Alena Reckar
Active Member
Location: Anarchists holding foundry, with two anti-tank operators
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel Alliance; [member=Khloe Sparrow] Patricia Susan Garter Corruck Kazen
Preliat Mantis Darik Plutan
Enemies: Directly engaging Besh Prime
Hion the Herglic Prime Raziel Triam Akovin
Alena was terrified, her mouth was dry and her thighs were itchy beneath the suit of light armor she wore. The dust rolled passed her in gentle waves as the winds kicked up now and again, reflecting the minor level of excitement she had for this battle. Already Rebel forces had met with the droid armies, and more were on their way to the foundry at that very moment, sneaking through dense clouds of smoke that obscured the clankers from view. Alena clenched her jaw, her grip tightening on the rifle in her hands. The grenade launcher on her back was loaded with EMP rounds, which would be far more effective against the droids than her rifle. Alena felt herself shaking as she waited alongside the other anarchist trainees, most of whom were excited for the upcoming fight. Or at least not as terrified as I am. Alena wasn't a killer, she didn't think war was a useful way to spend her life, and she was only here because it kept her close to Wan Min.
What the hell is wrong with you, following that woman around? You want to end up dead? That was her father's voice talking, and in her current emotional state, Alena couldn't get him out of her head. The man was dead, had been for years, but the way he'd shaped how she thought about herself would stick with her for the rest of her life it seemed.
Please, just leave me alone, she begged his phantom silently, gripping more tightly onto the weapon in her hands. Suddenly the rifle fired, Alena had squeezed the trigger unwittingly in throes of her emotional torment. The blaster bolt struck the foundry wall before her and exploded, leaving a round mark of charred metal and burnt plastic. Alena shivered and looked around to her fellow soldiers, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just so kriffing nervous." Embarrassment crept onto her face, and Alena could feel her blued cheeks burning as hotly as the hole in the wall.
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel Alliance; [member=Khloe Sparrow] Patricia Susan Garter Corruck Kazen
Preliat Mantis Darik Plutan
Enemies: Directly engaging Besh Prime
Hion the Herglic Prime Raziel Triam Akovin
Alena was terrified, her mouth was dry and her thighs were itchy beneath the suit of light armor she wore. The dust rolled passed her in gentle waves as the winds kicked up now and again, reflecting the minor level of excitement she had for this battle. Already Rebel forces had met with the droid armies, and more were on their way to the foundry at that very moment, sneaking through dense clouds of smoke that obscured the clankers from view. Alena clenched her jaw, her grip tightening on the rifle in her hands. The grenade launcher on her back was loaded with EMP rounds, which would be far more effective against the droids than her rifle. Alena felt herself shaking as she waited alongside the other anarchist trainees, most of whom were excited for the upcoming fight. Or at least not as terrified as I am. Alena wasn't a killer, she didn't think war was a useful way to spend her life, and she was only here because it kept her close to Wan Min.
What the hell is wrong with you, following that woman around? You want to end up dead? That was her father's voice talking, and in her current emotional state, Alena couldn't get him out of her head. The man was dead, had been for years, but the way he'd shaped how she thought about herself would stick with her for the rest of her life it seemed.
Please, just leave me alone, she begged his phantom silently, gripping more tightly onto the weapon in her hands. Suddenly the rifle fired, Alena had squeezed the trigger unwittingly in throes of her emotional torment. The blaster bolt struck the foundry wall before her and exploded, leaving a round mark of charred metal and burnt plastic. Alena shivered and looked around to her fellow soldiers, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just so kriffing nervous." Embarrassment crept onto her face, and Alena could feel her blued cheeks burning as hotly as the hole in the wall.