Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana)

Objective: Aid [member="Samka Derith"] with Negotiations
Allies: [member="BE-183"]
Enemies Galactic Alliance and friends.

Kyrel raised his eyes underneath his mask. He didn't know of her plan and so felt foolish for saying so. He looked at them,and saw that some were frightened,and some didn't even care at all,it was like they had wished to die. He couldn't blame them. The planet was receiving aid from the First Order,and than the next thing that happened was that the surrounding area was turned into a war zone. He moved his gaze back at the small knight,and listened attentively. She seemed very pleased at her plan especially with the devilish smile planted on her face. He nodded as he said in agreement through his baritone. "My apologies than Derith. If this will draw out the Gallactic Alliance and the Jedi,than i will gladly assist you."

He than stood in silence for a short time watching the distance. His breathing was the only sound that was made for a time,the sky he looked at was dark and seemed angry. All the while he saw lightning flash brightly in the sky,and the power of the dark side overflowing. The power he felt was limitless,as the rage and anger swept him. This sight surprised him and he merely thought that such powers were impossible even for the jedi.

He looked at Samka as she spoke,and felt that what he had saw earlier would't make him deny it. This was the power of the dark side,had the Jedi became mad so much with destroying the dark side,that they became what they had set out to destroy. He found this oddly ironic since perhaps many Jedi of old would be disappointing in them. The Jedi for thousands of years had mostly stuck to the light,and from what Kyrel was witnessing was Hypocrasy is some twisted but humorous form.

He than said to her. "Yes such power in the dark side. I can feel it as if it's a hurricane of dark power sucking all of the emotions that fuel it,and turn it into destruction. Such cruel irony for these fools. They have strained so far from the way of the light that they would use the dark side to fight us. Ha i look forward to killing them all." His tone was filled with cold malice,and his desire to rid the galaxy of the Jedi.

He than walked over and spoke to the female trooper known as BE-183. He had known her since Dagobah and widely fond of her. He made sure that she was with him when he called for her,and felt that he can rely on her. He said cautiously. "Be on your guard BE. Watch the civillians and if anything happens do not hesitate to take drastic action."

He than stood there as Samka gave her message. He was looking forward to the meeting between the Galactic Alliance. He had been itching for a fight worthy of his time,and he was going to have it.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Post #: 4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Location: Santaissa[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective: Survive Ambush, Crush Resistance, Fight Six-O and Friends[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Allies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], First Order any other relevant character[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Enemies: [member="Six-O"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Sed Frieder"], [member="Causstik Rahn"]. [member="Kira Vaal"], any other relevant character[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Forces: 34 Stormtroopers[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Equipment: Standard Stormtrooper Equipment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The intersection burst into light as bolts of radiant and deadly blaster fire assailed Pharazon and 4th Platoon from all directions. Explosions collapsed the buildings to their rear and either side sealing them in. Four men went down in instants in various states of anatomical completeness, four more were wounded but could still fight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Disperse!” Pharazon roared over the platoon com channel, hunching down and sprinting to the closest pile of rubble that did not have a building collapsing on it. Rubble was still collapsing and rolling around, sending voluminous clouds of dust and embers into the air from the rebels improvised explosives, covering everything in fine and not so fine particulate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4th Platoon scattered by squad in every direction, huddling behind rubble, newly collapsed buildings, the bodies of the rebels they had until then been chasing. The torrent of blaster and slug fire did not let up as they ran for cover, with at least three more troopers becoming walking wounded.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Dropping into a slide for the last two or so metres, Pharazon crashed into an oddly shaped block of duracrete or some other material that just barely gave him cover from the fire, Pharazon was not architecturally interested at this point in time. Risking a split second glance over the top of the rubble Pharazon took scope of his platoon’s current predicament. They were under heavy assault from the south and west branches of the intersection, with very likely some rebels still ready to rain down grenades onto them. Ducking his head quickly back down, barely managing to keep his head as several rounds whizzed past his head, a blaster bolt even scoring a black mark on is helmet in a grazing hit.[/SIZE]

In the name of the mists I knew we had advanced too far, too quickly, the Eldorai have not been broke yet Pharazon opined. He had to react, and fast if he and his men were to survive the next few minutes, after that, well, Pharazon would deal with that then. If I can get my men back to the Citadel and Palace… Link up with Cain and break these filth over our lines... With that Star Destroyer down now there is only one way to the Citadel… But I must survive[SIZE=14.6667px]. Pharazon thought, utterly consumed with combat to fully comprehend the cataclysmic event that had occurred just outside the city concerning a certain Star Destroyer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“All squads, adjust positions to any cover on the north and east sections of the intersection, we are cut off here with that building behind us, each squad will move and be covered by the other three, squad 4 will go first.” Pharazon quickly ordered.[/SIZE]

“Covering fire now”[SIZE=14.6667px] Pharazon ordered, rising up with the other 20 Stormtroopers not moving to provide covering fire. Pharazon fired again and again toward the positions the rebels were firing from. He could only hope they got a few while they were re-positioning, less to worry about later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His men moved, his men fired, and finally managed to get their backs away from rebel fire, but they lost another two soldiers, he now only had 28 combat effectives left.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Pharazon positioned himself behind a large piece of rubble lying partially across one of the road lanes and began firing from cover, taking whatever shots he could while staying as covered as he and the rest of his men could.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“We need to blunt their attack and pull back to the Citadel, there have been major developments and its defence is now top priority, Vortigern and high command will understand” Pharazon assured his men while reloading, he could only hope his words would hold true, and that the rebels could actually be broken, and that Vortigern would actually understand, and not just shoot him. At least he would not die of raditation given his pre-landing beta-blocker treatment. He still had not seen any of these new terrorists up close, but estimated there to be about 30-40 of them, clearly better trained and equipped than the ones they had pursued. They were crafty, and horrifically efficient for rebels, Pharazon wondered who their commander was.[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
In Orbit \ Kaeshana
Status: Launching from FIV Concordia
In Vicinity: [member="Pierce Fortan III"] \ [member="Ishana Pavanos"] \ [member="Sara Lee Jones"]
[ Theme ]
The electronic alarms could be heard all throughout the hangars of the FIV Concordia, bodies running past, hover sleds laden with equipment being swiftly pulled, ships being rapidly disconnected from their various holdings. In the catwalks above the hangar, above the mess of shuttles and equipment, walked Nils Brenner, Ace of the First Order - and he wasn't the only one. The pilot's heavy footsteps elicited an audible clank with each step, the soft rattle of his pilot's suit and accouterments overwhelmed by the scramble below. Up here is where the pilots of the infamous 100th Starfighter Squadron prepared to disembark but this time something was different. Their standard fighter of choice was the TIE/sf Mk II, a superiority starfighter with the capability of rearward fire but today... Today Nils had made an executive decision. Without [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] commanding their squadron they'd been left in limbo, or at least close to. Upon evacuating the civilian specialists from Riflor back to the FIV Concordia, Nils had immediately gathered the crew, securing themselves a squadron's worth of the new TIE/In's. As the young fighter ace had laid eyes on them a grin broke the grim expression plaguing his boyish features. *Finally - A chance to take these puppies for a spin.*

He had no idea if the rest of their veteran group of pilots appreciated the finesse of an interceptor, and in some ways he doubted they could. Nils had proven himself time and time again as an expert, no a master tradesman when it came to flying the nimble interceptor. During his short tenure in the starfighter corps, he'd already been given a fitting callsign by his peers, Savage. He'd earned it and his fellow pilots would confirm as much - and yet, he still managed to carry a smile on his face - at least when he was in the cockpit.

"Let's go ladies and gentlemen - FIV Wrath is KIA. We're up, ground forces need support and we're on tap."
Grasping his helmet with his left hand and raising his right, he circled his arm in the air, pointing towards the end of the catwalk. It felt strange to Nils, being put in charge of his peers as such but they all knew each other and he knew they were all on the same page. Near death encounters and tense situation had not only created but sealed a bond before the pilots gathered today. Each one a veteran of numerous conflicts, some known, others classified but they all knew and shared that connection. As his footsteps carried him down towards the end of the walk where his TIE rested, he nodded as he passed those of the pilots he had developed a close friendship with, Ishana, Pierce, and Sara. They'd been through hell and back together, Pierce almost literally so during the Omega Crisis. As he reached the end, he nimbly jumped into the TIE/In's cockpit, strapping himself in and spooling up his systems. As he performed his initial pre-flight he keyed up - the others would be doing the same in their fighters.

:: Sheikh Squadron - Listen up. Reports indicate the FIV Wrath is KIA. We're going in to provide some air cover for our ground troops. Strafing runs and the like. Watch out for anti-air fire, we've had several shuttles go down already - and most of all - keep track of your survival kits. In the event of a crash, you'll need to make sure you keep track of your Potassium iodide pills, radiation on the surface is above normal levels. I know you've all gotten your main dose but if you start feeling at all off, take another. Let's get this show on the road folks. ::
Briefly keying off the mic, he then switched to his flight leaders.
:: Finger four on me once we get clear of the hangar. Pierce, I want you at my three, Ishana at my six. Sara - fill in the square just behind Pierce. Any questions? We're making a beeline for the surface. ::
Giving them a moment to field questions he initiated the de-coupling cycle, engines humming. Gently gripping the controls of the fighter, he guided it along the length of the hangar, forcing his engines to max as he neared the end. In moments they would be in space, on their way to the surface.
Location: Hyperspace, Enroute to Kaeshana System
Objective: Assist Darth Veles, Coordinate w/ FO Navy
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Galactic Alliance

"It's simply amazing how a band of half-starving yokels can stand up to the First Order,"
Shockley noted as he reviewed incoming information with Face from combat intelligence on Kaeshana.

"All compliments of the Galactic Alliance," she answered, twisting a long bang of hair around her finger. She was starting to regret dying it from pastel blue. "Wherever all that hardware came from, it's still quite baffling how they managed to land entire artillery and armor sections on the ground in the midst of contested airspace under the FO's noses, and how it isn't all glassed yet."

"Space Magic?"

"Space Magic."

She knew he posed that question in jest, but after hearing some of the stories coming out of Atrisia, she was just about open to about anything, especially concerning a planet ripe with Force Sensitives. That was why she had gotten herself the hookup from a One Sith refugee to even the odds against those freaks of nature.

"The airspace itself is getting busy. Looks like the GA wants to flex."

"We're not equipped to take on an entire Alliance armada, and whoever else they tap in."

He was right, of course. With new vessels pouring into the system by the minute, she didn't want to fly into her death. She would coordinate with First Order naval forces already on the scene to determine the best way to position her formation, while also carrying out her original mission supporting Darth Veles on the surface with airborne units. This battle would likely be decided by the actions of Alliance and First Order navies in the air, but it was important to keep Alliance ground forces from getting too cozy becoming entrenched in the instance that mop-up operations were required. Future insurgents would be decimated before they ever had a chance to act against the FO. Once she got her forces planetside, she would would carve through Alliance defenses like they nothing more than fluffy angel cake. Busting up enemy air defenses and fortifications was her bread and butter.

"Order the formation to make an emergency reversion outside of the sector. I need to get a hold of the theater commanders."

Her orders were disseminated down the chain beginning with her trusty rally master, while she got with comms to work on a message to send through encrypted channels.

//This is Brigadier Partas, Director of Tekkadan PMC. Currently holding with my assault group at the edge of the sector, 20 minutes out. My forces stand ready to assist the First Order in the air and on the ground. Now deploying dropships to Santaissa.//

Attached to her message was a detailed composition of her force strength for the commanders to analyze to improve coordination. She didn't have the latest or greatest vessels under her command, but they were all capable, proven designs that could cause some hurt in the right hands.

Whether or not she got directly involved in the coming naval engagement, she would still give Veles the support he had paid for. A few Shaadlar with a small escort would be able to slip through to the surface without too much trouble. If the job of couldn't be done with the aid of a few battalions of battle hardened Mandalorians, then the situation was just hopeless anyway.

((This sequence takes place before knowledge of the SD drop.))


Order of Battle

Total = 6131m

((I'm tired. I'll give a detailed carrier breakdown as my ships start engaging others.))

[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Kyrana Gould"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Choli Vyn"]
[member="Sleb Tevv"]
[member="Tevv Vilin"]
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]
[member="Aermoira Cyone"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Besileus Isauros"]
[member="William Kerkov"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
[member="Avicus DuSang"]
[member="Darth Veles"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Sorry if I missed anyone.

the rapid footsteps of Sara and three of her best men sounded on the corridor, [member="Nils Brenner"], her comrade of the 100th squadron her first squadron she had joined so long ago...had called upon for her help, apparently things on ground had went haywire and they needed support, she had already briefed her men on what they were flying

Tie interceptors....beaitys...quick..deadly...and sleek

Sara and her four quickly were within the ties, all of her men checked double checked and gave the green, the four flew out and met up with [member="Nils Brenner"] as she gave a smile and listened in as she keyed her mic to hin

Roger that nils, oh and by the way, good to be flying with you again

She said with good tone as she keyed her mic to her flight as she moved in position

green flight on me in a diamond formation

Soon she was behind Pierce and popped her neck

[member="Pierce Fortan III"]
[member="Ishana Pavanos"]
LOCATION: Santaissa, Kaeshana
OBJECTIVE: Avoid Death
ALLIES: FO {None In Vicinity}
ENEMIES: GA {[member="Von Kyux"]}
Melee Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:

Chaos enveloped the squad once more, as quickly as if it had always been there. They exchanged rapid fire with the attacking forces, occasionally pulling back behind cover, trying to wait for an enemy to reload before stepping back out. In other situations they might have been able to pull it off. Alas, they were not meant to win the day. First to fall was the duo who had pulled Sergeant Khalthe to safety. Around the same time, the commander's own weapon was able to take out a couple of foes, temporarily evening the playing field. That didn't last, however, as his already battered chest piece took one too many blows. He collapsed without as much as a single swear, his rifle falling a few feet away from him. Perhaps the universe took pity on the soul survivor of Besh Squad, that young Esker Dunwich, as one of his bolts hit one of his targets in just the right spot...

And then there were two. Just Esker and a Mandalorian woman remained, the two of them having both lost several friends in the span of a few seconds. Though his foe's feelings were unknown to him, the First Order soldier knew that he would be feeling the pain of loss for months... if he survived that long. I'll see you soon, Eighty, he thought, hopefully you didn't already drink all the heavenly whiskey. As optimistic as he usually was, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling about his position. When he turned back out of cover things only seemed to worsen. Already alone, lightly armed, and slightly fatigued from the earlier fight, he now had to face the impact of a quality slugthrower. Though his chest was still partially hidden behind the wall, enough of his torso peeked out to be a target. Several rounds slammed into his armor with considerable force. Despite not yet punching through, they certainly stung like hell, leaving sore spots that would quickly bloom into bruises.

Grunting, Esker pulled himself back behind the star-blessed wall. Guess fighting in ruins has its perks sometimes, he noted, fumbling with his utility belt as he did. It took a couple seconds for him to find what he wanted: The single thermal detonator that all troops came equipped with. Some could carry more, of course, if the mission called for it. But he had never even thought the one in his hand might one day be useful. With a deep breath he activated it, held it in his hands for a few moments, than spun on one of his heels. He half-came out of cover, left side still blocked, just far enough out for his right hand to lob the explosive towards his enemy. As soon as it left his hand he rolled to the left, praying the blast wouldn't destabilize his cover.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Santaiisa, Kaeshana
Objective: Link up with friendly forces, avoid friendly fire
Allies: Galactic Alliance, The Kathol Outback, [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Joza Perl"], @Everyone-else-not-trying-to-kill-me
Enemies: First Order

The Revenant Dawn weaved back and forth, avoiding the anti-air emplacements on the ground below. "One! Get me somewhere to land! Or some where for a hot drop!" the Knight shouted, the strain of keeping the corvette in one piece evident in his voice as another round exploded off the starboard side, sending vibrations through the whole vessel.
"I'm reading Outback forces both within the Citadel and approaching from the east sir." the security droid responded, his voice monotonous with a hint of static. "There are no safe places to land. Hot zones are too dangerous to land. We will likely be shot down before we can disembark and return to orbit."
"Take over the controls One. I want you to bring us in for a flyby over the forces in the east. Drop us off and return to orbit. Stay alive up there."
"My chassis lacks the functions indicative of being alive." the Knight gave the droid a slap on the back as he handed the controls over to the security droid.

The wind roared at a deafening volume as the cargo ramp slowly lowered to reveal the hectic scenes of battle below. Dax afixed his metal mask to his face only to hear One come through the radio, "Arriving at drop zone in three..." the other two security droids joined Dax, standing on either side of him, Shacklebolt Rifles in hand, "Two." Dax's hands found his sabers and drew them, a comforting feeling washing over him, "One," the Knight turned around, facing the interior of the ship, the wind whipping around him. "Execute, execute, execute." Dax stepped backwards, off the edge of the platform, the two droids following him. The ground rushed towards the three as the Dawn roared away, returning to space. Nearly fifty feet in the air, there was barely enough time for Dax to to use the Force to create a cushion to absorb the impact of his fall. Even then, he had to tuck and roll, popping back up and continuing to run to avoid breaking his legs. Behind him the security droid's shock absorbing legs take the majority of the impact, only requiring a couple steps to avoid falling over. Ahead of them Dax could see a unit of Zeltrons and Kathol soldiers. The man ran up to them, "Who's in command here?" he asked one of the Zeltrons. The violet skinned woman pointed to another Zeltron, [member="Joza Perl"]. The man was a little surprised to see the woman on the field. And yet he really shouldn't have been, if any of the stories about her were true. Jogging up to the woman he spoke, "Dax Fyre, where do you need me ma'am?"
Location: Above Kaeshana, near the moon of Isianther
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Kyrana Gould"]
Enemies: The First Order
Objective: Join the fight

The Event Horizon dropped out of hyperspace, the streams of light dropping away to reveal the masses of gargantuan ships scattered across the orbit of Kaeshana. Before the small corvette lay the massive Firemane Fleet. Pressing the button to hail the fleet, the Lieutenant spoke her first words, "Alliance Fleet Firemane, this the Event Horizon, aft and port. Here to assist in any way we can."

The Lieutenant released the button and realized she was shaking slightly. She'd never commanded a ship this size in a naval battle. Not that the Tal-Class Corvette was large by any means. But now she felt a nervous chill crawl up her spine. The Lieutenant balled her hand into a tight fist and steeled herself. Now was not the time for doubt. Now was the time for action.
Post: 3
Location: A Small village on world
Alias: Jones Logan
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="BE-183"], First Order
Enemies: GA, those who will try to kill the civilians
Objective: assist in the safety of the civilians from Galactic Alliance genocidal maniacs

Brent watched as he saw the Star Destroyer plummet to the earth. He had seen a lot in his day and he had dealt as much cold death as any black-on-black operative could ever do. He had killed cannibals who were after him for his own flesh in masses, he had fought against crime lords, criminals, and terrorists without a second thought. But even he had never seen anything this destructive in his life.

"Chrystophosis," muttered the Sargent next to him as the vessel dived to the earth, "the anti-air fire couldn't have brought that down like that," he gave Brent a glance, "Could it?"

"The Force," Brent said bitterly. "They did it."

He pressed the camera on his visor active, as it recorded the last moments of many husbands, wives, mothers, and fathers who had come with the intent to bring aid to the people of Kaeshana. They didn't care if these people were xenophobic, though they were the center of the galaxy or the queens of the world. They had come to make their hard lives better. It was hard to tell if it was the blast wave or the sheer volume of what this meant that nearly knocked him off his feet. He placed a steadying hand on the speeder and took several ragged breaths. His pale skin turned even whiter.

"Are you alright, sir?" asked the Sargent, placing a hand on Brent's shoulder. He looked up at the familiar white helmet. Flashes of light from the storm over head flashed off its faceplate. He looked up at the dark sky that was filling with ash. Soon the lightning's flashes were challenged by the flare of the burning Star Destroyer.

He forced a smile, "I will be. Come, we have civilians to protect."

"Yes, sir. We don't need them killing any more of the innocents."

Brent was sure that a fair number of fleeing innocents were caught in the blast, he wasn't about to let more die a fiery doom while he had a chance to do something about it. He pressed the comm bead in his ear as he heard Samka's broadcast. "First step, establish a safe perimeter, on my mark men, we are on the move."
Near Santaissa, woodlands
Allies: The Kark?? [member="Vexen"]
Enemies: The Kark??
Gearlist in link cause I'm too lazy
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Wasn't long before Micah and Vexen came over the ridge. Smoke billowed in the strong overhead gusts. The acrid scent of burnt flesh, electronics, and charred metal thick in the air. There was such a mangled mess that it took a bit for the Talith to register the shuttle. By then, it didn't really matter, did it?

The fiery crash had already taken some lives.

"Sergeant Meers!"

A cry out towards his right caught his attention. Without further ado, the Talith went shooting forward. Footfalls hit the ash and dirt covered ground. Whatever sort of cover he'd taken to keep under the radar was exposed. Instead, he caught sight of a figure writhing and pulling at her bindings. A female.

Pushing and shoving burning debris aside, Micah made his way over to her, Vexen at his heels. She would have to be careful with her paws.

[ Hey! Hey! ] his voice called out, lightly modulated by his helm. His figure would come out of the smoke much like fleeting shadow, only to halt before the woman in his full armor. He took stock of the situation quickly.

[ Don't move. ] he told her, looking her over for injuries. She didn't look good at all.

[ Or wiggle... wiggle would be bad. ]
Location: Launching from Rogue Squadron homeship the ANS Rebel's Hope
Objective: Dogfighting
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kurt Meyer"] [member="Laira Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Nils Brenner"]
Flying: TR-20 X-Wing

“Command I've got a Kurt Meyer in a TIE fighter claiming friendly status? He's on an Alliance channel.” Asmus bounced his message off Gold Leader to avoid giving his position away. Rogue Squadron was in covert mode in a three dimensional arrowhead behind Gold and Red squadrons.

“Stand by.”

Before they replied Asmus saw the green icon for the TIE fighter switch to blue to indicate its status as friendly.

“Confirmed Rogue One, have him join formation.”

“Coil this is Rogue One. I'm sending you outline mission plan for our Wing. Drop in on the port flank of Red Squadron. We're breaking that fighter screen and supporting ground troops. Over.”

From this angle the Coil would probably pick up the faint signatures of the dagger-class X-Wings trailing the fighter and bomber formation. They'd been slowly accelerating the whole journey and would soon need to drop speed to a suitable combat velocity.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Abregado-Rae Medical Unit,

Location: Crash Site, near Santaissa,
Objective: Stabilize the wounded and evac them from unstable areas
Allies: First Order and GA wounded, medical teams, [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Aizen"], [member="Aran Piett"]
Enemies: Whoever opens fire first

As the First Order begun to set in around the Crash Site, creating a landing zone from which those caught in the explosion after the crash of the Wrath could be escorted away from the battlefield, they would be able to notice a squadron of dropships circle overhead before heading in towards their direction.

The shuttles flashed their lights in a pattern that signaled temporary truce, on the FO's open channel a mechanical voice would rung out,

"Abregado-Rae Medical Unit Alpha coming down to quicken the evac and search-and-rescue for both sides, non-combat unit, do not engage, repeat- non-combat unit, do not engage."

The Abregado's pilot felt the need to make certain they got the "non-combat" and "do not engage" part, as far as the GA-aligned medics knew, the FO were yet another galactic power controlled by the Sith, just one of many their planetary forces fought throughout the recent age, and those Sith could never be trusted.

Whether the FO decided to open fire or probably not, at least one dropship would make it down, it was a Protectorate design given to A-R by the Pyre, it bore a white field with red symbol among other various insignia, universal sign for a medical squad. The door of the dropship would open and a group of medics clad in old Protectorate power armor would move out, they were mostly droids, although few organics were found among them as well, even an almost impossibly tall and lanky Gados, its fur hidden beneath the armor plates. All of them bore no visible weapons and had the same red sign on white field on their shoulders to denote them as medics, they also had the symbol of the Alliance so it would be clear which side they worked for.

One old War Droid, a B2 unit with the medical armor fitted over it, along with supply satchels and surgeon kits hanging off of him, walker closer towards whoever was denoted to speak with them, or whoever FO officer was the closest,

"B-2-575312-124532, most just refer to me as 'Surg', I am in charge of this medical unit, we have been sent to relief with the wounded from the crash-site."

The droid scanned the area of the wrecked ship, it was one of those old stubborn models who refused to enter the military service on Abregado with a new upgraded body,

"Most of us can enter zones of high radiation after the reactor explosion without harm. I suggest you direct us there so we can get the survivors out before the radiation causes them any more injuries."

If any of them knew much about Abregado-Rae, they could tell that it was lead by a droid tyrant, at least that would be probably how he was described in FO space, which explained the large presence of droids occupying pretty much any rank and position they wanted, regardless of their origin or initial programming, they were very active during the Protectorate, making their fortune and fame fighting the Bando Gora cultists in this section of the space, even as far as Gehenna, as well as the Sith throughout the Galaxy, especially the Core Worlds, and they joined the GA recently, at the same time as Atrisia was brought into it.
Location: Kaeshana, Talyn Krane's ship
Objective: Because it feels right

Max stood staring at the crash site of the First Order ship. It was not until one of his men approached him that he became aware again "Orders, sir?"
He placed his hand against his helmet as he received a messaged from an unknown source. "Bloodstripes, this is Moff Fel. It's time." Amidst the shouting, scorched earth and blaster bolts firing across the battlefield, Max took his time going back across to one of the shuttles. Activating a holodevice, he spoke "Arriving shortly."

After he and his men had boarded, the shuttle made a swift ascent away from the city. The view from above was not pretty. Whoever would lose here would not come out well, that was for sure. Making a wide berth around most of the fighting fleets, the shuttle began their approach to a Victory-IV class ship.

A new home.
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Irajah Ven"]

Oh that's fine. Don't leave them to their own MedEvac just go running in as usual. Her mental sigh was immediately followed by acceptance. She too could feel life force around the crash site. They couldn't very well leave the site alone and continue on, but she would have liked a little bit more caution.

If Micah had been someone who thought more than he followed his heart, then Vexen would be back in her squallid hole in the bowels of an Ithorian Herdship. Not even that, she reflected. That ship had been raised by Yuuzhan Vong for biomatter and crashed into the surface of the planet below. So her miserable existance wouldn't have even lasted this long.

Vexen kept an eye on the wreckage. The bright fires caused her goggles to cut out more light, which left the background too dim to observe. She turned away, and focussed on the survivor. She doubted anyone inside had survived the crash. Stretching out with the Force she could detect no others.

"Yeah, the wigglin' only distracts him," Vexen grunted. One paw stayed on the handle of her stun baton.
Location: Enroute | Red Ahead | Gold Behind | Rogues Covert
Objective: Dogfighting
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] Choli Vyn [member="Kurt Meyer"] [member="Laira Vereen"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Arix Askrima"]
Enemies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Nils Brenner"]
Flying: TR-20 X-Wing

Wait, did I hear that correctly?

The galaxy was a big, BIG place. There were dozens upon dozens of Kurt's in the galaxy. The same as dozens upon dozens of Meyers. Choli was even quite sure that there are a good number of Kurt Meyers in the 'verse, but to the young olive skinned Rogue, only one mattered.

The three-time champion of the Boonta Eve Classic.

For a brief moment, Choli's attention was taken away by childhood memories of the tall, dashing, scoundrel with the amazing hair and that weakknee making smile --

Until R4 sent a loud HOOT to bring her out of her daydream.

"What?! A girl can hope!"

None the less, she kept stealth mode and did as she was asked.
Location: Hills overlooking Santaissa
Objective: Liberation and securing of Santaissa
Allies: [member="Tempest"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Six-O"] [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Sed Frieder"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] @

Tygaran Alliance, and the GA
I've been getting loads of tags but not any that directly affect me beyond [member="Asharad Graush"]. So I'm gonna drop the "in the vicinity" and keep it to just whoever tagged me to interact. It makes it soo much easier and fewer notifications!

Gear link same as this post

Electromagnetic canons, the crash of the ISD, the rumble of earth and whatever is left of the storm slowly dissipated overhead was a chaotic cacophony of disaster. There would be more deaths and injuries across all vectors, but those who managed to survive and get into the Pyre gunships and support craft would continue to fight.

It was all or nothing. Those medics would do their best to tend to wounded that had managed to survive the barrage; others would move forward towards the objective at hand.

For those in Omega Pyre, they knew very well what sort of risks they took as a Private Military Contractor. They lived through the Bando Gora Reavers, through the mutated Blackwing virus, through the Dark Harvest, Akala's wrath, the rise and fall of the Galactic Republic, Metalorn, Roche, and so much more.

GADF forces would join those who had survived with the Pyre, among those the Prex. Blood was rolling into thick globs down her temple and from under her nose. Her dusty and blood splattered helm curled tightly in that knuckle-white grip.

Within the gunship, the advance continued.
Location: Approaching Dawn from the northeast
Objective: Purge
Allies: Tygaran Alliance, Galactic Alliance, [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Elliot Locke"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Canal"]
Enemies: [member="Asharad Graush"], First Order

Space nazis, I hate those guys, Elpsis thought to herself. Was there an equivalent to Indiana Jones in this universe? Elpsis was pop-cultured and had no scruples about committing plagiarism. Good thing she wasn't a writer, otherwise she'd get into trouble.

Anyhow, it was time to chew bubblegum, kick arse and look good while doing it. She'd used up all her bubble gum. Auntie Sio was off...doing stuff. The redhead suspected she had something to do with a karking Star Destroyer falling out of the sky and crashing, fortunately very far away from our band of intrepid adventurers.

"Hey, Void guy. Welcome aboard." she exclaimed when she believed she saw Voidstalker. She was not the most eloquent. She gave Elliot and Joza a nod. She and the Zeltron had gotten on well on Atrisia, beating up Sith minions together. In the distance, she could hear the thunder and roar of artillery.

"Nice to have you here, Jozie. SD's out of the way, our tanks are advancin'. We gotta get movin'. I can scout ahead." Having said that she took off, moving closer to the Citadel. The small group of Firemane operatives and Eldorai partisans fell in line, moving in tandem with the Kathol Outback fighters Joza had brought along. The base had been stripped of all its fancy guns before the Exodus, but the First Order had had time to pour in troops. After having battled her way through Omega, engaging a legion of fascist minions didn't scare Elpsis. Here and there, she used her armour's jetpacks to advance.

It did not take long until she encountered individuals of the white plastoid clad, fascist persuasion wielding guns. Fire blazed from her hands and swept towards as she drew upon her kindred element, unleashing a wave of scalding flame in order to immolate them. All playfulness vanished from her face, concealed beneath her helmet's T-shaped visor and she became a focused warrior. The only thing she felt for space fascists and Sith was pure, unadulterated hatred.
Location: Kerrigan-Alcori Estate Perimeter
Objective: Provide Support and Escort for Siobhan Kerrigan's assets, Regroup
Allegiance: Galactic Alliance/Tygaran Alliance
Designated Opposition: First Order
GA Trooper Armor
Blaster Rifle (Missing)
Side Arm

The fire, the explosions, they all came so fast. The orbital bombardment slowly eliminated each and every one of the Hydra artillery pieces, taking their GADF escorts along with him. MAP 2, their intended destination, incinerated in front of the small fireteam, sending not only Frieder, but the corporal and the privates flying through the air from the shock. Shrapnel and bodies were flung left and right as the precise turbolasers hit home on their targets. What Frieder had experienced earlier was a paradise to the current situation. Rainbows of color was seen from the transition from the plasma of the turbolaser blast to the explosion of the artillery and equipment on the ground. It was a chaotic beauty, it was. A deadly work of art.

As Sed flew through the air his gloved hands lost grip of his blaster rifle, by the time he hit ground, the blaster was out of sight. His helmet was cut open from a piece of shrapnel, blood streaming outside and in. Frieder laid in a trail of dirt, from his own launch. His legs were numb, his entire body was sore, the kinetic gel bodysuit not protecting enough from the close range shockwave of the turboblasts. Frieder did not have much time to gather his thoughts after his launch, although he could not see it, what sounded like a megaton bomb crashed to what he conceived as the west. Whether it was a bomb or not, it was big, and if he remembered the pre-mission briefs, it was most likely in the vicinity of Santassia, if not further at the Citadel of Dusk, or whatever the annihilated Eldorai called the damned place.

Without pause a jumbled message transmitted over his damaged comms system, "All Units...GDAF Forces along with...moving towards sector to gunships six, niner, two, and twelve. Charlie Company report to gunships..." Tired of the malfunctioning systems, and the blood sweat mix blocking his vision through the visor, he disabled the coupler and threw off the damaged equipment. He wiped away the mixture of bodily fluids from his eyes, searching for the nearest gunship. Within the nick of time, he found one, PMCs and GDAF boarding alike. Despite the lack of feeling in his legs, Sed do what he could, and began to run towards the gunship, his fight was far from over. The engines began to whir up, slowly he began to realize his hopes were slowly being dashed, he just began to yell, "Wait! Wait! Don't leave without me!" Through all the carnage and the gunship's own thrust systems powering up his voice was lost, unheard by any. He unholstered his sidearm and fired off two shots in the air, "Wait!" What looked like an officer turned his head towards the cockpit and made a hand motion, this was followed by his disembarking the vessel escorted by one enlisted man. He shouted within earshot, "Get on soldier, we aren't waiting all day!" Sed nodded and boarded the vessel along with the other two. Not only had his fight not ended, but it was just beginning.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Location: Mountains north of Santaissa
Objective: Liberate
Allies: Tygaran Alliance, Galactic Alliance
Enemies: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Pharazon Draken"], First Order people in Santaissa in general. None directly engaged yet.

The flight of gunships and heavily armoured dropships came to a halt once they reached the snow-covered mountain slopes to the north of the capital. From here, they could see the valley where the ruined city lay. Swiftly, the transports descended to the ground and Eldorai warriors spilled out. Swiftly, with the typical precision of trained soldiers, they set up defensive positions and weapons emplacements. Lastly, a few Yazgid IFVs were unloaded. These might become important later on.

Angelii and Dark Eldorai, divided for so long by self-destructive internecine strife, worked like a well-oiled machine. Backing them up were ARGH war droids, especially the Mobile Weapons Platforms, and tough Kar'zun warriors, once the Eldorai's historic enemy. "Not far from where we stand, Ashira ascended to the heaven. She built this world for us. We were meant to be its custodians. Think not of what divides you, but embrace the unity she offers," Eileithya declared solemnly in Eldarai. The Eldorai Priestess looked a bit awkward in her armour, but her aura radiated determination and serenity.

"She never shuts up, doesn't she?" Lidanya muttered under her breath. The Dark Eldorai was still not fond of the Ashiran Church. Her grey eyes were cold when she looked upon the distant city. Unsurprisingly, Kaida was stoic as ever. "Lomasi?"

"Thought you'd forgotten," Kaida spoke laconically. Pure focus and intent was written across her features, small pearls of frost gathering on her skin. The winds became more intense and the temperature dropped. A lot.


OOC Writer Account

FN-888 "Helden"
Citadel of Dawn.

By now Joan is aboard her assault Lander the "Banshee" and stands at the fore of the craft with her whole platoon cramped into the hold behind her. "Alright platoon our new objectives are as follows; keep the citadel secure. We've got the advantage this time. I want our heavy blaster crews set up on the first battlement and covering off on the chokepoint roads leading upto the citadel." The boarding ramp hisses with gasses bellowing from the vacuum seal. Joan leaps down from the hovering assault lander onto the Stone battlements, followed closely by the white armor clad Stormtroopers of her platoon, their hobnailed boots create a crunch with the landing. Joan gives gestures with left hand to positions on the citadel's battlements. "These won't be enough, get out your entrenching tools. Follow me, we're going to dig some gunpits in front of the citadel and block off the road" Joan heaves her own folded entrenching tool over left shoulder, holding F-11D loosely by thigh and begins walking down a ramp from the battlements down to the road and searches with her eyes for a soft spot amongst the Earth. "Shrapnel, I want you to do what you do best and go lay some antipersonnel mines down on the road and at the edge of the treeline while we dig these blasted trenches." Joan buries the entrenching tool into the hard clay with a clang. Shrapnel nods his betaplast helmet and is followed by two Troopers from his section. "Oh and hotshot gets his own bunker. If they try to use the trees as cover he has my personal permission to burn the forest down!" The Platoon have a light-hearted chuckle at the Flametrooper's expense and the young Stormtrooper only grumbles in protest while he reluctantly puts down his flamethrower with tank and starts digging.

[*]Mined Road
[*]1x Networked Slit Trench in front of the citadel arranged in a semi-circle.
[*]3x Static gunpit w/camouflage netting and tri-pod mounted FWMB-10 repeating blasters dug into the slit trench network
[*]1x Static gunpit located close to the treeline.

@[member='Rolf Amsel'],@[member='Aizen'], @[member='Carlyle Rausgeber'], @[member='Elliot Locke'].

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