Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Care Bear Stare (Junction Reinvasion OOC)

Vanilla Toner

I love your character. I might want to have his babies. But not right now. Your fighting people. And Deagan Hunt and I have a date. So... Maybe later. :p

Jorn Mair

You love my character? okay thanks.
Might have my babies? okay If it works out.
Date with Hunt? why would you sign up for him again?
Ill have to take you up on that "Maybe later.."
Bear no offense to you. You were aware Ryori and I were busy last weekend (abeit in different places) which is why we haven't posted so much in this invasion. Now some new guy comes around and tries his best to pick a fight with me, thinking some lizard is going to give him an edge?

Well guess now that he has my attention, we shall see how he likes it now.

@Ryori its range is merely 10 meters and only prevents exerting force within the field. If you use the force outside the field, and then enter it, the lizard does not affect the force you used already, it only prevents new applications within the field. Besides I just gave him a grenade shower. Lets see his lizard survive that.
*Chiming in on the Force Bubble Lizard*
Quite correct, also if there's more than one Ysalamiri the bubble is expanded. Though, I'd assume the closer you got to the bubble the weaker the force connection that you have. Its something that you would feel shift in the force because you're connected to it and all of a sudden something is blocking. I like to think of it this way, you're arteries are flowing with blood everything's grand, but something blocks it. Everything is great on the side of the block, but when you get closer things slow down and the flow is weakened.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Daxton Bane said:
@Ryori its range is merely 10 meters and only prevents exerting force within the field. If you use the force outside the field, and then enter it, the lizard does not affect the force you used already, it only prevents new applications within the field. Besides I just gave him a grenade shower. Lets see his lizard survive that.
There's a consensus among a number of judges that your interpretation of the source material isn't accurate. Force strength and speed applied outside a ysalamiri bubble will disappear once you enter that bubble.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
You know there is a D6? Or a D20 book that actually goes over this. It had a list of powers that could and couldn’t penetrate the field. It MIGHT have been fan made, or one of the Wizard articles, I’d have to go over the library of source material to see if I can find it. But the gist was anything that relies on the force like lightning (in most forms which is essentially the dark side directed) cannot penetrate the field because it negates the force. But if you were outside the field you could say throw a rock. Another really good example is the elemental version of lightning from the book. You literally create a storm so it becomes a weather phenomenon instead of a force one. You can’t AIM it but it would penetrate the field. Another great example was the Pyromancer abilities. You’re creating a real fire as opposed to a force manifestation thus it would penetrate the field.

The Article was an interesting read. Either way if you’re a smart forcer you can beat that stupid force bubble pretty easily.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
All of those are accurate, so far as I know, except fuelless fire will dissipate rather quickly without the Force to hold it together. Throwing rocks in is 100% canonical (all Zahn, all the way) and calling a storm will, yes, be able to lightning strike someone in a bubble. If you're THAT good at storm manipulation.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
LoL. Okay true. Still though. the thing is hardly as unbeatable as people in general thing.

Edit: And I don't mean people here. Honestly I have no clue whats going on with this conversation I wasn't paying attention just kinda caught the end. So yeah.

Lord Ghoul

Ashin Varanin said:
You're hovering right in front of me at the moment, as I bring down the building in the same direction as your gunship, WITH A'den's twenty-five kilos of explosives scattered throughout it.

I get the feeling you're going to enjoy my next post.
They'll just need about five Jorns to recover from that. ;)

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