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"Cliques" & You

[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
If one looks hard enough, they can find abuse and offense in anything. However, the act of caterwauling does not validate the need for a solution for some conjured issue. Staff are selected for the likely ability for self-evaluation. Just because they present a unified front on topics, does not mean that they reached that front without first having discussion at odds. Differences do occur, as it happens with all groups created of individuals with differing backgrounds.


Stark raving silly
I've been a factory judge, a codex judge, a faction admin, an admin appointed by staff due to emergency, advisor to lord knows how many people on all kinds of dumb things. Staff chat is the only chat I've never been in. I've worked with more faction leadership than I can count. I keep appraised of things pretty darn well, so I say this with mother-fething confidence.

Is there a bunch of OOC stuff that determines some IC actions?


Is the staff unified in some grandiose plan to shape the plot a certain way?

Nah, not really.

The staff isn't terribly unified. And, to be frank, some of them are the most hands-off kinda people I've seen run a site. Several members of the staff are just happy that things are happening in general. The staff that have specific visions are pretty damn flexible about those visions mutating. Which is nice. Beyond nice. It's cool. Honestly, you guys have no idea how lucky you have it. I've been on sites with real tin tyrants, pain in the necks, and plot overlords. These guys are pretty reasonable and caring. Are they perfect angels? Nah, not really. But trust me, they are by far some of the best staff I've dealt with.

[member="Tefka"], I accept food as bribes, for the record. :p
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Darth Venefica said:
I've been recently appointed a CJ but it doesn't mean that I'm going to play favouritism to any OS that applies for a submission or make it difficult for opposing factions to have theirs approved.
But CJs and FJs aren't staff...
I'm reserving my comments for a variety of reasons - it's generally thought that these types of situations arise because of me.

*waves a hand*

Sorry, I haven't rattled any sabers today.
People who complain about cliques are those without a solid group of friends whose company they enjoy.

It would be humiliating to say, "I wish I was in Group X" and is much easier to shout, "GROUP X IS SUCH CRAP, MAN."

We're all human. Perspective needs vision from both sides.
Hal Terrano said:
People who complain about cliques are those without a solid group of friends whose company they enjoy.

It would be humiliating to say, "I wish I was in Group X" and is much easier to shout, "GROUP X IS SUCH CRAP, MAN."

We're all human. Perspective needs vision from both sides.
Wouldn't that be an assumption? How would you know if they wanna be in Group X? What if Group X is a bunch of stuck up people?

A bit harsh of an assumption too, in my opinion - but hey, don't take it from me.

You said it yourself best right there. *shrugs*

EDIT - It's highlighted, you know, the best part of that statement. Perspective from both sides. Has the Group seen the vision from the supposed individuals who "want" in?

Placeholder 0123

It's not so much staff being controlled by some otherworldly being as I feel like certain people use their pull to influence IC events such as things in the invasions etc, and verbally attack and discredit those who say otherwise.

That's what I've seen anyway. As for someone controlling staff in its entirety, no. People using their friends and their position to get what they want over people not in the upper echelons? Yes.
Graxin Rade said:
It's not so much staff being controlled by some otherworldly being as I feel like certain people use their pull to influence IC events such as things in the invasions etc, and verbally attack and discredit those who say otherwise.

That's what I've seen anyway. As for someone controlling staff in its entirety, no. People using their friends and their position to get what they want over people not in the upper echelons? Yes.
There are some writing cliques I've had writers tell me they only will write with certain people for their various reasons. It happens, and there are enough writers around here even if you do take into account [member="Cira"] 's 150 alts there are still plenty of people to write with.

But do I believe that anyone pulls [member="Tefka"] strings . I would say no simply because of a conversation he and I had a while back where he was willing to bend on a specific subject and allowed me to act.

Plus he did allow me stay and not toss me back to the other place. :)
You know what’s really funny to me. Saying CJ's and FJ's are not staff and then when you post an idea or something new they don’t like in the staff suggestion area. Then they come down on you, belittling you as of they were staff and telling you no before actual staff even had a chance to respond. IF CJ's and FJ's are not staff, tell them to stay out of staff business.

And some of you know exactly what I speak of. I have no regret or fear posting this either. The truth hurts.
Additional from earlier:

Also 95% of my friends are outside of this little box next to me that has a power button...quite comfortable with my social life. :)

Keyword here is perception.

Do I believe someone is pulling [member="Tefka"]'s strings? No - Conversations with him, doesn't really point in this direction.

Do I think this happens? In regards to Staff - I would hope he puts people in that don't muck things up. In regards to who they appoint or are put in other positions - I cannot say, or rather reserve judgement.

I know one Administrator I respect and who I speak to on a regular basis - sorry, two Administrators - that I put absolute faith and trust in anything they say or do. (Tefka excluded) beyond this, my trust isn't there. It's either been taken away or never earned. Not saying Administrators or RPJs have to earn my trust. *shrugs*


Would I wanna be apart of the legendary Group X?

Lemme sum this up - No.

And as someone said - Perspective, both sides.

Edit - Edited my post because it could be perceived that I too was calling someone out or individuals out.

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