held for him and Aela would be evident with how much they missed them.
Nights would be summed up with interesting and exciting stories, a bit of show and tell. The more Aela and her father would talk about it, the more excited and eager the twins were for an adventure of their own, even asking if they could go once he'd returned. Soliael would tell the twins to take care of their mother; Micah to remember to tuck his chin if he fell, Maleah to remember their deal if she behaved.

Bedtime would approach, and it was only after the twins were tucked into bed that Kira had a few minutes of alone time with her husband. In it she would ask how the meeting with his oma went, how Aela took to her, and to give Amore her love. Soliael in turn will tell his wife... well, it is none of anyones business what he told his wife! That's between him and Kira!

Amusement would light the Lorrdian's expression, a tall glass of lemonade clasped to her hand. Another giggle would come drifting from the beach, Maleah's tiny legs running away from the wave that would seemingly crash to get her.

Just three more days until---

Kira froze.

Worry bled through the lines of her face. It was faint, but she felt a rise of trepidation. A dark forbearing. The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck would start to rise.

Was it the Force? No. It was something else.

Her brow would furrow and then blue eyes would fall to the ring on her finger. It was a puzzle ring, made of six different bands and specifically woven to rest a certain way. Were she ever to take it off, it would fall apart, almost neigh impossible to put back together, unless one knew the trick. Soliael had made it for her.



Kira gave a sudden grimace; wincing as a sharp plummeting sensation would fill her being. Apprehension. Anxiety. Fear.


The sound of a glass shattering would fill Kira's world for the next few minutes. It would sear into her mind; that very moment. Blood would drain from her face, blanching in growing panic. A hand would grasp her chest, and she gave a shudder. It was Sol; his emotions tearing through her skin and sinking into her muscles.

Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. She was shaking so badly, her hands were like birds as she tried to steady herself. Two small heads down by the water would come to a pause, curiosity in their orange eyes as a Nexu would go bounding in between them.

Ayril. Where was Ayril.

Glass was everywhere, the scent of lemons rising as nine toes would move around the debris. Trembling fingers reaching to her wrist comm, pressing transmit.

"A-Ayril," her voice broke. It's okay. It's okay. She kept telling herself, even though she could feel the spikes of emotional backlash from her husband.

"Yes, m'lady." came the prompt reply. The Crusaders were always there. Always at the ready. Another wince, then it felt as if her stomach went plummeting to the floor.

"Contact Soliael's shuttle." Her vision would blur as growing worry would twist and claw at her like sharp talons of ice. Breathe. Just breathe. I can still feel him. I can still --

"Mum?" a small faint voice edged with growing reflective anxiety came behind her. Turning around, Kira saw her youngest, Micah, standing holding Maleah's hand.

OOC: I have asked permission by both Factions to post a reaction post and have been approved.
Objective: B
Location: Empty Hive Between Battle lines
Allies: Aela Talith
Enemy: ???

Another loud groan escaped him, and his hand raised up. “I'm okay Aela.”

The reassurance was enough to give his daughter some backbone. The small girl nodded, then slowly crawled off of her fathers chest. For a moment she lingered at his side, checking that Soliael was not bleeding or otherwise permanently injured. For a moment more she lingered, then walked over towards the massive hole in the hive that Soliael had formed in his landing.

The former false god meanwhile lay on the floor, the force having protected him from any major injury, though pain still lurking in his spine.

He shifted upon the floor, his emotions still spiked high. Slowly he rose up, a hint of panic hitting him as he saw Aela standing within the makeshift doorway. With strained motions he lifted himself to his feet, dust shaking off of him along with loose dirt and small rocks. He stumbled his first step, but quickly regained his composure as he walked over to his daughter.

She stood there, her face contemplative and her eyes watching the battlefield set out before them.

For a moment, Soliael watched with his daughter in silence as they witnessed the beginning of the battle. Overhead laser fire was still streaking, turbo-lasers and missiles were flying. Every now and again he could hear the barreling sound of a cannon being shot. His eyes flashed to his daughter, the stoic calm in which she stood giving him a hint of fear.


She asked for his attention, his head swiveling towards her. “Yes Aela?”

Aela was no stranger to the concept of war. She was only six years old now, incredibly young, but she was a Talith, and on top of that she was already quite the bookworm. She knew well enough what it was that she was seeing.


Soliael looked down at his daughter, then up towards the armies that lay before them. He shifted for a moment, then squatted down besides her. Even in that position he still towered over her.

“I don't know.” He was always honest with his children. “Geonosis is an important world. The Hives here produce droids, weapons, machines. There are a lot of reasons why people care about it.”

Aela looked at her father, her eyes filled with skepticism.

“And the Geonosians? Do they care about them?”

It was a good question. One that Soliael didn't have an answer to.

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