Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Chapter III

Darth Carnifex

The holographic map shimmered softly, casting a gentle light across the balcony, revealing the intricate warzone of the Dark Imperials and the Galactic Alliance as they clashed in a fierce battle that spanned the entire cityscape of the planet. Tanks rumbled through the streets, infantry units strategically positioned, while civilians found themselves caught in the crossfire, some fleeing to safety if they had the means, others tragically losing their lives in the chaos.

The Neimoidian mentally waved the losses of the civilian populace as acceptable so long as it didn't interfere with the reconstruction efforts of Coruscant after the battle was concluded. The Twice-Emperor's words were not entirely wrong that unrestrained chaos was a profitable avenue for corporation expansionary efforts, as the populace left behind such a path of destruction would be more than willing to sign contracts and agreements with the Trade Federation for even a scrap of bread.

He greeted the news of the Federation being granted prime real estate and extraction rights for the territory of Tion and its moons with a subtle smile. Unlike many other corporations within the Sith's Sphere of Influence, the Trade Federation's extensive reach would ensure their dominance in securing prominent locations across the world at the expense of others.

"I concur, Chaos is a wonderful thing for those who can take advantage of it. The Trade Federation shall eagerly await news of further conquests so that we may assist the displaced populace with proper employment." Lodd expressed great satisfaction in observing the downfall of the Empire of the Lost, where their once thriving worlds would be transformed into industrial centers and the remaining inhabitants compelled to work tirelessly without receiving any compensation.

As for the renegade Jedi by the name of Bernard of Arca, it seemed the Sith had crossed paths with him before. Judging by the way the Dark Lord spoke of the individual, it seemed they were treading down the pathway of self ruination. He had been urging the senate to put out a warrant for arrest since the incident on Coruscant, but so far such a plea had gone unnoticed.

"This Renegade will find no purchase amongst the members of the Federal Assembly, I assure you. Although they would be compelled to squash this Jedi Schism as you called it before, if there was evidence that Bernard was a member of the Dark Empire or the Sith Order. Perhaps, such evidence can show up on the steps of the Senate"

He explained, in response to the important inquiry from the Twice-Emperor. The Federal Assembly would likely take firm action against the renegade if there was evidence of collusion with the Dark Empire or the Sith Order, and if the Kainate could fabricate such evidence then it would remove them from the picture.


Lifting off into the air again Minerva and her commandos followed Clan Ruus' example. She allowed herself a moment of satisfaction at the destruction of the first Imperial Walker. Time for Plan Mynock. The surviving Talons scattered into smaller squads or fire teams as they took advantage of the chaos the Imperials near them were suffering due to the worm's rampage returning on them.

All too briefly Drego's instructions took her by surprise. Her commanding his whole clan? The shock instantly disappeared, understanding there can't be any hesitation now.

Meanwhile Talon snipers and spotters took positions at high points and started shooting at Imperial survivors below. With each kill or suppression the sharpshooters relocated to another and repeated the tactic. Most of the other teams flew around harassing enemy infantry with firearms and grenades. But soon several Talons were being shot out of the sky or vaporized by the Imperial anti-air guns.

With fellow Mandalorians around her she pointed at the new objective calling on the comms.

"Warriors let’s take out those guns! Talons buy us time and we'll get this done."

Using the wreckage and ruined structures somehow still standing as cover, Minerva and the Clan Ruus warriors maneuver around on the flank as the anti-air batteries kept shooting the Talons who did their diversionary act. From her helemt's HUD she picked up the exact locations of the nearest mobile anti-air guns because of the Talon snipers and marked them to her vode. Diving in she and the Mandalorians spread out in different unleashing missiles from their jetpacks upon multiple Imperial anti-air vehicles, destroying most and crippling a few others.

Jumping down to on top of one of the latter she saw the hatch, blasting the officer in the face before tossing a thermal detonator into the armored speeder. She leaping off Minerva flew up as an explosion erupted below her out of range.

Caught in the moment Minerva shouted in Mando'a. "Ni'dr dayn laar be vuhyusavr kal!"
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Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat
Objective: Total War - Attacking the Headquarters of the Secret Intelligence Agency, S.I.A.
The Initium, Portable Dampening Field, The Cone of Silence, The Domestic Surveillance of Direct Threats, #3567-956-827, Cortosis Transportation Crates, Curved Lightsaber Hilt, Slicing Unit, The Imperial Immortals, Annihilator-class Boarding Shuttles.

Darth Ayra, The Dark Lord of the Sith, The Deceiver, The Rule of Two, The Second Coming was not with the New Sith Order.

As her associates within the NSO- combined with the Dark Side Elite- attacked the heart of the New Jedi Order within the Jedi Temple that stood upon Alliance Centre- nay- IMPERIAL centre- Darth Ayra was where she shouldn't be.

The Sith'ari had made it clear, and straightforward to his Sith and Dark Jedi.

The New Jedi Order must fall, and with it the Centre of the Galaxy.

The Core Wars have begun.
Yet, Darth Ayra was not with them.

She was elsewhere.

The machinations of the dark side work in mysterious ways.

It was on Lianna, in the cold dark alleyways of Lianna City, that Darth Ayra had learned that the Secret Intelligence Agency were targeting her. It was time to deal with them. After the planetary shield had been dropped by the forces of the Dark Empire, and the battle begun, Ayra had initiated the operation. A combination of technology, assets and inventions of Ayra's own design were set to join her in the assault. She commanded the strike team on board her personal ship: The Initium.

Behind her were three Annihilator-class Boarding Shuttles: a new range of transport ships designed and put into service on behalf of the Sith Order. On board these craft were three platoons of The Imperial Immortals: an infamous strike unit belonging to the New Imperial Security Bureau of the Empire of the Lost. Technology, assets and technology taken from three different factions that Darth Ayra had infiltrated since the Dark Empire first attacked Coruscant during Operation: Absolution.

All in an attempt to obfuscate Ayra's real agenda, goals and ulterior motives. When the battle ended, and new lines were drawn- victory, or loss- the agents of the Secret Intelligence Agency would be left scratching their heads once they investigated who directly targeted them while the so called 'dark' Imperials struck the capital of the Galactic Alliance. Was it the someone in the Dark Empire themselves? Was it the Sith Order capitalizing on an opportunity while the Alliance and their Jedi defenders were distracted? Or were the so called 'lost' Imperials of the Empire of the Lost declaring war on the Galactic Alliance itself with this incursion?

A rare ship, sighted at the bombing of the Hill Tribe people of Gala- under the noses of the Mandalorian Protectors, an Alliance member- leading a squadron of Sith ships comprised of a platoon of soldiers belonging to the 'lost' Imperials. Ever the deceiver the truth would be obfuscated, and the lines blurred.

Such was the power of the dark side.

Darth Ayra sat at the control of stick of the Initium as it flew under the belly of an Alliance destroyer under the gift of it's Eligor Cloaking Device. The Annihilators formed behind her were not gifted with the same rare technology, but their standard cloaking devices would suffice for this incursion. As she flew the Initium through the vacuum of space- doing well to avoid the straying anti-starfighter fire raining down upon starfighters that were fighting in the battle- a protocol unit sat in the co-pilot seat triangulating new directions, and paths to the pilots of the other shuttles joined together in their respective formation.

In the canvas of black ink- amid the cacophony of Star Destroyers warring one another- an opening formed and Ayra dived. The strike unit that she had prepared followed and begun to break through the surface of Coruscant into the spires of the ecumenopolis upper levels. Fires burned everywhere and the destruction was abhorrent. A warm glow permutated through the Force that Darth Ayra fed upon with her dark side powers: like a warm blanket covering you up in the freezing gales in the Towers of Je'har found on Almania. Kueller would have liked this feeling.

Their target was the Headquarters of the Secret Intelligence Agency. As the self-proclaimed Sith'ari orchestrated the sycophancy of events which led to the destructive opera set to engulf the Galactic Centre- the heir and follower of the late Darth Bane was writing her own malevolence in the shadows. There was much to be accomplished here, and it was not the subjugation of Coruscant that Darth Ayra sought. Rather, it was the destruction of the Sith: both new and old alike.

Jedi Temple
Open / Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo
Prior to Battle

"Father, are you alright?"

"Always." Kahne spoke rather calmly as he looked towards the skies, the traffic all around preparing for what was to come. The old Jedi drew a deep breath as his reached out with the force, recruits and alike that were nervous he had attempted to calm their minds and ease their spirit. While he wasn't formally with the New Jedi Order, a Jedi he was all the same. He would stand and fight as he had before, countless times prior. Not recently however, he and his family were dealing with their own darkness.

"How about you?" Kahne turned to face his son and also the company he carried with him. "And who might you be?" Kahne inquired as he held out his hand towards the girl.

"Father this is Jun Chiyo, she's one of my closest friends." Aiden spoke with a smile as he glanced towards her then back to Kahne.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jun, truly. I wish it were under better circumstances, what can you do though?" Kahne said with a small chuckle.

"We are going to stand guard here at the temple and escort what remaining younger students are unable to fight. Once that is complete we will stand here and defend the Temple as best we can."

"Solid plan my son." Kahne spoke with a simple nod as his company of old time Alliance personnel had just arrived. A small group he had fought with for many years. "I will head into the city and help repel any ground forces. May the force be with you." He spoke with a small and small nod before he began to converse with his group about the plans for battle.

Aiden glanced towards Jun with a stoic expression on his face. "We should get going, it won't be too long now."


"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Nero lit a cigarra to steady his nerves. He only made it through a few drags before one of the swoops in their subterranean convoy erupted a conflagration while flipping end over end. Half on instinct he slid hipfirst over the hood of his swoop. Blaster fire peppered the bike and duracrete behind him. Not everyone was so lucky. Quite a few of his friends toppled their chests smoking.

They were slow to react, but once the swoop gang realized they were in a fight the sewer tunnels brightened under an impressive albeit unfocused barrage of return blasts. A trandoshan's scattergun roared in Drake's ears, shrouding their bikes in smoke from all the discharged ordnance. Nero joined in even though he couldn't even see who he was shooting at.

"Make your peace now, sleemos!" Nero shouted from behind his swoop once the sound of blasters dipped, "You just fucked with the Dark Star Hellions!"

In response to this announcement, a chorus of imitation howls echoed through the tunnel maze. It sounded like a rabid pack of feral canids and distorted enough to embellish their true numbers. Several of the Hellions lit rags doused in bottles of liquor before hurling the improvised incendiary devices as far as they could. Glass shattered releasing plumes of flame. Nero wrapped a bandana around his lower face as the smoke started growing worse.

Somewhere a swoop engine revved. It was an unspoken signal for those carrying vibroshanks and heavy clubs to make a daring charge. Some were human like Nero but most crazy or dumb enough belonged to more aggressive cultures. Nikto or klatooinians who were resilient enough to shrug off a couple of blasts. Black market stimulants coursed through their systems pumping combat adrenals into already bulging muscles.
Having fed on many morsels, Vaud felt his feral self retreating as the Beast began to recede back inside himself. His great eyes of pigeon blood color began to shrink and his brown hair sprouted from his head that was bald, his mouth returned that as a man, his upper torso that was ashen became pale and then some pigment, his lower body had great crimson pants, he leaned on a wl with holograms of cyan, pink, and yellow.

Circling above in the Sail Shuttle was Renard who sat the ship down and carried a great scarlst robe to throw over his shoulders.
“Master.. how was The Feast?”

Vaud looked at the explosions and the bodies,
The same as the last and all those for four thousand years.. I remember when this world had a Republic and then it fell.. a day like this.. sun setting and sabers crackling.. death.. it was breathtaking.. and yet here it all repeats again.. and again.. capitals rise or fall, and the dance between sun and the moon carries on generation after generation..”

Renard could tell that his Master was as weary in his soul as in body.
“Shall we way to the Semsu? And watch from the observation deck?”

The Sith Spawn nodded,
Take me home Renard.. I tire of this replay of history.. I need the place of forgetting..”

Boarding the Sail Shuttle they rose into the sky and headed for the great vesssl on the outskirts, sailing above the smoke stacks of industry:

The Shuttle passed through a cloud and ascended into the hangar from smoke. Renard helped his Master down the ramp and took him to his private chambers. There he was laid on scarlet sheets where he drifted into a slumber. Renard stood at attention out the bedroom as his Master slept.

The Semsu remained hovering as great cruiser there amongst the black smokestacks, like a great coffin for The Fanged Lord.
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The tall skyscraper Teket had slammed the starship into toppled into other smaller buildings, raining flames from the exploding ship down below. Teket stood a moment, enjoying the show with a satisfied grin on his face. He then turned away, scanning out over the scene. The battle seemed to wage as far as he could see, but nobody was paying him any attention anymore. That was good. He was a small target, but it was easier to dodge when people weren't shooting at you.

He could sense a lot of powerful magic coming from somewhere toward the East. Maybe that was where he should go. It might lead to something interesting. He jumped up in the air and used his cloak once again to catch the wind and ride it, making his body lighter as he did so.

A smaller starship came screaming through, so Teket landed on it, smacking his nose against the window.
"Ow." He rubbed his sore nose as the pilot inside let out a startled yell. Teket grinned and waved. He noticed that the ship was seemingly being controlled by some add-looking stick in the pilot's hands. Using his magic, Teket wrenched the stick out of the pilot's hands, causing the blue and gold ship to lurch out from underneath Teket, sending it plummeting into some kind of round-roofed building.

Teket summoned the wind back under his cloak again and continued toward where the strong magic was.

Teket watches a tall skyscraper collapse. He then lands on a GA starfighter and sends it crashing into the Senate building roof before flying off towards where the Jedi Temple is due to the strong Force that he senses (which he calls "magic").
2nd Post







Tags (Friend): Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Kroeger Kroeger Darth Defias Darth Defias Mars Raynor Mars Raynor
Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood Scylla AI Scylla AI Vaudimir Traith Vaudimir Traith Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi Pious Tapp Pious Tapp

Tags (Foe): Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav Achan Jaikavi
Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Marauder Marauder Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Syd Celsius Syd Celsius




<"Ironbreaker to Bloodhound, artillery is positioned centrally to cover our approach. Assign fire support missions as needed. We have secured your right flank; the 5th Army landing is almost complete.">
After leaving the urban approaches to East Tower, Barran would make an effort to look over the most-recent developments, seen through the snapshots and drone-footage sent in the latest of Kala'myr's recon-intelligence files, trying his utmost to focus on the findings whilst moving north at the same time. Not quite so easy for a one-eyed man moving in noncombative posture, but despite that, there was still a little extra in multitasking capability to take the comm-link transmission from Ironbreaker's unit, just that tiny extra morsel of coherence to hear what his allied warriors had to say.

Fortunately for the Bloodhound, the coherence with which he was graced was something of a marvel to hear, even bringing about a warm-hearted, appreciative chuckle in knee-jerk response, but even Barran Khan knew that courtesy demanded a reply. Yet not just any regular greeting, and not just due appreciation for reaching out in a prompt, timely fashion, but a reply with enough substance to reassure allied units under impending duress. After all, if such a grand-scale siege assault was to succeed, then it would require authentic cohesion to build between Marauder and Imperial alike, conventional warfare as according to the aspirations of the new Emperor.

Interesting development.... I was expecting comm traffic.
Though not quite this soon, a good sign for coordination efforts.

Now its a proper siege!

<"Got eyes on the latest developments, we're talkin' the whole, entire thing from your left flank. Secondary notification, you've got friendlies moving up not too far off from your right flank, so if ever ye needed reason t'hold yer ground....">

'Leave artillery matters to me, Great Khan!'

<"In any case, you'll have coordinates inbound before long, I'm finding a way t'pair your bombardiers with those your right-flank brought with them. More on that soon enough, though.... We've got work to do for now, Bloodhound - out!">
Taking the willingness into account with the time he had, Thomas shrugged off any chance of second-guessing command-distruction choices, eventually replying,'Go for it, but take Farin with ye! Move it!', knowing well enough that Karseres was patient enough to take on such tasks easily. A choice made easier in the reminder that the young Captain retained a strong Cirihut contingent at the time, as there were plenty warriors of their tribe who were willing to follow Karseres and Farin alike, thus selection for the task would fall upon those who led with confidence, and with ample permissions given in the way of strategic autonomy. The tribal duo were reliable, this the Great Khan was finding it increasingly difficult to deny, still tied to appraising, instructing, seeking new ways to test those on whom the Bloodhound would rely for the rest of the war.

<"Tommy, this is Mercy, there is a huge storm brewing around the Jedi Temple, I don't know how much this will affect you, over!">


With trained instinct, the one-eyed Woad turned to face the eastern horizon from street-level view, though as for what Thomas would see, there was no banking on the chance he would be faced with another flashback from his first life. Subtly reminding the Bloodhound of something he saw during the Second Battle of Ziost, repressed memories of witnessing powerful, persistent clashing storms, seeing light and shadow locked in cosmic enmity as it prettified the landscape and the skies above, storms so wild they animated the dusty, foggy devastation as far as the eye could see. Much like the storms that gathered over the Ziost battlefront, the storm gathering over Coruscant's Jedi Temple was bringing every shockwave, every wall of smoky fog, and every wisp of hazardous dust to life, giving form to the spectral in the grimmest of optical illusions - the very same way the storms had on the day Lord Thomas Barran died.
'Oh.... I see what th-'
Shades of '64, rhyming with the past in the wake of turning centuries.

Yet another flashback to accompany those that followed the death of Nail Darkhan, another for the gathering collection of migraine-inducing memories of a first life, something of a simpler precursor to that which he learned in the years after his resurrection; yet decades later, long after climbing out from the dirt on Durace, the previous life was still finding new ways to torment the wraith who became Barran Khan. Pleasing to the eye though some of those visions would be, and especially on this specific occasion, the same, nosebleeding migraines would follow soon after, even after decades upon decades of training his mind to hold out against the most painful of reminders.

<"This is Mercy, so far everything is going very well and according to the plans. If there are any changes, I'll be in touch, out">

If ye shrug the migraine off, work through it - she doesn't need t'know.

<"Copy that, an' good luck out there.">

Stopped in his tracks with the pain, along with the feeling of torrential outpouring from his nostrils, the one-eyed Woad was given no other option but to halt, lean on the nearest building and remove his golden mask. Releasing the built-up torrent in a sanguine splash across his own boots before sitting down for his own sake, the blood soon mattered little and less as the dizziness would surely follow, arriving right on cue just moments later, a feeling that sent him to the ground with an audible, forceful thud. A growled,'Feth's sake, man!', soon followed the pained, dizzied groans of the impact, but in the moment Barran impatiently grumbled,'I haven't got time for this chit!', the one-eyed Woad would fail to detect the approach of his attending Darkhan, fortunate as ever to have Brethren of Dreamer's sort to aid him.
'Look at the fething state of you.... Still alive, Brother Shriven?'






'Brother Karseres.... Where are we gazing first?'

Even from the uneven elevations that had served as their landing-zones, it was obvious that East Tower was the tallest of the three skyrises on Riemar Boulevard by far, proving the Empire's simulation more accurate with every passing street - showing the scale-model to be perfect as they finally reached the the real left-flank strongpoint.

From there, the ascension to the top floor would be easy, as Renegade Squad were already working northwards by the time Karseres and Farin finally caught up with them, clearing every neighbourhood in a show of autonomous initiative that furthered their goals all the quicker, given all the encouragement required by Dreamer Darkhan by the time the Captain and his Lieutenant were sent to find them. A rendezvous of which the duo previously expected to occur on the top floor eventually, confirmed upon entry from the ground-floor, and with the entire building well-guarded on every floor, it didn't take long for Renegades Gold and Silver to occupy their post at the tower's highest point.

'From here? Start directly north, sweep across eastward, you can repeat that - so lets try the scan nearing-from-distance this time.... You leave comms to me, Brother Farin.'

Only one lot had been built that high, and it had been for the previous owner specifically, a condominium to make a short commute all the shorter for one the Cirihuts imagined to be the very image of slothful decadence, though the proprietor himself was predictably nowhere in sight at the time. Likely well-rooted on Fondor already, and long before the impending Imperial attack was finally enacted, altgother too wealthy to hold onto a doomed investment, as many of his corporate ilk had escaped by similar, foresighted means in turn. Leaving the Renegades in particular to use the top three floors as their ideal perches, immersed in the prettiest of opulent abandonments as they watched over the entire battlefront, a gorgeous panorama revealed from the view of high, wide-reaching windows.

A sprawling, urban backdrop stretching from the southwest to the northeast of the city, already suffering with a growing outbreak of smoke-plumes, clashing colours of blaster-flashes and grenade pulses, and greater explosions strobing the gathering fog of war beyond. Dwarfing Cinnegar in the scale of it's development, almost effortlessly so, and to such an extreme it distracted the duo to gawping, awestruck extremes when they entered; the Cirihut Warriors had seen many a megalopolis in their time, conquering megacity to megacity at certain points of the Second Great Hyperspace War, but this was unlike anything Karseres' generation ever knew. Perfect architectural assistance for the tasks the leading Renegades had in mind, and when they finally set to work, both guard-officers silently made a point of exploiting all the advantages the apartment provided.

<"Hailing callsigns Mercy and Ironbreaker, this is Renegade Gold - Captain of the Cirihut Guard. Bloodhound sends all Renegade callsigns to assist the nearest units, external input is welcomed - especially if it narrows search-parameters.">

'I'm picking up a lot of activity in the Senate District, so there's a chance the extra input won't be needed this time - just saying.'

<"I'm also requesting callsigns for any-and-all artillery units in the slum towers encircling the Senate District, namely the friendlies who landed northeast of Ironbreaker's position, and solely because I want our enemies to feel the full weight of coordinated artillery here... They're far more effective when every relevant unit receives the same coordinates - every time.">

Both Renegade squad-leaders had been in close proximity to their Khan when the presence of another Imperial contingent had been mentioned, thus were there to hear this information personally, seeing for themselves that the Bloodhound was informing Ironbreaker of friendlies landing nearby in comm-link chatter. Yet despite the fact it wasn't much to go on, the Cirihut duo knew there would have been much less if it wasn't for the earnest reconnaissance of the Tribal Matriarch, likely still working to provide the Great Khan with actionable geolocations at the time, though Karseres knew that the time to attack the ticking clock was nigh upon the warriors of his tribe. Granting neither freedom nor a moment to dwell on the what-ifs of Khanate High-Command, with no other purpose gifted but those of the objectives beyond the Cirihuts' static-line - all moving in from different northerly deployment zones already.

<"Now imagine how the city could look after just one hour of that - over!">

'No offence to you, Brother Farin.... But I'm leaving nothing to chance this time.'

For all they were expecting to encounter in Coruscant's attempt to sally forth into the storm, Farin knew there was more than a little merit to Karseres' words, and so found himself conceding silently as the skies lit up again in the north; seen in two burning trails as crashing ships, though there was no way for the Cirihut duo to know their affiliation, but what they could see was the extent of the downward crashing trajectory. Expected to,"Land", in close proximity to the domed giant that was the planet's senate building, lighting up the skies to such extremes that the entire city was illuminated beneath these plummeting attack-vessels, serving as yet another time-consuming distraction for the Renegade leaders, though the second stupor would prove easier to shake off than it's predecessor.

'None taken, I know exactly what we're up against here. So just keep me on the right track - one task at a time.'


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Syd awoke in pain. Her arm barely starting to regrow and half her normally near impossibly beautiful face missing half it's skin from the crash landing, exposing slick, glowing green muscle and oozing glowing green blood sliding along an unusually obsidian looking skull as she began pulling herself up, the glowing blood dripping onto her damaged catsuit. She checked for her lightsaber and found it in the distance, slightly scratched.

She strutted over to it in spite of her absolutely mangled, bleeding state like a total Diva and scooped it up before hovering off the ground a few inches and began looking for a source of energy to help speed up repairs to her body.

The City was a HOT trash fire of epic scope. Bodies of Alliance, Imperials, some Mandalorians here and there surrounded by bodies of imperials and Sith Lords (One Mandalorian had accidentally made an EPIC statue of himself when a Cryoban Grenade had accidentally gone off on his belt while he was strangling a Sith Lord with both arms while lifting him off the ground at the same time).

The Force Spawn found a sparking power terminal and began to approach it, holding out her hand to drain the energy into herself, which began to regrow her arm up to her elbow and start to heal her face and side before the power was drained before the process could complete, though the enchantments of the suit itself were still working all the same. She checked her comlink, miraculously undamaged, and flew up, grinning as she saw four of the five worms destroyed, and the fifth not faring much better against the forces of Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad .

"Troops!" She ordered. "We are being hit on all fronts! Initiate Code Epsilon."

The airborne forces of the Siege Troopers, began withdrawing from their bombardment of the worms and then focused on brutal strafing runs on enemy soldiers in the buildings.

One Squad of Defense Troopers on the lower levels, led by DT- 1043, ducked behind a wall as one of his squad was blasted apart by the powerful small arms of the 777th. They were aggressive, focused and ruthless, composed of Clones He and the others had soon realized, and they soon learned to try and keep their distance and deploy Droidekas to slow attempts at advance. But on many of the streets it was more difficult than normal for the Droidekas to exploit their rolling function, forcing the Defense Troopers to deploy two at a time as the Defense Troopers fell back, limiting them to stationary positions where their shields were rapidly overwhelmed.

1043 frowned under his Clone Trooper Armor, and loaded his single shot grenade launcher, an idiot proof weapon and waited. They were disciplined, and punished any mistake, and he had already lost two squad members. But a weakness he noted was their fanaticism and over commitment in critical moments. The desire to outright crush.

A Defense Trooper's combat doctrine is relatively simple. The goal is to resist, to bleed the enemy out, to slow their advance.

To know when to hold back from attacking as they retreated into a tunnel filled with weak fortifications they knew wouldn't hold up long under assault from the Heavy fire power.

"Sarge!" yelled another trooper in the back behind him. "Bugs and little evil looking skittering things behind our position!"

Sure enough, every Defense Trooper felt that little shudder of subconsciously trying to figure out whether they were gonna be Lex Luthor riding in triumphant on the Brain Bug at the end of Starship Troopers or that dude who gets his brains sucked out by the Brain Bug at the end of Starship Troopers.

"C'mon you clones! You wanna live forever?!" 1043 barked as he loaded another round into his launcher.


Because the situation had not yet become severe enough that the Narrator felt the need to link Klandathu Drop from YouTube, The Squad sped up a firing retreat, activating the local Droideka they had left here as it rolled to life, being directed to buy time against the Bugs by firing as many volleys as it could of blaster cannon fire before it would inevitably be overwhelmed.

He lured the Squad relentlessly closing in on them before he fired the launcher at a weak barricade ahead, setting off a trap of shaped charges and grenades that killed three, forcing the remaining ten temporarily behind barricades. The 777th was learning about the Defense Troopers to.

They were fearless. They never retreated unless it opened their opponent to a potential counter offensive, or until they were left with literally no choice. They were deadly shots too. They could fire in bursts with their DC-15S and have a better than decent chance of hitting small targets. Despite how outdated the carbine was, it could still punch through soft parts like joints, and the Defense Troopers were adept at quickly singling out threats and conducting volley fire on singular, dangerous targets, often soaking them with Droideka fire to open them up to flanking attacks, and we're very good at blind firing from cover, to make up for all the disadvantages involving their outdated armor and personal weapons.

A Siege Trooper 1043 had ordered onto hiding sprang from his Camouflage of rubble up against a wall in the tunnel and sprayed the troops that had initially evaded death from the traps with Cip-Quad Cannon fire, blasting up a stubborn Mythos clone and Shredding the remainder who were Nyx Clones.

"About bloody time." ST-609 muttered like a bored clerk as he began using that crazy awesome chest blaster with four barrels of blastery goodness on the absolute swarm that had just finished decimating the remaining Droideka.

"Oh, I'm sorry, 609, did you have a hot date? Appointment with the Hair Salon perhaps?" 1043 barked snidely as he blasted apart a giant bug at close range.

"Sarcasm wastes efficiency. Fett Clone Within, Fett Clone Without." 609 replied in a soulless husk of a tone.

(Cutaway of Perturabo sitting in an elegant Chaos Chair by a Fireplace)

(Perturabo: I LIKE this Guy!)

The Defense Clones and the Siege Trooper pressed the assault against the unwanted visitors, blasting apart the deadly insects.

"A little piece of Geonosis..." one Defense Trooper muttered.

Just then, just then that was when they received the order from Syd.

"Oh, crap, Epsilon!" 1043 muttered as he used his last grenade on a crowd of the lamprey like creatures that looked like the ones that haunted his darkest nightmares since waking up in this era of pure crazy where planets were getting invaded every ten to twenty years (Yet there was somehow no galaxy wide mass revolt at this fact.).

He was forced to switch to his Carbine, firing it on full auto in conjunction with his brothers to hit the soft looking parts on bigger insects...

But still more were coming. The forces of Mawites under the control of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran were as savage as the 777th was ruthless and already the Defense Troops everywhere in the city were starting to get slaughtered as his strategies began to overwhelm some of the more important immediate defenses they had at key junctions in the city levels, especially on the lower ones.

Syd saw her forces everywhere generally coming under a very clever, very focused bombardment, from both artillery and air strikes from fighters. Protecting the Siege Trooper artillery was paramount if Epsilon was to work so she flew up to a Sky Scraper, hissing ancient forbidden chants that caused her blood to fly from her and surround the top of a glittering spire in a glowing green ring that pulsed and hovered around it.

Her damaged arm along with her good one raised to the sky as she hovered over the spire and she screamed as her flesh warped and bubbled sickeningly under the catsuit, and green lightning from the clouds above struck her and flowed through her rapidly deforming body as it traveled downward, hitting the skyscraper she had marked.

Green lightning arched everywhere from the building in thousands and thousands of long range bolts that traveled across the building down it all the way to the very sublevels and then back upward into the sky, the deadly arcs striking (and seemingly homing in on) enemy fighters. Dozens and dozens of these Fighters were felled from the sky in an instant, overloaded by the intense Sorcery. If there was any doubt the creature that had merged with Syd wasn't as much of a powerhouse as the beast she had been derived from, this would be the moment that doubt would vanish for any who knew her present circumstances.

The thunderous, resounding BOOM across the sky as a green ring of lightning formed and spread out could be heard EVERYWHERE in the battle across the immediate city scape.

Thick Heavy, Powerful green bolts erupted from the clouds to strike rapidly at large masses of enemy units in a devastating spray of lightning, each strike that hit potentially arcing and killing up to ten people in their immediate vicinity. The Heavy tanks were also hit by the heavy bolts, as well as their Artillery.

But that wasn't even Epsilon Protocol.

The worst was yet to come as the Defense Troopers in Towers of their own began to coordinate fire during all this chaos to hit the enemy snipers, having lost quite a few of their own already. Both Barran's forces, the Insects and Mutants, as well as the militia at the same time were attacked with severe aggression by masses of Clone Offense Troopers in old school Saber Tanks on the lower levels of the city, hand assembled over the course of weeks, backed by larger squads of the Red Striped Clones advancing in a blitz attack on all enemy Forces, raining vicious salvos of Carbine fire as well as Artillery, Mechanized Flyer Assault, Old School Clone Gunships firing their composite beam ball turrets at any enemy they could spot, even as they carpeted enemy defense points with Crude Missiles, and savagery.

But with all this going on, Epsilon was not yet ready to be inacted.

This was just the opening, savage, brutal stages of the Wrath of Kytrand's Clone Army...
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Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Try to help Tommy
Location: Ground, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Scylla AI Scylla AI | Pious Tapp Pious Tapp | Roxy Rizzan | Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt | Kroeger Kroeger | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


I carried on as before, although as far as I could see everything was going according to plan. I thought for a few moments that next time I should find somewhere more sheltered and safer. We used to do this at the command tent, but then Asher was there several times and he was directing the enemy from there. It wouldn't have been as good without him. I know there's Tommy, but I didn't live in two worlds with him, and Barran wasn't my lover, he was my adopted brother. Sometimes, almost always, I missed not having my husband at my side. I knew, of course, that at the end of the day, one way or another, I would be going back to him, back home; but it was still Netherworld and not Realspace.

Asher and the children deserved to live here in this dimension, on the Serenno. But I couldn't argue that Sanctuary was much nicer than my original home. In the meantime, I was distracted again, so I raised my head again and looked at the monitors. Everything was still going as well as possible and we were in good shape. And I sat on the high roof in my armour, in the rain, listening to the rain tapping against the fabric of my armour. I should have had an umbrella to make it less distracting.

But again, my thoughts went astray, which was easy because I was quite good at paying attention to several places at once. All those years of having to pay attention in two or three directions at once, while communicating telepathically with Asher and being in reality and on several levels of our minds at the same time, was enough to wear me out. Again, the thought was tempting to go out and find Solipsis and kill him. I wonder how Tommy would react if I asked for help to kill the Emperor? That was an interesting question…

… given that I did not serve Solipsis last time, nor did I consider myself a slave, nor did I pledge allegiance to the Maw. I told Tu'teggacha that from the first. My loyalty was to Asher from the first moment, for it was thanks to him that I was able to awaken and free myself from Ziare's mind. It's another matter that over the years some strange bond had formed between me and the Scar Hounds Tribe, but my loyalty was still to my husband. I helped Tommy because he was my brother, but that didn't mean I would serve the Dark Empire or the Emperor.

I was here because I wanted them all to suffer and the Dark Empire to collapse. Or else everyone who has ever fought Asher and hurt him in any way will be punished. One day I will achieve my goal, even if it takes years. Asher found his peace of mind and let go of the past; even though he said I was stronger than him, it wasn't true. He was stronger than me in that. I don't know if I will ever find peace of mind, but revenge was still a much stronger emotion than anything else. It still hurt me as I remembered the memories of the Second Great Hyperspace War.

As I waited in the dropship for Rausgeber and Asher to arrive, and as soon as they did, I had to help the crippled and paralyzed Asher up to the dropship because his legs and hips were completely crushed. The next time I saw him was in the droid spider body and that's when he suffered the very serious brain injury that I eventually managed to heal. Although I didn't feel anything for him at the time, now in hindsight it hurt, my soul was so deeply affected that he had lost his physical body on this planet. I wanted to scream out in pain, telepathically, so that as many people as possible would feel it and die of the stroke my telepathic scream would give them. As I have killed countless times.

I changed the communication channel to private, so only Tommy could hear what I was going to say.

<< Tommy... the reason I came back... I want to... no, I will kill the emperor, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis will pay for all that Maw and others did to Asher. >> I told him.

As I said before... Time cannot heal all wounds.


To say the past few weeks and months had been busy was, likely, the understatement of a lifetime. Conflict stretched across the galaxy. Sometimes over large swathes of space, sometimes over no more than a small strip of land. This? This was something else entirely. Raphael Calgar, the Anaxes representation in the Senate and governor of that world had seen conflict before but the sheer scale of the battle raging on from the sky down to the streets was... overwhelming. There had been preparation, planning, contingencies - all of it had failed to prepare the man for the reality in which they now found themselves. Raphael and their little band of Senators.

The sound of doors opening struck the man from his momentary stupor, hand rising to the scar across his cheek.
"Yes, I believe you're right," he replied as Alicio spurred them to action. Natasi, Alicio, and himself, not exactly a robust fighting force. A smile tugged at the corner of Raphael's lips, Natasi's cynicism at their plight fitting right into character - what he knew of her in any case. They'd worked together a few times in the past, most notably during their conflict with the Mandalorian... Empire? Mandalorians? He was still having a hard time distinguishing the lines in that regard. Raphael bit the inside of his cheek bringing everything back into focus.

"There's the utility tunnels below." Raphael shrugged. "No telling if we'd make it past the main level though, it's hard to get a read on what exactly the situation is. If there's an override maybe we could bypass the main level stopage - but I'm no slicer."



We hit the building with fury, and without mercy. The first of the garrison, holding the front entrance of the Senate, fell in a choir of restrained and efficient bolts from the Bozdugan blaster rifles that had long been likened to the fingers of the Empire's iron gauntlet. The Compforce commandoes knew when and where to put their shots for the greatest effect, but as I took cover behind them and watched them work I could see the tenacity of our enemy working against us. This was their hallowed ground, whether they were fighting just for their lives or for some democratic ideal in the grand scheme.

As the last of the GADF squad before us fell I opened my comm channel to my counterpart for the mission.

"Ghadi, this is Agent Vigilant. Our entrance to the Senate Building has been successful. Our sweep is beginning. Over."

I didn't know the man I'd been assigned to aid with entrance to the building. As far as I could tell he wasn't Bureau staff, but I also wasn't allowed to be asking those kinds of questions. Whatever the case, the Bureau had put me here, above all the other agents they could have selected. I'd actually been somewhat disheartened at the message I'd received from Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim , knowing now that we'd parted ways for good, possibly, and that the prep we'd done for this op was now falling entirely on me. But that was the nature of Secret Humint, I knew they had bigger fish to catch than politicians.

Out the corner of my eye I saw the bobbing approach of my floating seeker droid, an ISI/ISD model, a name I had affectionately corrupted into calling the small mechanical spy Sid.

Sid whirred happily as he approached me. My droidspeak was still rough, but I was learning. I'd never been a fan of droids, especially not the ones that talked back, but Sid was assigned to me without any room for argument and I'd come to find the little droid to be a reliable worker.

"Lieutenant, my droid here says that there's a congregation of holdout Senators in the office of King Organa of Alderaan." I waved over to Torgan, to which he nodded in reply.

"Does your droid have a building layout?" his question was immediately answered with a beep from Sid, and the transfer of the scans the little seeker droid had taken so far, incomplete, but nevertheless useful.

"Cross-reference the new scans with the data provided to us by Mister Tithe and Mister Ghadi, we should be able to pinpoint them in no time. Sid, do another sweep, keep out of sight. Search for accessible routes through the building that have been or could be used for evac."

The little droid whirred again and spun about in the air, clicking its many legs before turning and floating back down the hall.
Vanquisher made the call to Hold! The Loyal Sons and Daughters of the Maw answered while hell came for them all.​

Current Objectives: HOLD YOU IRON DOGS HOLD!
Position: South East of the Battlescape, Right Flank of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
Direct Engagement: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Related Tags: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Pious Tapp Pious Tapp | Marauder Marauder | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran

Updated Battle MAP

5th Army Forces in the Southeast.
Thanks to Thomas Barran, Drego Ruus, and probably others for contributing and coordinating. You guys rock.


The walkers took heavy fire from multiple sources. Another exploded in a shower of sparks, collapsing into the surrounding structures. Untrained Sithwatch routed or hid for their last stand in bitter defiance. The remaining HIVE forces switched from a FEED command to a STAY command, stubbornly trying to inhabit or deny buildings to preserve what was left. They focused on certain reinforced towers, especially tank eaters hungry for vehicles to much on.

Older medium tanks and faster-moving craft received less attention. Smaller and less noticeable but numerous, they came into their own. While a bastion of heavy infantry reinforced forward and rightside positions, digging into buildings to trade fire, heroic moments of personal glory seeking were not uncommon.

Thomas Barran Thomas Barran

The 777th Legion struggled to hold themselves back, but the ferocity of incoming fire made fortifying positions on the right and center almost as satisfying. "Victory or Death!" The chant echoed across their lines. It was a sign of intense combat that they stood and fought, rather than charged.

"Vanquisher to Bloodhound, we'll die to a man and woman before they take our flank! Glory or death!" The Mythos infantry commander meant every word, and his reputation confirmed it.

"Ironbreaker to Renegade Gold, please shield or screen the artillery from special forces and incoming fire. They need help down there. Artillery callsigns Kae-Killer 1 through 50 are at your command to redirect fire as ordered." Ironbreaker was an effective armor commander, relaying precise coordinates needing aid and where the enemy was coming from or firing from. The 22nd mortars ahead with Gress D'ran were mentioned, along with Ashely's force:

Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore

"Trace to Equinox; special forces are heading toward our artillery! We'll delay them as best we can; get us some infantry support, blast it." The fastest in the 5th army, the ultra-light recon crafts, reacted to the changing battlefield. ULAV, lightly armored but swift, they hoped the 14th Faceless First could assist the Mawites on their left, saving a precious piece on the board. Losing their artillery would hurt.

But now she had Renegade Gold's forces to deal with, a swarm of new Mawites hunting for her head from the opposite direction.

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Among anti-air walkers, succumbing to brave Mandalorian raids was something truly unique.

"Commander, the worm has turned?"
"No time for dad jokes, Trooper." He pointed up.

The Mandalorian-commandeered worm swallowed men, tanks, and a walker's legs whole, cutting through the center of the 5th army to leave a path.

"Not something you see every day." Trace, the James Justice clone, looked through his sniper scope nonchalantly. "What? Who is on the right flank? Well, go give them a call!"

Pious Tapp Pious Tapp

"Commander Trace to Lieutenant Tapp, can your company spear that Clone detachment in the side or do something about the 22nd's Tanks? Good hunting."

Syd's clone forces were directly ahead of Pious. The tanks of Gress D'ran were only a little further north and right of him. That one harassment could sway the difference in their enemies' flank, giving them another problem to deal with in an already stretched alliance center.

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

Clone to clone, respect was given for those ahead. Syd's defense force didn't retreat; they fought bravely. It was bitter-biting skirmishing in probing attacks. Buildings collapsed in heaps from the enemy's siege troopers' fire. Snipers picked off each other in small betrayals of muzzle fire or glints of light. The James Justice clones were sneaky, dangerous, hidden gems on a busy battlefield.

"Ironbreaker to all Duradogs columns, get those medium tanks into the fight! They are the only thing small enough to evade their focused fire."

Explosions erupted everywhere; nothing was spared. Artillery shots landed, some direct, some indirect, but all devastating to both sides. The 777th's bombardment lasted for several minutes, joined by supporting tank fire to mince up the clone defense force's front and hold perimeter.

It took everything the clones had not to charge. The sheer volume of combined attacks coming their way made holding a position almost equally enticing. "Victory or Death. Glory in the Soulscar awaits!" Chants began as they bunkered down and braced their positions, giving no ground.

Near the front, Equinox, the archetype Nyx clone Commander, faced the defense force with a personal battalion of fiercesome ladies if ever there were. Beside her, the faster, OS Blastail MC1 medium columns pushed to the front, taking positions among buildings for cover. They moved into ruins, angling their guns and shields. It was an ideal urban cover for their design.

Old as those blastail tanks were, they—


Upward eyes were drawn as green energy started to swallow the sky, arcing out in all directions. Fragile tie fighters and their massed bombers stood no chance, spiraling to the ground in dozens to crash below. Heavy tanks were hit, and medium and light craft dodged as best they could. The artillery, as it was firing, started to burn!

Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

"Equinox to Mercy, thanks for the storm updates! Keep us in the loop. Can you see any enemy starfighters from where you are? Wait, in the hell, where is that green lightning coming from?" A female clone's voice shouted in shock. They'd kept their starfighter cover away from the temple, but now another storm was taking their numbers.

The AI bleeped a message to Mercy. "Request: Are you able to locate where the weather system is being accessed from by the temple?" There could be a signal trace, but the AI was busy! They needed something to settle or even the skies shooting down on them quickly!

Gress D'ran Gress D'ran

The 5th army began to feel the strain, especially their walkers, open and exposed as they were. Another two more fell to the sundering fire from the north, marking a quarter of their number down in the first volleys. Hundreds of clones perished as the transporters fell, crushing those inside and beside the giants.

102nd Midnight Echelon Fighter Division switches suppression to the 22nd.

Fleeing the green lightning, the remaining units of the Fighter Division targeted the 22nd, trying to disrupt their armor. Committing the Tie Defenders and Interceptors into the fight alongside the rest, they set areas around the 22nd ablaze in a fiery inferno. The one true advantage of not committing any space assets was they were all here instead.

Summary of Actions:

Remaining Swarmsurge forces move to building cover—militia rout.
Infantry dig in and hold the line against Syd Celsius and the 22nd tanks.
Medium tanks push up to support the infantry.
The 102nd Fighter and bombers take heavy losses from Syd's powerful display.
The 102nd remaining fighters shift focus to Gress D'ran's 22nd tanks.
The Artillery start to get picked off.
Artillery will coordinates fire with Thomas Barran when requested.
Artillery are under attack by Ashley's special forces, with fast craft attempting to assist.
Thomas Barran is asked to help secure the artillery, Pious asked to help flank Syd or Gress, and Mercy to help in the sky!
Mandalorians ride a worm; dad jokes about the worm turning ensue.

One Sith 5th Army Group Forces:

777th Codex Legion:
Commanders Codenames: Vanquisher, Equinox, Trace, and Ironbreaker.
Archetype: Mythos, Nyx, James Justice, and Rohlan Verd Clones.

4400/5000 7th Loyal Sons and Daughters, Infantry Assault Brigade
210/250 Mobile Mortars-3

460/500 14th Faceless First, Reconnaissance and Sniper Battalion
45/50 ULAV

21st Duradogs Armored Brigade
141/150 x OS Blastail MC1 Medium Tanks
42/50 Heavy Imperial Repulsortanks
44/50 Heavy Artillery Turbo Lasers and indirect fire AV-7's
44/50 AT-AA Anti Air Walkers
19/25 AT-AT Transport Walkers
24/25 HCVw A9 Ground Transports

102nd Midnight Echelon Fighter Division:
115/200 Modernized Tie Fighters
60/100 Modernized Tie Bombers
50/50 Modernized Tie Interceptors
25/25 Modernized Tie Defenders

Irregular Forces

Variable Numbers of Sithwatch Militia: Routed
Commanded by: You, the oppressed people of Coruscant.

S-11 Swarmsurge Terminus Forces (All Non-Infectious)
800/2000 Surge Drones and Energy Leeches
80/200 Magma Keepers
9/25 Tank Eaters
8/10 Hive Convergencies – Individuals as Hive Nodes
1/5 Surge Worms Captured
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Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:





Units in Reserve: The entire might of Strill Securities' naval assets. All too far to respond.
Ally Tag(s): Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus | Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian Protectors and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Scylla AI Scylla AI | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Kroeger Kroeger | Dark Empire and Allies




Coruscant. Nyles hadn't been back to Coruscant in almost a decade. Last time he was here, he was meeting a client on the company's behalf. Trade convoy protection contract. He remembered the day quite clearly. He'd attended the meeting and then bought a sandwich from some famous diner to see what all the fuss was about. It was a good sandwich, not worth the fuss. Happier times. He wondered if that diner was still open, or haran, if it was still intact. Maybe a sandwich wasn't a bad idea after all this, it'd be on the GA's credits after all.

They'd made the jump a while ago, but it had taken them time and ordnance to punch through enough of the Dark Empire's fleet to even get close enough to help. His ships were far from agile and while they'd made a good account of themselves thus far, they certainly hadn't gotten there before the planetary shields fell. Now ships were raining on the former capital like monsoon rains on Breshig. Akaan Butu'r Drego Ruus Drego Ruus and the other Mando'ade on the surface could likely use some support and sure as haran he was not going to leave them without that support if he could help it. The Alliance fleet clearly had enough of a handle on things.

The vibration of the deck beneath his feet that alerted him to the fact that the Morut's main battery was discharging completely snapped him out of his momentary musing. Another Dark Empire vessel vanished from the tactical display. There were threats still in sensor range, but the Morut's gunnery officer and the other vessels in the formation were already tracking and engaging. None of them were a big enough threat that Nyles needed to particularly focus their efforts on the elimination of any one target or group of targets. Every captain knew what their objective was and even as they engaged enemy vessels that presented as targets of opportunity, the main focus was still on getting into range to provide support for their vode.

"Emri, what's our ordnance looking like?" he asked without looking up from the main tactical display, his hands flying across the interface to query the same from the other ships.

Emri's answer came as the system began displaying total remaining ammunition for the other vessels, "Forty percent total ammunition load spent, mostly mass-driver rounds. Fresh stocks have already been pulled from the magazines, the guns are cycling at a stable operating temperature. The Morut's not done giving them haran, vod."

"Jate," said Nyles with a proud smile. He'd been through haran and back with not just his crew, but also with the ship. "Gett, get me Akaan Butu'r Ruus." Gett's acknowledgement signal flashed once in the corner of his HUD before the ever familiar connection status icon flashed into existence on his HUD, "Akaan Butu'r Ruus, this is Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an Kote on the Darasuum Morut. We're on station for support, just give the word. We'll keep anyone from interrupting you."

Sol Dara Sol Dara

She still had no words. Even growing up here, Coruscant's upper levels had a detachment to them; the duracrete spires, sterile walkways, and demarcated housing. But her home it was, and seeing the fires, hearing the blasts, she hardly felt empty. A strange pain and helplessness filled her.

She didn't have the expertise in military matters to say how the battle was going. She took pictures anyways. Mandalorians taking down Imperial walkers, artillery barrages battering Alliance positions, starfighters weaving between skyscrapers. There was fighting near where she lived -- she wondered if she'd ever see her apartment again. Snap.

A pair of X-wings dueled TIEs less than a kilometer away, briefly dipping behind the complex across from hers. A laser blast shook the building; she very nearly lost her camera over the side, snatching the strap before it could tumble hundreds of meters to the street below.

Then one of the X-wings flamed out, struck the side of the building. The tremor sent her over the side, barely holding onto the smooth railing. A TIE followed, the explosion making the entire building groan and tip -- and her, lose her grip on the side. Her scream cut through the din of distant battle.

Heading northeast, Drego knew better than to stay still for too long. His speeder allowed him to weave between the low slums, engaging troopers as he saw fit with Solar Ionizing Cannons.

Suddenly, he heard the crack of atmosphere being pierced, and a voice over the radio.

"Akaan Butu'r Ruus, this is Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an Kote on the Darasuum Morut. We're on station for support, just give the word. We'll keep anyone from interrupting you."

"Bukia Vod, Mhi ne'waadas gaa'tayl koor ti ibac tracyaat, nynir etid ti biuk gar liser." It was all they could do at this point. The GADF were going to counterattack any time now, and they needed the artillery taken out before they did. Those special forces behind the lines could definitely need it.

Eyes below, Drego spotted some civilian near a bunch of stormtroopers. Manda knows what they'd do to her.

Diving down, Drego's speeder opened up with solar ionization cannon bolts, opening up with one last salvo of firestorm missiles aimed at an approaching cataphact tank, before he dove right to ground level, smashing the hull into a crowd of stormtroopers, and ejecting as the hull sped right past Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus , the Warmaster flying through the air, before he landed with the sound of a thunderclap right in front of a Darktrooper, Unloading 4 rounds of depleted barradium pellets into his chest, before looking to the woman. She seemed to only be wearing a top and some jeans.

"You okay, lady?" He asked plainly. "War's on. You know how to fly an airspeeder?"



Engaging: Kroeger Kroeger Darth Defias Darth Defias Mars Raynor Mars Raynor Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Scylla AI Scylla AI
Allies: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Current 34th Loadout:
Command Company(Set up outside the Senate Building:
x2 Sphinx Command Walkers
x3 Anti-Air Equipped Lynx APCs
Firestorm Company(Set up facing East, Tigers are scattered in ambush):
x6 Thundercat Assault Walkers
x9 Tiger Medium Walkers
x6 Puma IFVs
Thunderstorm Company(Set up facing South):
x2 Tiger Command Walkers
x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
x6 Panthac Light Repulsor Tanks
x7 Puma IFVs
x3 Squads of Marines
Krayt Artillery Platoon
x6 Screaming Falcon Arty Walkers
Midnight Train Support Platoon (Set up with Command Company)
x2 Ziio LAAT
x2 Roc Drop Ships
x4 Cheetah Scout Speeders
Helldiver Marine Company (Split between Firestorm and Thunderstorm)
See 34th Codex Sub

Battle Map(Updated):
Gress watched as the Mandalorian Battlecruiser parked itself in atmo. That was a boon he wasn't expecting, but not one he would turn down. The tide was turning.

Time to hit back.

"Command to Thunderstorm, I want a push through the enemy lines. Cut the mawites off from their arty. Krayt, counterbattery their southern battery while Thunderstorm moves up."

<Copy! Thunderstorm moving forward!>

<Copy Command, Zeroing in now.>

The sound of what could only be described as a volcano going off rung through the air as 36 ion batteries ripped through the air, towards the enemy artillery. Even if it didn't kill the batteries, it would silence them for a bit. Gress watched with a calm tapping of his fingers on his armrest, as he looked to his officer adjacent to him. "Fire forward batteries at the Mawite lines. Soften them up for boys. Both Thunder and Hammer."

"Aye sir."

The next eruption of sound was the rocking of the walkers. Four volleys of turbolaser fire rocked the air, followed by another eight smaller ones, aimed straight at the eastern flank of the Maw lines. Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad could feel the ground shake as they made impact.

Next came the mortars from the Tigers and Panthacs, first firing the new Thundara mortar rounds, which first released a massive set of clouds as they streaked to the ground, then unleashing massive EMP bursts into the area. Aimed at tank formations and infantry, they were mostly meant to disable enemy anti-armor. Then firing heavy HE rounds into formations. It was a symphony. A coordinated strike meant to break the back of the enemy.

Finally, the push came. Pumas unleashed more CHOMP rockets into the remaining AT-ATs, before opening up with mass driver autocannons, firing smaller armor piercing seigerium rounds into remaining tanks, while Panthacs pushed forward using buildings as cover as they engaged enemy infantry with chain lasers, and enemy tanks with Hammer Turbolasers. Supporting Marines pushed forward, backing Syd Celsius Syd Celsius 's men behind them.

The objective was simple. Cut the Maw off from the Imperials.


"Airspeeders incoming!" Greybeard called out, as Campfire loaded and hefted his rocket launcher, immediately firing on the ultra-lite speeders. Old tech from the clone wars wasn't going to do much against rockets designed to take down Mandalorians. Still, the troopers of Phoenix platoon started opening up with grenade launchers and blaster rifles, the ammo bearers hitting with heavy Claws, while the men went for cover. Whatever they could find, they could use.

Then came the Faceless.

Ashley looked to Fresh Face as he set up.

"You got this soldier." She said with a calm voice as he started opening up suppressive fire as the hundreds of enemy combatants started pouring out of the buildings below They were in spitting distance of the damn arty walkers, and Gress D'ran Gress D'ran had just hit the other ones.

Now they needed to take these out.

"Dragon, hold the line. Wizard, we're bounding forward. Dominos, I'm stealing Giggles."

<Copy Firebird. Giggles is with you.>

"Paladin, you're with Dragon. Keep those old birds out of our skyline."

The entirety of Dragon Squad set up quick, Bobcats backing them and engaging ULAVs as they came.

Elsewhere, Ashley pushed forward with Wizard. She heard Hardcore crack a joke as she bashed a trooper's face in with their Rex Axe. She could see them. The walkers they needed to destroy. 16 of the damn things, ready to blow the Hellstompers out of the of the Water. She rushed forward with Giggles and Shotgun, Fresh Face providing cover fire as they leapt off a platform, and into the fray. She watched as Shotgun took a blaster bolt to the shoulder, shrugging it off and firing back with a Thunderfist. She was sure they were wounded, but it wouldn't matter until they regrouped. As they approached the first walker, a ULAV buzzed them, Ashley swinging around with her Underbarrel Snarl and firing into it, the HEAT round flying right through the glasteel and exploding inside, sending the beast down into the durasteel platform below. There was no true ground on Coruscant, and part of her wondered if they could just drop the platform they were on rather than destroy the individual walkers. No, too much work.

As the engineers got to work, Ashley looked over to DJ.
"Word on Rainmaker?"

"Just set up. Where we need 'em?"

"Thank god. Have 'em start shelling the supporting infantry. Even if we don't damage the walkers, it'll be good to take crews out."

A moment later, both engineers came out, giving Ashley a tap on the shoulder.

They needed to move.

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The surviving Talon commandos linked up with their commander Minerva and the platoon of Mandalorian Protectors now with them. Those not shot out of the air kept moving as they fired at hostiles changing up between running on roofs or ground to back to flying. Due to their unit being only a company size their greatest advantage was mobility combined with aggression. Using the ruins and smoke wrought by the giant worm's wake they pressed on deeper into the flank of the Mawite line weakened and rendered chaotic by the earlier rampage. Hopping onto what once a penthouse by its left balcony Minerva reloaded her particle rifle with a fresh clip.

She heard the salvos of enemy batteries then noted green lighting in the sky. The warrior grunted, suspecting some kind of cultist involvement. Ignoring it she leaped off the balcony, activating her jetpack once more. Joined by comrades and allies alike they kept going shooting at targets of opportunity amongst the rubble below. Minutes later she landed amongst five Mawities trying to get their bearings after coming out of a destroyed apartment store.

She spun around scorching them alive with her wrist flamethrower before flying away, letting them burn as they shrieked their dying breaths. Landing on the roof of a half collapsed office complex with a number of her group before the very ground shook. It was the Alliance' artillery barrage that finally killed the last giant worm as well. Soon they all received word.

The Hellstompers were on the offensive!

Getting intel on their location and informed on new available fire support from an arriving Mandalorian cruiser Minerva didn't need to be a scholar to know what to do.

"What the word vod?" One Clan Warrior asked amongst his fellows and the commandos. Minerva quickly answered.

"Press the attack in spread out formation. Use the high ground and altitude against them as we move. I want snipers and spotters to mark enemy walkers and any large enemy concentration for our fire support above. Now let's move it!”

Ascending forth they went forth into the air, pressuring the left flank with mobile ambushes. As instructed Talons snipers went to high points they could find available and search for targets. Inri the top sharpshooter in the company hiding out in a restaurant spire spotted a battalion worth of Mawities regrouping southeast from her position. With her Mandalorian spotter she gave the coordinates and the Mando messaged Nyles' battle cruiser with the intel.





~All of that green and yellow, that drip from your eyes is tellin'~

OBJECTIVES: I. Broadcast the propaganda from the Coruscant Broadcasting Center; II. Bomb the explosive cache
TAG: Nero Drake Nero Drake


The grenade’s explosion managed to stunned the group of men gathering around the violent scene, a couple of them down from the explosion impact while others didn’t manage to take a good cover before they’re mowed down by our Imperial blaster rifle as we make an advance towards the center of the battlefield. It’s supposed to be a disproportionate fight, the Empire’s finest hands facing these so-called Dark Star Hellions, scums and thugs, yet they are in a location familiarity and number advantage to close the gap. Men down and all, they managed to secure cover and started shooting back at our direction.

<COVER!> I shouted on our private comms, and soon enough Sunspot, Hellboy, and Vapaad peppered the targets with volleys of blaster shots, allowing Brutus, Rosé, and I to take a closer cover. Meanwhile, XO and Tress Way advanced on each flank, making their way to form a wide 5-1-2 formation. It worked for a very short while, until several of the thugs threw molotovs towards our area.

A few managed to be shot on air, the rest connected on the ground, covering the backside with fire. Ghost Trooper gear were designed to be fire-proof, yet systems malfunctions happened time to time under immense pressure, and this is one of those times. <MINOR MALFUNCTION, REQUESTING MANUAL DOUSE!>

<COVER!> XO, Brutus, Rosé, and Hellboy raised from their cover to distract the criminals with blaster shots, while I and Vapaad manually extinguished Sunspot’s burning gear. One crisis down, but it’s far from the end of all this.


Karkin’ hell. This isn’t what supposed to happen. We’re not going to get anywhere closer to our mission staying here with this endless horde of lunatics.


With the squad slowly moving to make it deeper and moving towards our targets, the rabid, drugged up horde is following right behind, the rear end of the formation, Rosé and I escalated with our gauntlets’ flamethrowers, burning the Niktos and Klatooinians, while Brutus cleared up the rest with his rifle.

You know what really sticks from this encounter for me? The way their eyes shifted from a violent, drugged-up frenzy, to a look of agonising terror, so quickly, in just split-seconds, when the burning heat finally overwhelmed their adrenaline.


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