Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase

Judah offered a nod to Lord Reign, being left in charge of Director Terallo for a moment. The old salvager wondered what was going on there - a bodyguard or something more? It was always hard to tell at this functions. Escorts for the evening were often platonic or business related, more about having the right person present than friendship or love.

"Every man will find his own way." Judah clasped Balun on the shoulder. "You should want to do better than me, and you will."

"Could either of you see yourselves living in a station such as this?"

"I lived on a space station for the past....what, six years? Nothing as nice as this, nor nothing as impressive. There are similar elements but nothing so self-sustaining. Not sure if I could live in a station and never leave, I do have my outdoor hobbies. I can't see you being stuck on one of this Miss Terallo, New Cov is quite the planet."

He paused slightly, changing the subject, one that may surprise the Director.

"Casteel tells me you two have met."


Derron's gaze shifted as the patterns of movement among the attendees changed to indicate someone was approaching him.

He looked at her, then shifted to the figures escorting her. His eyes moved in small increments, taking in a myriad of details in seconds. Then he returned his attention to the young woman.

He did not know her. But she was clearly important enough to be known.

Remedy this. Social networking is profitable due to the formation of business associations.

The conclusion of his mind hardly required a genius intellect. But social systems were more complicated to him than calculating hyperspace routes.

Stand. Seventy-two percent of known cultures would find standing preferable.

Derron set down his drink and found his feet, standing up to his full height.

"Most Yaka prefer domestic research, often into pure mathematics or theoretical matters. I believe this has created an underperformance of our intellectual capacity when measured in the manifestation of tangible improvements in the galaxy."

Sixty-five percent of known near-humanoids enjoy hand-shaking rituals.

He extended a meaty hand.

"Derron Daks, Chief Executive of Dynamic Discoveries and Scientific Initiatives."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Celestial Islands
St. Atollon

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Pawky Pawky | OPEN
Carduul, outdated as he was with anything other than Mandalorian culture, gave a stare at the name of the magnate the Squib represented. In fact, this was the first time he had seen, or met, a Squib. “Carduul Akahl.” Was the mildly polite reply with his own name upon the introduction. “Thou’rt a salvager, then?” He asked, after a brief pause.

His gaze briefly glanced over towards the other clad in gold, as if imparting a questioning look from behind the helm. Ignoring the meat-sauce covered hand, as he didn't want to stain his armor during such an occasion - if he had a napkin or something, perhaps he would’ve wiped it down first, then shook it. Asides that, t’was true that their battles often left many damaged ships in their wake. The Neo-Crusaders used to melt down ships they fell to re-use the components for themselves, but he wasn’t sure if they really had men to spare on their own salvaging crews. At least, not for now.

A soft hum left the helm, in thought to the prior words of their ‘rule.’ “Thou’rt correct - the path of adversity we carve breaks and reforges many things. Though I question: what benefit would it be to the warrior, who allows a vulture to feed off the scraps of its undevoured kills?” He queried. It was not meant to be rude, merely a blunt question as was typical for most of his kin. A less elegant way to ask what the benefit of working with salvagers was.

“Lest there are other services you seek to provide with your, Consortium.” He added thereafter, his head lightly tilting to one side in vague interest.
More and more arrivals. Honestly it was a nice opportunity to let Kandria play a small game in her head to pass the time to try and decide what kind of drinks the different folk arriving would enjoy. Sure, it meant judging people off their appearance and how they presented themselves but that wasn't something she was too concerned with as she rested her chin atop her hands.
There were a few of the more younger visitors who she'd probably suggest a fruity tea to. Perhaps a bit more sweet than what she liked herself. The Mandalorians and the Imperial looking folk would probably like a strong coffee. Perhaps a dark coffee...Hm...That did remind her, she needed to work on making new coffee blends. It was hard when it wasn't something she enjoyed taste testing herself...

Who else could she try and guess about? There was a rather professional looking businessmen alongside a younger looking...Jedi. Definitely coffee for the business fellow. If she had to deal with a Jedi on a day to day basis, she knew she'd personally need some energy to deal with it. She shook her head to dismiss that thought however and try to think about something else as she sipped from her cup.

”Hello there. I’m Verse Melne. You know if they are selling residences on the station yet?”

Oh perfect. A question. That would help get her brain on a different track of thought. Kandria glanced up to the source of the voice, giving the redhead a small smile. Even if she didn't really have an answer herself. But conversation made for a good way to pass the time, no?

"Hm? Oh. Pardon. I don't know myself. That hasn't been something I've been thinking about. Personally the idea of living on a space station is far too...restrictive. Alongside the fact I wouldn't have a clue as to who else is living on the station."

Perhaps she was paranoid in that aspect. She just valued her privacy and she felt like that would be lacking on a space station. Freedom to move was much of a desire of her's. With that however, Kandria held her hands out towards "Verse". Manners were of a valued importance at the end of the day. It was a good way to build relationships and contacts.

"I'm Kandria Brimarch. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Melne."

Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Pawky Pawky | OPEN


"Hakon Fett," he said, offering his name to Pawky with no acknowledgment of the porg skewer waved before him.

Carduul's eyes flickered with curiosity at Hakon, but Fett's mind was already at work, weighing the worth of Squib salvage skills in their crusade.

"If you were in the body-salvaging business," Fett said, his voice dry as sandpaper, "I've heard Manaan has plenty to offer." a cruel joke nodding to the Selkath genocide he had consigned through viral spores.

Whether his words carried a veiled threat or simply a negotiation tactic, it was impossible to tell behind the soulless glare of his T-visor.

He continued, regardless, "There are and will be fields of war—plenty of them—where you might profit from what we leave behind. But it is your knowledge of siegecraft that interests me," Fett said, the edge of command never absent from his tone. "I know you're as skilled at building from the ashes as you are at turning stone and iron to ruin."


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam
When no one grasped his paw, Pawky shrugged and took the meat from his armpit. If he was concerned about the sauce left on his clothes, or any that might have gotten on his fur, he didn't show it.

"Yuppers! Salvage is our specialty," he answered Carduul, dipping his snout in respect.

"Warriors do war," he went on, "and there aren't no Mandos singing songs about picking through garbage, eh? Are you guys in a big hurry to stop training and fighting and spend all day picking a catalyzer from a burning wreck?

Nope, nope.

But we Squib? We sing songs about Salvage. Good ones, too. It's what we do. You let the soldiers soldier. Let the salvager salvage. We sell you what we find, good rates. You make the mess, we clean it up."

He tore a chunk off of his Porg and chewed it as Hakon talked.

Then he swallowed and waved the half-eaten bird dismissively. "Don't do organics," he said, apparently taking the suggestion of harvesting bodies at face value.

Then Pawky nodded, "We're good builders, yeah. Turn trash to treasure."

His mouth fell open in a gesture of humor. "We're really good at throwing rocks."

Squib tractors and repulsors were of legendary power and versatility. Squib ships were well known for throwing all sorts of things at people who... interfered... with their salvage ops.

He took another chunk of his cooked bird and chewed it. Before he was done, he asked, "YouneedshSquibShiegeEnginesh?"

He swallowed, tossing the bony remains of the Porg into a nearby trash can.
"I give you a good price, yup."

He wiped his saucy paw over his outfit, then plucked a card from a pocket. His outfit had a lot of pockets. Remarkably, it didn't have lots of stains. As poor as his etiquette was, he must at least wash his clothes regularly.

"Holocom number. You call Pawky any time!"

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Derron Daks Derron Daks

"Matsu Ike, head of Sasori." She said it and looked up at him with a small grin on her face. He had extended his hand and she reached up taking it with a nod of her head. "And underperformance is a risk of everyone." She said it though and motioned with her hand so they were not in the way of others and she observed. "{As for improvements to the galaxy it is a question of what one needs... this station depending on how many are made in the end can do a lot and it is a good starting point for the technologies involved... a few more years and they might have made some of the advances that push us towards some of the oldest species technologies."

Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Pawky Pawky | OPEN


"Your expertise," Hakon said as he crouched slightly to take Pawky's card, "imparted to my people." the exchange of services and goods was the lifeline of the aruetiise galaxy, and in reality that extended to the Mandalorians in times of peace. But Fett sought something more - a trade; the more they assimilated from the galaxy itself, the stronger they would grow. The Neo-Crusader philosophy was proof to that. And a siegecraft trade would be paramount for the Mandalorians efforts in the crusades to come.

"In return, we will provide you several locations, bountiful for your salvaging operations."

Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station
Interacting with: Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Open To Interaction
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

"Of course. If you would like - given that the owner is not present - I can see if I can quietly find out how people arrange an appointment? Or let the event play out."

Danger gave a slight, encouraging nod at Xandyr's suggestion to observe how people arranged appointments or let the event unfold. It worked out perfectly, especially when he expertly slipped away with subtle grace, making space for the flame-haired Cathar who approached her with the kind of quiet confidence Danger appreciated.

Well done.

"Not often you see a fellow firemane like myself." Jonyna opened, looking to Danger with a smile. "Nice to meet you. Jonyna Si, head of Si Tech and Jedi Councilmember."

Her cordial smile bloomed across her full red lips, and with a touch of mild humor sparkling in her emerald eyes, she extended her hand to Jonyna.

"Well, now," Danger mused, her drawl floating with honeyed flair, "reckon every gatherin' needs a little spice and color, don't you think?" Her eyes twinkled knowingly at the sight of another redhead. Any concerns about Jonyna being a Jedi Council member didn't faze her in the least. Danger engaged with her as easily as one might slip between vine-silk sheets.

"Sure as the Nine Hells, once a redhead sets her mind on somethin', it gets done." She chuckled softly, shaking Jonyna's hand in a warm greeting.

"Danger Arceneau, of Arceneau Trade Company," she introduced herself with a subtle gesture toward Xandyr. "Mistah Carrick here is my escort for the evenin'." Whether Xandyr chose to linger or wander off was entirely up to him; she'd let him make his own call.

"Si Tech, now that's a name I've heard 'round Alliance space -- especially with the Eve Foundation's refugee efforts. It's a pleasure to finally meet the one who runs it all. Are you lookin' to expand beyond Alliance space?" There was a gentle curiosity in her voice, framed with the air of a seasoned businesswoman who always had her eyes on the next opportunity.

Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone

"Given the recent embargo imposed by various corporations, i've taken a greater interest in the realm of business and economics once more. I believe it is time i took SularenCo to the next level now that we've been presented with an opportunity to grow and expand in the wake of the Trade Federation's withdrawal from the Empire's market."

"That is certainly aspirational," Phy nodded. "I'm sure a man of your talents would be successful in such a venture."

One who wasted military resources hunting a singular child was no doubt indicative of great wisdom and self-control. This man presented a threat to her little brother, one she would have to be mindful of. The irrational and egotistical were no threat to be taken lightly.

"Ah, if you'll excuse me..."

The shard allowed herself to levitate up and toward the stage, her pointed feet touching down upon it. Phy turned to the crowd and began to project her voice across the Public Hall to a level at which all could hear her speak.

"Good evening everyone," she began. "In the absence of our director, I have been designated to serve as his liaison. My name is Phyla, and I will be administering your tour of the St. Atollon Installation. Now, I would like to provide you all with some important information about our station before we depart. The St. Atollon is home to over a million individuals, consisting of the station's staff and their families. While designed to facilitate long-distance trade routes, the B.L.I.S.S. has been optimized to have the capacity to maintain this population in complete isolation if necessary. The onboard
Molecular Furnace can break down galactic debris into the most useful elements, allowing the St. Atollon to produce all goods required for long-term functionality. Some of these materials are presently being used in the construction of freighters, an operation you will see later in the tour. All food provided on the station is produced in greenhouses and aquaponics. As we speak a surplus is being produced and set aside, frozen to be held in the vessel's emergency granary. With regular maintenance of all facilities, made easier by the production value of the vessel's Molecular Furnace, estimates of the long-term viability of these stations in isolation are in the range of thousands of years. While St. Atollon and her sister stations are intended to be the launch point of re-establishment for worlds afflicted by the Bryn, the next wave of B.L.I.S.S. installations will begin probing the extra-galactic void for a new wave of settlement. Now, with that preamble out of the way..."

Phyla lifted her hand, gesturing towards the door. Staff already had the doors open for visitors, their trolly visible in the distance just past the square.

"Your transport is ready. Please make your way through the square so we may begin our tour properly."

Derron's eyes widened by twenty microns when she named her company.


He had not recognized her name, but Sasori was known to almost every Yaka. An entire species of cybernetically enhanced near-humans could not help but be fascinated by the accomplishments of Sasori Technologies.

"Madam... Sasori Technologies are renowned galaxy-wide for their mastery of robotics, cybernetics, and bio-synthetic technologies. Your accomplishments rival and- I daresay- exceed those of Yaka researchers. I am honored to meet your acquaintance."

At that moment, perhaps topically, the droid-embodied hostess announced a resumption of the tour.

Derron looked upon Sasori as a miser might gaze upon gold. Or a lover might look upon an object of desire. He was seldom inspired to passion, but knowng that he was next to the chief executive of a company that held the Yakan dream in its hands was... well, it was akin to a religious person meeting an angel in service to their chosen diety.

"You must tell me how you solved the neuro-transferrence inaccuracies caused by quantum uncertainty. Our best integrated personality uploads have only been 95 percent-"

But now there was a loading of the attendees onto transports. The impassive Derron Daks did not show it on his face, but inwardly he was cursing the timing of the resumption of activities.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
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TAG: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Phy Phy

"Tentatively. I have a few rules in place, and I'm not all that interested in hording wealth. Trying my best to keep my company's hands clean. Not interested in dealing with my tech getting in the hands of Imperials and Sith. But I've been working with the Tingle Arm Coalition on a regular basis now, getting them prepped to take on the Empire."

Jonyna smiled as she looked at the fellow redhead. It was moments like this that she couldn't help but find comradery in the world. "Danger though, that's a hell of a name." Jonyna chuckled, shaking the woman's hand. Firm grip the Cathar had, that was for sure. "Let's hope we don't find any more tonight, eh?"

"As for my relief efforts, I've been rather proud of that. Si Tech has been my greatest asset in helping with the reconstruction of Coruscant, and will do the same with Tython when we take that back. I've been thinking about expanding into the trade business. Back in the day, I knew quite a few freighter drivers, and flew a few myself. Perhaps we could work out a deal in helping Si Tech get off the ground there, eh?"

Jonyna paused as the droid made their announcement. A tour. Right, they were here for a reason, not just to schmooze. "Walk with me?" She offered her fellow Redhead.


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam

Pawky smiled and uttered a single word with emphatic resonance, "Spacey!"

Then, having seen that paw-shakes did not appear to be the Mandalorian style, he extended a fist in an attenpted fist-bump. Maybe punching motions were more respected among the storied warriors.

In another moment, one of the hostesses of this event announced that the tour would soon begin. "Bet there's more goodies at the end," he predicted to the pair of Mandalorians. "I'll sniff out the best snacks for us. You bet."

With that, he approached the transports that were being provided to usher the visitors along to the next stage of this grand presentation.

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Derron Daks Derron Daks

Well that was a surprise with a nod though she was happy he seemed to change.. going from stoic to almost excited as he asked questions about their products and she was about to answer as another announcement came up. Silence coming before the jedi master turned her head to look as the woman was speaking about the tour they would have and some of the capabilities of the station. There was a look though as she spoke. "Well we can have a chance for more maybe but we solved several of the p[roblems by reverse engineering technologies from different species.... but one of the best was an old Imperial transmogrification units that had been modified from Tatooine. We got it at an auction and once it was working we saw a new avenue. Now we can get minds mapped for bodies that we grow with our latest biot technologies and we have been working on biogel implants that are invisible and unobtrusive. It alters the body without sticking out. We have just made one that filters most toxins and converts them itno healing stims for the body. THe shielding ones are also popular or the power armor."

Celestial Islands
St. Atollon

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Pawky Pawky | OPEN
His gaze tilted as Hakon’s interest took hold. At first, he listened with a small interest - acknowledging the Squib’s explanation with a soft hum of thought. But as Fett inquired on the matter of siege capabilities, his interest took a more vested hold. Carduul would’ve never thought this small species would have anything to do with the word ‘Siege’ other than the ‘S’ in their name.

A small smile was hidden behind the helm when the other’s question was asked. Truly, it was wondrous to see the ideals of the Neo-Crusaders taken to heart one outside of his original sect - the idea of taking other cultures and slowly incorporating all into the Mando'ade. It gave Carduul further hope that the future he fought for was one that would one day be possible.

“It would seem your rule is sound enough.” He agreed with Pawky. “I suppose we likely wouldn’t have such time to pick apart every carcass.” Every warrior mattered in war. Unless they wanted to waste more of the rear-guard with menial tasks, t’was true it might not be perfectly doable alone.

His gaze tilted, however, to the brief announcement and the transportation that had been prepared for them. “This has been more useful than I expected, but we’ve the matter at hand to tend to. My compatriote will no doubt be in touch.” The Rally Master would decree, before he motioned towards the transports with the rest of the moving crowd.

“I was not aware their ilk had good siege weapons. ‘Tis true we are currently lacking in such armament. Well spoken, as well, to ask for the knowledge instead.” He commented sidelong to Fett, as he focused onto the small introductory speech of the assistant to the Mon Cal director. Plenty of amenties - the Molecular Furnace was one he hadn't expected upon the place, though no doubt made what he originally considered more possible. “Now I’m doubly curious what you think of the possibilities for the main attraction.”
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Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station
Interacting with: Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Open To Interaction
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger gave a knowing nod as Jonyna explained her selective approach to partnerships. She understood the importance of a CEO's discretion, especially when it came to choosing who could access their products. Danger wasn't one to judge based on someone's preferences or principles, as long as they kept their word. To her, reputation was everything. A deal was a deal, and she believed in honoring it without imposing her views on others. As long as the trade kept flowing, she was content.

The Tingle Arm Coalition had also caught her eye recently. From what she'd gathered, it seemed like a collective of independent worlds aiming to bring freedom to the oppressed -- something Danger could respect. So far, Arceneau Trade's involvement had been smooth, with the company overseeing fuel, goods, and raw materials. But it was always wise to stay ahead, and Danger knew she'd need to sit down with their representatives soon to ensure things remained that way. After all, in the wake of the stringent Imperial edicts in Dark Empire space, it required a touch of caution when dealing with others.

"I'm glad to hear you're workin' with the Tingle Arm Coalition," Danger said, her cordial tone never wavering as she followed up. "As I've been curious to their stance with trade and corporations workin' within their reach. Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated."

As they moved on, Danger's smile grew as the conversation turned toward Coruscant's reconstruction. "I'm glad the recovery efforts are movin' along well. I can't imagine the scale of work it must take to salvage the damage and rehome so many citizens, especially with those hundreds of levels in ruins."

Another gracious smile followed, "I'd be happy to explore ways Arceneau Trade could assist SI Tech. What industries are you looking to expand into?"

She glanced at Xandyr, who offered a subtle suggestion of a drink.

"Would you like something to drink while we walk?" she asked, ready to continue the tour with the head of SI Tech. A touch of hospitality, always.

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Your transport is ready. Please make your way through the square so we may begin our tour properly."

Xandyr kept a gentle smile on his face as he listened to the introductions. Even with their host levitating their artifical body up above them to add to the show. He let his attention drift around the crowd. There were several who had taken notice of Danger. Some were clearly waiting for an opportunity to make introductions or for a chance to catch up.

She glanced at Xandyr, who offered a subtle suggestion of a drink.

"Would you like something to drink while we walk?" she asked, ready to continue the tour with the head of SI Tech. A touch of hospitality, always.

Xandyr moved through the crowd. Polite, but never slowing, he slipped through without drawing any attention.

"Ma'am," he said quietly as he emerged once again. A glass in Danger's hand and another offered to the cathar. Everyone was starting to head through the doors for the tour.

He was more accustomed to loud music and little gift bags for corporate showmanship than hollowed out asteroids and molecular furnace tours, but he couldn't let that show.



TAG: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick

"The TAC seemed to be open to whatever support they can get. They pushed hard to take back Mon Cala, but it wasn't the right time it seemed. They still need plenty of support if they're going to push against the Empire of the Lost." Jonyna figured. "A long time ago, I was in their shoes. A rebel fighting against Imperial Forces. I see a kindred spirit in their cause, so my company got a headstart with them. We're planning a few unique products for them coming down the line. While I don't enjoy the thought of being pinned as a war profiteer, it's not an entirely inaccurate statement to make about Si Tech. Like I said, I was a rebel once upon a time. I know what it's like to fight uphill with scrounged up equipment. I'd prefer if people like the Tingle Arm would be well armed against Imp Scum."

Jonyna didn't enjoy the thought of folks calling her a tender of blood. She didn't think of it that way. She was a tender of defense. She handed the good guys a bigger gun than the bad guys. So long, she had fought as the underdog. Now she was part of the champion team, and she wanted to make sure they had the bigger stick than anyone else.

That included the TAC.

As for Coruscant...

"Yeah, it's been a whole ordeal. The GA only has so many resources to throw around, as does the NJO. We can only do so much, so Si Tech has footed the bill for most of it. I've got a construction company that's been happy to take the contracts. We're currently working on rebuilding the entertainment district as best we can. If Arceneau Trade is ever interested in expanding into construction, we're always happy for help in that front. The next project is the Senate building, and that's gonna be a hassle."

Expanding though. That's a question...

"I've considered freighters. While I'm not one to look into having my own trade network, Si Tech does need plenty of help getting our equipment from planet to planet. If I could do that within my own company, I'd like that more than relying on Alliance vessels."

Liin didn't mind it at all that her escort Darth Reign Darth Reign decided to go and mingle. Afterall she had given him such permission upon their arrival to this establishment.

Her attention was then brought back to Mister Dashiell as he responds to her previous inquiry. His assumption on her not being the type to live on such a station is a correct one. For even though the Covie live within domed cities, those domes were at least surrounded by the jungles, and they fully brought in the sunlight and starlight. It was far different from what one would experience within a station floating in empty space.

{Casteel said what now?} Liin was a little taken aback. She hadn't realized that she'd be the subject of gossip. Just what exactly Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal had told him was a question for another day. One that could be asked in a more private setting.

Yet before Liin could even come up with a response to Mister Dashiell's question, Phy Phy addressed the event's attendees. {Saved by the bell, so to speak} she thought. Her focus remained on the speech before gesturing with her free hand towards the opened doors. "Shall we?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Judah looked to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell ,the boy unusually quiet. This wasn't his scene but as they had come to an agreement on Gallinore ; with Makai occupied the teenager would come along to more of these corporate events. At least start getting his face out there, which was really the purpose of these things. Mingle around, catch a few names, perhaps ease in a business contract or mention of a meeting in the future. Bale hadn't been attending these things since a young age, so it was literally being thrown into the deep end.

"Of course, Director Terallo."

The old salvager offered his arm to the woman as the tour began. He figured they would wander at a leisurely pace, somewhere near the back of the pack. He spotted Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau talking to someone he didn't know ( Jonyna Si Jonyna Si ) and immediately looked to see if there was anyone else he noticed in the throng of business sentients. He spotted the towering figure of Derron Daks Derron Daks and nearby was Matsu Ike Matsu Ike ,recognizing them from the recent conference but beyond that.

"Bale, feel free to wander. I won't leave without you."

He wasnt trying to get rid of his youngest son, but realized talk may turn boring. Or maybe it was interesting to Balun, he wasn't quite sure yet. Either way, the teenage was more than welcome to tag along with himself and Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . The New Cov businesswoman was becoming a quick friend of his.

"Molecular furnace? Not sure what makes this different from the ones used in mining. Maybe its just...large."


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