Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Care Bear Stare (Junction Reinvasion OOC)

Jorn Mair

I dont know about that fight. But I just saved like 4 of the Mandos Asses. *checking to make sure I have the right number*
Yeah but you didn't indicate who you were shooting at. For all I knew it was a bunch of random npc sith. Now if you targetted me specifically with my @ then I would reply, but as far as I am concerned atm I am merely replying to @[member="Ryori Za'tire"] because she and only she has directly pinged me for interaction.

For the love of all things unholy Sardine Man with a Bird on your Chest, send me the link to your lizard so I can see what you are talking about please. Thank you.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Jorn Mair said:
I dont know about that fight. But I just saved like 4 of the Mandos Asses. *checking to make sure I have the right number*
You're hovering right in front of me at the moment, as I bring down the building in the same direction as your gunship, WITH A'den's twenty-five kilos of explosives scattered throughout it.

I get the feeling you're going to enjoy my next post.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

BTW I pulled out of this invasion, decided I'd done enough within it already, and doing anything else would have been overdoing it.

Babies? Now there is something from left field.

@[member="Ryori Za'tire"] Excuse me my dear, bird boy wants to play we shall have to continue a bit later.
Your statement that 'anti-Force-User lizard' is hilarious.

The wookiepedia states "Ysalamiri did not actually negate the Force; since all existence was infused with Force energythis would not be possible. Rather, they projected a bubble inside which users were unable to exert any influence over the Force."
I might not be able to force lightning your way, but it will not damped my force enhanced speed, strength and reflexes which were enhanced outside the field already. It simply means I cannot enhance them further while I'm in the field. So right now I'm off to pluck me a chicken.

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