Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder looked back to where his friend perished, only to find all that was left was his armor. Marauder walked to his friend's armor and knelt down for a moment to grieve.

He gathered the pieces and arranged them how one would wear it. Marauder turned his head to the orange and grey helmet. He picked it up from the rubble and brushed off the gravel, observed the helmet for a short while, then stuck one tracker on every section, then placed it along with the other pieces of beskar. Marauder looked one more time before burying it under rubble to conceal it from thieves or Imps "Goodbye, Jaro."

Marauder jolted up when he heard a nearby explosion. He forgot for a second he was in a war. "We need to move." Marauder told his remaining vod. "Right." One of his vod replied. Marauder drew his blaster rifle and took a sniping position on a hill of rubble. The other Mandalorians watched for any Imps or hopefully not, sith. From what he could see, it was a platoon of GA troops getting outgunned by the Empire. "Not for long." Marauder said to himself.
Sol Dara Sol Dara
She took enough breaths to stop shaking. Not enough to stop wheezing. The Jedi, of course, recovered a bit faster.

"Are you... Are you alright?"

"Hi," she said. In an attempt to stop being an idiot, she made a joke. "No, I'm Halsia."

She didn't laugh about it.

Her hands grasped the camera, still somehow around her neck. The strap had stayed, through the fall and the mad dash down. All her other equipment was probably crushed or splatted.

"Um- the, uh, the shelter- nearest one's..." she realized she had no idea where she was, in this random tiny alley in a neighbourhood she'd been to twice. "Um... on- on- Solo and- five-fourteenth- there's an entrance..."

That was her route out, but she honestly had no idea what direction they'd need to head in to get there, or if that even was the closest shelter now. "What- um- what should- I do? Haa."


Commander Sara "Roach" Roche
222nd Nova Corps, 314th (Augmented) Battalion, Corps Strategic Reserve -- Seconded to Coruscant Defense Command

Objective: OBJ III
Equipment: GAVA Starwolf Marine Armour, GALMG Beak, GAHP Roundhouse, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Location: Strongpoint J-185-7, between Republic Boulevard and Alliance Plaza. Eastern Junction of the Senate District
ALLIES: Rolin Voss Rolin Voss , Gress D'ran Gress D'ran anyone who wants to repel Empire attacks on the east of the Senate District
ENEMIES: Roxy Rizzan Pious Tapp Pious Tapp , those who stand in the way of liberty


The assault was like a hammer blow, followed by another, and another.

They'd brought the full course- armour, artillery, infantry, attempted close-air support. But in their dug-in positions, the augmented 314th Battalion of infantry, marines, second-line tanks and rear echelon services held the line while the rest of the battle swirled to the south. Their pre-sighted mortars were raining hell on the advancing Stormies and assorted black-clad sorcerers of the Empire, and every building worth a damn was peppered with snipers, machine guns, and booby-trapped for good measure.

And yet, they kept moving forward. Battalion HQ, placed on a fortified concrete 'hill' was placed on the forward lines so Sara could coordinate better, and even this was at risk of being overrun.

"We are close to being overrun-"

"Maintain positions! Keep them fixed in front of us! I'm sending relief your way." The reserves were stretched thin- this reserve squad sent to flank a stormtrooper platoon caught out of position would be one of the last at hand. A blaster bolt cracked nearby and Sara reared up from the command console, firing her blaster cannon in the general direction.

"Commander! Scouts have returned from the northern sector!" She hunkered back down and looked the bloodied soldier over.

"Take a breather, Corporal. Sitrep."


"Recon by fire shows the enemy is sparse at the junction here, between the north and east columns. There's heavy fighting by scattered units around the Arena, but nothing as much as the heavy columns down to the south."


Sara nodded, and kept her head down as she moved behind the barricades to the TACCOM high-power radio. She'd refrained from using it too much during the battle, lest the signal be traced and accurate artillery fire take out the command post, but this was a fleeting opportunity.

<<Strongpoint J-185 to any Alliance mobile units in the eastern sector, we need back up! Enemy columns are exposed on the flank but we can't exploit in our current positions. J-185 to Alliance mobile units, do you read? Broadcasting vectors now.>>

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Achan Jaikavi

Frustration and annoyance washed over Achan’s face in a rare tell of his true emotions. He glanced out the windows of his office one last time and looked to the billowing smoke on the horizon. Homes burned. Businesses were in flames. People fled to the skies or to the sewers, both likely suffering increasingly horrifying fates. He could just leave them here.

”Master Jedi,” he said. His tone was unlike any she would have heard before. His voice almost quivered. Almost.

“As the Force is to your order, so are Coruscantis to me. Without them. I am nothing.”

It was a startling statement, and even dangerously close to showing his own prejudice against Force-empowered sentients - those he called the Blessed.

“I would sooner fall upon my sword than flee in this hour. And if capture does seem likely, it will be my recourse.”

He did not await a reply now, but instead walked to the door with blaster drawn. His commanding tone returned. “You speak like we have lost the battle…how is that one accused of terrorism towards your kind has more faith in your abiliies than you do?”

His door slid open and he stepped out into the hallway. If she wanted to protect this Senator she would have to do so with saber drawn while pressing forward into the fray.

Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi
On My Way To The Netherworld

[Entering from Chapter Two]


Cordelia watched as Corban piloted the yellow speeder low to the ground, and he said,
“Grab the weapon in the back!”
The Speeder weaved around debris and burning vehicals, Cordelia reached in the baxk to grab a great big Blaster, the barrel was almost has long as her torso and neck. The weapon had a mount, which Corban said,
“Affix it to your side wall, and let em have it!”

The Daughter of Light attached the mounts which had screws that with a button dug into the other yellow and inner brown leather. She pulled up the handles on a rail system that let her turn the barrel even to back of the speeder. Passing for Dark Troopers, she set the sights and said,
I am One With The Force..”
Corban finishing it, “and the Force is One with me!”

With that she opened fite, the kick made the barrel go upward and shoot out windows of skycraper’s lower windows.
Corban said,
“Steady yourself.. lean into the shots.”

Cord did as he siad and barrel began to fire great bolts this time hitting a contingent of enemy troopers ans dropping them like womp rats. Some returning fire came from another battalion that Cordelia aimed at and let fly bolts that tore them apart, she let out a loud cry.

Corban smiled, “Great shots! Keep at it!”

She kept up the fire when swoops came rounding a corner in pursuit, Cordelia turned the rail to tue back and said,
We have prusuers!”

She fired a trail of red fire on them, but the more nimble bikes evaded the shots, and fired there own, some hitting the passenger side thruster which slowed the speeder down. Cord laid down surpressing fire as the swoops sped up, Cord nicked one which made it spin and hit debris and turn into a ball of flame.

One swoop came alongside and thrusted an electostaff at her, she pointed the barrel but it was shocked and smoked, so she reached for her saber on her belt and lit the cyan kyber as she dodged the jabs of this jouster. She cut at him with the back of her blade, making him turn right into a burning tank and boom!

The Daughter of Light examined the turrent, it was shorted.
Well so much for that!”

Corban smirked. Cordelia cut the side of her door off and as thwy passed by soldiers she atuck out her blade and it cut some in half, other it tore there legs off.
Corban shouted,
“Now this is Podracing!’ Haha!” (Anakin quote)

Cordelia saw some GA Troops gathering, and pointed, which The Jedi Knight said,
“They do not need our help..”

There was loud thunder and bolt struck the speeder in the front engine that made it smoke, another broke the glass with a echo.

Corban shouted,
“Sniper! Get to cover!”

A third shot hit him in the arm, and he fell out. Cordelia fled to a nearby structure, there she ascended some stairs when she noticed Corban wasn’t with her. She looked back as yellow speeder caught fire, Corban leaned against it when another bolt echoed. She mastered her fear and ran back, diving when another shot rang, hitting just over her head. She grabbed Corban and said,
Come on! We gotta go!”

Corban looked at her,
“Leave me! You cannot get clear without killing us both.”

She grabbed him and began to hoist him on her side,
You saved me! I am not leaving you! ‘The Force fights with us!” (Bastila Shan quote).

She helped him him run from the burning speeder when another bolt discharged and it suddenly redirected from hitting them, the sniper fired another, and this one also missed, making the shooter pause firing. Cordelia and Corban got up the stairs and sat against a half wall, catching their breath.
Cordelia punched his good shoulder, “ow what was that for?!”

She replied,
Where was your faith?! You are a Jedi Knight! And I had to
drag you to safety!”

Corban chuckled,
“Would have been glorious to die on this battlefield.. to go down in the annals of the Jedi Order as one ‘who sacrificed all for his home.”

Cordelia shook her head,
What are you a fatalist?! Get your head in the fight!
She slapped him, then again, and the third time he caught her hand and he pressed his lips against hers which made her blush in her cheeks and her big eyes tremble and look as glass twinkling like shards in sunlight.

Corban drew her lips back and smirked,
“Thank you for saving me.”

Cordelia was rather stunned as they sat there. She had only ever kissed one other guy, and so the experience still was dizzying.


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder looked down at the battlefront and looked for any weak links in the Imperial platoons. He zoomed his scope on five troopers behind some E-Web heavy repeating blasters, easy targets he thought. Marauder zeroed in on the middle E-Web power generator, centered the sights, and squeezed the trigger. A red glowing bolt zoomed out from the barrel at the battery, exploding it while setting off a chain reaction that made the other batteries erupt in flames, killing the squad of stormtroopers and two nearby captains.

"On to the next one." Marauder said to himself. He searched for any other Imperial targets to take out. He surveys the area and spots an ATST. He grimaces at the machine, reminding him too soon after what just happened with his last encounter with them.
Marauder took it upon himself to take it down. He observed it closely, hoping to find any vulnerability to exploit. Then the side of it got hit with an explosion, leaving just the weak spot Marauder needed.

He zoomed in again and focused on the exposed drive engine, Marauder pinpointed the shot and fired at the walker. Yet it still functioned, He pulled the trigger again, the machine still stood but was slowing down. "C'mon, one more!" he said as he aimed down his sights on the component, PEW. The ATST fell down on its side, rendering it inoperable. Marauder's vod cheered.

Underneath his helmet, Marauder smiled. "All right, all right, settle down." He announced. "We need to regroup with the rest of our unit, sounds like they need help defending the eastern side of the senate building. Marauder called the other half of the vod to regroup at the east side of the senate.
"NO MERCY!" One of The Clone Offense Troopers yelled as they viciously assaulted the positions of the other stubborn clones, backed up by assault flyers and Clone Gunships.

A Stubborn lot, eager for the death raining down on them. The Offense Clones had quickly learned to start sixty-sixing (As in, surround a particularly dangerous target and shoot them from all sides until the target dies or the shooters do) any Mythos Clone they encountered, as well as the Verd and Nyx Clones. They lost one or two in the attempts on occasion, because the Mythos clones were deadly up close, and the Clones, for all their clever use of Squad Tactics and focused aggression and viciousness, did poorly in melee except at the most basic fist fights, which often forced them to go for headshots at close range on burst or full auto...single shots could not reliably penetrate the modern materials their helmets were using, through they had enough impact they were at least useful in knocking them back to deliver follow up shots. But the bombardment was brutal. Over 700 Offense and Defense Troopers lost their lives in the mutual bombardment, not just to the 777th, but the deadly, murderous forces of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran who even now pressed in on them at all corners despite Clones standing to the last, surrounded by piles of dead before they themselves were inevitably torn apart in close combat by skilled, sadistic bands of warriors who knew even less fear and mercy than, admittedly, the Clones themselves did. But the Clones, even as their armor was rapidly penetrated by modern weapons, stubbornly now fought both the 777th and the Scar Tribes, adjusting their squad tactics to the most desperate, vicious levels to force their enemies to kill them to a man, Clones taking on horrible mutants, warriors adorned in the skulls and scalps of their foes, often armed with nothing but a nearly empty carbine, a final grenade, or often just their bare fists, to throw themselves at nightmarish enemies taken aback (though sometimes only momentarily by the Narrator's own admission) by an individual Clone's ferocity, scoring unexpected kills on much larger and more deadly opponents simply by going all in, with no thought or hope given to their own survival, only to the primordial urge to KILL THE ENEMY. DESTROY. DESTROY ROBINSON FAMI--

(Narrator snaps out of Random Irwin Allen flashbacks with severe nosebleeds)

(Narrator promptly vomits in bucket without explanation)


The Kytrand Offense Trooper Clones pressed on, closing in closer and closer to their enemies defenses in spite of their constant bombardment, and losses, crawling over the dead, pulverized bodies of their own, making sand bags of both their corpses and the enemy's just to have a temporary barricade to shoot from and press the attack more, refusing to relent or retreat as much as the Defense Troopers utterly refused to give up ground unless killed, occasionally forcing their enemies to resort to overwhelming force to kill one, and thus making them waste ammo.

The Assault Flyers launched missiles and laser salvos at entrenched positions before a charge, individual troopers hurling grenades into nests. But the enemy Clones just seemed to dig in further, refusing to the Kytrand Clones refused to relent, fully committed to killing the enemy at all cost, coordinating better on all fronts with actual Alliance Forces. As Nathan had predicted, there was simply no time to really start questioning who was helping them as The Clones aggressively supported units like those of Gress D'ran Gress D'ran with gunship support and what Artillery and Sniper Fire They could spare, while doing their best to distract the enemy so friendly Mandalorians like Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad could get the kill

There was a ringing in the ears of OT-1128 as he ducked a fired Missile that turned a Squad behind him of twenty into pink mist and chunky salsa.

"Man , feth this! We need tanks!" He yelled at his squadmate.

"Thanks Captain Obvious!" the Squadmate shouted back, getting on the Comlink.

"Rancor 2. This is Ghost Kitty, Repeat, Ghost Kitty requesting tank support in Sector G-U-7." the Squadmate spoke.

"Uh, negative, Ghost Kitty, all local tanks are currently preoccupied..." came the Voice at the other end...

"CHIT!" the Squad Member yelled as a powerful mortar strike nearby knocked him down.

"I need Heavy Artillery, then!"

"Be advised, impact point is Danger Close." The Mission Coordinator on the other end advised.


"Stand by."

Thick Heavy Booms issuing from nearby buildings made them both break cover and run.

The blast turned the street ahead of them into a carnage filled fiery wasteland. It had been shiny, once, like all the upper level stuff. Now this area wouldn't have looked out of place on Raxus Prime.

As the bombers and other fighters fell from Syd's earlier attack that had lit the sky started crashing into the buildings and streets below, 1128 spotted a Seeker Rail Detonator clutched in the hand of one of his fallen brothers and picked it up. These weapons were among the only ones in the Offense Troopers arsenal that could reliably do significant damage on the first shot to multiple opponents, and he grabbed it, checked it's clip. Five shots left. Enemy Jamming Equipment would block it's rounds tracking ability, but anything it was dumb-fired at would still be hit.

"You look like you boys are having a tough day!"

1128 looked up and felt a sense of relief wash over him as he spotted a fair skinned, well built woman with dark hair in an elaborate bun and a grey catsuit with a green band of color around the waistline walking up.

It was one of their army's Clone Ashla Healers. A Force User. Not a hair out of place amidst the carnage. It was eerie at times.

"Hey boys! Angel among us!" 1128 called out to his surviving Squadmates.

"Well there's a relief..." his Brother who had called in the Artillery Strike, 1129 said. "We'll die with only the minor cuts fixed."

"I have bad news. Epsilon has been triggered." The Healer explained in a Coruscant accent. "The whole Battlefield is gonna get real ugly, real quick when Phase One starts."

"The Boss seems to think a comprehensive approach is gonna be the go to option. Enemy seems to think it too." 1129 muttered, scavenging an intact Armor Piercing Grenade from an Offense Trooper's corpse.

"Well Epsilon is gonna be comprehensive alright. The same way a meteor strike is." The Healer answered with a frown.

1128 didn't press it. The Clone Healers and Clone Knights had objected to the original implementation of Epsilon on Humanitarian Grounds in it's original form (Mainly because it had involved a merciless implementation of Nexus trained to carry swords in their teeth like that giant wolf from Dark Souls, Thousands of tons of toxic waste mixed with fuel, and, for some sick Troll reason on Syd's part, catapults tossing mounds of spoiled sandwiches at the invading forces). Nathan had been forced to compromise to lower it to a level of brutality that might be looked down on but not necessarily inexcusable. (And also because Syd's idea of the spoiled sandwiches on the catapults was stupid AF and immediately recognized for the trolling nonsense it was.)

"We must withdraw to better defended lines then." 1129 advised.

"Withdraw...I'm an Offense Trooper. I hate withdrawing!" OT-5439 complained hefting his DC-15A on a makeshift sling with some basic gyro stabilizers, set to burst fire.

"But Epsilon is gonna be awesome!" 1128 said. "Positive attitude, Troopers! Don't let our evil counterparts see you sweat!"

The Squad, several in total including them, all gathered up and began to retreat to Site Bravo. As they crossed streets that looked like that burrito you left too long in the microwave, they saw Skyscrapers filled with their Clone Brothers taking heavy fire, and eventually exploded by the Merciless Mawite war machine, Barran's Forces crawling, inching over territory like a spreading disease The Offense and Siege Troopers coordinating what Artillery of theirs remained in that area to fight the Mawite Scum advancing. Those buildings collapsed from merciless bombardment or exploded. Shots rang out constantly in the air. And everywhere the chanting of Mawite warriors could be heard in the chaos of War.

They were thriving here.

That had to end.

A shot rang out. Slugthrower. One of the James Justice Clones in a High Rise. The bullet went right through one of their helmets and the Clone fell dead, forcing the others behind cover on the streets.

"You see them?" The Healer whispered as she kept her head behind a destroyed vehicle.

1128 crawled on the ground by a wrecked repulsor truck, peaked his head out very slightly---and the bullet that followed struck and blasted off a piece of his helmet, but miraculously only grazed his scalp. He fell back, scrambling to avoid the deadly follow up shot that penetrated the entire truck. No sound, just like the last shot.

The Healer began chanting in Dathomiri, and a spectral flock of flaming birds materialized swirling around the area the team was in and obscuring the Sniper's Vision. 1128 and the others scrambled over to her new position, huddling next to her... except for one, who the Justice Clone nailed by spotting his head through the flock of flaming ghost birds for just a half second, killing him instantly.

"I really hate their Sniping Clones." 1129 complained.

"Covering fire, 39!" 1129 ordered.

5439 hefted his DC-15A and fired through the spectral flock in bursts while the rest of the surviving team crossed a bridge that led directly into the high rise. Any surviving troops this way we're in danger from the Sniper. He had to be taken out.

The interior gave away it had been some sore of condominium high rise for rich snobs, with gaudy taste in art. The area was rife with dead, the walls sprayed with gore.

And it was dark AF.

1128 turned on the small light system attached to his helmet, giving a small, weak red cone of light and he took point, the Healer close behind him.

The Clones stuck tight to their bros but not too tight they couldn't maneuver. Most of the Offense Clones on Coruscant had been armed with DC Carbines and Rail Detonators as a primary weapon. Only a few had been armed with the 15A as it was determined to best leave it with Snipers and those using it as a SAW due to the primarily Urban Warfare taking place across the area surrounding the Senate, which the Kytrand Clones and Nathan had made part of a borderline supervillain-like scheme to kill a ton of enemy combatants.

A Verd Clone armed with a Plasma Cannon erupted from cover in the bloody passages from a lobby room and every one dived, just barely evading the powerful bolt that would have insta-gibbed them at such ranges, in such enclosed spaces, His ears popped from the blast and there was an overpowering ringing in everyone's ears as 1128 fired his tail detonator and gibbed the shooter into a burnt, sloshing mess from a face shot, the blast wave of which was instinctively blocked by a Force Bubble conjured by the Healer.

They rose up, and came under fire from a hoard of Nyx and Mythos clones, bursts of fire lighting up the passages in a staccato fashion.

(John Wick Medley Plays)

The interior erupted in a chaotic mix of attack and retreat, blaster flashes lighting up the darkness as even the Healer got involved in the fight, using her Ion Relic Pistol to engage the various Nyx Clones. Unlike the Carbines carried by her allies, her Pistol actually could punch through the center mass of their armor in one to two shots, whereas everyone else needed three to five shots due to how behind the times their carbines were when it came to penetrating modern materials. The Offense Clones, as per their combat doctrine, responded to aggression with aggression pressing forward with repeated suppressive burst of their carbines in a highly coordinated counter assault that addressed combatants coming at them from all sides, constantly moving, the Healer aiding them by violently flinging pieces of shrapnel with telekinesis into heads as they charged into the thickest part of the attack force firing relentlessly, actually catching the enemy Clones off guard to the point they actually broke with their own doctrine slightly and attempted a tactical retreat, but the battered, angered team pressed after them relentlessly shooting carefully at their opponents, 1129 tossing that grenade he had found earlier into a cluster and watching the explosion shred a few, opening up the rest to Blasterfire.

The Healer was taking one two to three at once, her gun-fu allowing her to cleverly manipulate them into opening themselves up to kill shots as they fought and charged their way up the emergency staircase, constantly being fired on above and below by determined, stubborn defenders, constantly retaliating with burst fire kill shots aimed at the joints and heads. They burst onto another floor after killing their pursuers and the ones guarding the entrance on the staircase to the next floor...and found themselves under an even more relentless attack on the next. The Healer and 1128 led the fight, he emptying the rest of his Rail Detonator into a few mobs of Mythos and Nyx Clones who had had them dead to rights with the cannons they were holding, she placing headshots like she had some sort of Aimbot cheat turned on.

5439 sprayed the halls and rooms liberally, as the 15A could still reliably penetrate modern materials with relative ease, the armor piercing shots cutting through more than a few.

In thirty seconds, it was decided. Now, only 28, 29, 39, and the Healer had survived and they were nearly out of ammo. 1128 glanced to where he heard a shot, almost quiet. Bingo.

He crept up to the distant room slowly, took out his remaining grenade, and peaked, the Justice Clone trying to kill another Alliance affiliate team in the area. He softly tossed it in and ran as the room exploded five seconds after. He crept back, peaked in. Justice Clone was jelly spread on the walls.

Just then, a comlink message came in from Syd.

"Attention. Phase One Epsilon now in effect, get to cover."

At this, a massive swarm, a super swarm in eight different places, not just here but around the Senate and the temple of the Jedi--flew out of the depths of the underworks, their parts smuggled to Coruscant in the thousands, then millions of parts.

B2 Super Rocket Trooper models in the thousands washed over the battlefield skies, 700 per swarm choking out the light of the sun as they flew above enemy positions even as they were being downed in the dozens by anti aircraft fire.

The rapid fire blaster cannon shots from both arms of the Rocket Droids came down as an endless laser rain over enemy combatants, a cloud of Droids over every major enemy force at play here, raining nothing but blaster cannon fire in the hundreds of thousands of bolts descending close and heavily to where Thomas Barran Thomas Barran would almost certainly be aware as deadly bolts began to slam into enemies, each spiral swarm of rocket battle Droids coordinating their fire as they flew in one massive spiral cloud, still getting shot down as they coordinated fire on problem targets, trying to ruin everyone's day but the Alliance's. Nothing but death lasers rained down from the Droids onto every foe they could target, deliberately avoiding even small concentrations of Alliance Personnel as they blasted away at targets large and small, some even targeting tanks...

And Syd watched it all from above, preparing for the response.

Scylla AI Scylla AI
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~All of that green and yellow, that drip from your eyes is tellin'~

OBJECTIVES: I. Broadcast the propaganda from the Coruscant Broadcasting Center; II. Bomb the explosive cache
TAG: Nero Drake Nero Drake


Horrific. That’s the only word I can use to describe the scene unraveling six feet down the planet’s surface. Endless wave of drugged-up mobs, slaughtered like they animals in factory farms. Those thugs are so out of control that the pain and realisation only hits them when they are a second from death.

This is why the Empire must restore order in the Core Worlds. Organised crime, degeneracy, rampant corruption. Or at least I tried to convince myself.

Our little attempt to escape the battle seems to be not working. For some reason, those thugs are persistent on keeping the chase, even trying to outmanoeuvre our squad.




Anticipating the swoops flank, the squad made it to a two person-wide tunnel one by one, Tress Way leading the way, Brutus protecting the rear.

Despite our lack of information on the tunnel, the smaller area would prevent the swoops from making the flank and decrease the amount of blaster shots we have to face. But something always has to go south, and at this dire time it’s Brutus’ rifle.



It’s a miracle that this happened now instead of before, when we were still more exposed to enemy’s fire. Perhaps there is time for Brutus to fix his rifle while Rosé and I buy him time. That’s if the Hellions haven’t figured another way to outmanoeuvre us and take advantage of our dropping momentum.


//: Coruscant //:
//: En Route to Air Defense Installation Mynock //:
//: Enemies //: Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani //: Ayhan Ayhan //:
//: Attire //:

Coruscant, the diamond of the galaxy. From a political point of view, Quinn understood the desire for the planet. It had an economy and culture and was a way for the Sith to have complete access to the core worlds. It felt like an eternity since the Sith held one of these worlds. If she counted her history right, it wasn't even in her lifetime that they had held onto a gem such as Coruscant. Everything seemed perfectly planned and efficiently executed.

Yet, one thought lingered on her mind. Why?

From her understanding of the Dark Empire, they were born from the ashes of the Brotherhood - a cult-like group that raised chaos across the galaxy. But, as quickly as they rose, they fell. During that time, she was young and hopeful. Her heart and mind focused on the future for her and her paramour. Unlike Vesta, Quinn never saw the galaxy's horrors and shortcomings. She believed that there was something good within the Sith. The Princess sighed heavily as she sat on the transport, listening to the battle orders and plans.

Quinn was more like Spencer than she liked to admit. A voice came over the interface, one she recognized quickly. It made her skin crawl, and frustration threatened to cave in her chest as she glanced toward the viewing screen.

A blonde-haired woman older than Quinn held a striking resemblance to the Princess. They weren't entirely blood-related, though Quinn didn't know that minor detail. Ibaris Varanin had become prolific in the Dark Empire's sphere of influence. A position that Quinn herself wished she had within the Sith Empire. The youngest Varanin seemed to allow herself more often than not to become distracted with tales of the heart. Ibaris, on the other hand, seemed more driven and more like their second mother, Ashin. Quinn hated her because of that slight similarity. To the young estranged Princess of Eshan, she was the rightful heir to the Varanin legacy and the Dark side. She was created by the women she called Mother, unlike Ibaris and yet, Ibaris had some favor with Ashin.

A hand clutched the lightsaber at her side, listening to the message but only seeing their mother. Ibaris embodied Ashin in her Empress of the Empire days while Quinn continued to ride on the coattails. Not today, she whispered to herself. Today, she would prove to Ibaris, their parents, and herself that she was more than a pretty doll.

Quinn left the transport and moved with the rest of the group; they had been dropped off some distance away from their target. It was safe for the transport, and this was to be their escape point. Troops moved in tandem, but she moved ahead on her own. These weren't her people to command; they were not her responsibility. She had her mission, and she would succeed with or without assistance.

The trip had gone without issue. Quinn was able to avoid most conflict, and in a very unsith-like manner, she avoided causing any harm. As she was about to draw closer, there was a loud crack of metal being torn away. The sound was too close for her to feel any sense of comfort. She stood, waiting to see where the craft had crashed. Upon seeing the cloud of black smoke and smelling the explosive fumes, she knew exactly her target.

Moving quickly, she used the cover of the shadows and the other debris that scattered the city planet's streets. Drawing upon the crash site, Quinn groaned. A part of her hoped that they were allies and not obviously Jedi and the Alliance. They were weakened, and they were in her way.

Remaining quiet and hidden, the young woman exhaled, and as she did, she attempted to enter the minds of the troops and the young padawan. A soft, almost haunting melody would echo deep within their psyche, hiding the malicious intent. Their fear and pain fed the darkness within the young Princess. She used her heightened empathic abilities to feed the never-ending hunger.

When the fruit of their minds was ripe, a sharp and sudden spike of dark energy would shake their minds. Her eyes would open, focusing on the young padawan. His blessings of the Force called to her, and the mind shard attack heavily focused on him.

But like animals, an elder was nearby when the young were around. Quinn was ready to face the Master of the boy once they realized he was in danger.
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skin, bone, and arrogance



Natasi's eyes flitted anxiously between the two men, her eyebrows furrowing with concern. Yes, they did need to get out of this building and away from any of the Dark Empire trying to get in. But there other pressing matters. "Agreed," she said solemnly, moving back to the table. "The normal transportation avenues are likely already locked down. And -- " She leaned over the table, surveying the flimsis they had been reviewing and notating. The latest updates to the refugee scheme they were working on, the latest efficiencies and dictums from SELCORE. Not yet digitized and uploaded to SELCORE's servers.

Servers that were localized here, in this building.

She realized she had fallen silent, deep in thought. "Apologies, gentlemen, but a thought occurs to me that even if the invaders don't take us, it seems likely that they will infiltrate this building, at least temporarily." She paused and glanced over her shoulder at the window. "All our plans up to today have been uploaded to the secured Assembly servers; they're mirrored to the servers on Fondor, of course, but that also works in reverse. Think of all that strategic data..." Natasi took a shaky breath and shook her head. "That information must not fall into Imperial hands." Her dark eyes turned to Alicio first. "My first thought is for the plans we have to settle refugees and the supply lines to feed them, but that's not all the data that is stored on those servers. Briefing materials for the Defense Committee, readiness reports, intelligence briefs..." Her eyes went to Calgar then, her face settling into a grim countenance.

"I think you'll both agree that we can't just leave that information sitting here for the Imperials to peruse if they make it into the Senate," she said darkly. "The consequences for the Alliance's efforts would be catastrophic if the Imperials breach that data." She produced her datapad and called up a public of the Senate building, noting her location in Alicio Organa's office. "As I understand it the servers are located in the security area, here," she said, indicating with a manicured fingertip.

"Luckily, the security center is on the northern side of the building -- opposite from where the Imperials as mustering. And if we can get there, who knows what other tricks we can play on them? I'm sure there are automated defenses we could employ to stimy their progress, no? And I'm certain the schematics on hand in the security office would give us a better idea of the layout of the maintenance tunnels as a means of egress. I'm not sure our odds of surviving this are any better in that ancient maze than they would be outside of it."


A thoughtful hum escaped Raphael's lips as he followed along with his fellow Senator's thoughts. A concerned frown began to develop as the intent of her discussion evolved. All valid, but unfortunate points. His own firsthand experience when it came to intelligence data only underscored Natasi's assertions. Securing the data would prove to be paramount - it couldn't be ignored. A quiet sigh of resignation followed by a nod signaled his agreement. There were no two ways about it. Taking a closer look at the diagrams they did have, a plan began to form in the man's mind.

"There are some automated defense systems," he nodded. "But it's little more than a few shield barriers and maybe a security droid contingent or two. Better than nothing I suppose."

Generally the man would have agreed with the senior Senator's thoughts regarding the maze of corridors and tunnels below the tower however, it was likely the Imperials knew just about as much as they did regarding the twists and turns, thus leveling the playing field - a little anyway. Reaching into his small slung satchel, Raphael retrieved a pair of blaster pistols and offered them to the others. "
They're not much, but better than nothing."

He took a moment to peek at the route they'd have to take, noting a few intersections and corridors that might prove a tactical concern. Thankfully, they weren't yet likely to run into any Imperials - or so he hoped. "I'll take point, we'll have to move quickly."

With little else to discuss, Raphael grabbed his own small blaster pistol and stepped into the corridor. Beating feet, he kept a quick but careful pace, eyes scanning, ears listening. Sounds of combat could be heard all around despite the auditory dampeners and flashes of light punctuating each footfall. It was strange, the emptiness of the building. Memories as fresh as the past week saw these corridors filled with representatives and couriers. Now, it was almost haunted. Coming up to a split, Raphael motioned to his right. "This way." He couldn't shake the growing pit in his stomach, something felt off about this whole thing, more than nerves or fear. Something greater, darker, more sinister.


Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.


Tag: Nyles Kote Nyles Kote
"General Visz, this is Strill Securities Fleet Admiral Kote on the Eternal Haven. We're here with the Mandalorian Protectors and are attempting to support operations in this AO."

Almost as if Kad Ha'rangir the kadtape shabuire himself was looking down on him, the ventral quad HAC-03H Heavy Accelerator Cannon turrets began opening up on the targets sent to him earlier. "If it's all the same to you, we'll stay here and continue doing just that," he added, deadpan.
Oh thank god.

"Copy Kote. We've got enemy arty shelling our sphinxes. I need those offline ASAP." With the mandos on their side, there was a chance they would finally achieve true air superiority. "We've got enemy CAS coming in all over the place. If you have fighters to cover those. Other than that, you're free to pick targets. Enemy counter attack on the eastern front is about to hit our armor head on."

Her eyes scanned the battlefield. She still had a line to Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin thankfully.

"Lucas, swing north and push back against the imps. They're trying to break out of the pocket."


10th Sector Armada
2nd Armor Boxer Company
Cougar Tanks
Commander, "Locals Only"
"Free Buffet"
"Cheap Beer"
"Window Lickers"
"Grammar Haterers"
"Loud Keytar"

With: Sara Roche Sara Roche l Gress D'ran Gress D'ran l Lupa Visz Lupa Visz
Moving Against: Roxy Rizzan l Pious Tapp Pious Tapp l DE


<<Strongpoint J-185 to any Alliance mobile units in the eastern sector, we need back up! Enemy columns are exposed on the flank but we can't exploit in our current positions. J-185 to Alliance mobile units, do you read? Broadcasting vectors now.>>


Rolin yelled to his gunner, and to the crew, who promptly executed the deft and well-drilled actions of a long-serving tank crew, who scored a hefty kill in a somewhat large explosion as the tank shell splashed behind cover, completely neutralizing the enemy in their sights.

He turned his head, looking at the TACPAD mounted to the side of the tank, looking at where Commander Roche had broadcasted her vector for support. He looked at his driver, who had already, without prompt, had begun to turn the tank towards that direction.

"Commander Roche, this is Lieutenant Voss of Boxer Company. Six tanks, approaching your Vector now, we will flank."

He turned his comms off, and Boxer company began to speed towards the enemy positions, on their flanks. Rolin turned his head, monitoring the TACPAD that was broadcasting enemy positions. He spoke directly to Boxer. The Cougar's engines roared as Boxer Company sped across the battlefield, shrugging off intermittent blaster fire and narrowly dodging a few missile and rocket attacks, thankfully that went wide.

"This is Lieutenant Voss, we will engage enemy artillery when approaching- we'll free up the support. Standby, we're moving."

He spoke over to Lupa Visz Lupa Visz , hearing her comm chatter about the incoming counter-attack, which Boxer company was set in motion to flank directly on it's axis of approach. Having the Mandalorians- or whoever, he didn't catch who exactly was helping them, engage other targets would be a blessing for the rest of the troops. He'd only call out if they needed them- but hopefully, their gambit would pay off.

"Priority targets are enemy vehicles and mobile artillery, Drivers, focus infantry in open before they can get with co-ax guns."

The Sith could probably feel the rumbling of the tanks- instead of the heavy booms of the steps of the walkers. And with one opening salvo, each tank from Boxer fired in unison at the exposed Sith, then followed up with a barrage of particle cannon fire. Some Sith troops that had pulled early were cut down, but thankfully for the Sith, most of them were still in cover. Boxer Company was headed straight for the enemy mobile batteries and armor support-

And Boxer's tanks were moving fast.


Their escape wouldn't be easy. But with their knowledge of the building, and Alicio's pathfinding abilities...

Natasi spoke, then. At first, Alicio felt his impatience rising- every second they dilly-dallied was another second for the jaws of the Empire to close around them. But when he stopped, and pondered the Republic representative... she was right. He sighed, his frown becoming severe with thought. "We... can't save ourselves and leave the entire Alliance in jeopardy."

SELCORE's records were here. Leaving them would almost guarantee the failure of the GA's entire relief branch. Not to mention tactical reports, details of the Alliance's inner-workings, things that couldn't get into the wrong hands.

Raphael tried to hand the Alderaanian senator a blaster. The former Count raised an eyebrow, and patted his side. One last moment of brevity, before stepping into the fire. "Thank you, but I've got a little more than nothing already." Alicio stared off into nothing for a moment, his gaze becoming distant, sharp with intensity. Then, he nodded. "I'll follow your lead."

Alicio let Senator Calgar take point, finding an easy pace behind him, an unflappable, focused calm behind his eyes. "After getting to the servers, we won't have much time to escape ourselves!" The Future was too chaotic, too turbulent to know anything for sure. But he was confident that whatever tricks they could pull in security wouldn't hold off a dedicated infiltration for long.
"You okay, lady?" He asked plainly. "War's on. You know how to fly an airspeeder?"
The young streetrat would grumble as she picked herself up once more. Now there were bucketheads of two different types on her planet. At least this one seemed to be on the right team! "Oh yeah I fly all the time, are you nuts?! I can't fly that kriffing thing!! And just who in the Hell are you anyway? Some kinda bounty hunter?"

Zandra had heard of Mandalorians before, even seen pictures of them on bounty boards or in books. She still couldn't quite decipher this guy's meaning of being on Coruscant. Being so far in the gutter of the city-world meant being out of the loop on politics. Then again, he did just kill the druk out of a dark trooper. Even with this feat in mind, Zandra crossed her arms over her chest. If she couldn't give this Mandalorian a fight, he'd at least be getting attitude.

"And just why in Hell's bells should I go with you anyway? This is my city! I'm not letting it blown to smithereens without giving a stormtrooper a black eye first!" For all her tough talk, she knew it was pointless. No way she'd be able to even put a dent in the number of troopers trampling her planet. She was just one girl after all, but you could never show weakness in the slums. That was something she learned from an early age.

"So piss off buckethead!" She said rather defiantly, before walking away in a huff. The problem was she didn't even know which direction she was walking in!

Callan Demitte



The Prince’s Shuttle arrived upon Coruscant as great trails of smoke rose from all over the once opulent and bustling city world. The thunder of explosions rang loud, and fighters flew past in formations as they dropped great payloads on the Jedi Temple.

Callan sat enthroned, his eyes closed as he felt the chaos that was teeming all over this great city. Aboard was shippments of spice that his Father insisted be distributed to the masses of civilians hiding in their homes. That is all the Oater thought of, the bottom line as these people suffered. Cal had yet to muster the courage to make a break with this shameful trade as hus sister Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte did. He envied how she had been set free, a true Demitte.

As the Upsilon Class Ship set down on an open road, the ramp unfurled as men of pale complexion, their heads shaved carried black crates on a floating cart, they approached an in tact neighborhood. One of the crates was opened to reveal water, which had traces of spice dissolved in it. Prince Cal descended the ramp in his Gray regal garb and watched as the Peddlers did his Father’s work, his eyes scanned the area.

A speeder came barreling around firing backwards as it sped past, the ground rumbled as tank emerged and opened fire, the round hitting the speeder which tumbled, and burst into flames. The Tank paid The Prince no heed, their signal broadcasted from the ship that they were seeing to the civilians. One of the doors opened, as the Demitte minions gave waters. Cal turned away, this exploitation he hated, these people were in a war torn world, and his Father saw fit to prey upon them. It was then he felt something, great pain filled his body as memories stirred, he placed his smooth hand against the ramp as he heard the voice of the oast,
“Your are heir to the Demitte House! Behave thus! You will never have your own life! You are bound to this House and will head it one day! Any attempt to forsake your seat and I will not hesitate to pkuck out your eyes and make you a blind prince!”

He grabbed the ramp support and squeezed the round cylinder shaped strut. He felt this memory mark his cortex, and yet it did not make him weep or act out in violence, he simply kept squeezing as he channeled the pain into the rod.

It passed, and yet hus head throbbed, and as he took a step he ft something, a presence in the Force,
Sister.. you are here..

The two dealers kept at their distribution, waking up the ramp, Cal took his Lightsaber Pike, which was deactivated and used it as a staff as he left the scene. If Cordelia was here, she could be in danger, and he would be the dutiful big brother.

As he walked a swoop flew past and then came to a halt, the rider idling as Cal drew nearer, the rider was holding a short blaster pistol when The Prince approached.
“Hey! Who the hell are you?”

Callan kept walking past with his pike thudding on the stone and steel road.
“Hey! I am talkin to you!”
They sped up to him when the Princr stuck out his pike like s bar, making the rider’s neck roll on it and he was thrown off, the craft sliding forward as it hummed. Callan went over to the bike, and attaching his long shaft weapon to his back, he sat in the seat and revved the engine and took off…

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"Hi," she said. In an attempt to stop being an idiot, she made a joke. "No, I'm Halsia."

She didn't laugh about it.

The mirialan simply stared at Halsia, honestly unsure if it was a joke or the woman misheard her. She leaned a bit more toward the latter.

"Um- the, uh, the shelter- nearest one's..." she realized she had no idea where she was, in this random tiny alley in a neighbourhood she'd been to twice. "Um... on- on- Solo and- five-fourteenth- there's an entrance... What- um- what should- I do? Haa."

With the girl clearly shaken from the events of the last few minutes, Sol decided it was best to calm her down before they attempted to leave their little pocket of safety. She gave the shorter girl a quick once over again, noting the way the brunette clutched the camera. Breathing now steady, Sol gently pushed off the wall and stood upright. It was a small movement executed with a dancer's grace.

"My name is Sol Dara," she said with a warm smile and eyes to match, before those eyes looked down to the mirialan's side. Sol slipped her right hand into her pocket and then pulled out a small holodevice. "For now, you should take a moment to collect yourself. You've been through a lot in the last few minutes. I will figure out our best course of action."

Turning the device on, Sol quickly projected a map of the city, and honed in on the neighborhood they were in. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she compared the distance between where she had sent Valo, the area Halsia mentioned, and their current location. Sol didn't take her eyes off of the map as she made small talk, checking the distances between other evacuation areas and routes to bunkers. She mentally crossed off the streets where she knew there was battle, or where there would be too much debris from buildings that no longer existed.

"Are you a journalist? You're very brave for staying behind."
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Allies: Sara Roche Sara Roche Rolin Voss Rolin Voss Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Enemies: Kroeger Kroeger Mars Raynor Mars Raynor Darth Defias Darth Defias Roxy Rizzan Pious Tapp Pious Tapp Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
Current 34th Loadout:
Command Company(Set up outside the Senate Building:
x2 Sphinx Command Walkers
x3 Anti-Air Equipped Lynx APCs
Firestorm Company(Set up facing East, Tigers are scattered in ambush):
x6 Thundercat Assault Walkers
x5 Tiger Medium Walkers
x3 Puma IFVs
Thunderstorm Company(Set up facing South):
x2 Tiger Command Walkers
x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
x6 Panthac Light Repulsor Tanks
x7 Puma IFVs
x3 Squads of Marines
Krayt Artillery Platoon
x6 Screaming Falcon Arty Walkers
Midnight Train Support Platoon (Set up with Command Company)
x2 Ziio LAAT
x2 Roc Drop Ships
x4 Cheetah Scout Speeders
Helldiver Marine Company (Split between Firestorm and Thunderstorm)
See 34th Codex Sub

Battle Map (Updated):

Next, a tower saturated with Tigers.

<"Two..."> He said aloud, only to himself.

And then, the other tower with Tigers.

<"Three..."> He said before he set down the macrobinocs, pulling the handmic to him again.

<"Confirm correlation data for targets one, two, three."> He said in the mic.
The battlefield could change in a second. That was what Gress had been taught back at the academy when he was training as a walker commander.

The sight of three Tigers falling from the skyline, and disappear from his holo-map. A tragedy, but men die in war. That was the reality Gress had long accepted. They had served their purpose. The Imps had been pinned down, and their landing flawed. Certainly, their sacrifice would be worth it.

Immediately after, Kroeger began to watch the ticking clock on his tacpad. Five seconds left, he snapped his gaze up before a battery 6 from the only HARP battery able to land from the Iron Legion struck the two Sphinxes, two guns on one, two guns on the other.
Then the cabin rocked as their shields absorbed the kinetic impact of the enemy hypervelocity shells. Gress could see the fear in his men's eyes. The loss of even one Sphinx would put them at a severe disadvantage. He couldn't allow that.

"Enemy CAS incoming!"

A Coordinated strike. These imps had some fight in them yet. It was Kroeger Kroeger he was sure. Only someone like that would have the tactical knowledge, not some sith lord. Gress had read up on the records from the last war. Old NIO records speaking of a commander of some renown.

Following the strike, with a flight of interceptors leading them, two pairs of Maulers followed, delivering heavy, punishing volleys from their tank-rippers, followed by a pair of missiles before breaking off. With the hopes of suppressing the Sphinxes to allow the Maulers enough time to deliver their payload before breaking off. Lastly, with the mind that they could sustain the punishment, a flight of Bruisers followed up, sending several Brilliant Missiles toward the screening Alliance IFVs before coring them with their heavy laser cannons, eventually peeling off all the same.
Thankfully, the shells were so focused on the Sphinxes they failed to take into account the Lynxs below them. Those same particle cannons that had ripped open Joseph Torson Joseph Torson 's transports opened up on the Maulers, bringing three down, only for the fourth to run into the hellfire of an X-wing on it's tail.

Then came the Bruisers. Lynx gunners opened up. One Lynx hit a Bruiser dead on, before it hit a Puma that exploded in a brilliant flash of plasma. Still, the Bruisers were hit more and more. The Lynxes couldn't do much more than provide the AA the Hellstompers needed.

<"Your new orders are to begin an advance towards the Senate's Rotunda immediately. You will not stop until you reach it. Whatever forces are in reserve are to be drawn to the front lines right way.">
Then came the charge.

<This is Solo II to Cerberus, do you read?>

Gress looked as the whole cabin filled with smoke.

"What's the readings Spartan?"

"Shields are holding on both walkers. We're down to 30% power though."

"Reroute power from the Ion Cannon, and tell the Ion gunners to take up positions on Security. We won't be needing the seige gun today. RADAR! Tell Solo we've got enemy counterattacking. Push the advantage."

<<Strongpoint J-185 to any Alliance mobile units in the eastern sector, we need back up! Enemy columns are exposed on the flank but we can't exploit in our current positions. J-185 to Alliance mobile units, do you read? Broadcasting vectors now.>>
"Priority targets are enemy vehicles and mobile artillery, Drivers, focus infantry in open before they can get with co-ax guns."
<Cerberus to Solo II. Support 314th and 2nd Armor's push in. Close the Pocket.>

<Copy Cerberus. Pushing in.>

The sound of heavy mortars opened up on the charging stormtroopers hitting Sara Roche Sara Roche , while 6 of the GADF's heaviest assualt walkers marched into the fray. Raven droids flew overhead, coordinating fire as the massive walkers passed Sara herself, as heavy beam cannons opened fire on the advancing Imperial armor, as well as rocket fire that targeted command vics. The lone sith lord that seemed to be charging forward Mars Raynor Mars Raynor was met with massive HE missiles and flak guns opened up with ruthless abandon to dissuade the enemy sith lord's charge.

<This is Cerberus Command of the 34th to Sara Roche Sara Roche and Rolin Voss Rolin Voss . Thundercats are moving in, let's close this damn pocket.>

With one final motion, Gress looked to his comms officer. "Get those mandos on the horn. I wanna set up a relay with our Ravens so they have the eyes we do."

"Copy Sir! This is Cerberus Command Bravo, hailing Nyles Kote Nyles Kote of the Eternal Haven. We've got data packets incoming for you, be advised. Raven data incoming."




Tag: Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
"And just why in Hell's bells should I go with you anyway? This is my city! I'm not letting it blown to smithereens without giving a stormtrooper a black eye first!"
Her question was answered by the sound of Imperial tanks moving in, and Alliance mortars hitting them in turn.

"Because if you want to live another day kid, you'll come with me. This street is about to become a valley of death. You wanna give the imps a black eye? That speeder is your best bet."

The man spoke with a purpose to his voice. He didn't want this street rat to become another casualty. He didn't expect to be taking in a foundling today, but war was a matter of strange coincidences. Of people finding each other that were always meant to. "Trust me. I'll get you out of this alive."

The sound of an approaching walker filled the air. The GADF were on the move, pushing back. Soon, everything would be on fire.

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Mandalorian hunter
Responding to Sara Roche Sara Roche 's call for help

Marauder and his vod bolted through the air, shooting down any stormtroopers that were not behind cover. He made a zigzag motion in the air to avoid enemy fire. He primed a grenade and threw it at a close bunch of stormtroopers, getting the most out of one grenade.

Marauder landed behind a fallen pillar and the rest of his vod did the same. "Heard on the comms the GA needed reinforcements over here." Marauder said. He peeks out from the marble protection and returned fire. "Tycho, fire a missile at that tank." He ordered. A green colored Mandalorian stepped out of cover for a second and crouched down, firing a rocket from his jetpack at a tank, The missile explodes on the tank, severely damaging the heavy artillery vehicle. "The only good Imp tank is a destroyed one." He quipped. "What else needs to be devastated?"
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