Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Care Bear Stare (Junction Reinvasion OOC)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I wouldn't call you a laughingstock, bro. Honestly, you'd probably have been fine if not for all those explosives, and there's no way you could have known.

Jorn Mair

Well It was my fault. I just speed read the entire thing and I didnt pay attention and the "Jorns thing" is because ven thought i took a lighsaber to the knee (I was a Mando like you untill I took a saber to the knee!) and I said that I would still fight. That who Jorns character is He powers though the pain so he can fight till his last breath. Hes also very stubborn he rejected medical attention.

"Would they have his healing power?"
Yes they would just for you guys.

Vanilla Toner

Um. Yes! Mandatory special skillz for the children. I'm a Tiger Momma.

EDIT: See Jorn and I agree on our babies. It's fate.

Jorn Mair

Alright are you really going for the Hunt guy? Because you say that you want my kids? Isnt that cheating?

Vanilla Toner

I haven't decided yet. Don't rush me. You worry about fighting. I'll worry about the babies.

Vanilla Toner

I'm not worrying about the fighting!? You worry about the fighting! I'll worry about the babies! Don't you start that tone with me mister.

Jorn Mair

I am worrying about it! Im about to send my ship into a fraking building full of explosives to sayve a few of my mando brothers.

Vanilla Toner

Why are you worried about the fighting! Stop worrying about the fighting! Worry about surviving so I can my babies!

Jorn Mair

Does anybody else see this! we are arguing like a fraking couple and she still goes out with a different guy! Hmmmm what to do, what to do.

Ill survive.

B'Arin Graad

Shield of Mandalore
I'm expecting some sort of elevator scene where the two of you are trapped as the water level rises around you. Deep confessions of love and passion, immediately followed by the doors being pried up by her partner and some other secondary love interest of yours.

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