Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling all pilots! Forcers and Non Forcers alike!

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[member="Atticus Savar"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] @Valara Tiall [member="Alarice Mollari"]

What if the squadron was assigned to a special operations fleet like the one we were sort of discussing in the meeting thread. The entire small fleet is under special assignment and taking orders from the admiral herself to travel around and do what we can to defend from the Sith, like if they do a raid on our planets or something along those lines, but we send out the "Wraith" squadron to do hit-and-run raids of our own with our fleet's flagship acting as their mobile headquarters. And of course during an actual fleet engagement with them they take orders and act like a regular fighter squadron.

They still get to do their spec ops thing, encourages RP between the pilots and the fleeters in assigning orders or between missions, when we need them to be they're able to be fighter pilots in the big engagements when our fleet moves in, and we're still one big happy family!

Of course the two of us could still serve on the fleet under the command of the admiral if she's on board or maybe one of the captains and the squadron itself would be under the command of whomever is in charge of the fleet with this idea.

A good way to kick it all off would be during the drills and flight-training that's being considered.

Just throwing ideas out there, so poke holes in it if ya want. :)
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]

There was a ship with the specs to be the flagship of such a fleet under construction. . . . .the thread is just going really slow with whose doing the approval of it on the Republic side being a bit busy to rp.



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[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Atticus Savar"] [member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

I like Gar'Hal's idea and think it would work well enough. I'm just not out for being a standard fighter squadron that only ever engages in fleet battles. We need the maneuverability that our characters no doubt desire. The capability of doing both ground and space warfare is what we need. The sneakiness of the X-wing Series Wraith Squadron combined with your standard squadron like good old Red Squadron.
Harkin Kane Atticus Savar Gar'Hal Velasura [member="Valara Tiall"] Jorus Merrill [member="Niamh Raste"]

No I agree only having them act in fleet battles alone would hinder their activity level. But I do see what Atticus means about having them follow a chain of command.

I say we perform the training mentioned in the other thread in some form. See how we do, talk some more, and then maybe do a test run of the group in a Raid against the One Sith since Popo declared open season on them. I showed Gar'Hal a ship design that would likely be very useful for this squadrons needs as a mobile hanger and effective support. He can vouch for its. . . .truly capable features.
[member="Niamh Raste"]

Well then let's do it. I'm just tired of sitting while we're saying we'll do things. Let's get everyone here, see who'll be up for it, then do it.


News They Don't Want Heard
Been working with [member="Camellia Swift"] on some things for the Wraiths.

One, we're planning on developing a special carrier for the squadron. It'll hold two squadrons of fighters: their standard military elite starfighters and their irregular squadron for covert ops.

At present we're working with the following for their carrier/moving base of operations:
This will be a frigate-class vessel, fast attack craft style, with redundant shields and advanced sensors.

In addition, we will be designing new elite starfighters just for Wraith squadron to use:

At present I am also working on developing us special combat flight suits which will be useful both in space and on the ground:
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Our only flaw being a lack of people up for the mock battle or joining the squadron.

Then again considering the new invasion hype.

Just start looking for interested people. We need a Republic Fleeter, Myself for the RHDF, and then 6-8 others for pilots on both sides, and then whatever other roles we wanna fill with people.
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