Jedi Hotelier

A Chiloon-III in flight
- Intent: To provide a heavy fighter
- Image Source: Imgur
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: Chiloon-II fast bomber
- Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
- Model: Chiloon-III heavy fighter
- Affiliation: Closed-market
- Production: Minor
- Material: Durasteel hull
- Classification: Elite Starfighter
- Length: 16.16 meters
- Width: 17.42 meters
- Height: 4.42 meters
- Armament: Moderate
Configuration A (Standard)
2 Anoat repeater electromagnetic plasma cannons in a turret (counts for 4 laser cannons) - 4 ordnance pylons (counts for 1 flex-tube launcher)
- 1 Guernica ordnance launcher (counts for 2 bomb bays)
[*]Configuration B (Endurance)
- 2 Anoat repeater electromagnetic plasma cannons in a turret (counts for 4 laser cannons)
- 4 ordnance pylons (counts for 1 flex-tube launcher)
- 1 Sko heavy bomblet generator (counts for 2 bomb bays)
[*]Defenses: Moderate
[*]Squadron Count: Low: 8
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
- Tensor field generator
- Inertial compensator
- Watchtower collision avoidance system
- Cap drains
- Flare launcher (4 flares)
- Deflector shields
- Solar ionization reactor
- 6 Sabrina waste heat recovery devices
- ECM/ECCM suite
- Heavy ordnance capacity
- Strong defenses
- Can resist ion/EMP attacks
- Ability to penetrate interdiction fields
- In endurance configuration, can drop bombs without need for resupply
- Large blast radius upon destruction - if someone or something manages to kill a Chiloon-III in combat, all the explosive tiles that are then remaining will detonate; for this reason it is recommended not to maintain tight formations of Chiloon-IIIs
- Exposed engines
- ERA reduces pilot survivability in the event of a crash
- In standard configuration, limited ordnance
- In endurance configuration, unstable bomblet generator can take out the craft if the bomblet generator is fired too often
- In endurance configuration, slow bombing rate of fire
There are two configurations for the Chiloon-III: standard configuration, where physical ordnance is loaded in an underside bomb bay, and endurance configuration, where a heavy bomblet generator drops bombs without it needing for resupply, with the endurance configuration being used in higher-survivability missions than the standard configuration. Of course, the endurance configuration is not without its pitfalls: it takes longer to drop bombs using the heavy bomblet generator than with the standard configuration, and also dropping bombs too often can cause problems to the craft.
Consumables: 3 weeks
Crew: 1
Cargo capacity: 100 kg