Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Circling the Nest [Open]

...She forgot that playing with Glyph was way different than playing with Owain. Glyph would always back off when she took a step forward. Owain... would come forward to meet her every time. She blinked at him, feeling heat rise to her cheeks at once. She should shove him away, maybe punch him in the arm. But all she could do was lay there, frozen on the spot. Part of her actually didn't mind this. Part of her liked the attention.

"I... do owe you," she admitted slowly, wondering how serious he was. He must be joking. Fine. She would call the bluff. "Fine. There's room for two."

But there wasn't time to say she was 'just kidding'. Something was going on outside the ship.


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Okay B7, do your thing. I'll defend the ship. I sense... the darkside. There's someone dark on that ship." he said cutting off the com. His black cloak flapped as he walked towards the hatch of the ship. He knew the dark one would come through there. It was the only safe entrance anyways. In the meantime, B7 was sending missiles towards the pirates even though the smugglers were boarding their ship. Without any notice, the hatch bursted open sending Oka flying back hitting the controls. He didn't hit anything important though. A sith walked in through the hatch as his double bladed saber ignited. Oka stood up and ignited his saber that was made of permafrost crystal. He walked up to the sith slowly but keeping a good distance. "Oh how I hate you darksiders..." he said as a few smugglers came rushing in. The sith came at him and clashed one side of the saber with his.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"I'll hold you to that," he said with a quick smile, leaning forwards suddenly to give her a quick kiss before dashing out the door with a laugh before the girl could enact her righteous vengeance. His hands fell to his weapons. Nothing fancy, just a combat blade and a blaster pistol. More than enough to deal with any potential issue-

A sith flew across the corridor, slamming into the wall and slumping down. Owain blinked. Well...that wasn't something you saw everyday. He poked his head around the corner and saw a fragging lightsaber duel occurring. So, their Captain Oka was a Jedi? Tch, just their luck. "Everything in order Captain?" he called out. If the man needed help he would let him know. Otherwise Owain would just get in the way. One did not interrupt a saber duel unless once was a Force user themselves. Still, maybe the man had some grenades stashed around here...though that was hopeful thinking.

Well, running into pirates on their first trip. What were the odds?

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Felicity Mason"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka laughed. "Sith are weak. Even a soldier could take down one, I got this." he said after clinging blades with the sith again. He was pushing his saber against Oka as this made him angry. He pushed his blue blade harder than the sith did but he jumped back. Oka awaited his next attack but he didn't realize he cut his face when he pressed on the siths's saber. He was retreating. That was odd, he thought. As Oka saw the sith retreat, he decided to go after him. "Protect the ship will ya? There's smugglers coming in all over. " he said running where the sith went.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
"What in the name of the Force is going on!?" The girl demanded, stepping out of the room to investigate the commotion with Owain.
She froze in her tracks when she finally figured it out. The captain was a space wizard, was fighting off another space wizard. Then something about smugglers. Great.
Wordlessly, she reached for that same knife she had with her on Naboo. the only weapon she felt the need to carry. Without so much as a glance at Owain, she turned on her heel and sprinted to the front of the ship. Logically, that would be where the intruders were coming in. If they took the ship, she wouldn't get her adventure anyway, dead or alive. She would much rather take the risk and try to fight them off herself.

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
As Oka caught up with the sith, they were in the tunnel where they connected with his ship. "That's not very nice, you know what happens in these when ships break off?" he rhetorically asked. The sith grinned and swung both blades at Oka as he dodged them and backed up. The sith came at him one more time, he blocked the clash and took a swing himself. The sith didn't notice and got his foot partially cut.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Owain sighed as Felicity run past him, drawing a knife. Great. Just great. Muttering under his breath he drew his combat blade, spinning it a few times to get the muscles in his wrist working before sprinting after the girl. The space wizard pilot would deal with the problem here. But the fool had left the cockpit undefended. Clearly he wasn't used to void combat.

"Songbird, wait!" he shouted after the blonde. She would do no good if she rushed into a trap or something like that. They needed to stick together. They weren't space wizards after all.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
She was being stupid. Too hasty. Not thinking. What little she actually knew about fighting, always assumed that it would be hand to hand. She wasn't thinking about blasters. If not for Owain calling after her to wait, She might have run head first into certain death. Thankfully, she did wait when called. It was instinct to obey. Something her life as feenas daughter ingrained in her.

"Crow, hurry up."

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
The sith was furious. Oka could sense the two passengers handling the smugglers. But for how long? He just erased that from his mind and focused. The sith came at him again as Oka barely dodged. He cut some hair that flapped up as he backed up to dodge. Oka force pushed the sith with hard pressure as he flew back dropping his saber after hitting a wall. Something was wrong though. If the sith made this out to be a suicide mission and he's down, that means Oka's next. He withdrew his saber and started running back into the other ship but the smuggler pilot broke off the tunnel. By that time, B7 was done with the pirates and came back around. After the tunnel broke off, he figured with little life he had, he could spare the two people's lives. He used telekinesis to pull down the lever that closes the hatch. After that moment, he knew he was dead. No air equals death. But it seemed his droid was happy to see him. It came around with the ship and life support system on and ready as it picked up Oka in the starfighter.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
The whole ship shuddered and jerked, the internal compensators unable to cope and yanking the corridor into a spin. Owain kept his balance for all of two seconds before falling flat on the floor. Today was not his day. The raven-haired youth struggled to his feet and made his way past Felicity, blade in hand.

"Our dear captain caused quite the bottleneck. I have to hand it to him - he plays to his strengths," the boy said, rubbing his aching nose. Jedi were absolute meat grinders if they set themselves up in a corridor, or something like an airlock. The enemy could only come at them from one direction, and their sabers could cover the entire passage way. He'd run into that conundrum during several training simulations. The trick there was to either literally throw a wall of soldiers and force them back with sheer momentum, or bypass them via the outer hull of the ship.

Owain doubted the smugglers would do anything like that though, and entered the cockpit with his arms raised in a defensive stance. There was no one there. Of course, no one would have boarded with captain Osaa holding the line. "You know how to pilot at all?" he asked the girl he was meant to be kidnapping, slipping into one of the control seats and looking over the dashboard of buttons. He had a passing familiarity with the basics of piloting, but maybe the Princess was some sort of Ace.

An alarm rang, signalling decompression before the deafening clang of a bulkhead sealing cut it off.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka had been recovering what air and strength he lost in the little time in space. After recovering a bit, he flew up to the ship and entered what seemed to be a compartment. "Okay bud that's our way in. You might want to come in as well. Just use a tractor beam on the starfighter." he said getting into the compartment. Something busted it open so he had to close it when they were in. It was rather large so that helped. Oka grabbed a saber and cut a hole in the wall. It led into a room right beside where they attached to the ship. He grabbed his other saber just in case while running into the large corridor. He saw the two fighting some smugglers. He closed his blades and let them handle them.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
The girl growled under her breath, but followed her 'kidnapper' anyway. As he sat down at the controls, she did too, biting her lip as she ran her fingers across the console, trying to familiarize herself with the set up. His question made her turn bright scarlet.

"O-oh, err, yeah. Of course I know how. Easy. Daddy showed me... well, he took me up once, at least. But no problem! Same concept, right?"

She looked at him nervously out of the corner of her eye, almost asking if he really wanted to do this.

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"Sure - it's like riding a bicycle - completely interchangeable!" Owain replied whilst rolling his eyes. It wasn't. It really wasn't. But they had no other options. He hoped Captain Osaa didn't mind them borrowing his ship for the rest of the trip...

He caught Felicity's look. "I know, it's always the same. Years of boredom and then all of a sudden everything happens in one day," he said spologetically with a shrug, leaning forward to flip some switches. "ALright, just pilot us out of the interdiction field and we can jump to hyperspace. The autopilot can take care of things from there," he advised the blonde girl, looking up the coordinates for COruscant and wracking his memory for the basic piloting lessons he had taken whilst in the Academy.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He was tired but still ready to fight. If there was still smugglers in that ship, they'd be gone. And the sith was dead so that was good. Oka saw his astromech roll to the cockpit. He sat down on the cold floor of the hard ship. By the time that a few minutes passed, he heard a tractor beam ray. Oka knew his droid did something because it came flying back. "Thanks bud. We'll let them fly this time. At least they won't get them self killed... or at least I hope not." he said resting his eyes. The space really took a toll on him.

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
"Err.... yes. right."

She brought her eyes back to the console in front of her, biting her lips. Yes. This was... absolutely nothing like Daddy's ship. If she had been entirely honest with Owain, the truth was that her Father never actually let her fly the ship herself. Honestly, he only let her steer for a few minutes before taking over again. But it was too late to mention that. How did he do this again? It couldn't be that hard.

The girl hesitated before placing her hands over the control stick. Easy now. What could go wrong?

...Bad question to ask. As she tried to ease the ship away, her arm knocked against a switch somewhere. A piercing warning chirp made the girl jump.

"Ah! Oh no! Oh no! What did I do? How do I turn it off?" She looked around, frantic, almost forgetting that she had her hands on the controls as she searched. The ship lurched to the left as she dipped her head under the control panel, looking for whatever she hit to cause this mess.
"-Oh! I forgot I was flying!"
With one hand on the control stick, the other frantically searched underneath. Just as before, when she did eventually find the switch and turn it off, it was on accident.

When she finally caught her breath and got her nerves under control, she let her eyes flicker up to Owain for a moment before offering him a sheepish grin.

"L-like I said, easy!"

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Owain"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He was going to die.

Owain just sighed and nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Well...just fly us in a steady direction. Once we're far enough away, we'll jump. manouvers alright?" he gently advised. If he was going to die, no point in dying tired from panicking. He smiled slightly. "So how you finding your adventure so far Songbird?" he asked, before shifting in his seat to look back into the ship. The youth pondered where the captain had gone. Probably being all dashing and heroic on board the enemy ship.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
When Oka opened his eyes, it wasn't because he was done resting them. It was because one of the two jerked the ship. He wasn't worried but a little frightened. Two different things... right? Anyways, he stood up as he made quiet yell. "Ahhgg.". It was his leg. The sith must've scraped him on the way to the retreat. He wanted to go to the cockpit but he also wanted to stay silent as if that he wasn't there. He was still spying. Oka moved closer to the cockpit but being silent. Unfortunately, force cloak wasn't his best skill. In fact, he just started learning it but that wouldn't be any help. He could still use his stealth skills. But maybe it was a waste of time... maybe.

By the time he clouded himself even more with thoughts, he just made up his mind that he'd just go up to the cockpit and just watch them. He also wanted to scare them so they knew who was in charge but someone in control of your ship is more deadly than direct force lighting. At this point, it really didn't matter. He came close but with a distance to the chair the young man was in and he ignited one of his lightsaber's. "Taking my ship, yea?"

[member="Owain"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
The girl was trying very hard to concentrate, hard when she had Owain watching her over her shoulder. One wrong move... well, another wrong move, and she'd look like an idiot to him forever!

"Adventure? Fine. Nice. Easy. Hush. Concentrating here."
She didn't mean to snap at him... or maybe she did. It was always hard for her to tell if she still thought he was the worst thing ever, or the absolute love of her life. To a fifteen year old though, it may as well have been the same thing. She took a deep breath, held it, let it out slowly. Mom taught her that. It was how she handled stress when she was dealing with 'royal' things, and it worked for Felicity too. She guided the ship ever so carefully away from the mess, away from danger, then, when she was sure she had enough distance to make a safe jump-

"Taking my ship, yea?"

The girl reacted before she could think. She let out a sharp scream, turning to face the space wizard. Her hands left the controls and she thrust her palm out as if just the motion might stop him. But then, something unexpected happened. Something she didn't think she could ever manage. It was all instinct, no thought. She felt the force through her hand, pushed it out, aimed for the lightsaber, aimed to shove the Jedi back. It all happened before she could blink.

[member="Owain"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't expect them to act hostile or even her but it seemed she was force sensitive. In shock, the small force push hit him hard although it shouldn't have. He immediately closed his blade still in shock. "W- what?! How? How?!" he dropped his saber still confused. She's just like her mother. After a few moments, he noticed his saber he dropped. He used the force and pulled it to his hand as he backed up slowly. Oka put his saber on his belt and just froze. How the hell was this happening? He hasn't read this about her.

[member="Felicity Mason"] [member="Owain"]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"Revan's tits!" Owain swore at the familiar hiss of a saber igniting, launching himself out the chair into a tumble, drawing his blade. His heart was hammering as he looked up only to see their captain being shoved backwards by...Felicity? She was a space wizard too?

...great...he'd been teasing a space wizard...he really WAS going to die.

"...uhm..." he muttered, since no one seemed to be speaking. "Let's all calm down?" the youth suggested, slowly standing up, glancing at the blonde girl. "We figured you were off being heroic, so just tried to get away whilst we could. Nothing personal," he assured the man, moving to sheathe his blade. "Still, good to see you back. Think we can get back on track now?" he asked, avodiing mentioning Felicity's scary mind powers. He would have to talk to her about that in her cabin later. Make sure she wouldn't rip him apart for one flippant remark too many.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Felicity Mason"]

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