Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase

Reign took the hand that was proffered, responding in kind “The pleasure is mine Mister Dashiell” smiling at the man. The Dark Lord was more at home on a battlefield or searching through a tomb for knowledge with his Brother, but, he knew he will acclimate given just enough time.

Responding to the second half of the man’s question the Dark Lord said
“One can never count out trouble, but no Sir, I’m not expecting any conflict tonight. I’m here as I take the security of my friends, very seriously.”

As the man’s son was introduced, Reign noted the Jedi’s greeting, unlike his mainline Sith brethren, Reign could play nice when the situation called for it. Returning the bow. “Greetings, young Jedi, I’m Lord Reign” the glint of his lightsaber barely visible tucked within his robes.

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She continued to walk around and listened to the speech as well as those around... several people and a small lamentation that many she knew were gone. It was quite a sight as she was taking in more of it. The two jedi wither her as they got drink and checked them over. "It is certainly large," The one commented and Matsu grinned. "Quite but that is needed. Though moving a station of this size can be tricky. We had to make the omnis to move stations and some of the other endeavors."{ THe jedi master said it and found a small place to stand around and look at a few of the things... her senses spreading out across the station as she was looking over a few of the things... allowing the interface to overlay and show information about the composition and materials visible. "Though a molecular furnace only goes so far for self sustaining. You would still need the materials to break down within it."
Judah's hand was gripped briefly, while her free hand settled on his shoulder as he kissed her cheek. A welcomed greeting indeed. Liin offered up a genuine smile at his gentleman-like manners. {The Galaxy could sure use more of this,} she thought.

As the young lad was introduced, she bowed her head in kind. "A pleasure to meet you. You have some mighty footsteps to follow. His line of work isn't for everyone, however. One has to know how to navigate internal affairs and to play chess proficiently."

There was much more to it than that, but going into details might only frighten him away from it. Some believe that running corporations and planets was all board meetings and paperwork; but it was a lot more than that. They start wars, fund wars, and end wars, only to fun the recovery as well. They were the lifesblood of the Galaxy.

"I, too hope that there is no trouble. But yes, one can never be too careful." Liin learned that lesson the hard way. And although she herself wasn't hurt; there were many a Covie that lost their lives or their freedom. Ilic City was still recovering with many buildings being reconstructed from the ground up. Now whether or not there was still a target on her back remained to be seen. But that was why she had brought with her an armed escort.

"This station is very impressive. I am quite looking forward to the tour, aren't you?"

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station
Interacting with: Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick | Open To Interaction and any business dealings
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"Well, now, ain't this a real shiny station," Danger murmured, her high heels clicking softly on the polished floor as she made her way from the space dock toward the grand atrium. The Queen of Trade moved with a slow, graceful sway, her full hips shifting with each deliberate step as the soft vine-silk fabric of her deep emerald dress whispered against her shapely legs. The dress, though modest in design, flattered the Rubenesque curves of Danger's figure, accentuating the deep auburn highlights in her flowing hair and the striking vibrance of her green eyes.

On the way over, she had taken the time to review what her aide could find about @Pazarro Krinemon III, CEO of Krinemonen Hydraworks. She'd studied his mission, goals, and all the details regarding the Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station. Years of operation in the black void of deep space had proven the station's concept, and Danger's keen mind saw potential opportunities.

This station intrigued her. While Arceneau Trade boasted a fleet of deep-space vessels, the idea of collaborating with a company charting hyperroutes into unexplored Wild Space -- and even beyond into exogalaxies -- was a venture the Queen of Trade had her eye on. In the wake of increasing political turmoil throughout the galaxy, it was time to expand.

Perhaps a fueling contract could be arranged, along with a mutually beneficial partnership. Raw materials, production, maintenance -- there were endless opportunities to forge new connections with other businesses as well on neutral ground like this one.

At her side, Mister Carrick, her escort for the evening, walked in sync, her arm carefully looped around his in the classic, genteel pose of a Companion escort. Danger cast him a sidelong glance, her smile mild but knowing. An auburn brow arched slightly, and her feline emerald eyes sparkled with subtle amusement.

"Welcome to Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station, Mistah Carrick," she said with a warm, honeyed drawl. "I reckon this is gonna be quite the entertainin' night. As discussed, observe and make small talk. Consider this a test run, and we'll see how you do."

This evening was as much about testing Xandyr's ability to handle the intricacies of high society as it was about securing business. Danger wanted to see how he navigated the elbows of corpos, nobility, and investors alike, all while maintaining his role as both her Companion and bodyguard. Tonight, the stakes were high for Xandyr -- but for Danger Arceneau, that was just another day in the life of the Queen of Trade.



Objective: Investigate B.L.I.S.S. project for potential security threats/Social networking
Location: Public Hall Ballroom | Celestial Islands | St. Atollon
Cover Identity: Verse Melne, Director Governmental Contracts, InterGalactic Exports
Equipment: In purse: Data Pad, Holdout blaster On body: Force Presence Suppressing Crystal choker
Tags: OPEN |


The assignment should have been below the paygrade of Dextra. It was a simple mission. But so much of the recruitment effort for the Obscurium was focused on infiltration and sabotage and other nefarious objects that would make the expansion of the Empire easier. The agents that Dextra had at her disposal were not vetted as to who was capable of something more delicate. As spymaster she couldn’t have one of her agents overstep and make a political catastrophe of a truly independent and benign commercial endeavor.

Still the being at the forefront of this launch was Mon Calamari, the launch was held in space claimed by the rebellious Tingel Arm Coalition and with dangerous proximity to Lothal which was still in a state of flux and Sanctuary which was always a breeding ground for instability. The possibility of a threat arising from this station could not be ignored. The worst that could happen for Dextra would be that there were no plans to use the station for military or covert purposes against the Empire and she would get a chance to meet the upper echelon of galactic business on a bit of a holiday. If she sent an unvetted agent who overstepped the worst that could happen was open warfare with the Empire seen as the aggressors. It could be spun for sure. TAC struck first. But still this station might not even have anything to do with TAC and that would be a PR disaster.

Dextra’s shuttle docked on the station and she presented the credentials of Verse Melne, Director Governmental Contracts, InterGalactic Exports. Hiding her talents and traveling relatively unarmed was not something that Dextra was happy about, but she rarely got a chance to hubbub with the rich and richer. And since she had been recruited to start up the Obscurium there had been no occasion worthy of dressing up. So Dextra left her lowly civilian shuttle and allowed herself to be led into the station. The first stop was the Public Hall, where they were briefed by the head honcho of the station Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III Dextra did her best to listen, but Mon Cals made her stomach turn and the blah, blah, blah of self sustainability only meant that Dextra’s cover would not be able to get close to operators by offering trade services. That was a suspected thing and why she chose to be head of government contracts. Even if purchase of their own station was not something that InterGalactic Exports could prove was in their interest right now, owning a traveling apartment would be a good thing for someone who would conceivably always be on the move. She’d be able to approach Krinemonen Hydraworks as a customer without issue.

The wide variety of attendees was not terribly surprising. Who’s attention Dextra would decide to attempt to garner was not quite clear yet. She supposed there would be enough time to mull around and mingle with many of the people here. Getting names on some would be important. Others she would likely just take their temperature on the technology being offered and move along. With that in mind, Dextra found a server carrying some sort of white wine, another with some fancy appetizer and made a lap around the ballroom noting what each engineer was there to speak about and keeping a keen ear to the discussions between the attendees.

TAG: Braze Braze
Approaching soon: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
Just another Imp: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

"Not yet. Just trying to make my face known." Jonyna shrugged. The kid had done well making his own name as a business owner, but he still had plenty of growing to do. Jonyna didn't want to get too caught up in familiarity. No offense to Braze, but she was trying to put herself out there. Si Tech was still relatively unknown, and it was important to keep herself in the spotlight.

Braze's next question took her off guard though.


Jonyna paused, looking over to the small crowd of imps and sith. She was trying her best to ignore whatever was going on over there. She had promised not to pick fights, so she was staying to her side of the room. After all, she had no interest in engaging in business with the enemy.

Her eyes paused on the man Braze seemed to be gesturing to. A bald man in a red uniform.

"Him? He's just another imp. Don't give them the time of day, and blow their stuff up when they act up. They go away eventually."

She let out a sigh. She was getting distracted. She needed to mingle.

"Look, I'll see ya later kiddo. Try not to make any more enemies, okay? I heard the word on the street is, you got people gunning for you. Call Auntie Jonyna if you get in over your head, kay?"
She gave him one last ruffle of his hair, before she went off.

Jonyna wandered the ballroom for a bit, before her eyes settled on a fellow redhead. The Cathar approached, hoping her presense wouldn't be unwelcome.

"Not often you see a fellow firemane like myself." Jonyna opened, looking to Danger with a smile. "Nice to meet you. Jonyna Si, head of Si Tech and Jedi Councilmember." She offered a hand, if only out of formality.


C E L E S T I A L _I S L A N D S



As Sularen traversed the ballroom, he was soon approached by none other then Odett Hallisk, a Munn banker and the deputy-director of the Intergalactic Banking Clan who held a significant amount of influence over the banking worlds to the north of the Empire. As he presented himself to the Imperial Warlord the Munn banker spoke of "trouble at home" alluding to the recent corporate embargo against the Dark Empire, which was one of the reasons Sularen was here having grown tired with the arrogance and insolence of the larger corporate and financial institutions of the galaxy.

While Hallisk's remarked might have been an attempt to provoke Sularen, the Warlord kept his calm and prepared to offer a response although both he and the Munn were joined by another individual who would identify herself as Phyla, a liaison to Director Krinemon III who tried to de-escalate the situation while also further inquiring on the reasoning for Sularen's presence. Once Phyla and Hallisk had finished speaking, Sularen offered a response speaking in his usual cordial and professional tone. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Deputy-Director Hallisk, and you too Ms. Phyla" Sularen began.

"You're mostly right Ms. Phyla. The Dark Empire is largely uninterested in this little project going on here, although i'm here on the behalf of my own corporation SularenCo." Sularen explained, correcting Phyla on her earlier statement regarding the Dark Empire's interest in this project "Given the recent embargo imposed by various corporations, i've taken a greater interest in the realm of business and economics once more. I believe it is time i took SularenCo to the next level now that we've been presented with an opportunity to grow and expand in the wake of the Trade Federation's withdrawal from the Empire's market." Sularen further added, giving both Phyla and Hallisk an explanation on why he had chosen to partake at today's showcase.


Tags | Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk | Phy Phy


"I'm relieved you do not feel as if there will be any trouble this evening, Lord Reign. One can never been too certain at these events."

Judah had seen them go from zero to overcharged in a matter of seconds. Even large organizations such as the Trade Federation were not immune, where an assassin missed their target and shot Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro instead of the intended Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .It seemed the Federation regained their reputation quickly, yet others in the past hadn't been so lucky.

"I wouldn't say constant chess - I'm not that intelligent. Although I think running a business is psychological, especially if one needs to surrounded themselves with trusted associates.There is a lot at play, a lot of moving parts one has to consider."

Lowball glass finished of alcohol, he placed his empty on a tray of a passing waiter, not picking up another. This was a business event after all, not a socialite party. Judah considered the words of Director Terallo and the tour, debating on what to say.

"I am curious to see the pitch. As in, what does this person need from us? Or is this a display of power? Maybe both? I can see the benefits of the station for refugees and destroyed worlds, so I imagine much of the buyers will be relief foundations or organized governments. I am, as usual, more important in making my presence known and a pulse on current events."

Deputy Director of the IGBC


/:/ Tag: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Phy Phy

The Muun's focus shifted from the Imperial Warlord for a brief moment to stare off into the distance, understanding that the man's character was unpredictable given his past actions within the Mawite Brotherhood. He anticipated a swift and decisive response from him to avoid any second-hand embarrassment over the fact that the members of the Corporate Community were withdrawing from the Dark Empire after a rather poorly timed decree that made all foreign commercial activites illegal within their space.
From an economic perspective, the strategy was astute, as the centralization of assets and capital could facilitate significant expansion within state-owned sectors such as Military, Medicine and Transportation. This growth would be sufficient to provide adequate compensation for the stormtroopers and naval officers tasked with upholding the Emperor's authority across numerous worlds. After all - one could not fight against the giant that was the Galactic Alliance without sufficient funds and industry.
The arrival of Phy Phy was met with a soft gesture as they introduced themselves as the liaison of Director Krinemon III, the main creator of the Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station. She was certainly an interesting individual and he had to give her some semblance of respect, and so he did with a low bow in their direction.
"I would never subject the Strategist of the Maw to unprovoked commentary, Miss Phyla" Odett responded by dismissing any overt criticism regarding his choice of words, characterizing it as a mere consequence of curiosity rather than an attempt to provoke the Admiral during this endeavor. The Grand Admiral's voice resonated once again, delivering a meticulously formulated reply that maintained his characteristic rigidity and concentration in tone and style.
"Ah - The Banking Clan always supports the emergence of a new giant within the Corporate World, Warlord Sularen. However, it is essential to recognize that managing a business entails distinct challenges compared to commanding a warship in combat. Various prerequisites must be met, including adequate initial funding, storage facilities for inventory, a stable and loyal workforce to drive industrial operations, and sales personnel to promote products in a competitive market. Additionally, effective advertising strategies on the holonet and measures to safeguard against sabotage are crucial components of successful business management." The Muun addressed Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen in a distinctly nasal tone.
Commanding a warship presents a unique set of challenges that differ significantly from the complexities of managing and expanding a trading empire throughout the galaxy. It is essential to adequately sustain and operate the vessel to ensure a return on investment; otherwise, one risks depleting financial resources on an unproductive endeavor.


Celestial Islands
St. Atollon

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Pawky Pawky OPEN
Carduul wouldn’t lie - he was a touch surprised at the lengths Fett had gone through to look presentable. Uncomfortable and out of place, no doubt - but that would make two of them, at least. A soft chuckle elicited in reply to the quip. “Ah- yes, ‘tis quite true. I don’t think I’ve ever been to an occasion quite like this. Have you?” He acknowledged, then asked in turn.

He was inclined to agree with Hakon. Instinct would’ve told me that carving it out by force was indeed the best solution, but something held him back. Intuition, perhaps, or just caution. “Alas, times are different from when the Crusaders of yore roamed the galaxy. Even Mandalore the Ultimate needed to abide by the occasional deal for the best outcome. A careful balance to maintain self-sufficiency, while getting what they wished. Bland as such diplomacy is, compared to the battlefield. ‘Tis more honest, there.”

Bimmisarri, and their continued campaigns into the Mid-Rim was proof of that. They were being fought every step of the way. Best not to give more reasons to resist until the industrial complex that was envisioned was secured.

A soft hum left his helm, at the thought. “We shall see. If nothing else, it is an option for the future.” In a situation most dire. He doubted it would come to that - but that nagging feeling in the back of his mind insisted he at the very least retain the memory. “If we are fortunate, perhaps it could have a more immediate use.”

He would’ve illuminated Hakon as to his precise thoughts, but that process was interrupted by the sudden raising of a…piece of meat, slathered in a sauce he didn’t really know. Warriors were not exactly connoisseurs of food. Well, the Rally Master would have to ‘mingle’, as most call it, sooner or later to get any progress done.

His gaze tilted downwards to the diminutive figure. “Perhaps we are. What interest would that be to you?” The Mandalorian queried with a coy tone. “I believe introductions are customary to discussing such things.”

The question was answered with a question. He hadn’t the faintest idea why a Squib was here - he could only assume there was some manner of affiliation that deemed them important enough not to immediately dismiss. Divulging such information without a good reason was a foolish move; and though he was a novice at such maneuvering, he was no fool.
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With: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
Approaching: Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk and Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Phy Phy

Reign nodded to the businessman responding “I am glad we are of the same mind in this mister Dashiell. I do see some people I would much like to make the acquaintance of, farther along there. If it is alright with Lady Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , I will leave her in your capable hands for the moment. I shall return shortly” bowing deeply, the Dark Lord flashed a grin at the young Jedi Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell and excused himself.

Reign had spied Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk speaking with Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Phy Phy , and had wanted to make an introduction to the director of the IGBC. He had never had any dealings with Muun’s but as the NCBC director had advised him, there could be opportunity here for the Diarchy.

Approaching, he waited until there was a lull in the conversation before introducing himself. “I am sorry to intrude, My name is Lord Reign. I would have been remiss to have been here and not made your acquaintance.”

Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Pawky Pawky | OPEN

"Ah- yes, 'tis quite true. I don't think I've ever been to an occasion quite like this. Have you?"
"Not exactly." Fett replied, tilting his head, his thoughts drifting across a thousand distant stars. Memories flickered in his mind: slave auctions beneath the mesas of Zygerria, the decadent halls of Hutt palaces, the grim citadels of warlords rising out of barren wastelands. Social gatherings of aruetiise, yes, but of a kind far removed from the likes of this. The technological marvels that now unfolded before him had been, until now, glimpsed only through the haze of battle, seen from the bridge of a warship or trodden into the blood-soaked soil of war-torn worlds where he had sold his blade as a mercenary or a bounty hunter.

He listened closely to Carduul's words; the Keeper of Dxun constantly tugged at Fett's curiosity. At times even to the radical extents. He'd once been a bounty hunter and there was something of that hunt in this—a patient stalking, learning the patterns of his quarry, uncovering strengths and weaknesses alike. Yet here the prey was not flesh but mind. He sought to understand Carduul, to see the world as the man did, to glimpse the hidden thoughts that shaped his path.

But the moment was broken by a sudden interruption—a slab of meat thrust before their visors. Fett's gaze shifted, bearing down on the small figure of a Squib holding up the offering. Rich juices dripped from the roasted flesh, staining the dust beneath their feet. As the Squib and Carduul exchanged words, Fett remained silent, observant; his visor reflecting the duo with a detached, lifeless glare, and yet irresistibly inquisitive.


TAGS: Phy Phy


Braze watched Jonyna Si Jonyna Si head off. He had come here with the intention of having fun and relaxing a bit. The busy world around him seemed to slow down as he allowed himself to unwind. His eyes wandered, and that's when he spotted a familiar figure—Phy.

Curiosity piqued, Braze's gaze followed her movements. It was an unexpected surprise to see her here, of all places. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he padded in her direction, accompanied by his guardian for the day. His hand casually clutched a small stash of snacks he'd managed to swipe on the way over.

He stopped a few feet away, observing her with quiet interest. He didn't want to intrude or interrupt whatever she was doing. Braze studied her movements, trying to gauge whether this was a good time to approach. He shifted slightly, debating, as he waited for an opening—a signal that it was okay to step into her world for a moment.


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam
Pawky's mouth dropped open in what might have been an expression of amusement.

"What interest? Ha! Who isn't a-gawking when a warrior dances into a party, eh?"

He leaned closer, as though divulging a secret. "Squib Rule o' Trade Number Four: War's good for business. Follow a soldier, and you find a field of salvage. No matter who loses, a Squib wins!"

He stuffed the Porg into his mouth and wiped his paw on his shirt before offering it forward in the manner common to most humanoids. For a Squib, it seemed more like a learned behavior than an innate part of their culture.

"Paghwgeddi Baymblaym," he said, his name mangled by the meat in his mouth. Recognizing the difficulty, he grabbed the meat again and tucked it under one arm before trying again. "But you can call me Pawky!"

His paw was thrust forward once more, now unfortunately re-saturated with meat-sauce.

"Squib Merchandising Consortium," he explained further, as if the vast majority of Squib weren't already known to be members of that in-august body.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
"A pleasure to meet you. You have some mighty footsteps to follow. His line of work isn't for everyone, however. One has to know how to navigate internal affairs and to play chess proficiently."

"Chess, huh?" Balun's gaze flickered between Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , shifting a couple of times as curiosity tugged at him—both about the game and the dynamic between the two. "I'm pretty decent at Sabacc," he admitted with a hesitant smile, "but I've never tried my hand at Chess." The unease lingered in his expression as he shifted in place, feeling oddly out of step among the well-dressed and well-connected business crowd. One might expect a Jedi to fit in effortlessly among the high rollers, but Balun, a rogue in every sense, felt far more at home on the streets than navigating the refined world of financial etiquette.

"You're absolutely right though," Balun agreed, his voice carrying a note of admiration as he glanced toward his father. "After just a short time watching him work, it's clear I've got my work cut out for me." He nodded in support of Judah, unsure of what else to add in the moment. His father was a fixture in this world, a man whose corporation had made its mark across the Galaxy, and Balun, standing amidst this unfamiliar environment, felt out of place. The weight of his father's reputation pressed on him, and for now, it seemed wisest to stay in Judah's shadow, quietly observing as he learned the art of mingling with the corporate elite.
"Well, now, ain't this a real shiny station,"

"Shinier on the inside," Xandyr replied. "Quite heavenly."

From the outside it was hard to see the aesthetics in the design. It was a rock with pinpricks of light across its surface. Enormous compared to even the largest bulk freighter, but small compared to most moons.

"Ma'am," he added. It wasn't his place to comment on the station, nor to make jokes about it's name. It wasn't his place to stand out either, which was why he had chosen quite a plain outfit that did not clash with her greens.

"Welcome to Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station, Mistah Carrick," she said with a warm, honeyed drawl. "I reckon this is gonna be quite the entertainin' night. As discussed, observe and make small talk. Consider this a test run, and we'll see how you do."

"Of course. If you would like - given that the owner is not present - I can see if I can quietly find out how people arrange an appointment? Or let the event play out."

He suspected the event would culminate in offers to join the conversation on trade. To wait for such offers would seem awfully ordinary for the Queen of Trade if she had already decided that was what she was here for.

He did not want to go too far. The station was quite an unknown. He didn't have a wide security network, but the companions had their own routes. Xandyr already knew that attendees were coming from several hostile areas of the Galaxy.

"Not often you see a fellow firemane like myself." Jonyna opened, looking to Danger with a smile. "Nice to meet you. Jonyna Si, head of Si Tech and Jedi Councilmember." She offered a hand, if only out of formality.

Regardless of Danger's reply to his question, he enacted a rather subtle disengagement. Danger needed her hand free and he did not need to be part of this particular conversation. He managed to step just beyond it without drawing any attention to himself. He glanced around the room for a drink for them both, whilst also scanning faces for any he recognised.


Objective: Investigate B.L.I.S.S. project for potential security threats/Social networking
Location: Public Hall Ballroom | Celestial Islands | St. Atollon
Cover Identity: Verse Melne, Director Governmental Contracts, InterGalactic Exports
Equipment: In purse: Data Pad, Holdout blaster On body: Force Presence Suppressing Crystal choker
Tags: Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch | OPEN


The gathering was beginning to annoy Dextra. There were a few attendees who she recognized from various reports. Pawketti-bamblam or Pawky Pawky as the Squib wished to be addressed from the file, had done some scavenging on Dac following the recent battle. Jonyna Si Jonyna Si was an ally of TAC present during the recent insurgency at Dac Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell was in Dextra’s list of active members of the Tingel Arm Coalition and Braze Braze was somewhere in between. Dextra was unsure if he was GA Jedi or TAC, it really didn’t matter though.

Teenage boys were usually easy targets for Dextra as she wasn’t afraid to flirt and make them think they had a shot. The fact these two were Jedi put a pretty big doubt on the success of that tactic. And looking at Braze’s she wasn’t sure that she was type anyway. Though fact he was pretty didn’t really mean a thing. Dismissing the young Jedi and feeling the Cathar was a bit of a risk, Dextra expanded her assessment of the guests. Avoiding Jonyna also took Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau out of the running for the time being. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was another Jedi. She was rather famous, but as far as Dextra knew she was no immediate threat to the Empire. And had an extensive engineering background which easily explained her presence. Balun was in the presence of his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell as well as two faces that were not in any reports that Dextra had been asked to research in connection to this assignment. She would keep her eyes on those three. Trying to intrude on the group wouldn’t get her anywhere she bet, but if there was an opportunity to speak with them, especially the two strangers ( Darth Reign Darth Reign & Liin Terallo ).

The Squib was engaged with the Mandalorian duo. No interest for Dextra there. The engineering representative from Krinemonen Hydraworks was engaged with two beings of interest. Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk of the Banking Clan and Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen of the Dark Empire. A strange duo. Dextra would have to look into if there was a connection or if the opportunity to speak with Phy Phy had brought them together.

There were of course other business folks and the Krinemonen representatives to consider. Dextra knew that she couldn’t just find a seat and have someone of interest come to her. With the station being self-sufficient the falsified offerings of InterGalactic Exports were not needed by the operators of the station. Dex just picked a direction and started walking. She noted Derron Daks Derron Daks as she passed. Dextra didn’t really have a type, but he was certainly a type that caught her eye. Unfortunately he looked a bit sciency. She would come back to him later when she had more info. The light haired young woman at a table by herself sipping from a cup that did not look alcoholic was an intriguing difference from the rest of the crowd. Dextra approached and gently cleared her throat to get the young lady’s attention. ”Hello there. I’m Verse Melne. You know if they are selling residences on the station yet?”
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Social gatherings were not the natural habitat of Derron Daks.

He tended to be a rather serious man, whose infrequent sense of humor often seemed bizarre to those who were not Yakan in origin. His own Yakan identity was evidenced in his oversized near-human form, with an overbuilt body and large hands. The secondary trait shared by all Yakans was less evident. His cybernetic implants had been subtly made. That had been a calculated choice by his parents, who thought he might fit better with normal humanoid society if he didn't sport gaudy, visible implantation.

Theoretically, this was precisely the environment that decision had been made for. It was probably also why many of the Yakans who'd invested in DDSI were content to have him as the public face of the company. In the land of the grotesquely augmented, the least-grotesquely augmented was King.

He took an offered beverage from a passing serving droid. Most people here seemed to have a drink in hand. If he wanted to fit, he felt he should follow suit.

As he looked for a seat, he observed the gathered guests. Potential customers, if he could successfully form social networks with them. He had elected not to bring his protocol droid to this event as he expected such a droid to be an oddity. Ironically, such droids often seemed more 'human' than he was.

A female form topped in red and shrouded in green passed him. Even with biology dulled by neural implants, he found his attention dragged towards her for a moment. Then he resumed his scan of the room as he took a seat.

It did not take him long to spy Sularen, a figure of the Dark Empire prominent enough to be recognized at a glance.

Why is he here?

Sularen was known to lead a prominent corporation in the Dark Empire. But this was a neutral trade event, and the Dark Empire had instituted trade restrictions so onerous and violent that there was a broad embargo against them in the interstellar business community.

A neutral trade environment like this was anathema to the Dark Empire's new policies. The people most likely to come here were those not only willing- but deeply interested- in trading widely without regard to political affiliation. Or so it seemed to Derron.

So... was Sularen here to engage with the wide business community? Or was he here to take note of those who traded with the Dark Empire and also dared to trade with those they had declared to be their enemies? What better spy to enforce the Dark Empire's trade restrictions than someone who could infiltrate these events as a businessman?

Sularen was already in conversation with members of the interstellar business community. Derron wondered what sort of reception he was getting.

Hopefully a better one than the Dark Empire promised to those who engaged in free trade.

With a nod of her head, Liin allowed her security detail step away to mingle, as it were. She was in good company with Judah and his son, so there was little for her to worry about in regards to her safety.

In regards to Judah's inquiries about the purpose of this event and what this station would need of them, Liin held her own views in that. "The idea of replicated foods does not appeal to me at all. However perhaps NCBC could help in making them much more nutricious. Among other things, of course. As far as purchasing a station such as this? New Cov is but a singular planet. Such a purchase would need to be made by multi-world governments that have a much larger budget to work with."

Liin wondered what the security in such a station was like. How would terrorist attacks like the one on New Cov be prevented here? With so many coming and going, with so many ships arriving and leaving, it was very difficult for her to guess. And she was very glad to not oversee a world that was as bustling with activity as this station was. The jungles of New Cov maintained a low population of the planet; the civilizations of which were restricted to living within the domed cities.

"Could either of you see yourselves living in a station such as this?"

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Derron Daks Derron Daks

THe continued hum of conversation went a long way and she waas listening to many more throughout the larger areas. Preferring to see the few she knew like Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau but they were engaged... Even Liin Terallo Liin Terallo who had seemed more intent on listening then speaking was engaged.... which was good. The jedi master continued to walk around and there was a mountain of a man... granted most were compared to the petite jedi master who usually made up for stature and mass with sheer capability. Her two guards remaining there as they walked only getting the minimal in terms of drinks and food but nothing alcoholic. THeir hands focused and cleansing to double check for anything that might be a danger. She stopped and bowed her head. "It is not often you see the Yaka about in the galaxy... hopefully this is interesting."

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