Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bucketheads vs. Trash Pandas [Mandalorian Empire Invasion of Coalition-Controlled Utapau (Hex 53-N)]

Location: Pau City Streets
Objective: Protect people, don't die.
Allies: Trash Pandas, [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Enemies: Bucketheads
Equipment: (1) Lightsaber, (2) blaster pistols, (1) blaster carbine.

"I'm really starting to like these recent assignments off of Zonju V," Cotan mused to himself while he was walking along the streets of Pau City. He'd developed an odd habit of talking to himself at some point, although he at least managed to do it when nobody was watching...generally. He figured it probably had something to do with how bored and lonely he generally was when he was stuck on Zonju V all the time. Not a lot had ever really happened that he needed to involve himself with there, so it was just a long and lazy and tedious few months stuck on that planet. Doing Judge-stuff. He almost never wanted to go back there again.

He'd been called on to help provide some extra security, basically, for the diplomatic meeting that was going on today. So - since he preferred to avoid showing the whole Judge-thing until it was absolutely necessary - he had brought along his blaster carbine, looking for all the world like any random mercenary or security agent (well, maybe not one of those, they were usually a bit more clean cut) that could be found along the Outer Rim and be hired for something like this. So now he was wondering the streets near where the meeting was going to take place, helping out as part of a perimeter of guards that was most likely composed (in the majority) of local police forces. Rather than Force Sensitive ex-Jedi who looked like mercenaries.

Yay, I'm unique.

Up ahead he could see a blindfolded man walking down the street, hearing him say something indistinct. It was about that moment that Cotan's own Judgey-senses began to tingle (no, not the rude kind, the Force kind), and he looked up to the sky. All clear. But the Force was basically giving him a red caution light in his mind saying "Hey, man, pay attention here."

"I've suddenly got a bad feeling about all this."
Location:​ Pau City streets
Allies:​ ORC and it's allies
​Enemies:​ Mandalorians

Humming quietly to himself, Nok browsed through a street-side shop, looking for an interesting trinket to acquire to commemorate his visit to the planet. The Tiss'shar had learned that one of the old forges was set to be reignited today as part of a diplomatic meeting, and had dropped by the city to help keep an eye on things. That, and he'd always wanted to see the renowned sinkhole city for himself. It was as grand as the holovids claimed it was, and the people were pleasant to be around. Finding a suitable bauble, he took it to the register and paid for it. Tucking the item away in a pouch, Nok shifted his armor's vest into a more comfortable position. While it had cost him some extra coin to get it modified to fit his more unique frame, Nok was happy with the armor, as it offered decent protection while still allowing him full use of his natural agility.

Stepping out into the street again, Nok cocked his head to the side as he noted several beings congregating in the street, some looking somewhat uneasy. Silently approaching one of these beings, a bearded human man, he was about to ask what was going on when a distant, faint rumble caught his attention. Hissing as he recognized the sound, he spoke up in a tense voice. "I'm inclined to agree with you, that sounded like cannon fire. This ought to be interesting,"

​[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Location: Utapau Orbit
Objective: Boarding
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire ([member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Silas Mantis"])
Allies-ish: ORC ([member="Janick Beauchamp"])

Some people look at a Mandalorian dreadnought and see a war machine. Others see a convenient box full of people who know useful things. Like, for example, the status of the Mandos' efforts to find and kill one's infant son.

Keeping pace with the dreadnought's Class Three hyperdrive had been straightforward enough. Planting the initial S-thread tracker beacon, less so, but that part was over. Now that the dreadnought had reached its destination, its shadow prepared for the next stage.

A MandalMotors Orar’uliik stealth transport decloaked behind the dreadnought and gunned for its auxiliary hangar. A field disruptor flared to life as the beskar-clad attack ship sacrificed stealth and shields. And for a few heartbeats, a vital hole might open up in the dreadnought's shields.

After that point, an Orar'uliik had almost too many options. Looking at the small and simple rear hangar, though, Connory knew he wouldn't need those options. Because that hangar's ingress/egress launch chutes led straight to the main hangars half a kilometre ahead.

At this stage, though, Connory's only thought was to get inside the dreadnought's shields and the auxiliary hangar. Everything else was preplanned: the weapons, the gear, the course, and the music.

Every ship had aural sensors, gear that translated short-range sensor data into sound for the benefit of the pilot or bridge crew. Tune your emissions just right, and you could spoof another ship's aural

The ancient Mandalorian anthem Vode An, translated into a minor key, filtered through the corridors of the dreadnought. Bastardized lyrics declared, in fluent Mando’a, that the vode (pronounced voe-day) copulated with unclean persons of dubious ancestry.

Rayf Vigil

Allies: Team Trash Panda - [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Jax Rhane"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Tryp West"] | [member="Jackson Singh"] | [member="Janick Beauchamp"] | [member="Connory"]
Enemies: Team Buckethead - [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Kal Ordo"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Silas Mantis"]
Location: Hyperspace -> Utapau
Accompanying Units
A squadron of mixed X-Wings and bombers for fluff purposes, no direct PC control.


T-110 'Dauntless' X-Wing

Rayf Vigil stretched as much as he was able within the cramped confines of the starfighter's flight seat. A countdown pulsed in front of him on the heavily armored X-Wing's virtual HUD, only a few minutes now until they emerged back into realspace on the fringes of the Utapau system. A recovering Alliance fleet was still gathering in the next sector, so between the time Rayf and the rest of Blue Squadron had stumbled out of bed to the sound of klaxons interrupting some badly needed rest and relaxation, convincing his superiors to green light his mission had taken far more time than transit.

In the aftermath of Dagobah, they held no love for the Mandalorian Empire. Vigil knew several army officers whose men had been gunned down by cowardly beskar plated turncoats. But his people were still reeling in the aftermath of the Hydian Blockade, of Thyferra, and despite receiving a transmission of distress from the nearby Storm Fleet, brass had made the grim calculation that they simply didn't have enough resources to mobilize a task force in time. But pilots could be fueled up and ready to go within moments, so Blue Leader had convinced High Command to allow him to take a strike group of volunteers. Just a squadron and a handful of U-Wing troop transports, but it was something.

The final minute creeped up on him until at last it started to tick down. Tapping the static-laced holoimage he had brought along with him as a good luck charm until its resolution clarified into the face of an old flame, he kissed his fingers and then its base in his usual pre-combat ritual. Then he activated his comm.

"Alright boys, look lively. Check in on me," the seconds ticked down, and Rayf counted off each pilot in his squadron, gripping the throttle in front of him tighter. Some of these men he had never flown with before, "Remember our mission, suspected hostile Mandalorian presence in orbit. Confirm sighting, and offer Coalition forces support by fire."

In the blink of an eye, Vigil was no longer staring at starlines but a distant Utapau. He kicked his X-Wing's sublight into high gear, setting a course for orbit.

The Alliance had arrived.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Pau City, Utapau, Tarabba Sector, Outer Rim Territories
Allies: The Mandalorians
Adversaries: The Outer Rim Coalition - [member="Aryn Teth"], eventually
It was from the side that Fett watched on from, the crowd of Mandalorians beating their armored chests in a harmonious rhythm stood facing Munin as he made his pride-inflicting speech. It was easy to tell that everyone present was ready for war. They were Mandalorians, if you asked anybody what they associated the Mandalorians with it would certainly be war, or the armor. Either way, it was something relating to conflict. The title of Akaan is what kept Munin seen as so highly esteemed, but that wasn't anything the Bounty Hunter concerned himself with - much like the title of 'Aliit Alor' when it came to Clan Fett - Koda was only here for the war. If the galaxy was to tear itself apart he may as well choose a side, it was common in times like these for Bounty Hunters to be back-stabbed by their employers. After all, to many he was mere scum.

However he reached the rank of Colonel in such a short amount of time was beyond him, and in fact attributed it to his pseudo celebrity status as a Bounty Hunter. Though now, the Colonel made his way towards the transports that would, in time, transport the Mandalorians to the surface below. It had been some time since he ventured to Utapau, and oddly enough it was under the same war-time circumstances. The planet would burn as it had all those years ago, and in the end no real satisfaction would be gained. Fett's war wasn't against those that resided on the Outer Rim, it was against the Jedi, his hateful feelings towards them were no doubt justified for a reason within his own mind, and so all he could truly do was wait until the Jedi would be invaded once again.

The Bounty Hunter placed himself in one of the seats of the transports as it soon descended planetside. Inside one of the many sinkholes it soon found itself, rocking about with flak striking the air around it until the platform was extended outwards. A large grouping of Mandalorians flew towards Pau City with their jetpacks, engaging the Outer Rim Coalition Forces. Fett himself made his way in, but not with the support of any others. He had an objective of his own here. Acting upon a rumor that very well may not be true.

Koda Fett was on the hunt, as per usual...
Location: Hyperspace, En-route to Pau.
Transport: Tribune Class Diplomatic Corvette.
Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"].
Significant Persons: [member="Bryce Bantam"], The Outer-Rim Coalition.
Enemies: The Mandalorian Empire.

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man,
and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter".
Aboard the Tribune Class Diplomatic Vessel, the Knight of Ren found himself silently questioning the decision to delve so far into what resembled to be enemy territory and perhaps the closest resembling Ally if not part of the Galactic Alliance itself, the Outer-Rim Coalition's territory's for whom had always supported the Terrorist Insurgence against the First Order's righteous endeavors for peace and security across the Galaxy. This venture of theirs hadn't been sanctioned by the Council of Overlords nor the Supreme Leader, [member="Sieger Ren"]. [member="Samka Derith"] held no knowledge of their intentions to Caehl's account and for all intents and purposes, this recluse of duty had devolved in his mind towards a personal connection for which the Queen of Panatha sought to pursue.

In spite of this, Caehl Ren had not spoken up upon his concerns for the seemingly rash course that [member="Ara Zambrano"] had set them upon. While standing as her right hand outside of his duties to the Supreme Leader himself, fulfilling the wish of his superior, Decitus Ren, there were motives of his own for reluctantly agreeing to such a fool hardy endeavor and the first act that would put distance between him and an otherwise flawless record of service and devotion to the First Order.

The Battle of Bespin, the Galactic Alliance's invasion of First Order worlds and the greatest failure he had been shamed with. Outnumbered and over-powered yet with the will and testament of a true and just cause, the Knight of Ren had fought and sought to give his life for the Order of Ren and their future claim over the south western territories. In their battle against the Jedi Order, his blade had struck Ara herself, run her through and resulted in her downfall, and later discovered abduction by Bryce Bantam, a member of the Outer-Rim Coalition whom in a turn of events had saved her life.

It was an act of selflessness and consideration that the Knight of Ren did not harbor, was not thought to be capable of and could not comprehend. In his eyes, there must have been motives of self gain over-all and from what had resulted from their history, Ara herself remained tied to the man for reasons Caehl Ren did not know. In all of this, not only was his failure to protect his superior ranking Master of Ren emphasized through every interaction and premise of dealings with Bryce and the likes of his kind, but so too his misinterpretation of the only figure he had gained trust within and could identify as an individual he could relate with.

"What do you hope to gain from this charade, Ara..." He stood opposite of her within the crew quarters of the vessel, his attire not that of the black cloak and armor that he bore under the alias of a Knight of Ren, but his otherwise Formal Attire that resembled the life of a man he might have come into had he not been burdened with such a conflicting history, misled by the Jedi Order and enslaved by the One Sith Empire so many years prior.

"I fail to understand how one man, undignified as a rogue criminal as he is, is worth risking the throne of Panatha with your leave of First Order space and endangering yourself to such an extent. At the very least, you could have sent me in alone to deal with him..." The way that he spoke suggested that his methods of dealing with the associate of the Outer-Rim might have been rather more conclusive and relentless a method compared to that of her own.

Pau City
Ground Level
Allies: ORC and... A giant... Talking
.... Tree([member="Orn Pharr"])

The world was about to erupt in pandemonium, and someone with the senses Ijaat had would hardly miss the tension looming like a thunderstorm over the planet and city. Arrival had been easy, the lad Davin had got him caught up in this Resistance movement. The work didn't pay the greatest, but the cause was something he could support, and it kept his conscience clean. Plus, they seemed diametrically opposed to this Empire that Ra had going. Credits and various forms of wealth he had mostly enough of to live a comfortable life. Payment was more than enough, and anything that gave him a chance to fight for a cause that resonated AND get paid was worth more than just yelling at clouds while firing off his blaster in an overly macho display of ego maintenance and compensation.

Looking about, Ijaat thumbed the activator on his shacklebolt, the rifle whirring to life as he helmeted head turned from end to end of the horizon. Nothing showed, but his senses screamed something alive was near. Too long without the right sort of practice had withered his keening to dull. For him, anyway. Most other Force Users would likely still envy some of his abilities. Beskar plates, freshly painted in Protector colors, covered him from head to toe, as well as a kama and an assortment of weapons to make a Tenloss tank by [member="Popo"] blush. Fact of the matter was, it was sad that anyone who knew the meaning of his colors would be against him. And this place was almost pretty really, in it's own way. And then he saw something that made him pause and wonder just how old dementia started at for his people.

Because there was a tree walking towards him, and trees didn't walk. In a non-threatening way he leveled the rifle, and the modulator barked out his voice in tin like echo.

"Who goes?"

Talking to the karking vegetation and aiming a gun at it... Probably a bad sign... What am I going to do, prune it to death?!
Pau City
Ground Level
Allies: ORC | He Who Sunders Worlds ( [member="Ijaat Mereel"] )

Orn walked with his head low, eyes towards the ground so that he would be aware of any little creature that might accidentally fall beneath his tread. His weight was such that he could seriously injure or kill a beetle otherwise. When prompted by an odd man wearing a signature T-Visor he turned his attention upwards at the man. He wasn't acting threateningly but there was something about the man that sent ripples down what passed for Orn's spine.

"Oh just an old gardener." He responded in a slow melodic tone, every word spoken deliberately. Orn smiled at the expressionless T-Visor, leaning against the staff as he continued to approach. "You may call me Master Pharr. Or Orn if that suits you better young one." Young One. The man had to be in his mid fifties, already a grizzled veteran and venerable warrior. But to Orn he was barely a sappling and time was already catching up to him.

"Are you hurt?" The Jedi Master asked, holding his branch-like hand outwards for the warrior to take should he desire. He felt no physical injuries about the man, and yet there was a deep scarring across his aura that made the venerable Neti sad to sense. Such youth and already so injured. Life was not meant to treat people this way, and yet everywhere his travels took him there was always a broken child, but none more so than this one. The old tree was not so curt as to force his way into another's mind and see their secrets, and he was not sure that he could have even if he had wanted to.

And he did not want to see what troubles this man felt, what nightmares rocked such a being that they felt as he did.


Location: The Skies Above Utapau
Allies: Mando’ade Beskar [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Malika Mantis"] | [member="Calina Ovmar"] | [member="Beskadala Ordo"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Quoron"] Vizsla | [member="Kal Ordo"] | [member="Tal Vizsla"]
Enemies: ORC

The last tones of the Dha Werda Verda clung to Katlaydr’s ear canals as she hopped off the munitions box she’d used to address her troops. The Orar’uliik’s hangar was packed with bes’uliik, Mando’ade and the Dark Lord of the Sith. Yasha bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet, body covered with the gold and black Haran Rekr beskar’gam. Hell Wolf Armour.

A fitting title for a fittingly vicious teenaged girl.

Katlaydr. Famine. Haran Ad’ika. Hell Child. Ward of Ra Vizsla. Yasha Mantis.
Titles upon titles, upon names, upon names.

Body vibrating from the top of her buy’ce to the soles of her boots, the growing Epicanthix heard nothing but the ring of the hymn of the pugilists. Nothing but her keyed up breath in her lungs.

Speech done before the Dha Werda Verda, Yasha and the Mando’ade on board were as silent as the ship was cloaked. They knew their mission. Flank Pau City. Meet [member="Vilaz Munin"] in the middle. Give [member="Aryn Spar"] and her father [member="Preliat Mantis"] time to steak the Kyber Crystals. They were the great distraction, a band of precisely placed chaos and the girl couldn’t think of a better option to ride into battle than her Aunt, [member="Malika Mantis"].

Yasha was not born to war. The infant in [member="Aditya Mantis"]’ arms was not destined to take up her father Preliat Mantis’ firearms and vulgar predilection to bloodshed. Born to the immigrant couple, Yasha was to be the mild mannered daughter of future plenty, an engineer, or ballerina like her mother. Yet, the predilections of her bloodline were undeniable. What was a Mantis if not a wolf? The Netherworld burned a docile life out of the girl, as it burned through her current compatriot. [member="Darth Carnifex"]. Kaine Zambrano, Once-King to her entire race, and the slim hope Aditya held onto in the Netherworld. If he could escape its’ pull… so could she and her daughter. The cost of Yasha’s return from the Netherworld had been a piece of her soul, attachment to the Force itself. Thus, the girl who returned dragging the septic body of her mother, was Dead to the Force.

Katlaydr would go into battle today. She would decipher another piece as to why Kaine Zambrano returned from the Netherworld, why Ra seemed to look to the Sith and see allies. She would roar and bellow and rage and kill to give others the chance to steal what Manda’yaim needed to protect herself.

To be whole.

"For [member="Ra Vizsla"]." Yasha's muted voice echoed in the comm units of her Mandalorians on board, as the cloaked ship swooped low over the city to release its' cargo.

Flicking through a hand sign to open the hangar bay doors, Katlaydr continued to vibrate, hands shaking out of adrenaline. She signalled with her last few steps out the hangar bay and jumped into the thin Utapau air. Malika would catch her. The Bes’uliiks and Bral would follow her.

Fear had no place here.
Only courage.
Only an utter lack of restraint.

Yasha roared in free fall toward the upper levels of Pau City. The Mando'ade would follow.

It was their way.

Hylo woke up with a headache, the worse sort of headache he'd ever had. Alarms were going off on the Wreched Hive, what a name for a ship... they couldn't have called it something nice like the bright lotus? That was a ship name.... Wait alarms? Hylo groaned sure that this was some sort of joke. What happened last night?

Uhg. Damian Fething Starchaser. Why did he let him convince him for a night out on the town for a bachelor party. He wasn't a bachelor anymore he was engaged to Mara, that means he was taken. Damain had been pretty convincing though saying it was human ritual and then there was that pretty pink woman. [member="Joza Perl"]. The two of them had ambushed him while he was trying to set up a farm on the planet and convinced him to attend this... this... meat ritual!

Groaning Hylo stoop up and started walking down the corridor to Jorus's quarters on ship. His were close, he suspected so Jorus could keep an eye on him. As he approached the door he said, "Jorus? Dad? Father in Law?" What was he supposed to call him now? That was never clear and he was sort of afraid to bring up the subject normally but now he didn't care. With squinting eyes he looked at the door. "Have you ever had an energy drink? They told me there was no sugar in it and that it was chemically inoffensive. I think was... Bamboozled!" Another set of beeps interrupted his thought.

Where the feth was that alarm coming from? He looked down at his chrono which was glowing and displaying information from the local emergency beacons. "Sacred Feth," he invoked the ancient forest deity. "Jorus!" he called with more purpose now forgetting any chimes, father issues, or headache, tapping into the force and adrenaline to mute the offensive migraine he was bordering. "Uh something is awry...." Typical Hylo understatement....

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Caspian Rekali"]

Nisha Decrilla

Allies: Bucketheads & Sithy Folk Team Beskad
[member="Beskadala Ordo"]​
[member="Koda Fett"]​
[member="Quoron Viszla"]​
[member="Yasha Mantis"]​
[member="Vilaz Munin"]​
[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
[member="Calina Ovmar"]​
Enemies: Trash Pandas​
[member="Davin Skirata"] (come find me bb)​

Malika has jumped ahead of Yasha, ahead of the end of their war chant, her great form circling high the sinkhole that was Pau City, adrenaline rushing though her body, assessing with keen eyes what troubles lay before them. Already fighters were beginning to fill the air, but they were not her concern. There were bes'uliiks troop transports and [member="Kal Ordo"] to deal with them.

Her only concern today was protecting her niece.

The teenagers form dropped out of the open hangar door and Malika let out an eerie screech that carried on the wind, tucking her wings in and diving. She levelled with Yasha quickly, circling the girl in her free fall, wide orange eyes watching the swarm of Bes'uliiks fill the sky above them both.

Another screech, a cry of pride and joy. A war scream. She turned in the air, tucking close to Yasha to allow her to latch on before she opened her wing, slowing their decent enough to pulling them back into the swarm. Let the bes'uliiks soak up any anti-air defences.

Pau City
Ground Level
Allies: ORC and an Old Gardener ([member="Orn Pharr"])

Robes. Somehow he had overlooked the robes. Neti Jedi. About as apt to be a threat as a gnat in a nebula. The
shacklebolt lowered, and Ijaat looked the Jedi in the eyes. Visored and helmeted, he could still sense the pity and concern rolling off the man. While his skills in the Force leaned almost entirely to Sense and Creation, and within those spheres few rivaled him, he had been told before his emotions were like a live wire by others he had trained with. For a moment, his helmeted head bowed, and shame billowed out from the warrior. Once, before he had
became a Clan Chief and his name risen, he had known a Neti. The creatures had his immense respect and even a passing affection. They were what they were, and did not budge or waver. And, in a very real way, the Iron Father appreciated that.

"No, Master Jedi. There are no wounds that your attention could heal. What I bear is self-inflicted and entirely made of phantoms and ghosts of poor decisions. But how did a lone Jedi come here? This is a war, and no offense, but even one as venerable as yourself is in danger here. My brothers and sisters, wayward as they are, would likely not accord you the respect you deserve. At the very least, if they find me, you might not want to be near me. I came seeking an end, and they will surely bring it to one such as myself."

Pain spiked, as he remembered the blow from [member=[/FONT]"Davin Skirata"], and winced slightly. Scars, both flesh, blood, bone and the very spirit, seemed to be all he were made of. He was so, so tired. But something, the Force or just sheer stubborness, kept him from the husk he was when the younger Mandalorian had found him.
Location: Pau City Landing pads​
Objective: Break in a Green Horn! [member="Raveem Va'ah"]​
Friend-a-mies: [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"]​
Allies: [member="Leo Vandermolen"]​
"Kill me with a Beat!"
Like a character out of a cheesie outer rim western a ginger gaucho sat upon his noble steed "Rainbow Sparkle". A woodland Varactyl of the highest breeding Bryce had grown faund of life upon the saddle, at least the whole twenty-five minutes of it he had experienced. He was dressed to the hilt in the finest gunman clothing. Upon his legs he wore a pair of brown bantha hide chaps, the ones with the leather fringe on the side. As he sat proud chested his red leather duster, (filled with all his favorite gadgets) flowed in the mid afternoon breeze. Holster to his mount was a cashe of weapons, a QQ-4RD-1K Thunderclap Electroray Carbine and a U-1MDR Shacklebolt Rifle being the most prevalent. The final piece de resistance was his proudest purchase, a red ten gallon hat that matched his duster perfectly which sat upon his head.

As the breeze continued to sweep through the sink hole community just a few kilometers from Pau City he pondered why he was doing this again and the communication from Ara. They had an agent and friend of his, a raven haired man of questionable background. But feth we all had those, pretty and noble were rarities in the outer rim, much less the outback that he called home. Still what they lacked in breeding and birth was made up for in gumption and determination. So when the Ara let it be know she was willing to deal Bryce accepted, but on his terms. This would not be done on some shiny polished world, or one sterile metal wedge shaped ship. No if she was serious then it would be done on Coalition turf, with a touch of diplomatic immunity seeing as how Bryce had put a bounty on her head. He had chosen to meet her here in the shadows secretly while the celebration in Pau city was about to begin.

She would not be the only one Bryce would meet here today. A rather "business minded" Bothan was also on his way. Lured by the promise of ample pay and "opportunities" Bryce looked forward to introducing him to the realities of the rim, and beginning his scoundrel training in earnest.

As a ship came into view Bryce was roused form his thoughts and squinted hard to see it in the afternoon light. As it came closer sounds of what could be cannon fire or fire works could be heard in the distance, hoping it was the latter Bryce continued to watch the sky to see who it was arriving.


The Doctor is in
Location: Deep Space working on landing near the mines
Objective: Crystal Caves
Enemies: ORC & ORC Allies
Allies: Mandalorian Empire and Sith Empire hope to link up with [member="Shia Kryze"]
Engaging: No one
Equipment: In Bio.

She climbed aboard her Basilisk that she had battle prepped and armed her self with all that she could use on this attack and loaded it where she could easily access it, She wanted to bring her beast with her even if it was a crystal raid the beast would prove useful with the extra firepower and carrying capacity. She closed up the cockpit as it rolled down the hanger ramp as she readied the thrusters for atmospheric drop, It was a simple smash and grab type scenario with the certainty of facing opposition which was what she was hoping for she hasn't had good combat in awhile and hoped that would change today as the basilisk was deployed the engines kicked onto full as it soared like a meteor down to her target she kept the guns ready to shred any fighters that get in her way down to the mines. She had one goal in mind but if she had to deviate to reach it she was ready to do her best as her basilisk tore through the skies to land near the mine.
Pau City
Ground Level
Allies: ORC | [member="Ijaat Mereel"]

The Jedi Master bowed his head in respect as the warrior did the same, a way of communicating without words that the Jedi considered him to be an equal. He had not felt such power often, and rarely such guilt wrack a single being. It was troubling, but even the most troubled deserved his respect and care.

"I came because the Force called me, and I did answer it." The Neti responded languidly his soft brown eyes taking note of the armor the man wore and the weapons adorning him. A gentle laugh escaped the old tree's bark. "Ha, life is dangerous young one. One cannot be a Jedi and be safe at all times. Nor can one call himself such and refuse to help another in need." Whether they are willing to ask for it or not. Some men Orn had encountered were stubborn like that, and would refuse an offered hand even if their life depended on it. It was the Jedi Way to continue to offer it anyway.

"If it is an end you seek, perhaps you might aid me until you find it. There will be many that need my help and I could use an escort." His bark was tough and gnarled, but not that tough and not that gnarled. It was no match for beskar blades in the long run, though he did not seem overly concerned with combat. No lightsaber hung at his side, no weapons could be seen upon him. Just a reddish hardwood staff clutched in one hand.

The neti stopped walking for an instant, "Oops," He said, bending over to help a lone beetle that had stumbled and fallen on its back to its feet, "Carry on little one, find somewhere to ride out the storm." As he straightened, his smile returned, "Shall we?"
Location: The skies above Pau City
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Calina Ovmar"]
Enemies: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Ayhia Katar"]

It was strange being on a ship that did not inherently vibrate with the Dark Side of the Force.

Yet despite the dirty glances he received from the masked warriors surrounding him, the Dark Lord of the Sith strode proud and triumphant; head held high in utter confidence. He did not fear the Mandalorians, just as he did not fear the Jedi when they came for him with their blades of green and blue. Though they had been at war for years, the winds of change had blown with gale-wind force the moment Ra Vizsla assumed the mantle of Mand'alor.

And so the drums of war had thundered, the war hymns were being sung, and the Manda'yaim of the Undying rode to battle with a gleeful smile and the glint of jovial violence in their dark eyes.

Carnifex joined them only as a gesture of their new alliance, that between the Mandalorian Empire and the Sith Empire. No doubt there were many that looked at him found the terms dubious, and the circumstances highly suspect. Let them whisper their theories and their rumors, but Ra's own hand there were now none within his Empire that could uncover his machinations. Everything had fallen into place too perfectly, and the Dark Lord counted his lucky stars every day that passed and their alliance held firm.

"Prepare yourself, apprentice. You are about to witness how the Children of Mandalore wage war."

At his side stood his apprentice, Calina Ovmar, herself likewise dressed in similar armor and robes that denoted her status as a Sith. She had been wholly unamused by her master's lack of transparency when he had taken her from Bastion to the secret rendezvous near Mandalorian space, and had become even more unnerved as she walked alongside her master in the presence of an entire Mandalorian war band.

As he had intended.

"For Ra Vizsla."

That was the signal, and among the dozen other warriors of Mandalore the Dark Lord and his apprentice leapt out from the stealth ship's hangar bay and fell freely towards the city below. They had no jetpacks, unlike their Mandalorian compatriots, and would instead use the Force to slow and lessen the impact of their fall as they neared the ground.

And then the hunt could begin.
Location: Utapau Orbit
Allies: Bucketheads, Team Bevin, [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Shia Kryze"], the rest of Bevin
Enemies: Trash Pandas
Engaging: [member="Connory"] eventually

Something felt wrong, in the closing verses of the chants something changed. Mando'a was his third language, and perhaps the one he was least fluent in, but he knew it well enough to tell that something was off. Slights against family weren't something taken lightly, but to be passed off as a joke wasn't unheard of, but to do so before a battle? That was fast way to end up with a beskad fully embedded in your stomach. No one who was supposed to be aboard this ship would do that.

It was a hunch mostly, for obvious reasons he wouldn't be reaching out to search for a presence in the force, all he had was his wits. As he exited the main bay, shotgun in hand, he racked his mind for who might be responsible, he could not narrow down his suspects. It would've been someone once called Mandalorian, or at least fluent enough in it, but he suspected dar'manda.

Remnants of the Galactic Empire's failed enclave? Stragglers from Monroe's army? Forcers exiled but too proud to accept the cure? Rel Connory? Of all the thoughts that crossed his mind, the last one was the least serious. Surely Monroe's lover wouldn't have made an attack alone, Silas cast out the thought in an instant. After all, he'd counted the man as a coward afraid to do his own dirty work.

But he couldn't blame the man for wanting him dead.

The longer he spend with his boy, watching Kaden grow into a warrior and man he felt twinges of remorse. How could he want to take that from another man? His sister-in-law's words rattled in his head nightly, as did the images of the hurt in Yasha's eyes that night over Keldabe. Monroe had taken so much from them, a baser part of him screamed that it was only fair, even as his more rational side told him it was wrong. The child was not his enemy. His enemies were below, perhaps aboard, and possibly within himself.

Keeping the ghastly weapon at the ready, Silas began to track the signal to the best of his abilities, alone in the halls of the ship.
Location: Utapau Orbit, Connory's ship
Objective: Tanking
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Silas Mantis"]
Allies: [member="Connory"], [member="Janick Beauchamp"]?

Some people look at a dreadnought and see a war machine. Others see a convenient box full of people who know useful things. Fabula only saw the biggest nose to bloody on the available battlefield.

The violation of Dathomir hadn't received nearly enough screentime on HNN. Fabula hadn't needed it. Between Lynn informing her of the call to battle she and every other Mandalorian had received and the echoes through the Force as an entire, highly Force-sensitive culture was snuffed out, she knew everything she needed to. The Death Watch had given her a taste of just how it felt about her. She felt the need to return the favor.

It was distressingly easy for those with a grudge to find others with a similar grudge. Rel Connory was a man with a keen appetite for vengeance...and a father's love. These were two things Fabula could easily understand. When she'd heard his drunken, belligerent plan to tear apart a warship until he got what he wanted, and then maybe some more, she'd had no issue signing on to his literally insane crusade. It felt very similar to something she would've done.

Connory's ship was far quieter than the Bloody Pilgrim. When they approached, she felt the need to stay perfectly silent, as if speech were some sort of anathema. That all flew out the window, of course, when he decided to start blaring the bawdiest, most irreverent song he could find over the dreadnought's intercom system. She actually giggled. After all, she couldn't very fragging well do much else until they docked. Or at least got close enough for her to catapult herself into a vulnerable hatch or open bay.

"For a man obsessed, you have a keen sense of humor, Mister Connory," the busty renegade offered quietly. "But I'm afraid not even that's going to be able to address the tension in the air."

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