Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling all pilots! Forcers and Non Forcers alike!

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Well if the admiral is joining us then I guess she would be the fleeter for the republic. If not her, then probably the captain that takes command instead. Besides that there's the three for wraith squadron, Atticus and I acting as officers under whomever is in command of the fleet. If we could get one or two more people for Wraith squadron I think that could be enough at least. For now!

And as you were saying, with the invasions if we can make fleeting more important in their outcome (which I feel it should be anyway) then more people will probably sign up.

[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]

Well with Valara for the RHDF and myself we could start the thread then as soon as we determine the Republic Fleeter since 3 for Wraith Squadron would be enough to test the Stealth X-Wings and with you and Atticus as secondary officers for the Republic the fleet is set.

So anyone to know if the Admiral wants in or if there's a captain that can fill?

Also any volunteers for RHDF Pilots?

[member="Alarice Mollari"]

So will the admiral be commanding the fleet directly? Or would maybe [member="Valara Tiall "]or another captain be put in command of it?

Camellia Swift said:
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]

Well with Valara for the RHDF and myself we could start the thread then as soon as we determine the Republic Fleeter since 3 for Wraith Squadron would be enough to test the Stealth X-Wings and with you and Atticus as secondary officers for the Republic the fleet is set.

So anyone to know if the Admiral wants in or if there's a captain that can fill?

Also any volunteers for RHDF Pilots?

What about the other members of your faction? Would they be interested?
Camellia Swift said:
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]

my members are a non-combat mechanic and Valara Tiall. . . .

: I
Hmmm, well there are obviously more pilots in the republic than just the ones here. Maybe the Jedi have pilots to loan to the defense as part of the training, or maybe Popo has an idea of pilots he can ask to do us a solid? Or maybe Havoc Squad has some pilots that can fight in the defense fleet?

The default option for now is for you to do the pilots as well v_v

Alana Sunrider

Havoc squad has no pilots. It's pretty much strictly ground combat.

The best bet is probably see if there are any Jedi pilots available. Or just have them be NPCs.

Atticus Savar

To the best of my knowledge Alarice Mollari is not longer with the Republic. I could be wrong but I am basing it on the writer pulling a Jedi character from the Faction and resigning as a FA.

Havoc is currently pursuing a Pilot.

The reason why the Republic does not have active and aware people is because the Republic keeps chasing them away.

Alana Sunrider

Alarice is on the list of characters to be deleted, and it didn't seem like the reason was because the writer was chased away, but simply letting others have their chance to shine.

That was for a specific thread for the most part, and two have defected to the OP now.

Not really. There's just not all that RP with Naval fleets at all here on the board. Plenty of smugglers. They have lots of opportunities for types of RP, but Navy personnel are a little more limited.


Morality Policeman :)
Just joined the Republic with this alt and saw this thread.

I tried to see if there was any interest in starfighting about a month ago and didn't get much affirmation. It's going to be an uphill battle. It's hard to find any pilots on the board, Republic or not Republic.

Don't mean to do any self-promotion and draw people away from the Republic or anything, but the Rebel Alliance is building up a Rogue Squadron, and they're definitely willing to work with the Republic in invasions and fleet with you.

Also, I would like to see a greater depth to fleeting and see it take more prevalence in the invasions. And as [member="Atticus Savar"] mentioned:

Atticus Savar said:
2. A willingness to be less than an Admiral or a Captain at least for now.
This is me volunteering to create a bridge officer to fill this role for one of you dedicated admirals/captains out there.
Evasion Studios
So I'm not about to read all three pages of this, but I got the gist of it in the first two posts. Currently my pilot is not in the faction yet - as he hasn't made up his karking mind yet. He's an ex-Jedi and turned his back on the Force and the Order. However with the right persuasion *cough*[member="Kiskla Grayson"]*cough* he might be swayed to sign on as a part time pilot.

Harland Gates pilots an older model as well. The HWK-290 so dubbed the Wild Goose

What say you?


News They Don't Want Heard
Definitely, @Evad.

Also working on a fleeting char. I've a lot of past experience with fleeting and intend to do something unique. That said, [member="Bottlecap"], nice to see you chose to join the right side in things. ;)

Also, Wraiths and Rogues can always work together and create a friendly rivalry.
Ok so let's take a look.

I'll fleet for the RHDF, Valara will fleet the Republic, Gar will be her bridge officer.

And then we have Niamh, Evad, Bottlecap, Jorus Merill, harkin kane, and Aaralyn Rekali(?) for pilots?

So now that we have this info, will all the pilots fly the stealth X-Wings then switch unless caught, or will some run for the RHDF to give me a few PC pilots for support. I'm ok on my own too I'm just checking quick. I can be the dungeon master of the enemy then.

e w e


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Camellia Swift"]

I have a pilot in the Rebel Alliance's Rogue Squadron, if that's what you mean.

I was thinking about creating a fleet officer--not technically a fleet leader, but someone that one of you admirals/captains can count on. Bottlecap is more of a Marine, not much of a pilot in the least.
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