Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Classroom Etiquette (NJO)

Aris Noble Aris Noble | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roten Roten | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Samuel Creed Samuel Creed | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer

Sazo hastily slipped in behind Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , taking a seat close enough to the front to engage, but not so draw eyes to her tardiness. It wasn't her fault(this time); the transport from the Selvaris Enclave had run late, coordinates to rendezvous with the Prosperity were mixed up, and that it all snowballed into to the Korun running through the ship like a mynock out of hell, and bowling over a very irate Jedi Master...who scolded her.

And made even later.

Sazo's master, Ran Serys Ran Serys , had voluntold her about this course. Something about progress being made, but treating every problem like nail...and she was a hammer? Something like that, more or less.

But Sazo was excited to be amongst her peers. She scanned the room. Oh yes, there was that Echani from the plant exercise, Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken . There was Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , she'd met on Myrkr, and she seemed nice. But with the Sith actively trying to murder them at the time, she didn't get to talk to her that much. And the tall guy wa-

...Wait, was that Aris Noble Aris Noble ?!

Growth spurt indeed.

Sazo was shaken out of her thoughts when the instructor got the the crux of the exercise:

"All emotion, Padawan Ceti, should be attempted to be reeled in. I understand it is difficult, but you should avoid making the facial expressions with it, mm? I want you all to group up now. Take turns. One of you will be playing the problem, be it a politician, a pirate, a thug, or generally someone uncooperative. Knight Ascania and I will travel about, give some pointers. Now, chop chop."

Immediately, the Echani- Valor, was it?- began to take exception to the exercise, inciting an argument with a Bursantian she hadn't met. They seemed nicely paired up- well, with the Zeltron chiming in, three was a crowd. Then, she smelled a divine aroma. Craning her neck, she spotted the source of the aroma- Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino , sitting in the back of the class, with a full breakfast spread. Lips twitching, Sazo made her way to the back of the classroom, sitting next to the Padawan.

"Hi, I'm Sazo. Would you want to pair up?"

Her lips perked into a smile.

"And could you save me a piece of that cake?"


TAGS: Roten Roten Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer


Valor's gaze shifted lazily from Roten to Jackie, an expression of mild disgust flickering across his face as he watched the Zeltron pop a lollipop into his mouth. He couldn't help but arch an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by the entire display.

"How quaint," Valor began, his voice oozing sarcasm. "A pirate in denial and a walking charm factory who can't even keep track of his vices. Truly, I'm graced with the finest company this ship has to offer."

He turned his attention back to Roten, this time taking a slow, deliberate look over him, as if inspecting something subpar. "Mnn..." Valor hummed, shifting his glance to examine his nails with exaggerated boredom. "My apologies... it's Lord Valor to you."

A smirk curled on his lips as he looked back at Roten, eyebrow raised. "And yet, I've not even had the pleasure of your name, have I?" He let the question hang in the air for a moment before continuing, his tone thick with mock politeness. "I suppose introductions were beneath you? Or perhaps you're still trying to figure out which one you'd prefer to use. As for your benefit of the doubt... you'll simply must forgive me if I don't find that particularly valuable." His tone was light, but the words dripped with mockery. "It seems to me you're not quite ready to lecture anyone on attitude—especially not when you've already admitted to playing the pirate act before."

Valor sighed dramatically and shook his head, as if utterly disappointed. "Honestly, what was the New Jedi Order thinking, sending such lowbrow negotiators to me? Do they imagine this level of decorum would help navigate the delicate tensions between the Ordan Syndicate and the House of Varnass on Carcellis IV?" He raised an eyebrow, clearly making up the scenario but fully aware of the stakes in high-society disputes. "Because let me assure you, gentlemen, trying to settle whether Lady Varnass' prized starcruiser allegedly scratched the Syndicate's platinum yacht is the very definition of high-stakes diplomacy."

He shook his head in mock pity. "Yet here I am, surrounded by... pirates and... Zeltrons," he added with clear disdain, his gaze flicking back to Jackie. "If this is what passes for Jedi diplomacy now, it's no wonder the galaxy is in such disarray."

Without waiting for a response, Valor flicked his wrist dismissively. "But by all means, keep pretending you've turned over a new leaf. Perhaps one day you'll even convince yourself." He paused, glancing at Jackie once more, this time with a touch of amusement. "As for you, do let me know when your 'natural charm' kicks in. So far, it seems you've only charmed yourself."

Satisfied with his retort, Valor gave a slight, mockingly over dramatic bow before taking a step back. His posture remained relaxed, yet his eyes glinted with an air of superiority, daring either of them to come up with a response that might be worth his time. But that's when a large bear of a man addressed them.

Valor watched the Beorni with barely concealed amusement as the massive creature settled into the creaking chair. His lips twitched slightly, but he held back any verbal response for the moment, his attention flickering between Roten, Jackie, and the towering Beorni.

When the Beorni suggested that they play the role of the Jedi while he would act the part of the rude one, Valor's eyes narrowed slightly. He stood up straighter, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and mock compliance.

"Oh, how quaint," he began, his tone smooth. "We're going to play pretend now, are we? The savage brute, teaching us how to mind our manners. Truly, this is what the New Jedi Order has come to." He glanced pointedly at the Icehammer on the table, his jade green eyes gleaming with a subtle edge of sarcasm.

"And while I appreciate your enthusiasm for this little role-reversal exercise," Valor continued, folding his arms, "I must say, perhaps we should aim for a more realistic scenario? After all, in the real galaxy, brute force," he gestured lazily toward the hammer, "and posturing don't exactly inspire cooperation in negotiations. You'd be better off trying to convince us with words, wouldn't you agree?"

He tilted his head slightly, a smug smile curling on his lips. "Or do you prefer to let your hammer do all the talking?"

The implication was clear—Valor found the whole exercise beneath him, and he wasn't shy about making his disdain known. But even more than that, his words challenged the Beorni, almost daring him to rise above the "brute" role and show that his wisdom matched his size.

Valor, sensing that his usual taunts likely would have no effect, let out a soft, amused chuckle before inclining his head slightly. "But...Very well," he said, the sharp edge of mockery fading from his voice. "Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgment. If we're going to do this, let's do it properly."

He straightened up, folding his arms across his chest. "Explain the scenario then. If we are to play the part of Jedi in this situation, I would like to know what 'problem' we are responding to. What kind of difficult negotiator will we be facing?" His tone, while still carrying a hint of sarcasm, had become more respectful.

Valor's turquoise eyes were fixed on the Beorni now, genuinely interested to see how this towering figure would lay out the scenario, and to hear what wisdom he might impart. For all his posturing, Valor was still willing to engage—so long as the challenge was worthy of his time.

Padawan Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , Roten Roten , Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso and finally, the Jedi Knight Makko Vyres Makko Vyres .

Samuel Creed's cold, steely eyes locked onto the group, his indifference to their behavior unmistakable, as though their antics weren't even worth the faintest flicker of emotion. His expression, hard and unyielding, radiated silent disdain, oblivious to who might notice. Without a sound, he pushed away from the wall, his movements deliberate and fluid, like a predator stalking its prey. He traced the room's perimeter, his boots barely whispering against the floor as he circled the desks. Gradually, he closed in on their side, stopping just beyond the orderly rows. His presence, though wordless, spoke volumes—looming, commanding, impossible to ignore, as if the very air around him thickened with silent authority.

For most in the room, Samuel Creed was an enigma. His face was unfamiliar to the younger Jedi students, who had only heard whispers of his name, a name recognized only by those of his rank. He was a man forged in the shadows, spending long stretches in the field on undercover missions, where he often had to perform harsh, callous acts for the sake of the mission's success. Creed was not known for kindness or patience, especially with Jedi Padawans who acted foolishly—or worse, when it was a fellow Jedi Knight among them. His reputation had been built on results, no matter the darkness of the methods he employed, ensuring the New Jedi Order and the Galaxy prospered despite the shadows that followed in his wake.

"It would be in all of your best interests to focus on this lesson," he said, his tone dry and unyielding. The sharp edge in his voice echoed the scowl he was tempted to wear, barely masking his irritation at their lack of discipline. What they did in their own time was their business, but disrupting the classroom and disrespecting their tutors was something he had no intention of tolerating.

Samuel Creed's gaze shifted from the troublemakers, settling briefly on Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . A single nod acknowledged their presence, a silent recognition of those who upheld the decorum he expected. Without another word, he stepped back, positioning himself near the students who had been the most vocal in their defiance. His stance was firm, a subtle warning that if they continued to test his patience, he would be there to ensure they learned the consequences of their actions firsthand.

Aris Noble Aris Noble | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roten Roten | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer
Taking another sip of his tea, Carlo's attention was drawn back to the room as someone approached his table. Slightly craning his head from his seated position, the blank expression he'd worn while lost in thought melted into a lighthearted smile.

"Ah, Carlo Von Corrino, at your service. It would be a pleasure to pair up," he said, his tone warm and welcoming.

His sapphire eyes drifted to the cake he had brought along. In truth, it was more the size of a wedding cake than anything you'd find at a regular store, with only a single slice missing from the top layer.

"Oh, I couldn’t possibly finish this on my own," he added with a chuckle.

Without hesitation, Carlo cut a large slice from the cake, plating it with a touch of elegance, and offered it to his new companion with a gracious nod.

Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roten Roten Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

The hopeful blues that had once radiated across Zaiya's rosy golden skin dulled almost instantly at Master Calder's response. He said she needed to look inward, focus on keeping calm, and then maybe she'd be able to control her color-shifting better.

Well, that was disappointing, Zaiya thought, in typical teenage girl fashion, her lips curling into an unconscious pout. So basically, more meditating and practicing blocking out her emotions? No, wait, he said to keep her focus level -- so she had to feel nothing but calm, no matter what was going on around her?

How did anyone even do that? It seemed so… weird.

She let out a deep sigh, her skin shifting to a subdued grey. Glancing around, she noticed the other Padawans were starting to group up.

"So, are we supposed to be in pairs or in a larger group?" she asked Aris, still unsure. He seemed to be looking about the room as well. As her eyes scanned the classroom, she saw the usual troublemakers being rounded up by Master Calder. Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino , Katherine Holt Katherine Holt and Sazo Vass Sazo Vass were also grouping up.

That left... Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , Roman Vossari Roman Vossari , Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , and ... wait was he participating or just observing? Zaiya mused, spotting Samuel Creed Samuel Creed against the wall.

Somehow Katherine hadn’t initially noticed the imposing figure of Master Calder, the one that was seemingly overseeing the class today. The redhead just stared at the Beorni, before quickly averting her eyes. She had no desire to draw anyone’s attention today, which she knew was going against the entire purpose of the class.

The Padawan would just wait to see if someone would approach her, if not? Then she’d be content just sitting in the back and observing.

Having seen the pairs already forming, Katherine had…less than zero interest getting caught up in the craziness.

So many new faces, ones that the Padawan hadn’t seen before. Sure, she hadn’t exactly known everyone personally, but she made it a habit to at least attach names to faces. A lot of the Padawans present were strangers to Katherine.

Just how long had she been away?

And don’t even get her started on Aris, when the hell did he suddenly get so tall? It wasn’t much of a surprise, more of a ‘shock to the system’. The height was a given due to his Epicanthix roots. But it felt like within a blink of an eye, the small kid she remembered was now suddenly taller than his dad.

Katherine didn’t like how depressed that made her feel, so she shoved it as deep down as she could, beneath her mental walls.

The redhead remained observing, seeing Makko Vyres Makko Vyres chime in which drew a response for Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , seemingly due to the former’s reputation. And then the Bursantian; Roten Roten chimed into their little conversation. Which in turn seemed to incite Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso to butt in.

Yeah, no. Katherine had no interest getting caught up in that mess.

Her gaze fell upon Roman Vossari Roman Vossari and Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal as the latter approached to partner up. For a brief moment Katherine was tempted to join them, after all why not? Redhead Unity. The thought at least got the slightest of smiles from the Padawan.

Finally her eyes settled on Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino , realising the young Padawan had brought a freaking kettle of tea to the classroom. Who brought tea of all things to a class? Then again…the sweet aroma was enticing.

Oh screw it, if I wait any longer I’m just gonna get pushed to partner with someone anyway.

Katherine guided her hover chair over to where Carlo was seated, and where Sazo Vass Sazo Vass had since also joined.

Mind if I also join you too?” She had to strain her voice to make it more than a whisper. Tortured screams tended to do a number on one’s vocal chords.

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As if on cue, he heard the rustle of materials, the unmistakable sound of Anneliese approaching. Roman snapped back to attention, ready for whatever spiral of chaos she'd conjure this time. He couldn't help but crack a small smile when she tapped him on the shoulder. No one else could turn a mundane classroom moment into something more thrilling, and that was something he secretly always appreciated about her.

"Hey, Anneliese," he replied, turning slightly in his seat. "You going to be the pirate, huh?"

He eyed the glimmer in her eyes, a mix of enthusiasm and mischievous intent, which only made him more aware of the recklessness that lurked beneath the surface of her excited demeanor. "Partnering up sounds good," he said, nodding earnestly.

Roman liked the banter they had, the push and pull that came with Anneliese's undeniable charm. It felt easy, and there was a comfort in knowing that no matter the project or the risks involved, she could always find a way to make even the most boring tasks exciting. After all, what's the point of learning if it wasn't a little on the edge of chaos?

His head whipped around towards Samuel Creed Samuel Creed as he scolded a few of his fellow students. Pure chaos this classroom had devolved into... Where was the order? Where was the direction for such a motley crew?

"Are we supposed to be in a bigger group or just the two of us?" he asked his partner Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , looking around to see if anyone was left out. He thought maybe if they had to be in a bigger group, Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and Aris Noble Aris Noble maybe were available? Who knows, his head was spinning.

Tag: A lot of people?



"We should probably go into a larger group, yeah."

He knew Zaiya too well for it to be something fair. Maybe with others they wouldn't understand her colors and give her a chance to properly attempt what this all is. Aris gave a brief smile before glancing around the room to try and find a couple more. He settled on Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal surprisingly. There was another brief smile before he raised a hand.

"Hey, Anne. Want to group?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Internally upon Romans acceptance of partnering up, she was pumping her fists proudly in her mind. Her crimson knight had accepted her proposal — she was winning. Jumping slightly at the sound of Aris’s voice, she stared at him, acting as if he’d caught her in some sort of mischievous ploy. “Hey Aris! What’s it like to be a friggin giant? What’s Master Val and Master Noble been sneaking in your morning meals?” Her smile beaming across her face as she let a warm giggle escape her mouth — Aris was used to her usual exuberance she exhibited on the daily, it was definitely apart of the whole Anneliese experience.

“Yeah — I’d say the more the merrier, right Roman?” Looking over however, near Aris, she caught the side eye of Zaiya glancing at Aris. Maybe she’d want to join them too, Anneliese admiring her distinct coloring — you know they say the most deadly and poisonous of predators exhibited bright colors — that’s why it’s important to know what to eat and not to eat in the wild. Storing the mental note, Anneliese in her usual excited demeanor spoke above some of the chatter and to Zaiya. “Hey! Wanna join us?” Her smile beaming across her face at this point, her prominent canines flashed with the ‘devil may care’ air and attitude that floated around her

Location: Prosperity
Tags: Roten Roten | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer

“Pifft, better to be a grease-ball than a fuzz-ball.” Jackie said back to the Bursantian. Only to then barely listen and pay attention to the little back and forth that Roten was having with some other teenager with pale features and long white hair. Part of him wondered if he was Matthew’s offspring. Both of them look very similar at a glance at least. Except for the pretty substantial height difference.

Jackie couldn’t help but feel very out of his element. He barely attended school back where he was from and that still felt like a far more familiar environment then the ship he was on now. All the while Valor’s yammering was partially becoming background noise for him. While he quietly sucked on his lolipop. So Jackie didn’t really take in much of what he was saying.

But Jackie’s words did manage to get his attention with how he seemed to refer to Roten and himself. The pink teen gritted his teeth some in frustration and bit down on his lollipop, cracking it between his teeth. He also shot the echani a look of disdain and almost spoke back to them before another person spoke up. Some sort of… arctic bear man?

It was certainly surprising to the rather ignorant zeltron. He couldn’t really think of anything to say before Valor got their words in once more. Never missing a beat to be rude and yap.


"Less is more, Padawan Valor. While you speak as haughty as you have, you make enemies where you could have allies." Valor was likely to be the problem child here. At least the other two seemed willing to work and learn, if one seemed a bit more disinterested than the other. Calder let out a sigh before he reached a hand out. Patted the hilt of his large hammer.

"Your job as a Jedi is to stop violence. Stop the loss of innocent life. At times, that will involve violence itself. But Form Zero isn't about never using your lightsaber. It's about never igniting it. People will see it, and they will think twice on choosing violence themselves. Speak softly, but carry a giant stick. Now, insult someone again, Padawan Valor, and you will be removed from this lesson. I'm not here to baby sit those who don't wish to learn, and I'll inform your masters of such, mm?"

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Roten Roten | Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

So, group work it is, Zaiya thought, standing up once Aris agreed. But surprise flickered across her rosy golden skin, curious citrine ripples darting over her face and neck, when Aris immediately zeroed in on someone. Her opal blue eyes followed his gaze toward Roman and the redheaded girl with him. Wait, did Aris know her?

Sure seemed like it, since Aris called her name right away. Made sense -- he'd been in the Jedi Order way longer than Zaiya had. Zaiya's expression brightened, her skin shifting to a warm ocher glow that danced along the edges of her mottled spots and stripes, blending into a friendly blue tint. Oh, maybe I'll make a new friend?

Wait, why didn't he just ask Anne to group with both of us?
Zaiya had assumed they'd all be teaming up. Confusion washed over her skin, the colors blanching into a soft dove grey. She watched how comfortably Anne responded to Aris, but if she didn't even know how tall he'd gotten, then maybe they hadn't seen each other in a while. Okay, so maybe they weren't that close after all.

Before Zaiya could untangle her thoughts, the redhead spoke up, inviting Zaiya to join their group.

"Oh, umm, yeah," Zaiya replied, her cheeks flushing a subtle coral as she realized she'd been caught lost in her own head. Okay, enough with the silly overthinking, Zaiya -- they were here to practice etiquette, right?

The Lovalla Padawan gave a polite nod. "I'm Zaiya," she introduced herself with a smile, her tones shifting to a welcoming blue hue.

Turning her attention to Roman, Zaiya's rosy lips curved into a wider smile. She waved, wiggling her fingers in a friendly hello. Maybe she'd finally get a chance to learn more about him. They hadn't had much time to chat about Taris -- what with all the search and rescue efforts and first aid work taking priority.

"Hey, Roman! How are you doing?" she asked, her skin glowing with genuine interest, bright streaks of orange mingling with the blues.


Roman sat beside Anneliese, taking in the lively environment of the classroom as his mind drifted. His thoughts were interrupted when Aris called out his partner, and Roman took stock of the surprising height of the other Padawan. The difference was striking, and it was all he could focus on for a moment. Was Aris even taller than a Wookiee? He was sure that if Aris had a bigger lightsaber, he could crush a rock with it, or at least that's how the imagination of the Padawan went. Roman was already tall in stature, but he sure did wish he could be that tall.

"Wow," he muttered under his breath, eyes wide with amazement. "He's like a walking tower." He suddenly found himself more curious at his partners jab at the giant, what were his parents sneaking into his meals?

Just then, Zaiya turned her attention toward him, and all thoughts of Aris' impressive stature faded away as she waved, her skin shifting colors so gracefully it took Roman a moment to process her greeting

He blinked for a second, caught off guard. "Oh! Hey, Zaiya!" He finally replied, his blue eyes lighting up with recognition. "I'm doing… good! Really busy with the training and everything." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling suddenly shy under her brilliant smile and the colorful dance of her skin tones.

"So, uh, how about you?" he asked, trying to sidestep the curious mix of confusion and admiration he felt towards the two girls he had inadvertently found himself paired with. "You're looking… uh, colorful?" Roman laughed nervously, hoping it didn't sound weird.

He smiled widely at her, hoping to convey a sense of camaraderie that he really wanted to develop. "So, um, yeah! Group work! Let's make it awesome together, Etiquette right?"


As Valor rambled, Roten frowned. The words were going in one ear and out the other, aside from the occasional mention of being a failure or whatever. He seemed to be playing a part of some kind, mentioning random systems and people he had never heard of. Was that part of the lesson? The Bursantian leaned over to Jackie as he yapped.

"What's bro sayin'?" he muttered. "I ain't followin all that."

"I believe it would be ideal to start with not swearing. Since you all seem so accustomed to being the rude one, I'll play that. And you be the Jedi, mm?"

Oh. That's right, swearing was considered rude in the Core. So much for his attempt to be polite.

"Chit, my bad boss man," Roten apologized before realizing his immediate mistake. "Er, I mean not-chit. Feth, I'm gonna lose my mind."

Don't swear. Don't swear. Don't swear. Don't swear.

Now, insult someone again, Padawan Valor, and you will be removed from this lesson. I'm not here to baby sit those who don't wish to learn, and I'll inform your masters of such, mm?

"Excuse me, boss man," Roten chimed in, "While I believe that blue-eyes very much took enjoyment in throwing insults, I believe that one of the roles given to participants was to provide an adverse situation for negotiation. Alternative motives aside, he was technically following the instructions provided. Sir."

This was stupid, he should really be laying into that brat for being a little vindictive moron. Yet even so, Roten could recognize his ticket out of here.

"I'd like to apologize for my instigation," he grumbled, trying to project as earnestly as he could. "I made note of his... eagerness to play the part of belligerence and I believe it got under his skin. Sir. Uh, and sorry about the... swearing."

Humiliating. But the alternative was returning to the old man a failure. He wasn't exactly looking for that right now.

Aris Noble Aris Noble | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roten Roten | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Samuel Creed Samuel Creed | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer

"Oh, I couldn't possibly finish this on my own," he added with a chuckle.

Without hesitation, Carlo cut a large slice from the cake, plating it with a touch of elegance, and offered it to his new companion with a gracious nod.

"Much appreciated, kind sir", Sazo replied, taking the slice demurely. She was about to not-so-demurely take a a huge bite out of the cake, when she noticed another Padawan- Katherine Holt Katherine Holt - approaching them in her hover chair. She lowered it, lest she be branded a glutton, and swiveled over to the fire-touched girl.

Katherine guided her hover chair over to where Carlo was seated, and where Sazo Vass Sazo Vass had since also joined.

"Mind if I also join you too?" She had to strain her voice to make it more than a whisper. Tortured screams tended to do a number on one's vocal chords.

"The more the merrier!", Sazo replied with a smile, physically making room for Katherine with a few hops in her desk. She turned to her fellow Padawans.

"Now", she said, her face contorting into something mockingly grave. " One of us will be playing the problem."

Her lips trembled as she attempted to keep a straight face.

"I make a motion that the problem be Carlo, Cake King Pirate Lord of the Prosperity. Because it clearly couldn't be anyone over here", Sazo continued, making a general motion to her and Katherine as she kept her poker face, never taking her eyes off Carlo.
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Valor remained silent as the others spoke, his pale features composed, though he toyed with countless retorts. Roten—the fuzz-ball—seemed to be playing along, trying to ease tensions. Admirable.

The real issue, however, was Calder.

The Beorni's frustration barely concerned Valor. A threat, veiled or not, didn't sit well with him, especially when wielded by someone who equated brute strength with wisdom. Valor had stood among Sith without fear; this was no different.

Many snide remarks bubbled to the surface, but Valor knew better. Entertaining Calder's threats was beneath him. The overgrown creature had no power here, and Valor wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing him ejected.

After a pause, Valor finally spoke, his voice softer but still edged. "Of course, Master Icehammer. Far be it from me to ignore the lesson in Form Zero." He bowed slightly, adding with a smirk, "I assure you, my intent was never to sow discord."

He turned to Roten. "Your observation was astute. I was simply following the spirit of the exercise. But in light of our guidance, I'll proceed more... diplomatically."

Valor's gaze shifted back to Calder. "I'll concede that my approach may have been overly adversarial. However," he paused, smirking, "if students following instructions irritates you so much, perhaps the issue lies with the teacher."

Folding his arms, he added, "In my humble opinion, if frustration comes this easily, you might reconsider your role as an instructor."

His turquoise eyes glinted with satisfaction. "I shall spare you the trouble of removing me, Master Icehammer. Clearly, there's little left for me to learn here, especially in such a hostile environment where eagerness is met with dismissive threats."

Without waiting for a reply, Valor turned on his heel and confidently strode toward the exit, his final words hanging like a challenge.

As the newcomer joined them, Carlo was already in the midst of pouring a cup of tea and plating up another slice of cake, setting the items in front of the new arrival with a casual grace.

After topping off his own cup, he took a measured sip before finally speaking. "So, this class is about handling problems in the classroom?" he mused, realizing belatedly that he should have been paying more attention. That ship, however, had already sailed.

When the suggestion came that he should play the role of a disruptive student—and more specifically, the 'Cake King Pirate Lord of the Prosperity'—Carlo couldn’t help but be amused by the absurdity of it. Still, he played along, setting his teacup down gently as he assumed the role with a deadpan delivery.

"Mutiny it is, then," he declared, his voice flat and serious, though his eyes twinkled with amusement.

After a brief pause, his smirk returned. "Too much?" he added, his tone lightening as if to check if he had gone too far into the theatrics.

Sazo Vass Sazo Vass Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

It was a disheartening reality that the students who followed the rules and respected the instructions received far less attention than those who caused disruption. Samuel Creed's sharp gaze followed Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken as they began to leave the lesson, his eyes drifting toward Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer . The Jedi Knight's approving nod seemed to convey, 'Let him go.'

After all, it wasn't a teacher's duty to force a Padawan to stay. Jedi students were there to learn, to aspire to become full members of the Order, to serve with integrity—not to throw fits when things didn't align with their desires. Creed's eyes swept over the remaining students, watching carefully for any sign that someone else might follow the disruptive student out the door. He mentally noted the faces, already planning to put them through the gruelling physical regimen that was his signature approach to teaching discipline. For some of them, the intense drills of combat might be a more appropriate test of their intellect—or lack thereof.

The Jedi path was one that demanded grace and precision, not only in the heat of battle but in every facet of life. Yet, for some students, this essential lesson seemed agonizingly out of reach. After all, not everyone who entered the sacred halls of the Jedi Order was truly suited to become one of its ranks. Being a Jedi wasn't an inherent right but a responsibility—one earned through years of relentless training, strict discipline, and integrity in practice.

For many, especially the younger generations, the allure of wielding a lightsaber often overshadowed the real challenge: proving they possessed the depth of character, the self-awareness, and the mental sharpness required to embody the Jedi lifestyle. It wasn't enough to master the blade; the true test lay in mastering oneself, a trial far more difficult than any physical combat.

One thing was certain, though—his apprentice, Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr , would never be found acting in a way that could tarnish Samuel Creed's reputation. Though their apprenticeship was newly forged, Creed already saw the promise in her, a bright flame of potential that set her apart. In a moment when so many around her were acting far beneath their years, her focus and maturity were a welcome relief, something Creed silently appreciated more than he let on.

A quiet sigh of frustration slipped from Samuel's barely parted lips, the weight of his annoyance clear. The lack of Jedi decorum among the students troubled him deeply. If these undisciplined Padawans were to become the face of the next generation of Jedi Knights, it did not bode well for the Order's future. The standards, once upheld with pride, appeared to have eroded during his long absence on assignment, and the realization gnawed at him. What he saw now was a far cry from the discipline he had once known.

The Jedi Knight had offered the students a fair warning, his tone sharp and unmistakable in its disapproval. Yet, his words had seemingly fallen on deaf ears. The reprimand had been ignored, and if any had heard him, their lack of response or even acknowledgment showed a blatant disregard for the respect that should have been shown. Shaking his head in a mix of disgust and disbelief, he stepped back, folding himself against the wall. With arms crossed, he observed in silence, curious as to how the lecturers intended to restore order in a classroom that was rapidly slipping from their control.

Aris Noble Aris Noble | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roten Roten | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer
Be careful what you wish for.

He was not staying, but it was good to stop by.

If asked, Caltin was really only here to pick up his X-wing, “Roller” , his astromech already there preparing it for flight. The big man decided to take a walk around the classrooms to see what was going on. There was a huge gathering, and what seemed to be a bit of a weird disturbance in the Force. Now, Caltin would be the first to tell you that the Force had a weird sense of humor and would normally not be bothered by this, but there was something drawing him there, if only to check in and see if he could be needed.

He did not need to figure out hard as to where to go as a rather arrogant looking Echani, appearing to be a Padawan, was in a "conversation" with the class instructor but Vanagor paid him little to no mind. Normally he would stop someone in such a state, but he did not call this Temple “home” anymore so it was not his place to do so(and frankly, the kid looked to be Echani, and Caltin tends to get irritated by Echani, so no sense in pressing his luck there).

Walking further up to the doorway and leaning against the doorway, simply folding his arms over each other, the big man just looked around as he leaned against the frame. He held no judgment or issue, other than a nod to Master Icehammer, a Jedi he did not know in person, but by reputation, and a doubletake at Aris to whom he had not seen since his "growth spurt".

He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. The look he was giving should be enough.



"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island
Last edited:
Be careful what you wish for.

With things seemingly calm, Caltin went back to what he was here to do. The big man headed out to the landing bays to get his ship and go. Thread exit




"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island

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