Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling all pilots! Forcers and Non Forcers alike!

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Morality Policeman :)
[member="Camellia Swift"]

I know. Just saying... I don't have a pilot for you unless the Republic is willing to work with a third party. :D

Not up to me, would be up to the Admiral or Popo.

Running Wraith Squadron against Rogue Squadron in exercises does sound fun though.

So aside from asking permission for Valara to fleet from Popo and setting a date to start. Is there anything else we need guys?

Anyone up for PMing everyone and asking when we should start?
Camellia Swift said:

Not up to me, would be up to the Admiral or Popo.

Running Wraith Squadron against Rogue Squadron in exercises does sound fun though.

So aside from asking permission for Valara to fleet from Popo and setting a date to start. Is there anything else we need guys?

Anyone up for PMing everyone and asking when we should start?
I don't think there's much else we have to worry about besides organizing the order of events so that things don't get crazy. I can set up the PM for everyone listed as in as well as one or two potentials. :)
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]

I can PM Valara fine myself huh. . . . .

Also Popo approved her. Said he'd PM her last night or today.

I believe the order of events will be that Wraith Squadron will enter the Rendili System and attempt to go undetected while they recon and evaluate the defenses of the target section of the shipyards that are defunct in disuse. Likely using the new Stealth X-Wings, and then reporting back and switching to combat fighters for the actual battle with the objective of "destroying" or capturing the empty section of the shipyards. Weapons of course set to the minimal setting for training so we're just tagging each other, enough tags registering shutting off the ship as if it were destroyed.

Unless the Squadron gets caught by the RHDF in which case the battle starts sooner, with less info for the Republic Fleet, and forcing the squadron to fight in the Stealth Xs.
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

I'll be posting later tonight. Also don't worry, they'll give you a stealth x for the start of this practice mission.

This elite starfighter is being jointly designed by Echan/Rendili companies for the squadron too.



News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

Doesn't have to be a junker! We will have standard ships as well.

[member="Camellia Swift"]

I would suggest [member="Jorus Merrill"] for that role.
Seems to be filling out well here.

If Jorus does take on the position of squadron commander, he would (as of now) report to Valara, who reports to Popo directly until an admiral can be found for the role. We can get more into that chain of command and how it'll work in our situation as we go along though.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

And glad to have ya aboard! As of right now we're doing a drill between the Republic Raiding Fleet (Made up of Wraith Squadron and a small group of ships) and Rendili that's supposed to be objective based. If it works out well, the fleet would basically be used to carry out operations either behind enemy lines with the raids that Popo called for or being called in to assist in an attack or the defense of a planet if need be.

If I can get this thing with Havoc going we would also be doing a quick training thing with them to teach some Wraith Squadron some basic skills in sabotage like demolition, hacking, etc.
Niamh Raste said:
Jorus may be a bit in responding. He's having net issues.
No rush at all, but if he's having a bit of an issue maybe you or whoever else is second in command of the squadron should post first if he can't. I'm down with waiting for him if need be :)
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