Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Two: House of Cards | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture a Jedi
Location: Near to the Jedi temple, Coruscant
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


As I concentrated on my attack, the younger woman was still talking and started to walk closer to me. Since my concentration was quite strong and I was focused on finding her weak spot, I couldn't really understand what she was saying because I had blocked it out. My eyes were open, so I could see her mouth moving, but I didn't have the strength or energy to read her lips or understand what she meant. I just tried to finish before she got to me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the young woman finally stopped, her eyes became "dead" over and she didn't move. I knew this reaction all too well, having experienced it many times before when I used it as torture on others during interrogations. However, I have not had the "luck" to try this on a force user, so I had no way of knowing how long it would take the woman to break free from the torture and end the vision and memories. For an average person, this would take a very long time and it often happened that I broke the Force ability to talk to the person.

In the moments that followed, a lot happened. First, the ground shook and since there was HPI Net nearby, thanks to the fact that others had used it in the ground fighting, MANIAC immediately reported that the quake was coming from the Senate building. Most of the buildings covered it from here because I wasn't high up, but I could still see the huge starship rising out of the depths of the building. Tithe and the Emperor? I couldn't imagine anything else, as I knew of no other person in the Dark Empire who, according to the data, would have been high enough in the Galactic Alliance to be involved in such a covert operation.

I didn't know if the major damage caused by the earthquake, and thus the collapse of the buildings, would reach here, but I didn't want to take any chances. A few heartbeats later I felt the support of the darkness had gone, whoever was doing the Battle Meditation had stopped. Luckily it didn't affect me much, but I felt it for a moment. So, back to the angel-winged woman; I didn't want to give the Jedi too much time to escape the grip of her worst memories. For that very reason, I started walking towards her in the rain, carefully, trying to spare my injured ankle and not put too much strain on it.

I was still walking towards her, and in the meantime, I switched the pistols to stun mode, this time both of them. I stopped a few feet away from the woman, also for the lightsaber, and then raised the pistols at her. At that distance, it was almost impossible not to hit an immobile opponent, so I had every reason to hope that I could. However, she was a Force User, so I wasn't entirely optimistic and who knows what surprises she had in store for me.

The next moment I pulled both triggers...


Amid constant tremors and a great loss of life echoing in the Force, the Shadow Hand rose to his feet, still holding the datapad, still receiving updates on the cacaclysmic emergence of the Eclipse III. He sheathes the datapad to readjust to the now: his own mission for power. Once the holocrons are his, he will pry open secrets so unholy, and so ancient that there will be no one left to stop his ascent.

Not even his master, the

"I take it that whatever it was, it was ours." he said, framing it more like a statement than a question as he looked down at his masked master.

The shadows of the hall crept around them, black as night. It looked as if a lone mask without a wearer floated in the darkness, and from behind it a terrible voice spoke, that of the Blasphemer. - Our Emperor raised a half-built Star Destroyer from the deep. - He allows the profoundness of his words to speak for themselves. - You already felt it.

"Do you still wish to find the holocrons?"

Right when he would turn to head deeper into the dark hall before them, Ptolemis stops for a second, silently noticing the shift in the demeanor of his apprentice. Välk did not call him master. The mask looks up at him, a chilling sensation flashing through his mind before speaking. - Everything you’ve brought before me pointed to the existence of this hidden chamber, and indeed we’ve found it. - The mask looks away, into the abyss ahead. - You too will become greater. Soon, both of us will take the power of the ancient Sith for our own, my apprentice. I sense that the holocrons are close. - The maroon mask disappears into the dark, only the receding echoes of the Blasphemer’s footsteps revolving around them.
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Bruce Mottingham



The Jedi Guardian held his lit kyber as he locked shields with defenders, cutting at the Neo Maw who used their vibro swords. He burning kyber tore one bapde in twain as he dug the saber into the neck of the assailant, he then pulced it from the flesh sheath and cut down another Dark warrior. All around him in the Temple grounds the shadow crawled. He charged with his metal shield into a fresh crop of soldiers, their spears knocking away and their blasters firing up into the sky. He cut at them, the kyber hissing as he slashed and tore their armor apart, he kicked one that pointed a pistol and then dug his cyan tip into the back of a DE Infantryman, who fell with a great hole of black and smoke rising from his chest.

Singling him out was giant of a being, with a great hammer, and spike he swung the great weapon making GA troopers fly in a fan of directions. Bruce charged and the hammer fell on his shield like an avil pressing his knees into his lower legs. The impact could shatter bone, and yet he rose and jabbed from behind the shuelf at this Nephilim. The Warrior had two hreat horns of a Reek in his head, he made the sound od a beast as his great hammer. Bruce let ot meet his shield and dropped it and he ran up the great shaft towards the Demom and taking his saber with a back hand dug it into the chest of the Titan, who began to soun around and beat him with his horns. Bruce hung on as the mighty man tried to shake him like a bull, but then the fire began to ebb and he slunk down, Bruce feeling the floor with his boots. Taking the blace out, the Beast stick out his tongue, he cut his head which was lower to the ground as he bent on knees, clean off. This seemed to startle some of lower ranks who fled, Bruce walking over to his shield and looking at some of his men, the area adouhd hus eyes purple ans black from bruises. He raised his saber up and said,
For the Alliance! For Ashla!

They cheeredx and raised their weapons. Some hounds burst into the foyer and leapt on to troopers digging their claws and jaws into them. Bruce took up his shield and saber and said,
Standfast men! As One!

They closed ranks as they met the hounds, blasters firing and blades beating at the Tu’kata met them, one fell as he was mawed and bitten, Bruce swiped his blade up to cut its neck from underneath.
Go back to the shadows!
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He wondered how much Gatz had experienced with Adeline; even Raphael himself, after all, had only dealt with her when she'd been simply a sith. Seeing her now...he wasn't reminded of a sith, nor was he reminded of any dark sider, really. No. She reminded him of Onrai, the "dark sider" that had explained that she didn't use the dark side. Her power came from elsewhere, that she claimed was even more distilled, though he didn't quite understand what that had meant, at the time.

Her stare reminded him of the first time, when he'd been captured, when he'd been... her shade touched project... He still couldn't believe that's what she considered him to be... A project... Still, he stared back at her, keeping his eyes on her being, waiting to see what she would do, watching as the tendrils reached out. She was... something else. He didn't know quite what, or how to describe it, but... She was something else. He could see it in her eyes. There were many things that he knew about Adeline, and one was that she truly embodied the pursuit of power.

As she poke, the darkness surrounded her, then it spread like a flame, surrounding them all. It was an oppressive kind of darkness, like the bottom of an ocean, the darkness of the void. Then, they arrived. People that had once been residents of the Temple, of Coruscant... They were broken, they were burned, they were bleeding... They were representations of death. They were those that had lost their lives, so far, in all the fighting. She'd brought them, that much was certain, just so that they could see the bodies of all those that she said they'd failed.

It was just like the last time, when he'd faced her with Jax, though he couldn't remember much of what had happened. Still the sky opened and the eyes appeared, staring down at them all. The vigil, however, would be all but silent as first Adeline, and then the abyss itself began to laugh, quasi maniacally at himself and Gatz. The screams growing louder than even the screams. The sith runes that had been carved into his neck by a certain fallen jedi, turned crimson, and the whispers in his head turned into full blown conversation. In every voice imaginable he heard tempting offers of salvation, of Adeline's power of never losing anyone...

Her next words sent his blood cold. His heartrate started to spike, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. He remembered what simply being the beginning of an apprentice had been like and he wasn't keen to continue such education.

Yet the wave of darkness that spread from far above hit him like a storm. The pain that it generated only magnified the runes on his neck and he winced in pain, breathing to keep control. And for the tendrils, it would've seemed like the distraction was enough and yet, as they launched at him, Raphael leapt backwards. Where normally he would've been stabbed and held by the tendrils, the man's training in enhancing his body, allowed to just narrowly avoid it. Almost. For as he rose to his full height, and drew his blaster pistol, along his right arm, droplets of blood fell from a cut on his arm, where one of the tendrils had very nearly caught him.

"Good to see that our consent is not a factor... But, if it's all the same to you, I've already got a master."

He rolled to the side, away from the place where he'd been attacked once before, and fired two shots at her hoping that, by himself and Gatz distracting her, constantly, they might be able to defeat her, or at least drive her off. Though there was something that he'd noticed and he hoped that Gatz had, as well: Her attacks were disabling in nature... If they lost...then, quite probably, her intention was to take them back with her. More incentive to not be defeated, then... Though...what had he said? Him take her out to dinner???

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


"Ohho~ Did that get you a little red in the face? Feeling upset? Angry? Rageful?"

Rage was.. Unintended. Perhaps threatening the girl had been a step too far? He seemed too.. Used to anger. Vazz's gaze narrowed some in contemplation as he kept to the shadows, not daring to strike out. Not -yet- at least. A Jedi was supposed to be weaker when they gave in to their emotions. But sometimes, rage would only make them that much stronger. If more prone to overexertion.

With the pain surrounding them and flooding the battlefield, the Sith had the advantage in taking his tim-

He blinked as he felt the rush of wind shoving him back. For a moment, the shadows that surrounded and blended him shimmered. It was enough. He barked out a laugh as he brought his own blades up to defend against the slash. He was found? Crap.

"Look at you, got some fangs after all. Not very good for a Jedi, mm?"

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres


Ironsides Irregulars [X]
Team Members [X]

Italic means helmet is being worn.

New Jedi Temple, Coruscant

With: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | GADF
Against: Open | DE

"Holy shit," Gaunt's serpentine voice slithered its way into everyone's ear. Every Ironside stood in awe of the massive piece of machinery that had appeared practically on top of them. "Is that a mother-fething battleship or did I forget to wipe my optics?"

"Grizzly, you'd best get down here. Ironsides, form up on me," the Chief addressed his entire team. If he knew Tulan as well as he thought he did, then--

The sharp pull on his metal arm was like being snapped out of a daze, his old CO appearing amidst the disarray with a new, rather obvious priority target.
"I had a feeling," he replied, signalling his guys to fall in as they regrouped. Together they bound across the battlefield until finding themselves in a park, the largely untouched green seemingly from another world. Fist bumps were shared amongst his men as everyone appeared more or less unscathed from the hectic fighting, with Cain and Mira reuniting with a brief hug.

Following their commander's example, when his visor opened to allow a drink of water they too took a second to catch their breath and check their equipment.

Thirdas smirked at the mention of Task Force Raider, eyeing the GADF commandos he'd brought with him. Time to see how Alliance training fared compared to that of the Rangers. He already knew the game plan from Tulan's mention, having partaken in his share of hostile takeovers.

"I calculate a mere 12 percent chance of successful takeover, with a paltry 8 percent chance of total team survival," the ever-calculating logistics officer Yarrick, callsign Yeoman, reported. "Ever the bearer of bad news," snorted Creed, the team XO. The irreverent Gaunt hocked a nasty loogie on the ground. "We can make it. We just have to look after each other, watch each other's backs once inside," the infiltration specialist Mira, callsign Mirage, demonstrated her and Cain's youthful optimism. "We would be wise to procure any enemy tech we should happen upon," the prodigy engineer Pac, callsign Pioneer, practically chomped at the bits to get to work. "Agreed. My sources would very much appreciate any intelligence we might come across," said Trek, callsign Trader, whose vast spy network had proven crucial to the Ironsides outfoxing their foes.

Rrauros the Red Dread chimed in with an inquisitive wookie howl as all eyes turned to the unflappable Weequay elder Belial, callsign Blindfold. Sensing the eyes of his comrades upon him, the blind ex-bounty hunter stared straight ahead as he delivered his words of cryptic wisdom.
"As sure as the eagle flies, so too does the hunter's arrow. It is known."

Pleased with his team's assessment, Chief Ironside gave Tulan a nod. "Into the fires of battle," he said calmly. "Unto the anvil of war," his men replied, beating their chests.

"For Dorn," he told Tulan, placing his hand upon his brother's pauldron, over their old company insignia. His visor came down, mirrored by those of his men. "For the fallen."

Amani felt sickening pain as her apprentice was stabbed by the attack. To Eloise's credit, she reacted swiftly and brutally, ignoring her own pain the expense of stopping her foes. Amani quickly finished her own foe, and had turned to reach Eloise, when Vinaze finally awoke from his meditation. The darkness that networked across the city gave a final pulse, before dissipating and coalescing into a central mass: The figure standing before them. Amani turned to face him, stowing away her weapon's still separated haft, and clutched the saber with both hands.

"Amani Serys. Queen of Alderaan. We have not had the pleasure of meeting..."

The Jedi Master sneered, "I'd have preferred to keep it that way, Darth." She stalked cautiously and without sudden movement, but slowly moved to position herself between the Sith Lord and her student, "But we're not done just yet." She locked eyes with him, and reaffirmed a defensive stance. Against the others, she could fight fast and loose. But against a master of the dark, she could not risk foolhardiness. Not until she saw firsthand what he was capable of.

Meanwhile, a telepathic message touched at Eloise's mind, <Are you okay? Can you heal yourself?> She asked, then pleaded, <Let me handle Vinaze. He will exploit your mind beyond your own imagination. He is too dangerous. You are not ready.>


Battle Armor | Lightsaber

SE | Amena Kader



The discipline which he instrumented to confine the burgeoning anger that threatened to boil over the surface were only barely contained within Stennis's iron form. He had to evoke his father's transcendent wisdom to maintain his bearings. To give into this anger would be to give into the allure of the dark. The very same to which his counterpart had seemingly done.

She had managed to break the lock, binding her blades together once more as he stood in a stand off enough to leave the blade of argent lingering close to her face, the heat barely radiating enough to kiss her skin with the discomfort of the certain death he wielded in his hand. A mere lunge or swipe of the blade at her throat and it would be over. He wanted to, his greater intuition commanding that he struck the traitor down in his hall. Leaving a scion of darkness dead among the bristling life of this sanctum as the once Emperor had in the Gardens of Pellaeon of Bastion when the Empire first sought the throne of their forefathers.

But he stilled his hand. "What is your plan? And what have you done to forward it? How can I trust you? Any Sith can spout the same words as you...what do you seek here?" He asked outright, the blade still held close to her throat, his hand readjusting its grip of the hilt as he slowly rounded her.

"If you are truly loyal to the oath to which the Knights of the Empire swear...then come with me and we can lash back in retribution in crusade against the Darkness. To finish what we started. For already...the darkness lingers within you." He remarked, in reference to the pulse of power that permeated through her and the other dark Jedi and Sith raiding the Jedi Temple. A tremor shook it when the Eclipse rose, Stennis winced at the dreadnought's rise from the earth, sensing the piercing darkness that raked into his thoughts before a faint exhale was drawn from his mask.

"I give you this one opportunity. To re-avow your oath to bring an end to the Darkness, to the cause of the Empire...or I shall strike you down."
He said firmly.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jedi Temple Undercroft

Tag | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

With a calm expression and unblinking eyes, she starts to use her vampiric strength to press harder against Gatz' guard. The woman's more brutal method of fighting starting to show, it would only be a matter of time before he gave out...

At least it would have been if not for the blaster fire, it made her pull off, give Gatz the break his mortal strength needed in that moment.

Her eyes flick over to Raphael, it looked as if somehow she had simply absorbed the blasts with her bare hand? If they were studious in their pursuits of the force, this would be recognized as the art of 'tutaminis'.

"I smell something far sweeter than crimson, I can sense your fear... Even when it tries to hide behind moronic humor and a fragile smile."

Using the transferred power from the blaster bolts, she would send many crackling tendrils of lightning at Raphael.. All the while gazing into the eyes of Gatz. Within that gaze he could feel it, she was trying to probe his mind for anything. Memories, current thoughts, emotions... All at risk as her twisted force tried to bash in his internal door. If done, the inside of his head would have a tingling sensation as she scoured around. Methodically picking and clawing at what could be considered the foundations of the soul.

She Left Behind A Legacy




Her blade had been parried and knocked off of it intended mark, the unconnected staccato of sequences allowed her a swift recovery, as she was able to stall the full momentum of the swing and pull back, but when she swung her blade back around -- an afterimage of the indigo blade followed -- Sinestra had pivoted away.

All that was left in her wake was the hum of her indigo saber; the invisible energy crackled as her swing arced wide but hit nothing.

However, Romi let her retreat, "Go on and run, Sinestra. This is over. You can't win." she said.

She stepped forth suddenly in a burst of speed, and her blade carved an infinity symbol in the air before her, weaving brilliant snakes of blue-purple shades. It had Lethal intent, yes, but she had purposefully twisted her wrist to force the tip of her blade just minute degrees off Sinestra - it was a feint.

She worked her blade through the symbol but angled it towards the Mirialans left side to force her to go right -- inevitable forcing her down the slim path that lead between the window seal and behind the council chairs.

She knew she could trap her here, less space to move and less room to use any powers. She had forced the Dark Seeress into a corner, there was no where to go but backwards.

The something she did was to reach through the Force with what she had left until she could feel the structure of the glass window where she'd hit it and cracked it earlier about a meter and a half from Sinestra's face. She thought, Why wait? and shoved.

The glass vibrated, buckled, and then shattered.

During that intended distraction, Romi sprang forward to press the assault again. The blade of indigo fire whirled up, poised, and struck cleanly through a lunge.

Sinestra could either shield herself from the glass, backpedal or focus on Romi's blade...either way the next move was Romi's.

Sinestra Sinestra


Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


Pain and suffering swirled around Khronas, the Sith Acolyte basking in the violence wrought throughout the destroyed Senate complex and the trail of blood his peers were cutting through the New Jedi Temple. He allowed the waves of darkness to wash over him, strengthening his limbs and steeling his resolve. While the weak-minded Jedi may use the Force to wash away the agony of their injuries, Khronas submerged himself in his own suffering, using it to clear his mind to everything but the beautiful passage of time.

“Ego, another unworthy distraction from one’s true purpose,” he hissed back at the Jedi. “It is a crime to squander precious moments on such a …”

A sudden sense of urgency gripped the Siniteen, a warning that this very moment was not being used to its full potential. Khronas reached out with the Force to sense the true timeline, but not quickly enough. Debris, summoned by the Jedi, slammed into his back, throwing him further down the hallway and pinning him to the ground.

Khronas roared with anger, his nanosecond-perfect internal clock screaming that he was falling further behind schedule. The young Jedi was proving harder to kill than anticipated, and every minute wasted fighting them was moment in time that would be lost forever. The Acolyte needed to get back onto his meticulously planned schedule. The Grand Timeline could not be allowed to slip.

Clambering to his feet, Khronas glared back at the unarmed Jedi. “You are indeed stronger than I anticipated. But your powers pale in comparison to the endless march of time.”

Bringing up his Sith sword, Khronas swung the ancient blade. But the Jedi was not his target - the Siniteen slashed the weapon across a turbolift control panel. The blastdoors swung open in response, revealing an empty lift shaft. He jumped into the lift shaft and began to ascend, using the Force to extend his jumps between ledges and crossbeams as he rose through the New Jedi Temple.

Khronas emerged in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the once pristine room now defiled by the macabre dance between Jedi and Sith. He vaulted over a fallen temple defender and bounded across the room, intent to get back on schedule.

Friend: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Unfriend: Isar Isar | Jogon Jogon

Spurred on by the Dark miasma around them, Isar slipped his fingers into her mind once more. He probed, pulled and yanked as she came down upon him, saberstaff poised for a strike.

As she came down on him with the light staff, as he yanked her mind into a nightmare, he would parry her blow with one lightsaber, while the cerulean blade thrust for her legs.

Blue plasma hissed and crackled against his stolen amethyst blade, and Cora thought of the scent of freshly polished hardwood.

Servants lined either side of grand dining room, grim and still. The clank of cutlery, an aggressive rustle of petticoats, and a strangled sob. Horace had grown bored of their dinner conversation, and pressed her face against the table before those servants even had time to file away.​

The weight of the memory slowed her thoughts, slowed her movements. She'd put on as many airs as she could during her marriage, but the reality of her being a weak little girl has been inescapable.

Clumsiness was not in the nature of a princess, but Cora stumbled to avoid the jab to her legs, nearly tripping over her own feet. She wanted to punch Isar's teeth out and curl up on the floor at the same time. What could she do, when even the memory of a dead man still held so much power over her?

A torrent of lightning spewed forth, bolts lashing out like the tendrils of some ravenous monster, eager to consume the Mandalorian in full.

A shrill scream of agony pierced the air, bringing with it the sickening sizzle and scent of burned flesh.

It jarred Cora into motion, the kind so instinctive that she didn't even realize she was moving. Moving through the nightmare, moving out from underneath Horace's boot on her throat. Moving towards Jenn, towards the lightning that ravaged her body.

The tip of Cora’s saber lashed out, drawing the current away from the Mandalorian. With both hands clutching at the hilt, sparks trawled up her trembling arms, aggravating the forked lightning-induced scar on her forearm given to her by Sinestra Sinestra during their clash on Lorta.

With a groan of exertion and a swing of her saber, Cora deflected the electrical assault toward Isar.

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The thin line that was Spindle's mouth curled slightly upwards in a twisted smile as it seemed her deception was taken for truth. Briefly, the Nagai considered seeing just how long the charade could go, how far she could slink into enemy lines. Perhaps she would've, had she not already been weakened by the pesky field of sensation. But no, better to take out individuals before she was surrounded by many.

"Yes, of course, we've no time to be idle." She continued on with the young Jedi, long legs quick to turn a couple meters of distance to a few paces. Within her sleeve, her hand shifted in an attempt to covertly produce a dagger, ready to strike at the right moment. "Tell me, what news has reached you thus far?"


The boulder slammed into the floor, cracking the surface and sending up an explosion of stone shards. Sorren was gone, having been unceremoniously thrown away by his own master. A pale, hairless, skeletal man, Darth Vinaze strode forward, ending his battle meditation and leaving the safety of his shield. He addressed Amani as the Queen of Alderaan, but didn’t seem to pay Eloise any mind.

<Are you okay? Can you heal yourself?>

The intrusion of her master into her mind provoked a grunt from Eloise. <I’m fine.> A little Force healing served to seal off the wound in her torso. She was alive, though weakened. The risk of further injury would only increase the longer she fought. But they couldn’t retreat just yet. The battle was not yet won.

<Let me handle Vinaze. He will exploit your mind beyond your own imagination. He is too dangerous. You are not ready.>

<So what do you want me to do, just leave you two here to duke it out?> Eloise was clearly offended by the notion. She was back in her combat stance, feet apart and lightsaber held at the ready. <I’ve fought meaner bastards than this walking corpse. I'm staying.>


Reasonable list of personal items based on occupation, training, purchase, and previous acquisition. This includes one piloting droid and a scouting/personal assistant droid.

Location: New Jedi Temple, climbing to the roof nearest to the corruption site, Coruscant
Objective: Heading towards the Corruption Site - 'cause the whole place is fucked

[ Remind me, why am I doing this again? ] The question was entirely rhetorical, not literal, and Alex knew Drifter was just baiting for a fight.

Why not?

[ Do you want the short answer or the long one? ] the seductive voice wryly called out, ringing in his ear with not so much annoyance as the other voice chuckling in his mind.

With a grunt, the Hunter jumped and grabbed a holding along a banister. Between the storm wailing and the fights breaking out everywhere, the last thing he needed was to come face to face with someone he would rather not have to waste time on. That meant that instead of walking in the front door or, you know, where normal invited people to do, he had to take advantage of the slower route that led him towards the pulsating miasma of the corruption field.

Like, who wouldn't want to go towards one instead of away?

[ You know what. Don't answer that. ] He shot back, giving a heavy grunt as he did his best to parkour his way up from column to column, only to curse a mad storm as he slipped and had to scurry to grab hold of a ledge before he plummeted. There he hung, his cybernetic arm holding his weight, once again, aggravated to all Nine Hells. He was already feeling the pain and needles sensation grow the closer he got. The only relief was that which was strapped at his back. What he had taken the time to imbue. It ate at the field, slowly siphoning at the miasma cloud and making it disappear. Barely noticeable at first, but if Drifter could get to the epicenter... Well, then we were in a whole new gravball game baby.

[ Of all the stupid, fething -- ]

A crack of lightning and thunder rolled overhead, blocking the Hunter's curse. He pulled himself up with another grunt, the sword chuckling even louder in his mind, the Darkside of the Force drinking in the field, relishing in pain, in the power it was slowly starting to consume.

You are moving far too slowly, young one. Faster! If you want my help in this at all.

[ Yeah yeah, laugh it up fuzzball. Just do what I want you to do. ]

We come from the land of the ice and snow

From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow!

With the annoyance of wet leather, the dark figure climbed on, moving ever closer to the roof, the music playing in his helm. If he could get to the epicenter, this could work.



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Bruce Mottingham



The Lines were beginning to fall, Bruce former up with another Jedi who had a great green saber, them cutting down a crescent of Darkness forming around them.

Nagana! What a day huh?” Said Bruce.

The Zabrak Jedi Knight parried a bolt and said,
“They do not pay me enough for this Sith!”

Bruce chuckled as he did a flurry of cuts, chopping down a Tu’kata hound that leapt biting his shield and taking it from his hand.

Ha! They do not pay us at all brother.

Nagana saw a Sith with crossgaurd blade approaching.
“Chit! This is about to get real.”

The Dark Warrior began tp sprint towards them, and Nagana said to Bruce,
“The Horseman have arrived!”
This was a term he used for the elite warriors and Bruce immediately knew what that meant in Guardian speech. He swept his blade through a vibroaxe and kicked the soldier with his brown boot. And saq Nagana had engaged The Marauder who swept his bled blade around in a vicious cobra like fashion. Bruce tried to join Nagana when a rocket hit nearby and threw him in the air and into one of those great pillars. The collision made a popping sound, Bruce cried out,
Dank! Dank Farrik!”

Some troopers leapt at him eith curves vibro steel, he ignites hus blade in his left and parried, and slashed the throat of one, making sparks fly. His right arm was limp and he cut at the crown of blade tips, and inched around the pillar and then threw his weight into his arm against the stone, making him cry out as it popped his shoulder back into place.

Nagana was fighting the Dark One, their emerald and garnet kyber blades burning and crackling as they wrapped around each other. The Warrior reached out his hand, making Nagna began to gag, he tried to thrust his Lightclub blade into the enemy, but he was being levitated up.

Bruce saw and began to sprint,
Nag!!! Nooooooooooo!

The Dark Acolyte thrusted his blade through the Zabrak, and then tossed him aside before turning his visor to reflect the approaching Bruce…
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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren


Location: Jedi Temple, archives
Enemies: Jido Myyse Jido Myyse
Equipment: Lightsaber, Knight of Ren armour, DG-41 Inferos Disruptor Shotgun, HG-88 Big Iron Hand Cannon


Reaching out with his left hand, Jido sought to gain control over the spiralling torrent of energies.
The Master was strong - enough that he was both subjected to the vortex yet still pulling upon it. Wrestling for control, the vortex grew and grew. Countless priceless Jedi artefacts and texts were lost in it, smashed and crushed by the maelstrom, growing until Kybo too began to feel his feet slide.

The place shook then- neither knew it at the time, but a Battlecruiser was ripping itself free of the urban crust of the city-planet, but to Kybo it felt like an earthquake sent by the Worm Gods of the Sith. He could barely make out the cries of despair of some of the more superstitious crew, somewhere in this maze.

Sod it, this ain't worth it!

Kybo let go of the vortex for a moment- then reversed the pull, using the "energy momentum" of Jido to tug on the energy fluxes spiralling out of vortex and twist, unwinding the Vortex and sending it blasting outward. An explosion of air rushed outward, sending debris flying in all directions.

Kybo drew his lightsaber in time to slice a chair that flew his way, but could not react fast enough for the broken pillar that sent him tumbling. The Knight of Ren scrambled to his feet, and amidst the dust cloud that now hung in the air and the piles of debris everywhere, Kybo lost sight of the Jedi Master.

<<Stow as much as you can and beat it!>> Kybo hollered into his helmet mic, ordering his pirates to grab as many artefacts and texts and leave. He could hear someone commandeering a library cart, rolling it loudly across the uneven smashed floor.

"Old man, if ye're still there- this has been an entertainin' distraction, but I must be off! It seems not even the ground wants me anymore! If we should cross blades again, I will win!" And with that, the Pirate and his men fled the Archives, laden with looted artefacts and sacred texts of the New Jedi Order.

Feel free to have Jido try to stop or slow Kybo if you think this should continue, otherwise I think this is a thread exit.

Bruce Mottingham


Bruce charged with his cyan blade and swung with great fury, The Acolyte parrried, sparks flying as he twisting the vent blade and slashed with it as Bruce’s face, making the Jedi Knight break off and come in for another cut with both hands, the Dark One blocked with one hand and raised his other hand, his fingers in a black glove forming a crescent of index, middle, and thumb. Bruce felt his windpipe tighten and yet he pressed through and swung making the strike that forced the Acolyte to use both hands in a lock up, his visor coming up to the blue eyes of Bruce who clinched his teeth; the red and blue kyber meeting and painting their faces in purple light.

Bruce broke the lock up and swung with both hands above his head, The Acolyte rolling out of the way as The Jedi split a enemy trooper’s head who got in the way; a molten trail from skull to knave as the trooper fell in twain. The Acolyte began to command pieces of debris, a turrent clamp, an ammo box, and jaggid pieces into air at The Jedi Knight, who cut through them and let pieces bounce of his body as he leapt at the Marauder, who thrusted, Bruce catching it, he then spun his blade around with a step, the Acolyte catching it with his vent blade and then sliding the vent blade down the long cyan one into Bruce’s shoulder, who crying out threw his head into mask of the Darksider.

The Acoyte fell and swung wildly like a wounded hound, Bruce bearing down on him with his saber, beating the red and
trying to find purchase in his black clade body, when a stroke tore at the front mask of the Marauder, part of the visor and lower cheek playe tearing off to reveal a glowing orange eye like a coal in a fire. This injury enraged the Marauder, he rose up and thrusted, the tip dipped into Bruce’s abdomen and threw him back against the pillar. He held there a moment, the wind knocked out of him as the Maruader took his crossgaurd saber with both hands and swung, Bruce dropping his head and the blood red blade clove into pillar, tearing a chunk off with great sparks that flew like shards.

The Jedi Knight was now crawling on the ground among bodies, his saber deactivated and rolled over to a body he was atrempting to get a corpse to off it. The Marauder grabbed him with the jerk pf his brown hair and threw him on his back, raising his blade punmel up to sheath the burning red kyber down in the Jedi’s heart. Bruce looked up as he coughed, when a saber was thrown to him, the Lightclub landing in his arms, he ignited the great green blade and stopped the cut as he looked over at Nagana who breathed his last. Rising up Bruce swung the Great Saber in flurry of cuts that beat the Acolyte back, he swept it around so that the Darksider focused on parrying at his torso, when the long blade came under him and tore off his legs, making him fly into the air and Bruce sprinting.. dug the long blade into his chest and right through a pillar. The Marauder coughed as his one exposed eye looked at him and the burning coal went cold. Bruce deactivated the mighty blade making him fall as a stump. Turning he ran over to Naga, who’s breath was gone. He took the noble knight in his arms and began to weep, in his last breath he had saved Bruce

Naga!!! My friend!

The wail shook the entire inner temple as the Warrior mourned his closest friend. There was still a fight to win, and yet if you did not carve out time to say fair well to your friends, what was the point of victory?


TAG: Romi Jade Romi Jade
"Go on and run, Sinestra. This is over. You can't win."

As Romi taunted her, a blood-lipped snarl pulled her lips momentarily. Sinestra was given no time, no quarter as her former master sprang at her with the purpose of a razor-sharp dagger. The seer could not discern the feint, her precognitive abilities strained by the physical exertion of her desperate defense.

Sinestra's hands trembled with fear, barely able to muster strength to parry the series of blows, and she was driven further rearwards until her back was coming up against the wall. The window beside her suddenly shattered, sending shards of glass her way, and leaving Sinestra with three grim choices: deflect the glass and risk a lethal stab through her chest; or retreat into a dead end, merely delaying her mortal defeat by a few moments; or parry the Jedi's blade and be mutilated by the broken shards, postponing her loss for yet another few heartbeats.

In a game of dejarik, this was known as The Fork -- a choice between multiple disasters.

A part of her -- the one plagued with the memories of regret, shame and guilt -- beckoned her to accept the penance, to welcome death just so the suffering could be finally over. And then there was the other side of her: it boiled with power, her crucible of perpetual anguish fueling the heat and stoking the flames of the dark side until they blazed into an inferno.

An inferno that bestowed her with a fourth option; an option only the dark side could gift her.

"No more running..." she whispered sharply through a rasp.

Breaking the natural order.

"... from destiny!"

Sinestra let her blade fall extinguished and snapped both hands forward as if reaching for fate itself. Her tips crackled with electricity before she unleashed a violent storm of lightning at her former master, the oomph strong enough to blast her through the broken window and plunge her down into the Coruscani abyss to her death.
Old School, New Jedi Order

Location: The Jedi Archives, The Jedi Temple.
Opposition: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren .


The Archive floor began to rumble beneath the old Master's bare feet; vibrations fell within his legs as he stood fighting for control of the Force-fuelled Vortex, threatening to swallow everything within sight. Kybo Ren was skilled in his dominion over the Darkside of the Force. However, the light flowed throughout Jido Myyse, and soon enough, he felt the Knight of Ren's strength begin to waver. The elderly Jedi had studied the Force for a century, having lived over one hundred Galactic Standard Years. His faith was steadfast, and his ability just so. Despite the confrontation that had engulfed the Archives, Jido had also sensed a great disturbance from beyond the Temple walls, and the sudden immense loss of life took his breath away, weakening him in the moment and forcing Jido to open his eyes once more, realizing his vulnerability.

Where the Jedi Sage faltered, Kybo Ren would capitalize on this disruption. The Knight of Ren acted upon the shift in the Force, and with exceptional timing, he manipulated the Vortex, causing it to explode outwards, sending currents of air and kinetic force out in every direction. Jido Myyse was hit by a wall, invisible yet hard as a rock, throwing the smaller being off his feet and hurling him across the room to violently land against the wall, his head being rocked against it, dazed to such an extent that Jido didn't register when his body hit the floor.

"Old man, if ye're still there- this has been an entertainin' distraction, but I must be off! It seems not even the ground wants me anymore! If we should cross blades again, I will win!"

Jido Myyse grumbled, soon coughing against the carpet as he sought to collect his breath. The Knight of Ren did not attack. For whatever reason, his voice sounded distant against the sound of falling furniture and crumbling debris. His right hand grasped at the carpet as Jido tried to find the strength to pick himself up, yet it did not return to him swiftly. Still, he could feel the rumbling of the Archive floor, hearing it much louder now with one ear pressed against it. What horror had wrought such devastation of life, he could only wonder, yet the loss was one that tore at his emotions. A deep sadness filled his heart; however, he needed to steel himself and look beyond his feelings for the sake of his survival and that of other Jedi within the Temple.

When the old Sage had collected himself and crawled back to his feet, he could no longer see Kybo Ren. The Archives were derelict. Everything was destroyed by the torrential vortex, and the Darksiders retreated. Jido Myyse assumed that his foe had also sensed the disturbance, and whatever information the Knight of Ren had must have given him reason enough to leave.

The Sage thought of the other remaining Jedi in the Temple and wished to understand what had occurred outside the Temple grounds. If the tide of battle was turning against the Alliance, he would need to consider transport to Fondor. However, the possibility remained that the Alliance held the advantage despite the sudden immeasurable sense of death. From within the Archives, he could only guess. And his walking cane was nowhere to be seen amidst all of the rubble.

A disappointed sigh escaped his lips as the old Sage stumbled towards the Archive entrance.

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