Glyph was going to be furious, but nothing at all like Feena. At least that's what Owain was banking on. A bit of excitement for Naboo as a parting gift! The youth was grinning as he made his way through the star port, making sure to keep his pace slow enough for Felicity to keep pace. The girl was in no way ready for what she was doing, so it wouldn't hurt to give her a little taster of what her decision entailed. He glanced about, taking in the various ships before his eyes settled on one that seemed to be undergoing maintenance. He smirked as Felicity caught up, and he shouted into the bay.
"Hello there! You coming or going?" he shouted. If the captain of the ship didn't feel like humoring him, he'd just move onto the next. Something he had learned during his trips with his uncle was that people tended to fall on the romantic side of interpreting things. Everyone wanted to take part in a story. As long as you provided them with that chance, most would go along with whatever you had in mind, provided the compensation was right, of course. But with Felicity being a princess...well, they could always resort to the odd bribe.
"So my dear, anywhere in particular you would like to elope?" he asked the blonde girl by his side.
[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Oka Osaa"]