Darth Vornskr said:
The Sith already lost an entire Empire for the sake of the story.
We had the largest and formally longest lasting faction on the entire board, but we still lost and collapsed.
Was in in part that several factions banded together with the sole purpose of taking it down that led to it's inevitable demise?
But we rolled with the story and from it was born the One Sith's success.
The One Sith was a very minor faction while the Old Empire was still alive, and when the Old Empire fell the now homeless Sith flocked to it and swelled it's ranks.
All of whom had a grudge against the Republic and Jedi, and thus the rest is history.
"That's why I find it more interesting that the OS can actually stand to continue winning and keep coming back for more."
I'm sorry, I'm missing the part where I said "the Sith". I'm talking about factions, not character types.
I heard it was less "We're going to let this happen" and more "We want to dissolve the Empire and start fresh", which I'm willing to bet had deeper political roots than anyone is willing to admit. In fact, a similar situation seems to be happening with the Galactic Alliance. I wouldn't even be surprised if there were architects within this new faction that were orchestrating this that had a hand int he One Sith Cinderella story, but that's just theory.
Anyway, it's not that big a deal to me. The ONE SITH have lost next to nothing though, which makes your point moot considering I wasn't talking about the Empire's destruction. I was talking about the new and improved Sith faction's rise to fame.
Not like it matters, though. Someone will get tired of all the winning one day and realize how much more fun it is to actually have a challenge. After all, everything burns.