Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Cliques" & You

I'm not seeing the issue here?

The site is run by a team...Teams tend to be friends off the field. Does that translate into illuminati? Probably not. That said, Tef has always been a blood hound when it comes to abuse. If anyone is running around using their staff position as a means of propelling their faction, he'd shut it down. So if that's the issue (and I've sorta seen like five issues come up in the past several pages, so pardon my confusion) then it isn't really one.

Also, remember, this place is a lot better than the alternative. An empty forum full of Gungans is no fun at all. >,>


Disney's Princess
If you want to change the culture of a website. Educate.

Education is the fastest human method to change human behavior. Bitching is the fastest human method to have other humans ignore you. Venting is the release of emotional tension and should be done in private.

If you want to change the culture of a website. Do not queen. Do not vent. Educate.
Aaralyn Rekali said:
Wouldn't that be an assumption? How would you know if they wanna be in Group X? What if Group X is a bunch of stuck up people?

A bit harsh of an assumption too, in my opinion - but hey, don't take it from me.

You said it yourself best right there. *shrugs*

EDIT - It's highlighted, you know, the best part of that statement. Perspective from both sides. Has the Group seen the vision from the supposed individuals who "want" in?
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

Oh! Thanks for editing, I understand now (I had been out last night and a few beverages were involved).

I've been on both sides here. I mean, I've been around on these kind of forums for a good eight years now. I've been in groups that I've loved and that have been loathed and I've been outside those groups, loathing those that are loving the company of each other.

On internet communities that's what it's about really, community. We love to write here but we also love the friends we make, a lot of the time the friends we make here are half of the reason that we stay (it's certainly the reason I stay).

In times when I've found myself displaced and not meshing well, it wasn't the people in Group X that I wanted to be friends with, it was that sense of community that I craved. Watching from outside the bubble as others had a great time, writing awesome stories and having stitch inducing belly laughs with each other.

It's hurts to be left out, it does. I never found the courage to pipe up and be like, "hey, I want to be a part of this" but instead chose to dislike those that were in Group X because I was nothing more than jealous of the fun they were having. I can swallow my pride, and admit that I used to be a person that decried 'cliques' because I didn't have my own. Extremely petty, excruciatingly human. Nobody wants to be left out.

Thankfully in time I fell into my own little group of friends who I write great stories with and have the aforementioned belly-laughs with, and it's great, and it's also given me this view of what it's like to be on both sides of the matter.

HOWEVER! You are absolutely right regarding me making assumptions, after all we're not all the same person and this is just my take on it, because it's my experiences with the issue from both sides of the field.

I...I'm rambling, forgive me.


Disney's Princess
Akala said:
Can we all just step back from feels searching and pick apart this sentence pls
Forwards: An empty forum full of Gungans is no fun at all

Backwards: lla ta nuf on si snagnuG fo lluf murof ytpme nA

Drunk: Ish emptieorum en full of Gungns ish no fun tall

Cat on my keyboard: klmjweliu 7isdy8fye2545ae09v

George Lucas Remastered: An empty forum, full of Gungans, is the Midiclorians fault


Conclusion: Needs moar GIFs
Holy frig a rig.

Okay. Okay.

This is probably beating a dead horse at this point, but whatevs. It's dead, it can't feel it, it's not cruel anymore, it's just weird. Besides, I like to hear myself er.. Type. I'm my own clique :D

1. Cliques are not bad.

Also the point of the board is kind of cliques. Every faction is a clique. When your character has friends and you specifically like writing with those folks, thats a clique. The staff are a clique because yes, they are a group.

This does not mean they are the illuminati.

Tefka is definitely not having his strings pulled, trying to guess how he will react to things is actually a fun game. Sometimes he comes down with the Tyranny hammer on things just because they DO feel a bit cliquey or stink of favourtism.

As for the codex/factory etc.

I don't know if all Judges do this, but my judgey friends WILL NOT judge any of my submissions, or anyone from their main faction. For the express purpose of avoiding favouritism claims.

Are some Judges tougher than others? Absolutely. But you can always appeal. I am not sure if it's actually a thing, but I would totally just reach out to another uninvolved Judge and ask for a second opinion if I REALLY disagreed with a ruling. And I'm confident I would get that second opinion. The flip side of this of course is if that second judge also said no, or wanted more devs or whatever, well, that's fair and I'll abide by it. Someone else recently got treated differently? Link it. Have an actual logical case, not just a whine. Nobody loves a whiner.

2. People are mean to meee~ ; ;

Yes. Some people are jerks. Such is life. Theres like fifty two billion people on here. Don't write with them.

Also, sometimes their snarkiness is justified. Look at what you actually said/did. Maybe the problem is you. Not always, but sometimes this is true.

3. Its a conspiracy! Everyone hates me! Kark the world!

You could.. You could just quit. Go write somewhere else. It's not a big deal. This is supposed to be fun. If you legitimately feel all oppressed like and aren't just being an attention seeking special snowflake who in an internet rebel.. Stop writing here. There are other RPs. There are other Star Wars RPs. Some of them are even half decent and active.

Or you know what? Make your own. If you really don't want anyone telling you what to do, or repressing you or whatever, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from making your own board. Just know that it's a lot of work and IF you're successful and make it big, you'll soon have little buggers running about your board doing things you don't like and crying out what a tyrant you are.

Such is the internet.


Less QQ, moar pewpew. Or switch games.

Also [member="Valiens Nantaris"], you can be in my clique when you finally realize orange is better than blue ;)
Akala said:
Well this particular case brought up the One Sith and that they were untouchable because of a clique that protected them.

Can we kind of get an example of the "Protected them" and so forth?
Now are there people on this board who refuse to RP with certain people, yes, are there people who refuse to RP with new or different people, probly. I think everyone needs to pull their collective heads from their bottoms and start opening up to each other. This is something for fun, if you don't want to RP with others and want to just RP with only these guys that cool and all but defeats the purpose of being in a community. I am not saying anyone is like that, i don't know anyone like that but i am sure there are.
I won't really use examples lifted from private conversations unless the other parties consent. But I can sum up for you the jist of the situation:

1. My promotion of Cira was brought into question as part of the clique. She was the leader of the OS. A party claimed that no one would attack OS now because they don't expect fair resolution and would in turn leave the community because of this.

( I tried to explain that a conditional upon being promoted to RPJ was that Cira had to step down from OS Faction Admin. I also find it funny that the same person who complained about Cira being a part of the "clique" didn't bring up Avalore, who made RPJ the same time as Cira, who was a TGR Faction Admin and was asked to also step down. )

2. The currently ongoing event. Another party brought it to my attention that "the only thing stopping the OS from expanding was the factions boxing it in. But with the map reduction (that the community literally voted for), I've now freed them up because "I'm in the clique too".

(Again, always centered on the OS - nobody complains about literally every other faction also being freed up.)

3. I'm going to use this point to also drive home how nobody complains about the fact that Soliael, the founder of the OS, is an Administrator. And he was asked to step down when he was promoted. None of these complaints came in then. Only when I promoted Avalore and Cira.

To be honest here I have put in my app multiple times for judges and stuff and never gotten it. I don't feel any pick has been a clique but they are very qualified people. It seems very fair the way it's done and I have never seen someone picked because their friends/part of the clique. I think it all revolves for this issue around the fact One Sith is very strong atm and has very good and qualified people in it. Perception is everything, some people see favoritism where just blatant skill, dedication and member base are concerned.

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