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Public Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase

Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

St. Atollon Station
Tags: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Braze Braze , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk , Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Derron Daks Derron Daks , Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick , Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , Hakon Fett Hakon Fett , Pawky Pawky


Droid Body

"Molecular furnace? Not sure what makes this different from the ones used in mining. Maybe its just...large."

"If I may intrude,"

Phyla drifted towards Director Terallo and Judah Dashiell, her hands clasped behind her back.

"Your intuition is highly accurate," Phy stated in response to the question Dashiell had asked. "Molecular furnaces are not new technology by any means. They are one piece of a larger system, the first step in an assembly line. Simple as they may be, some are quick to forget the threat posed by World Devastators. They consumed all manner of material in their path and simultaniously produced one of the largest fleets seen by the galaxy. Scaled down as to not let any of our installations threaten planetary communities still provides the B.L.I.S.S. with ample raw resources to maintain itself with extreme longevity."

A gentle smile spread across her synthetic face.

"So yes, the difference is that they're large," she noted in a whimsical tone. "Sometimes making the wheel larger is much more effective then reinventing it."

After all, modern technology in the galaxy rode on the coattails of the Rakatta, or even the elusive Celestials. All things were derivative of another. It was simply a game of continuous refinement.

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Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station
Interacting with: Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Open To Interaction
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger nodded thoughtfully, her eyes softening as she listened to the conversation about war profiteering. She understood the discomfort of it, but her years in business had given her a broader perspective. War, to her, wasn't something you could simply stop. Conflict was a constant throughout the galaxy -- someone always wanted more, and that pursuit of more often led to innocent people getting hurt. It was the aftermath that mattered most.

With a smooth drawl, she began, "My mama always said, there's always someone itchin' to get what's on the other side of the holo barrier. The sad truth is, it's the innocent folk who end up sufferin', even if they never wanted to be a part of it. I've learned to look beyond the fightin' itself and focus on what comes after. What can be done for the ones caught in the middle? Food, medicine, water, and stability -- that's where we come in."

She gave Xandyr a soft smile of thanks as he handed her a glass, taking a small sip before continuing. "That's why my companies work hard to hire local talent, wherever we set up. We're not just about makin' credits. We want to help folks build somethin' real -- whether that's rebuildin' their communities or expandin' into new opportunities that can help them grow. Doin' that means they are promotin' their own local economy and givin' them somethin' they can control."

Her gaze turned back to Jonyna, her tone warm but firm, "At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's in charge or where folks live -- most people just want to protect their families and provide for 'em. And that's somethin' we can all understand."

Danger's eyes lit up at the mention of Coruscant's reconstruction, a spark of interest dancing in them. "I'd be more than happy to discuss how Arceneau Trade can assist with the reconstruction efforts on Coruscant. We've got a wide range of departments that handle just about everythin' -- from detoxification of toxins in the ground, air, and water, to providin' raw or refined materials for buildin'. We can even offer logistical support and daily essentials like food, fuel, and temporary housin' for workers."

"And if it's salvagin' you're needin', well, I've got just the partner for that. Salacia Consolidated, under Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , has done similar work on Ukatis, Taris, and the Centrality. They're the best at clearin' rubble and recyclin' materials for reuse."

She smiled, the warmth of her tone unwavering as she moved on to transportation. "We also offer transport services, and I'm proud to say that Arceneau Trade's reputation allows us to move through hyperlanes without much trouble. We take the time to figure out the best routes for each company, and we've been workin' with John Locke John Locke 's, Locke and Key to use their hypergate transport system for faster travel. It helps us avoid any unnecessary delays, especially with the Dark Empire's recent corporate decree complicatin' things along the Brexant Run. We're always lookin' for new ways to ensure trade flows smoothly and at a more affordable rate since we have our own fuel and resources to keep costs low."



Objective: Investigate B.L.I.S.S. project for potential security threats/Social networking
Location: Public Hall Ballroom | Celestial Islands | St. Atollon
Cover Identity: Verse Melne, Director Governmental Contracts, InterGalactic Exports
Equipment: In purse: Data Pad, Holdout blaster On body: Force Presence Suppressing Crystal choker
Tags: Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch | OPEN


Dextra gave a smile as the light haired young woman gave her the attention she desired. Starting a conversation with anyone on any subject was key to making sure that Dextra could become a part of the group. Picking someone who was not currently affiliated with Dextra in any way was a good strategy to spark up a dialogue that might extend for a moment and see how the rest of the attendees grouped up.

”That makes sense,” Dextra responded as the woman expressed she had not heard of residences being offered. ”This seems more like a business meeting. Strange for a station with the intention to be self-sufficient. Perhaps I could take a different approach to business and see if they might produce an excess of any resource and wish to export…that is my business after all…” Dextra gave a practiced nervous giggle before continuing. ”Oh, I would not live on the station as a permanent home. My job takes me all over the galaxy. Having a home address on a neutral station would be better than a Lianna one when visiting the Tingel Arm or Galactic Alliance or the new Confederacy.”

Dextra smiled and accepted the handshake extending her own hand and giving a not too firm passive grasp of the woman’s hand. ”It is good to meet you. Do you prefer Kandria or Ms. Brimarch? I would love it if you called me Verse. Unless you have something you’d like to sell through InterGalactic Exports, we need to keep things on a professional level.”

Before things could continue, the Engineering Liaison gave a speech. A portion of it restated the intention of the station which was given by the CEO. Repetition was not a bad thing. It hammered home your intentions. Besides that Phy Phy did reveal that eventually the B.L.I.S.S. intended to go extragalactic. It was outside the name of the cover company that Dextra was using as cover, but who wouldn’t be interested in what existed beyond what they knew. And selling their goods on the other side. This was something that Dextra could use to maintain her cover story and interest in the station for more than just a neutral domicile.

”Care to travel to the next step together?” Dextra asked Kandria with a smile.
Xandyr slipped away as Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and Jonyna Si Jonyna Si continued to talk shop. He was a companion and not a personal secretary; he did not need to remain to take minutes and actions.

He meandered through the crowd. Eyes down, he listened as he walked to fractured pieces of conversations. He slowed up and focused on the conversation between Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell and Phy Phy

"So yes, the difference is that they're large," she noted in a whimsical tone. "Sometimes making the wheel larger is much more effective then reinventing it."

"May I ask, did you use the raw materials of the asteroid itself to power the furnace as you hollowed it out?"

The question interested him personally, but it was a chance to tack on another: "Your CEO, Pazarro Krinemon III, I assume he's looking to attract investors at the end of the show or at least invite the first conversations?"

C E L E S T I A L _I S L A N D S



It was interesting to say the least, to listen to the Munn's "advice" as he cautioned Sularen about the many things were necessary for running business going as far as further add that the challenges that came building up a business were different from the challenges that came with commanding a warship. It was insulting for the Munn to even suggest that all Sularen did in his capacity as Warlord of the Empire and Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy was just order a bunch of ships around, not to mention lecture him on how the important things each business needed to thrive as if he were a newcomer despite the fact that he had been in the game for decades now.

Part of Sularen wanted to put the Munn in his place for even making such statements although this was a public event and even then, the Warlord of the Empire knew too well that the Empire already had it's eyes set on the Banking Worlds of the New Territories along the Braxant Run, something he was certainty hat the Munn and his fellow bankers within the Baking Clan knew too well. As such, the Grand Admiral though irritated kept his smile and offered a response in the same cordial and professional tone. "Of-course. Although i should add that i do more then just command warships in battle. After all i am the Warlord of the Empire, the highest authority of the Imperial Military under the Emperor himself, and with such authority comes the responsibility of managing such a vast military which naturally involves things such as logistics, finances, manpower, orginization and recruitment."

"In fact you might even be surprised to know how similar managing large civilian megacorporation's and military-industrial complex really is. In fact I'd say one might even be able to create a hybrid of both that could both fuel the war efforts of entire governments and cater to the needs of the galactic economy." Sularen added. Of-course these entities already existed in companies such as the Trade Federation and the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, but then again who knew maybe Mr.Hallisk himself was a newcomer in the corporate scene himself and might like to know such interesting details.


Tags | Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk

Deputy Director of the IGBC


/:/ Tag: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Phy Phy

The Muun was confident that his remarks would provoke some degree of irritation in the Warlord of the Empire, particularly due to the straightforward economic counsel he provided which anyone with even a single brain cell could comprehend. It was important to note that Marlon possessed a deep understanding of the distinctions between leading a warship in combat and managing a corporate entity, having accumulated extensive experience since his as the preeminent tyrant of Byss during the era of Chancellor Chandra within the Galactic Alliance.
Oddett was simply intrigued to observe whether he would display any aggressive behavior in the presence of numerous significant delegations and dignitaries from various parts of the galaxy. However, before this hypothesis could be examined, his focus shifted to Phy Phy , who delivered some rather amusing remarks to the Warlord before departing, leaving the pair to their own conversation to address the station project and announce that the tour shuttle was prepared for them.
He observed that no passengers were currently boarding the shuttle, prompting him to shift his focus to the Warlord, who, in an unusual display of composure, finally articulated his thoughts. This demeanor was a stark contrast to the Warlord's typical behavior, which was characterized more by aggressive posturing than by measured discourse.
"It is indeed remarkable that the Dark Empire is under the leadership of a resolute defender, a visionary and progressive individual at the forefront of its military operations. I can conceive of no one more suitable to guide the Empire towards its ultimate victory over the Alliance....." The Muun expressed his admiration in an enthusiastic manner, clearly impressed by the exceptional capabilities of the individual standing before him, who was poised to guide the Dark Empire to a significant triumph over the womp rats on Tatooine.
"I eagerly anticipate the time when SularenCo will leverage this "extensive" knowledge to ascend to a leading position within the corporate sectors of the galaxy. Additionally, I would like to mention that the Banking Clan has engaged the services of the Strill Security Company to safeguard the Banking Worlds in conjunction with our own military forces. Isn't that wonderful?" The Muun said with some hand gestures.


TAG: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

"Honestly, at this point, I'll take all the help I can get in that regard. I can handle the salvaging, my company's subsidiary Beetle Construction has been handling that, but we're low on material that isn't recycled, and there's only so much of Coruscant's fallen structures that I can do that with. I'm sure there's plenty of opportunity there to make some credits, if you care about that sort of thing." Jonyna chuckled. "And as for transportation, the problem the TAC is facing is a lack of access to hyperlanes. If you could find a way around that, say those hypergates, that would be a boon for them."


Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station
Interacting with: Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Open To Interaction
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"I'd be more than happy to provide you with a range of options for materials that aren't recycled or salvaged -- whether you're lookin' for refined products or sturdy buildin' materials," Danger offered, her voice smooth and cordial as ever. "I can send you a full list of what's available, and if Salacia has somethin' that piques your interest or offers a better deal, I'd be remiss not to mention it."

She never believed in talkin' down another company. If anyone could snag the best deal, Danger knew it was better to state it plainly, show she was a valuable ally, and let that open the door to even more business opportunities down the line.

"I've worked with many guilds and individuals who're always explorin' new trade routes. We've got one in the works chartin' through the Wild Regions, connectin' from Ryloth right through TAC territory towards the Levantine Spur. On top of that, we're collaboratin' closely with Locke and Key's new Hypergate junctions. That's helped us cut down transport time considerably, plus we can bypass the hassle of hyperlane checkpoints in unstable territory. This was our answer to the Dark Empire's recent decree on the Brexant Run, and I must say, it's been workin' quite well for us."

With a polite nod, Danger continued, "If you'd like, we can set up a meetin' whenever is most convenient for you to go over these options in detail. Or, I can send along the information for you to review at your leisure, and you can pick what suits Si Tech best when the time's right."

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TAG: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

"I'd be happy to. You might also wanna set up a meeting with Fynch Fynch if you're going to work with the TAC. I'm just a business partner, he runs the show. I take it you're going to be trying to get some contracts with them?"

The Tingle Arm Coalition were admittedly in a precarious position right now. After their failed invasion of Lothal, they were on the backfoot. They could use all the help they could get, and it was up to companies like theirs to help.

Si Tech had done all it could, bar new equipment. Perhaps that would be the next step.


Interacting with: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"Perfect," Danger replied with a wide, pleased smile, her drawl wrapping around each word with that signature southern charm. "I'll be sure to send word shortly through a holomessage. Just let me know when you and Commander Fynch Fynch have some free time on your schedules. I'm at your disposal."

Her words were honeyed, but laced with the keeness of a businesswoman who knew how to make things happen. Danger was already considering how fruitful this meeting could be. If she could leverage any of Arceneau Trade's subsidiaries to assist in deploying trade stations and settlements way out here in the black, it could open up doors for expansion far beyond the Core Worlds. Especially with how volatile things had gotten there lately -- this kind of frontier opportunity was just what she needed to stay ahead of the curve. There was a familiarity in this, the sort of wild space she enjoyed back when Arceneau Trade was in its infancy. When she had but a few ships at her disposal and a whole bunch of passionate gumption to prove to her grandfather she had what it took to get Arceneau into a household name Galactic wide.

But for now, there was still the rest of the station to explore. Danger cast an appreciative eye over the marvel of engineering before her. It was an impressive feat, especially for a deep space expedition. The wheels in her mind were already turning -- could this kind of station be commissioned for Arceneau Trade's other ventures? Perhaps beyond the Wild Regions? It was certainly something to consider when the opportunity arose for questions.


Scaled down as to not let any of our installations threaten planetary communities still provides the B.L.I.S.S. with ample raw resources to maintain itself with extreme longevity."

"Could still be dangerous, depending on who gets their hands on their technology. Yet, thank you for answering the question."

Judah saw the potential for the furnace to be used to wipe out small communities. Not that this presentation or this organization would entertain such a thing. More the worry of nationalization. Governments seemed to be into that these days - scooping up company assets for their own use. Flavor of the season, so to speak.

"Your CEO, Pazarro Krinemon III, I assume he's looking to attract investors at the end of the show or at least invite the first conversations?"

"We are on, essentially, one big sales pitch. One of those folks attend for a free lunch while being pitched for a time share. We're still on the cocktail portion of said free lunch. Sales pitch won't come until roughly three-fourths of the way into this little event. Interested to see where it goes."

Judah chuckled to himself. Could be wrong but it was what he expected to happen. He didn't mind investing - if it was for the right purposes. He didn't see much of anything at this point beyond a way to show off fancy technology that would cost quite a deal to replicate again.

Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

"We are on, essentially, one big sales pitch. One of those folks attend for a free lunch while being pitched for a time share. We're still on the cocktail portion of said free lunch. Sales pitch won't come until roughly three-fourths of the way into this little event. Interested to see where it goes."

"I couldn't have said it better," Phyla nodded. "Now, come along. There's certainly pleanty of pitching to be done in our schedual, and I'm sure you all are eager to see the facilities properly."

Phyla would usher the guests of the showcase onto their transports, elevator-like cars that traveled on set rails throughout the instalation. Once everyone was properly within their trolly the tour began properly. The cars would depart from the recreational level of the vessel, traveling through the darkness of the innerworkings of the titanic space station before ultimately coming out on the other end in the Residential sector. A green belt of artificially created greenery stretched out for what seemed like miles, lined with uniform apartment-style structures and a flowing river with live fish faintly visible.

"Ehem," Phy began, testing her microphone. "Now, this level of the instalation is for residential purposes. It's been outfitted with a large 'park' of sorts called the green belt. All plants you see are 100% organic, and the ship supports a contained ecosystem with monitored flora and fauna. This ensures that long-term dwellers of the B.L.I.S.S. have appropriate stimulation for proper mental health while crossing the intergalactic or extragalactic void. As of present this area is inhabited by the crew of the St. Atollon and their families."

They began to pass over the river more properly now.

"More important is the artificial water-feature you see below you, a later stage of the station's water cycle," the shard continued. "Within is an aquaponics farm that supplies the vessel with a great deal of its protein. With minimal management these farms can produce a surplus, which goes to the bazaars on the top level of the station to be traded on the inter-galactic market. The most important thing about self-sustaining systems on the B.L.I.S.S. is surplus. They won't only be vessels for creating sustainable communities on-board. They should, in both design and practice, be assets that prop up the communities around them as well."

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
SHe continued to listen tot he presentation and the chance to see more about it. They were wonders and did what most should do if they were going to be self sustaining have a surplus that could be used and traded to others.. it could be a way to improve the commerce and need for it in many cases. SHe was looking at the waters and with the commerce and trade deck much more. SHe spoke to no real person while walking.. the two guards with her. "Well I like it, we'll have to see about getting one made. We have been working to open up that frontier at the sea for a long while now." She said it and would have to see about it... if they could get one of these that far out... well it would give them a main area of observation and operation.
"We are on, essentially, one big sales pitch. One of those folks attend for a free lunch while being pitched for a time share. We're still on the cocktail portion of said free lunch. Sales pitch won't come until roughly three-fourths of the way into this little event. Interested to see where it goes."

"I couldn't have said it better," Phyla nodded. "Now, come along. There's certainly pleanty of pitching to be done in our schedual, and I'm sure you all are eager to see the facilities properly."

"Of course," Xandyr replied. He gave a gentle and polite tilt of his head. He took a half step back to allow the presentation to continue. He would rather be taken for a little ignorant than for a little rude.

He followed the crowd. Xandyr listened in. He found people far more interesting than technology. Whilst his work involved handling some rather delicate situations and getting his hands dirty, he also got to meet people from all across the Galaxy.

The wheels in her mind were already turning -- could this kind of station be commissioned for Arceneau Trade's other ventures? Perhaps beyond the Wild Regions? It was certainly something to consider when the opportunity arose for questions.

"Within is an aquaponics farm that supplies the vessel with a great deal of its protein. With minimal management these farms can produce a surplus, which goes to the bazaars on the top level of the station to be traded on the inter-galactic market. The most important thing about self-sustaining systems on the B.L.I.S.S. is surplus.

Xandyr appeared back at Danger's elbow. He spoke quietly so as not to disturb the presentation.

"I suppose if you had a few molecular furnaces you could dig out small hollow in any asteroid. Never mind producing products. Seal it, generate air and water and you can make it self sustaining. If you don't need surplus, then you have efficiency. No word on making appointments yet. I'll go mingle some more. "
Listening quietly, Liin took in the comments on the station by their tour guide, as well as the questions and answers posed by others within the tour. It was amazing to her that such a self sustaining station as large as this one existed. But then again; she hasn't travelled outside of New Cov very much..

"Is this the only kind of environment for these stations? Or are there more? For example; is there one with an icy climate? Or one with a dry desert one?" Different species thrived in different climates, afterall. And she was sure that their tour guide would have an answrr for them. It was something that was very important to New Cov.

Lord Reign reappeared beside her. Liin dipped her head to him as a sign that she had accepted his apoligy. "Quite all right. I'm sure that the task of putting together such a station is quite the undertaking. Yet it is a marvel in and of itself as well."

Tag: Phy Phy Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Darth Reign Darth Reign

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