Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Two: House of Cards | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Reasonable list of personal items based on occupation, training, purchase, and previous acquisition. This includes one piloting droid and a scouting/personal assistant droid.

Location: New Jedi Temple roof - Corruption field site
Objective: Oh, hello, corruption field! Meet my little friend Kata'nari. Now let's get a closer look, hmm?!!

With a grunt, the sodden Hunter slapped his hand against a banister, gripping it tightly. Summoning the Force, he heaved himself up, jumping gracefully until he landed on the roof of the Jedi Temple. With no shelter overhead, the rain poured down mercilessly, driven by gusts of wind. Raindrops lashed at his polarized helm, making visibility a challenge for anyone without such protection.

Oh, life is bigger...
Lightning cracked and arched overhead, followed by thunder's tremendous booms. Amidst the storm, he sensed something familiar in the distance, a call of blood pulling him in two directions. He could feel familiarity in the distance in his senses. Not in one, but in two places. What he'd been tracking. Others were nearby, and his location was no secret -- he was bleeding the Dark Side like a beacon. As if he were a half-naked Gamorrean in a luau skirt twerking their cheeks and cooing, 'You likey, sir?'

The only difference is that while the aura was that of the Darkside, the spread of the corruption field was slowly starting to shrink. It would go faster soon enough.

It's bigger than you,
...And you are not me

The Hunter rolled his neck, feeling the satisfying crack of tension releasing. Now came the interesting part.

The lengths that I will go to...

[ Okay, Kata, just like we practiced before hmm? You get to do your thing. I get to do my thing. You do what you are told and we can get off this blasted planet real quick like after hmm? ] Drifter said in a wry commentary, unsheathing the sword from his back. Kata'nari, the forged and alchemized master creation of one of the greatest Master Alchemists in the galaxy, Valik Valik , was no ordinary weapon. It was sapient, learning and growing with every encounter with alchemical creations, copying their abilities onto itself.
Oh no, I've said too much,
I set it up

Citrine eyes narrowed under his helm as he hummed thoughtfully. Blood didn't lie, and he didn't need Kata'nari to recognize the work of Ibaris Varanin.

[ Oh, Ibby, Ibby, Ibby... Blondie, you've been a bad, bad girl.] he murmured, as Kata'nari's voice echoed in a chortle.

Oh, is your little friend responsible for such a sweet, delicious field?

[ Mmm... well... it's been a few years. Ibby's always been bleeding out the Darkside. ] Drifter replied, moving with purposeful steps toward the call of Ibby's blood and the corruption field's epicenter. Each step felt like a thousand razor-sharp paper cuts against his skin, empowering Kata'nari as it siphoned and stored dark side energy.

Much like the Circlet of Erebos he had created for Ibby so very long ago.

[ Not her fault though. Just who she is. ] he commented, narrowing his gaze as he approached his goal. There, marked in blood, was Ibby's intricate design. The Witchmasters had taught him well, and he recognized her craft instantly.

[ Clever girl. ] he murmured, admiring the work. The blood-marked witch magic couldn't simply be washed away. [ She's gotten stronger. More powerful. Lots of little tricks. ]

Much like the Hunter: From the Rekali's of the Witchmasters and Witches of Dathomir. From Dissero Dissero 's teachings in alchemical works, to Valik Valik 's invaluable notes on masterwork alchemical items. From the Vessel of Neth, Aatrox, and Inari the Reviver, avatars of the Moross Gods. The Ketaal, the Jal Shey, and Findsman. From studying Velok's works and tombs upon tombs of lost knowledge that brought him here.

A chuckle, then a sigh. Micah Draith Shamalain Talith felt a twitch in his jaw, an edge of determination.

[ But so have we. ]

With a swift arc of his wrist, Drifter swung the sword, slamming it down onto the epicenter of the alchemized blood mark. Power surged, coiling and reacting like crashing waves. There was a noticeable shift, a waver in the corruption field.

The chortle in his head grew louder as Kata'nari reveled in the act. With each passing second, the sword used its psychometric abilities to delve into the bloodmark, learning from the depths, gleaning the words, and understanding the methods. Slowly copying the blood alchemized majick onto itself.

The Dark Lady withdrew a ceremonial bone knife from her belt and pulled its razor sharp, alchemised edge across her palm, with only the feather-light touch it would need to draw blood, and the red stuff rose up from the fresh wound. One burnt yellow-orange glance skirted sidelong through her drenched, ashen locks to ensure her men still kept the Lightsider occupied, then the bloodied hand was pressed to the gritty surface of the roof and with pointed focus, she spoke the words...

…thereby setting the seal with an invocation of the darkest power

I thought that I heard you laughing.

Drifter knelt slowly, his heart pounding as he watched Kata'nari drink deeply from the blood alchemized majick. He bent down further, placing his palm on the bloody mark beside the sword's hilt. As he closed his eyes, a shudder ran through him. The Force roared to life, a psychometric storm crashing into his mind. Visions and imagery exploded within, showing Ibaris crafting her spellwork, forming the corruption field.

I thought that I heard you sing.

The chaotic swirl of images painted a vivid picture, forming a scene that revealed a figure and face he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime. The intensity of the vision made his vibrant citrine eyes snap open. Rain pelted down from above, and lightning slashed through the sky, followed by the deafening roar of thunder.

I think I thought I saw you try...

Drifter's breath hitched as he tried to steady himself, the storm inside his mind echoing the one outside. The rain was relentless, each drop a reminder of the power he was dealing with. He could see it all so clearly: the majick, the corruption, and the face of his past. It was a connection he couldn't ignore, a force pulling him deeper into the storm of memories and power.

[ You clever... clever girl. ]


Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin Anyone else on the roof??


"Fool of a Padawan," he cackled as the lightning hit Eloise.

Redirecting his attention to the master Jedi, he poured more power into the attack, trying to slow her down even more, perhaps enough to break her guard.

"and you, Master Serys! Which will break first?! Your saber or your healer's instinct?! Will it be your own weakness or the weakness of your apprentice that makes you fold?!"

Vinaze kept up the barrage, but turned his ghastly gaunt face to Sorren in the corner, groaning in distress but pushing himself meekly up from the floor anyway.

"Boy! Summon the transport!" he roared. Their purpose here had been interrupted by the Jedi rats. It was time to regroup with the Sith at the temple...


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Lightning flew towards Raphael and there was nothing Gatz could do to interrupt its path. Even if there had been, he had no training on how to deal with Force Lightning. He'd have just gone to the ground in a haze of pain and electricity, like he had during the confrontation with Wallgof. So, as much as he hated to admit it, it was better that his fellow man took the lightning—because Raphael demonstrated pretty clearly that he knew how to redirect it.

Even if he did hit the ground still...

Gatz stepped in front of the man immediately, lightsaber still held out. To his relief, that was also when he felt Adeline leave his mind. He hadn't been sure if his half-baked idea would actually work, but at the very least the Sith vampire no longer seemed interested in ripping the intimate details of his life out of his grey matter. It was a small victory, but it was one that Gatz would take.

Then came the illusions. They appeared around him, yellow/orange in color. Gatz paid them no mind, even as one tried to 'touch' his shoulder. Her Sith tricks were just that: tricks meant to distract him, and against a superior foe like her, distraction wasn't a luxury he had. The typical Sith pitch came after that. The whole 'strike me down in your anger thing.' Gatz breathed through it, and rejected her words.

To do as she asked would be to grant her victory, whether he killed her or not. He could not protect Coruscant from the Sith by becoming Sith.

"And lastly.. Those feelings for me? Simply adorable, perhaps I should take you up on that offer? To dine at my academy?"

And yet... that was a curious offer. Not because he was interested, because he wasn't. But because she—whether just to tease, or embarrass, or mess with him—had brought it up. A plan began to construct itself in his mind.

"What if I agreed?" Gatz asked, lowering his lightsaber, but not extinguishing it, "if I promised to meet you at your academy, after the invasion is resolved, would you leave in peace?"

He heard her offers to Gatz, attempts to embarrass or flatter? Raphael didn't know, nor did he particularly care. It was unlikely she'd made this "academy" on Rapture, given the way that the planet had been when he'd last seen it... Most likely it was on another planet and, given the way that she was, if he DID go, then escape would be nigh impossible. She'd make sure of that, if nothing else. Then he heard Gatz begin to even consider the possibility, in the slightest way. Not saying yes, but not outright denying her either.

No. He'd knew at least a fraction of the cruelty that she was truly capable of, and the fact that his fellow jedi was even considering this was a madness beyond madness.

Everything hurt, so badly. He put his hand on the ground, and took a breath. It was painful to even move, but he had to. He had... to stand. Little by little, he forced himself to his feet, the charred skin on his palm cracking and spilling drops of blood as he did so. It was laborious and painful, but through sheer force of will, he got back to his feet. The Force was drawn to him, a trickle, at first, and then it filled him. She had to be stopped, she had to be destroyed. His mind rushed back to when he'd been sparring with his master for the first time, before they'd become master and student. The same feeling, the same elation filled him, though it was kept suppressed, right below a veneer of calculating intellect. He couldn't allow that to get the better of him. Not yet.

He pooled the Force around his hands and his feet, the muscles for running quickly strengthened. A barrier around both hands. Then he went. She was distracted he would have at least a bit of time. If he was lucky, or fast enough, he could kill her in one swing, and they'd be free of her. Of the two of them, Gatz was by far the better Jedi. He had much more potential, was such a good person. Raphael still hadn't healed. He still wasn't good enough. He'd keep her from taking Gatz.

With a step, he was suddenly right beside her, speed bolstered by the Force and fist coming down to hit her as hard as he could.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



CLOSED TAG: Darth Ptolemis




- You too will become greater. Soon, both of us will take the power of the ancient Sith for our own, my apprentice. I sense that the holocrons are close. -

The darkness swallowed Välk's sinister smile at these words.

With a sweep of his hand, storm clouds gathered against the ceiling and lightning forked across them a moment later, illuminating their surroundings every once in a while.
"Yes, they are close." he said, his voice sinister as he stepped forward. "They were under your nose this entire time." From a leather pouch on his belt, he produced the red triangular shape of a Sith holocron. "So interesting that you couldn't sense them all the way here." he remarked, looking from it toward the Blasphemer. He returned the holocron to the pouch. "Turns out you aren't as powerful as you thought."

It was finally time.

Electricity crackled between his fingers for a heartbeat before strong arcs of lightning was directed at the mortal that had posed as his master for so long. He walked forward into the more open area without relenting the torrent.

He did let up with one hand to remove his saber from his belt and igniting the crimson blade.

"Let's see what you can do, mortal."


The facade was starting to crack, fitting for the pallor of Spindle's face, not unlike that of a doll. It was a shame she hadn't brought poisons to dip her dagger. Alas, there had been too many options to choose from. Oh well, something for another time.

"Oh, it's probably not too noteworthy, all things considered..." Beady eyes stared down the Jedi, sizing him up. A saber in hand, what looked like a sword on his back. The Nagai had to wonder if it was a sign he'd be a weaker fighter with the saber. Either way, she'd prefer to end this quickly and not find out. The grip on the dagger tightened, the lightsaber on her own belt practically burning at her hip, ready for use as much as the Sith avoided it. "...Just that the Sith are more than here."

She struck like a viper, aiming for the Jedi's throat and drawing back just as quick. The slight smile on her countenance pulled into a twisted grin, the shadows around her elongating.




Location: Jedi Temple, Jedi Archives
Allies: DE
Enemies: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Zhea Nox Zhea Nox
Nearby: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Jido Myyse Jido Myyse

The Archives was rife with conflict. Between the pillaging Knights of Ren, and Kaleb's own madness, there were many crawling around the chambers that Kaleb thought should be his by right. He demanded everything that the Archives had to offer, both the dark side and the light to further his own ambitions within the Empire, and perhaps cure his mind of the damage left by the Phobis Device. Kaleb's mad gaze searched frantically through the various shelves of Jedi holobooks. Kaleb slowly stalked through each shelf searching for the Jedi Woman that he knew once, now she was determined to deprive him of everything, everything that Emperor Fossk had promised would be his.

Kaleb had called out for Nox to come out, the increased temperatures, and the smell of smoke only put the Dark Jedi further on edge. He had the old Imp Knight contained, his darker use of Force Stun would keep the man at bay, long enough for Kaleb to either finish off Nox, or capture her. It would be most fitting to turn her into one of the Elite, but if she proved too troublesome, he would be forced to end her right there. Seconds felt like an eternity, he could feel vibrations, rumbling that caused the interior of the Temple to vibrate. He was unaware of what was rising outside, but even surrounded by holobook shelves did Kaleb feel darkness burst forth, even as the surge of darkness from the meditation had ended. Kaleb had felt as if he was stronger than ever.

He waited with an ignited green blade, he watched closely as the Kiffar woman stepped out, in one life he had been kind to her, both him and his Wookiee Jedi Master would often tell her tales of treasure, and lost history. Now he stood before, all that was left was just another loose end. Just as all the Jedi were to him now. Kaleb would raise a brow, eyes looking at her. Kaleb could see the saber in hand, and wondered if he could beat her unlike the training dojos he sparred in. Kaleb said nothing at first, listening to her words, she sounded as if she would regret this, that she didn't want to strike him down.

"You don't have to do this, Kaleb."

For a brief moment, through the madness did Kaleb feel more clear. She could see in his eyes that there was a thought, a hint of regret. Through the shadows could Kaleb see if only briefly through his crazed haze. "I'm afraid...." As if telling the truth for once, for fear had consumed him as well as empower him. "Afraid that it is too late... You cannot-S-Stop what is to come." If there was any hope, any spark within Kaleb through the shroud of darkness, then it was quickly snuffed out. The expression on his face changed from regrettable, to determined to bring an end to Nox... His eyes looked to Nox's saber, to her stance. Niman. Perhaps one of the weakest forms that Kaleb despised, for it borrowed from all forms of lightsaber combat, but that was it's weakness. It wasn't fully aggressive compared to Djem So or Juyo. This time it was no friendly spar between brother and sister Jedi, but a true clash between light and dark.
"I'm sorry."

Kaleb couldn't tell whether to be insulted, or to feel pity for someone he once thought a friend. "I'm not..." Kaleb would say this time his tone was more cold, more venomous as he readied himself for her next move. His green blade still rested to his side, while he watched Nox settle into her Niman stance. His eyes narrowed at the pathetic display, for the opening was similar to past sparring sessions. He didn't settle into a defensive stance, settling for her to make the first move, he stood as still as a statue. He watched carefully as she went right towards him, at first he expected her like in previous spars to aim for his body, perhaps his saber hand. Instead, she decided to go for the unexpected, his legs. He brought his saber close as if to block her first strike. Blades clashed only for Nox to follow up with a Force Push.

The dried blood look of his Zeyd-Cloth cape would billow from the blow, while Kaleb was sent staggering back a few feet from her. Rather than go for the offensive did Kaleb do something unexpected. He would deactivate his green blade, if he would fight her. He would not fight as a Jedi. He would instead show Nox that there was no going back.

"You've been practicing." He said a slight smirk showing that he was impressed by what little display he saw. "Allow me to show you just how strong the dark side is..." He would say, as he started to pace around Nox like a predator going for his prey. He wished to toy with her, make it more satisfying before ending her. His pacing stop, he stood in front of her. Not attacking just yet but wishing to show her something truly special.

Kaleb would hold his saber through the Force, the hilt lifting a little above his gloved hand. "The Emperor has showed me what none of you can imagine... Y-Yes... The Emperor is very wise, he is all powerful. Y-Yes! Yes! Through shadows he guides me, through madness he gives clarity! N-Now Jedi Nox.... Witness the secrets he giveth me!"

Kaleb could hear one voice echo across his entire psyche. One that screamed through every fiber of his being.


Nox would watch as Kaleb's saber would disassemble right in front of her. Kaleb knew little of bleeding lightsabers. The Jedi kept much information regarding Sith Lightsabers to be incomplete... He heard stories from Master Eldara, and of course rumors from the Dark Side Elite, but he didn't know what would come from the bleeding process. Nox would witness the emerald kyber crystal as emitter of his saber revealed the glowing gem to her. "Y-You don't understand Nox! Y-You don't know.... The Jedi lies.... The Jedi keep secrets! They denied me knowledge only worthy to them! How dare they! HOW DARE! T-They hunt me like a rabid animal, they defeat me..." Nox could feel Kaleb's anger start to rise. The glowing green crystal started to shake, as Kaleb would attempt to force his will upon it. "N-No! N-No! Kaleb emerge as something more! Through the fear, through the hate, the torture and isolation! Kaleb will never again hear Jedi lies! Never again will Kaleb be denied his knowledge.... NEVER!!!!"

Kaleb would let out another dark yell. This time the green crystal of his would start to shake, this display that Nox would witness was rare for a Jedi to see, the crystal would let out cries of pain through the Force. The crystal itself started to shift, as it's cries would cause the holobook shelves to shake. All of Kaleb's fear, his pain, his rage towards the Jedi all manifested in the crystal. The memories of being hunted by the Jedi, tortured and turned to be the Emperor's Dark Side Elite. All the pain wrought by memory would be felt by the crystal.


The emerald aura of the crystal would fade, it's green glow changed into the familiar bloody crimson of a Sith. If she tried to attack him during the bleeding process, then in that second as the bleeding process would complete. All that dark energy fed to his crystal would be unleashed. As the crystal glowed bright red, would it send a shockwave spreading forth. This shockwave would sound like the crystal was screaming. Holobooks fell off the shelves, as Kaleb's eyes were glowing bright yellow. The shockwave would also attempt to send Nox flying backwards from the intense corruption process. The hilt of his saber would close. Kaleb looked furiously towards Nox, his saber gripped tightly to his hand.

His lightsaber would ignite with another snap-hiss. This time instead of the green blade many had seen Kaleb wield, would Nox now be greeted by a bright crimson blade, it's red blade brought an eerie glow to the Jedi Archives. As if the darkness was consuming the gentle serenity that inhabited this place of knowledge and learning. His saber was slightly raised, he would quickly advance towards Nox, hoping that the bleeding process had lowered her guard, hoping that the psychological impact if not the shockwave could provide an opening for Kaleb to strike. On his offensive did Kaleb launch a few opening moves, this time pairing her Niman against the ferocious might of Kaleb's Djem So... This time there was no going back.



"Bad indeed."

This was odd. Off. The twin sickled Sithswords Vazz utilized pressed more firmly against the saber as he leaned into it. He was.. Excited. He was snarling into a grin. The pain, the aura of darkness around them, he could tell it was affecting his normal judgement. He'd been found amongst his shadows, which meant it was time to flee. Find a new angle to strike. He was a poor fighter in direct confrontation.

But he couldn't resist the urge to just, fight.

Which was probably why, even as the guard broke and Makko stepped forward he didn't back down. A leg? That was fine. He went right to bite out the human's throat as payment.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Violent sparks erupted when her blade carved not into the Apprentice's weapon or body, but into the Master of Ren's weapon instead. It was an almost surprising feat, considering how little Sith or followers of the Dark tended to care about each other. This Apprentice likely wasn't worth much to Detritus Ren Detritus Ren , but he had still come to the boy's aid. Valery gritted her teeth, as the pressure began to rise, but Detritus didn't ease up.

He reached for her wrists and seized them both.

A yelp of pain burst from Valery's lips, not from physical pain caused by his grip, but because something far more sinister lashed out at her mind. From deep within, she felt him again. Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's presence eating away at her mind through the touch of his son. She had no idea how it worked, but she knew that she needed to get out of his grip before it was too late.

Detritus, however, didn't let go.

A tremor in the Force signaled the sudden appearance of an enormous ship. Even far away, it caused the ground underneath their feet to shake so violently, that the Temple's floor was being torn apart. Detritus used this opportunity and dragged her along with him deeper into the Temple. She couldn't resist it, no matter how hard she tried, but if she didn't get away from his grip, she would surely die. So it was with that in mind, that Valery used her weakening strength to phase and separate herself in the growing darkness of the Temple.

"What are you?" Valery scoffed, as she drew her blade and readied her guard again. Her breathing had turned heavier and erratic, her muscles were tense and pain flashed in her eyes.

But the worst had yet to come.

In what seemed like an instant, Valery felt the presence of Romi Jade Romi Jade suddenly fade into the Force. Out of reach for those left behind, but still radiant, strong, and able to reach her heart. Valery gasped for air, as pain began to swell, and despite her inner strength, she couldn't stop her hands from shaking. Every memory she shared with her dear friend flashed before her eyes. From their first meeting when Jadelight beacon was opened, to their conversation before the Battle of Tython, to their chats and laughs about the little ones they would one day leave behind.

When those memories finally faded, only Detritus Ren Detritus Ren was left, along with a gaping hole in her heart.

"You..." she said with a flash of anger burning in her eyes. "I'm going to end you."


Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


Pain and suffering swirled around Khronas, the Sith Acolyte basking in the violence wrought throughout the destroyed Senate complex and the trail of blood his peers were cutting through the New Jedi Temple. He allowed the waves of darkness to wash over him, strengthening his limbs and steeling his resolve. While the weak-minded Jedi may use the Force to wash away the agony of their injuries, Khronas submerged himself in his own suffering, using it to clear his mind to everything but the beautiful passage of time.

“Ego, another unworthy distraction from one’s true purpose,” he hissed back at the Jedi. “It is a crime to squander precious moments on such a …”

A sudden sense of urgency gripped the Siniteen, a warning that this very moment was not being used to its full potential. Khronas reached out with the Force to sense the true timeline, but not quickly enough. Debris, summoned by the Jedi, slammed into his back, throwing him further down the hallway and pinning him to the ground.

Khronas roared with anger, his nanosecond-perfect internal clock screaming that he was falling further behind schedule. The young Jedi was proving harder to kill than anticipated, and every minute wasted fighting them was moment in time that would be lost forever. The Acolyte needed to get back onto his meticulously planned schedule. The Grand Timeline could not be allowed to slip.

Clambering to his feet, Khronas glared back at the unarmed Jedi. “You are indeed stronger than I anticipated. But your powers pale in comparison to the endless march of time.”

Bringing up his Sith sword, Khronas swung the ancient blade. But the Jedi was not his target - the Siniteen slashed the weapon across a turbolift control panel. The blastdoors swung open in response, revealing an empty lift shaft. He jumped into the lift shaft and began to ascend, using the Force to extend his jumps between ledges and crossbeams as he rose through the New Jedi Temple.

Khronas emerged in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the once pristine room now defiled by the macabre dance between Jedi and Sith. He vaulted over a fallen temple defender and bounded across the room, intent to get back on schedule.


TAGS: Khronas Khronas


Valor watched as Khronas slashed the turbolift control panel and leapt into the lift shaft. The sudden retreat caught him off guard, but only for a moment. He couldn't let Khronas get away. Not now.

With a quick, decisive movement, Valor sprinted towards the lift shaft, ignoring the pain from his cuts and bruises. He reached the edge and peered up, seeing Khronas ascending rapidly using the Force.

"Running away, are we? You know Time is only an Illusion!" he called out, his voice echoing in the confined space. The mockery was a cover for his own growing sense of urgency. He couldn't let Khronas escape.

Using the Force to enhance his jumps, Valor began his ascent. He leapt from ledge to ledge, his movements fluid despite his injuries. Each jump brought him closer to his goal.

Valor needed a plan, a way to catch Khronas off guard. He couldn't afford a prolonged fight; the damage from the roof tiles were taking their toll. He needed to end this quickly. However, the frog was intent on complaining. Valor could practically understand the annoying little squeaks.

Frog: "Whoa, whoa! Why's the ground going up? Is this normal? I don't think this is normal!"

Valor: "Quiet, Frog. I'm trying to concentrate."

Frog: "Concentrate on what? Not falling? 'Cause I feel like falling. I don't wanna fall. Frogs don't do heights, you know."

Valor: "Just hang on. We're almost there."

Frog: "Hang on? With what? I ain't got hands like you, buddy. I'm all slime and no grip. You know how that goes."

Valor: "Trust me, I know. Just stay still."

Frog: "Stay still? In a pocket? With all this bouncing around? Easy for you to say with your fancy muscles and not-a-frog body. And hey, what's that smell? Smells like... fear? Or is it... moths? Oh, I hope it's moths. I could really go for a snack."

Valor: "Focus, Frog. Focus."

Frog: "I am focusing! On not being frog soup if you mess up. And by the way, when did you last clean this pocket? Smells like old socks and bad decisions in here."

Valor: "Really? Now you're worried about cleanliness?"

: "A frog's gotta have standards. And also, I think I felt a bug in here. If we live, can I eat it? Please?"

Valor: "If we live, you can have all the bugs you want. Just let me focus."

: "Deal! But if we don't, I'm haunting your next reincarnation, just so you know. Ribbit."

Reaching the top of the shaft, Valor emerged into the Room of a Thousand Fountains, now a battleground littered with fallen Jedi and Sith. The sight was disheartening. He saw Khronas bounding across the room, intent on sticking to his schedule.

Valor's eyes narrowed. He couldn't let Khronas dictate the terms of their encounter. He needed to seize the initiative. Drawing upon the Force, he picked up debris and launched it towards Khronas, aiming to slow him down.

"Your schedule doesn't matter if you're dead~!" he shouted, his voice filled with anger. He moved swiftly, using the fountains and fallen structures as cover, trying to close the distance between them.

As he neared, Valor prepared himself for the final confrontation. His training, his instincts, and his will to survive all coalesced into a single, driving force. He wouldn't let Khronas escape. Not now. Not ever.


Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture a Jedi
Location: Near to the Jedi temple, Coruscant
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


The feeling I had just felt was only intensified when I approached the other woman. I could only guess that maybe the Force was trying to whisper something; my training was still quite lacking in that area. I know that I knew skills that might be above the level of an apprentice, Padawan, or whatever you want to call them, but I didn't know things that apprentices learn in their first days or weeks. The disadvantages and advantages of quirky and hybrid training. But back to the present and the fight…

… as I raised the pistols and pulled the trigger, she moved. Her expression was still the same as before, but she raised her lightsaber to block the attack. My eyes widened for a moment. That was not possible; I could see in her face, in her eyes, that she was still under the influence of the memory walk. Nevertheless, she moved, not as gracefully and elegantly as before, but she moved. Was that what I felt in Force? Was that the bad feeling? I found it very possible.

"FETH!" I said, surprised and angry at the same time.

That damned lightsaber; but she wasn't moving smoothly and quickly now. So I might have a chance. Unfortunately, I haven't seen what the lightsaber looks like, but in most cases one can turn them on with a button. At least according to my studies. Telekinetic was not my forte, but pushing a button shouldn't be that hard. So, this time, instead of shooting, I refocused, tried to reach out into the Force, and there "concentrate" the Force around the lightsaber switch button. If I succeeded, I used my telekinetic power to try to turn the lightsaber off.

If I did, I hoped I would have a few seconds to act. But in the end, one way or another, I didn't have much choice. If the lightsaber was off, if not, I kept firing at her with the stun setting, hoping to hit her. Since she was now visibly slower than when she was fully conscious - perhaps the Force was causing her to be able to defend herself, out of instinct - so despite my sore ankle I tried to quickly get to her side from a distance, then behind her back, and kept firing at her while I did so. I tried to anticipate her movement, the speed of her turn, her reaction, and adjust accordingly to take advantage of what I hoped would be a long sustained slow pace.

Feth! I should have brought a stun grenade with me...



Senate Building (vicinity), Coruscant
Romi Jade Romi Jade | NJO | GADF
Against: Open | DE

Sword | Shield | Armour

The Lion headed for the Senate building in the immediate wake of its ruination, leaping off the ledge of the Temple Gardens and landing several hundred feet away on the shattered promenade that made up the main route to the planet's prominent structure, rivalled only by the Jedi Temple. There were few ground forces to carve through as the promenade was currently being bombed into oblivion by squadrons of TIE Bombers zipping by overhead.

He darted through intense explosions and jumped over the resulting chasms to the point where TIEs seemed to target him specifically, strafing and bombing the bridge from underneath his feet. One overzealous pilot even attempted to ram him, bringing his fighter so low it nearly scraped the wartorn surface. Thurion leapt over it, drawing his sword and cleaving the Imperial machinery in twain in one fell swoop before landing on his feet and resuming his advance, sheathing Anarion unperturbed.

Upon reaching the steps of the Senate, he felt his mind reel, physically keeping him from ascending those steps. Overhead loomed the dreaded Star Destroyer that had lain waste to the Senate building, but it was not his chief concern.

"No..." He felt the moment his heart broke. "NO!"

Thurion plunged himself into the darkness of the collapsing debris in a suicidal bid to recover what was lost. Not some relic of the past or symbol of democracy, but a person. Someone he held dear.

His armour became ashen with caked dust and dented from heavy pieces of rubble crashing into him, bruising his body underneath the protective plates, yet the titan proceeded into the depths, using his shield as a battering ram to smash through any falling debris in his way.

Upon reaching temporarily stable ground, the Lion located the broken body of Romi Jade buried beneath a dilapidated pillar. Even as the ground came apart beneath his feet, Thurion mustered his great strength to lift the immense weight off her. With no time to inspect her body, he threw her over his shoulder and was forced to jump off the crumbling foundation as more debris toppled it.

With the last of his strength, Thurion was just barely able to hang onto the flimsy scaffolding of a lower level construction site, having cleared the Senate building's downward path of destruction as it fell into the deepest depths of Coruscant, never to be seen again.

He pulled himself up, instantly falling to his knees as his strength caved and he could go no farther. There, on some unnamed slab of duracrete yet to be finished, he mourned over the remains of Romi Jade.

"You were the best of us," he howled like a wounded animal, utterly heartbroken. "You were the light of this galaxy's future... and they've snuffed you out!" He'd thrown his helmet off to gasp for air, his face contorted with grief and anger. He turned his rage to the skies, telling himself he was scolding the Force itself. "I curse you! Curse you for letting them take her from us! How could you not save her! How could you..."

He clutched her to his chest, his tears marking her dust-ridden corpse.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. She should be standing over his broken body, not the other way around. In his worst nightmares, Thurion could never have imagined such calamity.

Somehow, the grief-stricken giant got back on his feet and began the painstaking task of ascending Coruscant, one level at a time, carrying Romi's body all the way to safety.

She was his friend, and one of his last remaining at that. She deserved better than to be buried in an unmarked grave.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jedi Temple Undercroft

Tag | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

It was obvious that he had been trained in some degree to try and ignore anger, a shame really.. But she had driven many Jedi into a rage before, like all her projects it simply takes time. A resource she had an abundance of thanks to the obvious, and her passion for this project grew as at least her line got a nibble.

"If you agreed or not, my interest in this has been raised.. You would see me again, academy or not. I extend this invitation in earnest, for I do not offer such a thing lightly. As for leaving in peace? Perhaps we could make a deal for that, I leave the both of you alone, only attacking others in self defense. Perhaps stick around to take in the scenery... I can even offer to release the souls I had shown you earlier... For a price."

She smiles a bit.

"The price being a pact between us, one that cannot be broken by either of us. All I desire is to leave a brand upon your neck, what it will do is feed me the soul of whoever you kill. Nothing too pricey correct? You get to be a hero and save souls, perhaps even get rid of any Sith you kill down the line. Of course if either of us breaks this pact, judgement will befall on the pact breaker."

Distracted with her deal making, Adeline hadn't noticed the punch. The blow landing hard enough to snap her arm in half as her body got thrown into a bookcase, old Jedi holocrons and tomes scattered down onto the intruder. Dust covered the area as there seemed to be no sign of her, she had to be within the mound of books and dust..


Objective: Protect the Temple
Gear: Armour, Lightsaber, Besker Spear
Tags: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim

As Katherine moved through the memory, disembodied voices flew around her, whispering and taunting her constantly. This is what Lorelei had to contend with when she had set foot here.

“They gave you up…”

“Sold you…”

“To the Sith!”

“They cared more for their own prosperity, than their own daughter.”

Despite it not being her own memory, Katherine could feel the distress that had blossomed in Lorelei’s heart at the time. She was never the strongest amongst her peers, and likely wouldn’t have made it if it hadn’t been for Caroline and Eleanor. But this; the reminder of her abandonment, that struck more deeply than any physical blow could.

Suddenly, Katherine felt an electrical current shoot across her entire body. The Padawan yelled in pain, collapsing to one knee. Confusing hit first, before the reality of the situation washed over her like a wave. She was trapped, she needed to get out.

Right. Now.

But as Katherine tried to push herself back up onto her feet, another shock spread across her body. The redhead crumpled to the ground, each consecutive shot causing her to almost curl up into a ball. In desperation, Katherine reached out into the memory, and grasped a hold of the rage and anger that was simmering within Lorelei.

That which helped her overcome her trail then, would be what would help free Katherine now.

NO!” The Padawan let out a pained yell, mustering enough strength to push herself up onto her feet, and with one mighty swing of her wings…shattered the memory.

Ellayina’s attempt to disable Katherine’s lightsaber had worked, initially at least. The lightsaber’s blade disengaged in response to her telekinesis. But the Padawan’s body still had enough movement to push the button to re-engage it.

Not that it mattered ultimately.

The opening gave the Ellayina enough time to land a stun, striking the Padawan’s shoulder. Her body reacted, though more akin to a disabled droid than a living being. There was no reaction to the pain that would’ve followed, not in reality at least. She attempted to turn, to follow Ellayina’s movements, but she was too slow.

A stun or two had managed to be intercepted, but one too many still struck Katherine, all of which bit by bit forced the Padawan to her knees. And the final shot saw the Padawan’s lightsaber slip free of her hand. Silence fell immediately after, with nothing but the rain pouring down atop them, and the chaos that was still unravelling nearby.

Until a flash; a warning erupted within the Force. As Katherine’s mind came roaring back to reality.

NO!” Fueled by the Battle Meditation and pure adrenaline; the only two things keeping her conscious, Katherine shot up into the sky. But the damage had already been done, her body was too sluggish and slow to reach the proper altitude she needed to soar. So as the redhead’s wings unfurled, intent on flying away, she was nothing more than an airborne target.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Wonderful. So Adeline had a vested interest in him now. Gatz had never thought he'd snag himself a Sith vampire for a stalker, but here they were. It was like his life got weirder by the day. Sometimes, he longed for the simplicity of his old life: no Sith, weird powers, or galaxy ending wars. Just credits, drugs, and the hyperlanes. That's not to say he'd go back to that—he wouldn't—but he wasn't overly fond of how complicated his life was these days.

Oh well. This was the life he'd chosen for himself, and he was sticking to it.

Adeline, naturally, tried to tempt them into taking one of her deals again. Gatz hadn't expected that she'd leave so easily, but he'd hoped. Still, he knew better. She hadn't gotten anything she wanted yet, so why would she agree to go in peace? He was willing to compromise a little, if it meant one less Sith to deal with, but he wasn't willing to put her metaphorical noose around his neck to—

And then Raphael was there. And then Adeline was in a bookcase.

"Consider that our response to your deal." Gatz said dryly, "last chance, Adeline: leave, and I will agree to meet you after the invasion. Stay and—"

But Gatz was interrupted by something being ripped from his chest. Like a piece of him had just been cut out, vanished, and now the hole where his family used to be had gotten just that much wider. Fear flooded him. He'd... he'd just lost someone! Who?! Valery Noble Valery Noble ? No, her strength was ebbing, but she was alive. Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren ? Fear gripped him stronger than ever, but relief replaced it quickly. She was well. Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania ? Giving the fight of her life, but still above ground.

Romi Jade Romi Jade . Gone. Blown into his life, then out just as quickly, like the desert winds. No more lessons. No more wisdom. No more of her warmth. Just... gone.

"Master Jade, I..." Gatz whispered to himself, hot tears trailing down his cheeks, "I'll look after them, I swear. Just like I promised you."

And then he wiped his tears away with his sleeve, and held his lightsaber high. He emptied himself, and filled himself with Coruscant's heartbeat, as Romi had taught him to do. Even here, on a metal world breathing in carnage, the Force was present—powerful, unwavering, and living. He gave himself to it—surrendered control to it—and approached the bookcase that damned vampire was buried under.

"Leave this place, Adeline." His voice was quiet, but firm, "leave, or your time is done."

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ALLIES: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Sinestra | Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin | Malva'ikh Dralidok | Aphon | Prowler | Sahar | Vorm | Creuat | @whatDSEamImissing? | DE
ENGAGING: Stennis Fel Stennis Fel
GEAR: Armour | Lightsaber | Pistol | Vibroblades | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




"Oh good grief..."

Amena rolled her eyes at his words before curling her fingers, wrapping the Force around his throat and lifting him before flinging him down the corridor a few feet away, cool air gracing her face again instead of the heat of his saber.

"The oaths I swore to both Tavlar and your father will be good enough for you too. My duty led me here and I will remain where I am in order to do it." she said flatly, squaring her stance. "I can get you in close to Solipsis and you can cut off the head of the snake yourself, but only if you grow a backbone and some balls and stopped being the sniveling Jedi's puppet." The Viper wasn't known for her patience and she was running out of it with his pushing for justification and placation.

She had no intention of igniting her saber again. If he continued to be pigheaded and trying to kill her, he'd answer to the full might Solipsis bestowed on the Elites prior to their arrival on Coruscant, even if it meant proving him right. She was getting tired of being second-guessed around every corner, even when she stuck to the ideals of Order. She still held loyalty to what was left of the Empire, but it was waning with every justification she had to give a snotnose playing at Imperial.

She started walking backwards toward the fried door, keeping her eyes on him. She needed all that she could carry from the Room, but she had to insure that she got rid the pighead, albeit alive and unharmed, first.

He was supposedly the future, after all.

"Now get the hell out of here before he finds you and you end up like your father. I'll be in touch."




Location: Jedi Temple, Interior
Allies: DE, Olorion Fossk Olorion Fossk
Enemies: GA, Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble
Equipment: The Ren Lightsaber, Detritus Ren's Orbalisk Armor

Detritus would grin as he took the full brunt of Valery's saber strike with the organic armor of orbalisks that had fed from his body. In kind for taking the saber blow, did they dig deeper into him, biting him, injecting him with more dark side energy that overwhelmed him. He knew that he would need it to face perhaps what the Alliance considered the best of the New Jedi Order. A theory that Detritus had waited years to test, and at last he stood before his greatest foe. Upon gripping her wrists when the rumbling began, did he feel something. It was all the more clear, when his burning gaze glared deep into her soul. The World Eater was inside of her, part of her as much as she had become part of him. His eyes narrowed, and kept tight to both her wrists. If she would fight anyone than she would fight the son of the Dark Saint that she had murdered, the new God that the Ren worshipped would be avenged.

The rumbling caused Detritus to take the opportunity to fling himself along with her deeper into the Temple. Better that the Jedi die by his hands, than what was rising outside of the Jedi Temple. They tumbled deeper into the depths, and while Detritus hoped to crash her body through the Temple halls, he was not surprised to see her phase from his very grasp. "RAAAAAGH!!!" He roared in both frustration, and rage. She wouldn't get away from him, even if he froze her in place before snuffing the life from her. Detritus would find his descent crashing through one of the halls, where he landed several feet from Valery.

"What are you?"

Did he hear the scoffing question of Noble before him. Detritus would slowly get up, some of his black robes damaged during his fall. He ripped the tattered pieces to reveal more of the Orbalisks that had threatened to consume him entirely. The black crustaceans reflected the glow of Detritus's burning blade as it ignited once more. Detritus's gaze met Valery's inquisitive glare. "Why, I'm the reckoning you waited for all your life, Master Noble." He would say, spatting out her honorific title mockingly.

The Master of the Knights of Ren would begin his advance slowly. The predator had finally cornered his prey. The crackling of Ren in his hand brought a chill up to his spine. He dreamt of this moment for so long, now at long last. He was looming over her just as he too felt the death of Romi Jade Romi Jade through the Force. A wide smirk would spread behind the confines of his helm. He watched as the guard of his enemy lowered. She gasped for air, pain rushed through her, while Detritus and his orbalisks would feed off of it, using the traumatic moment to grow stronger in the dark side.

"I'm going to end you."

Detritus would hear the words of Noble, a burning glare bore into his eyes, and her tone sounded angry. Detritus would scoff in turn. "Much as you've already tried, Ren-Slayer." Detritus would keep his orange blade in one hand, and in the other hand he reached out to touch her forehead open palmed. Using the shattered remnant of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren deep inside of Valery did he put his will into the Jedi Master's mind. He gritted his teeth, his grasp on her head tightened as he unleashed the dark power of Memory Walk upon her very psyche.

He could see all of it, all of her. From her beginnings as a Jedi Knight from an Old Republic long gone, to her new beginnings in an unfamiliar galaxy, to her ascension as Sword of the Jedi. He saw all of it, even the death of his father, and even her little family. He started to exploit anything he found, all her doubts, all her worst memories, and all of it combined with the death of one close to her. It would all be like the darkest abyss wishing to crush her utterly and completely.

Detritus would stand over her, his fiery blade poised to strike while he continued to explore her mind, empowered by the dark soul of the World Eater. "Pathetic... I know you all too well, Ren-Slayer. You're nothing more than a failure. You failed to save a Republic that needed you most, you failed to end my father's legacy, you failed to protect this temple..." Detritus would take a moment to pause, his fingers pressing into her head as if to reach deeper, as if to try to reach for that dark soul. "You failed your Alliance, you failed your friends, you failed Coruscant!" He closed his grasp on her head, as if to signal that he was ready to rip her mind to sunders. "Today, I avenge my father! Today.... I'll TEAR YOUR SOUL APART!!!" He screamed to her, as he allowed the orbalisks to feed him all the power he could, all of his anger to meet the dark remnant of the World Eater from within. He would unleash a bombardment of her memories, the worst that she has felt, all of her doubts, her failure to protect Jedi such as Romi. To protect all that threatened to burn on this day. All of it would come in dark feedback loop attempting to break both her mind, and will. To bring her crumbling from the dark side and the dark passenger she carried within.

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The adrenaline started dropping immediately and, for a moment, he was suddenly thrown back a few years and he started to panic. He'd just struck his master, snapped her arm in half!! But as he heard Gatz's voice start again, he breathed. No... No. She wasn't his master. Not anymore... Not anymore. He took in a deep breath and felt his mind come back to the surface. He slowed, focusing on recentering himself. He'd lost himself, for a moment. His hand was hurting badly, but he would tend to that later, once they were done here.

He wanted to admonish Gatz for even still having it in him to even offer to agree to meet this mas--monster again, after what she'd done, what she could do. But, before he could even do so, before he could even say one word he watched as the man stumbled for a moment. Something... Something awful had happened. He didn't know who, but he knew that the man had just lost someone, someone important, he could feel it roiling off of him.

Raphael wanted to say something... something to comfort the man that he'd been standing alongside him... Yet, when he reached for the words, there was nothing. He'd never really lost anyone, not in a way that had mattered so utterly and he felt like, anything he said, would come off as platitudes. They would be comforting, but would lack substance, that connection that one could know that the other understood their suffering.

Words were uttered that Raphael couldn't hear, couldn't quite understand. They were... They were so quiet, and tears made a journey alongside his cheeks. Raphael... was surprised... There... He would need to find this man, after the fact, regardless of how this all turned out. The man raised his lightsaber and, inarguably better than Raphael had done, drew the Force to him. It was impressive, to say the least... Even the voice was different, it was softer in tone, yet commanded an authority to it.

Raphael turned, keeping his back to Gatz, he knew that he hadn't come anywhere near close to defeating Adeline, and more so that she was tricky. He wanted to make sure she didn't try sneaking up on them. But... how she would respond? He had no idea.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Location: New Jedi Temple (Rooftops), Coruscant
Objective: Something Something Don’t Get Killed, Maybe?

She had thought their time in the Cage had taught them all they needed for survival, terrible conditions and near impossible match ups had been the bread and butter for most of their life, but Mahsa was starting to realize it paled in comparison to what the galaxy could offer. A cold shiver crawled into her spine as the rain continued to douse her small frame, a nuisance that threatened to weigh her down as the water was absorbed by the fabrics of her clothes.

The wind certainly didn’t help either, free to flow and buffet them mercilessly now that most obstacles had been removed from its way. It ruffled her hair, the wet strands lashing out and stinging her face as they shifted with the gales, making it even harder to see the very foes she was attempting to keep away from the Temple.

Already extenuating circumstances to be sure, but the cherry on top had to be the thick miasma around them—relentless in its attempts to break the little mental defenses Mahsa had managed to raise up.


Unexpected tremors caused the rooftops to shake under her feet, the girl narrowly managing to parry away a bolt of plasma energy, before something—perhaps a raindrop or just her hair—entered her eye and forced Mahsa to close them. Her arms instinctively raised to brace herself, having caught a glimpse of a larger figure rushing towards her, before a yelp escaped as the impact of their kick sent the smaller padawan back into the very wall beside the entrance she’d used to reach the roof.

She coughed as the wind was knocked out of her, a sharpy and raspy breath struggling to refill her lungs quickly, before a small mercy was delivered. The appearance of a third party, one who absolutely oozed of dark energy, had been enough to catch the attention of her assailant—especially when it became clear the carefully crafted blood runes from Ibaris were their mark.

Were they friend or foe…?

One arm rested against the wall she’d been forced against, a small part of her thankful for the support it offered as Mahsa got back to her feet. It firmly held the hilt of her lightsaber, the pink blade currently powered off, while her free palm pressed against the side of Mahsa’s head.

A deafening boom of thunder threatened to deafen her ears at the same time another erratic wave of corrupted energy threatened to flood her mind, threatening to drown the young Kazelrrian in unwanted memories—

No!!! A trickle of blood spilled from the edge of her mouth, the sharp pain caused by the girl biting her lower lip helping to keep Mahsa focused on the here and now instead of the unchangeable past.

She really hoped they were friendly…


Drifter Drifter
Anyone else here?


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jedi Temple Undercroft

Tag | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Her eyes saw nothing but the very books that covered her face, blinking a few times as she didn't move a muscle.. Despite what had happened, how things went.. No deals made, only so much ground given for her second favorite thing. Most would be too gone after that hit, or perhaps they would need to flee.

She had grown soft it seemed, too busy trying to entertain herself with dealings in a place such as this... It had almost made her forget what she really enjoyed, what she adored first and foremost. Her burning passion to win, to seek and destroy just as she had done years ago as a general under the Sith Order.

The both of them would see/hear the pile rustle, followed soon after by an audible pop sound. A much more scaled hand with elongated fingers/claws inched its way out of the pile, gently opening its palm. Akin to an undead rising from their cold grave, the force began to grow hot.


Adeline growled as her true form bursted forth, a massive draconic bat creature. Her voice was no longer soft and gentle, it was loud, authoritative.


A large, fanged maw smiles at them as her freakish tongue licked at her fangs.

Using a hardy flap of her wings, the wind pressure would be enough to send most people flying back onto the ground. Before them was no longer a gentle pact maker, it was an enraged devil!


The monstrous visage of Keres rored as her hands smashed the temple ground before throwing the heavy chunks at the two.


She had entered a force rage, and yet the both of them could feel her intense joy as she went into battle. Dust flew and slags of stone dangerously shot around the place, the beast vanishing in a smog before appearing near Raphael, seeking to clamp him within her hungering maw that simply salivated at the thought of tasting his flesh. Her hope was that Gatz was distracted by the slags going after him while she attempted to get the wounded Raphael.


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