Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Classroom Etiquette (NJO)


Aris blinked in surprise before chuckling just a little. Was his height really that astounding to people? Zaiya never seemed to think much of it, at least. Then again for Aris, he did come from a world where the average height of an adult was around eight feet, so maybe that's why it felt so weird that people were commenting on it. He did blink though as Anne offered for Zaiya to join.

Did she not already come with him? He thought that was obvious, but at least Anne offered.

A group of four was good. He dipped his head in greetings to Roman. Gave a simple smile. He could hear a lot of things in the room. "You should see my people back home. Skyscrapers."

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Anneliese as she giggled and chattered with her peers noted and felt the disdain and disapproval of the way her classmates and herself had been behaving up and to this point. Peering over towards Samuel Creed Samuel Creed her demeanor had shifted. Was she acting the way Master Val would expect her to behave, let alone how she’d act representing her? She hung her head inwardly knowing her natural tendency to be overly joyful at times got her into trouble on its own right. She knew that at the end of this class, she’d be making amends for her own behavior — it was the right thing to do, but seeing him, his overall intimidating presence, she couldn’t help but tot feel slightly smaller.

Looking over at her group that had formed, she made a mental note of her new teammate, Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and the familiarity in her greeting of Roman Vossari Roman Vossari , a twinge of jealousy sitting in the pit of her stomach — how’d she know him? But, it’s not like he was hers to claim like a parsec of land or an object to covet — she was just being silly. Chiming in, she spoke up to her. “I’m Anneliese, it’s nice to meet you. If I’m not being too forward, but you have the prettiest colors — hands down. In fact, you actually remind me the jungle frogs back in Kashyyyk — and they come in all sorts of colors, absolutely beautiful.” Casting a sincere smile at her, her typical Annie “ism” being interjected as she just couldn’t resist herself, she looked over and then saw Aiden Porte Aiden Porte . Waving at him and beckoning him over she pointed to another empty chair that was in their group. “Come on Aiden! There’s still plenty of room!” That was Annie — she wanted to be included, but also to include others. People made everything worth it.

“So I guess we’re all supposed to play a part, right? Who wants to play what? Zaiya, if your up to it maybe you and I could try to be the diplomatic ones and the boys be the stubborn parts?” Her eyebrow raising as she did her best to try to initiate starting the lesson they’d all be assigned with.
Katherine replied with a quiet; but also polite, ‘thank you’ to Carlo’s as he set a fresh cup of tea and slice of cake in front of her. Once she was settled, the Padawan did not hesitate to take a respectable bite out of the cake. It was heavenly compared to the food she had to suffer while confined in the medbay.

Grumble all you like Padawan Holt, you need to be fed the proper nutrients while you’re under our care.

The redhead’s gaze wandered around to the others, not failing to miss as Valor made his departure from the classroom. She didn’t quite catch what he had said, but Katherine spared a glance towards Calder to gauge his reaction.

But soon after her attention was drawn back to her own little group, as Sazo took it upon herself to designate Carlo as their particular ‘troublemaker’. There was a little smile on Katherine’s face as she suggested neither of them would fit the role that she had concocted.

She watched as Carlo took the lead.

"Too much?"

Katherine took a sip of her tea. “Hmm, I’d say it’s just about right.” Fortunately, it helped soothe some of the hoarseness in her voice.

Aye, that it is.” She replied, in response to Carlo’s declaration of mutiny. “For months the crew has had to survive off bland sponge cake. But we know you’ve been hoarding the good stuff.

It seemed almost easy for Katherine to slip into a bit of dramatics. Her accent of a somewhat stereotypical pirate, and even going so far as to point an accusatory finger at the appointed Cake King Pirate Lord.

Although the redhead did flinch, realising the act did practically display the tattoo-like scarring across the hand.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

"I'm doing good! Just trying to learn more things. Lots of studying," Zaiya replied to Roman, settling down in a seat beside him. Amusement went rippling over her mottled spots and face in a golden-edged cyan ombre, grinning at his 'colorful' joke.

"Well, I try to brighten things up a bit," she quipped, followed by a chuckle as she heard Aris make his own joke regarding his height. It wasn't anything to her, but then again, she'd seen him sprout up the past few years, so it wasn't that strange of a sight to her.

Alas, this also meant that she wouldn't win their bet on her being taller than him at least once. You win some and you lose some.

Opal blue eyes would shift over towards Anne, and Zaiya smiled, giving a friendly nod, "Nice to meet you Anne!" only to slightly flush at the compliment. Okay, that was a win in Anne's book, because Zaiya was rather self conscious of her muted colors, so the observation that they were brighter made the Lovalla Padawan feel good.

"Thank you!" She wasn't sure what jungle frogs Anne was referring to, but Zaiya filed that away to research in the archives later. It was then that her attention swiveled towards where Anne had called out to invite someone else. Oh, so Anne knew lots of people. It was another teenage boy Zaiya hadn't met yet. Well class groups were the best way to meet new friends!

At Anne's query, Zaiya returned to look at her and then gave a thoughtful expression, "Yeah, let's do that. Then we can switch after to give Aris and Roman some practice too." she said, only to follow with a curious glance between Roman, Anne, and then Aris.

"So how do you all know each other?" was totally just a friendly, curious question.

Location: Prosperity
Tags: Roten Roten | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer

As Roten spoke to Jackie he simply glanced over as he took in the words. Casually the pink teenager just shrugged his shoulders. It was very likely that the Bursantian actually had a better idea of what Valor was talking about. Jackie just really didn’t like the way that the pale teen referred to him.

Idly chewing up the cracked fragments of the lolipop in his mouth. He observed as Roten started to rather articularly apologize for his own instigations and colorful vocabulary. Causing the zeltron to raise a curious brow. Trying to think about why they seemed to want to act rather cordial. Regardless it earned them a bit of a snicker from Jackie. Being a bit amused by the idea of Roten trying to be the bigger man.

Then Valor seemed to speak up once more. Addressing something that the bear man mentioned. Some sort of “Form Zero”. Which he wondered if that was some sort of Jedi code that he wasn’t aware of yet. Also taking in the words being spoken about a Jedi’s responsibility. About things like minimizing violence. All this diplomacy talk wasn’t really what he was expecting. He thought the Jedi were supposed to be badass magic martial artists, or something like that.

But he didn’t expect Valor to leave rather abruptly. Were they now going to be a short one in their little group? “Are you running away from us already? Too much heat for ya Snow-Ball? Afraid ya might melt?” Jackie called out as they began to make their exit. Antagonizing them and trying to imply that leaving meant that Valor would chicken out over something so small. Rather than stand there on the ground. "I guess a few "dismissive threats" is all it takes to becoming a real yellow belly."


Roman glanced around the group, taking in the vibrant interactions that were blossoming among them. The atmosphere felt alive, filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness as they prepared to dive into their group project. He felt a warm smile spread across his face at Zaiya's infectious energy and the way her colors seemed to change as she engaged with the others. "You certainly do brighten up the room, Zaiya," he teased lightly, his deep voice carrying a friendly tone.

When Zaiya posed her question about how everyone knew each other, Roman chuckled softly, a hint of nostalgia creeping into his expression. "Ah, Anneliese and I go way back," he began, leaning back in his seat, "well not too far back... but we're... friends!" He shot Anneliese a playful look, remembering how she always managed to lifted his mood, even during her grueling training regiment.

"And Aiden," he said, gesturing to the newcomer to come over, "well, we haven't known each other for as long, but we've worked together in some simulations."

Roman then zeroed in on the skyscraper, already endlessly imagining the people Aris came from. "Hey, Aris!" Roman called out, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he offered up his handshake. "My name's Roman."

Roman hesitated for a moment. Shaking hands with someone so taller than him felt a little odd, but he wanted to be friendly. He extended his hand and, without thinking, placed his other hand on Aris's shoulder. He said it was just a show of camaraderie, but he couldn't help but check the structural integrity of the skyscraper.

Roman leaned back in his chair, arms crossed as he surveyed the room. "Stubborn, huh?" he mused, a grin creeping onto his lips. He was known among his friends for his easygoing nature, but that didn't mean he couldn't tap into a little stubbornness when it came to acting. He glanced at his fellow classmates, all of whom seemed eager to participate.

With a mock sigh of resignation, he pushed himself upright, feeling a spark of enthusiasm. "Alright, I guess I can be stubborn if that's what's needed. Besides," gazing at the two girls in the group, "it'll be fun watching you try to talk some sense into me."

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"Padawan Noble,"
"Have you something to share with the class?"

Jeez.....he didn't even say anything. Aiden thought as he sat a few seats from Aris Noble Aris Noble glancing Corazona's way. "You would think someone who is shorter than her students would be a tad bit nicer." Aiden whispered to the padawan to his left and they both chuckled as quietly as they could. The Padawan then cleared his throat as he listened to what was said by his fellow Padawan. Aiden drummed his fingers along the desk as he glanced around, his patience getting the best of him.

Truth be told he wasn't here for the lesson. He was informed that cookies would be available for a snack. When he first walked in the class, they weren't around so he thought they might be coming later. However as the time progressed, instructions and groups assigned one word came to mind....


Aiden glanced around for a few moments as individuals began to group up and that was the perfect opportunity until her heard his name from afar.
“Come on Aiden! There’s still plenty of room!”

Aiden glanced to the direction he heard and he showed a genuine smile, happy to see her. However his response was more sarcastic than anything. "Anneliese! I'm so glad you saw me!" He said with a laugh and he glanced towards the door then back to the group of Padawans.

Oh well.....

Aiden sat down with the group that had been tasked together as one. Aiden recognized all but two of them. "Roman, it's good to see you my friend." The padawan nodded to his extending his hand towards him. And thus introducing himself to the others. "Zaiya , Aris its nice to meet you both." He couldn't lie he was settling in good. Having talks with good company was probably much better than cookies anyway.

“So I guess we’re all supposed to play a part, right? Who wants to play what? Zaiya, if your up to it maybe you and I could try to be the diplomatic ones and the boys be the stubborn parts?”

"Being stubborn is fun, but quick question..." Aiden place his hands together looking between them all. "You hear anything about cookies being brought as a snack for this class?" Aiden inquired, if there was nothing said he would drop the subject....for now.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Aris Noble Aris Noble Roman Vossari Roman Vossari


"Padawan Rosso."

Calder glanced briefly to the Zeltron before he watched Valor walk away. The boy had already failed the lesson that they were trying to teach. Even now, Calder sitting at their table, lecturing them, was a not so agreeable conversation for them to experience. Grant it, the Zeltron was adding fuel to the fire. Roten was the one trying his hardest. He could see that much, and it brought him some peace.

Though, clearly Roten was too used to swearing.

"Padawan Roten, good. Addressing the situation and calmly explaining in an attempt to stop any hostilities is good. Diffuse, versus escalation as Valor had chosen. You are correct that my intervention was unnecessary technically. But at the same time, the spirit of the lesson isn't to hurl insults at your peers because you want to. In that same vein, remember that you are Jedi. Apologizing is good when you do something wrong, but don't forget your position. In a tense situation where violence could erupt, being meek and overly apologetic can open up the avenue to danger. Right now that was a good choice, but don't forget that there's no one correct answer."

Jackie Rosso Jackie Rosso | Roten Roten


"Being stubborn, huh?"

Aris reached up to rub his chin. Deep in thought, as he tried to figure out what sort of problem he was going to make for the two girls. He glanced to them, then to Roman and Aiden. "Good to meet you both as well. We can make problems, though, can't we? I can be rather unagreeable when I wish to be, I suppose." Yeah, he had an idea in mind now, which had him smiling just a little.

"Who starts first? I don't know if having all three of us is a good idea."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Leaning back in his chair, Carlo's metallic hand casually ran through his coal-black hair, the ever-present smirk on his face taking on a more mischievous edge.

"Aye, the captain's been hoardin' the finest loot from ye bilge rats," he teased, making sure to choose his words with care, as this pirate role was unfamiliar but one he was determined to play convincingly.

Leaning forward in his seat, he picked up a nearby fork, brandishing it like a makeshift cutlass.

"So, if it's mutiny ye seek, I'll at least hear yer demands before I send the lot of ye to walk the plank," he declared, voice laced with playful defiance.

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

Valor paused, his path to the door blocked by some stranger giving odd looks to everyone. With an irritated sigh, he waited, unwilling to push past the man. That's when Jackie's voice rang out, cutting through the room.

“Are you running away from us already? Too much heat for ya Snow-Ball? Afraid ya might melt?” Jackie called out as they began to make their exit. Antagonizing them and trying to imply that leaving meant that Valor would chicken out over something so small. Rather than stand there on the ground. "I guess a few "dismissive threats" is all it takes to becoming a real yellow belly."
Valor frowned, and his patience thinned. He had heard Calder's earlier lecture, the Jedi's attempts to control the room, to guide them toward some higher form of diplomacy, though it was clear that Calder misunderstood him entirely. The lesson had failed to reach its intended mark—not because Valor couldn't learn it, but because, in his opinion, the instructor had shown there was little worth learning.

With deliberate, measured steps, Valor turned on his heel and made his way over to the Zeltron's side, standing close enough for Jackie to feel the chill of his presence.

"Running away?" Valor repeated, his turquoise eyes narrowed, his voice sharp and controlled. "No, not running. Simply declining to participate. You see, I already understand the lesson. Diplomacy is knowing when to engage and when to walk away. . . I see little experience to be gained when I've been threatened by an instructor who thinks their perspective is the only one that's right. "

He paused, his gaze flicking briefly to Calder, making it clear he'd absorbed the earlier comments but didn't see them as applicable. Perhaps he'd tuned him out and didn't think Valor was worth his time.

He noticed that Roten had been praised for his attempts at pacification, while Jackie had been scolded for his antagonism. Yet both had contributed equally to the disruption, at least in Valor's eyes. The inconsistency was glaring. To him, the Jedi's methods seemed baffling—preaching balance and calm, yet quick to dismiss any approach that didn't fit their rigid parameters. Even when he had followed the exercise in spirit, he was labeled as disruptive, his adversarial stance seen as an unwillingness to cooperate rather than a deliberate challenge meant to test the group.

Nothing about this environment made sense to Valor. How could they claim to teach diplomacy when they silenced perspectives that didn't align with their own? How could they guide others when they themselves refused to see beyond their narrow view of the world? The Jedi, who claimed to value peace and understanding, seemed only to reward compliance, while dismissing anyone who dared push beyond the expected.

Three stubborn boys? Anneliese simply shot Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti a glance as she smirked... childs play -- they'd clearly never tried winning an argument with the opposite sex before, they were a shoe-in. Looking to Aris, she simply gave a soft, reassuring smile, with an underlining tone that clearly said "do your worst". "Oh I'm sure whatever y'all throw at us -- we can handle, right Zaiya?"

Looking at the rest of the group, she pondered for a moment as she dug about in her rucksack, pulling out a baggy of her homemade beef jerky and passed it over to Aiden, plenty in the bag to share with the group that they'd form and cast him a look that clearly said "here ya go". Still deep in thought on the 'dispute' they were supposed to be over something --- it would be better if the situation was unique to just this group. Breaking the short silence, Annie chimed back in. "So -- what do you all think we should 'argue' about, we need to agree on a subject this turn -- something you boys deem unfair, and I guess Zaiya and I come up with a diplomatic solution and try to resolve it. Like... maybe ya'll could argue with us about how its unfair the doorways aren't tall enough for the budding giant over here?"
Sazo leaned back, desperately trying to keep a straight face.

"Yarrr, Capn'", she began, savagely suppressing a snort.

"Me and lady Katherine swab the deck, we fight to get you the loot, we win your karaoke battles", she began, ticking her fingers off. "All we want is a fair share of the vittles", she continued, nodding at the cake. "The precious, precious vittles."

She spread her hands out imploringly. "Now Cap'n, is that too much to ask? For your hardworking crew to get their share of them there delicious cakes?"

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Aris Noble Aris Noble Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

"Hi, Aiden!" Zaiya waved brightly as the older teen joined the group, her skin shimmering with warm, welcoming tones. The moment Aiden mentioned cookies, her focus shifted instantly. Her ears perked up, and a luminescent ripple of excitement ran across her mottled spots, spreading in bright, golden swirls.

"Cookies? There are cookies?" she asked, her enthusiasm bubbling over. The idea of cookies was enough to make her forget, at least for a moment, about the serious task they had ahead of them. Anne's playful banter about the boys getting to be stubborn first made her grin, and the mental image of Aris getting frustrated because of his height and the short doorways had her giggling quietly to herself.

This was going to be fun.

"Alright, so do we take turns then?" Zaiya suggested, glancing between the group. She knew Aris would pick up on any attempt to bluff her way through something -- he could read her emotions like an open datapad thanks to her color changes -- so maybe being his opponent wasn't the best plan right now.

"Aris and Anne can go first, and I'll team up with Roman," she proposed, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Aiden, you can be the impartial judge. Give us your thoughts on how it went, and then we'll rotate..." and a pause. "... and maybe we can find those cookies?" as a hopeful glowing shimmer danced over her skin.

She shot a playful look at Roman, hoping he'd be up for the challenge. This was turning into a much more exciting day than she expected.
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"Okay, I'm in!" he declared, a playful grin surfacing. He could already envision the back and forth with Anneliese, her quick wit matched only by the spark of stubbornness they each now purposefully shared. It was going to be a glorious battle of wits, and he was more than eager to be a part of it. Aris, though tall and often imposing, had his own share of quirks that Roman could use to make a ludicrous argument. "Id argue the doors are the perfect height."

"I mean, let's face it,"
Roman continued, leaning back in his chair to get comfy, crossing his arms defiantly. "The doorways are a perfect height! Aris is just... an anomaly." A chuckle escaped his lips, and he gazed toward Zaiya's with a wide-eyed grin, her colors shimmering even brighter.

"Seriously, have you ever seen how he ducks to get through the doors? It's like watching a Spamel trying to squeeze into a Jawa's hut! So unfair." he smirked while mimicking exaggerated ducking motions. The revelation of their challenge, the supposed unfairness of the door heights, was ridiculous to argue but far too perfect an opportunity for Roman to resist.

Turning back to Anneliese, he shot her a teasing look, confident that she was more than capable of countering his outrageous claims. "I daresay it's not the doorways' fault that Aris is a walking skyscraper. We should all just adjust as necessary." He flicked a hand in mock seriousness, only half repressing the laughter bubbling inside.

"And Aiden," Roman said, addressing their makeshift judge, gathering a stowed away pastry from his bag. "I'm ready for your impartial expertise here. But do not let the jerky sway your decision." He flashed a roguish smile toward Anneliese.

Roman glanced over at Zaiya, seeing if she had anything else to offer. With the challenge set, he hoped the playful banter would continue to swirl around the group. Roman's heart raced with anticipation.

"Hi, Aiden!"
"Cookies? There are cookies?"

"I know right?!" Aiden exclaimed as he looked around at the group then back to Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti "This is great news, I'm glad someone else shows my enthusiasm for cookies." The Padawan smiled and chuckled however as he was assigned his roll he knew that he had to try and be a bit more serious.

For the time being..... Aiden mused.

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal provided some jerky to his great joy and excitement. "Thanks Anneliese." He said as reached for the bag and began to eat some of the jerky. "Thanks again, I owe you."

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari accepted the task and began his argument and Aiden smiled and nodded his head. Despite the fact that he was supposed to be the impartial judge. Aiden watched as Roman flicked his hand and he laughed.

He's pretty good that this. Aiden leaned back as he placed his hands together, gauging the reactions from his fellow Padawans.

"I'm ready for your impartial expertise here. But do not let the jerky sway your decision."

"Well, I'd be able to function much more efficient if there were cookies here like was promised. But moving past that......" Aiden stood up , jerky in his has as took a small bite, his other hand on his chin.

"I believe that blame should not be on the doors, or doorways. But blame should be placed on Aris, he's so...." Aiden raised his hand up in the air signifying and incredibly tall person.

"And he's not finished growing?!" Aiden voiced looking to Roman. "The doors have every right in this case then anyone else." The padawan cleared his throat as he sat back down. "I have no idea if that helped at all." He cleared his throat and showed a small sheepish smile.

Aris Noble Aris Noble

Looking at Zaiya, and restraining herself as she just volunteered pairs, she casted side eye towards Roman. It was ok -- she'd be ok... it was ok, wait -- did she way that aloud or was it still a mental note? It was hard to remember.... but, as she glanced back at her spicy jungle frog, her new bestie... at least in her mind at this point, she just shrugged her shoulders, we were a team -- team work meant trusting. Listening to Aiden and Roman speak on the issue of the doorways not being at fault, but rather it being Aris's fault that he was so gigantic. Holding her hand up she spoke, her emphasized diplomatic tone chiming in. "I believe the doorways should be adjusted to accommodate for anyone, any shape and size. Who's to say one day he doesn't start to grow the other way -- and gain mass?"

Clearing her throat. "Furthermore -- isn't it our job really? I mean -- we are Jedi Padawans -- its our job, to ensure fairness and equality. What about the doors in the city?" Taking her hand and putting her fist down in one, really -- bringing home the dramatics she continued speaking. "What sort of hardships are taking place daily for giants like Aris? Absolutely atrocious -- I for one, just cannot stomach this gross injustice.." Crossing her legs, and then folding her hands delicately she closed her eyes and nodded her head up and down, her inward self grinning victoriously... "Nailed it Annie... totally believable".

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Aris Noble Aris Noble Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Zaiya was struggling to contain her laughter, her lips twitching despite her best efforts. Her mottled spots and stripes shimmered and shifted from their usual iridescent pinks and blues to a playful mix of cyan, teal, and gold-edged lighter blue. It was clear she was finding the situation highly amusing -- especially the part about Aris's height being the source of all troubles.

Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, she chanted mentally, desperately trying to keep her internal emotions in check. She made a point to not look over at Aris to read his expression. But Aiden's comment had been too much. Did he really just say that?

Despite her best efforts to maintain a composed demeanor, Zaiya's mottled spots began to shimmer with a telltale radiance Aris could read, betraying her barely contained amusement. She blinked a few too many times, perhaps giving away her struggle to stay serious.

With a steadying breath, Zaiya lifted her head and spoke in her calmest tone, trying to channel Lovalla's natural method of calm discorse, "Jedi respect all life, in any form."

"The Force is in everything,"
she continued, her voice soft but firm. Her skin shifted to a thoughtful burnished amber as she gathered her thoughts. Since she had poured over Jedi History in the archives to catch up to her peers, it was still fresh on her mind. "Because the Force is present in everything, those who choose to become Jedi come to understand that the Force can be found in beings of all shapes and sizes. The Jedi Temple's architecture -- its great hallways, large archways, and expansive corridors -- are designed to accommodate anyone, regardless of their physical characteristics. It's about ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to train and find a space that suits their needs."

She offered a gentle smile, hoping her explanation had struck the right balance between seriousness and empathy -- well, at least to three out of the four. Aris would be able to tell she had been laughing at the commentary all this time. That's what happened when one's emotions were annoyingly blasted off her face like a holobillboard.

Yeah, she needed training on how to make sure she kept internally calm. In that aspect, she was failing. Hard.

"So if we are discussing the Jedi temple and grounds, yes, accommodations should be considered for all Jedi -- but if we are discussing outside of the Jedi and other worlds, it would not be feasible to ask them to accommodate what they were not anticipating or responsible for ensuring such accommodations at all. Instead, as Jedi, we should do our best to work alongside them."
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Wait they were going to argue his height and the need for doorways to accommodate it? And he was supposed to be the one making problems about it? Aris blinked only for a moment as he listened to Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal before he shrugged at her indifferently. "It is the Jedi who are selfless. Why should every other culture go about restructuring their buildings, their homes, to more than what they're comfortable with? And where will the money come from? The Jedi? We all know Jedi don't make money at all."

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Roman leaned back in his chair, momentarily overwhelmed by the flurry of arguments swirling around him. One moment, he was ready for a playful banter about Aris's towering height, and the next, it had spiraled into everyone arguing different points. His mind raced to keep up, snippets of Zaiya's impassioned discourse and Aiden's awkward contributions bouncing around like ping-pong balls.

"Wait, what?" he said, blinking rapidly, trying to piece together where the conversation had gone. One moment he was chuckling at the thought of Aris ducking through doorways like a Spamel, and now they were discussing the fiscal implications of a Jedi-centric initiative? And what was the deal with the cookies everyone kept mentioning?

Roman scratched his head in confusion, glancing around the table as if someone might offer a lifeline. "What are the teams again?" he finally managed, a sheepish grin spreading across his face, half in amusement, half in bewilderment. He tilted his head, trying to gauge the expressions of his friends, hoping for a hint of clarity in the delightful chaos that had ensued.


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