Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Commander Sara "Roach" Roche
222nd Nova Corps, 314th (Augmented) Battalion, Corps Strategic Reserve -- Seconded to Coruscant Defense Command

Objective: OBJ III
Equipment: GAVA Starwolf Marine Armour, GALMG Beak, GAHP Roundhouse, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Location: In the shadow of the skyscraper about to fall, between Republic Boulevard and Alliance Plaza. Eastern Junction of the Senate District
Armoured Spearheads Rolin Voss, Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Commandos of Strike Force Talon Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Vitae Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin

By the avenue Mars Raynor Mars Raynor Kroeger Kroeger Ander
In the pocket in the east Pious Tapp Pious Tapp Roxy Rizzan Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt
Mawites to the south Thomas Barran Thomas Barran The Grunt The Grunt

-Dreamer sees this for the opportunity it presents the Khanate contingents
-the morale-shifting opportunity, and it's implications are fare from lost on Dreamer
-Dreamer orders the Grunt to commit full-tilt to the breakthrough-attempt
-Dreamer acts on his gut and advances full-tilt for the last obstacle to the North

As the Thundercats pushed forward, Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin 's troops could hear the sound of mortars zipping overhead, before landing on Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Thomas Barran 's lines as they pushed in, before the explosions of flak rounds began over the maw's heads. Shrapnel of Durasteel shards began raining down on Maw positions, before the heavy beam cannons finally opened up, as Pumas reinforced VSF and Mando lines. Soon after, the two remaining Tiger Walkers joined the fray, finally reinforcing the line with blaster fire.

"All squads forward! Support the 34th!"

Sara brought the macrobinoculars up again- Vitae security forces under Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin were flanking the overextended Maw advance, and Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad 's commandos had landed to support Gress D'ran Gress D'ran 's advance. It seemed the pocket to the north was being reduced- but they needed a way to neutralise the Maw's inertia and being fresh to the fight. Not to mention, their speeder bikes were spreading out in all directions, giving an opportunity to filter past the Alliance's lines on the western end of the push, up the ringroad Avenue circling the Senate.

Sara narrowed her eyes- spotting something fleeting amidst the ruined buildings far to the direct south, alongside the ringroad Avnue. Zooming in, she cursed. A detachments of riders under The Grunt The Grunt riding far ahead of the main Maw advance, somehow having infiltrated past the enemy lines. It was less than ten, and all looked battle damaged, but strapped onto them were explosives and grenades. Somehow some had made it past the Vitae- perhaps the gap between the detachments, or moving through positions vacated by the security forces when they did their flanking maneuver?

If they were allowed to spread out among the buildings, they could reach the defensive ring from which the GADF had struck forth from and wreck havoc. Even if they turned sharp east, theyd be smashing into the rear of the Alliance forces. Sure, a handful of explosive riders were not critical, but it could sow panic and cause them to waver in their advance. And if this handful could make it through... who knew how many others would in the next minutes?

"Commander? Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Yeah." Sara checked the tacmap again. No allies along the path of collapse.

The riders were almost under the shadow of the Skyscraper. If they were going to fan out, it would be now. More pertinently, some stormtroopers in the eastern advance had regrouped near Sara's position, firing at her. Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad had left a squad and gunship with Roche, and they were busy keeping those stragglers at bay. She had to bring the skyscraper down- now. Sara comm'ed over to the gunship to pick up her squad and lift off. As they scurried aboard, the Marine Commander sent out a full-band signal:

<<Alliance units in the eastern sector, be advised, sealing off the ring road to prevent regrouping of pocket with the Maw advance. Watch for debris.>>

"Charges reset?" The signaller nodded. Sara checked the sequencing again on the target console as she ducked into the gunship.


A series of cracks and booms resounded- sending more dust into the already swirling smoke and ash cloud around the city. The support structures holding the skyscraper blew apart on the southeast end first, sending the building toppling. The entire Mawite column was flattened.

As the gunship lifted off, Sara had a good view of the secondary set of explosions that started seconds later, blasting the upper levels of the building outward, sending chunks of debris flying further outward to tumble ahead of the Alliance forces to crash into the Maw advance. Some even tumbled north, into the remnants of the Dark Imperial pocket.

The gunship followed south to follow the advance- and just in time too, for some unsecured flammables began to combust near their hiding spot.

"Strongpoint has received our retreating platoon from earlier," the Lieutenant called out to Commander Roche.

"Good- set us down here," Sara moved up to the cockpit and told the commando pilot. The gunship descended and dropped off Sara and her squad, a few blocks south. She told them to rejoin their unit- they'd done their job well. "Good hunting, and thanks again." The leader of the squad nodded as they flew off, continuing south to join their Strike Force in assisting the 34th.

"Okay squad, listen up- Spread out and find any GADF stragglers here, here at this bound behind the walkers and their advance. We'll try set up a makeshift fallback line in case the Mawites break through."

"Commander, you're staying here with us?"

Sara shrugged, her shoulder smarting. One of the blaster bolts had definitely struck too close.

"Well, don't exactly have a ride back. Keep your eyes sharp, team, there may be more infiltrators or just imperial stragglers in the area." They nodded and fanned out. Sara looked back at the collapsed skyscraper, watching the trails of smoke rising into the air from the destroyed riders, and the giant plume of dust that now wafted over the area, a shroud of death over the district.

Yellow is some of The Grunt The Grunt 's riders, about half were destroyed trying to weave between the Vitas formations. The rest are crushed now. I'll post as him after this.
EDIT: having trouble updating map. Yellow is only a small detachment, the rest are countercharging the Vitae security forces.
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The decimation of the Senate Building, and surrounding area of the district, was near total. There could be no doubt that, beneath the surfaces of the area, there had been a capital ship constructed and activated. The danger such an event presented couldn't be understated, and it was through luck, fate or the Force that the senators managed to avoid being crushed, to land relatively safely nearer the edge of the destruction.

For his part, Dyrn touched down and immediately rushed toward Natasi, even as the security team tried to keep pace. The distant crashes and rumbles, explosions and alarms couldn't keep the Duke from his wife, as he watched her close the distance also. Dyrn pulled off his helmet, forehead sweaty, as he opened his mouth to speak - but Natasi did before him. Dyrn watched her, throughout her statements of affection, and when she stopped he smiled.

"I love you, too." he said, and reached out to reassure her with his hand. "We are okay. We will get through this. Are you hurt?"

Dyrn checked her over, though a nearby crash of flimsiplast brought the moment to a sudden end, as awareness returned. They were all still within the radius of debris and collapsing buildings. That wasn't ideal, with the best plan being to continue moving, preferably at fast pace. The voice of Alicio was heard over the distant sounds of chaos, and Dyrn turned to check each individual who regrouped. As he did so, he slipped off the ancient repulsor pack.

"We need to keep moving," Dyrn said sternly, as he looked to Organa. "You are all being escorted now, this is a war zone. Follow my team and I, and we will evac to the nearest transport facility. Before we set out, check for injury, and my team will provide assistance."

Those that couldn't walk would be supported, those that had cuts could find bacta-patches offered, but otherwise the goal was to prep for movement as quickly as possible. When Natasi mentioned not having her comm, but Dyrn offered a tight-lipped smile.

"It is no concern, we should remain together from this point on. A small group, moving tactically and fast."

Dyrn slid the helmet back on, as he motioned to the security team to form up and take escort positions with hand signals. He looked toward those gathered, the voice modulator crackling.

<<"Are we ready? Move.">>

Taking point, Dyrn began to jog down the dust and smoke filled streets, rifle held ready. The last thing they needed was to be caught or cornered by enemy forces, which meant constant movement to avoid just that. Not to mention the battle cruiser that loomed overhead with several kilometers of city atop it, still sliding off and falling to the streets below...



Location: East Tower on Reimar Boulevard, Coruscant
Objective: Kill and Destroy Survive
Equipment: Hellblade, Hand Cannon, Scattergun, Electrolancr, Basic Armour w/ vacuum seal
DE Scylla AI Scylla AI Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
GA Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin Sara Roche Sara Roche


"Rollo, stay here and mop up the area. Radhead, with me. Where's Bombom?!"

"Here boss!" The three-eyed demolitions expert hobbled up, cleaning his knife.

"Load up the twenty sturdiest bikes with as much ammo and explosives as you can. They will ride with me at the head, as my blessed bombers."

The Vanguard were murmuring now- the fight was still ongoing, but most had regrouped at their bikes for the next advance, as ordered by the Darkhan.

"Radhead, the glory of command is yours. My Blessed will follow me on another path. You will lead the advance of the Vanguard ahead of The Dreamer's forces. Ahead of the Scav Kings!"

Radhead, to her credit, understood the gravity of the assignment, and what Grunt intended. She wiped blood off the breathing grilles on installed into her face and clasped Grunt's hand.

"Bossman, we will scatter the enemy before us."

"Good! Because they will come charging at you any time now, even if our pressed-boots allies to the north hold out."

The warband shouted warcries as they got back into the swing of things. The majority broke off- diving into the forward Vitae elements. The riders were scattered, but they were still valuable by maintaining contact on the flank, shielding most of the Mawite adcance. Grunt and his detachment turned hard left- they would take the open road, then turn into the rear of the walkers, separated as they were with only some infantry support. The Blessed Bombers had explosives for days- enough to blow up some of them.

If they made it.

The Darkhan wanted the Vanguard to push- and Grunt knew he had to get ahead of even expectations. Forward, ever forward.


The roar of artillery and the chatter of blaster fire- all around him, Grunt and his detachment fell as the Vitae rear position fire into them as they turned hard-right into the ringroad, bolts of deadly energy zipping down the open causeway. By the time they'd sped ahead and used the buildings for cover, half their number were gone.

"We go on! Move!" On the flat open roads, the remaining ten or so riders, laden with explosives, gunned it, past obstacles, cutting through the dust clouds, their halogen lights glowing like monstrous glowing eyes. They had broken through now- just beyond here was open ground. They would split up, some heading to destroy the second line defenses, the others diving into the rear of the advancing walkers. They would-

A series of cracks and booms resounded- sending more dust into the already swirling smoke and ash cloud around the city. The support structures holding the skyscraper blew apart on the southeast end first, sending the building toppling.
The great shadow of death loomed over them. Too fast it fell, not quick enough for the column to veer out of its shadow-


Grunt gasped as he awoke, choking on the fumes of his speeder's ion cells. He hacked and coughed, fighting the urge to rip his helmet off. There would be no fresh air outside.

He stumbled to his feet. Smoke shrouded him, his thermals unable to penetrate more than a few feet, with ionised gas and discharged blaster fumes floating on the wind.

His head pounded- but he felt sharp. Like a blade thirsting for blood. The Scar Hound knew well the sensation. Grunt had trained with the New Sith Order for years, even after the official collapse of the Maw, until relations between the Khanate and Order broke down in the 880s. His mind had been open then- to the Force, and to the power lying inside him to mold it and control it. To use it as a weapon. To use it as nourishment.

Bathed in the death of his warriors and the destruction of the city-ecunemopolis, Grunt's mind was awoken again- and through the smoke and haze he sensed life. Emotion and hatred erupted from him, involuntarily snarling. His instincts spoke true. Who but the perpetrators would survive so close to here?

The Grunt stumbled forward, blood and ash caking his armour like rotting skin, falling off in layers as he stepped forward, guided only by instinct and hatred. Whoever did this had completely destroyed a dozen of Grunt's men- riders and warriors who'd fought for the Maw in the harrowing decades. Flattened- with no chance for glory.

And he had been foiled, in front of the Darkhan. The rest of the Vanguard was still with the main advance, screening ahead and battling Gress D'ran Gress D'ran , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin 's forces. Rollo was competent, but too prone to riding the line of caution and bravery too hard. With this gambit failed, they, at best, would take heavy casualties, unless the Darkhan had something up his sleeve. At worst, the Vanguard would be slaughtered to a man.

The Grunt moved through the dust cloud on foot, Hellblade in hand, hunting for vengeance.




Final Post
Phoenix Platoon
The next three minutes was a bloodbath. Ashley watched as the Mawites slowly shifted their focus, Phoenix slowly but surely taking out the remaining Maw that were charging for them with particle bolts and explosives. Their longer range weapons gave them a distinct edge against old tech from the last war, and their vehicles gave them both armor and air superiority.

Still, they had taken some hits, and Ashley seemed almost a bit too busy at times focusing on wounded than on the fight. One could say she trusted her men, but another would say that her time was a medic took over. She was Mama Phoenix, after all.

Once the stage was clear enough, Ashley called up.

<Firebird to Rainmaker, LZ is clear, bring the Ziio down and load the wounded.>

<Copy Firebird. Bringin' 'er down.>

The deflector bubble shield dropped, and slowly the Ziio came down, still under fire from the Mawites. They'd need to make this fast.

As soon as the doors open, Ashley rushed with men over her shoulder.

Wilhelm. Zombie. Princess. Campfire. Shotgun. Five soldiers were loaded in, and five soldiers could be marked as wounded in combat. If any of them died, she would be heartbroken. For now though, she sent Bastard with them to keep them stable. One would know better than to send off their medic, but they weren't planning to stay much longer.

"Alright Gearhead! Go go go! RTB back to the 34th's artillery, we'll regroup there!" With a slap of the side of the cockpit, the Ziio lifted off, drawing enough fire for both Designated Marksmen to start picking off individual targets.

Hold the line. That was all that mattered now. Streaks of red particle bolts exchanged with green and slugs, yet the GADF had given them the upper hand. Their grenade launchers were a saving grace that kept the Mawites at bay.

<This is Captain Calrissian of the Thunderbird V. Battle Taxi is inbound, ETA half a mike.>

<Copy Thunderbird V.> "Firebird, where we want the LZ?!"

"Dragon, Wizard, Fall back to the crashed Ziio. We'll RTB there!"

<Copy Firebird. Falling back. Paladin will cover our retreat.>

<Copy Firebird, regrouping at crash site.>

First went Wizard, the now smaller squad using Dragon's cover fire to slip through buildings and disengage. Then went Dragon. The Bobcats stuck behind, one taking out an incoming missile with a well aimed blaster bolt just as the last of the men slipped away.

Finally, the Roc came down, popping it's bubble shield as the men loaded up. One by one, Ashley counted heads. One by one, Phoenix got the hell out of there.

Finally the Bobcats came, and were secured to the wings, the pilots abandoning their vics and loading up.

It was a moment of solemn quiet as they took off.

The objective had been completed, but at what cost? Five down, teetering on the edge.

All Ashley could think about was them as they headed for friendly lines.

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Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Try to help Tommy
Location: Ground, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Scylla AI Scylla AI | Pious Tapp Pious Tapp | Roxy Rizzan | Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt | Kroeger Kroeger | The Grunt The Grunt | Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | DARKCOM DARKCOM | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


We were in the endgame, for the time being the droids as they followed the others were still in good shape and Tommy was alive. In the meantime, we got a message from him, everyone and even my droid was back. But the building was shaking more and more, because I wasn't that far away and feth! That ship was at least five kilometres long and therefore huge, so it could do an awful lot of damage, as it was doing now. As it rose higher and higher, it did more and more damage, at a greater and greater distance. And I thought I was far enough away, but I wasn't. I didn't expect this kind of damage, that Mawite Khanate would again be seen as cannon fodder.

Now my biochip has taken the data that the building has suffered severe structural damage from the quakes and is likely to collapse. Feth! I have no idea if it's just the buildings that are collapsing or if it's the top level, because who knows how many levels down everything will collapse. As I said before, the way I would have fought it was to mine the whole thing and make the whole top-level collapse and crumble. But then that wasn't possible because of the ship, or the right officers didn't think so.

I learned this from Asher, to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy's ranks, be it the army or the buildings. This was back when he was more Mongrel than Kallan or Asher.

The building shuddered again and now the wailing sound of metal could be heard as the main support structure cracked through. I think that was my cue to leave and it was really time to go. Even so, the fighting wasn't over, but I think Tommy will understand, because he couldn't have wanted me to die in the building coming down. So I reopened a private channel of communication with my adopted brother.

<< Tommy, where I am, the situation is getting hot with the rising ship. The building I'm on top of is going to collapse. The only way I can escape is to leave, to go home. When the fighting is over, I'll meet you at the Ark. The droids will stay and the AI will coordinate the sequel if necessary. Good luck, brother! Mercy, out! >> I told him and that really broke the connection.

And since I said out, I didn't expect any response. I didn't have time, because the building was collapsing. I quickly hooked up the device I had received from the Valkyrja to travel between Realspace and Netherworld. The device opened a rift for me that took me close to my home and Asher's; the rift opened at the end of the street where we lived, and so did Kallan and Keilara. After all, their home was right across the street from us, so the twins could easily be with either of their parents.

As soon as the rift opened, I stepped through it, and I was now surrounded by the cool air of Sanctuary, home, instead of the Coruscant air of smoke, dust and death. The rift closed behind me in about half a minute or so, so I didn't have to worry about that any more, but headed home to be with my husband...

Last post.​

From a half collapsed platform Minerva squeezed down the trigger firing three particle rounds, but missing her target who swerved out of the way. But she was blasted in the chest by a flying commando and fell off the bike that crashed to some rubble with an explosive roar. Reloading as she flew sideways heading toward the top of an abandoned store. Midflight Minerva fired again at another for below this time scoring a hit at the speeder's fuel tank and incinerating its rider and bike alike to a sudden halt. The rest of the Talon commandos were following a similar example or utilizing other means.

Where the frontline marksmen and gunners unleash suppressing fire, those with grenade and missile launchers let loose their ordinance, to wipe out a few or several at a time. In the event the raiders sped on they were soon ambushed by cable lines that threw them off their bikes. Others were wiped out by the remaining mines that the snappers just set. Of course the commandos were taking casualties but with the armor support they refused to retreat now.

Spotting a larger host of raiders charging straight at her allies, Minerva drew her vambrace's missile launcher and activated its blast mode while targeting the center of the enemy mass. Then she fired and the missile burst forth out of her vambrace. Within moments it struck true, yielding a violent eruption that took most of the raiders down the middle. The warrior let out a battle cry as she flew off the roof and unleashed twelve whistling birds out of her left boot. Each one hit a rider or a bike, either way eliminating the last of them before her.

Just as the Mandalorian captain landed onto a balcony she heard Sumi's alarmed voice on the comms.

"Boss, that enemy ship is coming down toward the surface!"

Looking up, Minerva scowled in both alarm and defiance. On one hand she was glad the Empire was losing that giant ship but its crash will cause untold death to so many here. She hoped against hope their comrades will either destroy enough of it before the descent is completed. Soon enough everyone still in the fight will know what happening.
Protecting her troops and Alliance Troops with Spells had really been all she could do as she flew through the sky, watching the Mawites of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran ravage the city as her Defense Troopers stubbornly refused to give ground until overwhelmed and killed. Most of the Offense Troopers were dead, and the Siege Troopers were busy prepping Epsilon.

And then the great battleship lurched.

Syd didn't need to be an engineer to know what that meant.

It was coming down, and it was going to kill countless people, and if it was not destroyed as much as possible, it was going to be even more of a slaughter on impact.

Syd made a command decision and got out her comlink.

"All units...." she trailed. "Battleship is falling. Epsilon is to be diverted to destroying that ship instead of the Mawites...all surviving units, do whatever you have to to destroy that thing and protect and evacuate allied units in the estimated impact area..."

Meanwhile, Syd churned her power into the Sky above her, cutting open the palm of her hand with a piece of debris and flying to specific Skyscrapers around the impact radius, tracing choice runes on the top of these damaged spires, then she flew up, chanting.

Green lightning arched all over the sky, hitting each building, creating a chain of green lightning around the impact site via, making it look like a green ring from space...

Heavy deadly bolts began arcing upward at the foul ship, each overcharged with the Light Side, the heavy bolts potentially powerful enough to damage even it's hull as Epsilon was unleashed from below, the hundreds of concussion missiles, Thermal Detonator warheads, all remaining artillery fire, Seismic Charges, Baradium Bombs, rockets and other munitions were launched from launch sites all the way from the underworks in some cases by lone squads of Clone Defense Troopers and Battle Droids. Everything that had been meant as a final, terrible surprise for the enemy was instead being diverted to save as many lives as possible below. Defense Troopers run ragged and still airborne, momentarily set their LAAT's on the ground to pick up fleeing civilians still in the impact zone, other Clone Squads snapping up injured and transporting them aboard their turbotanks to evacuate everyone from common Alliance Soldiers, to severely wounded Jedi, to even a few Mandalorians every now and again.

Of course, sometimes this was accompanied by Mawites continuously getting run the feth over but small bonuses are always a win.

Meanwhile, Syd's flesh shuddered as she channeled the powerful ritual magic.

Meanwhile, some of the Bacta-Works Fleet had at last arrived from space, many of its ships descending to the atmosphere solely to fire on it, and launch their fighters and bombers to fire on the Battlecruiser as well, trying to blast chunks of it away. The less intact it was, the better. The Battlecruiser Wrath of Alice remained in orbit, engaging the enemy fleet.

But the real surprise was that this would not be the only battle cruiser in atmosphere today

Something that had the presence of a giant shark decloaked high above all combatants, it's shadow inspiring similar levels of stress as the first one.

The Realm of Demons revealed itself in all her might, having taken the long, slow, frustrating route to get here with as little detection risk as possible.

It stood in the rear of its path as it started to fall, even while everything else was happening.

It fired a Magnetite Tractor Beam, it's crew desperate to at least slow it down, give everyone below more time to flee or more chances to fire on it....

Auteme Auteme

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Braze Braze

Kyric Kyric

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
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"It is not unexpected. The Alliance often acts reactively, responding to threats as they appear. Only when struck do they leverage the whole of their military might against a foe." The Dark Lord watched the battle unfold, His expression never wavering despite the twist and turns of the fighting. "The Jedi have infected the Alliance with their way of thinking, unsurprising considering who occupies the executive office of Supreme Chancellor. A former Jedi."

He had met Chancellor Auteme Auteme when she was far younger, a Jedi looking to snuff out the darkness wherever it appeared. They fought on Ziost, and the Dark Lord had completely overwhelmed her and the Jedi strike force at her back. That had been a life time ago, and so much had shifted since then. Carnifex chuckled darkly as He sampled a taste of the tea set out for Him. It was not His preferred, but He would loathe to appear the ungrateful guest.

Some may believe that this battle will hold special significance, but gains and losses such as what may befall Coruscant are illusionary. The Jedi and Sith are set in a cycle, Senator. To rise and fall in tandem with the other, to wax and wane like the seasons. It is a cycle I know too intimately, for once I was Emperor and the Alliance had been utterly destroyed by my hand. Now a new Alliance has enjoyed it's time atop the pyramid, by darkness again threatens to send it tumbling into the abyss. Will Solipsis' new scheme prevail? It is all very possible, the man is a genius and gifted with the Dark Side."

Carnifex looked to the distant horizon, an errant cruiser crashing down into the middle of the western sea. Gouts of flame spat up into the air like a geyser before being drowned out by the rushing waters. "
Regardless of who is victor today, I think I will endeavor to meet him. It has been far too long, and so much has changed. We will have much to discuss, I reckon. The veil of death opens one's eyes to many truths, Senator. It is enlightenment for the privileged few."



Chapter III

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Even as far away as the Great Western Sea, the thunderous battle of Coruscant was felt by all, skyscrapers and transports came crashing down across the landscape. The ground trembled and buildings swayed as the giant battlecruiser summoned by the Dark Empire emerged from the depths of the senate building, casting a dark shadow as it smashed through the senate building, the bastion of democracy and the former heart of the Galactic Alliance before the relocation to the Capital of Fondor.

The deafening roar of blaster fire and screams of the wounded echoed through the air, a stark reminder of the chaos and destruction wrought by the forces of evil. Despite the horror of Coruscant, it paled in comparison to one of the most vile and insidious men within the galaxy, Darth Carnifex who had done much worse to numerous other planets, during the time of the Sith Empire and most recently the Sith Order. Trillions of peaceful citizens had perished under his century-long reign, and yet no one had close to striking him down.

The Neimoidian simply listened attentively as the Dark Lord elaborated on how the New Jedi Order had tainted the strategies of the Alliance with their beliefs, attributing this to a former Jedi holding a prominent position in the Office of the Chancellor.

Chancellor Auteme had served as a pillar of the Alliance, but her administration could be considered lackluster and without proper resolve to beat back the Dark Empire and retake the core region from their grasp.

" Lord Carnifex, your brilliance surpasses that of Lord Solipsis by a considerable margin. Throughout numerous decades, you have perserved against even the most formidable adversaries from the New Jedi Order and the other Light Side Factions." Lodd said - not as an attempt to flatter the Dark Lord, but merely stating an acute observation that the Butcher King had survived against all odds, even against the best the Jedi had to offer. Lord Solipsis by comparison was powerful but did not have the staying power of the Kainite.

"Regrettably, I possess an apprehension towards mortality as it prevents the accumulation of credits for the departed individuals." - He said, wanting to avoid death entirely. The holographic map behind him was showing that the battle was coming to an end, even through the thick smoke of fire and brimstone still smouldering across the cityscape.

"The conflict is drawing to a close, signaling the conclusion of our gathering. My intention is to vie for the position of Chancellor within the Alliance during the upcoming election, hence I am hopeful that you could assist in garnering the necessary backing to secure my victory." He explained, having come to the conclusion that running for the Office of the Chancellor would give him significant standing amongst the Trade Federation, and rise above even that of Gat Tambor, who suffered defeat in the previous election.

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“Apologize to our guest Elise.
You must forgive her; she is young and impulsive. Now. shall we share a drink or get to the festivities?”

Elise, huh? Sahan thought. He couldn't help wondering what Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira was up to. Was she still with the Mandalorian "Protectors," as they called themselves? Speaking of the Protectors... "Ijaat, huh? I know Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel , and you're not him." He chuckled at the pun.

"A drink, huh? Sure, why not? Can't refuse some good alcohol." He poured himself a full glass of the nearest bottle he could reach. The face of his helmet opened, revealing Sahan's face, which was more haggard than usual, with dark circles under his eyes and an almost imperceptible red ring around his irises. He chugged the drink and threw down the glass. "I know that goes against 'high-society' standards, but hey, it's part of my culture. I'm sure you understand. Not that it matters, since you'll be dead soon. Might as well have a little fun first. But that..." He motioned to the Sith's lightsaber, "is pretty much useless here. Then again, everything you've got is useless."

He closed his faceplate. "Tell you what." He kicked his feet up on the table and leaned back, balancing the chair on its hind legs, his sword still imbedded in the table. "You can have the first move for free." Let the Sith chew on that. Sahan wanted to play the stereotypical cocky and unsophisticated Mandalorian, see if he could push the monster's buttons. It would at least make things a little more amusing for him.

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Ayhan Ayhan Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

It took only a moment, but Jaidan had to squash down a moment's irritation at the crackling of his comm unit. Mentally contending with a Sith of no small talent while trying to balance the small concern of an intense and closely fought battle raging a few stories below was not precisely what one would typically term a small matter. Having someone chirping his ear to add a new task was precisely what he needed right now, particularly when telepathic contact did not automatically yield anything so mundane as grid coordinates. Even activating his comm unit to answer verbally would be a costly lapse in his concentration, never mind getting up to hunt down a map.

But Ayhan Ayhan was not deaf to the Force, for Jaidan knew he and Quinn had both achieved contact. No, he was simply...hard of hearing, making it a simple matter of effort. Effort which he was wasting on irritation at an unavoidable extra chore. Irritation was a simple and natural reaction, but dwelling on it was an expenditure of energy best used elsewhere. So he allowed it to feed an extra push into Ayhan's mind. The Padawan would receive no verbal acknowledgement, but perhaps he WOULD perceive the shining trail of mist conjured for his eyes alone, leading off in its own direction even as Jaidan mentally spurred the soldiers on toward the fortress.

But the bulk of his concentration remained fixed on Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin and the projection he conjured for her benefit. Which at this moment included the projection of an arched eyebrow. Not here for prey, she said...before proceeding to name the person she was apparently here hunting. Interesting misdirect, that. Instead of calling attention to what seemed such naked insincerity in so many words, however, he opted to maintain the same courtesy he'd opened with, that he strove to display in general up until such time it was blatantly no longer called for.

"I do not speak for my fellow Jedi, but if it's of interest to you, I've technically not killed anyone in some twenty years now...though I suppose that technicality is hollow indeed after today. Given that I was on our homeworld twenty years ago, as it faced invasion, I would say my actions were not entirely without reason. I've been content to rescue that lost to time in the years since, and expect I'd be doing so now had your colleagues not seen fit to invade Tython. But by all means, do go on about how we're the real killers, or whatever your point was supposed to be."

Well, that last part wasn't entirely courteous, he had to admit. But Quinn was the guest here, and she'd not been an especially gracious one. He was hardly under any obligation to humor blatantly self-serving rhetoric. Still, he would at least answer all her questions, whether she liked the answers or not.

"As for this rogue Jedi you seek? I don't presume to know how it works with the Sith, but I assure you, the Jedi Order is not all on a first or even last name basis with each other. The last "Jedi meeting" I attended was purely by necessity, and I'll have you know it was really quite tiresome. A great deal of expounding on how so and so had been around since Naga Sadow was the name on every breath and so everyone should heed their greater insight...except perhaps for the petulant children, convinced they'd stumbled upon the shortcut to true wisdom, and it was simply to ignore the lifetime of accumulated foolishness that beset us dusty old fools. But then, it wasn't any of them who came here today to set this world on fire, now was it?"

At that, the hoary figure turned to regard the aforementioned cityscape, and phantom lips twisted in distaste at the sheer, unapologetic waste of it all before a hand came up in some vague approximation of the gesture which often accompanied the famed Jedi mind trick. But the gesture encompassed the entire cityscape, and like the paintbrush transforms the canvas, that cityscape began to change. In place of smoke blackened sky and burning skyscrapers, green grass stretched out at their feet leading to woodland beyond while blue skies stretched away overhead. Distant screams and explosions gave way to a cool and gentle breeze and the bubbling of a brook flowing past aged stones. It wasn't real, of course...unless the mind believed it so. This was nothing so direct and harsh as the assault which Ayhan and his men had endured moments before, but even so, it was mental manipulation as well, sophisticated and powerful. And if the Echani Sith wished to stay clear of this illusion, it would require the expenditure of mental energies now directed solely toward Quinn's intended victims.

"And you asked me when last I'd set foot on Eshan. Five days ago. I endeavor to visit a few times a year at least, but it seemed prudent to ground myself before I threw myself into this madness. It might have been some months more otherwise. I suppose that, at least, I can thank you for in a way. Kirshak Province, northern continent. Do you know it?"
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The Closer







Tags (Friend): Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Kroeger Kroeger Mars Raynor Mars Raynor
Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood Scylla AI Scylla AI Vaudimir Traith Vaudimir Traith Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi Pious Tapp Pious Tapp
The Grunt The Grunt Roxy Rizzan Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt

Tags (Foe): Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav Achan Jaikavi Achan Jaikavi
Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Marauder Marauder Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Syd Celsius Syd Celsius




-After commencement of the ambush - Thomas orders Ratchet to hulk out
-Mercy patches through, pulling out but that relieves Tommy
-Tommy insists that Ratchet obeys the order to mutate
-Ratchet obeys, though apprehensively
-Ratchet helps Tommy into the fight, follows close behind

As soon as the projectiles started flying, the entire eastern approach would light up all the surrounding areas in a strobing, explosive succession of light flashes, providing a little shine for an otherwise-dusty mask as the one wearing it kept his eye fixed firmly on the hulking warrior leaning out the window above. If it had been on any other occasion, the Khan would have humoured such silent judgement, but for all the intimidating obstinance he was met with, Thomas was in no mood for having his time wasted by then.


<"Tommy, where I am, the situation is getting hot with the rising ship. The building I'm on top of is going to collapse. The only way I can escape is to leave, to go home. When the fighting is over, I'll meet you at the Ark. The droids will stay and the AI will coordinate the sequel if necessary. Good luck, brother! Mercy, out!">

Probably for the best.... Its only gonna get messier from here.
Least I can do is limit the losses though.

This I don't mind, not when Imperials fight hard like they did today.

There were very few of the Khan's subordinates who felt safe enough (or assured enough in their abilities) to speak this way in the Mantellian's presence, let alone directly to the hulking madman's face, standing as a living, archetypal testament to the extremes of brute-strength; and there the Goidel was, staring the beast down as he would any other Marauder in Ratchet's place, thus standing as his own living, archetypal testament. That one irresistable force to meet the immovable object in the middle, and willing to meet others of the same, obstinate nature, and in the Bloodhound's cold-eyed estimation, the great Mastiff was no exception in the slightest.

The last of the instigating, chiding encouragements to fight, the most-personal of which Thomas hoped to hit it's mark, was enough to make Ratchet shift uncomfortably on the spot, almost recoiling under the offences taken to the words of a leader he still revered. Though it was in the Mastiff's response that Barran would find the Marauder's fighting-resolve, hearing an urge to prove himself as Ratchet replied,'This - is low-blow, Great Khan! This beneath Bloodhound - YOU DISAPPOINT ME!!!!', whilst grasping the window frame on both sides to jump out the window, lunging out with the intention of meeting eye-to-eye with his Khan when he landed.
The very ground itself, packed and dry by the time the Jedi Temple's storm began, seemed to shift under the whomping pressure of the Mastiff's landing, rumbling everything from slab to gravel as soon as the Mantellian's boots hit the rough paving at ground-level. Illustrating with emphatic detail the exact reason why the others behaved so inoffensively in the Mastiff's presence, not much else would be required of Ratchet to intimidate Marauder and opposition alike, especially not as he glared down at Barran and growled,'Oh, so Khan want-see Savrip Soul now? KHAN WANT-SEE THIS, AT CLICK FINGER - BECK AND CALL?!?!', bellowing by the end - and with eyes widening as the Mantellian's face drew closer to that of the one-eyed Woad.

'I not forget this, Ferals deserved better warning.... Did not, no? Not sooner?'
Still every part as angry, though not quite so much towards his Khan as before, the change in posture as the Mastiff stepped back was all the Bloodhound needed to reply,'I intend to make this right, Ratchet!', in a sincerity that would hit the same mark where the instigation struck home. Fortunate Thomas would be then that his Mantellian subordinate chose to reciprocate that kindess, meeting that gesture in the middle with an affirmative, considerate nod of appreciation, thus the Mantellian would be left alone to awaken his mutation whilst the Goidel himself drew the Greatsword of his predecessor. Under meditative incantations, the din of combat and calamity alike, under the madness of Coruscant the Mastiff would find that monster within, dragging out a form more frightening than anything Barran ever faced against, making the Khan himself ever more gladdened that Ratchet was on the Maw's side.
'Believe me, you are Witnessed, you are Recognised.... An' you will be rewarded for this.... WITH ME, RATCHET!!!! FOLLOW ME INTO THE CRUCIBLE!!!!'
Bellowing, roaring, howling into the cloudy skies above, the Khan would finally get his chance to let out that wild abandon, and with no predicaments or circumstances left to stand in his way, all that remained was the madness of the fight itself. Then, with arm extended towards his Mantellian friend, the Goidel would receive his due handshake, then another nod, but one of knowing, cursorially-technical earnest. Ratchet had thrown the Bloodhound before, but many years before that day, yet both warriors had the muscle-memory to achieve the same outcome for the second time, holding tensile until the Mastiff's release at a high, angular launch.


Casting his own Khan over the shoulder, tossed in a singular-spun lurch from the ground to the heights of low-intensity airborne velocity, the Mastiff would watch for a short moment as the Bloodhound flew somersaulting over the walls of the Aspirants' compound, appreciating his own handiwork before lunging off sprinting in the same direction. Into the same cloud of dust and smoke everyone else was embracing at the time, and from the Aspirants under Ratchet's command to the very speartip of the GADF counteroffensive, that same, all-encompassing misty haze would be met with it's due savagery, the very reverence of ferality all would welcome as their fuel that day. Such was the way for Marauders and Imperials, accepting this as doctrine whilst all other cultures tinkered with the tools of the future, but the Galaxy's great foils would need to do the same eventually.

Even those as wild and untameable as Ratchett and Thomas Barran, even rogues such as these would need to adapt to the modernising cosmos, but not on this day of days.
As here, on Coruscant, the great planetary assault would resemble those of years bygone, and here, on Coruscant - the armies of the future would learn the merit of sentient, riotous mettle.








-Witnessing the Tower-Collapse, Dreamer dispels notions of retreat
-One last speech is given, Dreamer sees his subordinates are fatigued
-Dreamer leads the way into the last Mawsworn advance of the battle
-Dreamer patches through to the Grunt's comm-device, sends two squads to help
-Dreamer encourages the Grunt to send his remaining Riders north for Storm and Boomer squads' sake
-Dreamer leads his subordinates toward the bottle-neck
-Moving the Scav Kings between the rubble and Imperial-held tower to the north
-GADF contingent engage to ensure the retreat of embattled comrades, perhaps to neutralise the Mawites
So the Light would blight your path to glory.
I will not allow this insult to pass unpunished.

I will help the Grunt avenge this slight, even if its the last thing I do.

'Ulusar, we would understand if you wished to-'

Holding a hushing hand up to stop Gouger in his amble, Dreamer would shake his head emphatically as he interjected,'-We will do no such thing, Gouger. We're committed now, regardless of whether the salient closes behind us or not - no turning back now!', with as much sharp emphasis as his diminished, fatigued focus could permit at the time. Even the otherwise-indefatigable Scav Kings were panting, consuming water-reserves and cramped up in their limbs by the time the tower fell in the near distance, presenting quite the sorry sights in the aftermath of the tactical eastward toppling-demolition.


The Darkhan knew there was more fire within to where the Mawsworn could reach in these moments, a second wind of which they all withheld until it mattered most to let it all out, and with that, an ideal time to unleash that reserve on the battlefield beyond. Baulking,'Are you so willing to let the Thunder perish out there?! IS THAT THE MESSAGE THE SCAV KINGS WISH TO SEND THEIR BRETHREN?!?! WELL, I DON'T FETHING THINK SO!!!!', sneering at the mere notion of giving up at the last hurdle, beholden to the desire to leave it all where their Brethren perished that day. The only option for Marauderdom's finest, from the lowest Aspirant rungs to the grandest heights a Darkhan could reach, was to give their all to the end, pushing on until they dropped.

Whether it would be in a dust-covered stupor, or burned and bloodied in death, the Maw's vicious killers would at least try to ensure the successful extraction of all Imperial personnel on Coruscant - giving their all to leave one last mark on the city around them.


Leaping once more into War's fiery Crucible, the rogue Chiss raised his shotgun for all to see, and for the last time that day, the Darkhan could feel the truth right down to his bones. Though unlike it's predecessor, this truth would unnerve enough to bring about that fearful, adrenal instinct for survival, a feeling of which Dreamer had not known since the assault on Bastion twenty years before, though the others would never know such things were going on in the mind of their Darkhan. Not that they needed to know such demoralising revelations in the heat of battle, but in the realisation that a certain apprehension to speak would show face eventually, Dreamer knew there would be something of an aura given off in the fight ahead, regardless of the wild savagery that would lead them every step of the way.

But move up the Marauders would, and move up the Marauders did, moving up close enough that dust began to cloud up the visors of the approaching Scav Kings, prompting the Darkhan to think about the efforts and sacrifices the Grunt was forced to make, and all they had endeavoured together since they first pushed into the GADF's salient. Even with the greatest of advancing setbacks to consider, the Thunder had endeavoured above and beyond the call of duty to hold their own alongside Dreamer's veteran warriors, and in order to get as many of the riders back to the Ark as possible, then more fighting would be needed to punch through the fog of war that beset Coruscant at the time.

'Gouger, take Cliques 3 and 6 to find survivors in the rubble.'

<"Thunder Vanguard, if can hear me.... If you're still alive enough to hear it.... Do not lose heart, dig deep and find it's flame instead. The Avatars aren't finished with you in life, not by a long chaulk. I know there's fight in you yet, lad.">

Met with silence in everything but static, the renegade Chiss refused to give up on his brethren, point-blank ignoring any inward notion that the Grunt had perished, replacing such thoughts with self-affirmation that his brother in arms was made of matter much stronger than that of the new Mawsworn generations. A normal thing for Marauders to believe of each other, as that same belief in their peers was that which fuelled their recent victories, though the Darkhan only ever reserved this belief for his fellow commanders of his ilk; for other Darkhans, coincidentally serving as the other founders of Rhigar's Trilunar Clique, but for the Great Khan most of all. As was natural for warriors who shared that prophetic dream of the Shriven One's resurrection, but as soon as the renegade Chiss realised, Dreamer understood that same belief in the Grunt was more than warranted.

'Sharpshooters, follow me!'

<"Send who you can to Storm and Boomer squads, and get those troopers back behind Imperial lines. They fought well today, thus this is the due for those who fought alongside us.... This will be the last of our small victories on the field this day, but not yet for you - I grant your due Recognition. Something to fight for.">
With the Dreamer's part played, and with all that he could being said by then, the Darkhan himself returned to thoughts of the dreaded task ahead, gritting teeth and pump-action cocking the shotgun in his hands in an apprehensive show of readiness. Then with little more than a leaning glance over his shoulder, the renegade Chiss cleared his throat to inform,'We're veering around the collapse zone, moving our way in to secure the Northern Pocket - LETS MOVE!!!!', keeping the sluggish on their toes for the next impending engagement. Yet despite their diminishing life-expectancies for every yard of ground they gained, Dreamer knew the increase in demands for hypervigilance would help in slowing that countdown-to-zero at the very least, a small blessing for all the tactical lessons the Maw had needed to learn since 864 ABY, as the warriors of decades bygone would likely have been more difficult to direct in such a nuanced manner.

Small blessings, especially with the Scav Kings' intended objectives considered, as there was much more awaiting the power-armoured Marauders, and in the moments, minutes, perhaps even hours after reaching Storm and Boomer squads, the Darkhan was expecting to play the first (and perhaps - even the largest-) role in the Empire's next move. Depleted in numbers from objective-splits, reallocations, casualties and MIAs, running low on water and cardiovascular reserves of energy, the Great Khan himself would have forgiven his dutiful Darkhan for turning back there and then, but the renegade Chiss still retained the ability to remain calm for the lengthiest, most-stressful of wartime encounters.

'OPFOR MOVING IN FROM THE EAST!!!! Stand your fething ground and PUSH THEM BACK THE WAY THEY CAME!!!!'



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The atmosphere ignited a brilliant burning orange as Syd Celsius descended from the heavens. She looked the way he remembered her: an exotic beauty with hair like fire and eyes like two smoldering flames.

"Rise, Starlin. I would not oversee your full transition to Master wearing the face of the Beast who stole your eye."

Starlin managed a smirk as he clambered to his feet. The Darkness was still strong, but her presence made it easier to fight back.

She brought up their first meeting on Zeffo. Then she talked about Dantooine, where he had lost his hand, clasping its artificial replacement in hers. And she spoke of his training, those halcyon days on Kashyyyk, before the galaxy went mad.

"Knowing you changed me. Teaching you was as much a journey for me, as it was for you..." she trailed. "The journey was painful, and we both suffered for it. Yet here we are, at the metaphorical end of that journey... and the start of a new one..."

Starlin was fighting back tears as she embraced him. “I love you too,” he said, hugging her back.

"And now, my student, kneel."

He dropped to one knee as Syd split into many. The faces surrounded him in a protective circle as she performed the rite. For all that the ceremony was just that, Starlin felt stronger for taking on the responsibility of a Jedi Master. He felt power coursing through him, hidden untapped sources deep within now revealed. "Thank you, master."

Syd’s spell weakened, her old face melting back into the new. But this time, something seemed to finally click in his memory. “Natalie.” The name came to his lips unbidden, a whisper that Syd might or might not be able to hear over the sounds of battle.

He’d nearly forgotten that they were in the middle of a warzone until Syd said she had to get back to the fight. Starlin nodded in understanding. "Goodbye, Syd," he whispered. She was an island on fire in the dark of night; life would grow back from the ashes she left behind.

After imparting two final gifts, his master vanished. Master Starlin Rand ignited his lightsaber and dove straight into the belly of the beast.



Location: East Tower on Reimar Boulevard, Coruscant
Objective: Kill and Destroy Survive
Equipment: Hellblade, Hand Cannon, Scattergun, Electrolance, Basic Armour w/ vacuum seal
DE Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
GA Sara Roche Sara Roche

The killer stalked the orange haze of Coruscant, death filling its mind.

<"Thunder Vanguard, if can hear me.... If you're still alive enough to hear it.... Do not lose heart, dig deep and find it's flame instead. The Avatars aren't finished with you in life, not by a long chaulk. I know there's fight in you yet, lad.">

<"Send who you can to Storm and Boomer squads, and get those troopers back behind Imperial lines. They fought well today, thus this is the due for those who fought alongside us.... This will be the last of our small victories on the field this day, but not yet for you - I grant your due Recognition. Something to fight for.">
Orders... the foolish notion of "order" in battle.​

Battle was slaughter. The Great Maw demanded death.​

The Grunt demanded death.

Somewhere else, Grunt could hear one of his subordinates coordinating the rearguard action. Noise.​

Something needed to drown out the noise that infested his head. The pounding of bloodlust, amplified by Grunt's exposure to the Dark Side as a one-time apprentice to the Order.

Like a ghost he appeared from the smoke, paces behind a GADF trooper. He seemed on guard but relaxed, as if the worst was over.

Grunt drove his blade deep into the trooper who had nary a moment to scream out.

Blaster fire whizzed past, from down the street. He dove out of the way, hiding in the shadows again, letting the clouds of ash drift across the area.

Sight. He did not need it.
He could almost smell the fear and death around him. Intoxicating. From it he drew strength. Unholy stamina to fuel his body even as it burned through what few calories remained in him.

He stalked through the ruins, his feelings guiding him. There was another trooper, and there. He slew three more with his Hellblade in as many minutes.

His neck hairs stood on end- behind!

Grunt dropped to the ground, a hail of heavy blaster bolts screaming past the space he just vacated, eviscerating the duracrete wall behind him. A single trooper stood out on the street, her blaster cannon blazing away.

His helmet comms crackled again.

<<... bossman, we gotta find him! We're pulling out!>>

<<Beacon at the -ZZZZZZZZ- got a big clump o' enemy troopers there.>>

<<F-ZZZZZ- detach a group, now!>>

Grunt growled, the frustration seeping out of him. He knew deep in his gut- she did this. Her armour stood out like a sore thumb- frontline Marine, not like the others he'd just killed. Reserve and support troopers.

<<I think... I think I hear the boss!>>

He could hear the roars of speeder engines in the distance. The Marine in front of him stopped firing, moving back, reloading her power cells while two others joined her from cover, scatter guns at the ready.

Grunt charged, one hand outstretched, channeling his anger and rage.

They fired their scatterguns, but a wall of telekinetic power buffeted them, detonating the blaster bolts prematurely. The Force Push smashed into their guns, and Grunt could see them twist and break.

The rest of the world fell out of sight- now, here, was only Grunt and his enemies.

He roared as he closed the distance, Hellblade swinging. One of the troopers fell, while the other pulled out a sidearm and fired. The charric bolt detonated against Grunt's armour, sending him staggering back. He let go with one hand, twisting the Force into a tight ball, and pulling hard, sending nearby debris into the back of the trooper, knocking him off his feet and into Grunt's outstretched blade.

"Hey ugly! Catch!"

Grunt whirled around, and was struck in the head by a concussion grenade. The blast sent him reeling, only dimly aware of the follow up ion grenade that completely disabled his Hellblade's power unit. He was up on his knees when the blaster cannon opened fire again.

On instinct, he ran, diving into cover even as bolts smashed into his armour, the kinetic force sending him stumbling and rolling in the debris. Smoke wafted over the battlefield, and his helmet's visor was no good, what with the ion grenade. It would take minutes to cycle the cells through. He ripped it off, breathing in the ash, drawing power from the choking sensations.

The Force is your weapon and armour. Against it, no metal or ceramic can hold.

He stretched out again with his senses, eyes closed, feeling the bleeding wounds of the fabric, the threads of life and death. There- a knot, an unkillable scab of a human. Approaching. In her hands were a close-range scattergun, ready to-

His eyes flew open, and Grunt lashed out from cover, a concentrated blast of power that sent masonry and debris flying like a shotgun blast at the Marine. The power of the blast was clearly unexpected, for she flinched, shielding herself a moment too long before she opened fire. The scattergun's bolts flew wide- a fatal mistake.

With a snap-hiss, Grunt's lightsaber burst into life, the angry red blade slicing the gun in half. Momentum was on his side, as he struck forward. The Marine barely dodged out of the way, falling backward. She tried to grab something from her belt- paltry toys. Grunt ripped her broken helmet off- he wanted to see her eyes as she died, and simply hauled her up with one hand, the Force flowing in his veins, slow and viscous yet unstoppable, his will and anger pumping it through like tar.

"You. You stood in my way. For that you will die."

The trooper blew her matted red hair out of her eyes, her piercing blue eyes staring defiantly into Grunt's, with a hint of humour, like she was privy to a joke he was not. He heard the speeder engines now, and through the smoke around them a dozen of Grunt's men slowed and stopped, seeing their chief.

"Behold, men of Thunder! The reason for your misfortune. Alas that we cannot all slay you- so I'll have to make this quick." The sound of artillery was beginning to close in. Where they were standing was no man's land at this point, with all the units on this side of the district in a complicated cat and mouse chase.

"Come on, I'll give you a chance to beg."

She smiled then- smiled. Grunt could almost respect the bravado, showy and ridiculous as it was. She strained to speak through the chokehold.

"Yeah I- I beg forgiveness for the hell that's about to rain on you. I would beg mercy- for you, you know. On account of how I want to tell you to go to hell, but it's full up with all those idiots you let die in my trap. Also, can you get on with it? You have places to be, and I gotta go."

One of the riders spat. "Yap, yap, yap. Gadflies are all the same."

Wordlessly, Grunt drove his lightsaber through her armour and into her chest in a clean stroke. The other riders roared in victory.


As life ebbed out of Sara Roche Sara Roche , something slipped from her grasp. A beacon. Blinking.

The thunder of artillery reached Grunt and his men a second before the shelling did.

Explosions blasted the intersection, sending his men shouting and yelling. Even in death, this... this roach was killing warriors of the Maw.

Grunt yelled to evacuate- grabbing the Marine's helmet as a spoil of war, almost on instinct. There were more bikes left than riders. Quickly he mounted one, and gunned it. They had to get out of here, before the second barrage, much more accurate and bracketed, landed on top of th-

Thread Exit
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Commander Sara "Roach" Roche
222nd Nova Corps, 314th (Augmented) Battalion, Corps Strategic Reserve -- Seconded to Coruscant Defense Command

Objective: OBJ III
Equipment: GAVA Starwolf Marine Armour, GALMG Beak, GAHP Roundhouse, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Location: IEastern Junction of the Senate District
ALLIES: there are no allies in death, except for The Force
ENEMIES: there are no enemies in death, for they have passed beyond concern

Commander Sara Roche's last hours were not particularly nice.

The Mawite riders had been chased off by judicious placement of her defensive line, but she did not expect survivors from the rubble.

It had happened so fast.

I'm sorry.

First one, then two, then five, of her men dropped out of comms. The defense line reacted quick enough, but most were placed too far east and south, harrying the riders as they linked up with the Imperials to the east.

Her blaster cannon was good, but not good enough for this nerf herder. Hiding, dodging, blocking. The Lieutenant and the Signaller went down in the blink of an eye.

I'm sorry.

Sara had been caught flatfooted. Caught, literally, and even as she activated the artillery beacon, she knew she could not expect much. All she did was seal the fate of any Alliance survivors in the same grid square.

I'm sorry.

She'd wanted a nice retirement. But always, duty called. And she knew the threat of the Sith, of the Empire, of the Maw, was still lurking out there. Foolishly she'd denied herself happiness in more... civilian matters... and all for this.

As things go, this was not a bad way to go.
But I can't go. Not yet.

Sara crawled through the wreckage. Even the sun was blotted out- by smoke or collapsed rubble, she did not know.

Her armour beeped- rescue beacon, but under this collapsed rubble, who knew if it would be detected in time? In time for.... for...

Keep breathing. The suit's medical suite will keep your blood going. Get out of this suffocating hell, then you can... sleep.
But why? I can... rest now. Sleep. I've done my duty. It's time for someone else to take the baton.
No, not yet. There's still much to do.

Much to do. Much ado about... about something.

Keep crawling. Keep going. There's the sunlight. You're unkillable, Sara. You're the Roach.

But she would never know if she made it.

Sara Roche officially MIA
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The padded door didn't gently clink back shut until a few moments later than it should have as Mal hurried to catch it, cracked it again, and slid into the back rooms after Harvey. Maybe the discrepancy wouldn't be noticed, lost in the many ambient noises of war both near and far.

Looting. Screaming. Panic. Sirens. Ground tremors. Distant firefights.

Even if it hadn't been noticed amongst all the clamor, that didn't last long when Mal called out at the man, "What you doing, baby?" She addressed him like she knew him. From the back, she did not. "Anything exciting?" Kandra remained hanging at her side. She didn't like using blasters. She only liked toting something gold and glittering.

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Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Kahne Porte
Objective 3: Total War
Location: Jedi Temple, CORUSCANT


"The pleasure is mine, Master Porte," Jun said, bowing naturally as if he were an Atrisian noble. It might have seemed a bit odd to Kahne Porte but Aiden Porte Aiden Porte would surely recognize it as a customary greeting for her people. Perhaps it was even odder considering the circumstances. Her reconnection with Aiden was followed by the sudden onslaught of war, then topped off with meeting his father for the first time - an event that was, for an Atrisian heiress, usually followed by arranged marriage.

She gave Aiden a solemn nod when he was ready. "How many are waiting for the transport?" she asked. Jun was a pragmatist by nature, but today she found herself throwing out all her hard-fixed predispositions in favor of a feeling that often seemed unreasonable to her: hope.

Closing Personal Story

"There are just a few more left. I recommend we accompany them to their location to ensure their safety and as soon as we get done with that we can head back here and assist further with the defenses." The jedi padawan watched as his father walked down the steps and he glanced back at Jun.

"Whatever happens, stay with me." Aiden said with a small smile and nodded his head. As she had saved him on Tatooine he would make sure that no harm would come to her here. As best as he could.

"Let's get going." Aiden voiced as he led them back through the Temple towards the Hangar. "It shouldn't be long now."

Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:





Units in Reserve: The entire might of Strill Securities' naval assets. All too far to respond.
Ally Tag(s): Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian Protectors and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): DARKCOM DARKCOM | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Dark Empire and Allies




"It takes a madman to win a war, Mandalorian. You should know that well."

Nyles struggled not to laugh at what the GADF walker commander said. He may not have been Mandalorian, but he sure as haran was one of the most mandokarla aruetii he had the pleasure of meeting in a long time. "Are you sure you aren't Mandalorian?" he asked in jest just as a flurry of new friendly contacts resolved themselves on the main tactical display, catching his attention.

"New Alliance contacts coming in, seventy heavy lift dropships. Har'chaak, who said the Alliance didn't know how to conduct an airlift?" said Anni from the main operations station, giving an appreciative low whistle. No one had, but none of them had seen the GADF make a display like this, and har'chaak, it was quite the sight. A maneuver like this would take some coordination, and credit had to be given to the Alliance pilots not only for their bravery but for their coordination.

"The hope is that once this thing is in orbit, we'll have the Rocs disengage and get us off this thing. The Sphinxes are all airtight with our deflector shields, then once we're off this bastard, we'll blow it to kingdom come."

"I'll see you in orbit then, drinks are on me after this," he said before terminating the connection. Emri caught his gaze as he was returning his attention to the main tactical display and held it for a moment. Nyles knew Emri long enough to pick up on her unsaid question, "Me'ven? Like he could afford our drinks on Alliance pay."

"It's your paycheck," said Emri with a shrug, a resigned half smile no doubt plastered on her face under her buy'ce. Nyles let out an amused snort in response. The entire bridge crew waited as the combined efforts of their tractor beams and the Alliance transports finished the job the Alliance commando team had started and dragged what was left of the half finished vessel into orbit.

Nyles waited till the Alliance transports had cleared and there were no more IFF signals still coming from the enemy vessel. "Gett, raise every active frequency in the area. Gorse, get me a firing solution for every Class-D disruptor we can bring to bear," he ordered. A pair of acknowledgement signals flashed in his HUD. A moment later, the 'connection established' icon winked on, alerting him to the fact that he was live, "This is Strill Securities Fleet Admiral Nyles Kote to anyone still left on the enemy warship, if you can hear this, you've got ten minutes to get off that ship. If you need more time, respond, we can talk."

"I highly doubt there's anyone left alive," said Emri from across the tactical display. "Even if they are, I doubt they're going to be around for too much longer." Nyles nodded, there was not much more that could be done except wait as the time passed by, and pass it did. Nyles waited until the last moment in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, that dini'la Alliance rammikad that had tried to steer the ship had survived. Either way, he was out of time.

"Gorse, tra'cyar mav," he said quietly. The entire crew watched intently as bright brilliant purple disruptor bolts crossed the distance in the time it took them to blink, taking whole chunks of the enemy vessel with them in bright releases of energy. It was eerily pretty in a way. Soon the warship's already weakened structural integrity failed it and it started to break up. Gorse and his gunners didn't stop firing until there was almost nothing left but dust and echoes. It was a fitting end to the foul warship that had taken so many lives with its ascent.



Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Kahne Porte
Objective 3: Total War
Location: Jedi Temple, CORUSCANT


Jun nodded, eyes narrowed and jaw tightened. "I'm behind you," she said. She followed him to the hangars, trying to sharpen her mind with basic meditation as they moved, focusing on the task at hand rather than the heaviness in the Force that weighed on her senses. The walk was much longer than she remembered, likely lengthened by the stress of their task. Seeing to the evacuation of the temple's younger Jedi was a monumental task, one she had some reservations with. But between Aiden's skills and her own, she knew they'd do the best job they could.

"There," Jun said, pointing a finger at a pair of transports waiting on the far side of the hangar. Their engines glowed a hot whitish-blue, already prepared to take flight from Coruscant before its orbit became a battlefield. Quickly, she and Aiden crossed the room and met with the senior Jedi who were dispersing the Padawans. "Master," Jun called as they approached, "I'm Padawan Chiyo, and this is my friend, Padawan Porte. We're here to help with the evacuation." The older man nodded, his eyes hopeful despite the seriousness on his face.

"Good. I'm Master Vale, from the Prosperity. These transports will take the evacuees to orbit before scrambling and making a jump to the temple ship. We're almost at capacity now, but we certainly could use the help boarding the next group." The Jedi Master nodded to the line of Padawans waiting to load the ship. Jun looked to Aiden and gave him a nod. "Let's do this," she said.


Sahan emerged from the vampire's chambers; his armor stained with blood, and his face sporting a bruised lip and a few bloody scars. In one arm, he held his helmet. The other hand held two interesting daggers that he was studying. They contained beskar, among other things. Well, that just meant they were his now.

He pocketed the daggers. <I'm done here, Gold. Get the citizens to evacuate. Doesn't matter how; be nice or scare them. I'm going to destroy the ship. I don't know if these vamps will stay dead. Never know with undead. But this should at least give them a major setback, if they do come back.>

He had the blood he'd come for. It had been a fun battle, and he felt refreshed. He'd locked himself in his lab a little too long. It was good to get out and do some hunting. Now, he would have a little more fun and cause some destruction. And the destroyed ship on the outskirts of the Entertainment District of Coruscant would be his little "gift" to the Alliance. Sure, he'd defeated a Sith, but they'd have to clean up the mess. It was a perfect little middle finger. He grinned wickedly. "Now, where's the control bridge?"


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